Scanned from microfilm from the collection of
Q. David Bowers
Coordinated by the
Media History Digital Library
Funded by Q. David Bowers and
Kathryn Fuller-Seeley
Hindu Mind Readers
and' BALCONY the
in America
same as the
. The^ to work BOXES
orchestra floor
the entire house.
(Sept. 13)
(July 2)
Mysuc, i» Wopderful, Pleasuig VaudeT^e
assisted by Princess . there is anything you want to know go to the
1 j Orpheum this week and find out. For there you will
certainly deserve the Ond Joreddah. the Rajah, master mystic, and the
and make this one of Princess Olga. ,
. To say that the Rajah has an interesting act is put-
ve have ever seen in ting it mildly. “
eople back to see the Together with Costa . Valata, the Rajah passes
„ . .. through the audience taking queries from anyone who
ee hundred questions desires knowledge. The Raj^ works doSairs and
It be a few less ques- Valeta passes through the upper: ^^r^^
. ... . All this time they are firing questions at the princess
itroduced in this act. who sits blindfolded upon the stage. More raSy
two encores, closing than the; questions are asked her, does the girl answer
and the effect truly is marvelods. No matter how
^ object w^ in
• ^ the girl immediately describes' it.
She Mswps any sort of a question and in a manner
which brings astonishing exclaniations and sqiieaks
from many of the women present. On Friday, the
RajM and Princess are to give a special performance
behind the stage for the benefit of ladies only.
Sallie Fisher in “The Choir Rehearsal,” and her
capable compapy are one of the hits of the biH.
In “het’s Pretend,” Marie Nordstrom, petite and
Olga came: sweet-voiced, scores a big success. Her song about
She snoke r ' , the Variety that
pnespoKe is clever because oif its very foolishness.
audience: , “The Frontier of Freedom,” produced by Sergt.
floine tn Maj, /Jack Anderson of the famous Princess Pat regi-
going to jnent and Capt. L. E. Ransom of the United States
your boy Army, gives the audience a closeup of a real trench
n iKo and life therein during a bombardment,
n me war Carter DeHaven and Flora Parker are pleasing in
he world’s songs and Edwin Weber at the piano is an Mtist
lienee lost “rru answered many encores,
lienee lost The Misses Black and White in their acrobatic
Ilubs three novelty diversion do some stunts which if practiced
pa of POO daily by the fair sex, would surely lead to perfection
ce oi cop- or near perfection of form. ' : : i
appointed Frances Dougherty appears in a melodic diversion.
The show opens with Stewart and Mercer in a
comedy aerial attraction. .
lat you must always look for the
Joveddah, CostayWalata and the Princess
out. The Princes,^|ga had her eyes bound,
as her Hindu friends went through the
“A watch." “A dollar watch.” “You are
Memphis.”, “In about <:|ye weeks.” “Yes,
will come back from France.” “Who will w
—the Allies.” (Applause.) “Who WiU win I
series?” “The Cubs.” At this noint the mi
-*.*“"*» iui«uuu«» w oiupe, aDouc lost jewels,
ads, of course. Is merely bait
for too gullible. I \rould decline to atako my future on wllat Olga eara In
roan* Wtson with richly car-
uUned lips, but I deny her the gift of prophecy.'
iJL.™ Uds much valuable print paper to loveddab. Olga, et al.
*?hnn I havB OTor wltniBsod. They
^n?^***® Shattucks. who aio one of my standard vaudevlllo
AdmiTAticins. Such pwplo are far out <rf tho ordinary, and even with the
they have a omack of the uncanny.
2S5 a?*L**\S' typical trance-medium look (I have
^ commit sulcldo at least three times a year.
SimnS heard of her she haV
.'2 haffl«l Mercedes, who asks you to namo any
and then telepathlzea It to a girl at a piano on too stage.
barrloado-he and Ms part-
VOL. LII, No. 4
Roy Crawford of Topeka Enffages Female Stage Crew Upon
Union Men Demanding Increase of Wages. Claims
Change Is Proving Successful. Local Theatri-
cal Union People Profess Not to
Take Innovation Seriously.
The efforts of Roy Crawford to main-
tain full stage crews of women in his
Topeka, Kan., theatre playing travel-
ing combinations is not taken _ seri-
ously in New York labor circles in the
belief that Crawford’s action will re-
sult in other cities following suit.
Locil 206 at Topeka recently asked
for ah increase, the carpenters asking
$21 weekly over their former $17, de-
claring that they could not live and
support families on their old salary.
All efforts by the Topeka stage hands
and the Crawford house management
to agree failed. The matter was taken
up by Crawford with the U. M. P. A.
in New York, with the Topeka local
appealing to the Alliance for assist- ‘
The Alliance executives agreed that
the demand on the $21 basis was not
unreasonable but Crawford refused to
pay and the men went out, with the
I. A. T. S. E. placing the road call on
the house. '
Crawford then hired women to
handle the scenery and baggage, with
the Crawford office there maintaining
the plan is working most successfully.
George H. Brennan is assembling a
company of importance for the pro-
duction of a spectacular play, tenta-
tively called “The Vortex,” but the title
may be changed. . . ,
Among those engaged for principal
roles are Wilton Lackaye, Khayda St.
Albans, Theodore Kosloff and his bal-
let, Henry B. Walthall and a host of
They expect to open in New York
Oct. 1 — some say at the Manhattan
Opera House.
Chicago. Sept. 18.
The slump in business in Chicago
caused the theatre managers in Chi-
cago to get together for an earnest
confab. It was decided to make a
thorough investigation of the causes
which enter into the' situation, and to
act accordingly.
The management at the La Salle an-
ticipated action of the others by cut-
ting their nightly top of $2.50 to $2,
retaining the $2.50 top only for Satur-
day night. This in spite of the fact
that “Oh, Look” is one of the most
profitable and popular plays in town.
Washington, Sept. 18.
The local show people were surprised
at an official announcement made that
the new Loew’s Palace here, now near-,
ing completion, will have a picture
It was expected that Loew would
present a combination vaudeville and
picture program in the new house.
San Francisco, Sept. 18.
What final theatrical hold John C 9 rt
had on the Pacific Coast was relin-
quished when Homer F. Curran, than-
ager of the Cort Theatre here since
.its opening in September, 1911, took
over the house this week and an-
nounced that the theatre starting next
week would be styled the Currani
The Curran will continue road at-
tractions booked in by the Shuberts.
It is said that the personal success of
Frank Bacon in “Lightnin”’ is so great
that Smith & Golden will hold the
production for him, not sending out
a second company as first intended.
The production has shattered all the
firm’s records. The receipts up to date
are 25 per cent, greater than those of
“Turn to the Right” in a corresponding
space of time, at the same theatre.
Chicago, Sept. 18.
George Print holds the world record
for length play titles. His latest pro-
duction is entitled “Alone in a Great
City Without the Aid of a Mother.
If the play runs as long as the title
Print should make money.
Watch for my fun barrage. CHA8. ALTHOFP.
A. H. Woods “The Big Chance” is
spoken of as either succeeding “Where
Poppies Bloom” at the Republic • or
going into the Criterion. The piece is
a drama with the story of a woman of
the streets, who reforms through the
conditions of war.
A second company is now being
formed, to be rushed into Chicago. The
reason for that and the secrecy with
which the play was tri^d out, is a
play called “The Crowded Hour of
similar story and which the Selwyns
have. The latter play was v^ritten by
Channing Pollock and re-written by
Edgar Selwyn. ,
Mr. Woods is said to have suggested
to Mr. Selwyn that they exchange
manuscripts and whichever was con-
sidered best, to produce it on a fifty-
fifty arrangement. Reports have it that
Mn Woods read the Pollock play and
returned it, forgetting, however, to
send “The Big Chance” script to the
Selwyn office. Then the latter piece
was quietly put on.
Willard Mack worked on “The Big
Chance” and staged it. The CMca^go
shoAV will be staged by William H. Gil-
more, Mr. Mack being prevented be-
cause of picture work.
A. H. Woods had 18 shows and six
theatres in operation last week. Of
these, 17 of the attractions made
money and five of the theatres fared
The Harris was the loosing theatre
and “Why Worry,” playing there, was
the unfortunate attraction, totalling a
loss on the two of $1,400. The show
closed Saturday and is in storage.
“Friendly Enemies” at the Hudson
yielded a combined profit for house
and attraction of $8,500; The Woods
Theatre, Chicago, where “Friendly En-
emies” is also playing, made $5,500 for
both ends; the Eltinge, with “Under
Order.s,” the two-people play, rnade
i3,.100; the Republic, with Marjorie
Rambeaii in “Where Poppies Bloom,
$2,500; “Parlor, Bedroom and Bath” m
Boston made $3,200.
One of the big time agents booking
' through the U. B. 0., who admits he
is over the Draft limit of 45, is expe-
riencing a pleasant dream.
The agent has proved to his own
satisfaction that of all the big time
I agents in the east, but himself and an-
; other will be left after the Draft
V Boards get through with the others,
' He is confidentially imparting the se-
. cret to his friends, asking them not to
tell the other agents who arc going to
, have their own worries when they are
, drafted.
New Orlearis, Sept. 18,
Naval Intelligence officers entered
the Palace Sunday during the perform-
ance and seized a film that was being
shown, asserting it reflected on the
navy. -V . .
The picture, “His Birthright," was re-
garded as a sequel of the opera
“Madame Butterfly” and told of the
adventures of a United States nai«l
officer in Japan, in its cast naming the
officer Admiral John Milton. -
It is understood the seizure was
made as the result of protests entered
by the friends of Rear Admiral John
B Milton stationed at the New Orleans
Navy Yard. These friends resented
the linking of the nanle with some in-
cident of the plot. It was reported the
film was seized on instructions from
Washington, and .that it had been
shipped there for examination. ^
Rear Admiral Milton was placed on
the retired list in 1910, but was re-
called for domestic service during the
war. » «
''His Birthright” features Sessue
Hayakawa, produced by the Hayakawa
Film Co.
London, Sept. 18.
Prices for food over here do not
strike the English as so very^expensive
under the circumstances. The retail
price of beef, Scotch or English, sold
over the counter, is 39c. a pound; fresh
butter is 62c.; home grown lamb and
mutton, 39c.; coal, $10.50 a ton.
Fruit is dear. Peaches are SOc. each.
Apples, formerly costing 6c. a pound,
now 36 to SOc. Potatoes are abundant,
SO or 60 pounds for $1. Vegetables are
also' plentiful,’ made more so through
the many home garden farms, .
Scotch whiskey is high and hard to
secure. It is now about $2.37 a bottle.
Gin is scarce but can be had.
Although the attorneys in the case
refuse information it is reported that
Mrs. Harold L. Atteridge, who was
nee Laura Hamilton, secured a decree
of divorce granted on , statutory
grounds Sept. 12,
The couple were, married May Z6,
1914. ,
Selling Amelia Bingham’e Home.
Amelia Bingham’s home at 103 River-
side drive. New York, is going under
the hammer. WilHam B. Ralston has
been appointed referee to arrange for
an auction and compute the charges in
a judgment for $20,370 filed ag^ust
1 Miss Bingham by Mrs. Sarah A. Jeffer-
I ^°The Riverside home, formerly owned
• by Joseph Jefferson, was purchased
by Miss Bingham seven years ago.
* •'r « ;
W fi
London, Sept. 18.
Everything is looking up theatrically,
with the legitiniate theatres and music
halls doing a splendid business.
This is accounted for by the high
feeling over the advance of the Allies
and the boom is expected to develop
into proportions that will delight the
London managers, who have passed
through the many vicissitudes since the
war started with an admirable spirit
under all conditions.
Last week’s receipts in some of the
legitimate theatres will probably at>
tract , more than passing notice among
the fraternity in the States.
“Chu Chin Chow,” nearing its 1,000th
performance at His Majesty’s, did $17,-
000 for the six days ending Sept, l4.
"As You Were" at the Pavilion,
played to $14,000, in the same time.
“Yes, Uncle” at the Shaftesbury, got
"Going Up,” Gaiety, $12,000. >
“The Maid of the Mountains,” Daly’s,
$ 11 , 000 .
“The Better ’Ole,” Oxford, $10,000.
"The Boy,” Adelphi, $10,000.
“The Purple Mask,” Lyric, $9,000.
"The Freedom of the Seas,” Haymar-
ket, $8,000.
’’Nothing But the Truth,” Savoy, $7,-
"Fair and Warmer,” Prince of Wales,
"By Pigeon Post,” Garrick, $7,000.
“The Naughty Wife” (with Gladys
Cooper out of the cast through being,
on a holiday). Playhouse, $6,000.
“The Live Wire,” St. Martin’s, $5,500.
“Tabs” (theatre not given), $5,(KK).
London, Sept. 18.
At the Kingsway, “A Week End," by
Walter Ellis, was presented by Fred
Krano and Leon Vint. It Ms a noisy,
bustling farce of the Palaiie Royale
impropriety type, with Uttle humor or
Ernest Thesiger and Yvonne Arnaud
labored to give reality to an impossible
London, Sept. 18.
Charles Frohman, Inc., has bought
the rights to a new comedy for Cyril
Maude, entitled “Lord Richard in the
Pantry,” by Sydney ,Blow and Douglas
Hoare, adapted from a novel by Martin
London, Sept. 18,
The Russian Ballet is packing them
in at the Coliseum. The Canadians
continue there," their leave having been
extended for this week.
The newcomers are Coram, Florence
Smithson, Ethel Hook.
London, Sept. 18.
Norman J. Norman, who brought
William and Walker to London in
1903 with “In Dahomey,” which ran for
nearly a year at the Shaftdsbury, is
about to put a revival of the piece,
written by colored people with an all-
colored company.
He has made an offer to Bert Wil-
liams to come to England and appear
in his original role.
London, Sept. 18.
The ballet boom is spreading. Beech-
am’s opera ballet opened at the Palla-
dium seventy strong.
Others on the bill are Wilkie Bard,
Max Darewski, Zomah, Belle Davis
and her Crackerjacks, Alfredo, Austin
London, Sept. 18.
The Dickens Fair at Botanical Gar-
dens. organized by Bransby Williams
in aid of the Charles Dickens Home
for Blinded Soldiers, assumed mam-
moth proportions. Numerous stars and
novelties appeared.
Londqn, Sept. d8.
■ The lease of the Aldwych has been
acquired by Charles B. Cochran, who
now coi^trols five London theatres and
supplies attractions to two others.
Whenever a successor to “The Better
’Ole" is required at the Oxford, Coch-
ran will furnish another entertainment
by Captain Bruce Bairngfather and
Captain Arthur Eliot.
London, Sept. 18.
By the will of Paul Cinquevalli, the
great iiiegler left an estate appraised
at $130,000.
The English rights to “Why Marry”
have been secured from A. M. Woods
by Albert deCourville for an early Lon-
don production. The world’s rights to
a new farce by Harold Brighouse, en-
titled “The Bantam, V. C.” have also
London, Sept. 18.
Harry Tate, the comedian, has been
declared exempt from service by the
Wandsworth Tribunal.
Had Tate joined up as private the
country would have lost some $12,500
yearly in income and super-income tax.
been bought by deCourville, who will
probably star Laurie DeFreece in it.
At Alhambra, Paris.
Paris, Sept. 18.
Alfredo, Garnalla and Eddie, Riggs
and Witchie, Four Dormonds and Yost,
clay modeler, open the Alhambra Sept.
London, Sept. 18.
The management of “The Chinese
Puzzle,” at the New theatre, is en- .
dcavoring to make alterations and im-
provements in the piece.
Ellen O’Malley’s part is now played
"Officers’ Mess” Produced.
London, Sept. 18.
Andre Chariot presented “The Of-
ficers’ Mess,” by Sydney Blow and
Douglas Hoare, at Plymouth, to be
followed by a short tour pending a
London production.
London, Sept. 18.
Gold Passes are being issuOd by
Hugh McIntosh to all Australians hold-
ing the Victoria Cross (V. C.). ' Thq
pass admits the V. C’s and their fam-
ilies to all of the theatres over which
Legitimate and Music Halls in Midst of Spurt Through High
Feeling Over Advance of Allied Forces. "Chu Chin
Chow,” Nearing 1,000th Performance, Did
I $17,000 Last Week. Even Bigger ^
Boom Looked For.
Mr. McIntosh has control, in Austra-
lia. The Australian manager and legis-
lative councillor is here on a visit.
The example set by McIntosh is to be
followed by Sir Alfred Butt. Sir Alfred
says he is delighted with the idea and
will also issue passes to the V. C men
whipb will admit them to all theatres
and halls over which he presides.
i> • j.A Paris, Aug.
Reginald d Arcy, and Australian com-
poser and pianist, known as d’Arcy
Irving, of Algiers, where he was a pro-
fessor at the Conservatory of Music,
has just died at the age of 48 years,
of influenza.
Hertz and Coquelin reopened their
two houses this week, the Ambigu re-
viving Courtelain’s "Train de 8h. 47,"
and the Porfe St. Martin continuing
th run of "Un soir au front,” inter-
rupted by the bombardment of Paris.
by Elaine Inescort. Ethel Irving, who
kas the lead, later goes into manage-
ment with “Three for Diana,” adapted
from the Italian by Chester Bailey
. London, Sept. 18.
“The Story of the Rosary” will be
withdrawn from the Lyceum, Satur-
day, to be succeeded, by a four-act
spy drama, “The Female Hun,” by Wal-
_At the Renaissance Cora Laparcerie
will shortly create a new farce “L’As
de Chouquette” by Hennequin and P.
yel«r, in which she will be supported
by Gaston Dubose.
ter Melville.
London, Sept. 18.
Sir Alfred Butt has named the new
revue to be presented at the Palace,
Sept. 21,. “Hullo America.”
The principals are Elsie Janis, Owen
Nares, Stanley Lupino, "Will West.
k ofoP.crctta by Rip, with music
by Willy Redstone, will be produced
m the near future at the Theatre An-
London, Sept. 18.
Oswald Stoll has written a book on
economics entitled, “Freedom in Fin-
London, Sept. 18.
The wife of Grock, the celebrated
clown, is dead.
Folies Marigny Being Delayed.
Paris, Sept. 18.
The Folies Marigny remains closed,
director Perkins possibly resuming
within a few days.
In a speech last Saturday night Per-
kins apologized for the uncompleted
condition of his revue and complained
at not receiving fair play, vaguely
suggesting rivals were at the bottom
of the delay.
It is probable the real reason of his
difficulties is the non-delivery of cos-
Vaudeville has come intb its own
again, and all the variety resorts of
P**y*«R to full houses. At
the Alhambra, which has been redec-
orated during the summer closure, E.
H. Neighbour is still to be found as
resident director, with Joe Brooke as
stage manager. The show is an ex-
cellent one, and many families are
Uckled to death to have thei? select
^usic hall in full swing, an establish-
ment of this kind having been sadly
lacking during the-past three months.
Manager Dubray, now assisted by Leon
Rogee in charge of the Anglo-Ameri-
can department, has revived the old
success of the Nouveau Cirque, where
a fine program is likewise on tap. The
stables have been converted into a
vast, chic promenade, where we have
the fashionable jazz band and an in-
viting bar during the intermission.
(For programs see Bills next week.)
There is every prospect of a fine sea-
, It was reported in New York late
Wednesday that the “Follies of 1918”
would open there shortly, having a
typical Broadvvay, New York, aspect.
American soldiers on leave in Paris
are expected to be the best patrons.
Butt’s "Rock-a-Bye Baby."
London, Sept. 18.
Sir Alfred Butt has bought the Eng-
lish rights to “Rock-a-Bye Baby.”
Perkins is busy preparing for the
inaupration of his season at the
Marigny, where we are promised a real
American show, with English chorus
girls. The Casino de Paris is doing
splendid business with a somewhat in-
different revue: the same can be said
of the Folies Bergere. Both houses,
catering more for the promenade, at
present have only local people, little
known outside of France, on the bills.
The Olympia, giving vaudeville twice
daily, is also making big money with
a small time show.
Sach^ Guitry has started in again at
the Theatre du Vaudeville, offering a
revival of his own comedy “Nono,"
with Yvonne Printemps, Baron fils,
Jeanne Fusier, Delys and Hieronimus.
His revue, in which father Lucien
Guitry will appear, is due later.
The Comedie Francaise is to add sev-
eral other old successes to its reper-
toire, and the troupe is now studying
G. de Porto Riche’s “Amoureuse," Jules
Lemaitre’s “Pardon,” Verlaines “Les
Uns ei les Autres.” A new work by H.
Bataille, “Les Soeurs d’Amour,” is de-
livered and will soon be rehearsed.
There are also two. short comedies due
this season, "Le Petit Chaperon” by
Felix Gandera and C. Gevet; “Le Sou-
rire du Faune” by Andre Rivoire.
Photo by Hixon- Connelly
“A Lillie Talk Interrupted by a Violin”
M._ Combes retains operetta at the
Empire for the present; variety will
follow as usual later in the season,
Offering u single in which is embodied all
the merits and clean-cut comedy Which made
BERNIE and BAKER a standard laughing
Direction, LEWIS & GORDON.
The Odeon is showing the old French
version of Charles Dickens “Le Grillon
du Foyer" (Cricket on the Hearth).
Lena Ashwell is playing this week
"Billeted” at the English theatre Al-
bert I.
Washington Railroad Conferences Give Traveling Public
Advantages Over Expected Rate— Indications Point
to Theatrical Concessions — Coast Tickets
Show Only 10 Per Cent. Raise.
Washington, Sept, 18r
Nine months’ tourists tickets from
New York aiid Chicago to the coast
and return have been decided on. While
the rates are Set, the announcement
is unofficial, the Railroad Administra-
tion probably holding the actual pub-
lication of the rates until 'a decision is
giyen out regarding the appeal of the-
atrical interests for rail concessions.
It is understood that a favorable re-
port has already been turned in ad-
vocating the granting of concessions.
Director General of Railroads McAdoo
has been away from the capital for
several days and the report has await-
ed his final consideration. It is up to
-him to permit\the allowances as^ set
forth by the board of control. The
entire managerial committee was here
last week and several prominent mem-
'“bers arrived here again today.
The coast return trip tickets are not /
acated as high as first expected, the
. advance being about 10 per cent .over
the old rate instead of the predicted
20 per cent, increase. From Chicago to
the coast and return the rate for a
nine months’ ticket is $121, plus the
war tax (8 per cent.) or $9.68, making
the actual figure $130.68. The nine
inonths’ rate from New York to the
coast and return, is $163.12, plus the
war tax of $13,05, or an actual cost of'
$176.17. The three months’ summer rate
tourists’ tickets will cdntinue to be
sold at $117.29 including war tax
until the end of September and are
valid until October 31. After that time
they will be exchanged for the nine
months’ tickets on a pro rata increase
based on the mileage yet to be cov-
ered. This is as arranged for early
in the summer.
r Partial payment is to be allowed on
what was formerly called the “manu-
,j8cript ticket” plan, A certain percent-
age of payment will be required at
designated points, with the entire cost
paid in full at the “turnaround,” which
IS the coast. This is the same accom-
modation allowed by the individual
toads in the past and is looked upon
f j s a valuable aid to touring companies
: and vaudevillians.
Los Angeles, Sept. 18.
Simultaneously with the arrival here
• of Kitty Gordon and Jack Wilson with
attendants to start feature film work
for the United Picture Theatres' Co. at
the Brunton studio the newspapers
printed that Miss Gordon would sue
" Captain Beresford for divorce with the
conjecture that she would then marry
Miss Gordon’s manager denied the
report but understood that papers are
being prepared.
Chicago, Sept. 18i
Irene Koepping, known in vaudeville
variously as Irene Davis and Lee Mil-
ler, has filed a suit for $50,000 damages
in New Orleans against Ben Montele4
one, son of a wealthy hotel owner in
New Orleans. .
The suit is b^sed on incidents whifch
transpired in 1912, when Miss Koepping
was a minor. At that time Moneleone
was indicted by a Federal Grand Jury
for a violation of the Mann. act. It was
stated by the girl, when she was taken
into custody in Chicago later, that.
Monteleone had taken her to Key
West, Fla., where he had compelled her
to live an immoral life.
In her suit. Miss Koepping asks $20,-'
000 for breach of promise, $15,0(K) for '
impairment to her health, and $15,000
for degradation and disgrace following
her ' association., with Monteleone.
Monteleone has been a fugitive from
justice for six years. He was arrested
last week in Denver.
Cincinnati, Sept. 18.
Hubert Heuck, president of the Cin-
cinnati Theatre Managers Association,
says that managers of road shows are
complaining; because under Uncle Sam’s
administration the trains leaving Cin-
cinnati for the north and west at mid-
night have been taken off. Actors are
obliged to catch trains at 11 o’clock.
This necessitates starting shows at
8 p.m., at the Grand and Lyric, while
Manager Ned Hastings, at Keith’s, is
letting ’er go at 7.30.
“Friendly Enemies,” playing its sec-
ond week at the Lyric this -week, is an
indication -that to beat the high cost
of traveling, managers will keep their
shows in normally one-week towns, or
considerabl}T longer, unless business is
so bad that it would be folly to remain.
The Palace, New York, program next
week will, be full of Mortons, led by
Sam and Kitty, the parents of the
Three separate Morton acts will
group when the father and mother
appear with their younger children,
now also known as the Four Mortons.
The other two turns are Paul Morton
and Naomi Glass, and Clara Morton.
It is anticipated that Sam and Kitty
and Paul and Clara may do some of
their former turn, when the elders and
their children were first known as The
Miss Glass, privately, is Mrs. Paul
Through charges preferred against
a member,' the National 'Vaudeville Art-
tists has ordered Billy Force before
it for trial for failing to make a vaude-
ville production as agreed between
himself and one Sohn, a non-profes-
Sohn was to furnish the money and
Force do the producing. Sohn pre-
ferred the complaint.
Force was of Bernard and Force, a
vaudeville team.
Jacksonville, Fla., Sept. 18.
Serg. "Victor Gordon was arrested
here last Friday by a U. S. marshal
as a deserter from the British Army.
Gordon was appearing at the Arcade
Theatre at the time. He has been play-
ing in vaudeville since the early sum-
mer, as a monologist, appearing most-
ly in the Middle "West.
For next week at the Royal and Al-
hambra, New York, it has been pro-
grammed for two acts to appear on'
both bills. They are Trixie Friganza
and T. Roy Barnes and Co.
Spanish influenza, an affection which
first made its appearance along the
fighting front in France, has developed
in four camps which are now under
quarantine., Cantonments under quar-
antine are Camps Upton, Lee, Quantico
and Newport. The latter two places
are naval bases, but are included in the
bookings of the Commission on Train-
ing Camp Activities.
At Quantico, near "Washington, the
“Mimic World” was kept out by the
quarantine, but instea.d the attraction
was rushed to Camp Humphreys^ "Va.
There is no Liberty Theatre there,
though one is building. The Commis-
sion working with the quartermaster’s
department at Humphreys, arranged to
transport the company and production
in army trucks. Through the efforts of
a Washington society woman, a spe-
cial stage was constructed in the op<’ i
at Humphries with footlights and com-
plete equipment provided. Seats were
arranged in a natural amphitheatre,
capable of seating 15,000.
At Camp Upton there was no inter-
ruption of bookings. “The Red Mill”
played the firm three days and was al-
lowed fo depart when finished,- Which
will be the same where other attrac-
tions appear in the infected canfps. At
Upton there is no danger Of contagion
to the visiting artists as their living
quarters are considerably separated
from that of the men.
At Camp Lee, starting “Sunday next.
Gus Hill’s Minstrels are bboked, and
up to Wednesday it was expected that
the attraction would open on schedule.
The Commission is continuing its book-
ings, not figuring the epidemic as ser-
At Upton next week a number of fea-
ture pictures have been arranged for.
That because the week was open, hav-
ing been partly held fot "Yip, Yip,
Yaphank.” In addition to the pictures,
concerts will be given Thursday and
Friday by Mary Zentay, Violinist, and
Henry Waterous, basso.
Camp Upton, L. L, Sept. 18.
The Liberty and Buffalo theatres
here have been ordered closed for the
present, due to an outbreak of Spanish
influenza. i.
The company playing “The Love
Mill” this first half of the week was
obliged to vacate. ^
Rufus Lemaire is out as booker of
the Sunday shows at the Winter Gar-
den and Central, the latter being the
new Shubert house at 47th and Broad-
The withdrawal followed words with
Lee Shubert, but Lemaire, who between
times is a chief petty officer assigned
to naval headquarters at 280 Broadway,
has “resigned” a number of times be-
Ed. Di^vidow, a brother-in-law to the
Shtiberts, who has been associated with
Lemaire in his office in the Putnam
building, is handling the Garden and
Central Sunday bookings for the pres-
“Life’s Studies” or "Etudes de Vic,”
as it may be called, is a playlet in two
scenes that Charles B. Maddock will
probably produce for vaudeville.
The piece was written by G. Horace
Mortimer of the Orpheum Circuit’s
press department. It is his maiden'
playwrighting effort, with a unique idea
basing it.
New Orleans, Sept. 18.
Jack Rose, of Mike Bernard and Jack
Rose, was arrested and fined $40 here
Monday, after he had gotten into an
altercation which led to fisticuffs.
Rose paid the fine.
He reports for military service in
two weeks, the act dissolving there-
' Two more units have dailcd overseas
to join America’s Over There League
of volunteers, each unit holding four
entertainers. In addition the League
sent over Dorothy Donnelly, the act-
ress and playwright, who is to put on
plays for the service mOn who will ap-
pear in them. Assisting Miss Donnelly
and sailing with her were Patricia
O'Connor, also Grace Henry, who will
do the same sort of work. The units
which departed, together with their
titles, are.
"A Mmicar Fotiraome.”
Maude Allen.
JLucie Babcock. ,
Vera .Barstow.
Mildred Evans.
"A Little Bit of Everything,”
Mabelle Adams. »
Mary . Cameron.
Lida McMillan. i
Bert Snow.
“A Musical Foursome” is the first
alUwoman unit to sail, save for the
concert duo consisting of Amperitp
Farrar and niother. Counting Miss
Donnelly and party, the volunfeers al-
ready sent over by the League num-
ber 61. The operation of the new
draft is not expected to interfere with
the League’s work and there will prpb-
ably be some provision later for the
registration of those already over
The Sailors’ Minstrels of. the New-
port Naval Station, 90 in number,
wound up their season Sunday night
at Worcester, Mass. The show made
several cities in New England, under
the direction of Mark Levy, and were
entertained by the local officials, also
the society folk of Newport, Taunton,
Fall River, Springfield and Providence.
In the company Bill Jones and Noll
and Kenney “walked away with the
Winnipeg, Can.; Sept. 18.
Through not holding their registra-
tion .cards, King and Harvey were held
up at the Canadian border for two
days, leaving it impossible for them to
open here Monday.
The men had registered by mail with
their New Yotk Draft Board without
receiving an acjcnowledgment. They
had to register again, iii Pembina
County, North Dakota and were then
allo-wed to leave the States, motoring
from the border to Winnipeg and
opening here this evening.
Chicago, Sept. 18.
The Four Marx Brothers "have
temporarily forsaken vaudeville and
will go out in a production.
It is to be a romantic farce with
music, written for them by Joe Swer-
iing, presented by Minnie Palmer and
produced under the direction of A1
Shean. The piece, in three acts, is
entitled “The Street Cinderella." The
. music was written specially for the
production by Gus Kahn and Egbert
Van Alstync.
In addition to Julius, Arthur, Leon-
ard and Herbert Marx, who will be
featured, the cast will include Edward
Metcalfe, Mary Orthe, Betty Carpen-
ter, Saba Shepard, Mary Aldis, Trixie
Van Ness, Ida Lampton and a chorus
of twelve.
"The Street Cinderella’’ opens on the
K. & E. time at Grand Rapids Sept. 28.
Lou Lockett — Emma Haig Act.
Lou Lockett, formerly of Lockett and
Brown, with Emma Haig in an act
written by Eddie Madden and staged
by Frank Hale.
Jenie Jacobs is handling the_ nejjt-
team. Jessica Brown is in “Gloriaita,”
a new John Corf musical piece.
M«k6 m» your fun oodfathor. CHA8. ALTHOFF.
A different angle to an old point in
the matter of commissions payable be-
tween agents ahd acts is tacked onto
an action started by H. J. & Frederick
Goldsmith for their client, Arthur Hor-
owitz, the agent, against Jay Gould,
now in the Century Roof show and
formerly of Gould and Lewis (Flo) a
vaudeville act.
The amount sued for is |635, claimed
by Horowitz to be due him for com-
mission from Gould and Lewis for a
tour’s contract over the Pantages’ Cir-
cuit last season that the act did not
play. The team instead appeared on
the Orpheum Circuit, not booked, how-
ever, by Horowitz there.
The agent alleges a long-term agree-
ment with the turn and states that in
pursuance of his post as representative
for it, he procured the Pan time. While
having authority, |the agent says, to
sign for the act in contract .engage-
ments, in this particular matter, he
did not sign, giving the agreements to
the act for their signature. Meanwhile
the act had accepted the Orpheum
route. Horowitz contends that as he
sought and obtained the Pantages con-
tracts with the knowledge 4nd con-
sent of the act, the members are lia-
ble to^ him for the full amount of the
commission as though they had played
the engagement or signed the agree-
Another managerial representative
claim has been placed in the hands of
his attorney, August Dreyer, by Charles
Potsdam, against the Rigoletto Bro-
thers, amounting to $835. Mr. Pots-
dam alleges he acted as manager for
the brothers.
Last week Mr. Horowitz appeared
before the Vaudeville Managers’ Pro-
tective Association, to assert his.
agency claim to Harmon and O’Cpnnor,
a “sister act.” The act was under a
contract for three years with Horo-
witz and booked by him to open at the
Audubon, New York, Sept. 8. On the
same day they had been placed through
Frank Evans to appear at a Poli the-
atre. The evidence brought out that
Horowitz had consented to the girls
making an application to another
agent (not Evans) to book them and
that thereafter Harmon and O’Connor
had notified the other agent they pre-
ferred Frank Evans, who could secure
them time. Whereupon the third agent
tore up their consent, saying it was
agreeable to him.
On this phase of the matter Pat
Casey decided against Horowitz, on
the ground he had waived any agency
claim according to the custom of the
show business when agreeing to their
proposal, made in writing, to another
agent. Mr. Casey disregarded the
legal aspect of the case as set forth
in the Horowitz agreement, and it was
so understood by the parties to the
liMt Friday's lenlon, pre-mentloBed as tbs
finale of tbe hearinKs In the Inquisitorial pre-
oeedlncs anent the financial manlpulatioas of
the White Bats, was ISBgtby and covered much
(round. Harry Uounttord made what he
termed a statement, because there "had been
a lot of InsinuationB made here and I should
like to point out certain phases of the testi-
mony.’’ Hs attached the testimony Of Will J.
Cooke, went a little further into the alleg^
robbery of the Rats* offloe and airily sought
to show how .efficiently the Rats’ coffers had
been coneerved under his management— not,
however, touching on the final "bow out.’’
Referee Schuldenfrel permitted the etate-
ment. in*' which the witness questioned and
answered himself; but towards the finish the
Referee stated that he did. not at first under-
stand the purport of the statement, and that
it could not help in the proceedings, which
was the signal for Hountford to cease. MoijiBt-
ford "oroBS-ozamtned’’ himself because he^eald
be was not represented by counsel. J. J.
Myers was the legal representative of the
Rats and not himself.
The session was started with the examina-
tion of Will Oonly and Percy Pollock, both
called by Mr. Myers. Friday of this week
was set down for anbther hearing, at which
time the Referee will make a decision «a to
his Jurisdiction In calling Ooldle Pemberton,
the original petitioner in the proceedlilgs.
Neither counsel bad handed in briefs oh the
point. A. T. Saplnsky did not desire to ;
any further witnesses. This week’s session
may see further questioning on the $600 cheeks
supposed to have bailed out women in Brook-
lyn during the strike. The testimony adduced
last PViday places the matter of the ohseka
In a worse muddle than ever, and the expla-
nations are contradictory with those of jwo
weeks ago.
Conly took the stand first, Myers que^oa-
ing, but later Mr. Saplnsky queried. While
in the chair Conly twice drew reprimMds
from the Referee. On things touching pqinu
sought to be cleared up by Mr. Saplnsky he
was hazy or did not know, as with other wit-
nesses. Conly said he knew Goldie PemhOTOn
and had seen her at several meetings taking
notes. He also said ho read the we#Wy
etatements to the hoard of directors. :^e
said he knew Percy Pollock, and that the
latter had called at the office and asked jor
Mountford, who was out. Pollock gave him
J.’iOO, which was to he turned over to Mount-
ford. Conly thoueht the money was for hail
purposes. Mr. Saplnsky asked :
Q. "Tou read the weekly statements?’’^
A. "Tes."
Q.‘ "How were you Y>Icked out?’’
A. "I was acting In capacity of secreUry
for two or three months before the strike. ■,
Q. “Were financial statements read at tno
meeting of the board of directors?*
A "Tes."
Q.’ "Were they the same as those read ■ to
the memhers?’’
q! "Wasn’t It a fact that It
best that the statements not be read In drtall
beoause of fact that so-called represenUtlWs
of- the managers would he present?
A. "I heard that suggested, but cannot MT.
I T 7&8 of tho opinion tliftt splos niislit ‘ D6
present, but was not certain.” .
o "Mnw T ask If U wasn’t a fact that
What is agreed upon by those who
have seen it as the best house on the
Loew Circuit, the Metropolitan, Brook-
lyn, opened Monday night. George
Schenck, formerly manager of Loew’s
Bijou, Brooklyn (now playing pictures),
is the manager, and Harry Silverstadt
is the leader of the 18-piece orchestra.
The Metropolitan is hut a few blocks
distant from_ Keeney’s, Brooklyn,
looked upon previously as “opposition.”
This week Keeney’s headlined its bill
with “The Four Husbands,” an expen-
sive vaudeville production turn.
Monday evening, whil.e the perform-
ance was going on, one of the usher-
ettes, walking down a side aisle, accost-
ed X. J. Lubin, M. Meinhold and Mark
Levy, of the Loew staff, asking where
Mr. Loew was seated. Informed he
was in the first stage box on that side,
she proceeded down the aisle. Upon
returning, Mr. Lubin asked if she had
located Loew. The girl replied she
could not find him.
“What did you want Mr. Loew for?”
asked Mr. Lubin.
“There are no sanitary cups in the
water fountain,” answered the girl,
“and I wanted to ask him what to do
about it.”
work in Germany or Austria. Amer-
ican people are not allowed to even
walk upon the streets. Over here how
vastly different.
I have almost aome to the conclusion
that a preference is being shown alien
enemy acts by the different booking
offices. How many of them are being
carried by tl^e Ringling and Barnum
shows. . .
Isn’t it a wonderful sight to walk
into a theatre packed with the fathers,
mothers, ifrives, sisters, brothers and
sweethearts of the floiVer of American
manhood, of the boys over there who
are bleeding to death upon the already
blood soaked battle fields of France,
being entertained by the same swine
whose rape of Belgium is now history.
'These alien enemy acts are allowed
to run around the country in perfect
freedom, using names that do not
sound Teutonic and telling people they
are Belgians, Swiss, French, etc.
Surely there are enough American
acts to entertain the American people,
and no manager should allow one of
these acts to. appear before the people
whose relatives are giving up every-
American, artists should take the
matter upon their own, shoulders, if
the managers persist in playing these
acts. Let us Americans refuse to work
on the bills with them. I have made
up my mind that under no considera-
tion or circumstances whatsoever will
I appear upon a progralm with one of
them from this date on.
There is one act in particular I know
and who advertises regularly in
Vambtt, that made a statement he
would cut off his arm before he would
fight for America. Needless to say, he
was knocked down for his remark.
I can not believe a manager who
plays these acts or an agent who will
book them is pure American.
/. C. Booth,
(Booth and Leander.)
New Orleans, Sept. 18.
The “Cantonment” theatre at Hat-
tiesburg, Miss., booked out of the
Loew office, New York, closes tonight.
It was originally planned and opened
to catch the business from the ad-
jacent cantonment territory. Troop
movements out of Camp Shelby, how-
ever, left the house high and dry.
The house will probably reopen as
soon as the camp fills up with men
from the new draft.
It looks as though “Yip, Yip, Yap-
hank,” the^Camp Upton soldier show
by Serg. Irving Berlin is through for
the present, after having been one of
the biggest hits New York ever held
during its four weeks’ run.
The. soldier boys with Berlin are
back at Camp Upton this week, having
closed the engagements last Saturday
at the Lexington. No plans have been
made for any future travel of the pro-
duction. Officials from Washington
were expected in New York to see the
piece and give a decision on its fur-
ther life, but the offi^ls failed to ap-
“Yip” played to around $70,000 at the
Century during its first two weeks,
and almost as much at the Lexington
in the final two. The show is said to
have closed to a business of $15,000 last
Friday and Saturday, when the pro-
ceeds for those two days were reported
having been divided among the 300 or
so soldiers who took part in the show.
The net profit of the New York en-
gagement, which was for the benefit of
a community house at Camp Upton, is
reported at around $100,000.
The songs written by Mr. Berlin for
the piece, particularly the “Y. M. C. A.
Hut” number, are finding a large sale.
Monday with Valeska Suratt head-
lining at the Palace, the house was
jammed for each performance. Every-
one who noted the heavy attendance
that day. said “The Jewish holiday is
doing it.”
Tuesday the record breaking at-
tendance was repeated, more unusual
because of the preceding holiday
crowds, and there was no reason, ex-
cepting the previous day’s remark was
changed, “It looks as though Suratt
is doing it.”
New York; Sept. 13.
Editor VAMBTy;
I have read the editorial in today’s
Variety concerning alien enemy acts
in this country and that they should
not be allowed to play.
That is all well and good, but I ask
why this should apply to German and
Austrian artists only and not to agents.
There are many German agents in New
York and they are all doing business,
booking or managing acts, and none
of them have American papers ; all are
alien enemies,'
Must we German artists with famiiip
to support have to work as dish-
washers or waiters to make a living
over here while these alien enemy
agents can continue to make their easy
money as agents without molestation?
One of them I know is making at least
$20,000 a year and has been making
that much since the war started, mak-
ing it over here and continuing to do
business without question following
America’s declaration of war.
One of these agents told me in Pans
in July, 1914 (one month before war
was declared), that we should leave
France as war was certain; that he
had been so informed by big men in
the German army.
When you mention German artists
after this include German agents as
well, when both arc alien enemies.
Paul Setferh
;;’m11y Markus, who does a booking
business for vaudeville, has notified the
management of the Olympic, Brooklyn,
and Grand Opera House, New York,
he isn’t going to book them any longer,
so Markus says.
The reason given by the agent is
that he and the policies under which
the theatres are operated don’t agree.
The theatres play five acts on a split
week Markus received $50 weekly
from each for booking.
If there were any other reason why
Markus threw the hundred weekly
away, he expertly kept it to himself.
Clayton and White Decide to Stick.
The dancing team of Clayton and
White have decided not to separate
after all and wilj remain as a fixture
in “The Passing Show.”
It was through the intervention of
J. J. Shubert that the steppers agreed
to patch up their differences.
aj i.. ie»i
Ld bir^S^. ■»• writ" wh® dttfilaitM a letter to ^
,*^bSw^M^^T^eara h«o. wUl not ba agaia fennltted tha
^iftatteges af it.
Chicago, Sept. 14.
Editor VABiBTif :
I noticed in the Pittsburgh notes m
VARiBTr that the Hawthorne Minstrels
would play the Kenyon, Pittsburgh.
This act has not been in existence since
May, 1917. At that time the scenery,
costumes, trunks, etc., were sold to
Laura Booth, but not the name.
The Hawthornes.
(Billy and Amy.)
Camp Sheridan, Ala., Sept. 10.
Editor Vakiety. ^ ; . iu..
I am now at Camp Shendaii, in the
Base Hospital sick, and n^ot working
with my former partner, Franci^s. He
is at present around Chicago and using
my name, which I have had for the
last ten years. Wora.
Philadelphia, Sept. 12.
Editor VARiBTr:,
I wired you today, upon my return
from the West, relative to the article in
last week’s VABisTr concerning myself
and the action of the Philadelphia
-managers in raising admissions.
The story is a canard and apparently
the work of our opposition in an en-
deavor to injure us and I am surprised
that VABiETy would be a party to it.
There is absolutely no foundation to
the story. I never pledged myself m
the matter, in fact, two weeks before
the price raise was scheduled to go
in effect, I told the members of the
Association (theatrical managers) 1
would not join the movement. Further,
I told the members of the Association
it was not an Association issue, but
rather a neighborhood matter and upon
this basis I stood “pat.”
Fred G. Nixon-NirdUnger.
Jennie Connors, through her counsel,
Frank J. Rinaldi, has filed suit for
separation against James Connors, in
vaudeville. Answering to her charges,
the defendant, through his attorneys,
Henry J. &• Frederick E. Goldsmith,
enters a general denial; ,
In her affidavit, the plaintiff alleges
that since their marriage, March 26,
1917, her husband has wilfully negl^t-
ed, aimsed, and mistreated her. Be-
cause she is unable to support herself,
having been under the care of the
physician in a hospital during the past
five months, Mrs. Connors is emiming
$50 weekly alimony, out of the $150
weekly she alleges her husband says
he earns, and counsel fees.
When the papers were served on
Connors early this week announcing
the case was to come up Sept. 17, he
wrote his attorneys, asking them to
postpone the trial for a week or so.
The trial is now scheduled for Sept. 24.
Accompanying the letter, Connors
mailed a statement from Wilmer &
Vincent, of the Colonial, Utica, where
he is now playing, stating his salary
to be but. $62.50 weekly.
Within a short time Charles Pots-
dam will transfer from the manager-
ship of Loew’s American theatre, to
the post of chief assistant to Jake
Lubin in the Marcus Loew booking
agency. ■ , .
Mr. Potsdam has been at the Amer-
ican for several years. He has grown
to know all of the Eastern big and
small turns. At different times he has
produced and managed acts. It is
said Mr. Potsdam could have received
an agency franchise in the Loew of-
fice, but was informed by Joe Schenck
and Mr. Lubin they thought he could
be of more value to the circuit in the
booking department.
It is possible that Eugene Meyers
will succeed Mr. Potsdam as the Amer-
ican’s manager.
Proctor’s, Albany arid Troy, playing
a split week of two shows daily, is
commencing to increase its programs
for the. season. .
Valeska Suratt, Stella Mayhew and
Andrew Mack are among the future
headlines in those towns that were
booked this week by Arthur Blondell,
' who is temporarily looking after the
Proctor upstate bookings during
Johnnie Collins’ recovery. The other
' of the Collins houses are being cared
for by Harry Mundorf and Charles An-
derson (in the E. M. Robertson of-
fice) during Mr. Collins’ absence.
Farnum, Lewis & Gordon’s Booker.
Ralph G. Farnum has been appointed
general booker for Lewis & Gordon,
following the departure of Max Gordon
and Milton Lewis into the Service. A1
Lewis continues as the producing and
executive head of the firm.
Mr. Farnum has been of late with
Max E. Hayes’ office and was pre-
viously with Harry Weber.
Max Hayes is placing the sketches
of the firm, taking those on in addition
to his own bookings.
Pat Garren in Charge at 23rd Street.
H. R. Beatty is leaving the 23rd
Street as manager arid going to war
via the Canadian Army, with Pat Gar-
ren looking after managerml duties
down there.
Rochesfer, N. Y., Sep. 18.
A subject of discussion among thea-
tre men is the future of the orchestra
in the theatres. Practically all of the
theatrical musicians registered in the
draft the other day, the great majority
being under 46. Although the amuse-
ment industry has been classified as
essential it is feared the draft boards
will rule that men in the orchestras are
not essential to the industry. In fact
it has been intimated that a number
of musicians are already v considering
the matter of looking up jobs in the
munition plants. Some of them_ admit
they may not wait for any action by
^e local boards.
It has been suggested that orchestras
composed of wome.i will replace the
men in most of the theatres. There is
some talk of reducing picture theatre
orchestras to one piece, a piano, and
some radicals even go so far as to
state that the piano ought to be an
automatic one. It is not thought that
such sweeping changes will go into
effect at present. Orchestras- may be
considerably reduced for the afternoon
shows and enlarged at night. Many
picture houses may struggle along in
the afternoon with a piano, but every
house will endeavor to have a well
rounded orchestra in the evening.
Several theatre men are making ef-
forts to sign up musicians of the gent-
ler sex.
Association Booking ItnperiaL
Chicago, Sept. 18.
The Imperial, St. Louis, which for-
merly played combination shows, is
now on the book of Charles Freeman
(W. V. M. A.), and beginning Sept.
23, will play week stands.
Robert Wayne Managing Alhambra.
Robert Wayne has succeeded Harry
Bailey as manager of the Alhambra.
Mr. Bailey having entered the service
on Sunday. ■ Mr. Wayne is a former
actor. For some time he was assistant
to Harry T. Jordan, manager of Keith’s,
Philadelphia, but recently assigned to
the Keith New York office.
Jos McCarthy and Jimmy Monaco are writ-
ing togetner again.
The muBlo ot "Some Night" at the Harris,
and "Fiddlers Throe" at the Oort, is being
published by Wltmark ft Sons.
Robsrt Haring, tha singer, is on the Harry
Von Tilisr stafl.
Harry 0. Page, ot Memphis, head ot the
Page ft Handy Co., has been in New Tork
this week, surveying what the New York offloa
ot the firm, lately opened, bae been doing.
Tom Franklin, known in the cabarets, la
now oonneoted with the Wltmark proteaeloBal
Amy Ashmore Clark, the llbrettlet, is in
charge ot the new concert proleseional de-
partment ot Artiauslo.
Halsey K. Mohr haa traneterred his song
allegiance trom Sbaplro-Bsrnsteln to the Joe
Morrla staff.
Louis Bernstein bad received up to Wed-
nesday no confirmation ot tha report Jimmy
Hanley had been promoted to a lieutenancy,
although Mr. Bernstein said he would not be
surprised to bear it by mall trom knowing
Hanley's modesty, and also mentioned be bad
heard was in line tor promIRdli. Mr; Bern-
stein mentioned another ot hie tormer writing
staff, Joe Qoodwln, who had developed Into a
model soldier. Joe was recently in Nevr^ork
on a lour days’ leave, the only one of bis
regiment Just before it Bailed for France to
receive a furlough. Joe asked permlseton ot
his captain to apply to the colonel when the
captain vetoed a pass through the strict ruling
laid down. Qoodwln interviewed the colonel
and convinced hie superior the two songs he
had in mind must be taken down in . Now
York or there would result a terrific loss ot
money tor him in the future, it he came back.
.The colonel couldn't understand what Joe was
driving at so gave him a pass. Mr. Bernstein
said Joe waa the best liked man in hla com-
pany and bad refused all opportunities tor
advancement, saying he wanted to Stick with
the privates. He aleo sidestepped an oppor-
tunity placed before him to be permanently
stationed in or around New York. Joe an-
swered be had enlisted to be a soldier
Intended to go all the, way, right Into France.
Borne kid, that Joe Goodwin turned out to be.
Mrs. William Hamilton, vlce-preeldent oC
the Navy Club at 600 ^ifth avenue, bae Issued
an appeal for mueio tor the III and wounded
sailors aboard tbe U. -S. Hospital Ship,
"Mercy," now a Naval Base Hospital. Pop-
ular songs are tbe only amusement allowed
the patients for frequent entertainment. Rec-
ords will also be very aooeptable. Dither
both may be sent Mrs. Hamilton, care ot
Tbe JazB Band of tbe Jenkins Colored Or-
phan Asylum recently started a fund for a
new addition to tbe asylum by the 10 or
12 pieces stopping in front ot tbe mueio pub-
llsbing housea, playing their latest bit, and
taking up the Contribution offered when tbe
object of the visit was made known.
The mueio houses are a bit worried over the
draft prospects. Many ot. the firms have had
their Btaffe depleted and their organisations
disturbed by enlistments or calls through the
' first draft. With the 18-46 in effeot; with
82-86 or 87 to be first called, what the future
win leave in the operating forces bnly tho
future will tell,
The final of the Animated War Song Con-
test at tho Fifth Avenue, New York, will be
decided nest Tuesday nigbt (Sept. 24). The
contest is running nightly this week until
tonight (Friday). Tho animated portion Is
giving the song men an excellent opportunity
of seeing the various pictures Side, by side, as
it were, and they are .enabled to note the
different effects the eeveral pictures have upon
tbe audience.
Who, after three years in retirement, has returned to the stage in a new routine of
®'‘®^JAH"re«^^^^^ drawing attention of tho critics. She is dne In
New York at Christmas time.
Charlotte, N. C., Sept. 18.
The Strand, playing Loew vaudeville
(booked only) for three weeks, dis-
continued it this Saturday.
The Grand opera house, South Beth-
lehem, Pa., playing four acts on a
split week, will start with Loew’s vau-
deville Sept. 23.
Burtis’ Theatres at Auction.
Auburn, 'N. Y., Sept. 18.
To close the estate of the_ late' Edwin
C, Burtis, Auburn millionaire, the en-
tire Burtis holdings will be sold at
public auction the latter part of the
Two Auburn playhouses are included
in the property, Burtis Grand and Cor-
nell theatre.
John N. Ross, head of^he Ross
ty Company of New York, ii executor
of the estate.
The Napoleon of Fandom. CHA8. ALTBOFf
William F. Foun,tain, who died in ac>
tion in France (A. E. F,) was the
brother to Adeline Carr (“The Little
Lou Goldberg was wounded in action
in France, according to a cable re-
ceived by his brother, Jack Goldberg,
in New York. Another brother is Bert,
also in vaudeville (booking and pro-
ducing). The nature of Mr. Goldberg’s
injuries was not mentioned.
Capt. Jamea H. Morrison has been
invalided home from Italy and will re-
turn to “The 13th Chair” until suffi-
ciently recovered to return to the front
Capt. Morrison came back from Italy,
where he fotiglilj^n the Piave front and
was decorated oy the King of Italy.
The'^'J^th Chair” company, of which
Capt. Morrison is a member, has
pledged itself to give one benefit per-
forniance weekly this season while qn
the road, for the Stage Women’s War
Cash Slippery, from the legitimate,
was killed in action in France Aug. 26,
shortly after he had arrived over there
with the Eighth Canadian Battalion,
called “The Little Black Devils.” His
home was in Rochester, N. Y. The
Canadian War Office at Ottawa sent
word there. In 1917 when playing in
the west Mr.. Slippery applied for en-
listment in the U. S. Army. Having but
recently recovered at that time from
pneumonia, fie was rejected and two
months after, while playing in Winni-
peg, enlisted with. the Canadian Army.
Mr Slippery left for France early in
August last.
Elmer L. Bedford ^iberty Four),
Medical Corps, Camp Greenleaf, Ga.
Joseph Rinehart (Mutual Films), or-
dered to Camp Dix, N. J.
James Hanley (song writer), with the
A. E. F., promoted to lieutenant.
PI. R. Beatty (manager Proctor’s 23rd
St.) has joined the Canadian army.
Cliff Hess (composer), ordered Sept.
18 to Camp Upton, L. I.
Diero, the accordionist, ordered
Sept. 9 to Camp Gordon, Ga., rejected
Scot. 14, flat feet.
Clarence Hibbard (blackface come-
dian), has joined the Merchant Mar-
Al. Hamilton (manager, Palace, S.
Norwalk), ordered to the Radio School,
Pelham Bay, N. Y.
Hal Berg, Co. 7, Detention Camp,
Camp Kearney, Cal.
Frank Funda (Allan Francis), or-
dered to Camp Gordon, Ga^
Will Rockwell (“You’re in Love”),
Co. 18, Batl IS, Camp Greenleaf, Ga.
R. G. Burnett (“Kinkaid Kilties”), at-
tached to the R. A. M. C.
Frank Davis (Jerome H. Remick
forces), at Camp Syracuse, N. Y.
M. N. Bunker, Hospital Train, No. 3,
Newport News, Va.
Jimmy Sheer (Sheer and Darling),
Camp Greenleaf, Ga.
Charles A. Bittighofer, Mine Sweep-
ing Div., Tompkinsville, S. I.
Joe Kennedy (La France and Ken-
nedy), rejected, defective hearing.
Palmer Hines has been inducted into
the military Service, unassigned as yet.
Bert Lewis (Lewis and Leopold), or-
dered to Camp Grant, 111.
E. Benmosche (Roland West Prodts.),
Camp Jackson, S. C., appointed ser-
Salvatore Scalia (Doherty and
Scalia), ordered to report at Camp
Ray Dean (Ray and Emma Dean), or-
dered to report to camp at Syracuse,
N. Y.
Martin R. Kennedy, Camp Jackson,
[This Department has been carried weekly in Variety since we declared war.
It has noted a list of theatrical men in the Service that seldom ran less than\ twet
columns, and more often much beyond that.]
Columbia, S. C., promoted to top ser-
Bert Rooney (picture juvenile has
joined the army, and is in camp in the
Pocono Mountains.
Rube Benson, who went to Chicago
with the “Hearts of the World,” or-
dered to Camp Devens.
Chauncey Monroe, Field Artillery,
transferred to the Officers’ Training
School, Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky.
Emil Smith, a dancer, was ordered to
Camp Dix, N. J., for limited service.
He had been rejected previously.
Charles Leonard Fletcher sails short-
ly for France as hut secretary to the
Y. M. C. A.
William P. Connery, Jr., former man-
ager of the Empire, Salem, Mass.,
gassed and a victim of trench fever, at
a base hospital. ^ i
Captain K. I. Conover, M. O., son of
H. W. Conover, manager of the Im-
perial, Montreal, 'is with the Forty
Garry Horse.
Lynn E. Miller (son of Harry Mil-
ler, booking manager of the Acker-
man-Harris tour), reported at Camp
A. Juskowitz (manager, Columbia,
Far Rgckaway, L. I.) ordered to the
Limited Service Training Camp, Syra-
cuse, N. Y.
William Gaxton (right name Arthur
Gaxiola) enlisted in the naval reserve
some time ago and has been called to
Pelham Bay.
Paul Perry (cameraman and John
Browne (assistant director( have left
the Lasky west coast studio to take
up war work.
Jos. Hiller (Phila. representative,
Waterson, Berlin & Snyder), ordered
to Great Lakes Naval Training Station,
111 . *
George Sheer (former ipoving picture
agent and producer, and brother of
William A. Sheer, has joined the army
and is in camp at Fort Hancock, Ga.
I. Halperin (forriierly in Variety’s
Chicago office) has been ordered to
the officers’ training school. Camp
Grant, Rockford, 111.
Captain William Roddy, of the 301st
Stevedores, now in France, is back
with his company, after an extended
Vance McManus, brother of Carrie
McManus, of “Head Over Heels,” is, in
the navy, and is bandmaster of one
of the bands at the station at Goat Isl-
and. Cal.
Alfred F. Smith, 21st Co., 6th Train
Batl., 157 Depot Brigade, Camp Gor-
don, Ga., would like to Iwar from his
brother, James J. Smith, who has been
for some time in vaudeville (Smith and
Rube Marquard, at present aboard a
mine sweeper which docks at Sjaten
Island, has been appointed to the en-
^signs engineering school at Stevens
Institute. Marquard is a thorough
mechanic and is also a steam engineer.
Clarence Hibbard (known as “The
Blackface Sunbeam” in minstrelsy) has
enlisted in the Merchant Marine. (The
Merchant Marine is under the direc-
tion of the Coast Guard and is con-
cerned with the transport service.)
James Loughborough (formerly of
the Metro’s publicity corps), who went
overseas with the 30Sth Infantry as a
lieutenant, has been promoted to a
captaincy. Loughborough was with
Pershing’s troops on their recent ad-
vance on the Vesle river in France.
L. M. O’Connor and Edward Mor-
rison (Lasky camerman at Holly-
wood) have completed a course at the
■School of Aero Photography in New
York at Columbia and received com-
missions in the photographic division
of the army.
Lieut. C. F. Mayer (“Chuck” Frank-
lyn-Franklyn and Jones) has been
At Pelham Bay Naval Training Sta-
tion, Sept. 11 (U. B. .0.): Gorman
Brothers, Mason and Gwynn, Kirk-
smith Sisters, Olsen and Johnson, Flor-
ence Rayfield, Al and Fanny Stedman,
Harry Breen, George Primrose Min-
Thomas Egan, General Director- of
War Camp Entertainments, has organ-
ized’ a second Catholic Actors’ Guild '
Unit which appeared for the first time
at Fort Slocum, N. Y., Sept. 12, under
the auspices of-4he K. of C|.
The men at the American Naval Sta-
tion, Halifax, N. S., are making an ap-
peal for entertainer^ to visit them on
Sundays, particularly those who play
the Strand, Halifax. A show was held
at the station September 8 with Barlow
and Flynn, Albert Peck and Joe Ma-
guire. Acts wishing to give their ser-
vices should, communicate with Joseph
Daniels, American Naval Station, Hali-
fax, N. S.
At the Y.^ M. C. A. Hut, Montreal,
Sept. 12 and 14; Diane and Rubini, John
Nestor, Mr, and Mrs. O’Coare, Morton
Under the auspices of the Navy and
M^ine Recreation Centre, Philadel-
phia, of which David R. Sablosky,. for-
mer manager of the Globe Theatre, is
recreation aide, the soldiers and sailors
stationed at the Navy Yard and other
camps in the vicinity have been enter-
tained nightly with vaudeville shows,
all the artists playing the city gpving
their services.
Under the auspices of the Stage
Women’s War Relief entertainments
were held at the following places dur-
ing the past week:
U. S. S. Arizona, Sept. 13. Mr§. Wal-
ter Vincent,. Captain.
Gas Defence, Astoria, Sept. 13. George
Spink, Captain.
Reconstruction Hospital Colonia, N.
J., Sept. IS. Lucille La Verne, Captain.
U. S. S. Arizona, Sept. IS. Alma Clay-
burgh sang at Sunday service.
Camp Dix, Sept. 16. Three-day tour
of hospitals. Alma Clayourgh and
Miriam Nielke.
Minepla Hospital, Sept. 15. Mrs.
Walter Vincent, Captain.
Camp Raritan, N. J., Sept. 17. Mrs.
Minnie McConnell, Captain.
Army and Navy Club, Long Branch,
Sept. 18. Beverly Sitgreaves and Tom
Under the auspices of the Stage
Women’s War Relief "Penrod” will be
given at the Globe Theatre Sunday
night. Sept. 22, free for soldiers and
sailors. Grace George will be chair-
man of the occasion.'
At the U. S. Government Hospital,
Washington, Sept. Id: Edwin George,
Jack';;,Wy*ff Scotch Lads and
Lassifs, Jimmy Lucas & Co.
The following are expected to enter
the Liberty Loan Drive in behalf of
Pelham Bay Training Camp: Jimmy
Mack (Mack and Mack), Dell Chain
(Hufford and Chain), Violini, Brazil,
Harry Partle, Johnny Golden and
George Schlottleer, the two last being
A. J.' Parkin, a song leader who is
visiting the Army and Navy training
camps in the interest of the Committee
on Training Camp Activities of Wash-
ington, conducted the boys in singing
at the Naval Air. Station, Cape May,
N. J., Monday afternoon. These affairs
will henceforth be held three timfes
Raymond J. Fuller, machinist's mate,
first class, and John Mahaffey, gunner’s
mate, third class, attached to the Naval
Air Station, Cape May, N. J., will sing
for the Fourth Liberty Loan Campaign
in the Fourth District, which com-
prises Philadelphia and vicinity.
Following is the list of volunteers
for the War Hospital Entertainment
Association for the past week.
U. S. Marine Hospital, Staten Island,
N. Y., Sept. 12: Cony Barker, Byron
and Vincent, Bettie Eldert, Lewis and
Ives, Bert Hanlon; Prince and Butt.
U. S. Army Base Hospital/ Camp
Merritt, N. J.;"Sept. 12: Max Stanford,
Baby Gladys, Dunnunger, Musette,
Mack and Lynn, Rae Mann,
U. S. A. Embarkation Hospital, No.
3, Hoffman Island, Sept. 16: Wallace
Bradley, Larry Meehan, Pelham Four
— Weise, Levy, Feldman and Squires,
Raymond Herman, Foy, Brazil and
Adams, Jack Keller, Dell Chain, Wil-
liam Ahearn, Downing and Violini,
Mack and Lynn, Sidney Phillips, Jim-
mie Fox and George Wulfing. The
same bill being given intact on the
same day at U. S.' General Hospital,
Fox Hills, S. I.
Pelham Bay Training Station, N. Y.,
Sept. 16 : Agnes Smith, Rae Mann,
Baby Gladys, Betty Eldert, Mabel Bar-
dino and Co., Musette, Jack and Dora
Crisp, Willie Weston.
U. S. Embarkation Hospital, No. 1,
Hoboken, N. J., Sept. 17 : Fern Hollis,
Alfred Jackson Dates and Finley Helen
Lederer, Nora Allen and Co., Madam
Van de Zante, Mabel and Johnnie
Dove. :
Aviation Field, Sept. 18: Lillian
Bradley, Halsey Mohr and May Fields,
Victor Moore, Dunham and Edwards,
Beatrice Kay, Sergeant Aylen, Ethel
Breaker, Polly Moran.
Arthur Guy Empey is back in New
York. Empey, who won his sergeantcy
with the Canadian troops, was commis-
sioned a captain in the U. S. army, but
President Wilson a few days after re-
voked the commission through a new
ruling that had become effective. Em-
pey, it was stated, cast reflection upon
the newly drafted members of the army
in a curtain speech in a Washington
theatre. This Empey denied.
Empey is going back to the trenches
as a private in the U. S. Motor Tanks
Empey and one of the motor tanks
will take an active part in the forth-
coming Liberty Loan “drive.”
Plans for the theatre for the Pelham
Bay Naval Training Station have not
yet been decided on. The blue jackets
cleaned up $40,000 with their show “Biff
Bang” at the Century for the purpose,
but the lowest estimate they have se-
cured for the building of a theatre is
It is now being considered to build a
stage with complete equipment at one
end of the indoor drill building. Prac-
tically the only work necessary would
be from the proscenium arch back-
wards, but that will cost $30,000. That
plan has not been definitely accepted
because of the possibility of bad
Chicago, Sept. 18.
Sailors of Great Lakes Training Sta-
tion will stage another show, “The
Great Lakes Revue.” The book is by
Dave Wolff and the lyrics by James
O’Keefe, U. S. N. These are the
authors of “Leave it to the Sailprs,”
which recently played to a big success
at Chicago.
“The Great Lakes Revue” will be
produced at the Auditorium Sept. 30,
for the benefit of the Navy Relief So-
ciety and the hospital at Great Lakes.
(Speaking of Women— mostly)
The Colonial may be short on
audience, but it sure is long on orches-
tra. That little band of men there
are in Qass lA. The opening act' this
week, the De Marcos, finds the girl
in a stunning polo riding suit con-
sisting of white trousers and green
coat. There was a soft felt hat and
white stock. Now that Pearl Regay
has found a place in vaudeville she can
go much higher either alone or with
another partner. Lester Sheehan isn’t
the foil for Miss Regay’s acrobatic
style of dancing. And also Miss Re-
gay is already careless in her dress-
ing. The green metallic cloth and
mauve skirts hangs very badly, also
the socks could be left to her smaller
and thinner sisters. An old fashioned
taffeta hooped dress looked gray in the
amber light. Miss Regay’s first dress
‘was of peacock blue chiffon bordered
■in silver. The skirt had one pointed
il ounce! There was a belt of red and •
a large hat faced in pink. This girl
will bear .watching.
Marcus Loew deserves niche in the
theatrical Hall of Fame for his latest
achievement, the Metropolitan Thea-
tre in the heart of Brooklyn. Larger
than the Hippodrome, and many times
more artistic, thd act must -be very
poor not to go. well in such sumptions
surroundings.. Anna Case, of concert
fame, opened' the lengthy program,
swathed in peacock blue chiffon. The
gown was ankle length and made in
long straight lines. Mollie King, also
an added attraction, was most becom-
ingly gowned in white chiffon. The
skirt was long and tight, making one
wonder how Miss King would dance.
But an opening at the back was clever-
ly done over an accordion plaited petti-
coat. Narrow blue velvet ribbons
bounded the hips and be.ll sleeves. Two
young girls of pleasing appearance are
the Brown Sisters, in the regular bill.
They wore white cloth kilted skirts
with middies of white jersey .and polo
caps with a huge pompom. The young
woman of the Jos. E. Bernard sketch
wore an evening frock of last year’s
vintage. You know, the pussy-taffeta
with puffed hips. Anna Chandler was
in the palest of mauve taffetas. The
tight fitting bodice accentuated her
waist line and the skirt was short- and
full with narrow ruchings of coral
chiffon. She also had a poke bonnet
and kerchief bag,
Valeska Suratt, doing the Purple
Poppie in the clothes of last- sea-
son, headlines at the Palace this week.
The chinchilla coat is still as gorgeous
as of old with the velvet gown of pur-
ple underneath. Miss Suratt looks
very well even if a little stouter.
Ruth Roye looked better after dis-
carding an unbecoming hat. Her whjte
lace dress had a drapery of mauve met-
allic cloth with a short jacket trimmed
in silver fox and faced in green. George
White of the nimble feet has assem-
bled a quartet " of beauties whose
clothes border on the bizarre, but are
costly. Dorothy St. Clair was in a
silvery frock of mauve lined in navy
blue. There were two front panels
and a short cape. Lois Leigh wore
. short blue pants with a drapery of
cerise. A large hat was trimmed high
with osprey. Ethel Delmar wore Turk-
ish trousers of white chiffon banded
in pearls. Tot Qwalters looked very
well in a gold satin affair made with
long trousers and a short draped skirt.
The facing was red with bands of
black. A new idea in a short hooped
skirt was carried out in mauve, hav-
ing a double skirt. A short pale green
frock was oddly made with long
sleeves. A short red satin frock was
the only ordinary costume in the
White act. The black panne velvet of-
fice frock had a steel apron.
Hilda Wolfus (of Williams and Wol-
fus) so. thin it must ht ‘t, after dis-
carding an eccentric fur dress a^eared
in a red velvet gown made indifferent-
ly. A large cerise hat was faced in
purple. For the cerise and purple com-
bination we have Miss Suratt to thank,
but Miss Suratt threw it into the dis-
card many months ago.
The Boyarr Troup in Russian danc-
ing in native costume make us won-
der will the end .of the war sect
changes in that style of dress. If it
does it will be one of the many things
to be thankful for.
The ruling given out last week from
the collector of internal revenue (“Big
Bill’’ Edwards’ office) presents no new
phase in admissiions taxes. The ruling
was to the effect that all tickets sold
but not presented at the door must
be accounted for and the tax on them
This has been the procedure, (he col-
lector’s office checking up from the
house statements when necessary. The
law states that the box office state-
ment must include all tickets sold (also
passes) and the total tax paid monthly,
from the total box office statements.
The ruling of last week applies to
the sale of tickets for dances, balls
and so forth. Some of. those affairs
have not been accounting for tickets
sold and not used and the collector
seeks to bring forth the admission tax
on the total.
The United States Government has
awarded the contract for putting on
the big Liberty Circuit circus .to Perry
& Gorman, circus promoters, of New
York. It has long been the plan of
the Bureau of Camp Theatrical Activ-
ities to include a first-class circus in
the list of attractions offered to the
men in the various training camps.
Among those already engaged are Cap-
tain Schell and Lions, Drake’s Ani-
mal Circus, Flying Herberts, Jap-
anese Novelty Circus, Smith’s Dog
Circus,^ Beilp Family, and 16 other at-
The circus will start late in October
on a 16 week tour comprising the 32
theatres on. the Liberty Circuit.
Despite conditions, the fairs and
especially those in the east have re-
corded amazing attendance figures.
Even the sn^aller of the county fairs
this fall have fared exceptionally well.
The Oklahoma City theatrical stage
labor matter has been cleaned up, with
a wire received Tuesday by the New
York I. A. T. S. E. executive that a ,
satisfactory settlement was reached.
Oklahoma City came in for its share
of attention when the White Rats
were having their strike troubles, O.
C. for some weeks being the battle-
ground of the Rats.
Failed to Register.
Lowell, Mass., Sept. 8.
John J. May, an employee of Bar-
num & Bailey Circus was arrested here
for failure to register last Thursday.
He is 35 years of age.
This was the first arrest under the
new registration law.
Another ''Mutt ft Jeff.”
Gus Hill is organizing a fifth “Mutt
and Jeff” company, which opens at the
Walnut Street Theatre, Philadelphia,
Oct. 14.
Norfolk, Vr., Sept. 18.
The city has the distinction of pos-
sessing the first Liberty Theatre within
city confines and the house is the first
one jointly designed for the exclusive
entertainment of sailors and soldiers.
The new house, an unused armory,
opens tomorrow • night with “Nothing
But The Truth.” Norfolk has 225,000
men in camp and aboar.^ships. Secre-
tary Baker and Secretary Daniels ap-
pealed to the 'mayor to secure some
building for the men’s use. Admiral
McLeary appeared before the city
council aqd permission to use the ar-
mory was granted. I?ive sailors were
detailed to assist Edward M. McWil-
liams (known in vaudeville as Jim Mc-
Williams) _ to make the peeded altera-
The new Liberty Theatre seats 3,000.
There is a balcony and ample dressing
rooms. It was remodeled at a total
cost of $2,200. Donation of apparatus
and material were made by merchants
and others. Admission is 15-25c.
Norfolk is bofh a military and nayal
base. t
Paris, Ky., Sept. 18.
After she had proved that she had
been attacked by Near Parker, of Paris,
before she shot and killed him, Mrs.
Pauline Fleeman, an^attache of a car-
nival company which showed at Baris,
recently, was acquitted at her examin-
ing trial before County Judge George
Walter J. Plimmer has added three
houses to his bool^ his string now
numbering' 19 in all (not counting the
John H. McCarrqn houses. The addi-
tions are the Olympic, Brooklyn; Park,
Utica, and Cataract, Niagara Falls.
The'^Utica house was recently taken
over by the Goldstein Brothers, of
Springfield, who control five theatres
in Massachusetts, supplied through the
Loew office. The Park opens with the
new booking next Monday, with
Charles E. Faust (formerly manager *of
Poll’s, Waterbury, Conn.). The Olym-
pic, Brooklyn, was formerly booked
through the U. B, 0.
Mr. Plimmer is now also handling
the Sunday concerts at the Olympic,
New York, and the Holyoke Theatre,
Holyoke, Mass., which plays stock dur-
ing the week.
John Phillip Sousa has at last made
it possible for the words “made in
America” to be placed afttr the wed-
ding march. The familiar Lohengrin
tune is of German origin, so the band-
master-composer has composed an
“American Wedding March,” which
will be published shortly.
Musical critics say that it surpasses
the other two standard wedding
marches in excellence.
Chicago, Sept. 18.
Mrs. Mitchell Licalzi, widow of the
late manager of the Wilson^ Avenue
theatre, after a conference with Wal-
ter Buhl, acting manager of the house,
decided on the policy of the house.
For the present— until Christmas, at
least — the house will continue playing
stock, with Olive Templeton as the
leading woman.
May Ward’s Own Camp Show.
May Ward heads her own company,
starting over the cantonments] Sept.
23, with the first date the Liberty,
Camp Devens, Mass.
The attraction is a musical comedy
called “A Night on Broadway,” the old
Murray and Mack piece. There are
to be twelve girls in the chorus with
the cast in addition having Jack Jen-
nings, Jack Collins, Al. Rogers, Joe
Hillard, W. I. Clark, Ed. Emerson, Eli-
nore Young, Josephine-. Saunders.
Iden Payne was taken to the Flush-
ing (L. I.) Hospital, Sept. 12 and oper-
ated upon for appendicitis. He is fe-
B.ob Conkey (Dunro;;f’s Show World)
is out of the. hospital, recovering from
injuries sustained in an accident Ust
-George Davis is in Bellevue Hospital,
New York, treated for injuries about
visiting friends on
West 46th street and fell down stairs,
Grace Sachs YBilly Watson’s “E|e«i
Trust ) was taken ill on the way to
ioronto last' week, and is now con-
fined to her hotel in care of a physi-
Kathryn McConnell (song and dance
revue) is suffering from a nervous
breakdown. She will be pdnfinl^ to
her home m New York, for at least a
month. , ^
Mary Asquith, the play broker, ser^
lously injured two years ago and cOn-
fined to her home ever since, is now
aWe to make occasional visits to Imr
office. .
Peggy Podols, private secretary to
Charles Freeman (W. V. M. A.) was
run down by an automobile last Sat-
urday. Both limbs were fractured.
Miss Podols was taken to the West
Suburban Hospital.
Dixie Norton (Norton and Melnotte)
tripped over some steps last week, in-
juring her ankle. The girls had to
cancel the Majestic, Chicago, thi?
week, returning to New York, awaiting
Miss Norton 8 recovery, r
John J. Collins is at the Knicker-''^
bocker Hospital, 131st street and Am-
sterdam avenue, with some severe
bruises, but no bones broken, asui re-
sult of an automobile accident Wed-
nesday night last week. Mr. Collins,
alone in his car, was driving along
Central Park West. At lOStj) street,
the steering gear broke, and the car
ran against a lamp post. Mr. Collins
expects to leave ^ the hospitajl within
JQ days, though the physicians are of
the opinion he may be there longer.
Colonial program^ changes had Miss-
Merle and Co., and the- Kirksmith
bisters out this week, with the De-
macos replacing the former and Collins
and Hart the latter.
The Flemings could not open at the
Orpheum, New Orleans, this week,
through a Draft call. Pope and Uiu>
were impressed into the bill, booked
ffom the Chicago office of the Orpheum
When Serg. Victor Gordon^ was
. obliged to le^e the Arcade, Jackson^
ville, bill last Friday, Miss Marshall, of
Wayne and Marshall, filled in the va-
cancy by doing a single turn. The dou-
ble act also appeared on the samd pro-
Dugan and Rayilood did not open at
the Ffth Ave., Thursday. One of the
crates holding the act’s prop auto
was not off the sidewalk at 11 a. m. '
Dugan registered a complaint, Later
in opening the crate he slammed the
cover back, striking ]the property mail
the leg, the latter letting out a
yell. Billy Quaid, who was.back stage,
requested Dugan to be more careful
and quiet. Dugan remarked he’d quit.
Mr. Quaid agreed.
Tyrone Power, "The Little Brother.”
Forreat Wlniint, “Some Night."
George Hnreourt, "Mnytlme."
Joseph Creban, Bmerson Players, Lowell.
Elmer Thompson, Empiro Stock, Lowell,
Yvonne Garrick, to Beeman Players, Or-
pheum Theatre, Montreal.
Colin Campbell, "The Better ’Ole," at the
Oreenwlch Theatre, by The Coburns.
Ralph Bunker, by Weber & Anderaon, for
the Erneet Truex part In "The Very Idea."
Ann M’Donald, Herbert Raneome, Tbomaa
Collin Cooke, to support Bertha Kallob in "The
Riddle Woman."
i ■
• g
Rnrner Gerard has produced an entirely nw
“fS oI the Day” for 1W8. retaining the
o»v 1 a of last your’fl show, which was a d6«
partura from recognized burlesatie offerings
•“Wy* off the title of the cur-
rent Piece, and as Its name suggeate, It is a
tttiriAHoiie on a groiiif of last years Broadway
McSs/^et wSon Mr. Gerard chose tor
hlB travesties a number of
hits a number of seasons before, but Polly s
GolDK Up" brings hlB burlesques more up to
►ho mimito As In HUT, much la dependent
Spon the comics for laughs *'®thor than the
Uavestles themselves. Harry Welsh, one of
fhfl BiiDDerlest*footed men In burlesque, ha
succMded X^^ P- Murphy, and Is teamed
with the elongated Chester Nelson, retaUed
from last season, as Is Gertrude Hayes, they
being the three featured members. _
Three shows are travestied, Polly
Past" "Going Up" and "Chu Chin Chow. As
for the first named, Miss Hayes Is «l»en the
name of "Polly Ina Bayes," who Is "sired by
Belasco and hired by Cohan," but there t®
attempt to burlesque the play Itself.
to "Going Up,” several features of that sue
oesB (still current In New York) are selected,
and tniest to the piece Itself Is the reading ot
telegrams while the supposed that
However. Cohan & Harris need not fear that
My of their fun has been lifted. ®**“,5i'**“
Chow" serves as an oriental scene, with a
character In It called "Chew Chow Chow.
This person. Miss Hayes, In the f®'®
"fiuratt " explains there are forty thieves
with hlin and he Is really known as Hltohy
^%e various scenes provided the h’J'eu'to for
fun by Nelson and Welsh. Nelson shades hjs
partner, carrying his rube
which Is a plppen— throughout. To him It
seemed was given most of the meat in the
way of lines, or else he worked >?
his own material. In a bit In one witn
Welsh, when both were supposed to race In
airplanes, he ventured "no airships f°f “I"®, j
they are like poison: one drop and Its all
over." His scheme of spelling potatoes with
eight O's is a "darb.’’ Nelson s extremely
funny makeup led Welsh to b®? ‘hat.he.was
"a Malden’s last prayer.” The line hs®!*
very old, but so well worked up that the
house had a hlg laugh. Welsh does Hebrew
and gets much out of his peculiar way of
sliding about the stage. The men make a
corking comedy team and work unusually well
^TheThow Isn’t strong In musical numbers
nor voices. This fact Mr. Gerard certamiy
recognlxed, for In the second act about halt
way through there was Introduced a sonfestress
In tbe peraon of Blsa May, who made no other
appearance. She did well enough with an
operatic number and "Smiles,” the latter wor*
Ing The vocal section was concentratea at
this point for a male quartet, consisting of
Welsh, Nelson, Sam Green, Tom Duffy, and
AI Smith pushed over a hit. Harmony was not
trusted to, the comedy of the numbers doing
the trick. However, Smith’s yodeling counted
for much, that being about the ma^n straight
Boni effort ot the quintet. In addition. Smith
handled a number of bits well. Nelson handled
a steel guitar Just before the show was over.
He played at 11 o’clock Tuesday night, and
had that specialty In which he was assisted
by Duffy been on earlier. It might have gone
over much stronger. The latter portion of
the show can stand speeding at that. Two
or more comedy bits could he separated, and
one placed earlier, for the action was delayed.
Another thing that can stand shortening Is the
song efforts of Andy Barer, who sang no
less than five old time melodies from the pit,
that being his contribution to the vocal sec-
tion. Andy has a tenor voice, and not bad
coming from a leader, but had he stopped after
bis third Bong he would have quit a blggor
The^roducflon Is of high grade, four full-
stage sets and two scenes In
haps the most effective Interior Is Peacock
Alley,” used for the finish. The lifting Is
well carried out In a bright way. Costumes
have not been overlooked and the choristers
generally present a pleasing appearance. There
Is no regular chorus number, although seme
of the girls have dance bits In one of Miss
Hayes’ songs, and several others have spe-
olaltles here and there. Among the latter are
Mildred Uaurle. Gertrude Saflln and P^llne
Harer. The oast Includes Maybelle Courtney,
she having little to do, and Del
Duvall; the latter have several numbers and
a specialty dance.
"Polly’s Going Up” Is primarily a comedy
show, and, as such, Is bound to draw thetn In.
The Columbia, Tuesday nieht. wns pearly a
sell-out, which speaks well In light of the
young eeasonSs early reports. Also, its a
lively show. Everybody seems to do a wee
bit of the "shimmy,” and burlesque audiences
' will never get sore at that. loee.
Bo that the audience might understand why
Charlie Robinson’s "Parisian Flirts carries
a number of men presumably In the now draft
age Robinson had the following lines on h s
program when the show was at the Olympic
last week: "Every male member of Parisian
Flirt Co. has filled all obligations In respect
to military service.”
Robinson’s contribution to the American
board this season Is a two-part affair, the first
entitled “The Wild Tjovers,” and the second
"The Island of Bull.” Robinson appears dur-
ing the periods In a monolog as a big, burly,
overdressed tramp, and In the last Besslou
working as the King of Booze Island. Al.
Ravmo Is still there, and on his shoulders Is
Placed much of the comedy byplay of the
opening, with Raymo working ae a wop
throughout, his second bait makeup being of
the banditry typo, which seemingly was more
relished In the fun-makldg sense than .his
“bits” St the opening as the hand-organ man
with a man-sized monkey Imitated by Marlon
In past seasons there has always been an
elements of the “raw” and the "blue” In a
"Parisian Flirt” porformaace, and this year
is no exception; There are several that fairly
sizzled in point of suggestiveness, especially
in the bathing beach bouse conversation.
While Robinson has made efforts to improve
his show In more ways than one, the entire
production could stand rearrangement in some
of the departments that would greately
strengthen it. There Isn’t a male voice and
not a male who can dance or do anything
beyond talk. Robinson did pretty well with
hts parodies In hie monolog.
The chorus doesn't seem overworked, with a
sort of Texas Tommy skip and pat that stood
the girls in good stead throughout. The
Olympic audience didn't applaud any of the
ensemble numbers to any extent. A double
singing number by May Bernhardt and Jerry
Flemming got the most.
Hal Groves as a "tad" and then a wild and
woolly bad man, did what he could with thank-
less lines. Fred Slgel and BJlIy Clark bad
little to do in so far as comedy was con-
cernod. Clark handling the "straight” without
attempting anything that looked like a spe-
cialty. ’That Jocko impersonation was a chance
for a monkey "bit” that was left untouched,
perhaps due to Benson's unfamUiarity with
the characteristics of the street monk.
The women are headed by Miss Bernhardt,
with the show for several seasons, with her
male characterizations given the usual atten-
tion, Miss Bernhardt has personality and
dominates the feminine end completely, with
two others of the female princlijals having
numbers that enabled them to show some new
outfits. These were Jerry Plemmlug, a pert,
plump, vivacious soubrette, and Freda Lehr, a
shapely principal, both with the Robinson
forces last season. Among the newcomers Is
Hallle Randolph, and she put forth every
effort to make her work stand out, her voice
holding Its own with It being stamped perhaps'
the "voice” of the feminine row.
Sixteen girls, with the broiler tsrpe predom-
inating, loomed up most ‘advantageously In
the bathing suit number, with the varl-colored
outfits at the last also making a nice "flash.’
The finale of the first part swung Into war-
"Tlme tempo. .
Robinson’s monolog showed up the lack of
comedy in the first part, and there was a
striking difference wHen he also got into the
principal dialog In the closing period.
It’s not a bad show, but It could be bright-
ened, the girls given more work to do, the pink
tight color scheme more varied, the men In-
strncted to take up the cues faster, apd soft
pedal placed on several of the suggestive lines
that are dirty In every phase of construction
and Intent.
Scenlcally "Parisian Flirts” measures up
well and there Is no pointed complaint against
the costuming once the pink-legged Idea Isn't
overdone. Mark.
Youngstown, 0., Sept. 18.
The Park Theatre, through its own-
ers, Feiber & Shea, has secured a U. S.
Circuit Court restraining order pre-
venting the local authorities from in-
terfering with the burlesque attrac-
tions at that theatre.
The mayor, elected on a reform
ticket, last season objected to the
American Wheel shows, stating at that
time he thought Youngstown should
have the Columbia Wheel attractions.
According!/ Feiber & Shea arranged
for the Columbia shows to appear at
• the Park this season, which they have
done. Some days ago the mayor came
out against the Park and its policy.
Feiber & Shea, nettled and irritated,
secured the injunction, which will be
argued in Cleveland.
It is not locally anticipated the mayor
will press the pro.ceedings. He is the
only one in town as far as known
who sees any reason why the Colum-
bia shows should not play here.
The American Burlesque Association
has confirmed a booking arrangement
whereby there is a readjustment of the
time following the Monday and Tues-
day engagement in Wheeling, W. Va.
As now laid out the shows, play the
opera house, Newcastle, Pa.; Wednes-
day; Lyceum, Beaver Falls, Pa., Thurs-
day, and the Opera House, Canton, 0.,
Friday and Saturday.
The Casino, Chester, not ready at
the opening of the new burlesque sea-
son, is now playing its regularly sched-
uled shows.
Turner and Dolly Dunbar are sever-
ing connections with the "Million Dol-
lar Dolls,” with Charles Mac and a new
soubrette replacing them.
The Devil one day calledl his imps> bo they say,
And proceeded to tell ■with elation, . . • .
That his very Dear Friend from Berlin did intend
To come for a little vacation.
And he wanted each one to prepare for the Him
By devising some hellish reception, . _ ,.
Such as jabbing great holes into poor souls.
Or the practice of fiendish deception.
When the Friend from Berlin was at last ushered in
To the seat of Satanic Dominion, '
There were wails and moans, unearthly tones,
And the Devil expressed the opinion, . . , . ,
That of all the “damned” plays he had staged m his days.
This one was the cream of perfection, . . •
And he turned with delight to his Friend on his right;
But the Friend bore an air of dejection.
He said, "Listen, Sate, you can brag, you can prate
Of being a ‘hell of a fellow,’
.You’re a Master, 1 know, but you’ve ruined your jhow
By exposing a broad streak of ‘yellow.’
It’s a pity, old dear, that 1 wasn’t here
To give you some points on production.
Such as cutting the tongue out of innocent young.
Of rape and of hellish abduction.”
. Then he went on to tell of his own little hell.
And of tortures that he had propounded;
'Tie laughed at the plight of the Belgians in flight,
TUI the Devil war truly astounded.
He’d strut and he’d stalk, he would bellow and talk,
With a. mien that was. far from retiring.
Then blowing his nose and striking a pose.
He uttered these words most inspiring—
“1 have given command to cut off the hand
Of every man’s son that is captured, ^
And to bayonet a child and then watch them piled
In heaps, makes me truly enraptured.
I grow wild with with delight at the gruesome sight
Of bodies that are mutilated.
It’s one of my whims to cut off the limbs
Of babies newly created.
The Devil arose from his seat of repose.
And he thanked the oid butcher for calling;
But the language he used and the way he abused
His very dear Friend was appalling.
He bent to the ground with a gesture profound—
The imps started madly to scurry —
He yelled, "You disgrace a respectable place.
Get the hell out of here, in a hurry.”
When the “ghost” fell down at the
Warburton, Yonkers, N. Y., where bur-
lesque stock was operating, the com-
pany headed by Leo Stevens, comedian,
balked at opening the Saturday night
performance unless salaries were forth-
coming. Stevens was paid $25 cash,
with the promise of the balance after
the first act.
The curtain was held 25 minutes and
when the players were ready to re-
sume, the musicians had walked out.
Efforts to locate the manager around
the house failed. The audience becom-
ing tired of the wait, went outside and
demanded back its admission money.
1||ie girl in the ticket booth became
excited and fainted.
Henry Dixon, he of the gentle voice,
was bragging along Broadway this
week that when his revue lately played
Boston, not a line was eliminated by
the censors. That surprised even Hank
Mickey Levan, who was barred from
Boston burlesque! last season, appeared
with the show.
Danny Murphy, Mittie DeVere and
Bessie Rosa joined the “Innocent
Maids” this week. /
Marty Collins with the “Jolly Girls,”
replacing Ben Dobson.
Charles Van Austen has left “Cheer
Up America,” with Leo Hayes assum-
Beulah Booker (Paralta Pictures) to
Kenneth O’Hara, Aviation Corps, in
Los Angeles, last week.
Carol Brown (Brownie Carroll) to
Harry Winslow COnaut (non-profes-
sional) at Rochester, N. Y., July 10.
Helen Keane, chief telephone oper-
ator at the Hippodrome to Edgar Kelly,
Municipal Building, New York, Sept.
12 .
Hazel Brennan, said to be a daughter
of James Brennan, formerly of the
Fuller-Brennan Vaudeville Circuit of
Australia, and who appeared recently
in musical comedy at the Alcazar, San
Francisco, was married last week on
the Coast to Frank Gondor, a New
York business man.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fitzgibbon, at
their home in New York, Sept. 7, son.
Mr. and Mrs. Cavanaugh (Ruth
Tompkins) at their home in Cleveland,
Sept, 14, daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. George Mack, at their
home in Cleveland, Sept. 3, daughter.
The mother is professionally known as
Mildred Dean.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. McNorton
(Cecil and Mac) at their home in San
Diego, Cal., Aug. 24, son, Cecil and
Mac were in vaudeville. Joseph Mc-
Norton, a brother, formerly in the act,
is now with the 301st Regiment in
Ernest Marini and Dorothy Smoller,
dancers, added to “Head Over Heels” at
the Cohan, Sept. 13.
Tii&M Banare
'trade Mark Registered
Published Weekly bp
VABaOT, lac.
Slme Silverman, President
Neiv Tork
Advwtlslnf copy for current Issue -will be
acoeptad at die New York office up to Wednes-
day nl^t.
Advartlseinents sent by mall should be ac-
companied by remittance.
Annual $4 F«elgn ,|6
Single Copies, !• cents ______
Ontered as sseond class matter Decambeh 22,
1915, at the Post Office at New York, New
Yorkk under the Act of March 8, 1879.
VoLLII. Ho.4
Walter ji lpliminer is boolcing, Harry
Traub’s Olympic, Brooklyn, playing six
Joe Willard (“Alabama Coon”) has
changed his name to Joe Worth.
The Cohen theatres at Newburgh
and Poughkeepsie, N. Y., are playing
five acts on a, split week.
Max L. Rich, professional manager
of the Douglas-Newman company, has
joined the professional staff of Stern's.
The Frairs gave a dinner to Jack Lait
last^night (Thursday) at the Monas-
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Laurie have loaded
their new son with the name of Joseph
Bryant Hughes Laurie.
The Central Theatre at 47th and
Broadway is being managed by Walter
Rowland. The box ofiice is in charge
of women.
On Yom Kippur Al. Jolson bet $12,-
000 on a horse at 2-1 and cashed. He
is said to be some $70,000 ahead of the
ponies since last summer.
Stock companies in the camps, where
the latter are in isolated sections, will
be taken charge of by George Sargent
in the west and Harry Lpreh in the
The Stage Women’s War Relief, 366
Fifth avenue. New York, is seeking
Margaret Carrie Allen, or Carrie Mar-
garet Allen, a dancer. They have news
of interest for her from France.
Mer^l Prince and Girls were obliged
to open at Loew’s, Montreal, last Mon-
day in their street clothes, their trunks
^.being delayed between Buffalo and
“The Man They Left Behind" is the
title of a new drama presented for the
first time on Monday night in New
Haven. Arthur C. Howard is sponsor
for it.
A trunk belonging to Pauline Price
was taken from the basement of the
Irvington Hall Apartments, 355 W. 51st
street, Work, by mistake. The
person having it may address Miss
Price, in care of VabibtY, New York.
Mr. Fradkin (Fradkin and Jean Tell)
corrects the report of his appointment
as conductor pf the Boston Symphony
Orchestra to that of having been com-
missioned concert-master of the or-
The Colonial, Erie, Pa., booked by the
United Booking Offices, is the only
house how there playing regular vaude-
ville. The Majestic, last season booked
through the Loew Circuit, has taken
up another policy.
Louis K. Sidney, who has_ managed
the Jamaica Theatre for William Fox
since it opened, has resigned. Sidney,
if he quits the Jamaica post, may go
with one of Fox's other theatrical in-
Charles E. Chapin, managing editor
of the Evening World, who on Monday
afternoon killed his wife, was once in
vaudeville, doing a turn with his wife.
His first newspaper work was with the
Chicago Tribune some 30 years ago.
Frank Gorriuge, for many years a
partner in Daw's Steamship Agency of
Green street, Leicester square, London,
has taken over the business. The new
title of the firm will be Gorringe’s
shipping and American News Agency.
The Owl, Lowell, Mass., under the
management of R. S. Averill, which
opened the season with pictures, has
changed its policy to split week vaude-
ville. The Eastern Amusement Co. will
do the booking.
Carlotta Monterey^ featured several
seasons ago on the road in “The Bird
of Paradise” and then retired, has re-
turned to the stage. She is appearing
in “Mr. Barnum,’’^ playing the role or
the jealous circus rider.
Lester Seger, formerly assistant
treasurer at the Winter Garden, until
he lost a leg in a Brooklyn “L” acci-
dent, is now treasurer of the Bijou, ^
replacing Herman Light „ who is in the
The Treasury Dept, has sent put a
notice warning Liberty Bond holders
against exchanging their bonds for
stocks and bonds of various “wildcat"
corporations, with face value larger,
hut whose actual value is little or noth-
The reports that Octavie Belley who
sings in “Peddlers Three” at the Cort
under the name _ of ,Tavie_ Beige is of
German nationality is denied by Pierre
Mati, the Belgian Consul, vvho states
, he knevv the young woman and her
parents in Belgium.
The San Francisco union matters
with the theatres was settled with the
men agreeing to 56 hours weekly in-
stead of the former 48, while the man-
agers raised wages to $45, with de-
partmental heads securing a propor-
tionate advance.
On one of the midnig^ht roof gardens
the other evening while some come-
dians were on the floor, a man in the
audience called out, “Why-are you not
in uniform?” It caused some commo-
tion and the disturber, together with
a friend, were ejected.
“A Daughter of the Sun," which
Ralph Kettering wrote and which
toured the erstwhile International Cir-
cuit, has been put together for an in-
dependent road tour, eastern bookings
now being made by the western men
sponsoring the show.
Thomas Whalen, n deputy license in-
spector during the Mitchel regime, and
retained in the Commissioner of Li-
censes’ office under Jhe new city ad-
ministration, is looking up the theat-
rical offices around Times square for
the new commissioner.
Another new war song is coming di-
rect from the trenches. It is called
“Chateau Thierry,” by William A. Wil-
ander, Brooklyn, who was with the
U. S. troops when they captured that
point. It’s a typical war song, with
an “on to Berlin” lyrical phrasing.
Mrs. Bert Levy is awaiting passports
prior to sailing for England to be at
the grave of her son, recently killed
while a member of the Royal Flying
Corps. The Privvy Coundllor of the
King of England has written Mr.
(Bert) and Mrs. Levy regarding their
The Princess, San Antonio, playing
vaudevUle for five years past, booked
by the Interstate Circuit, is now play-
ing musical comedy stock with a Wool-
folk company of 32 people engaged for
13 weeks. The Interstate is booking
only its own house. Majestic, at pres-
Harold Williams, who has been^ a
general organizer on the executive -
‘staff of the I. A. T. S. E. for some
months past, has resigned, with no suc-
cessor yet appointed. Williains, prior
to taking up the organizing job was
one of the executives of local 310, N.
Y. M. P. Q. . .
“The Ballet Claasique" people are re-
ported to have been. left in the mid-
dle west Sept. 7 without salary or
transportation, through the manager
departing without notice. The act was
engaged to play fairs- for four weeks
at $700 weekly. He left on the last
day of the fourth week. There were
10 in the act.
At a rsK:.ent meeting of the Flay-
wrigha’s Club the following officers
were elected : Robert Stoddard, presi-
dent; Gustav Blum, director , of the
East-West Player«,_ first vice-presi-
dent; Tadema Bussiere, second vice-
president; Leo Siedman, secretary-
treasurer; Miss E. Feme Hague, re-
cording secretary; Robert L. Beecher,
general press representative.
Mrs. Basil Clarke, known as the
“modern Paul Revere," is now oh the
staff of speakers connected with the
Commission on Training Camp Activi-
ties. The speakers are under the
direction of D. W. Travers, the com-
mission’s publicity head. Mrs'. Clarke
recently returned from Belgium, where
her husband’s property had long ago
been confiscated by the Huns.
"Tell Thai tOLthe Marines” was orig-
inally a war picture slogan used by
James Montgomery Flagg in painting a
poster designed to boom marine re-
cruiting, but it has now reached the
stage, with a production underlined by
Adolf Philipp for the new season .at
the Yorkville. Philipp and Edward
A. Faulton have collaborated upon the
“Marine” show which will be produced
next month.
Frank Whitbeck, manager of Poli’s,
Scranton, Pa., has resigned, having
been appointed a Y. M. C. A. hut sec-
retary going to France. He will be
replaced at Scranton by John Mc-
Carthy of the Plaza, Bridgeport, also
a Poli theatre, while Mr. McCarthy’s
brother, Jstmes, now assistant manager
of Poli’s in Bridgeport, will move over
to take charge of the Plaza. (Alonzo
wanted to bet that that would be mixed
up when it came out in type.)
Bertha Kalich and her company,
through the courtesy of Oliver Moros-
co, wilLgive a full dress rehearsal of
the Charlotte E. Wells-Dorothy Don-
nelly drama, “The Riddle Woman,” on
the stage of the Morosco to-day (Fri-
day). The complete cast includes
Robert Edeson, A. E. Anson, Albert
Bruning, Ann MacDonald, Frances
Carson, Beatrice Allen, Beatrice Miller,
Betty Bouton and Herbert Ransome.
^Next week, this attraction will be pre-
'sented by George Mooser at the
Belasco Theatre, Washington, and on
Oct. 8, the New York engagement will
A former American soldier, Corporal
Bittner, is no longer with the William
Shilling act, "On the Western Front,”
Bittner having twice failed to appear
for performances, once while the act
was playing Baltimore and again when
the turn reached Washington, with
Shilling forced to substitute another
man. Bittner is not an actor, but Shill-
ing in framing the offering engaged
a number of real soldiers.
Vabihtt Will Maintain a Permanent
List of Artists Who Have Gone
Overseas as Members of America’s
Over There Theatre League Units
to Entertain the American Expe-
ditionary Forces In France. Ad-
ditions to the List Will Be Made
After Each Succeeding Unit Sails.
The Name of Teams are Printed
First, Followed by Individuals in
.Alphabetical Order.
Recent Departures Are Indicated by
After Names.
MARIE McFarland
LIDA McMillan*
Samuel Shipman bought two seats
for Monday night’s performance of
“Friendly Enemies,” which he wrote
with Aaron Hoffman, Davef Newman
the ticket broker charging the writer
the regular price of $4 per ticket. New-
man was surprised when Shipman
“kicked in” at the heavy premium and
remarked that Samuel was his idea of a
“real author." Shipman said he could
have obtained two seats from Martin
Herthan, but that he wanted to give
the “boys” a chance, meaning the
“specs.” Sammy’s generosity was su-
perinduced through having been taught
“stud poker” last Saturday night. It
cost his tutors $300 to teach Sammy
the game, he picked it up so fast. Here-
after, says Mr. Shipman, playwrighting
will be his sideline.
Harry Lorch Appointed Stock Supervisor. Far Western
Camps Need Continuous Entertainment. Stocks Will
Remain Three or Four Weeks at Each Stand.
Camp Lewis Charging $1 Top, •
High Canip Scale. Doing
Around $1,400 Nightly.
Plans for the extension of stock com-
panies in the more widely separafed
cantonihents are being made. Three or
four stocks will be added to the num-
ber already playing.
Harry Lorsch (formerly press agent
for the Butterfield (Michigan) circuit,
and recently manager of the Liberty
Theatre, Camp Pike) has been appoint-
ed stock supervisor. He has started on
a tour of the central and western camps
to look over the situation; Mr. Lorsch
will be pergianently located at the New
York office of the Commission on
Training Camp Activities, and will
work in conjunction with George H.
Sergeant. The latter is on the coast
and is handling the stock now running
at Camps Kearney, Fremont, Cody and
Lewis. At the latter cantonment legiti-
mate r>nd vaudeville are being played.
Attractions recently playing Camp
Lewis have enjoyed excellent business,
getting around $1,400 nightly a* $1 top,
the biggest scale of any of the Liberty
The far western camps have sufferejJ
from the difficulty of supplying con-
tinuous attractions, mostly because of
prohibitive railroad jumps. Occasional
shows are obtainable on the way to
and from the coast, but not in a suf-
ficient quantity satisfactory to the
One of the larger booking offices re-
cently offered no less than/ 15 attrac-
tions for one of the camps, but no ac-
tion was taken because of the stock
plans. The present plan calls for al-
ternating the stocks, forming a sort of
circuit, each company remaining three
or four weeks in one camp,
The early part of October has been
set for the T. Roy Barnes-Shubert
Theatrical Company trial, in which the
former is suing the Shuberts for $2,900
damages for breach of contract.
On or about Sept. 12, 1917, Barnes
alleges, through his attorney, Nathan
Burkan, he entered into contract with
the producing firm, whereby he was to
assume the leading comedian role in
"Oh Justine I” The contract stipulated
Barnes was to get $SS0 weekly for the
first 12 weeks and $600 a week there-
after during the show’s run. Another
clause guaranteed the plaintiff that he
would be kept working IS consecutive
Barnes alleges that the letter of the
contract was not entirely, lived up to
and estimates the damages caused him
to the extent of $2,900.
! - - ■
Chicago, Sept. 18.
The scalping situation in Chicago is
about on a par with the political
situation in Russia.
When the city legislated the separa-
tion of the theatres and the scalpers,,
some of the former, with a view to
holding their important hotel trade,
raised prices to enable them to pay
the brokers a commission on sales.
Something has gone wrong with the
hotel trade. The scalpers are said to
be selling one-third as many tickets
as they sold at this time last year, and
business growing worse all the time.
This in spite of the fact that Chicago
now has 12 attractions of high aver-
^^age quality as against eight for this
time last year.
One of the most active scalpers in
town, who last season sold an average
of 20 tickets each for Saturday nights
for standard attractions, did not sell
a single ticket last Saturday for one
of the most popular attractions in
Chicago. •
“The Unknown _ Purple,” which
opened at the Lyric, Saturday night
last, was heavily “bought" by the tic-
ket agencies, who loked on the show
as sure to get over.
Roland West has taken the house on
a rental basis, extending for six weeks.
At the end of the period, if the show
is deemed a success, a somewhat dif-
ferent rental arrangement is called for.
This limits the Shuberts' interest in
the percentage, it being stipulated the
house share shall not exceed a fixed
Lewiston, Me., Sept. 18.
Jeff Callan, yery popular here, re-
turns to the city as manager of the
Music Hall, for the United Theatre Co.,
a corporation holding important men
in its directorate and with several the-
atrical interests. George I. Appleby is
to have charge of the concern’s local
The music hall will play vaudeville
and probably pictures. -Mr. Callan’s
popularity and experience caused his
recall. He was in charge of the same
house years ago when the Keith people
operated it. Lately Mr. Callan has been
a Keith manager in New York City.
"Man With Club Foot,” Spy Drama.
London, Sept. 18.
Grossmith & Laurillard will shortly
put into rehearsal “The Man With a
Club Foot,” a spy drama by Valentine
Williams, who, before the war, was the
Daily Mail correspondent in Berlin
and is now a lieutenant in the Irish
The leads will be played by Arthur
Bourchier and Alice Crawford, the lat-
ter the author’s wife.
“Purple Mask” Transferred..
London, Sept. 18.
“The Purple Mask” was transferred
from the Lyric to Prince’s, Monday
night, making way for Doris Keane’s
production of “Roxana,” which opens
tonight, after a successful trial at East-
Gladys Cooper’s Holiday Over.
London, Sept. 18.
Gladys Cooper has resumed her role
in “The Naughy Wife" at the Play-
house after a holiday. •
“Maytime” is to be allotted still an-
other house, according to plans early
this week, which called for it changing
places with “One of Us.’’
The Jack Lait comedy is due to go
into the Broadhurst and “Maytime,”
nearing the end of its run (but still
netting a profit) is to enter the Bijou.
If the change is made it will have
been the seventh Broadway iTiovement
for “Maytime.’*' i
Max Spiegel entering further into
the legitimate field is making his first
production. This is a new musical play
aimed for ^ but to be first sent on the
road. It will carry but one scene. This
is of rather costly nature, of satin
hangings, P. Dodd Ackerman having
designed the “set” especially with the
, road purposes in mind. The entire
production can be carried in three or
four 12-foot‘ crates and half a dozen :
trunks and in a pinch can be easily
checked if a baggage car is not avail-
Last season_^Mr. Spiegel purchased .
“Furs and Frills,’! sent out on tour with
Richard Carle, the piece coming in with
a loss. This season the attraction has
been making money. The first week
out netted a profit of $2,600. Carle is
still with the show.
“OH, YES.”
The title for the new'Prindess mus-
ical play, writen by the trio, Bolton,
Kern and Wodehouse, is “Ob, Yes.”
Eliott, Comstock & Gest vvant to re-
tain the first word of their last two
Princess successes, “Oh, Boy’’ and “Oh,
Lady, Lady.”
The new play which has Joseph
Santley heading the cast, is due to' open
Sept. 30. This breaks the firm’s usual .
procedure of keeping the other Prin-
'cess plays out on the road four or five
weeks before bringing them to Broad-
Philadelphia, Sept. 18.
The legitimate houses offered a
rather poor assortment of attractions
for the Yom Kippur season with only
one new opening. This was the com-
edy, “Not With My Money,” at the
Broad with Lucile W'atson and William
Morris featured. It carries the atmo-
mosphere of a “Get Rich Quick Wal-
lingford,” but does not contain the snap
and vigor of the George M. Cohan
piece. It has been well put together
and with the exception of a draggy
first act is rather pleasing entertain-
ment. The piece is by Edward Clark,
who found his inspiration in a story
called “Face Value,’’ by Edgar S.
Franklin. - It was received with warm
admiration by a small audience Mon-
day night. The prospects for a stay of
any length are not bright, though there
is no announcement of anything to
Charlotte Walker in “Nancy Lee” re-
mains at the Garrick where the piece
is drawing fair business and winning
praise, particularly through the indi-
vidual work of the star.
The rather sudden withdrawal -of
“The Girl Behind The Gun” left the
Forrest without a regular attraction
booked, and “Hearts of the World,”
which has had two long runs at the
Garrick, was brought' in to keep the
house open. “The Girl Behind The
Gun” was booked for three weeks, but
did not draw up to expectations. The
picture had a big house Monday night
for a repeater. “Gloriana” is ,an-
noibijjGed for Sept. 23.
“Cnu Chin Chow” is still getting all
the big muney in the Shubert houses.
The production is now in its third
week and playing around $25,000. It
is, here three weeks mor?. “Leave It
To Jane” is drawing only fair business
.at the Chestnut Street Opera House.
“Business Before Pleasure” is drawing
good business at the Lyric in its third
week, and “The Blue Pearl” is still at
the Adelphi, where it is attracting only
mild attention, ‘
Business at the Casino and Troca-
dero playing burlesque continues to
hold up to the big returns enjoyed
since the opening of the season.
“Stop That Man” Started.
The Shuberts have started rehearsals
on the new farce written by George
V.- Hobart. The title of the piece is
“Stop That Man.”
The play is to feature Edwin Nicander
and in the cast als.o is Consuelo Bailey.
Because of the large amount of its
own work that the Actors’ Equity As«
sociation has on its hands, it has been
decided to vest the executive power of
“Our Wounded Actors’ Fund” in a dis-
tinct organization. The Council of the
A. E. A., through Mr. Gillmore, the
executive secretary, will further the
grovvth of the fund. It is expected the
“Our Wounded Actors’ Fund” will^odn
rent its own offices. An executive
committee has been elected. Daniel
Frohman, president of the Actors’
Fund of America, will represent that
organization on the committee. Fanny
Cannon has also agreed to act as rep-
resentative for the Stage Women's
War Relief.
Thus far, three $1,000 contributions
have been received from George Arliss,
the chairman and founder of the “Our
Wounded Actors’ Fund,” and two other
actors who choose to remain anony-
mous. Smaller amounts are daily
coming in. It is hoped that the fund
will be in real working order by next
week. Tuesday at a meeting* of the
A. E. A. it was decided all members,
male and female, doing war work, en-
tailing financial sacrifice, shall be ex-
empt from paying dues. % Members
serving on committee or relief organi-
zations such as -the Y. M. -C. A., Red
Cross,' Knights of Columbus and kind-
red societies, will be put on the free
list or have his dues refunded, on ap-
Washington, D. C.,'Sept. 18.
“Information Please,” Jane Cowl's
new play, is, one of the most entertain-
ing seerTin a longtime. It should have
a most successful run in New York.
The reception accorded the star and
the piece Monday night was enthusi-
Proving herself a delightful come-
dienne, Miss Cowl has gotten away en-
tirely from the line with which she has
become identified and her handling of
“Lady Betty Desmond” wjll win the
approval of the matinee girls as well
as their more critical elders. The story
has to do with a young matron, who
believes that to carry on a flirtation
with a Callow youth, even so far as a
trip to Europe with him, will arouse a
little demonstration of affection from
her husband.
The play is filled with delightfully
clever and witty lines and Miss Cowl »
portrait of an erratic, petulant and_ ex-
tremely fascinating young wife is a
study in joyousness and irresistible
feminine inconsistency.
The company is excellent. Henry
Stephensen as^the object of the young
wife’s flirtatioTr who is just as willing
to take the trip to Europe as he is to
act the art of' peacemaker between
husband and wife, gave Mjss Cowl a
close run for first honors in the role
of the amiable British roue. Orme
Caldara, although a little “shaky” as
yet as the husband will, no doubt, give
a regular performance when he be-
comes thoroughly familiar. As a
drunken reporter, Malcolm Duncan
contributed a fine piece of character
acting that received its full share of
the approval. Smaller roles nre par-
ticularly well played by Alan Brooks,
of vaudeville, Blanche Yurka, Robert
Bendal, 'Viola Compton and Helen
The play is a Selwyn & Co. pro-
Arden and Gillingwater in Cast.
Edwin Arden and Claude Gilling-
water have been engaged by Smith &
Golden for their forthcoming produc-
tion of “Three "Wise Men,” opening
New York next month. The cast is
not yet complete.
It will be the fourth production _ of
this firm now playing, the others being
two companies of “Turn to the Right”
on the road and their current success,
“Lightnin”’ at the Gaiety.
New Season Starts with Deluge of New Pieces, But the
“Unexpected Happens’’ and Quartette of Playhouses
Are Closed — ^“Cut Rate” Booths Have
Long List of Shows.
A quartet of Broadway houses are
due for darkness although they were
tenanted with shows at the start of
the new season.
The Plymouth is dark, “A Very Good
Young ManV having suddenly with-
drawn last Saturday. The Longacre
is also without an attraction, awaiting
a decision regarding “Nothing But
“Crops and Croppers” will stop at
the Belmont Saturday due to the ill-
ness of B. Iden Payne, who was oper-
ated on at the Flushing Hospital the
night of the premiere and who was
resting badly Wednesday. There were
a number of alterations to be made by
Mr. Payne and while the show was
considered a good comedy, it is “cold”
through the director’s illness. His
season will go on at the Belmont how-
ever, upon recovery.
“Jonathan Makes A Wish” will bow
out of the Princess, the stopping time
being Saturday. The house will re-
main dark until the Santley show- ar-
rives (“Oh, Yes”). There are a num-
ber of attractions tottering and will
be replaced as quickly as successors
are ready. “Mr. Barnum” is due to
stop at the Criterion, its short season
drawing surprise because of Tom
Wise’s appearance in it.
Eighteen attractions are listed in the
cut rates, four, however, only sending
balcony seats there. After 7.30 nightly
seats for some of the bigger attrac-
tions are obtainable in quantity, most
of that class of tickets being dumped
in by ticket brokers w*ho are left with
an unsold “buy.”
“Three Faces East” has jumped up
as one of the season’s big things and
is now beating “Lightnin’” and run-
ning second only to “Friendly ^Ene-
The list of attractions in cut rates
is : “She Walked in Her Sleep,” “For-
ever After," “The Woman on the In-
dex,” “Sinbad.” "Penrod,” “Where Pop-
pies Bloom,” “Over There," “Maytime,”
“One of Us," “Someone in the House,”
“Mr. Barnum,” “Jonathan Makes a
Wish,” “Watch Your Neighbor,”
“Crops and Croppers,” and “Some
Balcony seats are available for “The
Walk-Offs-,” “Under Orders” and “An-
other Man’s Shoes.”
Col. Lillian Russell, U. S. M. C, and
her daughter, Dorothy, are expected in
New York this week to continue their
recruiting work. Miss Russell working
for the Marines, and Dorothy for the
Col. Russell starts her vaudeville
tour Oct. 14 at Keith’s, Washington.
■Ed. Wynn is replacing Herbert Cor-
thell in Arthur- Hammerstein’s “Some-
time.” Wynn is under contract with
the Shuberts, but the play planned for
was considered undesirable and as the
cemedian was under a play or pay con-
. tract the arrangement was readily
Other changes in the., cast of '“Some-
time” have been made, including the
entry of Dorothy Bigelow, a society
girl, who takes the place of Audrey
Maple, while Harrison Brockbank has
replaced George Rosener.
“Sometime” is aimed to go into the
Astor Sept. 30, but the date is not set
as the piece may play another,, short
out-of-town engagement.
If the Hammerstein show goes into
the Astor, “Keep Her Smiling” will be
moved to another Shubert house, the
Drew comedy continuing to play to ,
good 'business.
^ Chicago, Sept. 18.
Show business 'took an abrupt and
decided tumble this week. Wit'a a
number of New York’s sure-fire hits
of last season in town, the theatre-
going public did not flock boxoffice-
ward. The reason for this was the
United States War Exposition, the
premier attraction for all • classes of
theatre fans. Over a million people
attended the war show in the two
weeks it played Chicago, and there was •
a corresponding laxity of attendance
Fred Stone in “Jack o’Lantern’’ tops .
all the shows in town. The receipts
at the Colonial for the first ten per-
formances exceeded $33,000. While
there was a drop from this figure dur-
ing the past week, business was re-
ported good.
There were probably only four shows
during the past week which made any
money. These are the Stone piece,
the Grant Mitchell “Tailor Made Man”
play at Cohan’s Grand, “Oh, Look” with
Harry Fox and the Dollys at the La
Salle and Ins^ Clajre in “Polly with a
Past” at the Powers.
Alexandra Carlisle in “The Country
Cousin,” quit Saturday night. Miss
Carlisle was given most flattering no-
tices, and the play appeared to receive
unanimous approbation, but neither
star nor play could withstand the clam-
my hoodoo attached to the house. The
Blackstone will be dark until the ar-
rival in the near fututre of “Tilly, the
Mennonite^ Maid,” in which Patricia
Collinge will be featured.
“Twin Beds” will succeed “Turn to
the Right” at the Olympic next week,
it will stay for a while, and will be
succeeded in two or three weeks by
the No. 2 “Three Faces East.”
Chicago will have to come through
with $250,000,000 on the Fourth Liberty
Loan, and the drive is shaping up al-
ready. Managers are inclined to be
pessimistic, therefore, concerning the
business outlook for the immediate
The night stand people are also
growling about business, not only from
the box office point of view, but from
the ever increasing cost of help, talent,
paper and transportation.
The new draft will undoubtedly cut
deeply into the ranks of all folks en-
gaged in show business. This has a
further tendency to eneburage a slump.
San Francisco, Sept. 18.
“Twin Beds” (Columbia) opened to
good business.
“Why Marry”. (Cort) holding up
nicely. x'
“Hearts of the World” (Alcazar) pic-
ture, drawing fair.
The Hippodrome is playing to ca-
It seems settled that William Collier
will leave the> new Weber & Anderson
production," “Nothing But Lies,” at the
end of this week. The comedy is play-
ing one-ijight stands, closing at Stam-
ford, Conn., tomorrow (Saturday). To-
day (Friday) it is in Plainfield, N. J.
The show opened at Washington a ■
couple of weeks ago and. played Atlan-
tic City last week, securing very favor-
able mention.
While at the seashore, according
to the managerial side, Mr. Collier
commenced to tinker with the manu-
script, especially his own role. The
author, Aaron Hoffman, notified Web-
er & Anderson he would not permit
any change in the play, Mr. Hoffman
charged that Mr. Collier was “rewrit-
ing the show” to promote himself at
the expense of the remainder of the
L. Lawrence Weber> George M. An-
derson and Mr. Hoffman went to At-
lantic City toward the end of last week.
They remonstrated with Collier, who,
refused to play his role, as written,-
claiming he could improve it for his
style, This resulted in a tilt between
the four men with the understanding
following that Collier is to leave the
piece this week. ,
The show was billed to open at the
Longacre Monday. Another attrac-
tion was being sought this week, with
the possibility that H. H. Frazee’s new
Norah B^yes show, booked for Atlantic
City next week, might be switched to
the Longacre to open Monday.
Meanwhile “Nothing But Lies” will
be brought in and Collier replaced,' that
company going out again after neces-
sary rehearsals.
Weber & Anderson claim to have
Collier under contract to reappear in
his former success, “Nothing But -the
Truth” for this season. They say they
may decide to enforce the agreement
and order Collier to take his former
role in the “Truth” show on the road.
A new eight weeks’ “buy” for
“Friendly Enemies” was taken by the
brokers, beginning Monday. This
. takes in the entire lower floor and
several balcony rows, the tota} number
of seats handled nightly being over
700. There has been a new AA row
added at the Hudson, but is complained
of as being too close to the footlights.
Coupled with the “Enemies” buy is
a further handling by the “specs” of
"Under Orders” at the Eltinge, also a
Wbods show, tickets from the Hudson
being provisional to a purchase of
tickets for the two-people play. The
latter is not the large success hoped
for, but'hclped by the agencies is turn-
ing a good profit. There was do pre-
mium asked for “Enemies,” because
of the deal including “Under Orders.”
Frank Bacon, co-author and star of
“Ligbtnin”’ at the Gaiety, has com-
pleted a new play in collaborationf^ith
Freeman Tilden. The play is called
“Five O’clock,” and is founded on a
story written by Mr. Tilden four years
ago, which appeared in the “Srnart Set”
under the title of “The Detective.”
Smith & Golden contemplate produc-
ing the piece early in November.
Los Angeles, Sept. 18,
Conditions here theatrically almost
hopeless, with none of the show shoi)S
making any boasts of what monies
werb- being taken in at the local box
The Mason and Majestic are dark
as far as legits are concerned, pictures
doing only expense business when
“Up in the Air” (Mason) after drop-
ping a couple of tbdnsaml on its week
here has gone into the one-night
stands, where advance reports indi-
cate it will fare better.
Camp Upton, Sept. 18.
While the successful soldier show,
“Yip, Yip, Yaphank,” by Sergeant Irv-
ing Berlin, has ended its amazingly
successful engagement in New York,
it is understood the Federal auth-
orities took a close-up inspection
of the manner in which blocks of
tickets fell into the hands of specu-
lators and that the men who profit-
eered in the soldier show pasteboards
have not heard the last of their much
censured action.
Officials of Camp Upton aver that
even when Major-General Bell criti-
cised the speculative aspect of the out-
side ticket sales the specs went right
ahead and on the switch of the show
to the Lexington where it remained
for two weeks, after opening at the
Century, the profiteering in the seats
was continued without any regard ’
of the good will of the camp, the
services the boys were volunteering or
the purpose to which the funds of the
show were to be used.
District Attorney Swann also gath-
ered evidence last week, when numer-
ous complaints reached his office as to
the specs’ activities. Swann called sev-
eral of the speculators before him.
Some confessed they had charged and
secured as high as $4 and $S a ticket
for the “Yip” show.
W. J. Fallon, in a signed statement
from the Tyson Company, printed in
the “Globe,” denied his concern had
anything to do with “Yip Yip” specu-
lating. He advocated a thorough in-
ve.stigation of the theatre ticket busi-
ness and recommends a law against
exorbitant prices, and ag-ees with the
idea of limiting brokers to a strict
SO-cent advance over the box office
prices. '
E. Lyall Sweete, the English stage
director, who put on “Chit Chin Chow”
for Elliott, Comstock & Gest, has
written a propaganda play, said t6 be
alPng heroic lines and calling for the
appearance of 200 persons.
Mr. Sweete has been acting in
Adolph Klauber’s “Help With a High
Hand,” but recently withdrew to stage
the propaganda piece which is to be
done in conjunction with the Shuberts.
The play called “Freedom” is rehears-
ing at the Century and may succeed
“Sinbad” there.
Chicago, Sept. 18.
Much success has attended the re-
gime of colored stock at Louis Wein-
berg’s Avenue Theatre, formerly vau-
The shows have been put on by the
Lafayette Players. They have offered
dozens of standard attractions, includ-
ing “Madame X,”' “The Eternal Mag-
dalene,” and “The Third Degree.”
The house has played capacity every
week of the half year the new policy
has been in effect.
So succe.ssful has the policy been
that Weinberg has announced that in
all probability there will be no vaude-
ville at the Avenue this season.
.Tudgments fllo.d In the County Clerk’s office.
The first name is that of the Judgment debtor,
the second the judgment creditor, and the
amount of Judgment.
Sterling IMetures Corp.— K. Koscnbmim, Jr.,
Mirror Films, Inc. — Nat. Dlst. ' Tcl. Co.,
(ieorgo V. Hobart— II. W. White, $5,'!0.(10.
. \
Illodor PioturCH Corp. — A. Strong, Agent,
i-e,, $1,I.'!8.24 (Jan. 2,'>/18),
(loorgo V. Hobart— Joseph Stewart, Inc.,
,$.'!07.0.') (April 1/18).
.Motion I’ieture News, Inc, vs. George W.
Mary Carter ..Frances Underwood
Sonia Orloll Fania Marlnoft
Carolyn Rutherford Robert Arnold
Peter Orandtn Charles A. Stevenson
Bobuylcr Rutherford William Roselle
Judge Charles Brent Perclval T, Moore
Mrs. Alicia Elliott..; Janet Travers
Kathleen Rutherford Carroll McComas
Murray Van Alien Fred L. Tlden
Robert Shirley Winston Edmond Lowe
George Washington White. Emmett Shackleford •
Ah Poo Elmer Ballard
"The W’alk-Offe,” presented by Oliver Mo-
rosco at the Morosco Theatre Tuesday night. Is
the latest play of the Hattons — Frederic and
Fanny. Like most Hatton products it is start-
ling, clever and unconventional. But while
billed as a comedy, it takes on the dimensions
more than once of Just Plain farce, and is
played In this vein by some of the members
of the cast, while others stick to the tradi-
tions of light comedy.
To tell the main plot is like unravelling
snarled threads, there is so much that Could
be told, so much that is intertwined. To a
set of frivolous, shallow, fast-living "walk-
ofts” (a term explained by a negro servant In
the piece as persons without brains) Comes
Robert Shirley Winston, of Tennessee, to visit
his cousin, Mary Carter, a sculptress. Ho has
been reading on the train the unsavory details
of the divorce of Carolyn Rutherford from
Schuyler Rutherford, in .whicli the name of
Schuyler’s slstCr, Kathleen, is more or less
Involved as one living the same sort of life
as the rest of her friends. Expressing him-
self to his cousin in no mild terms regarding
those people he Is overheard by Kathleen who
In a rage determines to punish him. This she
proceeds to do by becoming Mary Ford, a
typist, and winning his devotion for all time.
Then she flounts him with what she has done.
But, reckoning vvithout her host, she has In
the meantime fallen in love with him. So
when the man of her own set, to whom she
is engaged, proves easily susceptible to the
advances of an artist's model and the South-
erner suddenly turns cave man and breaks
her spirit, she is willing that the tables be
turned. In the meantime the divorced couple
have become engaged again, and another see-
sawing pair have settled things satisfactorily.
The cast on the whole Is excellent, and they
all have something to do. Edmond Lowe, as
the Southerner, Is forceful and virile, if a bit
priggish withal. But that is the fault of the
part. The scene In which he forces Kathleen
to forswear cigarettes, champagne and cards,
and even declare her yellow gown to bo red
because he says It is. Is rather far-fetched.
Carroll McComas Is charming as Kathleen
and acts admirably, despite some strange lit-
tle mannerisms and gestures with her arms,
faintly reminiscent of musical comedy. Fania
Martnoff docs splendid work, as a little Rus-
sian model. She is spry and chlo, and has
mastered an adorable -accent. It Is a pity
ber part does not mean more. Frances Under-
wood and Charles A.- Stevenson are another
pair of lovers. Roberta Arnold, as the di-
vorced wife, sots the nerves of the audience
on edge with a piercing nasal voice and plays
her part according to the standards of the
most roaring farce-comedy. William Roselle
plays fier drunken husband. Janet Travers Is
a vampirlsh and disagreeable co-respondent,
while Perclval T. Moore plays a flirtatious
The dialog Is always sparkling, frequently
startling. Several of the beat laughs could
scarcely have been Intended. And as a factor
to the success of the production should be
mentioned the two very pretty sets, notably
tbo one In the last act, showing a root garden
over a studio.
"The Walk-Offs’’ Is diverting enough to
enjoy a respectable run.
Robert Lambrlssac Donald Brian
Pierre Breval Jack Hazzard
Georgette Breval Ada Meade
Colonel Servan Prank Doane
Lucienne Lambrlssac Wllda Bennett
Harper Wentworth Bert Gardner
Eileen Moore Eva Francis
Brichoux John E. Young
Zellle Virginia O’Brien
Edna ....1 [Florence Delmar
Polllo . . . ( American Girls J • • EI»‘ne Palmer
Margie ..[ ]....CIssle Sewell
Carrie ...J I June White
Klaw & Erlanger offer for metropolitan
Judgment this week what they announce aa
a "now musical comedy” by Guy Boltou
and P. 0. Wodebouse, music by Ivan
Caryll, the dialog directed by Edgar Mac-
Gregor, ensembles by Julian Mitchell. If
the authors make any claim for originality
of plot or will deny the story wasn’t adapted
from 'one — or more — of the numerous sala-
cious French farces of the past decade they
ha. a a nerve that should stand them In good
stead when collecting the royalty.
Mmo. Breval, whoso husband Is In the
army {the Iqcalo is France), adopts a pollu
godson by correspondence. She Is an actress.
The pollu’a friend In the trenches is a
playwright, anxious to have her read one of
his pieces, and persuades the pollu to let
himself ho Impersonated on leave. About the
time the playwright calls Mme. Breval dif
covers her husband la having an affair with
another woman, and she determines to get
,evcn by flirting with her godson. As they
aro kissing, enter madam’s uncle, an old
major. Just from Algeria, who mistakes the
playwright for madam’s husband and Insists on
visual evidence of domestic felicity. Madam Is
visited by a school companion, who has mar-
ried. She tells of having met a charming
major on the train, who had paid her much
attention. Needless to add she is the wife m
the playwright. Madam must, perforce, dis-
own her husband and the playwright must
Ignore bis wife. In the original this must
have gtv^n full scope for Innumerable risque
It will be perceived the story Is built
around two married couples, pertnittlng no
opportunity for any romance, as has been
the case In big musical successes. ,
With this {atal handicap the American
authors failed to create anything original In
the blatter of humorous dialog, the dialog In-
cluding such ‘'released” Jokes as *T don't
know you — you've nothing on me; I don’t
know you either,” "what was your first bat-
tle? It wasn’t a battle. It was a little argu-
ment about a hat,” "Have you ^ot a wife?—
The Jury Is still out,” and so on plentifully
sprinkled with "devil,” “hell" and "damn."
Then there is a musical director who apes
the eccentricities of the passe Creatore and
who turns to the audience fOr approval of
his methods, detracting from the stage pic-
There are also several unhappy . selections
for the personnel. Donald Brian is woefully
miscast. He has a role for which, he is
totally unfitted, that of the playwright. It
gives him small scope for bis dancing, the
thing for which he depends mainly for suc-
cess and on which he built his reputation.
Ada Meade as Mme. Breval is ponderous,
with little or no singing voice and devoid of
histrionic talent. Wllda Bennett as the wife
of the playwright, sings well and dances
fairly, but Is cold and non-magnetlc. 1^0
hit Is Jack Hazzard as the husband of Mme.
Breval. He has a travesty philosophical song
In the second act, “Women Haven’t Any Mercy
on a Man,” the only number receiving any
hearty applause.
The chorus Is not much in evidence, em-
ployed principally for opening numbers and
finales. They are pretty, beautifully cos-
tumed and well drilled. In Julian Mitchell’s
best style. A back,4rop used In the first two
of* the three acts. Is painted In the effect of
tapestry and the production on the whole is In
good taste, but the general effect was such
that Tuesday night a number of .people left
after the second act while others straggled out
all through the last Interval.
Donald Brian’s name and, the general repu-
tation of the Amsterdam for presenting big
shows there may serve to keep "The Girl Be-
hind the Gun” In New York for a limited en-
gagement. The piece, however, cannot be set
' down as a success. jiojo.
Lady Chlltcrn Beatrice Beckley
Mrs. Marchmont Elizabeth Delmel
Lady Basildon Merle' Maddem
Vlcomte Be Nanjac George Hayes
Lady Jane Barford Dorothy Clay
The Earl of Caversham Cyril Harcourt
Mr. Montford S. V. Phillips
Mabel Chlltern Gretchen Yates
Lady Markby .Alice Augnrde Butler
Mrs. Cheveley Constance Collier
Count Strellc Vincent Sartorl
Sir Robert Cbiltem Norman Trevor
Lord Goring Julian L’Estrange
Phipps Henry Crocker
Mason Alfred Helton
UndImmed through the years shine ' i
epigrams of Oscar Wilde. At the Comedy
Monday a fine company gave an admirable
performance of "An Ideal Husband,” the third
of Wilde’s possibly three best plays to be
given a revival during the past few years.
Times have changed so ■ during the past
generation that few plays of more than a few
years back can be found which do not seem
old-faebloned and even tedious. The plays
of Wilde suffer as little as any in this re-
spect, possibly because they really belong' to
no particular era. Always studiously arti-
ficial, so many startlingly clever and amus-
ing characters as he brings together were
probably seldom at any time found In the
same drawing-room.
The aftion of the piece under consideration
is never rapid, and the plot not aa absorbing
as say "Lady Windermere’s Fan,” but It Is
sufficiently Interesting, and taken In con-
junction with the splendid lines makes a
comedy of a type far too rare In these days.
It has been modernized by the substitution of
the word “car” for "carriage,” as Oscai
Wilde never even heard of an automobile—
a rather unnecessary detail, as carriages are
still far from obsolete In London. Taken all
In all, the play Is as virile and vivid and
“smart” now as when first produced.
The story deals with Mrs. Cheveley, a brll-
lant and unscrupulous woman, who seeks to
blackmail Sir Robert Chlltern into advo-
cating a certain swindling scheme before
Parliament. This she proceeds to do by
threatening to make public a certain com-
promising letter written by him years be-
fore. She very nearly succeeds when- Lord
(loring, a friend of Sir Robert’e, discovers
In her possession a Jeweled bracelet which
she had stolen from a relative of his years
ago. Fearing exposure and arrest Mrs. Cheve-
ley surrenders the letter, and happiness is
restored to the Chlltern home..
It must be a Joy to the actor to get such
parts, when even the butlers gets laughs.
And yet It Is not fair to call them actor-
proof, for they aro of a texture so peculiar
as to be ruined In the hands of any but fin-
ished artists. And It Is a company of finished
artists Indeed which John D. Williams has
provided for his revival.
As Mrs. Cheveley Constance Collier gives a
remarkable performance. Suave, insinuating,
clever and cruel, she Is the embodiment of
oi® aho typifies, Norman Trevor as
Sir Robert also docs splendid work. He Is
a compelling and dominant figure from start
until the final curtain. Beatrice Beckley, the
antithesis of Miss Coliter, is convincing as
Sir Robert’s high-principled and anvotldly
wife, while Julian L’Estrange Is dtiually good
as Lord Goring. Others who -should be men-'
tioned are' Gretchen Yates, a fascinating in-
genue with wdnderful red hair ; Alice Augarde
Butler as a talkative doi^ager, and Cyril
Harcourt as the father of Lord Oorlng (Julian
The performance went along fairfy
smoothly, although several of the company
did not seem quite sure of -their lines, and
some amusement 'was caused when Gretchon
Vates said, "Why, Gertrude, how pale you
are,” and Miss Beckley walked cm With her
make-up obviously freshened and very ifliik.
"An Ideal Husband” should prove welcome
in the list of the season’s successes.
Those In Prison :
First Convict (Hawkins) Number 1137
Second Convict Number 140S
Characters In the Episode as related by
Convict Number 113t — as they appear:
Hawkins, a thief ...Convict 1137
Jewel, wife Helen MaoKellar
Ruth, Jewel’s sister Lorraine Frost
Bonnie, friend of Jewel’s. ......Marion. Kerby
Peter Marchmont, Jewel’s husband,
Richard Behnett
James Dawson, Marctamont’s friend,
Earle Brown
Phelan, from headquarters E. L. Duane
Characters in the play:'
Bobby Dawson..' Arthur Le Vlen
Ruth Cbarleton Lorraine Frost
Richard Bradbury Edward Van Sloan
James Dawson ' .Earle Brown
George Allison Frank McCormick
Bonnie Allison Marlon Kerby.
Mrs. James Dawson vHelen MacKell&r
Johnson, butler. .. Herbert Ashton
The Stranger... V. Cromport,
Burton, Allison’s head man Curtis. Benton
“The Unknown Purple,”' presented at the
Lyric last Saturday night. Is a very good play
and it is not.. That depends altogether upon
the angle from which you base your judg-
ment. It is palpably theatric but, nevertheless,
absorbingly interesting and full of suspense
for the layman.
. If one were asked to conjure the method
'employed in assembling "The UhknoWn- Pur-
ple" he could readily Imagine jthe authors
patterning their situations after well known
stage successes, past and present. Messrs..
Roland West and Carlyle Moore have un-
■ doubtedly read or seen a great many plays. In-
cluding "The Vendetta,” "The Silver King,”
"Monte Crlsto,” "Arsene- Lupin,” "Rairiee,"
"On Trial,” “Peter Grimm,” etc. The afore-
mentioned plays Were kll successes, so If they
have fashioned "The Unknown Purple” along
the lines of former hits they have done 'wisely.
As playwrighters they have fared far better
than as playwrlters — in other words, tbeii^
construction far surpasses their dialog. Their
play will not go down into history as a speci-
men of erudition.
It Is a crook melodrama with flashbacks.
A motion picture director with any sense of
Imagination could make of It a mobt effective
film feature. It opens with a drop In "one,”
showing the exterior of prison cells, Two
prisoners are behind the bars in adjoining
cells. One Is a cokney Englishman who has
no faith In women. The other, a more super-
ior individual, says there Is one — his Wife —
who is struggling for an ekistenoe for herself
and their child, and who is waiting for him
to complete bis term. Cockney reads from' a
newspaper a society event and rails at the
married couple who are giving It. He proceeds
to relate the history of the pair, saying ths
man is a crook who hired, him to pull off a Job
and double-crosed him, two years previoualy.
The drop Is raised and the episode Is visual-
ized. It is the event in the other man’s life
which caused bis incarceration. He had beeh
Jobbed by his own '•wife and the other man and
not suspecting the real motive he had stood
for the crime and gone to prison to protect
his wife. The drop is again lowbred and the
cockney Is concluding bis narration.
"What would you do If that was ybur wife?”
the second convict asks the cockney. On re-
ceiving a reply to the effect that if it took
1,000. years he would wreak dire vengeance,
the other says: ’’That’s Just what 1 am going
to do.”
The second act shows the culprits in their
luxurious home, seven years later. There Is
talk omjfji wealthy business acquaintance of
the huennnd and you know It is none other
than the released prisoner bent on vengeance
— a modern Monte Crlsto. The victim is an
inventor and has perfected a formula that
will render one invisible. The guilty couple
are systematically robbed and the man’s
business ruined by an unknown Implacable
enemy. The modem Monte . Crlsto even para-
phrases the speech of Snyddy Carton In "The
Only Way” ("A Tale of TWO Cities”), when
he tells the false wife’s sister he Is present on
"a far greater business than I have ever
known before.” He has written the man he
will call . that evening to steal the wife’s
necklace, a la ’’Arsene Lupin.” By render-
ing himself invisible the safe Is opened and
valuables extracted, while a detective Is on
The'thlrd act visualizes what occurred up-
stairs during the latter part of act 2, In which
the husband, while invisible, ' talks to the man
who ruined him, poisons his mind against the
woman now his wife, the wife entersp-ts being
choked by her guilty accomplice, , the hero
make's himself visible, reveals his identity. Is
cornered by the detective, again renders him-
self tnvlslble, escapes and takes with him his
son and the sister of his faithless wife, who
had devoted her life to bringing up his child.
That admirable actor, Richard Bennett, con-
tributes in no small measure to whatever auc-
oess the play may dnj(^. He 'makes of the
theattlc Ubro a feythpatbettc indWldKial. Helen
MacKellar Is exCelleht as the faithless wife
and Earle Brown as the Tlllaln acquits himself
At the concueidta hf the pfoldg there was
promise of a great play to dome, but, instead
of being cumulative. It seemed to peter out.
It will be no half-way success — the public
will either takoito It en masse or not at all.
Baldasarre ...William Courtenay
Tonio Bert Clairk
Beppo. Carl Gantvoort
Carlo. .....Jackson Hines
Andrea. .'. M, La Frade
Pietro .'Victor LeRoy
General Malcaa Wiliam Danforth
Crumpet A1 Roberts
Lieutenant Ruglnl ...John Steel
Mayor of Santo ; ....William Reid
Zacchl Louis Le Vis
Teresa Sldonle Espere
Vittorio Miriam Boyle
Angela Evelyn Egerton
Glanette Gertrude Hamilton
Marla Mina Davis
Marietta. .Marguerite May
Beppirla Eva Newton
Peplta Patricia Prewon
Time was turned back a generation or more
when “The Maid of the MounMas” was pre-
sented at the Casino, Sept. 11. The book Is
by Frederick Lonsdale, With Ijrrlos by Harry
Graham and music by Harold Fraser-Slmson.
The program -goes on to state that there are
additional lyrics by Clifford Harris and Val-
entine, and additohal numbers by James W.
Tate and Lieutenant Qltz Rice. "The Maid
of the Mountains” Is an old-fashioned Eng-
lish comic opera, strongly reminiscent of Gil-
bert and Sullivan, with Injections from later
English pieces. But it lacks the originality
of these older works and the sprlgh-.llnesa
and delicacy of some of the newer ones.
The first scene, reminding Wne of "The Pi-
rates of Penzance,” Is laid In a robbers’ fast-
ness. Here Is Teresa, the maid of the moun-
tains, loved by Baldasarre, the leadeh, and
adorqd by all his followers. She- subsequently
goes awhy and is captured and is taken to the
capital city of the Island, where Baldasarre
goes, Impersonating the new governor, to res-
cue her.
The masquerade Is followed along the old
comic opera lines, with the usual . situations
and coihpllcatlons.
The daughter of the present governor falls
in love with Baldasarre and the poor Maid
Is for a time forgotten. But the Jealous Te-
resa exposes ber fickle lover and in the last
act they are, of course, united. The second
scene Is laid In the governor’s palace and the
third oil an Island. All three scenes are vivid
and cheerful, and In keeping wth the »Ta in
which the piece should have been written.
. In William Courtenay there is a songless
Baldasarre, although surrounded by melody.
It seems to he the fashion for dramatic stars
to invade the musical stage this season, li re-
spective of voice or previous experience, but
Mr. Courtenay has not added to his laurels In
the present venture. In this old-fashioned
part he Is hone too dashing, while he has done
far more difficult thugs In his own field much
better. Sldonle Espero, the picturesque Te-
resa, gings delightfully and makes a romantic
and alluring picture. She is one of the new
light opera prima donnas of the season. Will-
iam Danforth and Bert Clark arq really funny
in the comedy parts, while Carl Gantvoort
adds to the performance with his fine singing.
As the governor’s daughter Evelyn Egerton Is
, very winsome, while Miriam Doyle proves
herself an admirable comedienne. The music
Is lilting and often beautiful, but there is
nothing that dlands out as being of unusual
The success of this piece Is problematical.
It is healthy and sane, and It makes the war
seem very far away, yet. In spite of our
eternal harking back to other days, it is a
question if we have not become Just a bit too
sophisticated hot to find that "The ."dald of
the Mountains” Is Inclined to drag a hit. and
seem a little long.
Mr. . Barnum..... Thomas A. Wise
Nat Morley. Richard Gordon
Kid Bailey......' Clyde North
Daddy Price ...Harold De Becker
Con Lonergan Jay Wilson
Props Leavitt James
Luclen Forterre Gaston Glass
Mr. Gerrone Albert Sackett
Ilbnry Scranton (General Tomb Thumb),
Herbert Rico
Cody Francis La -Mont
Aristide Letelller Albert Sackett
Sheriff, L, Melton Clodagh
Alonzo Carter Luray Butler
Colonel Mnurel. ; <..., 'William Seymour
Buckldr Genln Luray Butler
Bill Collector L. M, Olodagh
George Washington Gibson. . .Charles Jackson
Cirffy, a negro slave George Ford
Ticket-sellers. .. .John Pratt and- J. N. Gaunt
Jeanne Letelller; Phoebe Easter
Adelina Bonfanti Carlotta Monterey
Zuleika Ethel Cadman
Emma Morgana Adeline Mitchell
Lavlnla Warren Queenie Mab
Jenhy Lind Prances Nielson
If the Incidents In "Mr. Barnum,” a comedy
of circus life, written by Harrison Rhodes
and Thomas A. Wise, presented by Charles
Dillingham at the Criterion, nre historically
correct, the entertainment Is merely a visual
biography of the life of tbo late Fhlneas Tay-
lor Barnum, creator ot ‘‘The Orea^st
on Earth.*’ There Is hardly eDough plot in It
tor a 20-mlnute vaudeville sketch.
As entertainment It Is a rare treM to old-
time show folks and those In thp allied the-
atrical trades. Average theatregoers of , the
preseqt generation know little of P. T. Barnum
and hts clever schemes (qr humbugging the
public. He still lives in theatrical history
and only In that way. The “Barnum” trade-
mark attached to circus entertainment hasn’t
the magic financial potency it enjoyed a gen-
eration ago.
For that reason, employing the late circus
impresario as the central character ot a series
of incidents In his life for stage purposes Is
not 'strong enough to attract paying patnopafiO
— at least not in New York.
Thomas A. Wise is oast for the titular role
and a better type could'^not possibly have
been selected. Those of us who pcrsmmlly
knew the great showman will appreciate the
fidelity of the 'Interpretation. The only criti-
cism gn that score is that the original spoke
slower and with more of a drawl.
According- to the play ini which he is belns
presented, James A. Bailey operated a shell-
game wl^ the tent show when Barnum made
his acquaintance! ''which latgr developed inip
a' life partnership.
In the various' incidents Barnunn is given
'Credit fpr having created "pink lemonade,”
"the wild man of Borneo,” “Oeneral Tom
Thumb” and a' number of bis other famqus
attractions merely by accident, the result ot
sudden inspirations. According to the ijlay
when Jenny Lind arrived in ^erlca to ap-
pear under hie management, Barnum was in-
volved in a land deal In Bridgeport and was
“stone broke.*' He gave "the Swedish night-
ingale” a worthless check for her guarantee,
whereupon she handed* it back and arranged
lo play the tour on a partnership agreemqhh
There is shown his practical adoption of p
young New Orleans girl who ran away from
her drunken father to Join his circus, which
culminated In her marriage to bis secretary
whom he looked upon as a son. No mention
is made of the circus man’s wife.
Types galore are shown, such as an old
clown, boss canvasman, midgets, the skeleton
man, the fat woman, female circus ' rider,
snake charmer, etc, They are ail adequately
portrayed, but the plot Is so flimsy it falls
to hold interest;
“Mr. Barnum” po fqr as New Yprk Is con-
cerned, is destined for absolute failure, with
the probability of a similar fate If sent on\
tour. iTolo.
Annie Irene Daley
Janie tyimpole Eleanor Fox
Margot Marhrook Louise Cook
Peter Weetgn Ben Johnson
Allison Marhrook Eileen Huban
Ray Parcher .' Thomas Mltcb'ell
Stetson J. M. Troughton
Jean Georges Flateau
Mrs. Bradley MadoHnp Valentihe
Dr. Truesdale Vernon Kelso
Stephen Marhrook Henry Stanford
Mrs. Spenper. Helen 'Wescley
Mrs. Pray Maud Siaclalir
Pete Cobh. ....Charles Kennedy
If you are earnestly desirous of doing war
work and have a definite idea ot what you
want to do, before starting, acquird some
practical knowledge of your undertaking,
otherwise your efforts will be unavailing and
will end disastrously. This is the lesspn con-
veyed from the amusing little comedy by.
Theresa Helburn, presented by the Iden Faynu
company, pt the Belmont, Sept. 12.
“Crops and Croppers” la really an Idyllio
' farce on society farmerettes, who are strong
on purpose but short on practice. This Ip
what the ultra-fashionable heroine of the play
was up against when she look up farming to
help win the war and found, as the old Con-
necticut homesteader put IL “farming was
standing on the brink of o’ bell and throw-
ing checks into the hole.”
The plot is light. One Is always under the
Impression the girls are out for a lark and
are treating the whole thing as a novel ex-
periment in which there Is “lots of fun,”
rather than seriously and this Impresion re-
mains until the last act, when they really get
down to business.
Having renounced society, Allison Marhrook
(Eileen Huban) buys a farm, tor about three
times what it Is really worth. Having the
property, she, promptly proceeds to misman-
age It. Financial ruin descends upon her
and she rents the house and goes to live In
one of the cottages. Her love story parallels
her war work. In the first act, which, In-
cidentally, is slow, she is writing letters to
seven young soldiers, one for each day of the
week, at the same time being formally en-
gaged to one of them. By the last act ehe is
sincerely in love with a French officer, who
has been sent over here to recuperate from
wounds and' is working as a farm band on the
place. Eileen Huban played the heroine with
a natural grace, while Georges Flateua re-
vealed a gift ot robust comedy which was re-
freshing. Ben Johnson was quietly effective
as a mater-of-fact uncle and "near guardian.”
Louis Cook, sister to the tarmerette-ln-
chlef, was exceedingly clever as a breezy and
, likeable young thing, but totaly ■ irresponsi-
ble, Her witty remarks were accountable for
many laughs. The rest of the company per-
formed creditably. The three scenes were
simple, but effective, and Miss Helburn’s play
is smart enough in dialog to survive for at
least a time.
John Hardy .....Forrest 'Winant
Robert .Chas. Welsh-Homer
Mrs. Hardy .Ca/nilla Grume
Marjorie Grace Edmond
Daisy Anna Fredericks
Bobby Harry Lambert
Joe .Louis Simoa
Dorothy Wayne .Roma June
Madden...........'..* Thos. H, Walsh
Joe Scanlon ;...... James C. Marlowe
Henry Spiflens Chao. W. Meyers
f Chas. Ball
Gonstableq { J, W. Willingham
' [...Charles Fulton
NslshkoVs-^EIalne Landau, Llndley Lenton,
Jea'npe Dare, Virginia Roche, Dolly Alwln,
Helen Halpren, Edna ' Richmond, Laura
. Lyle, Billy 'Vernon,' Catherine Hurst,
Blaqche Terrell. >
The main thing lacking to t^h complete
success of ‘'Some Night” is a more experienced
producer. Of Harry Delf, who wrote the.
story, words and music, one might say: "The
kid is clever.” Taken in bapd by a good
pray-dbetop a great deal more could have been
gotten out of the production. It starts /off
with snap and giqger and finishes cleverly,
but nee^s k lot of girding of loins in between,
revlsipn ot the plot, recasting of several of
the principals and 'so on.' The show la the
Initial production made by Joseph Klaw.
A jrouog girl coines to a man’s home in
the belief he ia a private detective, aud bands
him $51,000 in bonds to bide for her, as she.
la followed by the police. She is, a few
momenta later, and the sleutha' demand the
wealth. Botjt refualng, the man and the
girl are locked Iq the room until they “come
through.” This scene is laid in the man’s
houge where reside his mother, sister, etc.,
aud although they are only kept prisoner for
one hour in the afternoon the Incandescents
are switched off and they light a candle and
are supposed to fall asleep on chairs under
stress of such a situation, where the girl be-
lieves sbe Is In- the den of white slavers. As
the young man Is an artiht — a painter — why
not have made the scene hls studio where his
family visited him and . have the detective
lock the pair up oyer qlght? How very
much iuore romantic and giving scope lor
comedy and just a little spice. The first act
finishes with an anti-climax;^ also the fault
. gf lusdsfi’^hte difuotloa and quite obvious to
most people.
The second act resumes where the first left
off, with the couple lockbd la the room.
Through one ot the doors locked by the de-
tective comes a half-witted, dbaf and dumb
gardener of the place. How he opened the
locked door Is not revealed.'
This gardetteTi by the way, admirably
played by Louis Simon, should be rewritten
to give him lines to speak and make of bim
only a shrewd chap who pretends to be deaf
and dumb in the presence ot the detectives.
Ijt’s gevgr quite funny to watch the antics of
a human h^ius bereft ot any of his senses.
Simon got a lot out of the part through most
elfeoUve pantomiming.
The outstaudlhg hit Is the chorus— a bunch
of 11 han4Bome' girls who sing, dance and play
musical instruments with a spirit and dash
that earned for them innumerable encores.
Forrest Winant as the leading man, sang
well, but was a trifle stiff and “unyielding.”
Roma June, the leading woman, was the weak-
est member of the organization. Sbe con-
stantly permitted her scenes to drop and was
wholly unsympathetic and out ot the picture.
Anna Fredericks and Harry Lambert, Juvenile
and ingenue, pleased very much with their
singing and dancing . specialties.
The lyrics are clever, the music pleasing
but unoriginal and the plot, suitably revised,
more than adequate for a musical comedy. It
kept on the road a tew weeks longer until
"fixed up” it would have been a certain suc-
cess. In its present form the result is doubt-
ful. Jolo.
Dick Lionel A twill
Miss Fodmore.; Ethel Wilson
Mrs. Wolfe Lucia Moore
Anne Carol Lloyd
Hughes, •• Paul Porter
Dora (Mrs. Graven) ;... Elsie .Mackay
■ Dr. Worrall George Backus
Slade (alias Grouse) Richard Taber
Mr. Wolfe Aubrey Beattie
Dawson Erville Alderson
Mllgs Cyril Raymond
Mrs. Milson ...Gllda Leary
Frederick McKay has been reaching for
something in the legitimate production field
for some tiiqe, and at last he has been re-
warded with a play that should make a fair
hid for favor, although “Another Man’s
Shoes” Isn’t a piece tbat will break any rec-
ords at the 39th Street theatre. The play
showed out of town for one night last spring,
came back to New York, thep went to Wash-
ington for a week.
“Another Man’s Shoes” is a comedy drama
of the mystery type, succeeding without sensa-
tionalism in keeping an audience puzzled un-
til the last minute. It is founded on a story
entitled "(Iraven,’’ written by Laura Hlnkley,
which appeared in the Saturday Evening Post
In the issue of March 10, 1012. At that period
the peculiar affection known as aphasia was
popularly supposed to be uncommon, that be-
cause the dailies dug up many a talc on such
cases. But Miss Hinkley went them one bet-
ter by writing a story keyed on what is known
as double aphasia, which, as the physician in
the play explains. Is “dlsassoclatioii ot per-
sonality” or an “alternating complete am--
nesin.” Mabel Perris collaborated with Miss
Hlnkley in fashioning “Craven” into a play.
It opens with Dick Craven in bed, where bo
bad been for six weeks recovering from a
railroad accident. He regains consoiousness
soon after the curtain arises and makes it
known he is in a strange place. Hts 'Wife is
either a dream' or some pretty creature about
whom he has no definite knowledge. He In-
sists that ho is Dick Trent and his home town,
Glenco, Nebraska, where be worked on the
“Herald.” He tells the doctor this, but when
the medico asks him questions about hts early
life, Dick fails to remember details and es-
pecially figures. He cannot recall be is part-
ner in a business In New York In any way.
Dick Is sure that they picked up the. wrong
man In the wreck and attempts to leave his
Dick has explained that the last he remem-
bered was taking one Enid White, to a dance
in OlencQ aii'd tbat he was sort of keen on
Enid. In the second act he Is strange to hls
wife, Dora, with whom he is deeply in love.
Rather than hurt her by continuing to im-
personate Craven, be would rather depart.,,But
the doctor, who cannot understand the case,
tells Dick that Dora is to become a mother
and that be should take qg chances by leav-r
ing aitd thus shockiag her, Dick’ has a pe-
culiar 'sort of sneeze, which Is recognized by
an electrician wbo comes to fix the hells. The
man demandg hush mongy, saiing that Dick Is
Trent, '
Craven told the doctor that In Glencg ha had
won the enmity of the town toughs through
exposures In the “Herald.” He had asked the
physician to write to Olencg to certaip people,
but the letters came back and It' also de-
velops that Trent is unknown there. Thus In
the final act, .when the bebg has come, hot
alone does the audience know whether Dick Is
Craven' or Trent, but he doesn’t know himself.
But it comes but, when Enid appears, through
a letter that bad followed her. Sbe relates to
Dick, the doctor and lb? others that after the
dance, Dick Trent ' had been struck bn the
head by a stone by the toughs 'hear the rail-
road. The men bad piled bim into a freight
train. He later recovered in a Chicago hos-
pital and had apparency gone east,* having
taken the name of Craven. The recent rail-
road accident had deprived him of part of hls
memory. When he asks why bo was not
known in QIcneo and why he was net Trent,
she further explains that the roughs had
struck blin twelve years ago. Dick swoons,
but as be recovers calls for Dbra. lyhich
makes everything alright and apparently
leaves him as Craven after all.
Lionel At^lll Bs Craven gives a very care-
ful and effective charaoterlzatlon. This is
Mr. Atwlll’s third year th this country, bo
drawing attention to his playing In “The
Lodger.^’ Elsie Mackay, pretty 'and quietly
clever, furnishes a likeable Dora. Miss Mac-
'-kay Is an Australian girl. She appeared as a
lead In the Beerbbbm-Tree season at the Am-
sterdam a season or so ago and last year was
the feminine lead In the 'western compcny of
“The Gypsy Trail.” George Backus made a
clever doctor, Lucia Moore truly played an
Irritating mlddle-dged lady, while the other
roles were well taken care of.
The play Is tastefully produced and its stag-
ing shows the skilful hand of William H.
Gilmore. Ibee.
“■Why Not Me— A Woman” is theplay
of the Third Avenue Stock Coraijany
under the direction of Martin J. Dixon
at the Third Avenue Theatre this iveek,
at 10-20-30. For the scale much -can
not be looked for and much is not re-
ceived; including the play itself, written
by the business manager of the house,
Stephen Champlin.
Mr. Dixon had the Third Avenue
some years ago and has it again. The
house has tried everything but car-
bolic. Mr. Dixon has an idea for the
stock run or walk. He wants to give
budding authors a chance and will
produce new plays. That’s a good
scheme to save royalty. Besides what
do they know on Third Avenue of
Broadway. It’s even money that there
are as many people east of Third ave-
nue who have never been west of it
as those who have. And the city gave
Third avenue an awful slam this week
when the J traffic authorities decreed
only trucks could use that street. Who-
ever that traffic guy was he knew
Third avenue almost as well as he does
Riverside drive.
All the props of the old styled meller
are in the "Woman” play. It’s about
equal rights, or wrongs. If the man
can do it and get away clean why
should the woman be daubed scarlet
for the rest of her sinful life. The
dialog keeps harping on it. After
awhile you vote for equal suffrage in
every thing and declare, if elected, in
the hope the play will end, but it keeps
on, right on to the finish, through a
drawing room scene, where they say,
"I’ll lay for you,” "I’ll get you” and a
number of other inelegant expressions
that are not inelegant, however, on
Third avenue.
The show Is chatter and business.
take your choice. The leading lady
mi^t be Margarite Fields— her name
is in the heaviest type, but if they ever
hold a voting contest on it, the chances
are it will be an even break. Margaret
Pitt is the villainess, Eveta Knduesen
has a small role this week that helps
some. Bernard McOuarrie is the hus-
band of the sinning wife, and next
week, "In Old Kentucky,” which Mr.
Dixon says will be the first time in
stock in New York that “Old Ken-
tucky” will be played.
How Broadway can keep away from
the Third avenue stock company is a
mystery. Perhaps it doesp’t know qI
it. But what better way to ruin an
Atlantic jCity, Sept. 18.
“Gloriana,”,at the Apollo last Friday
night is certainly charming. As back-
grounds to achieve this result the new
John Gort production offered scenery
by Joseph -Urban that was bold in its
severe outlines and expansive blues;
costumes attractive in^the lightest fab-
rics; music by Rudolf Friml, as' whis-
tleable as any he has written ; girls who
were pretty and a cast ably support-
ing attractive Eleanor Painter.
^ “Gloriana" as a play is not yet per**
feet, but the long expectation which
made an intended Monday opening oc-
cur on Friday night proved that prep
aration did its best for the public wlu
packed the Apollo. The first act is in
need of much swifter action, but the
second and third fully sustain the
promisep of the enterprise.
Wit and humorous pleasantries about
commonplace things have a large place
. in the book of Catherine Chistiolni
Cushing. The audience laughed and
laughed again in spontaneous enjoy-
ment of the brightness. Specialties
are numerous throughout the perform-
ance, though it must be admitted they
do not fit quite as smoothly into the
combination of story ajid song as in
“Fiddlers Three,” which the same man-
.agement recently offered here.
Amongf the special events are Gilbert
Wells and Balfour Lloyd as 'two por-
ters. Their cleverly agile dances
pleased as much as did the “dance of
the servants” or "Chianti,” another trio
number. '
The chorus was not noted for voices,
but for good looks, the charming
gowns they wore and the pleasant
steps they tpok. The music has a few
especially attractive numbers of the
usual style of Mr. Friml’s compositions.
“I Love You Dear” proved the most at-
tractive. "Why Don’t You Speak for
Yourself, John?” was not only pretty,
but well staged in imitation of the
famous Puritan saying. Somehow Mr.
Friml’s music did not occupy as promi-
nent a place in the importance of the .
evening’s success as it might have.
Besides Miss Painter as widow were
Dorothy South as the real wife; Jose-
phine Whitall as a costumer with
fetching gowns; Ursula Ellsworth as ■
a withered squeaking aunt; Helen
Marqua in the pose of a daughter with
ancient costumes; Curtis Karpe as an
Italian grocer; Joseph Lectora in the
hero role of naval attache; Ralph
Whitehead, the husband returned from
the army in France; Alexander Clark,
a woman hating solicitor ; find James
Dunn, a clever butler. Jessica Brown
danced and sang under the title of
"Jessica.” The cast made up in voices '
for any deficiencies of the chor^us.
“Gloriana” was announced for a New
York opening, Sept. 23, but owing to
the inability of John Cort finding a
desirable theatre for it by that date,
it will play two weeks in Philadelphia
before reaching Broadway.
“‘Gloriana” is in Washington this
week. It was reported that the show
in which Klaw & Erlanger are inter-
ested with Mr. Cort may play at the
Amsterdam or Liberty, when reaching
New York.
"Moonshine” (2).
Dramatic. ^ 'f
17 Mins.; Full Stage (Special Set),
It surprised some to notice that the
title of Edmund Hayes' new playlet
was billed over his name, especially so
since Hayes is reported to have bought
the sketch from Arthur Hopkins, the
quoted price being $5,000. “Moonshine"
is the main billing, Mr. Hayes being
"with” it, assisted by one other player,
Richard Hutchins, and Mr. Hopkins is
credited with presenting it. Those who
■ expected to see the long familiar come-
dian of “A Wise Guy” and "The Piano
Movers” in a new laugh vehicle of low
comedy lines were even more surprised.
"Moonshine” is an extreme opposite.
A playlet first presented at a Lambs’
Gambol, attracting attention at the
time, it is an episode in the life of a
mountain moonshiner, a type of Ken-
tucky citizen that is a feuefist, one who
is brought up to distill illicit whiskey
and kill others of his kind, not be-
■cause the^ had wronged him, but just
because his father was ^ feudist and
his father’s father before him. The
moonshiner, Luke by name, enters
pushing ahead of him a man who is
suspected to be a revenue agent and
who has been roughed by the “boys”
who caught him hanging around the
stills. The old man calls him “Mr.
Revenue” and tells him that he is to be
killed, merely because he is a revenue
agent. ()ne of that kind named Jim
Dunn had already put four of the boys
behind the bars. The revenue man
tells Luke that he has heard about him
and his killing of 12 of the Crosbys.
Luke says that is a lie. He had, only
killed six. Then there were no more
Crosbys, The revenue man tells Luke
he is glad he is to be killed, for he had
been trying to commit suicide for a
long time, only he didn’t have the
nerve. His speeches of what might
come after death and the urging upon
the old moonshiner to at last snuff him
out, works on the imagination of Luke,
who at the finish not only refuses to
kill “Mr. Revenue,” but insists that
his erstwhile prisoner give a hearty
laugh, and lends him his horse to ride
to town. Before leaving the revenue
man writes his name on the only piece
of paper in the shack, and when Luke
finally spells it out, he discovers that
the man who wanted to'be killed, but
whom he chased away was none other
than Jim Dunn, whom the boys “want-
ed” so much. In other words the clev-
er revenue agent had used psychology
upon the crude mind of Luke and won
out. “Moonshine” is interesting, which
about lets it out. Possessed of a punch
it might be lifted to heights. More
than the story is the characterization
of Luke by Mr. Hayes, who does a fine
portrayal. He entered into the spirit
of the role so earnestly that he grev^
a beard to make the moonshiner nat-
ural, and he certainly looks the part.
The lighting can be improved on, for
the act is played in a far too bright
light for the interior of a mountain
shack. Ihee.
Lalitte Ward Davit.
"The American Girl.”
16 Mint.; Two.
Hipp, San Francisco.
Lalitte Ward Davis, a young girl of
pleasing personality, has a timely pa-
triotic novelty. Opening before a vel-
vet drop and a “prop” book about
seven feet high. The book represents
the history of the U. S. as per the title
on the cover. The turn consists of ex-
cerpts quoted from the Declaration of
Independence and speeches of Presi-
dents Madison, Lincoln and Wilson.
Each period from the Pilgrims to the
present is appropriately costumed with
the changes being made quickly
through stepping behind the book. For
each speech, the portrait of the orig-
inal speaker, president of that period,
is revealed in the book. Her lines are
spoken clearly and effectively.
Ed. Aveling.
“The Cheerful Pessimist” (Monolog).
17 Mins.; One.
Fifth Ave.
Ed “Chappie” Aveling, of Aveling
and Lloyd. When a rich girl from the
west coast led A1 Lloyd down the
church aisle to the wedlock melody, A1
left Ed flat upon the theatrical high-
ways. So Ed. looked about him, won-
dering whether a “single” would suit
him and then picked a very live one
in the person of Aaron Hoffman to
write a monolog. Ed. very probably
advised Hoffman along the lines deem-
ed suitable, for the style of using in-
itials in mentioning things and per-
sons— mostly the latter— is retained.
That is the only similarity to the pat-
ter when Aveling worked double and
the material itself is all new, bright
and laughingly funny. The only other
feature retained is Ed’s soft southern
accent. He enters to a raggy tune and
lighted "segar,” doing a bit of “shim-
my” until the orchestra is through.
There is a reason, for he immediately
■ launches into comment ,on the kind
of a life a dancing fellow leads, who
has a valet dress him in the morning,
sends for his “dirty Stutz,” grabs some
air in the park, dines with a pretty girl,
who bothers him while eating by hold-
ing his hand, goes to a show and then
more dancing with pretty girls and
finally home at three or four, only to
wake up and do the same thing next
day. How anyone could lead such a
“horrible” life, Ed can’t figure, he hav-
ing been brought up by the highest
judges. But they all have the same
bum finish — go off and get married.
Personally Ed thought he had bad luck
with women, for he was able to pick
up more tramps than the Salvation
Army. Everyone he gets seems to be
a W. S. (window stopper), who ex- '
claims, “Oh look at the diamonds!,’
“Look at the shoes I” “See that fellow
toss the flannel cakes!” One of his
girls had the B. H. (birthday habit)
and he looked her over and finally
bought her a nice set of teeth. But he
met a B. P. (big policeman), a kind of
a gal you can hear coming and shows
a lot for your money. He had recently,
however, met a real sweet, patriotic,
nice, quiet and thirsty, a regular B. C.
(booze camel), who drank enough last
night to see her through the first two
years of prohibition. She looked good
to him, Ed. said, after he had about
60 highballs. He finished with a
rhymed affair called “The Kaiser of
Hell,” getting quite oratorical near the
finish and letting his cigar go out'. This
seemed a bit out of tune with his other
matter, but it does very nicely and
went over with a bang at the Fifth
Ave. There can be no question about
the worth of Aveling’s monolog nor
his value as a single. He is “in” easily
and has the best monolog of several
seasons. Maybe his Draft Board will
allow him to air it for a spell. Ihee,
Oil Sketching.
13 Mins.; Full Stage (Studio).
Tozart enters on a dark stage,
dressed in semi-tramp attire. He finds
himself in a studio and remarks he was
in his better days a painter. He paints
in oils, as the lights go up, on can-
vasses. Tozart talks With a slight Irish
brogue. He also talks too much, for
the conversation ladled out has no.
point. A recitation is mixed in with it.
For a finish Tozart mentions his great
picture, “Solitude,” and says he will
again paint it, rapidly sketching a win-
ter landscape under the spot light. It
secures some applause. For an en-
core, there is a deft manipulation of
the paint brush, and when the touches
are completed, the former landscapes
spells out “God Speed Pershing to Vic-
tory.” It’s a big applause finish for an
interesting bit. If Tozart can brighten
and lighten up the earlier part of his
turn, the finish will carry him over
almost anywhere. He should run the
act in about 10 minutes. Mme.
DeWolf Girls.
“Clothes, Clothes, Clothes” (Songs
and Dances).
15 Mins.; One (Special Drop), and Full
Stage (Special Set).
Fifth Avenue.
A “clothes” turn, as the title tells,
and “clothes” for a vaudeville act is
fai* from new. Nor do these acts that
bear down so heavily upon the dress-
ing, where girls only are concerned,
seem to consider that in vaudeville
among the audiences are generally an
equal portion of men, if they do not
more often predominate. Men have
no high interest in “clothes.” If the
girls look nice, that’s enough. So in
this sort of an act the principals may
lose half the audience unless their ma-
terial is strong enough to stand off
the dressing. That is seldom so.
Where the mounting is prodigious
there is generally a deficiency else-
where. Many an act has tried to brave
it through on the “production end.”
This seems so with the DeWolf Girls,
formerly known as Capitola and Geor-
gette. They ' sing and dance, wear
clothes, making a couple of the
changes before the audience as inter-
esting as the gowns themselves may
be attractive. The act is really a
clothes cycle. The girls go from “one”
before a special woodland drop where
they they are costumed as Red Riding
Hoods to display the changes in wo-
men’s dress up to the present day..
They do the latter in a curtained par-
lor scene, which contains a “maid”
or so, one of the maids having a couple
of lines all by herself in a phone con-
versation. That was a big moment.
But_she got through it, not forgetting
’to take the receiver off the hook and
leave it off. Then one of the girls
came waltzing on, sinoring someone
wanted her on the phoae. After she
had sung that around the apron, she
went over to answer the call. So
everyone knew it wasn’t any more im-
portant, the call or the song, than the
lyric and business made of it. There
is a “clothes” refrain that runs through
the act, ending up individual bits, even
when ■ in evening gowns, the girls
danced to the “Humoresque” after .
singing another song, when they also
changed their hair-dressing to obtain
a further “society” effect. The act has
been made very dressy and the pro-
duction is expensive, although the
opening in “one” together with the
drop were superfluous. The girls could
start the act in the full set. It’s a bit
too much detail in these days of trans-
portation and economy. Included
among the costuming is a riding habit
and a Quaker costume, also a boudoir
outfit of flimsy material. The turn
will have to have a showing before a
big time house for a better line. At
the Fifth Avenue there didn’t seem to
be enough backbone to the material to
back up the setting and dressing.
Delano and Pike.
Juggling, Dances and Acrobatic.
10 Mii^^.; Three.
Two men in neat surnmer attire are
Delano and Pike. They open like other
acrobats without saying anything, but
start a good double dance, followed by
some juggling and a dance by the tall-
er man while continuing juggling the
clubs. They close with clever acrobatic
tricks that earned round after round
of applause. The turn is pleasing arid
should do an opening or closing spot in
the better house.
Jos. Dunn and Co. (1)
Wire Walking.
8 Mins., Three.
Joe Dunn assisted by a girl have as
neat a wire walking act as could be
wanted for a spot on the big or small
time. He goes through the routine
with a snap and works' as easily on
the wire as if on the ground. The
girl goes through a light routine at the
opening and adds to the appearance.
Doris Dare.
Songs. '
14 Mins.; One.
Fifth Avenue.
Doris Dane in a “single turn” seems
^ have especially written material.
The striking part of the songs is that
while the melodies seem reminiscent
more or less (other than those melodies
interpolated), they are very melodious.
This aids the singer and Miss Dare
aids^herself, immeasurably. She has a
good voice, decided personality, of the
appealing sort, can certainly put over
a number, is a pretty brunet, and quick-
ly reaches the house after appearing.
Her first number has a descriptive
opening of the usual sort, that she is
there to do her best, which the billing
foretold, and .then goes into a -popular
numbered medley that sounds specially
written.- “Take the First Man That
Comes Along” is a comedy lyric of
good points and very well handled by
Miss Dare for the laughs that she re-
ceived. The “Victrola” song is an idea
that could be better worked out a bit
in study, to give a record imitation
in part, and there is a comedy in this.
‘The Older We Grow” is the weak sis-
ter of the turn, unless the Fifth Avenue
crowd failed to grasp it in toto. It also
calls for a mature makeup of mien and
hair that could not be called wholly
becoming to a young girl, although
Miss Dare effected the change in ex-
pression so well she seemed a different
person -when reappearing with the grey
at the sides of her templex. The final
number, a “phone” song, written to
the melody of “Casey Jones,” with a
patriotic kick for its finish, hit the
house hard, almost holding up the per-
formance, although it was not cer-
tain it was the song alone that did it.
The house liked Miss Dare, even much
more so- than some of her songs, but
the combination is a good one and suit-
able for the No. 4 spot on the big
time, the position given the girl at the
Fifth Avenue the first half. Miss Dare
must have had previous stage expe-
rience in singing songs. She could not
put them over as she does otherwise,
and it is probable she was known for-
merly as Dorothy Meuther. With a
slight change in routine and some ad-
vice secured to cover up the slight
waits now required for her attractive
changes of costume, Doris Dare will
become a standard big time single turn.
“That’s a Bet.”
19 Mins.; Three (Special Set).
Two wome.n and a man working in
a back room of a cafe set have a pass-
-able turn for the better small-time
houses. The act is about a bet between
a man and a woman to show that all
women haye hearts regardless of their
position in life. It’s a case of double-
crossing one after another with the
woman finally winning the money. The
turn is too long, causing it to drag in
.spots; but the work of the three in
the cast is fair. When cut down and
running smoothly it may make the
smaller big-time houses.
Regal, and Moore.
Talk and Acrobatics.
IZ.Mins'.; One.
Fifth Avenue.
Very much like the former turn of
Regal and Bender with the two cork-
ing acrobatic tricks on the ropes at
the finish sending the turnover with
a srnash. It opens with the two men
singing about the different varieties
of vaudeville, they doing nothing
with this end until reaching the acro-
batic portion where they are at home.
One sings rather well for an acrobat
and both talk in a rather nice way,
also considering. Their finish for the
first section is weak but draws enough
to allow them to return for their real
act, which is the encore of tHose two
tricks. That will carry them across
anywhere. B\me,
"Pretty Baby” (19).
Musical Tabloid.
43 Mins.; Full Stage and One.
“Pretty Baby” is what is known as a
musical tabloid. It appears to have
been produced for the smaller vaude-
ville houses and will- be successful
there if judged by the manner the
Fifth Avenue audience took to it last
Thursday matinee (its opening show at
that house). There are four princi-
pals, two women and two men, and a-
chorus of 14 girls. Several of the
choristers look real young 'and a few
of those are pretty. There is a straight
man who does well enough as such,
but the dependence of the turn is in
a juvenile, a comedian, who has no
material of his own to work wi^, nor
has he acquired an individuality or in-
dividual style. At the opening as a
butler and always wearing his hat,
even in a parlor^ his Style for the most
part, in dressing and action recalls
Victor Moore, barring a Frank Tinney
bit of speech. Later he is the leader
of a bit in “one” during a change in
the sets when the old burlesque piece
of business . of the “pocketbook” and
“$300” was given, to the huge amuse-
ment of the audience. No especial
blame should attach to the “Pretty
Baby” company for digging up this
old song, since “The Follies” two sea-
sons ago found it convenient for use
in that $2 show. There’s no “book”
other than the frayed thread of the
flirtatious husband who tells his wife
there is another fellow of the same
name, and so on. Neither is there any
special music. Popular songs are used,
sung fairly well for a ta4> and ivith an
accompanying chorus movement, of the
usual sort. 'The chorus at the opening
remains on for the first three num-
bers in the same costumes. Later they
are behind a ballad singer and move
about as the leader sings the first
verse. That's not the accepted form
■ in burlesque. Besides there’s an im-
mense flag as a drop and a big red
fire finish, with the second part run-
ning through limply. The house
brought the principals out for a cou-
ple of bows. It’s not a big time tab,
although there’s no telling whether the
big time won’t, take it, for it runs 45
minutes, about. That’s quite a while,
if the salary is right, and the big time
may consider time and salary before
it does class, quality or merit. “Pretty
Baby” is the kind of a tab that you
might expect to see, knowing it came
in from out of town and was hot pro-
duced for a New York showing. The
only expense of production is for the
costumes and scenery. The costuming
runs like the rest, fair, but the en-
semble of 19 people in all (perhaps one
the carpenter) makes a good solid
crowd upon the stage. <Sime.
Canfield and Cohen.
Songs and Patter.
16 Mins.; One.
American Roof.
Two men. One handles Jewish
comedy, with sputtering, confusion of
the King’s English and continual show-
ing of resentment of “straight’s” re-
marks. The “straight” is some talker
and changes his chatter constantly,
with everything running to slang and
some new rings given to the joshes he
slaps at his partner. Everything they
say is distinctly heard, with the Amer-
ican crowd enjoying the turn. Men
also sing well, but rely mostly on their
verbal exchange. Act can’t miss in the
pop houses, Mark.
Lillian Teece.
15 Mins.; One.
23rd Street.
Looking neat in an evening gown,
Lillian Teece used four songs Tuesday
night, all ballads, and received., good
returns. She has a pleasing singing
voice, looks well in her gowns, and
that’s about all needed, as her work
is that of an ordinary early spot wom-
an single. The ballads are of the best,
put over nicely and should keep her
going in the three-a-day houses.
Mile, Marguerite and Gill.
Songs and Dances.
14 Mins.; 'One and Full Stage (Special
Fifth Ave.
This couple have been apoearing in
the west for some months, although the
appearance of their costumes denotes
newness. . Marguerite appears alono^r
the first half of the turn, she coming
from the curtained centre of the front
drop for a single, a number something
about her “Dangerous Eyes,” and us-
ing-^ French accent which she main-
tains throughout. She goes through
the curtain, which discloses a dressing
table for a costume change, although
the actual changing is not visible. The
second number is a Spanish dance. A
third change has her starting a num-
ber, then chattering with Gill, who is
in the orchestra leader’s place. Gill
takes to the stage and they go into
full stage for a waltz, neat but usual.
A sort of military fox-trot follows and
then for a finish in “one” they walk
across the stage, Marguerite in wed-
ding dress, The reason for the last bit
isn't clear, unless to show the girl's
costume. The dressing, which is the
“long” feature of the act, is very neat,
Marguerite flashing several tasteful
rigs. They can stand something in the
way of material, however, and until
then cannot make the bigger houses.
Ibee. •
Sherlock Sisters and Jimmie Foley.
Songs: and Dances. .
16 Mins.; Two.
Fifth Avenue.
The Sherlock Sisters are likely doing
in thus turn what they very recently
did when with Jimmie Casson. Now
they have Jimmie Foley, formerly of
Foley and O’Neil. The sisters need
someone else beside themselves. They
appear to realize that, so it remains
up to Mr. Foley, who does extremely
well. Ke sings and dances, as do the
girls, but he does it much the better,
of course. They have one trio number
about lumps of sugar, finishing with a
“Carolina”, song and dance, also open-
ing as a trio, after which there is a
single, then a double and all take turns
in singing “Daddy,” the second Sher-
lock sister to do the verse doing it the
best. Mr. Foley has the requisites for
a singing and dancing juvenile in
musical comedy, if the draft doesn’t
intervene. He has come forward rap-
idly since of the inale team, has ap-
pearance, a certain ease that would be
improved under skilful stage direction
and looks very good for a future. He
holds up this turn, which at its best as
at present framed, cannot go so very
high in big time circles. The Shcr-
locks are good lookers and dressers.
That is what holds them in. Sima.
Harry Tenney and Co. (1).
Songs and Piano.
20 Mins.; One.
Harry Tenney may have been born
in the show business. He may have
been an entertainer long ago, but his
appearance at the American Monday
night indicated he was more of a “song
plugger.” His partner, a male, played
the piano, and also did a song alone.
■Every number the boys used was intro-
duced as a new one. The boys went
along quietly until the singer pulled
an announcement that he was going
to give away $2 worth of music to the
person giving the best account of him-
self with the chorus of a “brand new
song” entitled “I Am Glad That I Can
Make You Cry.” Upstairs and down
several men and women tackled the
chorus, for the most parts all plants
save one. The American audience ap-
plauded vigorously for more. The song
tacks and tails so closely to the "I’m
.Sorry I Made You Cry” ballad that the
similarity of style and rhythm is strik-
ing. The' “plugging” was the best rea-
son Tenney was down where he was
on the bill.
Mason and Gwynne.
Talk and Songk. I
13 Mins.; One (Special Drop).
Fifth Avenue.
Mason and Gwynne are in blackface. I
They talk, sing and whistle. The talk
is mostly at the opening, about noth-
ing in particular excepting the man’s i
dirty linen suit. He says he has worn
it for years and so it looksi But there
is so much of the dialog hinged upon
the linen outfit that the act could not
well change either, for they secure
laughs from the talk. When the
woman retires., to give the stage to her
partner alone, he sings and dances
about and around “.Tillie Lee,” followed
by the young woman, who returns in
the same tailor made, singing a ballad.
At the conclusion of the ballad she
imitates a cornet and for the finish
when the man is singing a “blues,” she
whistles the accompaniment. Her bal-
lad could be replaced by a better one
or a different type of song, but she is
a very pleasant appearing girl, even
under her brown make up, and sets off
the act nicely, as well by her straight
work as in appearance. The man is
gingery in dancing and the aqt does
fairly just now. It could be bettered
Both will handle better material satis-
factorily and the girl especially might
be fitted. Sime.
Ezra Matthews and Co. (2).
"Quick Sales” (Comedy).
15 Mins.; Full Stage (Special Drop).
Fifth Ave.
Last time out Ezra Matthews ap-
peared in a Hugh Herbert playlet call-
ed “Prosperity.” The new sketch is by
Will Cressy, produced by Jos. Hart. It
opens in “one” Matthews and Miss
Blakeney singing “Give Me the Moon-
light.” They are lovers, but her rich
dad (Dean Raymond) has frowned on
the boy, saying that when he can show
that he has made $100,000 he can have
his daughter. The young pair plan to
get the hundred “thou” from father.
Inta full stage dad is seen at his desk
and the boy also in the office, he being
an assistant. An oil land deal is to be
swung by the financier, but it is first
necessary to get a parcel held in the
name of one Brown. The latter’s office
is shown in part, curtained off on the
side and supposed to be some distance
away. When the financier calls Brown’s
office, the girl answers the phone, say-
ing that Brown is away, but that she
has been instructed as to the price of
the land. The phone conversation,
which the young man manages to get
in on with assuring advices to his
sweetheart to keep up the price, ftm-
nishes the most of the comedy. Of
course the young pair win, the act get-
ting farcical at the finish, which is a
trifle hurried in dialog and develop-
ment. More laugh s would help “Quick
Sales” a lot. Not hefty enough for the
bigger houses, but should do in pop,
A1 Tucker.
Novelty Violinizt.
9 Mins.; One.
Fifth Ave.
About half a dozen seasons ago
Tucker did a single turn with a fiddle.
Afterwards he teamed with Reed, but
is now single again, with a different
routine, howfever, than wh_en_ out alone
before. He uses a white violin, playing
it in all manner of fashions. The first
position of holding the bow between
the knees and drawing the fiddle back
and forth is Trovato's style. But that
is only E bit. He holds the bow Ju hts
teeth and even contrives to fasten it
for a moment under or in, one of his
ears. He also has a number of posi-
tions where he has the violin stationary
and plies the bow and once with the
fiddle held between the knees, a very
good imitation of the cello was done.
.Tucker goes to show that violin play-
ing is easy, not the difficult task it is
made out to be by the virtuoso. He
is safe for the early section of better
pop bills. Ibee.
The Belldays.
Knockabout Skit.
12 Mins.; Interior.
The Belldays, man and woman,
knockabout comedians, although Amer-
icans, have been playing abroad for
the past 15 years and are presenting
their act for the first time in New York.
It is a little of many things, in the
form of a sketch. At rise the woman
enters attired as eccentric maid and
develops that her mistress is out. Song
and' eccentric dance. New dress for
the mistress is delivered. "I’ll put it
on.” Exits. Enter man, intoxicated,
attired in everting clothes. He is the
servant of the bachelor upstairs, had
put on his master’s suit and gone on a
spree. Finds himself in wrong flat and
about to depart when maid re-enters,
pretending she is the mistress, he as-
suming the manners of his master.
Maid becomes very much entangle 1 in
train of the gown, etc. She; “Oh
you’re Mr. Seymour, the vaudeville
star. Let me see you act.” He does
some juggling and hoop rolling for
about two minutes. They confess they
are deceiving one another and reveal
their identities. He sings, more knock-
about, finish with a dance at the con-
clusion of which he tosses her through
a lifesize “painting” on, an easel. Not
a dull moment from the rise to the fall
of the drop. Story developed in a
minimum amount of words and all the
most rapid kind of knockabout slap-
stick, low comedy action. At Proc-
tor’s S8th Street the second part of
last week the audience enjoyed it im-
mensely judging by the applause and
the number of “bows” the turn re-
ceived. /<»*»•
"Rocky Fait” (6).
Wild West. . „
20 Mins.; Full • Stage (Special; Ex-
American Roof.
The “Rocky Pass” outfit feature!
Helen and Mill Dill, youthfpl ropery
with both a billing and stage an-
nouncement that they are formerly ol
the 101 Ranch. Their work bespeaks
ranch life at or least long familiarity
with the rope, young Milt’s work being
a feature. This smooth-faced, boyish
lassoist is really the props of the turn,
although there is a hard try for comedy
by the oldest member and a number of
songs offered in quartet style and by
the older of the two women. While
the singing got returns, the act held
attention through the -lariat work of
young Dill. The girl, Helen, also
works some stunts with a short-length-
ed rope. One man, the tenor, affects
an effeminate style for funmaking pur-
poses, but it does not succeed as pro-
portionately as anticipated. Pop
houses will no doubt^ enjoy the turn
thoroughly. The woman's solo .follow-
ing the boy’s work with the. lasso
stopped the speed of the turn. It
should come earlier. Mark.
Eugene Emnett.
Irish Sontr
11 Mins..
' Eugene Emmett sings only Irish
songs, has a well laid out list of that
character, including two announced
numbers of 20 years; ago, Ghauncey 01-
cott’s “Mother” song and J. K. Em-
mett’s “Silver Moon" yodel. The en-
core number sung by Mr. Emmett to
1 close was not strong enough. He’s a
good looking young fellow with a very
pleasant voice, but appears- to be taking
! considerable upon himself attempting^a
“single” if he wants to make the big
time. When Mr. Emmett was around
some seasons ago he left the impres-
' sion that as a part of a two-act with
! a girl, he would do very well and that
' impression remains, or else in a sing-
ing sketch. Mr. Emmett should get
over quite easily if properly fitted. He
may go along as a single in the manner
framed, but will hardly reach the'
vaudeville importance he could other-
Brooklyn, noted for having produced The
Brooklyn "Eagle" and being a part of New
York, had an "opening" Monday night, when
Marcus Loew presented It with a new theatre,
Loow’s Metropolitan. Ono-balf of Brooklyn
seemed to bo in the theatre and the other
halt on the outside, wanting to get in. The
Metropolitan seats between 4,200 and 4,800
people, on two floors. The orchestra holds
2,0r>0 and the floor above 1,400. Added to
which is the capacity of t|io many boxes and
the number ol seats yet uncounted up to Mon-
day night. There are 42 rows of much breadth
The first impression received when enter-
ing the theatre proper and noting that the
stage is about a blook away is that "talking
acts" in this house of vaudeville and pictures
will have to use megaphones. But this did not
appear to be a fact during the performance,
although one turn with talk in It failed to
register very strongly, while another, pre-
viously always certain of a prescribed number
of laughs, fell below the customarily guaran-
teed total. "Sight" and "dumb” acts, how-
ever, are apt to be favored in the hooking.
The Metropolitan as a structure and a the-
atre is a $2 house it ever there were one, and
it’s selling entertainment at the usual Loew
scale, 10-15-25, slightly tilted for Sunday.
The theatre is imposing and justifies its name,
even in comparison with the Metropolitan
Opera House, New York. The rear of the
mezzanine floor, with its many highly finished
rooms, is somewhat fashioned after the simi-
lar arrangement at the Met.
Marcus Loew has poured money into the
Metropolitan — and in war times. He ex-
plained that when urged to the stage through
the remarks of N. C.- Granlund, the Loew
press agent, who did most of the introductory
talking of the evening. Mr. Loew said the
Loew Circuit Intended to give Brooklyn the
very best, and though we declared war about
the same time, he and his associates concluded
to go through with their original plans under
the belief America would finish the war about
the same time they finished the theatre. That
the theatre was finished three weeks ahead of
the war, added Mr. Loew, was their error.
Everyone who spoke about the Metropolitan
on the stage called it magnificent. Edward
Riegelman, President of the Borough, said it
was the best and most magnificent theatre
for the best and most magnificent people,
meaning Brooklyn. Mr. Riegelman la a great
booster lor Brooklyn, and incidentally men-
tioned Mr. Loew. After hearing him, you
know why he is the President of the Borough.
The house is richly built. Everything
seemed complete Monday night. There is a
lighting effect from varied colored lens that
is changed, dimmed and glowing during the
overture, giving the theatre a very classy
atmosphere before the curtain goes up. The
lights sbluo on columned arches bolding the
front boxes, while on either side of the pros-
cenium at the top of bronze untitled tablets
Is a clock, the only thing in the theatre at
the opening not in operation. The electrio
connection for the clocks had not been made.
As a single example of the lavlsbness of the
furnishings, after the wealth of construction
forces Itsolt to the fore, may be cited the
men's smoking room. It's In heavy dark
walnut and takes the lead of all theatre rooms
of that sort. To the rear of the orchestra
and on the wall of the theatre at the edge of
the large oval opening from the floor above
is a painting In oils, surrounded by a gold
frame, composing .a very effective picture In
Itself and to the' appearance. The lobby lead-
ing to Fulton street is marblellzed and
spacious without being space wasted. The
location of the Metropolitan Is on Fulton
street, between Smith street and Gallatin
place, the site of the former A, D. Matthews
department store.
The standard preliminaries on a Loew first
night were gone through with In Brooklyn,
marking the premiere of the Loew Circuit’s
biggest and best house, apexlng the theatre
building of this popular priced vaudeville cir-
cuit that started with nothing and now owns
bouses running into the millions. Loew cer-
tainly has no theatre around New York, of
his many, that can equal the Metropolitan.
If his Orpheum, Boston, even approaches It,
Loew should move the Orpheum into Times
square. The Metropolitan not olone stands
up among the best of all vaudeville theatres
but among any theatres. It's another case of
where It’s worth the money to see the house.
After a large orchestra had played “The
Star Spangled Banner" to an audience that
had bought out the house before the box
oflloe opened that evening, JuIIs Steger ap-
peared, and with a few appropriate remarks
appertaining to the subject at band. Intro-
duced Anna Case, the operatic star, to dedi-
cate In song the new Metropolitan. Mias Case,
comely and gracious, sang three numbers, ac-
companied by Gilbert Ross at the piano. Mr.
Ross composed two of the songs, "The Dawn”
and "Robin.” Miss Oase stopped the show be-
fore It started. The house was with her to
every man and woman, and she had to sing
another, "The Battle Hymn of the Republic,"
or a war lyric set to "Glory, Glory. Hal-
lelujah,” with the house joining In the chorus
at her request.
Then the regular vaudeville bill of the
theatre for the 'first half, consisting ' of five
nets, commenced, with PIpIfax and Panlo open-
ing In thqlr Rice and Prevost act, the turn
tickling "the children In the audience, who
mado that known by their loud laughter. The
Brown Sisters, two girls with accordions,
second, did very nicely. The Pour Enter-
tainers followed, doing little excepting with
a solo, "Boy of Mine,” and sliding away fast
with their minstrel end-men jokes, one of
the quartet being In blackface. They sim-
mered to ' nil at the finish. Next were Jos.
E. Bernard and Co. In "Who Is She?” their
standard laughing turn that should have
made Brooklynites howl and didn't. How far
the dialog reached In the large place couldn't
* he determined. Mr. Bernard pitched his voice
for a long reach, but the pantomime of the
playlet brought the moat.
Anna Chandler, with Sydney Langfeld at the
piano, closed the show proper. Miss Chandler
had a new act and dress. Sue did not change
the gown. Her first two songs were by Mr.
Langfeld. The pianist opened the act with a
rhyme about Miss Chandler. Her first number
was called "Cecelia,” with a verse of the parlor
singer of the high and faulty notes, and other
verses draped alongside for light effect. Nothing
remarkable about it excepting it gave her the
opening. Miss Chandler next sang Mr. Lang-
feld’s best number, “A Hard Luck Story,” a
"fly” song of the poor but, good girl with a
longing, a lyric that was amazingly in aheord
with many Irene Franklin has done, and Miss
Chandler at times during it appeared to be
giving an imitation of Mies Franklin, vocally.
The closing lines were:
'' "Now that I've been wea/lng this hat all
I am at last willing to listen to reason-^
I’ve Iota of luck— hut it’s all bad.”
Miss Chandler then sang "Smiles” with
some talk, doing very well with It, used'
"I’m Sorry, Dear,” with, a special version,
then "I Wish I Could Sleep Until My Daddy
Comes Home,” a new war lullalby ballad, and
closed with “Dancing Mose," that sounded
like a new and published war rag. Miss Chand-
ler got away over fo£ bis first appearance on
the Loew Circuit She remains the full week
at the Metropolitan.
Mr. Granlund then bounded forth, Oran-
lund must live in Brooklyn. Someone ap-
plauded him, though his name was not men-
tioned, tboud> he mentioned all the others to
follow. About midway in the performance
two boys In khaki had entered Marcus Loew’s
stage box. The house noted and It com-
menced to bo rumored over the theatre that
Irving Berlin Was one of them. ‘ 'When Oran-
lund commenced to talk about a song writer
In uniform, the audience burst into applause
and Mr. Berlin walked on the stage, to sing
"I Hate to Get Up,” Mr. Berlin (always with
his head on bis shoulders) Introduced his
piano accompanist as Private Bert Grant. Mr.
Berlin Is very familiar with applause, but
be won’t forget that Brooklyn demonstration
In a hurry.
Granlund said that It was but 10 years be-
fore that Marcus Loew bad commenced his
vaudeville career, and In Brooklyn, with the
Royal, only a block distant, seating 729.
It was that, added Granlund, that brought
about the Metropolitan, But Loew and Gran-
lund had failed to rehearse, for Mr. Loew
said It was a letter from an 11-year old
girl, received by him after the "Journal”
made him a millionaire In the first edition
one day. The girl wrote, said Mr. Loew, that
she read he had built theatres in every city
and / why miss Brooklyn. So It was. Mr.
Loetv exited on applause with his happy
thought about finishing the war and theatre
simultaneously. Jnst before the boss builder
showed, Mollie King tripped on, invitingly
presented by Granlund, and Miss King looked
as happy as she was pretty, doing her original
turn In vaudeville after coming hack from
filmland. With so many high salaried .film
people In the house, her remarks anent the
change must have been peculiarly Interest-
Several of the ' picture stars were intro-
duced and stood up when applauded, and they
all were more or less, the lesser applause com-
ing toward the ending of this period when
the hands of the people must have been very
red. The first to be mentioned were the Lee
Children, and they were almost cheered. Then
Madge Evans, another child who slipped over
a short speecb, Following were Betty Blythe,
Agnes Ayres, Harry Morey, Alice Joyce, Wal-
ter McVall, Gladys Leslie, Corrinne Griffith,
Virginia Pearson (speech). Marguerite Snow,
Doris Kenyon, Carlyle Blackwell (speech).
During the introductions others responding were
Carl Laemmle. with Ralph DePalma and Ted
Kid Lewis as specials, Adolph Zukpr closing
the show, before "The Hun Within” started as
the film feature nearly at 11. Sime.
Monday was the second opening day holi-
day this month. Two weeks ago Labor Day
was a guaranteed sell out, but the current
Monday In the two performances drew even
more people. That because of the Jewish
Day of Atonement, a holy day and not sup-
posed to be given over to entertainment — at
least not at matinee. The afternoon per-
formance was sold out by noon and there was
a line for several hours buying for the night
show. Matinee saw the standee ropes used,
and while It was not quite that heavy In the
evening, .Timmy McBride admitted his fingers
were sore from tearing coupons at the door.
At night over 60 per cent, of the bill went
over for hits, the Avon Comedy Four, ,Ruth
Roye, Wiliams and WolfUs, Bowman and
Shean and Valeska Suratt easily making that
score. The quartet, however, "mopped up”
over all others. The Avons have been heading
for a continuous playing record In vaude-
ville. but they side-stepped for a few weeks
to dally with Fannie Brice In "Why Worry?”
They didn’t dally very long. Even before the
piece exited, they had themselves outfitted
with a new set of songs and returned to their
first love In the funny "Hungarian Rhap-
sody.’’ There are some new lines In addition
to the new numbers, and there are Just as
many laughs as ever. If not more. They are
singing "I Wish I Could Sleep Until My
Daddy Comes Home,” "Rock-a-Bye Baby
with a Dixie Melody” and "Tell That to the
Marines,” The quartet iq booked for two
weeks at the Palace, but could stay a month,
and may do so.
Willlama and Wolfus were fourth, an early
spot for them, blit necessary since they
doubled with the Royal. In spite of the long
journey uptown they did not cut. One thing
might go out of Williams’ routine and that
is the "soldiers’ blood” line. It can be spared
and Isn’t In good taste at this time. Will-
iams calls his' partner "unessential,” which
Isn’t true, but ip funu]r. considering her spare
The presence of these two strong comedy
turns made up for the appearance of two
playlets whlob were Edmund Hayes in
"Moomdiine” (New Acts) and Valeska Suratt
In "The Purple Poppy.” The first named
was No. 7 and the latter was on seventh.
Miss Suratt has evidently given the musical
glass of the turn the go-bye, and she isn’t
to be blamed, for she dellvera with dramatics.
Miss Suratt drew a flock of curtains.
An early solid hit came with Sergeant
Bowman and Corporal Shea, the "Treat ’em
Rough” boys, who are in vaudeville under
the auspices qf the United States Tank Corps.
Bowman was formerly in the French Foreign
Legion, and knows something about "Over
There.” Hia talk is Interesting, though his
manner Is not finished, and he Injects a cer-
tain zip to bis work. The singing of Jimmy
Shea (probably a former professional, although
not identified) is the big end of the turn. Shea
sure can put .over nmnhers. His voice isn’t
the why, it’s more the pep and personality
of the man. Shea handles lyrics with the
class of an artist. Hb did wonders with
"Prenchy” and Ernest Ball’s “You Can’t Beat
Us,” and the others were just ns good. The
appearance of the men and the Tank drop Is
a pippin boost for the Tank Corps.
Ruth Boye planted a real punch next to
closing. It is a bit over four years ago that
she came from the west and did the same
thing in the same spot at the Palace. And
at leaM' one of the numbers she had then Is
still In her routine, which may prove It’s the
singer and not the songs that makes an
artist. Miss Roye gave “Yfhy Do They Call
Them Babies,” "The Irish Were - Made tO
Love and Fight,” "How Do They Get that
Way,” “Robert B. Uee” and •'He’s a Devil in
His Own Town.” She still is as clever in her
ability to deliver comedy lyrics. Miss Roye
could perhaps secure exclusive songs, but it
Is hard to see bow she can improve in pleas-
George White and his quartet of Broadway
dancing girls closed intermission, this being
the act’s third week. It again proved its
class, the nifty stepping of White and the good
looks of the well dressed girls working a
strong combination. Last week George bad
his hand bandaged. Monday Ethel Delmar
had her left arm draiied In cheese cloth and
there was a jeweled pin to bol^ it In place.
She Is, by the way, the-best dancer among the
The Boyarr Company of Russian dancers
gained considerable attention from those who
were in early. The stepping of the men stood
out and was applauded. The routine appeared
to have been cut a bit because of the length
of the show. After Miss Roye there was an
exodus, very, few staylfig to see the Darras
Brothers in the bead balancing on the flying
trapeze. The show was out at 11.16, the final
turn cutting to five minutes. Tbee.
If Tuesday is any criterion, then business is
decidedly off at the Coloilial this fall. Alfred
T. Darling has alibis to burn, but no lights.
That seems to be the biggest reason. The
audience while small Tuesday night, with the
bigger percentage upstairs, was noticeably
demonstrative and made up in applause what
it lacked In numbers.
There was some shifting from the original -
layout. The Six Klrksmith Sisters had been
assigned the spot just .after intermission.
'They were not in the bill, with Collins and
Hart substituted, with the travesty comedians
following the Blossom Seeley act appearing
just after the rest period, although carded to
close the first part. The "Somewhere With
Pershing” act was programed for the sqventh
position, but was placed In the fifth spot ■
(where Seeley was carded), and fared much
better through the shift.
Ha'd)ithe Klrksmith Sisters been in the sec:
ond ‘part it would have featured all women,
as Janet Adair appeared next to closing, while
Robbie Gordone olos^.
The women have .earned their vaudeville
spurs even to comedy attainment, but on the
general run of shows it falls upon the male
contingent to sustain the funmaking. This
was shown when the feminine comparison was
made at the Colonial, and especially during
the second part of the show.
Miss Merle and Co. were programed to open
but In their stead appeared Jack and Kitty
Dema'oo, with their neat ring act, the stage
apparatus, being cleverly camouflaged with an
outdoor sports aspect that was pleasing to the
eye. Well arranged turn and not overdone.
William Ebs was second, and the surprise
twist at the finish caught the audience com-
pletely unawares, and they had the vertrllo-
quial imitator singing several encores.
Lester Sheehan and- Pearl Begay form a
clever dancing pair, with Mies Regay’s work
standing in the foreground prominently
throughout. Her acrobatic dancing in par-
ticular proved a big bit with the Colonial
But It remained for that versatile pair,
Olsen and Johnson, to clean up in every phase
of the term. This male combination, which
bubbles over with talent, especially Olsen, won
the Colonial “clap.” Their early hit made it
pretty bard for' subsequent singing turns and
may have accounted for the "Somewhere in
France” act being placed to follow.
The war sketch bristles with talk, with the
Colonial audience appearing to obtain much
amusement from the slang the American non-
com exchanges with the loquacious French
girl. Overdrawn, but calculated to entertain
those not so exacting In stage skits.
During intermission Andy Byrne took the
spot and showed that one doesn’t have to stand
on the stage to play a violin and do It grace-
fully and effectively.
The Seeley act made its usual hit, with one
' of the Interested spectators. Rube Marquard,
Blossom’s husband, how wearing the U. S.
navy blue. / There was a new twist to the
turn when Miss Seeley dragged'ClIft Hess down
to the footligbt glow and announced that the
piano player was going to Camp Upton on the
morrow, and she gave him a big kiss just as
a little send-off,
Janet Adair in the important position
worked hard to please, the Colonial audi-
ence approving her efforts most enthu-
siastically. There was much topical song stuff
ahead, and while Mbs Adair brings several
papular numbers into play she puts person-
ality and a characteristic style as well as an
Inserted comedy lyrical twist that makes her
song awing out of the ordinary channel. Miss
Adair’s "song recitations” are worked up dif-
ferently from the average, and that may ac-
count for her success. mark, '
It was a pop house show that the American
dished up to the holiday crowd Monday night,
but a bill calculated to earn the admission
price of a flock of holldayers. The American
both up and down drew Its share.
Pepplno and Ferry started with a musical
turn that got the' biggest returns on Its finish,
when one of the boys switched from the
accordion to a violin and jazzed up a few
numbers with his partner. Act well received
and could have remained In view longer.
Dorothy Roye showed uptodateness with her
song routine. She varied her numbers, with
the last of the bunch proving unusually full
of jazzing surefire pep. Miss Roye is girlish,
has regular Mary Bickford curls and doesn’t
take too much for granted in her work.
The Lorimer-Johnson Troupe of , cyclists,
with two women and two men, one doing '
comedy In rakish makeup, did unusually well,
the act having a satisfying wheel routine that
bad the comedy man doing some corking good
riding. Tom Mahoney told his usual stories,
recounted a few war puns and wound up with
his Irish meeting "bit” and a war song.
"Rocky Pass” (New Acts) closed the first
part. •
After intermission appeared Harry Tenney
and Co. (New Acts), followed by Chisholm
and Breen, who worked up some fly exchange
of patter and a dramatic travesty on. “Oliver
Twist” that seemed to meet the approval of
the American crowd. Canfield and Cohen (New
Acts) were followed by the Martini Duo, which
reeled off a familiar line of acrobatics, with
the ground work of the youngest Martini prov-
ing the piece de resistance. Mark.
To see the patrons ol Proctor’s downtown
house file into the theatre Tuesday night
would give one the impression admission was
free. By 8.15 every available seat in the
house was occupied and a good sized overflow
was In evidence at the rear of the orchestra,
Pat Garren is now managing.
The show for the first half was cut down
to six acts owing to the length of the clos-
ing turn, "The Tick Took Girls,” which ran
60 minutes. "The Tick Took Girls,” closing
the show, had a bit of trouble getting started,
dragging about half way through, but finished
better on the comedy court Yoom scene.
George Yeoman and “Lizzie,” In the next-
to-closing position, did nicely. He scored one
laugh after another, but at the conclusion
the patrons were rather stingy with applause,
as he only took one bow. His vehicle Is
funny, and although billed with "Lizzie,” ho
does a single and refers to the girl as his
stenographer who has not arrived yet. He
deserved better returns.
R, J. Purdy, one of the Washington "Four-
Minute Men,” spoke that-- length of time on
the present conditions, and at the conclusion
presented Mr. Duffy, who represented Mr.
Proctor, with a certificate of appreciation
from the chairman of the Four-Minute Men
for the good work the 28d Street Theatre has
done for this organization.
' Esther Walker, with a. male accompanist at
the piano, did five songs, all nicely rendered,
and hung up a well earned hit. Miss Walker
opened with an Introductory number explain-
Inlng her reason for being there, and fol-
lowed with some clever "jazz” and rag num-
bers, closing with a "jazz” dance. She makes
one change, looks well In her costumes, knows
bow to put over a number, and should go In
the better houses. She was forced to return
for an encore Tuesday night.
Coley and Coley got off to a poor start,
but finished better./ Their comedy Is weak,
singing just passable, and they will have to
be satisfied with the small time houses, Lil-
lian Teece (New Acts) pleased in the second
spot. The 'Van Cellos opened the show to a
nice start with comedy juggling and Rlsley.
The man in evening clothes does all the work
and the woman In tights' lends to the ap-
pearance. The work is clever and earned a
good score.
(SHOW JIBVIB'WS continued on page 22.)
In VanderiUe Theatres
All houses open for toe week wlto^MM^y.nwtoe^^
Ananatat Ga.
GRAND (ubo)
(Macon split)
1st bait
Sutter & Dell
Margaret Ford
KeUo LelgMon
Arthur DeVoy Co
Jos K Watson
(Two to fill)
BridKeport* Conn.
POLl'S (Ubo)
"Birds of a Feather^
Horn & Ferria _
Brooks & Powers
Marlon Harris
Quinn & Caverly
U DuKane 3
Sterling & Marguerite
Taylor Trio
Sears & Duvall
Dinkins MoCarthyABI (Five to All)
(San Francisco); "P H,” Pantages and Hodklns (Chicago). .... , ' .. .
' Iheatres listed as “Orpheum” without any further eUstinguishing description are on the
•Mack & West
Jim Doherty
"Telephone Tanide’r
DeVoe & Dayton
hi which these bills are printed does not Indicate toe relative Importance Of
brfor*^nam£®caK^ ^5st^dart“& Haynes Sl®e\ktoSTf
where listed for the first time. Armstrona & Ford Q Vr«e»l ‘ n»Aa
Le Orons
fid half
Fodr Rennees
Byron Totten Co
Bob Murphy
New Yoric
FALACB (orph)
•LiCavanaugh Co <
4 Mortons
Morton A Glass
Clara Morton
Avon Comedy 4
•Leroy Talma A M
“Crosby’s Corners
•Gardner Trio”
(One to fill) „ .
Clifton Crawford
Trixie Frigansa
T Boy Bamea Co
McKay A Ardlno
•Lee A Cranstoa
Kerr A Weston
•Girlie A Templeton
josle O'Meers
•Eddie Leonard Co
Bert Baker Co
•Duncan Sisters
Cooper A Blcsrdo
Ames A Wlnthropo
Parsens A Irwin
Catherine Powell
Gen Pisano Co
Eddie Foy Co
Van A Sobenck
A1 Sbayne
Juliet W..T 1 **
•“Curent of Fun
•Wilton Sisters
The Levolos
(One to fill) . . .
' ROYAL (ubo)
Trixie Frigansa
X Boy Baroos Co
"Maid of Franco
Rae Eleanor Ball ,,
•“Helped by Enemy
Lida Morris
•L A J Archer
B A L Walton ^
H O H (ubo)
fid half (19-22)
The Brightens
•Coley A Coley
Knowlee A White
(Others to fill)
1st half (23-25)
Copeland A Allen
Ben Bemle ,
Krani A LaSalle
Walton A Bogardt
(Others to fill)
IfiSTH ST (ubo)
fid half (19-22)
•T B Davies
Qorman Bros
Will Oakland Co .
A1 Tucker
Mason A Owynne
818T ST' (ubo)
Ab Ling Foo
•Spink A Tate
•Jsnls-ChaploW Co
Hampton A Blake
•Blcbey A St Onge
fid half
•Davis A Fltsgtobon
•Barker A Wynn .
Connelly A Craven
Scott A Gibson
(One to fill)
59TH ST (ubo)
•Caine A Hoffman
•Hlalto Co
•Barker A Wynne
Grace Emmett Co
Armetrong A Ford
Hill A Ackerman
fid halt
Ruble Sims
•Lelehton A Frank
•Gertrude McGill Co
Ben Smith
"Prettv Babv"
6TH ATE (ubo)
fid half (19-22)
Cansula'A Valdn
Ben A Bemio
Grace Emmett Co
KranT A La Salle
Darrell A Edwards
Snnhie Tucker Co
Tom Kelly
•Gardner Trio
23D ST (ubo)
fid half (10-22)
Tbe Crlana
•Long A "Ward
Duncan Slaters
Orth A Cody ^
•■Robert Swan
•McDonald A Clev’d
The Painters
Holden A Herron
•Anna Chandler
Geo A Lily Garden
•Beed A Wtaltlng
Archer A Beli'ord
Edmunds A Leedom
Anna Chandler
“Lots A Lots"
•Phil Davis
(Two to fill)
Frahols A Wilson
Capt Kidder Co V
Tbe Frescotts
Wilkins A Wilkins
Cook A Lorens
(Two to fill)
GREELEY (loew)
•Bussell A DeWltt
Millard A Marlin
Job E Bernard Co
•Ward A Thornton
•Lorimer Hudson Co
T fid half
F A Rse Warner
Calvin A Thornton
Delmore A Moore
•Joe Cook
Strassell’s Animals
Kimball A Kenneth
Reed A Whiting
Barnes A Robinson
Archer A Belford
Exposition 4
(One to fill)
fid half
•Robert Swan
Gibson A Hall
Harry Tenney
Fagg A White
Canfield A -Cohen
(Five to..--flll)
REGENT (mow)
Flaherty A Stone
Bessie LaCompte
"In Wrong"
Carson A Wallard
(Two to . fill)
fid bait
Bogard A Nelson
Sboen A Walton
Rucker A Winifred
Boyarr Troupe
(One to fill)
Joe Howard's Revue
"Somewhere With
. Pershing”
Dooley A Sales
Herbert Clifton
Francer Nordstrom Co
Embs A Alton
J A K Demarco
B Seeley Co
•Ellnore A Wiliams
Sheehan A Begay
Leo Beers
Dooley A Rugel
•Travers A Douglas
Eva Shirley.
Cblnko A Koffman
fid half (19-22)
Dorothy Roye
Jos E Bernard Co
Mabel A Johnny Dove
Milanl 6
WARWICK (loew)
H La Vail A Sis
Brown Slaters.
Great Howard
Harvey DeVora 8 .
fid half
Wm K SaztoB Oo
Arnutroug A Ford
Royal Gascoynes
(()ne to fill)
UIP (aAb)
Dupree A Wilson
Jack k Marie Gray
Geban A'Qehan r
Alf Ripoa
Fredericks A Van
Mumford A Thompson D^Quy g Morrison
McClellan A Carson
5m»J“ cwitt , fs.rsg,!?’
NATIONAL (loew) Fretty Hany
Mabel Fonda 8
Gibson A Hall
Tom Davies Co
Adele Oswald
Wilkins A Wilkins
2d half
White A West
McDonald A Cleveland
Marwell Quintet .
(One to fill) .
Eva Puck Co
Rucker A Winifred
Vlllano’s Gypsies
(Two to fill)
fid half
Gallerlna Sisters
Nellie Smith
“In Wrong"
Mat Nazxaro Jr
Carson A Willard
Welling 8
Albany, N. Y.
8 Lachman Sisters
Howard A Ross
Payton Howard A L
Edna Luby
Tom Nawn Co
Kilkenny Duo
Red A Blondy
fid half
Vim Beauty A H
Harmon A O’Connor
Imperial Quintet
Farrell Taylor Co
1) K , S. !N1 . FRANK
CAiniiNC. ro fnt i'»oi r sbiON .
ii.lj Elf.HTH AVENUE N(W Yti.Kl
-1 I HtU E bUOliS AUOVr I'ill b1 J
Baltimore, Md.
H Bosworth Co -
Esther Walker Co
Stan Stanley 8
Sylvia Clark
Mack A Earle
Dave Roth
Nolan A Nolan
(One to fill)
HIP (loew)
Bartello Co
Stewart A Olive
Maurice Samuels Co
Rice A Francis
(One to fill)
GARDEN (moss)
Plceolo’e Midgets
Chose A LaTour
“Bombing of Rbaln”
Howard Langford
Inter Revue
(One to fill)
Battle Creek Hlek.
BIJOU (ubo)
(Sunday opening)
Cboy Uen Wha Tr
May & Kllduff
Musical Conservt'ry
Amelia Claire
"Speaking of Men"
3 Yorl Bros
(Two to fill)
fid bait
Latgh A La Graoe
Craiy Quilti
Reynolds A 'White
Louis Hart
(6ne to fill) '
BnWale, N. Y.
The Newmans
W A A Jones
Beulah Belles
"Love Farm"
Bntte. Mont
fid half
Dublin Qlrls
Sid Lewis
Revue Ala Carte
Moore A Elliott
(Two to fill)
KEDZIE (wva)
Hughes Musical Duo
Ruth Roden
Tate's Motoring
Miller A Lyle
Kulolia Hawallans
fid half
Oeo A May LeFevre
Sen Fran Murphy
Maxine Alton Co
Blacke A O'Dounell
Hoyt’s Minstrels
Arthur Barrett
Moore A Elliott
Polly Os A Chick
(Two to fill)
fid half
John Geiger
(Three to fill)
MeVIOKBR'8 (loew)
Caron A Famnns
^®A?aoonSL" 2,?.X! »»
wutrfiO) *1**
"Oh That Melody" Vera DelaMtol ^
Mr A Mrs N Phillips A?thur Rlxbr?
Swats A Clifford Dr
BAB Blllolt
Nan Gray (l^o to fill)
nsp'Hwrnw ( CfBclaaatl
ORPHbuM ^ KBlTH*fi lubol
"0" fte High Beaa" La^ AHm's Wu
AI Herman a wosa
Camnhell Sisters
Smith A Austin
Holmes A Wells
Oeorgalls Trio
Jack Alfred Co
Morris A Shaw
"Here Comes Eva”
Sampson A Douglas
Haystakl Japs
Happy J Gardner Ce
OnntoB, O.
•Battle of San Dago Kuter Klare A K
Barnes A Robinson
Foster A Seamon
LINCOLN (loew)
Norman' Bros
Bob Mills
"Big Surprise"
Allan A Francis
Foster A Seamon
fid half
Kimball A Kenneth
"The Painters"
Mark Linder Co
Exposition 4
Mabel Fonda 8
ORPHEUM (loew)
Cassetta A Rydell
Delmore A Moore
Mark Linder Co
Oeo Roeener
(Two to fill)
fid half
Louise A Mitchell
Lewis A Leonia
Millard A Marlin
Tom Davie? Co
•Ward A Thornton
Lorimer Hudson. Co
1st half (23-25)
Boyle A Bogan
Ed Avellng
Tennessee Ten
(Others to fill)
fid half (2^)
Tbe Brightens
Gorman Bros
•Wm Lawrence Co
Al Tucker
2d half (19-22)
Bell A Eva
Pauline Welsh Co
Ed Lee Wrotbe Co
Duncan Sisters
Johnnie Burko
Tennessee 10
1st half (28-28)
Malstra Co
Al Tucker
"Pretty • Baby” _
fid half (26-29)
Boyle A Bryan
Billy Wilson
Wms A Williams
Edward Esmonde Co
Ed Mortan
Ford A Unna Co
Allentown, Po.
The Freltcbes
Florence TImponi
Lloyd A Whttebouse
Oeo Damerent Co
(One to fill)
fid haU
Wilbur Held
“Don't Stop"
Orlndel A Esther
Ergottl’e Midgets
(One to fill)
Alton, HL
HIP (wva)
Alexander A Fields
•"Silver Fountain"
fid half
Knapp A Cornelia
fid half
Artolse Bros
Van A Ve.non
Kingsbury A Dano
Miller A Lyles
“Makers of History”
Bay City, Mioh.
BIJOU (ubo)
(Sunday opening)
Rose A LeDuo
Folsom A Brown
Roach A McCurdy "
“No Man's Land"
fid half
"Bride Shop"
Bellvtlle, HI.
Altbotr Sisters
Wilson A Wtlson
Knapp A Comalla
fid half
•Stratford Comedy>4
CapoB A Snow
(One to mi)
Btnirlinmten, N. T.
Alice Manning
.John H Oordoi Co
Blanche Alfred OIrls
Zemato A Smith
(Two to mi)
Cednr Rnplds, la.
MA.IE8TIC (wva)
Jack Goldie
Msgttle T.eClaIre Co
Tracey Palmer A T
Johnson Dean Rev
(One to mil
fid half
Monroe A Grant
Cora Grave
Lspsdon A Smith
Cliff Dean Co
Frances Dver Co
Hotel DeFIddlo
Cbnmimlam, III.
.(Sunday opening)
King A Brown
John Mills
NIek Hufford
"Colour Gems"
fid half
Snmnroff A Sonia
Altbcff Slaters
O'Brien A Havel
Vera DeBasdnl
Arthur Rigbry
0 B Lawler A Dr
BAB Bliiott
(Two to fill)
/ CfBcInaatl
Lady Alice’s Feta
Race A Edge
Field A Conway
"Reg Bi» Man"
Claudle Colemah
6 Pandora
HIP (Ubo)
Lucille A Cockle
Sli 4 went nvura FOR TWO
6 MlnuUi (ran All Tlwatrts
OverteoMne Central Park
Oonaltllng of Parlor, esdteom and Bath
Lleht. Airy, with All ImprovamMta
SDtIi Str^ 8!9i CiMlis CIrde
New York Cl^
Henry A Moora
Billy Batchelor 3
Prince A Bell
•“Follies of Day"
Davenport, la*
CuLuMuiA (wva)
Monroe A Grant
Frances Dyer
Bill Uoblnson
Doc Baker A OirlB
Frear Baggott A F,
fid half
Nadell A Folletto
Homberg A Lee
Hickey Bros
5 American Qlrlr
(Opening week)
3 Maxims
Alex McFayden .
Coakley A Uuntavy
Burley A Burley
“In the Dark"
Jaa B Thornton
Wilson Aubrey 8
Deeatar, IIL
EMPUE$S (wva)
(Sunday opening)
Robert A Robert
Mowatt A Mullen
M Taylor Waltreu
Irving A Ward
(One to mi)
fid bait
Tyler St Clair ..
Marker A Schenck
Nick Hufford
Slatoks Rollickera
Cecil Cunningham
Pern A Oavla
. Marie Nordstrom
Harris A Marlon
Dunbar's Hueean
Gordon A Kern
"Handicap Olrla’*
Ward A Cullen
Howard A White
Hoyt Hyams 8
. Archie OnrI Co
Dimil and bath
•"Little Mlsa Dixie" Ford A Cunningh'm SIb M Tavlor Waitress
BOTTLEVARD (»oew) Kran* A La Salle
P George Eastman Sis
Lewis A Leona .METRO (loew)
•"Lots A TjOte" Al Carpe
Harry Tenney Linton A Lawrence
Rubs LeVan Sully Maxwell Quintet
fid half Edmunds A Leedom
Maxon A Morris (Two to till)
Kemp A Rolllnson fid half
Jspk Kennedy Co Geo A Lily Garden
Linton A Lawrence Capt Barnett A Sob
Al Cnme Pox A Ingraham
AVE B (loew) "Lonely Soldier"
Pox A Tnerabam ‘ Oeo Rosener
Arthur Sullivan Co (One to fllD
DEKALB (loew)
•“Birds In Dreaml’d" Dorothy Roye
(One to flin M A J Dove
fid hsif
Pranels A DeMar
Harvev DeVora 8
Oeo Randall Co
Wm flleto
(One to fllD
Nat Nasssrro Jr
Canfield A Cohen
Welling Trio
(Three to fill)
fid halt
Bessie LaCompte
Vlllano’s Gypsies
(Pour to fill)
Fitzgerald A Dennis
Boyce Combe Co
Lee Beggs Co
•Joe Cook
Milanl 5
fid half
Russ LeVao A Sully
Bob Mills
Allen A Francis
"Big Surprise"
Adele Oswald
PULTON (loew)
P A Rae Warner
Al Burton Co
"Lonely Soldier”
Wm Slsto
Louise A Mitchell
fid half
Prsnele A Wilson
Avurterdam, N. Y.
Adelaide Barclay
Nippon Duo
H^JI Bambola Co
fid half
Leonard A Willard
iTwo to mi)
Anniston, Ala.
LYRIC (ubo)
(Montgomery split)
1st half
DeWltt Young A Sis
Baskett A Cbesletgs
"Wife Saver”
Gray A Graham
"Going Some"
Atlanta, Oa,
(Birmingham split)
iRt half
Mile Therese Co
Rfinkel A Mae
"Childhood Days”
Desn A Debrow
Perers Sextet
GRAND (loew)
Howard A .Jenkins
Jewette A Elgin
(One to fill)
fid. half
Amanda Gray
4 Fujiyama Japa
(One to fill)
Birmlnarliam. Ala. '
LYRIC (ubo)
(Atlanta spilt)
1st half
Aerial Mitchells
Vesno Duo
Cheyenne- VInstrals
Stsenonle A Snine
“NIeht In June"
RT.TOU (loew)
Rosalie Ascher
Carl A Inez
firoiie-hton A Turner
Freeman A Barnes
Barnold’s Animals
fid half
Howard A Jenkins
Jewetta A Plein
Oiilglev A Fitzgerald
Just Girls
KEITH'S (ubo)
Atbos A Reed
.Ins FT Cullen
Dining Car Mins
Ohnyleatnn, S. 01
academy (who)
(Coliimhis split)
let half
Hawaiian Duo
Florence Rnyfleld
Potter A Hartwell
Detxel A Carroll
Howard A Badler
Ohnrlnte^ W. O,
(Roanoke apHt)
let half
Tile T.nmha
T.adW Onartat
Wends Mnales) 8
Fnher A Tsylor
Rernv A T.crralno SIs
Leo Zarrell
Minnie Allen A Sis
Harry Green Co
Adele Rowland
Montgamery A Perry
Seabury A Sbaw
(One to fill)
MILES (miles)
"Old Soldier Fiddlers”
Gilroy Hsynes A U
Geo Jessell
"Sberraan was Wrong"
Loos Bros
"Girl In Moon"
Norman Bros
O’Neill Sisters
Hoyt’s Musical Co
Dixie Serenaders
Clark Trio
Pac'uln Models
Columbia, 8. O.
(Charleston spilt)
1st half
John Cutty
Nip A Tuck
“Between Trains"
Buxow A Clinton
Wells Gilbert 8
Colambos, O.
KEITH’S (ubo)
The DeOnzos
Elise Williams Co
La Petite NIgnon
Clifford A Wilks
Ch-ttanooaa. Te^:.
OuTelpv A Fitzgerald Cartwcll A Harris
“Everyth’g But Tru" Thaen A Walton
2d half
DIngtey A Norton
Cook a Lorenz
(One to fill)
Boyarr Troupe
(Three to fill)
fid half
Eva Puck Oh
F A Rae Warner "Just Glrla" Ann Gray
U Burton Co fid half y'J,' Oakland Co
■Lonely Soldier” ‘Mnck A West Bolden ()p
(Ym Slsto Jim Doherty .
Louise A Mitchell "Tnlenhono Tangle” « (loow)
fid half D«''fo« A D»vto " Larneds
Francla A Wltann a ntrils Bessie LeCount
Flake A Fallon
Jewelers to the Profession °'‘”'=irhaif'"
amto A TOSel
RIALTO (ubo)
(Knoxville spilt)
lat half
Cliff Bailey Duo
Vaughn A Dreams
"Revuo Do Luxe”
Perna A Howell
Harvey Co
Elsa Ryan Co
Elizabeth Murray
Claire Hocb
Lawrence Grant Co
Elsa Ruegger
Bert Melrose
•LnDernlca A Girls
M Montgomery
Celts Bros
PALACE (orph)
"Lincoln Hlghway’n"
•Sydney Grant
Lambert A Hall . „
BROADWAY (sun) .
Transfietd Bte
Manning A Hall
All Nations Revue
Skipper Kennedy A R
Dallas, Tex.
Beeman A Anderson
TEMPLE (ubo)
Geo MacFarlane
"American Ballet"
Claire Vincent Go
DeLeon A Davla
Ralph Smalley
Casper A St Clair
McConnell A Austin
Seymour’s Family
ORPHEUM (miles)
Belle Oliver
4 MeyakoB
LaFrauce A Kennedy
Kate A Wiley
Carl McCuttougb
Casteel’s Motoring
(One to fill)
Aldine A Wright
Lantgan A Woods
Columbia Players
Morse A Mtlatead
(One to fill)
Des MoIom, la.
(Sunday opening)
Marie Cahill
Joe Browning
Gardner A Hartman
Valenta Bros
Cordon A Rloa
Page Hack A Mack
Dancing Tyrelle
Cora Oreve
Cliff Dean Co
Baell A Allen
Willie Broe
fid half
Prlnceee Panapl Co
C HanHon A Village 4
Frances Rice
PlpldB A WellB
(One to fill)
Sli'fit (i >Wi^h
JOS. . M. , (;aites’
I’rndiii'iiim .
"TAM-; IT I'ltllM MK"
(Ipiiix 111 .Ni-" York Cily Ocliilicr, I'JIk
>lll I'
Dorchvotcri IlIasM.
F’KLYN HQ (loew)
»llouier Romaino
Martiu & Hae
Dave Thuraby
•Ara Sisters
•M halt
Bessie LeCount
Scamp & Scamp
(One to fill )
Dubuque, la.
George & Toney
! Dewitt & Gunther
Querro & Ct^rinea
Housch & taVaUe
' Bobby Henshaw
Kluting’B Anlmala
2d halt
Nolusco & Hurley
Geo Mack
Cooney Slaters •
Jessie Wayward Co
Cahill & Roamlne
Frear Baggott & F
(Sunday opening)
Eva Tanguay
j C Nugent Co
Helen Gleason Co
Mayo & Lynn
Frlscoe _
Amoros & Jeanette
Florena Duo
grand (wva)
treaon Sisters
Francis & Hume
“Hello People Hello
(One to ml)
2d halt
•Isabelle Miller Co
•Fred Lewis
•Capitol City Girls
(Two to mi)
Easton, Pa.
ABLE (Ubo)
Wilbur Held
“Don’t Stop”
Grlndell & Esther
Ergottl & Midgets
(One to All)
2d halt
The Frltohes
Keller & Vardon
Billy Gleason
O Demarest Co
(One to fill) '
E. St. Louis, lU.
ERBER’S (wva)
The Florenls
•“Little Miss Dixie”
Chas Kenna
Capes & Snow
2d halt
Juggling DeLlsle
Wilson & Wilson
"Cycle ot Mirth”
Fred Elliott
Great Leon
King 6. Harvey
Morse Moon Co
McShane & Hathaway
Juggling Nelson
Elmira, N. Y.
Amanda Gray •
Mr & Mrs H Emmett
Jerome & Albright
4 Fujiyama Japs
2d halt
3 Melody Girls
McNally & Ashton
Wheeler & Moran
(One to fill)
Evansville, Ind.
GRAND (wva)
(Terre Haute split)
1st halt
Conrad & Goodwin
Marino & Maley
•"Putting On Airs”
Frank Morrell
Crewell Fanton Co
Pall Ulver, Mass.
BIJOU (loew)
Morton Bros
Smith & Tosel
Arthur DeVoy Co
Jos K Wfttson
(One to fill)
2d halt
3 Larneds
Flske & Fallon
Chisholm & Breen
Nat Carr
•7 Dancing Girls
Flint. MIeh.
PALACE (ubo)
(Sunday opening)
'iBride Shop”
2d half
(Same ns Lansing 1st
Ft. Williams, Cun.
1st halt
Eldora Co
Edmunds & LdVallo
Lew Wells
(One to fill)
HIP (n&h)
A1 Rlpon
Fredericks & Van
Joe Barton
Christy &. Bennett
Denny & Morrison
2(1 half
Peat & Stevens
Betty William
Johnsons & Johnson
Grand noplda, Mich.
Clinton & Rooney
Cole Russell & p
Ben Deeley Co
"Reckless Eve”
(One to fill)
Great FuIIa, Mont
(Same bill playing
Helena 26)
“The Love Race”
J. T. Ray Co
3 Bullowa Girls
Green & Pugh
Helen Moretti
Jack taVier
Green Bay Win,
2 Vagrants
Skelly & Heit
Wanzer & Palmer
Lovett's Conc'n
HnmJltfMi, Can.
LYRIC (ubo)
Harrison & Burr
Jas Thompson Co
"For Pity's Sake”
Harry Hines
loleen Sis
(One to fill)
LOEW (loew)
The Nollos
Bill Pruitt
"Don’t Lie to Mama”
Wilson Bros
Carabot Be Luxe
Harrlsburgr, Fa.
Keller & Vardon
Homer Miles Co
Joan Sotbern
Russell & Devitt
(One to fill)
2d halt
Florence Tlmponi
Honeyboy Minstrels
(Three to fill)
Hartford, Conn.
POLI’S (ubo)
Whiteside' Sis
Nevlns & Erwin
Byron Totten Co
Bob Murphy
Ward & Pryor
"Girl In the Air”
2d half
Willie Hale & Bro
Chas Edwards 8
Mr & Mrs S Payne
Val & E Stanton
3 Yorl Bros
(One to fill)
Hoboken, N. J.
LOEW (loew)
Lewis & Raymond
•’’The Squab”
•Geo Nagle
(One to fill)
2d half
P George
Cbappelle & Stanette
4 Harveys
Mae Curtis
Great Howard
Houston, Tex.
Walsh & Bently
Denny & Donegan
•Islanders Stevens Co
Simpson & Dean
Herbert Lloyd Co
KEITH’S (ubo)
The Seebacks
Leroy Lytton Co
Maude Bale Co
Geo Yeoman Co
‘7[n the Zone”
Whitfield ft Ireland
4 Ankers
Ithaca, N. Y.
STAR (ubo)
Swift ft Daly
3 Melody Girls
Wheeler ft Moran
2d halt
“WIkl Bird”
Ford ft Cunningham G
Hugh Emmett ft Co
Jackson Mich.
(Sunday opening)
Walmen ft Berry
"Miss Thanksgiving”
Jarvis & Harrison
Chas Ahenrn Tr
2d halt
(Same as Saginaw
1st half
Jacksonville, Fla.
ARCADE (ubo)
(Savannah split)
(Sunday opening)
1st halt
Jordan Girls
CountlsR Verona
Sam Lelbert Co
Kenny ft Hollis
•Icrsey City
KEITH’S (ubo)
2d half (19-22)
Kennedy & Nelson
•Geo MaeDnOleen
•Sliding B Watson
Eastman Sisters
Murrnv Bennett
Bert Hurgcs Tr
1st half (23-25)
The Brlghtons
Riees ft Rvan
Harry Antrim
Ruth Roye
(Others to till)
johnsfown, Ph.
(Pittsburgh split)
1st half
6 Inter Tourists
Belle Montrese
Smllletta Ste
(One to fill)
Kalainacoo, MIoh.
(Sunday opening)
"All Girl Revue”
2d halt
(Same as Jackson 1st
KaniuiB City, Mo.
(Sunday opening)
Derwent Hall Caine
Bankoff Co
Bensee ft Baird
Valyda Braz Nuts
Herman & Snlrley
H ft H Savage
Wellington Cross
(Sunday opening)
"An Arabian Night"
Misses Parker
Creighton Belm’t & C
Sully Rogers ft Sully
Davy Jamelson
Lew Wilson .
Knoxville, Tenn.
BiJOU (ubo)
(Chattanooga spilt)
1st half
La Belle ft Lillian
Emily Earl
Elkins Fay ft E
The Randalls
LanalBK, Mlcb.
BIJOU (ubo)
(Sunday opening)
Adonis & Dog
Harris ft Nolan
•“Hit the Trail"
Alice Hamilton
College Quintet
2d half
(Same as Battle Creek
1st halt)
Lima, ,0.
Five Cubans
Mansfield- ft Riddle
U S Pour
Adams & Thomas
„ , ^2d halt
Paul Bauwens
O’Donnell ft Blair
Delight Ethel ft H
Arco Bros
Lincoln, Neb.
Horace Golden Co
Dooley & Nelson
■ Tina Lerner
Moran & Mack
Grace DeMar
Loa Angelea
(Sunday opening)
Ralph Herz
Marla Lo Co
Columbia & Victor
Mile Dazle Co
Willie Solar
Gilbert ft Friedlander
9 White Hussars
Mahoney ft Rogers
Sanderson A Rean
"World In Harmony”
"Ocean Bound”
"Fashions do Vogue”
Eddie Rosa
HIP (a&h)
Fletcher ft Terre
SelbinI ft Qlovlnl
Bernard ft Myer
"Days of Long Ago”
Layman Curzon ft A
Binns ft Burt
Louisville, Ky.
KEITH’S (ubo)
(Nashville split)
1st bait
Carl Rosine Co
Frazer Bunco ft H
Hale Norcross Co
Brlerre ft King
"All for Ladles"
(Opening week)
York’s Doga
El Clive
Nacart & Bradford
4 Haley Sis
"The Miracle”
Rigoletto Bros
Kelly ft Galvin
La Gracloaa
Lowell, Mass.
KEITH’S (ubo)
Sprague ft McNeece
•Lillian Maker
Bond Wilson 3
McNally DInus Co
Swift ft. Kelly
Harry Breen
"Hands Across Sea"
Macon, Ga.
GRAND (ubo)
(Augusta split)
1st halt
Lela Selblni
Nevlns ft Mayo
Mr & Mrs Melbourne
McCormack ft Winch
Tossing Austins
Madiaon, WIs.
Gub Edwards Rev
2d half
Annette ft Morrell
Porter J White Co
Boganny Troupo
(Two to fill)
McKeesport, Fa.
HIP (Ubo)
Granville ft Mack
,Geo Leonard
Gruet Kramer ft G
Coleman’s Manikins
Belle Myers
Memphis, Tenn.
liee Kohlmar Co
Courtney Sisters
Harry Jolson
Laura Hottman
Ruth Budd
Stewart ft Keeley
Paul LaVar ft Bro
LYCEUM (loew)
McAvoy ft Brooks
Homer ft Bubard
"Who Is He?”
Resists .
2d halt
Carl ft Inez
Broughton ft Turner
Freeman ft Barnes
Barnold’s Animals
Lillian Shaw
Sbattuck ft O’Nell
Ward Bros
McIntosh ft Maids
Eddie Carr Co
4 Leon Sisters
PALACE (wva)
(Sunday opening)
Annette ft Morrell
Bessie Clifton
Mayor ft Manicure
Wanzer ft Palmer
Lovett’s Cono’tr’n
Glenn ft Jenkins
2d half
Mahoney ft ' Auburn
Newkirk ft H Girls
Lorraine ft Bannister
Zeno ft Mandel
(Two to 1m)
Mme S Bernhardt
Walter Brower
Helen Trlx .& Sis
Vokes ft Don
Bert Earle ft Girls
Mr ft Mrs Q Wilde
Models Classlque
(Sunday opening)
B ft H Gordon
Jue Quon Tai
Barney Williams Co .
Navassar Girls
Selina’s Circus
GRAND (wva)
Gay ft Oilrose
Cblet Little Elk Co
Maybelle Phillips
Viola Knapp Co
PALACE (wva)
LaPetite Rev
Frick A Adair
Deldos A Imo
AI Ricardo
"Frontier of Preod’m"
Mobile, Ala.
GRAND (ubo)
(New Orleans split)
1st half
Togan ft Oeneav
'Rubini A Carlotta
Harry Bond Co
Mazier ft Thompson
Kenny ft La France
MoUne, HL
PALACE (wva)
(Sunday opening)
Harvey Holt 3
. Cahill ft Romatne
Jessie Hayward Co
Hickey Boys
CAM Dunbar
2d half
Goldie ft Mack
Querro ft Carmen
Harry Tatee Co
Bill Robinson
Aeroplane Girls
Montgomery, Ala.
GRAND (ubo)
(Anniston split'
(Sunday opening)
1st half
The Brads
Bums ft Wilson
Milton Pollock Co
Meredith ft Snoozer
Lamb’s Manikins
Helen Jaekley
W ft M Rogers
NIta Jo
“Just a Bet”
Madison ft Winchester
Barr Twins
Lew Dockstader
(One to fill)
LOEW (loew)
Stone ft Boyle
Largay ft Snee
•Guy Woodward Co
Buddy Walker
Revue de Vogue
Mt. Vernon, N. Y.
2d half (10-22)
Merle’s Birds
Forrest A Church
Ed Averllng
•Leroy Talma ft B
Swift A Kelly
•Eddie Leonard Co
1st half (23-25)
Sliding B Watson
•B McCoy Oo
Eastman Sisters
(Others to fill)
Narindile^ Tenn.
(Louisville split)
1st half
3 Serenaders . .
Juliet Dlka
(Three, to fill)
New Hnven, Conn.
BIJOU (ubo)
Lalgh ft La Grace
Strand Trio
Mr A Mrs S Payne
Reynolds ft White
Herbert Ashley Co
2d half
The Hennings
Horn ft Ferris
"Speaking of Men”
Girl in the Air
(One to fill) '
PALACE (ubo)
.Willie Hale ft Bro
Rebn ft Fitoh
Gray ft Byron
"The Plano Movers ’
Walter J Scanlon
4 Rennees
2d half
Fern Bigelow. & K
Brown Campbell & L
Ward, ft Pryor „
Frazer Fialoy Co
Lydia Barry
Gray ft Old Rose
New Orleaus, La,
PALACE (uho)
(Mobile split)
1st half
Clemenso Bros '
Ryan ft Joyce
Middleton ft Spellm'r
Norwood ft Hall
Bally Hoo 8 ^
Adams ft Mangle
•Zelda Dunn
Cooper ft Gordon
Lane ft Plant
Caeaer Rlvoll Co
2d half
Rosalie Asober
MoAvoy ft Brooks
Homer ft DeBard
"Who Is He”
New Rochelle, N, Y,
LOEW (loew)
Cbappelle ft Stanette
Mumford ft Thompson
McClellan ft Carson
2d half
Harry Sykes
McClellan ft Carson
(One, to fill)
Norfolk, Va.
(Richmond split)
1st half
Catherine Powell
Biff Bang 8
Mack ft Mary
Frank Crumlt
0 Va Steppers
NorrUtowtt, Pa.
GARRICK (moss)
Burke Bros ft Kendall
Dunham &' O’Mally
Ladt Tim Mio
Old Homestead 5
2d half
Knowles ft Hurst
"Golden Bird"
(One to fill)
Okla. City, Ohio.
(Same bill plays Mus-
kogee 22)
Frank LeDent Co
Davey JamlBon
Nancy Boyer Co
Chae Althoff
"Reel Guys”
! Oaklandl
“Where Things Hap”
A Moskova Ballet
Shaw ft Campbell
Morris ft Campbell
Wilfred Clarke Co
Eddy Duo
Lou Holtz
(Sunday opening)
Lucy Gillette
”Bon Voyage
Moratti Linton Co
Creamer- Barton ft S
Parish ft Peru
J & D Miller
”In Paradise”
Betty William
Rose & Rosanna
(Three to fill)
2d half
Joe Barton
(Five to fill)
"Quakert’n to B’way”
Emily Darrell Co
Marlon Munson Co
Cosqla ft Vordl
3 Bartos
Al Whelman
' Oiqaba, Neb.
(Sunday opening)
C MacDonald
Paul Decker Co
Andy Rice
Marion Weeks
Drew ft Wallace
Roy Hsrrah Co
Lander Bros
* Ottawa ■
Espe ft Dutton
"Corner Store”
Oonne A Albert
(Twaito fill)
PawtntAet^ B. 1.
SCENIC (ubo)
LaFo)ttta A BeBtrr
Long ft Wilkes
Eddie Healif
Fern Bigelow ft K
2d half
Evelyn ft Dolly
Rob ft Robinson
Donald T Roberts
Palfrey Hull ft B
Fetersbarg, Va.
Simons ft Brantley
Al Taylor
"Bullet Proof Lady”
(One to fill)
2 half
Leroy ft Cooper
Mai 7 Maxfleld
Kalalino’s Hawallans
Mason £ Qooine
Zlska ft King
KEITH’S (ubo)
Belle ft Eva
Cassoh ft Sherlock
Dugan ft Raymond
Ned Norworth Co
Rita Maria Orchestra
Alfred Latell Co
Blanche Ring
Diamond ft Brennan
Asahi Troupe
Bouncer’s Ctreus
Rosman ''ft Dorothy
V ft C Avery
Newhott ft Phelps
Hamilton ft Barnes
Stampede Riders
BWAY (ubo)
Kitamura Tr
Harry Batchelor
Rives 6 Arnold
2d half
McLellan ft Casson
Durklp Girls
Dunham ft O’Valley
"On West Front"
Sophie Tucker Co
Mullen ft.Coogan
Emmy’s Pets
Ray ft Paganl
(Ode to fill)
Walton ft Daniels
Liiokle ft Bums
"New Model”
Hall ft O’Brien
Henry ft Fihy
ZerthoB and Bogs
CROS3KBY3 (moss)
McClellan ft Carson
Purkin Girls
Henry Clive
Lottie Williams Co
Eckhardt ft Parker
Geo Primrose Mins
2d half
Nolan ft Nolan
3 Quinnlan Bros
Fred Weber Co
Corse Payton Co
Lucky ft Bums
“Bon Bons”
GLOBE (moss)
Padula ft DeNore
The Telocks
P PlatoBoofs Co
Eugene Emmett
"Rooky Pass”
Hanlon ft Clifton
Lee ft Bennett
"BonflireB old Empires”
Jones ft Sylvester
Gypsy Songsters
Pittsbargb, Pa.
DAVIS (ubo)
The Geralds
Conly ft Welt
Great Lester
Frances Kennedy
"The Only Girl”
Serg Brown ft
Corp Shea
(Two to fill)
(Johnstown split)
. 1st half
Wilbur ft Lyke
Julian Hall
M Atfioros Trio
Lewis ft Norton
3 Bennett Sis
HARRIS (ubo)
Wheeler Bros
Milton ft Rich
Jessie Parker Co
Quinn ft De Re]
Arthur Ldvtne Co
Wells ft Gilmore
(One, to fill)
Portland, Ore.
Julius Tannen
Mack A Walker
Fisher Hawley Co <
Creole Fashion Plate
Mllletta. Sisters.
Heraa ft Preston
Albert Joyce
Vertchamp ft Alberts
KEITH’S (ubo)
Hazel Moran
Brennan ft Davis
Rawson ft Clare
Rose ft Moon
Crawford’s Show
Orth ft (k>dy
Spanish Dancers
Fermalne ft Shelly
"Pretty Soft”
Victoria Trio
. Pe^UlCk P«.
HIP (mou)
Knowles ft Hurst
"Golden Bird”
Howard A Lewis
"On Western Front”
2d half
Burke Bros ft Kendall
Walters ft Daniels'
Lady Tim Mle
pid Homestead 5
PrOTldenec^ R. I.
KEITH’S (abo)
The Ferraros
Armstrong ft James
Nash ft Donnell
Lillian Fitzgerald
William Eba
Chllson Orhman ’
’’Study In Sculpture”
EMBRY (loew)
Scamp ft Scamp
Edab Deldrldge 3
Chas Mack Co
Hawthorne ft Anthony
Strassell’s Animals
2d half
Melva Sisters
Dave Thursby
•"Any Couple”
Zubn ft Drels
•Ara Sisters -
Readlagr, Pa.
Brant ft Aubrey
Roy La Pearl
Ben ft Hazel Mann
Nature’s Nobleman
(One to fill)
2d half
Jack ft.Forrls
Lloyd ft 'Whitehouse
Jean Sotbern
’’Perhaps You’re
Right” .
(One to fill)
Rlcbmond, lad.
MURRAY (sun)
Jean Barrios
Morgan ft Stewart
2d half
McComb ft Ewart Tw
Gardner’s Maniacs
Richmond, Va.
LYRIC (ubo)
(Norfolk split)
1st half
Stewart Sisters
Clark ft Budd
Jenny Burke
Henry’s Pets
(One to fill)
Roaaoke, Va.
ROANOKE (ubo) ,
(Charlotte split)
1st half
Martin & Bayes
The Dohertys
Scotch Lads ft Lassies
Lew Hawkins
Peterson Bros
Rocheater, N. Y.
TEMPLE (ubo)
Rooney ft Bent
Fradkin A Tell
Chris Richards
. Edith. Clifford
Mazle King Co
Hollowan ft Wlllette
Everest’s Circus
Frank Shields
Roekford, lU.
PALACE (wva)
(Sunday opening)
Latoy's Models
Newkirk A Girls
Knorr A Rella
Zeno ft Mandel
Boganny Troupe
2d half
Diamond ft Daughter
Mayor ft Manicure
Langdon ft Smith
Doc Baker ft Girls
Glenn ft Jenkins
(Same bill playing
Stockton 25-26 ; Fres-
no 27-28)
Robt T Haines Co
Gautier’s Toy Shop
Mack 'Williams
Amoros Sisters
Bison City 4
Cdniin & Glass
HIP (a&h)
Leo Data ft Co
Moore ft Gray
Tom & Pearl Almond
Ward Baker Co
Burke ft Lee
Demi Trusea Tr
Pickett ft Pluikett
2d half
Enos Frazere
Voltaire ft Lloyd
Green ft Bailey
Herbert ft Lee
Shaffer Leonard ft F
Lipton’s Monks
Saginaw, Mich.
r. opening)
Rose ft Dell
P ft Q DeMbnt
M Hamilton Co
Franklyn Pay
Clark’s Hatfsilans ,
2d half
(Same as Bay City 1st
. half)
Sf, Laoia
DeHaven ft Parker
Andrew Mack
Rose ft Bernard
Elsie LaBerbere
Kramer ft Cross
Downs ft Gomes
E J Moore
Zara Carmen Trio
rawson ft Sunder’d
Wilson ft Van
Imtour ft Gold
The Lemon
Tabor ft Green
Diaz Monks
CPhree to fill)
KINGS (wva)
Juggling DeLlsle
Deroy ft Dayton
_ Cycle of Mirth”
J^red BlHott
Dining Car Mins
D , „.?d half
Paul Cboncbas Co
^herty ft Sealta
Clifford HIppis Co
AleMader ft Fiew,
Black ft White
St Paul
Ford Bisters ' ^
Dale ft Burch
Kathryn ft Murray
Merian s Dogs
Lew Maddsn Co
P aLace Cwva)
The Totos ^
' & Imokmar
7 Serenaders
Dot Marsell
(One to fill)
(2d half)
;^ream Blstera
F^cls ft Hume
Sidney Taylor Co
Bmele Clifton.
Hello People, Hello”
Bait Imke
Milton ft DeLong Sis
Keane ft -White
Qygl ft Vaple
from Milwaukee”
Julia Ring Co
Milt Collins
"Finders Keepers”
Cook ft Oatman
Curtis’ Canines
Wm H Rogers
Saa Antonlov Tex.
ROYAL (hp)
Rose & Ellis
Sol Borns
Mr ft Mrs P Fisher
Noodles Fagan Co
"Girl of Delhi”
San Dteso
Oalettl’e Baboons
Denisbawn Dancers
Billy Blllott
.Reddington ft Grant
Talby ft Harty
Eastman Trio
HIP (a&h)
Hopkins ft Axtell
Arnold B Wumellt-
Wllson ft Tomsell
De Peron Trio
Sharp ft Gibson
Brinkman ft Steele Sis
2d half
Lew Huff
Les Arados
"Milady’s Gowns”
Whirlwind Hagens
Dupree ft Wilson
San Francisco
(Sunday opening)
"Girl on Magazine”
Mrs T Whitten Co
Bessye Clifford
Eddie Foyer
Florence Tempest
Clark ft Bergman
Kltaro Japs <
Tracey & McBride
‘ Stockings”
"Mile a Minute"
Hooper ft Burkhardt
'Wlnton Bras
DeMidieUe Bros
Fred Kelly •
CASINO (a&h)
(Sunday opening)
"Hun Chasers"
Nestor’s Sweethearts
Kip ft Klppy
Bale lA^lIson
O'RourIce ft Atkinson
. HIP (a&h)
(Sunday opening)
Seymour ft Dupree
'Walter Baker Co
The Zellinis
Jarvis ft Gaffney
S Dennis Sisters
Sprlnadleld* Ot
SDN (sun)
Angell ft DeYoe
Paul Bauwens
O’Donnell ft Blair
Briscoe ft Raub
Arco Bros
2d halt
Mansfield ft Riddle
Raines ft Goodrich
Belgium Trio
(Two to fill)
Savaniiah* Ga.
(Jdeksonville split)
1st half
Sterling Rose S
Oeorgle Bmmett
Holliday ft Neville
Harris ft Lyman
Misses Challonte
Schenectady* H. X,
J ft A Keeney
Bd Morton
Diane ft Rublnl
Farrell Taylor Co ~
Johnny Clarke Co
2d half
Red ft Blondy
Edna Luby
R H Hodge Co
Kilkenny Duo
"Miss America’’
Scranton, Pa.
POU’S (ubo)
(Wllkesbarre split)
1st half
The Dartos
Lezey ft O’Connor
Capps Family
Hilton ft Rogers
"Rialto Review’’
S eattle
(Sunday opening)
Dore’s Celebrities
ImhoB (lonn ft Coreene
Brendel ft Bert
Tvette ft Saranoff
Emerson ft Baldwin
Loaova ft Gilmore
"Oh Channed”
Bailey ft Austin
Sherman 'Van ft H
Regay ft Mack
Hill Tivoli ft Hill
Sloax Olty, la.
Turner A Grace
Mahoney ft Rogers
Lehoen A Duprece
(Two to fill)
2d halt
Nora Kelly
Brown's Highlanders
Jack Goldie
Willie Bros
(Two to fill)
South Bend, Ind.
(Sunday opening)
Artolse Bros
Lilian Kingsbury Co
Sen Fran Murphy
Choy Beng Wa Tr
(One to fill)
2d half
"Vanity Pair”
Worden Bros •
"Revue Bouauet"
T P Dunn
Wm Flemmen Co
Holmes ft LeVere
“Barefoot Bey”
Springfield, III.
(Sunday opening)
Tyler ft St Clair
"Yankee Princess’’
2d half
The Florenis
Mowatt ft Puller
PltzBimmonB ft Nor-
June Mills
Dedie Velde Co
Sprlaarfleld, IWaan.
PALACE (ubo)
it Sports
Walsh ft Edwards
Obas Edwards 3
"Garden Belles’’
Val A E Stanton
Louis Hart
2d half
Frawley ft West
Flager ft Malta
Dinkins McCarthy ft E
Walter J Scanlon
Moon ft Morris
McKay’s Revue
B’WAY (loew)
Melva Sisters
Calvin ft ’Thornton
*‘‘Any Couple’’
Zuhn ft Drels
(One to fill)
2d half
Homer Romalne
Edah Deldridge 3
Chas Mack Co
Hawthorne ft Anthony
(One to fill)
HIP (afth).
Peat Stevens
Gehan ft Gehan
Joe Barton
(Three to fill)
2d halt
(Same as Sacramento
1st half)
finjpmclor, 'WIs.
PALACE (wva)
'Ware ft Marvin
Sidney Taylor Co
(Three to fill)
2d half
The Totos
Murphy ft Lackmar
7 Serenaders
Dot Marsell
(One to fill)
Syracuse, N» Y,
H ft E West
McNally ft Ashton
James Grady Co
Aus Stan Stanley Co
(Two to fill)
2d half
Swift ft Daly
Alice Manning
Nippon Duo
Hadji Sambola Co
(Two to fill) I
TEMPLE (ubo)
Harmon ft O’Coimoi
Tllyou ft Ward
R Hodge Co
Sylvester ft Vance
"On-lfonilla Bay"
2d half
8 Lachman Sisters
Charles Reilly
Howard ft Ross
Paynton Howard ft L
Fields Keane ft W
Johnny Clarke Co -
Vanconyer, B. O.
"He’S a Devil”.
Mller Packer ft Sell
Jackie A Billy
The Norvellos
'Wheeler ft Potter
"Red S’ox Trot"
Terre Haute, Ind.
NEW HIPP (wva)
(Evansvlle split)
1st halt
"Mimic World’’
Girard’s Monkeys
Fred Allen
"Some Bride”
Chief Caupolican
"Petticoats” -
Adolphus Co
JAM Harkins
4 Bolses
HIP (ubo)
The Sheldons -
Olathe Miller Co
McCarthy ft Levering
Marie Russell
(Two to fill)
YOUNGE (loew)
Gordon ft Gordon
•M Prince ft Girls
Jimmy Britt
Douglas Flint Co
Friend ft Dowlng
*Ginlianl Quartet
Trenton, N. J.
STATE BT (moss)
Nnlan & Nolan
Fay ft J Smith
Jack Marley
Gold Reece ft Edw
2d half
A Gilbert
F Fay ft Jazz Band
(Two to fill)
Troy, N. Y.
Vim Beauty ft H
Charles Reilly
Imperial Quintet
Fields Keane ft W
"Miss America"
Leonard ft Willard
Ford ft Urma Co
2d half
Sylvester ft Vance
Tom Nawn Co
Tllyou & Ward
"On Manila Bay”'
Nellie V Nichols
Tronoll Duo
ITtloa, N. Y,
Swain’s Animals
Mabel Hamilton
Duval ft Symonds
Josle Heather Co
H ft O Ellsworth
Hotter Bros
(One to fill)
2d half
0 ft J Woods
Jerome ft Albright
"Children of France”
Burns ft Frabito
(Three to fill)
A Haseh Ballet
Whipple ft Huston
Lelghtners tLAlez
Flstel ft Cushing
Rev F Dorman
Aus Creightons
Jas J Morton
"Helii, PoUoo"
Cameron Oaylor Co
Detective Keane
American Hawaiian 3
Kremka Bros
Victoria, C.
^QUyes” ',5
Britt Wood . „ . ,
Octavla Handsworth Co
Foils Sis ft LeRw
Zeno Dunbar ft J
'Waco, Tex,
Moore ft Rose-
Alex Bros, ft Evelyn
Donavon ft Lee
“Peacock Alley”
yyaakiagtoz^ D. O.
Theo Kosloff Co
"Best Sellers”
Janet Adair Co
*Stephen D O’Rourke
Bob Hall
Collins ft Hart
Harris ft Morey
Robbie Oordone
COSMOS (moss)
Weber ft Elliot
Mr ft Mrs Claire
Royal Oasoolgnes
Arthur Rigby
"Little Burglar”
(One to fill)
'Waterbary, Conn.
POLI’S (Ubo)
The Hennings
Merrilees ft Doris
Bums A Ardlne
Payer Finley Co
Lydia Barry
Grey A Old Rose
2d halt
Whiteside Sisters
Walsh ft Edwards
Shannon ft Annls
Nevlns ft Erwin .
Le Orobs
Bachelor’s Romance
Waterloo, la.
(Sunday opening)
Goldie ft Mack
Cooney Sisters
Homhsrg ft Lee
C Hanson ft Village 4
Robt Everest
2d half
Hughes Musical Duo
George ft Tony
Leigh DeLacey Co
Big City 4
Johnson Dean Rev
WUk«iH.Barre, Pa.
POLI’S (Ubo)
(Scranton split)
1st halt
Dancing Cronins
Dolle Sisters
Frank Conroy Co
Frank Gaby
Ernie Antonio 3
WUmlngton, DeL
Petroff Co
Doris Dare
B Heath Co
Kalmar ft Brown
Kaufman Bros -sa-
Jean Duval Co
Walter C Kelly
‘Married via Wire”
Dickinson ft Deagon
3 O’Gonnan Girls
Sylvia iioyal Co
Prosper ft Maret
Gallagher ft Rooley
Tom Edwards Co
The Youngers
"The Owl”
Manning Keeney ft K
Reves ft Oaynor Girls
STRAND (wva)
Johnny ft Wise
Cummings ft Carroll
MoWma Sttendal ft B
Arlsto Troupe '
2d half
(Same as Ft William
1st half)
WoOBUoeket, R. I.
BIJOU (ubo)
Evolyn ft Dolly
Donlay T Roberts
Palfrey Hull A B
2d half
LaPolitta ft DeBarr
Eddie Healy
Fern Bigelow ft K
Woroeater, Man.
POLI’S (ubo)
Stewart ft Cumberly
Brown Campbell 'ft L
Shannon ft Annla
Moon ft Morris
Osakl ft Taki
2d halt
"Birds of a Feather”
Dave Jonson
Gray ft Byron
Rebn ft Fltoh
Herbert Aahley Co
PLAZA (ubo)
Sherwln Kelly
Crazy Quilts
McKay’s- Scotch - Rev
Flager ft Malta
Mang ft Snyder
2d half
Vanie ft Allen
Shirley SU
Burns ft Ardlne
"Garden Belles"
(One to fill)
YottfcCM, N. Y.
Ben Smith
(Two to fill)
2d halt
Mack ft Redding
Armstrong ft Ford
8 Black Dots
York, Pa.
Jack ft Forla
"Perhaps You’re
Billy Gleason
(’Two to fill)
2d halt
Roy La Pearl
Ben A Hazel Mann
Nature’s Nobleman
(Two to fill)
Youngstowii, O,
KEITH’S (ubo)
Teohoro’s Oats
Adams A Griffith
Rloo ft Werner
Man Off Wagon
MoDevltt Kelly ft L
Jean Adair Co
H ft A SeymoUre
Ben Beyer Co
Fred Lindsay
Sam Barton
Purcells Bros
Flying Banolas
Alphonse Ranoy
Faton (Monkey)
Olga Morselli
Arizona Trio
Romain Notset
Killy Grenelle
Jess Pedersen
Plssluttl ft Lola
Maurice Chevalier
Bijou ft Antonio
Mitzordo Jap Tr
Sisters Maiss
Leon Rogee
Chas Pllne
Jack ft Olgi Ovaro
The nbw Maxim's show opening next
Monday will have Veronica and the
Gossler Twins among its principals.
Some of the road houses around New
York shut down tight last Sunday,
while others kept open in a way, but
did scarcely any business.
Ethly and Addison Fowler, at Baron
Long’s Ship cafe, Los Angeles, for a
run of 50 weeks, are coming east, for
the first time. They are dancers and
have been called “The Castles of the
Coast." . - -
After visiting out-of-town one might
change an opinion that New York
restaurant men are the only ones who
have bulged out their menu card prices
to the bursting point. All over it’s
about the same.' with the out-of-town-
ers, however, taking the lead ‘from New
York, Up-State last week three hotel
proprietors in one city w'ere called be-
fore the local food administration and
fined $50 each, with a more severe
penalty promised if they did not stop
E rofiteering. The food administrator
ad ii) figures where the hotels had
charged ^ per cent, profit on 'two
items of vegetables.
Paul Corvin, formerly of the Clifton
Trio that had to disband owing to one
of its members being drafted, is al
Sennett’s, Bronx, where he has or-
ganized a trio composed of Jim
O’Brien, Harry Walken and himself.
Fannie Brice, who was leading in
“Why Worry?” when that- show
stopped after one of the season’s
short runs, may return to "The Mid-
night Frolic” on the Amsterdam Roof.
Miss Brice was there in the summer.
Earl Fuller has four orchestras in
the Rector’s places. The downstairs
orchestra at Rector’s, with 12 pieces,
is led by Joe Samuel; the upstairs
(ballroom) of nine pieces by Mike
Special and there is a Jazz combination
in the same room, of five pieces. Ben
Selvin is the leader of the other Fuller •
orchestra of seven pieces at the Moulin
Guyon’* Paradise in Chicago; one of
the largest dancing establishments in
the world, opened its 1918-1919 season
Thursday, September 19, after being
closed for nearly three months. Ex-
tensive alterations were made to per-
mit of larger dancing space and the
installation of new features. In its
new shape the hall can accommodate
7,000 dancers and 1,000 diners at the
same time.
“Vanity Fair” opened at Rector’s
(downstairs) last week. It’s a very
dressy revue, of several principals and
girls. The dressing compares with the
elaborateness of the same thing always
specialized in in the other Rector's
floor entertainment, at the Palais
Royal. The costumes for the ensembles
are striking. It’s quite the best show
in this respect that Rector’s has given.
Otherwise in playing and principals
there is nothing exceptional. La
Syiphe the dancer is in the lead. Others
are Mabel Jones, Kosner and O’Dette,
the Mertons, Gloria D’Arcy (who leads
several numbers, including "The Amer-
ican Jazz,” the big number of the show,
that also has a girls’ jazz band with
Delphi Daughn as the dancer and the
Brady collie dogs taking part) ; the
Sheldons, Kitty McLaughlin and Ar-
ture Lugaro, besides the chorus mrls ;
Carol Hayden, Grayce Hall, Ruth
Townsend, Elsie McMillin, Marguerite
Thomson, Madge McCarthy, Jeanne
Voltaire, Lucile Gordon^ Helen Walker,
Marie Williams, Betty Stone, Ara Mar-
tin, Christine Palfy (the latter four
with the collies).
ProiiosaU to install soda water foun-
tains in the restaurants when prohi-
bition takes effect in this country are
being made by manufacturers of the
fountajns to restaurateurs. At the
fountains if employed very fancy
mixed soft drinks will be served if the
g ublic takes to this form. One of the
roadway cabaret restaurants is said
to be figuring on puttihg in a fountain
this winter to accommodate men in
Syracuse, Sept. 18.
The Oswego Society is all stirred up
because one of its leaders was denied
the privilege of appearing in the pro-
duction of “The Flying Prince” at the
Richardson Theatre Monday night.
Soldiers of General Hospital No. 5
objected to the woman, whose name
is withheld, because her husband, a
former officer in the United States
Army, is alleged to be a pronounced
pacifist with no Liberty Bond or war
chest contributions to his credit.
Adeline O’Connor, a professional
from New York, was' brought to Os-
wego early in the week and rehearsed
for the patt. She has been with a
number x>i good road attractions.
The new revenue law about being
completed by Congress doubles the
cabaret tax. The law legally “sets’' 20
per cent, of the check as the admission,
or to be so regarded. This is as at
present, but the new law states that
20 per cent, of the admission is to be
collected, whereas now it is 10 per cent.
In other words a $10 check would be
regarded as including $2 admission and .
20 per cent, of that would be 40 cents.
At present the tax on a $10 check is 20
Tannehill-Conoly Camp Show.
Frank Tannehill and Joe Conoly are
producing a musical show to play the
cantonments exclusively.
In November Tannehill goes to Los
Angeles to put on a comedy drama in
which he is financially interested.
George Grundy, who was compelled
to relinquish his lease of Grand Cen-
tral Palace through the taking over
of the edifice by the Government, is
negotiating to assume the lease of the
St. Nicholas Rink, now being managed
by Cornelius Fellowes, Jr. The bonus
mentioned in the taking over of the
present ice rink is understood to be
$20,000 a year for ten years. If
the deal is consummated, Grundy
plans to have roller skating in
the basement and dancing on the pres-
ent ice skating floor. The Brooklyn
Ice Rink on Bedford avenue is to be
converted into a storage warehouse;
Healy’s on upper Broadway is devoted
to pictures; the ice rink at 181st street
is undergoing remodeling whereby the
present entrance will be converted into
Marie Walsh and Irving Edwards.
Mr. and Mrs. William Lawrence in
sketch, “A Week End Trip.”
Geo. Felix and Clair Palmer in “Thq
Girl Nextdoor."
Leroy, Talma and Bosco, with IS
Eva Puck, with Elmer White (for-
merly Abbott and White) at the piano,
Darrell and Edwards, formerly Tower
and Darrell (Aaron Kessler).
Harry Gibbs and Edna Colwell in
- Harry Fidler, formerly Fidler and
Sheldon, single.
Annette Kellerman contemplates re-
turning to vaudeville with a big act.
The Three White Kuhns are return-
ing to vaudeville as a trio._
“The Stowaways,” musical comedy,
9 people, with Ed. West and Paul
Paulis (Bert La Mont).
. “Hands Across the Seas," with 12
people, including the Lovenberg Sis-
ters and O’Neary Brothers.
“Sliding” Billy Watson (burlesque)
and Joe F. Willard in military travesty,
with three people.
Ben Bernie, single. Formerly Bcrnic
and Baker, with Mr. Baker ordered to
“Blow Your Horn” with Kirt Vance
and Josephine Taylor (Herman
“Six International Tourists” (for-
merly Lasky’s “Six Hoboes”), (Jack
“The Heart of Annie Wood,” a
“flash” drama, with five people, with-
out carrying electricians.
Polly Moran, for the past three and
onc-half years princial comedienne in
Keystone pictures, returning to vaude-
Al Reymond (formerly Raymond and
Caverly) and a company of five, in the
John B. Hymer sketch, “From Denver
to Frisco,” Mr. Raymond will play a
Hebrew character in the skit.
Andre Sherri is putting on a new
musical playlet called “Hats, Bonnets
and Chapeaux.” Hattie Lorraine is in
the lead. Others are Perle Frank, Jack
Cragin, Lois Arnold, Gabrielle Gray.
£ sJi
V 1 * ,
S ^ u
■g i fc'-
A. H. Woods has bought the stage righto to
a play entitled "Torpedoed,"
The Selwyn, now complete, will open Oct. 2
with Jane Cowl In "Information, Please."
San Carlo Orond Opera Co. has extended Its
engagement at the Shubert for another week.
Ruth Lee has succeeded Bleanor Fox In
'‘Maytlme," at the Broadburet Theatre.
David Belasco has a new play for Frances
Starr, a comedy by Edward Knoblock, The
piece will be pla\:ed In rehearsal shortly.
Cyril Maude mode hts flrbt appearance In
"The Saving Qrace" at Buffalo, Sept. 16. The
play will be seen at the Empire, Sept. 30.
After a tour of almost two years, "The
Wanderer” will be brought back to the Man-
hattan for one month, beginning Sept. SO.
When "Turn to the Right” comes to the
Standard next week Mike Donlln will be
Slippery Mugga.
"They Coma Back,” by Britton Austin, will
be presented by Walter Hast at a local Shu-
hert theatre next month.
James F. Reilly, for many years a member
of the Charles Ffohman business staff, has
been elected secretary of the Charles Frohman
Co.. Inc. ■ '
In the theatrical unit of the Police Reserve,
William Fox has been commissioned a ma]or,
John Zanft a captain and Harry C. Sommers
a lieutenant.
Edwin Carty Ranch, formerly dramatic edi-
tor Brooklyn Eagle, has been appointed press
repfesentatlve of the Greenwich Village The-
After Oct. 1 the Government virtually abol-
ishes the code cable. All messages sent by
cable must be In plain language. Nov. 1 the
same order affects incoming cables.
“The Love Cure,” a musical comedy, is being
prepared for early opening by Jack B. Loeb,
who, with Al. Sbean, wrote the hook; lyrics
by Edith Jane and music by Leo Edwards.
Cleofonte Campanlnl, general director of the
Chicago Opera Association, has engaged for
the coming season Giorgio Polacco, who was
the leading Italian conductor at the Metro-
politan a couple of years ago.
“Betty at Bay,” a play by Mrs. Jessie Por-
ter. will be brought from London by the Shu-
berts and presented here next month. J. H.
Bamee, who produced the play, will direct It
hero and have a leading part.
Smith & Golden will shortly produce a new
play by Frank Bacon, co-author with Wln-
Chell Smith of "Llghtnln'," entitled "Five
o’clock.” It Is a dramatization of a story bjr
Freeman Tllden.
Anthony Paul Kelly will assist in making
photographic records for the Bureau of Navi-
gation of what our navy has accomplished
since the declaration of war. He Joined the
navy last June.
be universal membership, which will include
the renewal of the present membership and se-
curing as new members all the available adult
population of the United States, excepting men
In service.
Wiliam A. Brady Is to present a melodrama
entltl^ "Enemies Within,” by Kilbourn Gor-
don and E, H, Culbertson.
ford Harris, music by Harold Fraser-Slmpson,
James W. Tate, Ollz Rice. At the Casino,
An extended run In New York In one of the
Shubert houses, starting early In November,
is Included In the plans of Robert B. Mantell
for the present season.
William A. Brady has acquired for early pro-
duction a romantic comedy, entitled “Peters
Mother.” the work of Mrs. Henri de la Paz-
teur (Lady ClllTord). The piece has been
produced In London.
The annual ball of the Screen Club at the
Hotel Aster will be held In November, under
the auspices of the Stage Women’s War Relief,
with the co-operation of the picture Industry
and the stage.
The Hippodrome has been placed at the
disposal of the Trustees for the Fund for the
Welfare of the 185th Infantry, formerly the
60th, N. G.. N. Y., for a special performance.
Sept. 22, for the benefit of the men now In
Captain James R. Morrison, who played In
"The 13th Chair,” has returned from the Plave
front with decorations bestowed by the King
of Italy. Sept. 16 he spoke In the Stage Wo-
men’s War Relief Workroom, 366 Fifth ave-
nue, New York.
Shuberts Drop Name from Title,. ..
Syracuse, N. Y., Sept. 18.
Following the announced intent of
the owners of the Weiting to take
legal steps to force the Shuberts to
discontinue the employment of the
name of the theatre as Shubert-Weit-
ing, the Shubert name has been
A professional hlsser has been added to the
cast of "Three Paces East.v He Is stationed
In the wings, near enough to be beard on' the
stage. When an actor has to say "Gott Strafe
England or “Der Tag,” he hisses loudly and
the audience soon picks It up.
Oct. 1 the Government will abolish the
custom of serving a la carte meals on dining
cars, and the table d’hote plan will be substi-
tuted. The charge tor luncheon and dinner
will be $1. The plan oontemplates a standard-
ization of the meals.
The second Christmas membership campaign
of the American Red Cross will bo held the
latter part of December. The objective will
San Francisco, Sept. 18._
The Sandusky Dramatic Stock will
open an inde$nite engagement at
Butte, Mont., about Sept. 22.
A musical play In three acts, book by Fred-
erick Lonsdale, lyrics by Harry Graham, Cllf-
Sept. 11.
The music was very pretty, and with a few
needed touches in the singing and acting time
of It the piece should gain immeasurably. —
The humor of the piece, too, was of a
sound old vintage, as was thef muslolanly
score. It was a characteristic Elllott-Com-
Btock-Oest production, which Is to say, that It
was distinguished for the generous use of
money. Inspired by good taste. — Times,
A comedy in three acts, by Theresa Helburn,
at the Belmont, Sept. 12.
There is material for admirable satire, and
for an Inspiring object lesson. In the main
situation of "Crops and Croppers."— Times.
Miss Helbum’s comedy, though It has not
much Buhstanoe, Is smartly written, with
clever thrusts which border on satire at the
young women who are struggling to Increase
the Nation’s store of provisions.
A comedy In three acts by Laura Hlnkley
and Mabel Ferris, based on a story by Mias
Hinkiey, at the .Iflth Street. Sept. 12.
It must be seen to be understood, and those
who like fascinating mystery complications will
not fail to appreciate the simple explanation
which the play divulges. — Herald.
The best part of the play Is Its mystery.—
Lowell, Mass., Sept. 18.
Henry Jewett, manager of the Col-
ley, has announced the members of his
company. He proposes to open the
season next week. They are Essex
Darre, Mercedes Dismore, Fred W.
Permain, Montague Weston, Leonard
Craske, H. Conway Wingfield, E, E.
Clive, Nicholas Jo6y, B. N, Lewin,
Gather Lexow, Viola 'Roach, Jessamine
Newcomb, William Podmore, Estelle
A comedy In four acts, by Oscar Wilde, at
the Comedy. Sept. 16.
No one who cares for Intelligent wit and
genlune gayety can afford to miss "An Ideal
Husband.” — Times,
"An Ideal Husband" la nicely staged and
superbly costumed. — World.
A comedy In four acts, by Horace Annesley
Vachell, at the Lyceum, Sept. 16.
The enmedy will go only as far as Mr. Skin-
ner’s following will take It. — Herald.
The play Is pleasurable, If only for -Us star’s
finished and graceful performance. — 'World.
A musical comedy In three acts. Book and
lyrics by Guy Bolton and x*. 0. Wodehonse,
music by Ivan Caryll. At the New Amster-
dam. Sent. 16.
"The Girl Behind the Gun” made a perfect
score. — Jerald.
Military musical comedy up to the minute,
with sltnaMons suggested from the other side,
properly deplrved of all of war’s grim reali-
ties, and dressed up In frivolity for Broadway,
describes "The Girl Behind the Gun.” — Times.
A musical comedy In three acts, hook, music
and Ivrlcs by Harry Delf. At the Harris,
Sent. 16.
The most Interesting things about "Some
Nleht” were the elrls of the ensemble and the
author. Harry Delf. — Times.
Able Seaman Delf’s war duties may take
him far from Broadway, but "Some Night”
will undoubtedly remain In the Harris as
^Bsant reminder of him for some weeks to
come. — Herald.
A melodrama in a prologue and three acts
by Roland West and Carlyle Moore, at the
Lyric, Sept. 14.
The stage settings, necessary to the tricks
of this queer play, are some of the best fea-
tures of It. — Herald.
Scenicallv the play falls Into the long cate-
gory of pieces that owe their dramaturgy to
"On Trial," and ultimately to the movies.— ^
(Continued from page 18.)
Eleanor Gates’ Play to Be Rewritten.
“Phoebe Pretends,” the new comedy
by Eleanor Gates, has returned from
its try-out tour, and it is said that it
will be the first of the year before it
will resume playing owing to the ne-
cessity of rewriting before it can come
into New York.
“Melting of Molly” Once Again.
The Shuberts have once more placed
in rehearsal “The Melting of Molly,"
and the piece is scheduled for im-
minent presentation out of town.
the others, although the first number; “We
Don’t Want the Bacon” '(Shapiro, Bemstela
& Co.), was nicely filmed. The others were,
“It He Can Fight Like He Can Love" (Feist),
sung by Artie Mobllnger, and “When the Yanks
Come Marching Home” (A. J. Stasny & Co,),
sung by Harry Bernhardt. The Stasny num-
ber got the worst of it, even though the fintsh-
' ing number. Several of Its moving: scenes
were the same as In the Foist number, and
the “Inserts” in both, of the several parades
ini New York, also the U. S. cruisers, had
evidently been seen often before and were
quickly recognized. .
The Contest held the bouse, and the applause
sounded genuine for each song without a
suspicion of a "clacque.” It did look as
though the Waterson singer had ' a" “plant"
upstairs, who took up one chorus., for him.
Now, If Bin McQuald, for the final 'next Tues-
day night, win allow Mabel Burke to eing all
the winning songs of this week,' tb'efe can be
no partiality shown by the audience toward
the voice or personality of any one or more
singers the various publishers would otherwise
send down to render the numbers. Miss Burke
stands well with the Fifth Avenue patrons ;
she knows all about illustrated songs and how
to sing them, and It would really bring. out
the winner on Its pure 'merit, plus the excel-
lence of the picture aside. But Bill la a
manager, with an acute business sense. He
may send along a bunch of rooters at the
same time which would make the walls bulge
through the attendance. .
The show opened with Osakl ah^ taki, a
Jap balancing turn, followed l^v^thC: Bherlook
Sisters and Jimmie Foley. NbXt .wore Mason
and Q'wynne, and then Doris, .Darn, all- under
New Acts. It was only last week the Sher-
lock girls were with Jimmy Casson. Mr.
Foley was formerly of Foley and O’Neil,
Bufifalo, Sept. 18.
Dr. Peter C. Cornell, manager of the
Majestic and Star, has announced the
opening of the Knickerbocker Players
at the Star Sept. 23. The first producr
tion will be “The Brat.” Howard Rum-
sey, who will manage the players,
states that he has secured rights to
some of the latest plays. The company
will be under the direction of Ekmer
Brown, and the roll is made up as fol-
lows. Frank Wilcox, Julie Herne, Miss
Mary Compton, Alice Colcord, Thomas
V. Emory, Broderick O’Farrell, John
Powers, Max Wiseman.
No. 6 held Cook and Savo, who went to a
stop-the-Aow finish, the first real big score.
They have a “baby-boyibaby-glrl gag" that
brought them a howl, and the turn has been
considerably smoothed out since showing at
the 23d Street some weeks ago. It still closes
with the “Hula” business by Savo and that
gave them the hit, although it’s not. a certainty
the same result would come to them from a
regular big-time Jiudlence. Though you can’t
tell. It’s an act that will amuse mpre quickly
the out-of -small-town audience than the blg^->
gest big clty.'. one,.. but . the. act will yet easily
San Francisco, Sept. 18.
The Denham, Denver, Colo., has, ac-
cording to a report, been leased by
Ernest Wilkes, for one of bis dramatic
stock companies.
Portland, Me., Sept. 18.
Alice Fleming opened the season at
the Alcazar Monday, the opening at-
traction being “Johnny, Get Your Gun.”
In addition to Miss Fleming, the com-
pany includes Edward Everett Horton,
Marie Curtis, Nancy Muston and
Jessie Brink.
shape up Into blg-tlme timber. Savo has
certain funny ways; be Is fast learning how
to handle to the best advantage, and when he
Is set In that line their advancement for vaude-
ville Is sure. Some of the talk Is still old In
years and the cold feet conundrum Is a raw ’un
for a red fire.
Philadelphia, Sept. 18. >
Stock will open at the Orpheum
Theatre here on Oct, 7 under the
direction of Frank Fielder. Mae Des-
mond is to be leading woman, Ashton
Newton being the juvenile.
Boston, Sept. 18,
The Castle Square Theatre will
again bfifer a season of stock, the open-
ing date being Oct. 12, C. H. Allen is
in charge.
Leo Parvin in Divorce Action.
Chicago, Sept, 18.
Lee Parvin, head of one of the
“Friendly Enemy” road shows, has
been made defendant in a divorce ac-
tion started by Mrs. Gladys Parvin.
Mrs. Parvin alleges cruelty and asks
that Parvin be restrained from spend-
ing several thousand dollars which she
says he has in the bank.
Next were the De Wolf Girls (New Acts) In
a dressy turn that did not get much, for the
same reason perhaps Cook and Savo got a
/ lot — the Fifth Avenue audience. Regal and
"Moore, who were next, were another resound-
ing hit, getting It on their finishing tricks.
It’s under New Acts. v ; .
Harry Carroll was next to cIoBtng, singing,
talking and dancing himself to a> riot closing.
Mr. Carroll sang snn?e new songs of hts O'wn.
One Is called “Mary’s Little Calf," comic, and
another, “Dixie’s Military Ball,” a war num-
ber. He said that as there was a war song
contest to close, he might Just as well put
over the winner before It started. Then ho
sang the “Dixie” number. Harry also re-
marked, “It Is pretty tough up here all alone,”
but he didn’t mean It. for he was doing too
well at the time. Then he added that, as one
of the acrobats had done some “hoofing" In
the Regal and Moore turn, there was nothing
to stop him, either. After'tbe war song, he
did a dance, not exactly like Emma Cams or
Stella Mayhew, but an Imitation of both. Still
Harry can hoof It a bit, but a little Is enough.
He should be satisfied to be a song writer, and
a good one. and an entertainer. Just as good.
But Mr. Carroll doesn’t take himself, too seri-
ously. Therein lies his chief charm' upon the
stage. Bime.
With a War Song Contest as an extra at-
traction for the first five days of the week,
starting Monday, the Fifth Avenue, Tuesday
night, for the first half, held a vaudeville
program of eight acta that did not call for
any assistance. Nearly all of the turns were
new to the house and New York, but they
turned out dalrly well In the main, leading
the entertainment In excellent shape.
The program proper closed at 10.30, Includ-
ing the Contest as the last number before a
finishing picture, probably a Triangle comedy
film. The house was big, following the Mon-
day holiday riiah. If the Tuesday night at-
tendance was above the average for that eve-
ning, then the Song Contest should receive
the drawing credit. It’s a nice diversion any-
way from the regulation vaudeville program.
It brightens up the finish of the performance,
stirs the audience through seeing patriotic
scenes and hearing patriotic songs at this
opportune time after the long years of this
wild war.
Tuesday evening In the Song Cqnest, “Hello
Central” (Waterson, Berlin & Snyder), with
Harry Hart singing It, was declared the win-
ner by the applause of tha audience. It didn’t
require much time to decide the winner through
the plaudits. “Hello Central" was the best
known of the four numbers sung. Also Its
animated plcturlzlng was much superior to
At last the, 81st Street has changed the
feature picture from the middle of the bill
to closing. Whether this or the show for the
first half was the direct cause for the big
business Is not known, but the house was
crowded at 8 o'clock Monday night.. Things
seemed altogether different because of the
change. The patrons knew they did not have
to sit through the picture and still see the
vaudeville show, A large percentage of the
audience walked out after the vaudeville.
The usual five-act bill was a pleasing one,
and all the turns fared well. It Is also a much
better arrangement for the acts. Robert Swan
opened with comedy Juggling and did nicely.
His work is the familiar routine, but combined
With his comedy and dances, puts him out of
the ordinary and eligible for the two-a-day
houses. Goetz and Duffy (New Acts) followed
and went over. Bertha Creighton and Co., In
their comedy playlet, “Our Husband.” by
Willard Bowman, ran about half way through
before a laugh was scored, but after that
they came a little faster. The piece Is a
small time affair and will do there.
Preceding intermission Corp. Derby Holmes,
an added attraction for the evening perform-
ances of the first half only, told about his
experiences during the two years of service
“over there.” He first told of thrills and then
of the humorous side In the trenches. He
was greatly liked, closing with a service poem
and an appeal for smokes for the boys.
Sam Hearn, “The Rube with His Piddle
and Bow,” followed the Semi-Weekly News
Pictorial, which Intercepted and stopped the
show. Ho was a strong favorite and forced
to return for a couple of encores. "The Shlel,"
an original fantasy featuring Lola Fatima and
Ell Dawson, closed the show' and passed.
About half the house remained seated for the
five- reel feature, Bessie Barrlscale In "The
White Lie." ■
MANAGERS LOOK! Now Playing Harlem Opera House, New York (Sept. 19-22)
Dir^tioii, BURTON •.& DUDLEY
Thank You
Madge Carson, wife of Pat Carson,
and best known as . a stock character
woman, closing recently with the Jack
Lewis Players, died suddenly Sept. Id
in New York, following the bursting
of a blood vessel in her, head shortly
after going onto the street from, her
hotel for a walk to the stores. Her
demise came after a week’s illness, Mrs.
Carson being unconscious most of the
time. . A husband survives.
George Dixon, fbfmerly of"- Mason
and Dixon, in vaudeville, died recently
at Colfax, Cal. He was 60 years of age
and born in Buffalo, N. Y; News of his
death was received by liis former part-
ner, James Mason, at Buffalo. Mason
and Dixon traveled Wridely and Mr.
Novelty Acts
Sister Acts
Danciiig Acts
Jazz Acts '
Prima Donnas and
Also Beautiful
Chorus Girls for
New York Revue
Who departed this life Sept. 17th, 1918.
May hla soul rest In peace.
His Son
Dixon lived for several years in Paris,
where he married. He is survived by
a daughter, Mrs. Michael Millard, of !
San Francisco. v ' -
Colonel O. G. Staples died Sept. 8
at the Thousand Island House, Alexan-
dria Bay, N. Y., of which the deceased
was the owner. Col. Staples at one
time owned the old -Alba ugh - Opera
House, later Poll’s, Washington, D. C.
He had extensive business interests.
Thomas Usher, long known as an or-
chestra leader and formerly oh the
VAN and
KERUy MILLSy IiiCe tubi
Casualties in the Berries, affecting
tlmtrloal people, are pubtl^ed as re-
solved In the the Serriee” depart-
ment ef TARIBTY, weekly, usually
found on Page 8 of the fnuricnt Issue.
Dixon J
Duckson Evelyn
Docketader Eleanor
Donboee Mrs
Donita Mlaa
Donovan Fannie
Draper Bert
Drew Beatrice
DuFell Frank
Dufty H
Dumitrescu Mlttu
Duncan Lillian
Duncan Sammy
Dunham Walter
Dunne Job
Duval Mrs J
Dyer Fred
Cagwln Mary
Carey Jas
CarlHOu J W
Cavanagb Mrs Earle
Cavarly Gladys
Celeste Grace
CheBlelgh Mae
Clare Ida
Coffinan Jeriy
Cohan Chas • ■
Coleman Clftudla
Coley C A ■
Colilna Marty
Coulee Ethel .
Cook Emma
Cooper Hariy
Cornell Ed "
Cornell Ffanoes
Coudray Peggy
Creighton Fred
Creighton Jim
Cronnln Mme
216 Strand Theaitre Bldg,
Broadway, at 45th St.
New York City
board of control of Musical Union No.
310," died of heart failure, last week.
. Mrs. Della Pitcock, proprietress of
the Albany Hotel, Pueblo, Colo., died
Aug. 18. The deceased was known to
many theatrical folk.
Chios Martin, a member of Mile.
Berri’s Models, playing the Ackerman-
Harris Hip circuit in the west, died in
San Diego, Cal., Sept. 13.
Louis Ostland, camera man of World
Pictures, died in Los Angeles, Sept. 9,
as the result of an operation for appen-
The father of Clark Brown died Sept.
16, at Garden City, L. I.
address MsU Cl«h . ,
Where C fellaws uame, letter Is la
Variety's Chicago Office.
Where S F foUowe nam^ latter Is
In Variety's Ssn Froneiseo Office.
Adverttoing er eltouiar letters will
not he listed. . ^ .j,
P foUowing aanse Indicates postal,
advertised wMie only. ^
Beg f oUowlBg name ladloatss-rtgls-
Herman Bam
Hewitt Mildred
HIbbitt Billy
Hlgley Eall
Hlltor Frank
Hlnee Cissy
Holbrook Flo
Holden Marie
Howard Virginia
Hughs Flo
Fox Marie
Foy Harry
Frances Beverly
Francis Ortbu
Franks Jesble
Frawley Paul
Freds 0 Primrose
Friend & Downing
Fullen Chas
Bates Dot
Beasley June
Beil & Opal ’
Benedict Rose
Bennett Mrs 0
Benson Harry
Benson Rusty
Benton Freemont
Bergere Miss
Bernard Felix
Blron. Alfred
Black Rose
Boudlor Paulette
.Boyle Jack
Boyne Hazel
Bridgett Madisons
Broshe Herbert
Brown Geo
Brown Hazel
Browning Edith
Bryson Jas .
Buck Bros
Buckley Mrs Jerry
Burnodette M
Burnette CamlHo
Burnette Evelyn
Burns Harry
Burton Richard
Griffith Jos A
Halstenback Edw
Wilbert L A
Earle Dot
Earle, Mae
Earl l^hylisB
Edwards Jas
Elliott & Nell
Ellis Nate
Emerson O W
Emerson Jas
Espe & Dutton
Estello Eliz
Evana Barbara
Evans Jas
Evans Teddy
Evers Frank
Gallagber Daley
Oangler Jack
Gay Trio
Gilbert & Clayton
Oim Clift
Glenn Myrtle
Gordon Helen
Gordon Marie
Gould Venlta
Adair Janet
Ahrens Jobn
Alarconwlth ■ Lita
Allen Flo
Alien Frank
Andersion Scharlotte
Arapoboe Dan
Armento Paul
Arthur Dot
Astella Dan
Astella Dell
Aster Edith
Atwood Vera
Aubrey Wilson
Auston Mrs J
Autrine Harry
Avery Faith
Janice May
Jackson Jacob
Jackson Jean & Babe
Jarvis Jean
Johnson Mrs Ed
Jones Will
Jordan Irene
Joseph Mrs M
Daley Jack
Daniel Lola'
Darling Bobble
Davis Ben . .
Davis Essie ■ .
Davis Genevieve ■
Davie Hal ,
Deane Clifford
Deano' Cliff '
DeCoe Harry
DeCouraey Alfred
DeOrant Oliver
DeGroff Mre E
Delmar Flo
Delmar Harry
DeMlIle Goldie
DeWlnters Grace
Diamond & Boyne
Diamond Miss 0
Dietrich Jean
Dietrich Roy
Dillon Lillian
Halbacb Mrs Winifred Kalll David
Hale Frank Katll Louise
Hall May Kashner Fay
Hamilton Harry Kay Clause
Hannon Wm Kaymnre Hazel
Harris Geo Keane Jobn
Hart Hazel Keefe John
Harvard Mrs C Keene & Walsh
Haywood Ella Kolley Slause
Helmar Lou Kelmers _ . .
Hendriks Miss , Kennedy Beulak
Hendrlsb Kennedy Jack
or any
Suitable for Cabaret Scene in One. Write
886' Putnam Bldg., New Terk
Fagan Noodles
Fay Anna
Fay Eva
Fields Btllle
Fields Kean & Walsh
Ftesro Jack
Flint Geo
Foley Jim
Foley & Onell
Ford John
Ford Marg
Forrester Frank
Banks Geo
Barksdale Grace
Barney Chas
Barrett Vera
. _ . ■ _ ■
When Tony Goes
When The Sun Go
Rose in
im-* - Mih .KF
Tlie Hallad of the Wmi'-- A Real Hit
If you sanji “In the S^eet Long Ago'* send for this one.
The MHif; I' oi’ping Ihi » ‘uinti
(tit'iit for (Ju.ii u th . I’l'ii anti \S itiuiti I u! iluiilili.' jn "ina it A um ;li‘
145 West 45th Street
1 .
' ^ Grand Opera House Bldg.
ST. LOUIS-823 Holland Bldg.
V: i
? Bldg/ ' '
MINNEAPOLIS — Room 5, Lyric Theatre Bldg.
Grand Opera Hou<;e Bldg
BOSTON : 240 Tremont Street
n)lcCarthy & Fisher Building
A little over a year ago we started our business in two small rooms. By
stick'to-it-iveness, hard work and ability to pick'^the right kind of songs
that performers and the public wont, we have built up on organization and
a home that any publishing house may well be proud of — and proud we are
of our beautiful new home in the McCarthy and Fisher Building (five complete
Boors), where we have every facility and comfort for taking care of our
professional friends and our business.
You want great material. You don’t care who publishes it. If a Chinaman
had a marvelous rag song» you would make a great mistake if you didn’t go
and get it. Our boys write better songs than any other staff in the world
224 West 46th Street, New York
Once more we want to thank you for the wpncfcrful support you have given
us during the past year which helped us to accojnplish the great things that
we have done and if good songs, hearty co*operation, courtesy and: special
attention to your wants mean anything, we feel sure of your valuable
support in the future.
With the biggest and greatest staff of writers in the music business^ with a
wonderhil professional and business organization in our home and branch
offices, we are going to make every endeavor to do much bigger things in
the future so that the name of McCarthy and Fisher may become a by* word
on the. lips of every performer and every purchaser of popular and <H>eratic
music thr<Highout the country.
Boston Office
Chicago Office
\ San Francisco A
iNSfR'jnetiTAL FORA :
daAkers, contort ion 1 f rs.;
ACROBA'15. nvJ5lCAL ACT5, eT&;
PROF copy m . ORCH, 254 BAND 254
RfOOlAR PIANO copy UnSt) 10 4,
PROF, copy '6 ORCH. FREE JUO . W . O I LKlN O LU,
WATCH for the Waltz Song Sensation of the Century! “KENTUCKY DKEAM.” By the writers of “INDIANOLA’
Direction/ LEW
Kennedy Mrs P J
Kennedy Thomas
Kennts Mae
Korner Otto
Kibel jules
Kingley Ethel
King Tano
Kltamurs H. Y
Klttrlck a B W
Kno'ffles & Hurst
Koppe Sol
Lawrence BotslU
Lawrence Vivlafe
Leary Mrs J
Lee Bobby
Leonard Mrs P
La Page ColUs
Le Tree Ralph
Lewis Belly
Lewis Jack
Lingarde Mile
Linton Tom
O’CoMsll High
Opp Jos
Orton Sam
Parks Emily
Pate Myrtle
Patterson Bobble
Paulette Louise
Potter Wm
Pratt H
Pullman Emily
Rabinovich J
Racey Edw
Rae & Waynn
Raymond Ed
Raymond Qeo
Reade Grayce
Rose Mrs Harry
Roseneweet Ben
Roy Phil
Roy Walter
Rozellos Eight
Russell Flo
Russell Jack
Ryan Dolph
Scott Marie
Mack 0111
Mack Margie
Mack Richard
Mable b Malfe
Manning Allse
Marlyn Jim & Irene
Marshall Frizsy
Martin Ethel
Maxwell R A
McClennan Mabel
Melvin Bert
Merrlmen Qamet
Merrlman Ruby
Merveille Olga
Miller Bessie
Milton Robert
Mlmlo World
Modena Flo
Montgomery Bessie
Morang Frances
Stewart Florence
Stewart Margaret
Stlrk Elsie
Story Bex
Stuart Austin
Talto Tatsu
Taub Max
Taylor Antonette
Taylor Eva
Kramer Mae Lloyd & Wells
Kramer & Morton Lohse Ralph
Loreila Collie
L Loretta Dee
LaBlnne Leo Lorraines Oeo
LaMar Leona Lorraine Lillian
LaPlerre Margaret Lynch
LaPradc Paul Lyster Alfred
Larkin John Lynton Matt
McGetrlck Mrs A Moraq Wm
McKinley Nell ' Morris May
McKlttrick <} B Murdock Japie
McMeal Miss E Murphy Danny
McNamee Bessie
MeShayne & Hathaway N
Melba Paula Natallle & Ferrari
Melvern Grace Neal Kathleen
Melville B NIblo Victor
Payne Baby - Reid Qeo,
Payne Mr & Mrs Renee Miss R
Pearson Harry Rewlck Rena
Perclval Mabel Rice Andy
Perkoft Arthur Rice Helen
Perry Geo Bice & Warner
Phlllpot Margaret Riley Joe & Agnes
Phillips Robert Robinson Steve
Port & DeLacey Romanos Three
Shafer Mrs A Taylor James
Shea Mrs Tex •. Tlco Killian
Sbennan Mrs M {T 'TI Sing Leo
Shipley Barton :''*,f-'Tdblas Sophie
Shone & Ware - -TTracy Roy
Shoolln Frank - Troy
Squires Harry Tucker C O
Steadman A1 Turple Albert
Sterling May Tyrell Ned
Exclusive Direefion, PAT CASEY AGENCY. E. K. NADEL, Personal Rep.
|f ihi'ro a wi-ak SPOT «n your act that t_an
be- repaired by a GREAT SONG, wnte. vMif
')! rail tin ‘SI’ASNY” before* consultini;
anyone* eNe*
B'\nd and Orchestra Leaders Write ff*r
Our Catalogue
When in N ew York be sure and pay iis a viail
and you will meet WlI.LIE ROCKWELL,
BOBBY JONES will be “Th^'e to Meet
Y -u" m our Ne'w York Office.
Mri*nd Ih'^tie Buitduii;
t"lh Broiidway
New'SS^rlt City
Executive Office:
wfwrt?/ Could nd
iUSULUfoyoifiv mat7oi ■ Oo oul
mm <r
mamr: jM/jmmim
4km :
in ‘‘CAMP,’’ by JEAN HA VEZ
Sept. 16— Orpheum, Brooklyn. Sept. 23— Alhambra and Royal, New York. Sept 30— Keith’s, Philadelphia.
Oct. 7— Keith’s, Washingrtoh, D. C. Oct 14— Riverside, New York. Oct 21— Bushwick, Brooklyn.
World*! Largest Cat Price Baggage Dealer
' Size
Half Regular Prices!
^ idr—
$18.00 Hotel steel Clad Tniob S9.7S
20.00 Fibre Theatre 14.50
36.00 "Taxi" Wardrobe Trunk 19.00
40.00 FuU Size Theatrical Wardrobe... 24.75
50.00 XX Fibre Combination 27.50
60.00 Quaranteed "Indeatrurto” 34.80
76.00 "Dreadnaught" Wardrobe 42.00
An enormous selection of high grade
.Trunks, Bags, Cases.
Leather goods and travelers’ outfits.
208 West 42d St.
Phone: Bryant 8678 NEW YORK
Van Aken Alex
VanAken Anna.
Van Gleet Irene
Vane Sybil
VanHgrn Jean
Vann Helen
Vecga Nick
Varnon ClBsy
Verona Countess
Vincent Bllnor
Voss Judith
Wallace Hester
Ward Larry
Webb Veveno
Wellman Emily
Wheeler Dick
Whitehead Ralph
Whittier Robert
Willard Tom
WilliamB Dot
Williams F 0
Williams Peggy
Wilson Sophie
Woods Joe
Wood Mary
Wood Otlle
Wylie Raymond
Young Cy
Young Lillian
Young P
Young Robert
and her SYMPHONY GIRLS, assisted by
“GERANT” Conductor
Featuring the RAINBOW GIRL
In Novelty Dances
Direction, HARRY SHEA
WANTED— b%^y“c1:e ViL^g
or good Comedy Man, to ride freak nhcels. to iota
rooognlzod act. Wire quick. *
W. L., 817 Eighth Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Thank you, MR. DARLING
1421 Montgomery Ave.
Dear Lester,
Philadelphia. Sept. .16, 1918.
With trampoline out of act, dosing the show, I did not go as good as at the Palace
last week. Of course, this is three-a-day and it makes all the difference in the world,
so I Just put on the' old baggy suit, combed my hair a la Raymond Hitchcock, and 1
was the same big irlot I always am.
Yes, I have to keep up my reputation; -managers expect me to stop the show every
performance, so I Just have to do It. »
Manager Wegefarth and a couple of the acts and I are going to put on a -W. S. S.
act here Friday night. We are going to get the audience to come on the stage and
buy the stamps. ' ,
We all bide the egg at the above address (Campbell’s) and stretch there, too.
Tell all the boys to boost the N. V. A. biiliara club, ^t Cue Club cards froin
Mr. Chesterfield at the N. V. A.
Kindest regards from May, and remember us to nice MORRIS A FESL,..
Originator and Producer of the
“A combination of novelty singers and jaza^’
This attraction Is - ■< .
For Productions— Vaudeville and Cabaret
Phone Coinmbns 6327 340 West 56th Street,
Every member in
deferred classification. vity
' (Sept. 23 and Sept. SO.)
''Americans” 23 Majestic Scranton 3Q-1 Ar-
mory Binghamton 2-6 Hudson Schenectady
"Auto Girls’’ 23 Oayety PhUiadelphia 3-5
Broadway Camden N J.
ROOM 213
New YorK
Comedy Acrobat
Addnss WILL CARLO, VARIETY, New York City
Loew Circuit Direction, MANDEL & ROSE
$706 VALUE
VaIne|Deposit|WeekIy I
$1,000 VALUE
Dlseount of.
Terms apply also to New York
State, New Jersey and Connecticut
We pay freight and raHroed faiM,
. Delivsred by -our own meter truck.
"AvIatort,’’ 23 Empire Cleveland 80 Cadlllao
"Beauty Revue” 26-28 Broadway Camden 30-
3 Camp Diz Wrlghtatown 4-5 Grand Tren-
ton N J.
"Beauty Trust” 23 Star & Qartey Chicago 29-
1 Bercbel Des Moinea la.
Bebman; Show 23. Olympic Cincinnati 80 Star
& Garter Chicago.
“Best Show in Town'* 23 Gayety Buffalo 30
Corinthian Rochester.
"Blue Birds” 23 Cadillac Detroit 30 Engel-
wood Chicago.
i •
. Lobby Displays In Water Color and Oil
If Quality and Price are Inducements,
we will be sure to please yon.
"Bon ■ Tons” 23 Miner’s Bronx New York 80
Casino Brooklyn.
“Bostonians” 23-25 Bastable Syracuse 26-28
Lumberg Utica N Y 30 Gayety Montreal
"Bowerys’ '23 L O 30 Orpheum Paterson,
"Broadway Belles" 23-24 Cort WheelingmW
Va 80 Victoria Pittsburgh
“Burlesque Review" 23 Orpheum Paterson SO
Majestic Jersey City.
“Burlesque Wonder Show” 23 Majestic Jersey
City W Peoples Philadelphia.
"Cheer Up America” 23 Peoples Philadelphia
80 Palace Baltimore.
"Follies of Day" 23 Empire Brooklyn 30 Em-
pire Newark.
"Follies of Pleasure” 23-26 Camp Dlx Wrlghts-
town 27-28 Grand Trenton SO Empire Hobo-
ken N J.
"French Frolics” 23 Lyceum Columbus 30-1
Cort Wheeling W Va.
“Frolics of Night” 23 Gayety Baltimore Md
SO Lyceum Washington DO.
"Girls de Looks” 23 Hurtig-& Seamen’s Nev
York 3-5 Park Bridgeport.
"Girls from JPollles’’ 23-24 Armory Binghamton
25-28 Hudson Schenectady 80-1 Watertown
2-3 Oswego 4-6 Inter Niagara Falls, N Y.
Mediums — ^Juveniles
Sonbrettes— Good Choros Girls.
40 weeks play or pay contracts.
SOS Putnam Bldg., New YorksCIty
to do modern dancing— one dance, fast one-
step — for big vaudeville act. State weight,
salary wanted. Send photo. Wire or write.
Next Week (Sept. 22)
Orpheum, Jackson, Mich., and Majestic,
Kalamazoo, Mich.
r i
' V \'.,
iforSB by
the ba*gle call, The call to arms for Lib er> ty^
the bU’gle call^ The call to those who stay at hohie
them- one and
arc sol'diers
They go to fight for you and me
Tho’ you may nev er cfoss the foam
He ■ roes we will find them Ev ^ ry moth-ers
Keep Old Glo.ry wav • Ing Proud-ly up a •
S ^2
bove —
, We must get be • hind
Pray-lng work-lng sav
'Till their work Is
For the ones you
Copyngbt MCM3CVI1I by JEROME H REM1CK& CO., New York 4 Detroit
219 Weit 4atb Stroet
MOSE GUMBLE, Prof. Monagtr
DICK.WHiTINa, 187 Wolt Fort Str#9t
HARRY WERTHAN. MalMtto Theo. Bldg.
OHA8. RAY. 228 Tmaoilt S&Olt.
JACK NEEDHAM, KouliMB'e Big Store
E. J. MCCAULEY, SI BMtb 8tll Strait
H. F. L'ANBLAISE. 822 Wubtngton 8t
ROY OILBERT, Powen McroanHIo Co.
FORD RUSH, 888 Market Strait
B. F. Keith’s
United Booking
* (Agency)
A. PAUL KEITH, President
£. F. ALBEE, Vice-President and General Manager
Palace Theatre Building New York City *
Feiber & Shea
.1493 Broadway
(Putnam Building)
New York City
Harry Rickard s Tivoli Theatres, a^aua
And AFFIUATED CTRCmTS. JNDU^ Combined Capitol,, t3.000.l00
HUGH D. McINTOSH, Governing Director
Beglstorod Cable AddroaB “HUGHMAC,'* Sydney > Head Qffloa, TIVOLI THEATRE, Sydney, Auetralla .
Repre»entatIye,NORMAN JEFFERIES R«»l EitateTruet Bldg., PhlladilpMa
FULLER’S Australian
and N. Z. Yaudeville
Oownln, OIraator: BEN J. FULLER
rot aU MtUaa fieni Baa VnaaUat and TaaMniw
Wartwa TaadairlUe Hci*.’ A«am. (Ehloap*
"Girls from Joyland" 23 Empire Hoboken 30
Star Brooklyn.
"Girls of U S A" 23-25 Park Youngstown 26-
28 Grand Akron 30 Star Cleveland, D,
"Golden Crook" 23 Gayety Toronto 30 Gayety
"Grown up Babies” 23 Standard St Louis 20-
30 Grand Terre Haute 1-6 Majestic Indian-
apolis Ind.
Hastings Harry 23 Casino Boston 80 Grand
Marcus Loew’s
General Executive Offices
Putn^ Building Times Square
New York
General Manager
Booking Manager
Mr. Lubin Personally Interviews Artists Daily
Between 11 and 1
Acts laying off in Southern territory wire this office.
Chicago Office:
, - North American Building "
General Executive Office :
72 ? S EVENT H AVE., at Forte^mnth St,
General Booking Manager
ARTISTS can secure long engagements by booking direct with U8
The Western Vaudevfile
Managers’ Association
MORT SINGER, General Manager— TOM CARMODT, Booking Manager
Majestic Theatre Building CHICAGO, ILL.
"Hello America” 23 Gayety Omaba Neb 30
Gayety Kansas City Mo.
"Hello Paree” 23 Star St Paul'30 Gayety Sioux
"Hlgb Flyers” 23 Nesbit Wilkes-Barre 30 Ma-
jestic Scranton Fa.
"Hip Hip Hurrah" 23 Gayety Montreal 30
Empire Albany.
How* Sam 23 Empire Newark 80 Casino Fhll-
"Innocent Maids” 23 Worcester Worcester
Mass 30 Gayety Brooklyn.
Irwin’s "Big Show” 23 Jacques Waterbury
Conn 30 Miner’s Bronx New York.
"Jolly Girls” 23-26 Broadway Camden 26-28
Camp Dlx Wrlghtstown N J SO Nesbit Wil-
kes-Barre Pa.
Kelly Lew 23 Columbia Now York 80 Empire
“Liberty Girls" 26-28 Park Bridgeport 80
ColoBlal FroTldeao* B 1.
"Ud Lifters” 23 Crown Chicago 80 Qayety
“A Breeze From the Lakes of Killarney
Direction, MANDEL & ROSE
LOEW’S AMERICAN, Sept. 19-20-21-22
n«yera In Europe desiring to advertise
In VARIETY, and wishing to take advan-
tngn of the Prepaid Rates aUowed, may
feeure the same, if at the time of mailing
advertising .copy direct to VARIETY, New
Yo^ the amount in payment for it is
lAiMd in VARIETY’S credit at the
Carlton Sfc, Regent St, S. W., London
for uniformity in exchange, the Pall
|,«all Co, will accept depoaita for VARIETY
at four shillinge, two pence, on the dollar.
Through this manner of transmiasion,
all danger of loea to the player is averted;
variety aesumee full risk and acknowl-
f^gas the Pall Mall Co.’a receipts as its
own receipts for all money placed with
Ihs PaU MaU to VARIETY’S credit
“Maids of America” 23 Palace Baltimore Md
30 Qayety Washington D C.
“Malestlcs” 23 Star Cleveland 30 Empire To-
Marlon Dave 23 Colonial Provldenoe R I 30
Casino Boston.
“Merry Rounders” 23 Qayety Pittsburgh 30-2
Park Youngstown 8-6 Grand Akron O,
“Midnight Maidens” 23 Garden Buffalo 80
Empire Cleveland,
“Mile a Minute Girls” 23 National Winter
Garden New York 30 Gayety Philadelphia.
“Military Maids” 23 Century Kansas City Mo
30 Standard St liouls.
“Million Dollar Dolls" 23 Lyric Dayton 30
Olympic Cincinnati.
“Mischief Makers" 23 Gilmore Springfield
Mass 80 Howard Boston.
"Monte Carlo Girls” 23 Olympic Now York 80
Star Brooklyn.
"Oh Girls" 23 Empire Albany 30 Qayety Bos-
“Orientals” 23 -Star Toronto 80 Garden Buf-
“Pace Makers” 23 Penn Circuit 80 Qayety
Baltimore, Md.
“Paris by Night” 23 Engelwood Chicago 80
Crown Chicago. .
“Parisian Flirts" 23 Howard Boston 30 Wor-
cester Worcester Mass.
"Pennant Winners" 23 Lyceum- Washington D
C 30 Trocadero Philadelphia.
"Pirates” 22-23 Grand Terre Haute 24-28 Ma-
jestic Indianapolis Ind 30 Qayety Louisville
"Puss Puss" 23 L 0 30 Qayety St Louis.
“Bazzle Dazzle” 23-24 Watertown 25-26 Os-
wego 27-28 Inter Niagara Falla N Y 30 Star
Toronto. , „„
"Record Breakers” 23 Victoria Pittsburgh 30
Penn Circuit.
Week Sept. 2— Domiulon Theatre, Ottawa, Oat
Week Sept. fr-Pripeeee Theatre, Heatrael. One.
Theatre, Ottawa, Oat Week Seat 80— T f t
beatre, Heatraal. One. ASK
Hughes & Smith
Thie Week (Sept 10)— Lytle, HaeiMtoa, Ont
Next Week (8^ 23)-^eoiple, Detroit
Reeves AI 22-24 Berchel Des Moines la 30
Gayety Omaha, Neb.
“Roseland Oirla” 23 Empire Toledo 30 Lyrlo
“Sight Seers” 23 Gayety Kansas City Mo 80
L 0.
“Social Follies” 28 Qayety Brooklyn 80 Na-
tional Winter Garden New York.
“Social Maids” 28 Gayety Washington D C
3o Gayety Pittsburgh.
“Speedway Girls" 23 Gayety Milwaukee SO
Qayety Mlnneapolle.
“Sporting Widows" 23 Casino Brooklyn SO
L 0.
“Star A Garter" 23 Casino Philadelphia 80
Hurtlg & Seamen's New York,
"Step Lively Girls” 28 Qayety Boston 80 Col-
umbia New York.
Sydell Roee 23 Qayety Detroit SO Qayety Tor-
onto. _
"Tempters” 28 Qayety Minneapolis 80 Star St
“Trail Hitters” 23 Star Brooklyn 80 Olympic
New York.
“20tb Century Maids” 23 Columbia Chicago
80 Gayety Detroit.
Watson Billy 23 Corinthian Rochester 80-2
Bastable Syracuse 8-5 Lumbeig Utica N Y.
Magical experience not necessary. Small, not over lOS pounds. Also
Apply Immediately to HOWARD THURSTON, Room 407, 1493 Broadway, New York City.
Mr. and Mrs.
Madison and Dearborn Streets
The Hotel Where You Are
Made to Feel at Home
500 Housekeeping Apartments
(of tho bittir doss, nitbta rndi of ocoDonled Mbs)
Under tb« diroct •nperriiion of tho owaor*. Lotntod In tbo hoMt of tho oUgr« Jnit off
Brood WOT, clooo to all booklns offieof, prlaalpal tbontron, dopartnont atom, traotion
linoo, “L" road ,and onbwar*
VTo aro tho largoot malntalnon of boaiakaoptmr faralobod- apartnonta apaalalialBS
to thoatrical folki. Wo aro oa tho cronnd dally. Tbia alona Inaarea prompt amk«
and cleanllnMO.
24l>247 WNt 48d St. PhMo: Bqraot 7112
Or*, flirto and foor-rooni aaortmaata with Ui*
ehensm*, arlvato bath and talnhMe. Tba artwn*
thWR apartmantt art WMM for It ooo of Kt attrao*
JII.OO Up Weekly
812. SUaadaiStfetiUibSt Pbaaai BiiMd MM
An ap-ta-tha-nlutA oew, thamf k a l UlM .
airaapid In apaftiaeate el threa tad mar man nAb
UMmm and priwD bath, 'l^a Is eeeb apart*
8IS.M Up Weddy
388 to 888 Weet Blet St Phone: Oalanbat 7112
An alamtor. SnprMf bolMIni of the amwel type,
havlnp Bveiy dnrtm ana ttmnlHM Ap^a^
rMmi!*wlth''llfohIeI and"klMaatMai. ^at btSb
818.00 UP Weddy
328 and 838 Wtm 488 at Pheoat Biytat 42SI.8I3I
' Threa ud tow namt with hrib. fmnMiaa to a
dairw of aMdaranma tfeal anala anyWaa In Bilt
type t( bonaiap. Tfatm ap a rO n ia nti wm men*
nadatt four ar nara odalta.
88A0 Up WmUy
Addroaa all eommnnleatloaa to U. Oomon
Principal Office— Tandls Court t41 Wcet 48d Street Now York
. Apartmenta can ba aecn orninn. Offlna la oaab bnBdIag.
' Phoiie: Greeley 6373-6374 UBS. BBILLY, Proprietreaa
1—2—3 and 4 Rooms, from $3.50 Per Week Upwards— Honsekeeping Privileges
Private Bathe— Newly Renovated .
156 West 35th Sti)eet, off Broadway, New York City
Welch Ben 23 Gayety St Louis 30 Columbia WlUlams Molllo 23 Grand Hartford 30 Jao-
Chicago. Ques Waterbury Conn.
White Pat 23 Gayety Sloun City 30 Century “World Beaters” 23 Gayety Louisville Ky 30
Kansas City Mo. Lyceum Columbus O.
Basil B. Mallicoat is the new treasurer of
the American.
George A. Kingsbury will go ahead of “Twin
“Flo Flo" Is expected to arrive at the Illi-
nois In October.
Matthew Smith, formerly manager of the
Garrick, St. Louis, has succeeded Louis Judah
as manager of the Studebaker,
Leonard Hicks, manager of the Grant Hotel,
announces that the hotel and its rooms will
he entirely remodeled and redecorated.
UnlosB •thnrwise noted, the following reports aro for tke earront wook.
Frank Belmont’s "Nation’s Peril” has con-
cluded a tour of the Pontages circuity closing
at the Rialto. Belmont Is taking his act east.
For the period of the engagement of Mar-
garet Illington at the Princess, in "Byes of
Youth,’’ the house will give Sunday matinees.
Chicago bankers who will meet in convention
here next week have bought out the entire
house for “Jack O’Lantern” and "Polly With
a Past’’ to entertain their visiting associates
for two nights-,
Louis A. Bachman has been engaged as mu-
sical director for tho "Hearts of tho World”
film, now touring. Louis is the youngest mu-
sical director extant, being only 19 years of
Tel.t Bryant
to limm
MRS. OEOROE DANIEL. Proprintreu ,1
Cntsdnn Exoluilveiy to tbs Profemlon Spedsl Simiaer Rates fren Jons to
Between 47th and 48th Streets ' f
Private Bath and *Fh(ma NMW YORK Officer-
in Each Apartment JBIGHTH AVENUl$
Phone: Bryant 1844
G^, P. Sehneldor, Prep;
828 West 48rd Streot, MBW YORK CITY
Private Bath, 8—4 Beams Catering to the eamfoit end Senvanienee ef the prefssiian.
Steam Heat and Bleetrie Light... 43 Up
Between 44th aad 4Tth Streato One Black Wsm af Broadway
Throe, Fear and Fivs-Baam Higb-Class Paraiahad Apartmaata—lie Up
StrisQy Praf— laaal MBS. OBOBOB HigGBL, Mg, Phaass; Brymet 884d-i
Five Uinates* Walk to AH Theatres
Beasonablo Rates to the Profession
Erie and Dearborn Sts.
The Most
Attractive Hotel
“AMUSEMENTS” I Washington, D. C*
Mrs. F. W. Goldie, of Milwaukee, has sacri-
ficed the social leadership of the beer town’s
younger set to play another season with the
Chicago Opera. To opera goers she Is known
as Alma Peterson.
The National Production Co., sponsoring
"’The Girl He Left Behind,” and of which
Ralph Kettering and Eugene McGlIIan are the
directing beads, promise a production of Ket-
tering’s "The Greater American” Thanksgiv-
ing week.
Following the big war exposition, the Hag-
enbeok-Wallace circus will come to town on
Friday, to occupy the same terrain— Grant
park. The circus will remain for a limited en-
gagement, for the benefit of the Stage Women’s
War Relief. The entire staff and equipment of
the circus has been placed at the disposal of
the Relief.
Two lone figures appeared on the eleventh
fioor of the Majestic theatre building Monday.
They were -NOT Jake Ellas and Harry Spin-
gold. Mort Singer was not In evidence. His
bright young secretary. Max Richards, was
conspicuous by bis ahsense. Lou Houseman
could not be found In the loop in his patrl'otlo
bus, which consumes no gas. Sam Lederer was
not found playing poker at the Press Club.
People called for the Two Abe Jacobs iMaJos-
tlc and Olympic) in vain. Liew Cantor’s yellow
automobile did not lend the usual fiash of color
to the loop. Minnie Palmer stayed on Grand
boulevard all day long. Randolph street pro-
Whero to 60 aad Wkat to SEE
A Brt abc Wwk ly
Dlitillmtsd tHB U> i3l VWlen
Tolephrae: Bryant 4187
Furnished Apartments
and Rooms
Baths and CsnUnaois Bet Water
Large Beems, 44.18 end Dp
2 and 8 Beem Apartmenta, 87.88 te fl.68
310 W. 48th St, New York
Notice to Profession!
Centrally Located Up to Date
BatM,,.'?6c. and Upwerde
sented a gloomy and deserted appearance.
Many a familiar ticket-scalping physiognomy,
usually found lurking in doorways attempting
to eke a precarious livelihood, was absent. In
the ticket ofldees strange faces greeted the pa-
trons. It was Yom Kippur. And many, many
were atoning.
BLACKSTONB (Harry J. Powers, mgr.).—
Dark. Patricia Colllnge coming in “Tilly, the
Mennonlte Maid.”
COHAN’S GRAND (Harry J. Ridings, mgr.).
—Grant Mitchell In "The Tailor Made Man” ;
mopping up (4th week).
COLUMBIA (Frank G. Parry, mgr.).— A1
Reeves “Beauty Show.”
CORT (Hugh J. Herman, mgr.).— "liomhardi,
Ltd.,” wit’ll -Leo- Carrillo aifd Grace Valentino.
Fair (5th week).
CROWN (Ed J. Rowland, mgr.).— "Speed-
way Girls."
COLONIAL (Rollo Tlmponl, mgr.).— Fred
Stone In “Jack o’Lantern”; capacity (3d
week) .
ENGLEWOOD (J. D. Whitehead, mgr.).—
"Lid Lifters."
GARRICK (John J. Garrlty, mgr.).— “Seven
Days Leave”; dragging (3rd week).
Near All Theatres I
Room and Bath: ^ |
Single, $3 per da;^; I
Double, $4 per
Managers of Keith*s, Hy '
Belasco, National and Poll’s p ^
BABLEU’S Up-to-Date
.BATB8 BBA80NABL»-8lnsIe or Double Boona
With or Without Baili; or Bmta 2 Booms sad Bsth
GAIETY (Art Moeller, mgr.). — Stock Bur-
HAYMARKBT (Warren . Irons, mgr.).— da-
mage & Irons Stock Burlesque.
HIPPODROME (Andrew Talbot, mgr.). —
Great Northern Players la “It Pays To Ad-
vertise” and vaudeville.
ILLINOIS (Rollo Tlmponl, mgr.).— “Rain-
bow Girl” (4th week).
LA SALLE (Nat Royster, mgr.). — "Oh,
Look!” with the Dollys and Harry Fox; big
(7th week).
NATIONAL (John Barrett, mgr.), — "The
Brute of Berlin.” i
OLYMPIC (Abe Jacobs, mgr.).— "TB^nl to
the Right," second run In Chicago ; fair (4th
PRINCESS (Will Singer, mgr.).—
Illington In "Eyes of Youth”; dragging (6th
week). r ,
_l7i J
• ■' •
Tbe Salient of Gloom .
' Smashed to Smithereens
Camp of the Allies
The Most Novel Id ea Ever Arrange^
Dine in the ^ents of Generals Pershing Hit the So^a
Foch, Haig, Diaz, Albert and O’Ryan Water Canteen
COL. 9900
Ice Skating in the Second Year
lunch 55 Cents/1I|\I Wmfk
Dinner 85 Can J ^11 ||||'^
Psiham Parkway, at Eaatahutar Araant} fui4
Marriek Baa4, Lyn^roak, L. L Uneaaalai tn Cpiilaa and SerTtaa. .
Open AU Year Under direction of H. ft J. Smelriinii
557 Fifth Avenue, at 46th Street
In the Heart of the Hotel and Theatre Dfiirtct
Popular Prices/or Professional People
♦ '
^ Of especial interest to those
n soon^to play Philadelphia is
J the ^»pening of the new Chert
Restaurants. Here Real Food,
prepared by Real Chefs, served
at Really Reasonable Rates for
Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.
No Music, Fads or Frills. Just
food and Everything The Beat, ~
132 South 15th St.
124 South 13th St.
POWERS (Harry J. Powers, mgr.). — ^Ina
Claire In "Polly with a Post” ; hit (3rd week),
STAR & GARTER (William Roche, mgr.).—
Rose Sydell’s "London Belles,'*
STUDEBAKER (Matthew Smith, mgr.).—
William T. Hodge In "A Cure tor Curables" :
good (3rd week).
WILSON AVENUE (Walter Bull, mgr.).—
WOOD’S (A1 Woods, mgr. ; Homer Buford,
bus. mgr.). — "Friendly Enemies,” No, 2, with
A1 Shean and Qus Weinberg (28th week).
MAJESTIC (William G. Tisdale, mgr.;
agent, Orpheuml.—Carl McCullough, a few
weeks past at McVlcker’s, and was only fair,
this week, occupying an unpretentious position
of the bill, was the applause hit. Good-looklnK,
ScyaBt SaSl
untheatrlcal, with a clear voice and a clean
deportment, he registered perfectly. His ren-
dition of “Just for Tonight,” as David War-
field, A1 JqIsoi), Harry Lauder and Eddie Poy
would sing it, earned him a tremendous hand.
The show opened with Cunningham and
Clements in a sightly cycle of dances of the
moment, well e*;ecuted.
The Two Wards— Bob and A1 — handicapped
as they were by the second position, dupli-
cated the bit they at their recent ap-
pearance at the same house a few weeks ago.
They ragtime yoddeling at the finish was par-
ticularly applauded.
COakloy and Dunlevy did business for the
Smith Brothers with their screaming black-
face trench travesty. The audience was hoarse
with laughter.
Truly Shattuck and Emma O’Neill got by,
but only on the past laurels of the former.
, ”In the Dark,” a circumstantial evidence
Sketch by Mack Esplan, set in a hotel corri-
dor, pleased.
Following McCullough, Gus Edwards’ lengthy
feat of music satiated. The tenor sang his
first number halt a key too low and bla sec.
ond number half a sharp high, so be was
even on the day. BuHng.
RIALTO (Norman Field, mgr. ; agent,
Mathews-Loew). — The show opened with the
Four Meyakes, a Jap act with two men and
two women, who do some exceedingly clever
hand balancing stunts on a pedestal. One of
the male members of the four— a youth —
varies the business of the act by a well ren-
dered violin solo. The trio close with a song
and dance— not so good. Frank Bush, whose
gage are almost as well known as his little
tin fife, enfiladed heavily for the rlBlbllties
of th.e hopse, and took all objectives. Mary
Dorr made j^od with character sonMS. She
opened with a lively straight Qumker, then
went to a rube song, with make-up. S|ie
changed to Italian, singing the number about
the girl reJectlDg her sweetheart because he
wasn’t in khaki. For an encore, wpeh was
real, by the way she recited "Pa Never Does."
Tommy Ray, billed as "The Singing Fire-
man," surprised the audience by slowing a
really good voice. But. the feature of his
act Is the sturdy recruiting talk be dellvors,
And they cheer this admirable sentiment
thunderously. Duffy and Montague offered .
an ordinary chatter bit In which the man
represepted a soused groom ' and the girl a
newly-wedded bride. O'Neill and Wamsley,
freauently reviewed here, were the laughing
hit of the show. . Stoing,
PALACE (Earl Steward, mgr.; agent, Or-
pheum). — Carter de Haven and Flora Parkar
came back to Chicago after an absehse of
many years. The last time they played hero
was In “Hanky-Panky,” and that was six
' years ago. The Dp Haven-Parker offering
does not possesa any 'ouallflcatlons which
would set It forth as nnusually attractive.
Billed to top the offering here this week, ^
team did not deliver headline' goods. De
Haven Is always the well groomed and graq^
ful klddo. His wife Is as soft and babyish
as ivy Sawyer. They have a lot of clothes
and the act IS beautifully set. But no act.
Mr, De Haven apparently goes not think
that raudevilte patrons know thi^ MiSD Parker
Is Mrs. De Haven. He sings about It. He
not only advertises the marriage, but men-
tions two children incidental to the match.
It is one of those numbers where they come
out, and in rhyme ( !) tell you what they are
going to do — one of the most overplayed of
vaudeville tricks. Then they do It, Then
in rhyme ( ?) they tell you what they have
done. Then they bid you good-bye In rhyme
(!?) and' hole you’ve had a pleasant time.
One of those things.
"Some Bride” is a combined sketch, sing-
ing and dancing act wUb three principals and
three scenes. The two elnglng principals
are only fair, but the girl who dances Is the
high , light of the act. She has a supple man-
ner of kicking and a sexy personality which
gets over the footlights. The ragtime wed-
ding finish Is well done.
Sandy Shaw, billed as a Scotch comedian,
is a frank copy of Harry Lauder, and bet-
ter than moat copies of that oomedlan. In
bis first two numbers Shaw sings Lauder
numbers In Lauder costumes, 'varying the
third by coming out In a well delivered
characterisation of a Scotch woman, singing
a lachrymose number about the decease of
her husband. He got a big band after his
number, and was forced by acclaim to come
back and recite a po^m about "The Ladles of
Hell,” the title given the kiltie ' soldiers by
the sorrowful Huns.
Lester, ventrlloauisf, and his ludicrous
dummy, took the laughing honors. Vlollnsky,
artful and eccentric genius with the violin
and piano, started slow and didn’t get his
due until he pulled the impression of a mov-
ing picture pianist and the one of the cate
piano player at 4 o'cio.ok in the morning. A
lot of talent, but not enough showmanship —
that’s Vlollnsky.
Jean Adair, sweet little actress of sweet
little mother roles, got over in a poor sketch
set Into, an auto salesroom. The Overland
automobile Is one of the props, and it is
heavily advertised, but at the finish, when the
car Is supposed to glide off, the balky ma-
chine refused to budge. The eketch Is one
of those where the long lost black shecP comes
back as a white alley, all loaded down with
kale and virtue, and brings tears of Joy from
hla mother, and sniffles from that branch of
the audience which made a million dollars for
Bast Lynne. '
Love and 'Wilbur, good acrobats, opened,
and the Equllli Brothers, balance artists,
closed, and Dunbar’s Harmonists sang.
, Biffing.
tium$ (AatoBuHlo) leBCt
OKPHEUM (Cbas. E. Bray, mgr. ; agent,
direct).- 10, Mile. Dazle ami Co., beautifully
dene. Wllllo Solar, riot. Gygl andf'VadI,
pleased. Submarine Base Band, aroused
patriotic fervor. "Girl from Milwaukee,” good
vocalist. Milt Collins, Gilbert and Frledland,
and Toto, repeated success of previous week,
PANTAGES (Carl Walker, mgr. ; agent,’
direct). — 10, Qalettl’s baboons, entertaining.
Denlshawn Dancers, went over big. Tally and
Harty, clever team. Billy Elliott, got laughs,
Eastman Trio, scored. Reddlngton and Grant,
applauded, ,
HIPPODROME (A. L. Bernstein, mgr.;
agent, Ackermaun-Harrls).— 10, McGreevy and
Inman, entertained. Four Kings, filled In
nicely. Monarch Dancing Four, fair dancers,
Hopkins and Axtel, tickled audience. Borrl
and Co., good. Hyatt and Moore, well re-
Henry L. Macalo -has- been appointed man-
ager for the William Fox production "Salome.”
Ho will have charge of the northern country.
Hughey Fay Is pn the road to bankruptcy,
having purchased an automobile.
Pantnge’s new theatre Is to be equipped with
motion picture apparatus.
Lullian M. Webb, who died here recentlv,
was well known locally ns an actress. Her
screen name was Lillian Peacock.
The Fowlers, Bthyle and Addison, well-
known dancers who have gained a big reputa-
tlqa In Cillifornia, are en route east to go Into
vaudeville. Joe Paige Smith la ba^dUnf them.
T|oy are breaking the Jump by piByJng a
wosk at Ploaaix, Arlz. ♦ - ^ ^ '
Jack Cunningham has been signed by Rob-
ert Brunton to ^ all the scenarios and con-
tinuities for the Bfuaton company. He will
write exclusively for the following stars:
Frank Keenan, Kitty Gordon, Louise Glaum,
Bessie Barrlscale, J. Warren Kerrigan and
Robert A. Brunton, who owns one of the
biggest and lest studio properties anywhere,
Is back from New York, whither he went on
a flying -^Ip to confer with J. A. Beret of
Ifto made produoilg con-
tracis wJilqj) ,wiu k^p |la eiqdiffi bu(!y gU
winter and wUi turn out several of tho big-
gest film productions of the year.
ntmn Bmifim am
months. Lou Holtz and the MlSBes Shaw and
(Jampbqll and Morris and Campbell stopped
Die show, Holtz winning tho biggest nonors.
Clark and Bergman, hit. The Leightons, well
liked. Wilfred Clark and Co., aviei^fuf
laughgetter. Eddy Duo, opened »cepti6n-
ally good. Alla Moskova and Co., oloaof very
good. “Where ’Things Happen” (Kpdover),
repeated. Joe Mon Is. Henry Bergman and
Lou Holta p^t on an Inmrqmtu turn tfe wap
a riot. r -
PANTAGES (Burton Myer, mgr. I asuut,
direct).— 16, Average bill. "Enroute^i Moaed
well ; Jimmy, feature. Charles Morati;
pleased. Jessie and Dolllo MtUer, scored
Piuf'y. Lucy Gillette, opened, went big. Parish
and Peru, yersfttllUy gpprectMysd; hit.
Creamer, Barton pd Sparlmg, eeored with
songs, talk detracting.
CASINO (Lester Fountain, mgr. ; agent,
Apkerman-Harrla). -Charles Aplhta’a musical
comedy tabloid featured, bmplng business.
This tab, 'The Rose of Hawalla,” In closing
Bopt. did well. Batty WUIlama, displayed
ejaes and alility. Reo and Dalmar, opmed,
showing feata of strength; good. Gould and
Qoiild, very good. Florence Bell and Co. and
Weber and Talbott, out, with Raymond
Whitaker and Co. replacing; well liked
_ ®P?i?.DROMD (Edwin A. Morris, mgr.).—
Ring Co. opened there. Qa the Htpp sldo of
O Farrell street traJ(^ In hinged for pedes-
trians for more than an hour by the second
slow patrons, on the joene ^riy, The past
two weeks the box office olQsgd tong IMoro
the second show i^'arteS "The RaSum, Girl,''
In two acts, last week. The production eur-
paesed previous efforts for costuming and
Boeneiw. The vaudeville section was Opened
by the Reckless Duo, two mpn, who do some
very good balancing and 'tjraB^o work. A
teaturo of the tutn, and a rather dlflhiult
stunt, is that of one of the men vhlle bal-
anced on hte on the t^ap'ezoy holding a
ring on which his parti^er neclonns. Jim and
Irene Marlyn with aoiigSy aahck» violin solo
by the girl, and imjpressions by the male
“ember, displayed class, a|$d dosed to a hit
with a lOuO conception of a cako walk. Swiss
Song Birds, three women possessing good
voices, and a tnan accompanying them'on' tho
zither, were well llkcjd. Lalftte Ward Davis,
billed as /'The Amerl[can Qirl,'* was on fourty
(New Acts). Rae and Faulkner, two men,
III ^ A wop and straight, the'y.aude-
ALOA^R (B, B. Price, m^.f.-~‘*Hearta
of the World” (picture, 18th week).
CORT (Homer P. Curran, mgr.). — ’-'Why
Marry?” with Nat Goodwin (2d week),
COLUMBIA (Gottlob & Marx, mgrs.).—
"Twin Beds” (lat week).
HIPPODROME (Edwin A. Morris, mgr.).—
Will King Oo. (stock) and A-H ft W. V. A.
MAJESTIC (Ben Muller, mgr.). — Del Law-
rence Stock Co,
PRINCESS (Bert Levey, lessee 'A ffiRfO. —
Bert Levey vaudeville.
WIGWAM (Jos, P. Bauer, mgr.).— A-H A
W. V. A. vaudeville.
Potlowlng the wedding here last week
Ethel Davis, of the Will King company, nn^
Pred RIsch, leader gt Tail’s Jazz Band, by
RnbbI Rosonwasser, the bride and bril^room
met their friends at .the St. Francis Hotel,
where a wedding breakfast was served. The
newly-married couple will likely appear to-
gether In vaudeville at the expiration of their
present contracts.
Nellie Clifford, w entertainer at the Pup
■ cafe,- was arraignciT'bafora a polliie Judge Otf
a larceny charge hero last week. ' A patron of
the cafe claimed he was robbed of f 160. The
manager of the cafe, who Is charged with aa-
BBUlt and battery in the case, testified that
the patron bad only $17.05, which he. throw
on the floor, Tho case was continued for a
couple of days.
Samuel Hume, appointed director of the
Greek theatre, at the University of Galltomla,
W r
A Positive Novelty and a Surefire Hit. An Act Refined, Intimate and Classy
September 6 — Fifth Avenne
The Koban Jipi (New Acte) were followed hr Forrett and Church,
who did excepUoDally well, with the young man ibowlng muilcal ikiU
with (be banjo and xylophone that work(Kl htnnonloualy and adran-
tageouily with bis female partner's dreulng and dantdns. >
Keith’s, Jersey City, Sept. 16-18
Proctor’s Mt Vernon, Sept. 19-21
September 4— Fifth Avenne
Forrest and Church, s man and woman, bare a pleaalnjr act, niay
open with the man playing a banjo, while his partnsr sings and danoo.
The man then does a tnm with the banjo, in which he tells tha story
of the war by playing inatches from yarloua well-known songs Another
dance by the woman Is followed by the man doing a numbar on tbs
xylophone, and. for a flniili, fat plays tbe asms Inatrumest whllt his
partner dances They are clever performers tod hart an entartalnlag
act. The man playi the xylophone well, while fall partner It as excel-
lent dancer, ii chlo, pretty and vlraclous and wears three sttiactlTe
costumes. They scored a well-deaarved auccess.
Aoffoit 26— Harlem Opera Hoaae /
If bookera are in eearch of a refloedl Intimate and eomewhit dUferent
act, thia one ahould immediately attract tbeir attention and appiOTal.
Where aaother pair might attempt nolle and oonfvaiODu the two try to
entertain in a quiet and vuhdued manner and luooeed in making them-
lelvea agreeable. At the atari the man cornea forward and playa the
banjo* with hia partner making her appearance through a apodal drop
of cretonne* attired aa a maid of the early *60a She ainga and dances
to hia Further <iAndn g followa* with the man abowlng
hla akill upon the xylophone, paving the way to plenty of applauae.
Tttf were well liked h^ ttome of the big dreutta can uae them.
Direction, ROSE & CURTIS
This is the act ytm are
looking for.
Can bold any spot on
any bill.
A hit now on tbe Coast.
Direction. EARL & YATES, Chicago |
arrived here from Boston last week. He suc-
ceeds tbe late Dr. Dallam Arme.
The Paclflo Coast Land and Industrial Ex-
position opened at the Civic Auditorium, Oak-
land,' last week. The exposition, wblch is
scheduled to run 28 days. Is being heavily
Louis Jordou, a negro employe of the Barnum
& Bailey show, who was struck on the head
by a fellow-employe with a tent mallet during
a quarrel over a game of “craps," died last
week at the hospital here. The police are
searching for tbe assailant.
Modification of ligbtless nights, permitting
lighting of building exteriors all nights ex-
cepting Mondays and Tuesdays, will be in
effect Oct. 1.
in a Difficult Routine of
Aerial Gymnastics
Direction, FRED BRANT
1 of tlf» 5Z
Little Jerrp
3n BatfiiFotUr
Touring South African Theatres
Arthur Behim, Coast manager for Water-
8on< Berlin & Snyder, left for a trip to Los
Angeles this week.
Owing to tbe inconvenience of certain for-
eign acts to enter and leave Canada, Acker-
man & Harris will, in all probability, discon-
tinue the booking of the Royal, Vancouver,
B. ^.C., the house -lately acquired by the cir-
cuit, at least during tbe war.
Grace De Mar, who has been spending the
summer here, left for Salt Lake City last
week to resume her Orpbeum tour,
Tbe Jar containing contributions for the .
Belgian babies’ relief, was stolen from tbe
front of the Orpheum. Recently another Jar
was pilfered from the Fresno Hippodrome.
Maurice L. Adler, WItmark's road man,
left for tbe east last week, after a successful
Coast trip.
Ackerman & Harris have notified the theatre
managers of tbe Montana one-nigbt vaude-
ville stands that it will be necessary to play
acts two nights if. they desire to continue with
the Hippodrome circuit acts.
De Vally Opera Co. will open in the Marie
Antoinette theatre, in the Norman room of
the Fairmount Hotel, soma time In December.
The theatre will seat 500.
Gloria Davis is singing between pictures at
the Rialto.
The Steeplechase Pier will close Saturday,
according to Manager Fennan, who has bad
a most successful season. At the Steel Pier
the programs have been decrease.d- Bethel’s
Band has departed. Daily dancing has been
discontinued and the cake walks are no more.
Leman and his Symphony orchestra will offer
three daily concerts. Dancing occurs here
Saturday nights, and the Murphy Min-
strels are still featured with two daily per-
formances. Pictures are shown twice daily.
Manager W. E. Shackelford of the Million Dol-
lar claims the record business of the season
for his pier, largely in excess of 1017, The
Garden Pier has returned to Its popular policy
of dancing. Nick Nichols' Orchestra Is there.
Manager S. W. Megill has found it pleases
tbe young set.
Otis F, Peck, a tuneful organist from a
local picture bouse, aas been in district court
the past week trying to find out where he
stands on a contract to touch up the organ
for tbe delectation of the patrons and the
enhancement of the pictures for the sum of
$85 per week, less a withheld amount of
$U30. Peck played but a portion of his year
and is now trying to secure bis $630, which
rests on tbe peculiar supposition of whether
or not the said film house fired tbe organist
or whether he ceased tickling the keys of bis
own accord.
Shooting straight into a strong east wind
that made the tarhawks careen awkwardly and
at hard angles, over 200 trapshooters of the
nation battled for honors at the opening day
of the four-day shoot of the Westy Hogans
of the U. S. A. at the Atlantic Aviation
Grounds at Albany avenue.
1 *
Accused of swindling Boardwalk mer-
chants and hotel proprietors out of several
thousand dollars through the medium of
worthless checks, Jean Mullln and Alice Val-
entiue, attractive, well dressed young women
were arrested In Brooklyn by Detective Soli-
taire and Farley, are held pending tbe ar-
rival of requisiton papers for their return to
the shore. Among tbe victims are Ralph
Misrahi, whose loss Is placed at $700, M. A.
Bachellor, art goods dealer at 033 Board-
walk, of $300, St Charles Hotel, $75, and the
Hanan Shoe Co., $50. There are many other
Instances of similar character being probed,
while the '-'olice have recovered most of the
stolen goods. Miss Mullln, who appeared
here recently In a musical comedy attraction,
is eaid to be a frequent visitor to the shore,
where she gained the confidence .of tne local
hotel men and merchants. Her checks were
on tbe Corn Exchange Bank, Hudson River
Branch, and returned "not known.’*
Four or five more productions are to be
opened at the Apollo by John Cort this sea-
son, according to Nellie Revell, who was in
town with "Qlorianna," which had much dlfiEi-
culty lu getting scenery and costumes to the
shore for the opening night. A performance,
on this account, was Impossible until Friday
night, the date having been previously set for
Louis N. Cline of tbe Broadburst produc-
tions and Sam Hofenstein of the Woodc ofQce
are here recuperating from the strehuous life
of Broadway’s prod--- ing months.
Split weeks are to become actual facts at '
. tbe Apollo and Globe week of Sept. 23.
Margaret Anglin In “Billeted” will be at the
former house and Norah Bayes will be offered
by H. H. Frazee at the Globe in her present
musical play.
This week finds tha ^Apollo with an all
week engagement of Henry Miller and Ruth
Cbatterton In “A Marriage of Convenience”
and tbe Globe offering a return engagement of
"So Long Letty," with Charlotte Greenwood
starred and Herbert Cavanaugh In tbe leading
male role. Cavanaugh has an interest to
Atlantic City playgoers, as he is a son-in-
law of former City Comptroller and City His-
torian A. M. Heston.
Henry Mager, whom many amusement men
claim to be the original, slmon pure “Nature
made" editor of the “Atlantic City Observer,"
a publication that has hitherto been founds
upon promise as much as performance, clashed
with Merchantlle Appraiser Scbmeldler
Saturday over the pleblan proposal that be
pay a mercantile license. Ten dollars means
a whole lot to the average editor, and Mr.
Mager .proved no exception. But he was
pried loose from that amount, and finally
conceded to the separation with as good grace
as might be expected under tbe excruciating
circumstances. He’s confident, however, that
he’ll get hla money back when he tells his
story to the recorder. '
Ah Chung, a speed artist from the land of
chop Buey, who ducked the laundry game to
don the gloves, made his premelre here
Saturday night at the Atlantic City Sporting
Club against Joe Marks, a two-fisted Quaker
City battler. Ah what’s his name had the
misfortune to get a slashing wallop over the
left eye at the opening of the second round,
inflicting a serious gash, and after the bout
had - gone a round further, -Referee Taylor
stopped the scrap to save his eye from per-
manent injury.
KEITH’S (Robert O. liarsen, mgr, ; agent, U.
B. O.).— The clan of Mortons not only fur-
nished the greater portion of the bill Monday
night, but in addition actually saved the show
from more or less of a flop. Boston has al-
ways bad a warm spot in its supposedly cold
heart for the Mortons, and when the tribe In-
creases to seven Mortons in three acts, all
\Y/ILL convert Pierrot or Pierrette
” into plain Mister or 'Master, Mrs. or
Miss, — easily, quickly and pleasantly. Albo-
lene is the perfect make-up remoVer. Keeps
the skin in gooi condition.
up In 1 and 2 ounce [j bagftL7 A
tubes just right for
th# make-up box;
also In , a, and 1 lb. cans.
Buy ALBOLENB at any first class dmgglst
or dealer in make-up.
McKesson & bobbins _
Manufacturing Chemists Bst. 1833
91 Fultpn Street - - New York
Not a dumb act. Plays all requests by memory. Employs no plants. No two shows alike. Every show a new
show — songs, talk and comedy combined with requests.
ROYAL, NEW YORK, THIS WEEK (Sept. 16). Direction, ALF. T. WILTON
Bnappy, the triumph was absolute and nobody
blamed the old man tor throwing out bis chest
a bit and talking about them at the conclusions
of his . old specialty. But the old sure-fire bit
of the back kick that comes from an unknown
source to the great bewilderment of Ma was
missing Monday night. Perhaps ma’s anatomy
Is getting tender or Pa is getting rough. Clara's
single started the Mortons going. She went
over as neatly as ot yore and her “pep stride*’
might well be carried farther in livening up
her act. Brother Paul with his wife (Naomi
Glass) went big, but the real riot came when
Sam and Kitty plodded on. The “band’’ they
received must have warmed the cockles of Uielr
hearts and when they pulled Martha and Joe on
the stage about 15 minutes later they received
another ovation. The six real Mortons took the
last bow, the absence of Mrs. Paul being 'un-
fortunate. The bouse Tuesday morning pulled
some display advertising in the dailies on the
triumph of the Mortons and the bouse, with a
medlcore bill, will apparently wind up the
week to capacity.
Tozart, a lightning artist, opened with a
novel setting but with a poor act for Its kind,
but his last stunt of blocking in a red, white
and blue patriotic poster from a full length
picture of a woman was sure fire and put him
safely over. Clara and Emily Barry went only
fairly, their unison singing at entrance handi-
capping their later comedy stuff considerably.
Bryan Lee and Mary Cranston in "A Brittany
Romance” turned out to he rather crisp, al-
though his gage about “Guess I tapped the
wrong keg,” after having milked in pantomime
an imaginary cow and drinking the keg, might
well be barred as a rather coarse bit lor a
family house. Charles Olcott went well, al-
though the wonder is that bis ten-minute trav-
esty on comic opera has not played Itself out
before now. Florence Roberts and Co. In “The
Woman Intervenes” ran smoothly, being an
ideal type of “puchless playlet" which does not
drag. The Koban Japs closed with a short
and snappy, offering, with a really sensational
close,' a bicycle on a foot balanced pole being
ridden upside down in the vicinity of the flies,
the rider standing on the pedals on bis hands.
BOSTON (Charles Harris, mgr. j agent,' U.
B. O.).— “Mode^ Love’’ was featured on the
film end with a vaudeville bill, including Mario
and Dully, Scott and Kane, Tom Brown, Moon
and Morris, and Harry Antrim.
BIJOU (Ralph Gilman, mgr). — ^Pictures.
BOWDOIN (A1 Somerbee, mgr. ; agent, U.
B, 0.). — Pop. Fair.
ST. JAMBS (J. E. .Somes, mgr.; agent,
Quigley). — Vaudeville included the Klncalde
Kilties, Cromwell and White, Youna Novelty
Japs, Jeanette and The Earls the first half
with the film bill headed by "The Source.’’
GLOBE (Frank Meagher, mgr.; agent,
Loew). — Pictures. Good.
ORPHEUM (Victor J. Morris, mgr.: agent,
Loew).— Snappy bill. Including the Melva Sis-
ters in a novel musical act, Vance and Allen,
Dave Thursby, Tom Davies and Co., Zbun and
Dreis, Ara Sisters. Film bill beaded by Doro-
thy Dalton in “Vivo La Prance.” Excellent.
ness, mgr.).— Pop. Good. "To Hell With the
Kaiser” strongly featured in advertising.
GORDON’S OLYMPU (Frank Hookallo,
mgr.). — Pop with film bill headed by Alice
Brady in “The Death Dance.”
PARK (Thomas D, Sorlero, mgr.).— Pictures.
SHUBBRT (E. D. Smith, mgr.). — “Maytime”
still running strong.
COLONIAL (Charles J. Rich, mgr.).— “The
Follies” opened Monday with the usual whale
of a business. Newspaper comments laid stress
Tuesday morning on the chlffoned limbs and
the absence of the famous lack of clothing
which has always been such ar drawing card
tor the “Follies” in the years when the young
men were in college rather than in the
PLYMOUTH (B. D. Smith, mgr.). — “Friend-
ly Enemies” going like a house afire wltii
some especially agressive advertising being
cleverly bandied.
WILBUR (B..D. Smith, mgr.).— r“Oh Lady,
liSdy,” fair.
MAJESTIC (E. D. Smith, mgr.).— “Experi-
ence” on last week to lair business, with
Thurston, magican, underlined for a fortnight.
PARK SQUARE (Fred E. Wright, mgr.). —
"Parlor, Bedroom iai Bath” doing nicely, the
spice making it an especially good drawing
card these days.
TREMONT (Charles J. Rich, mgr.). — Leo
Ditrichstein opened Monday in “The Matinee
Hero.” Excellent bouse opening night and the
new show took unexpectedly well.
HOLLIS (Charles J. Rich, mgr.). — Third
week of May Robson in “A Little Bit Old
Fashioned." Fair.
CASINO (Charles Waldron, mgr.). — Lew
Kelly in Jack Singer’s “Welcome to Our City.”
GAYETY (Thomas H. Henry, mgr). — MoUie
Williams Show. Excellent.
HOWARD (George B» Lothrop, mgr.). — “The
Innocent Maids,” supported by a house bill.
The Henry Jewett Players opened their sea-
son Monday night with “Never Say Die.” There
will be a repertory season of 36 weeks at
$1.50 top and the support of society patronage
being sought.
Jack Donahue, of Donahue and Stuart, feat-
ure dancer of the “Kltchy-Koo” company tnat
closed here last week, was tendered a banquet
at the Georgian Saturday night by a mob of
his old pais in Boston beaded by Harry Mc-
Cormack, a well-kown newspaper man.
Laurette Taylor opens at the Hollis Sept.
30 in Happiness.”
buffalo' n. y.
SHUBERT-TECK (John R. Oshel, mgr.).—
Henry Hull in “The Man Who Came Back.”
MAJESTIC (Peter C. Cornell, mgr.).— Cyril
Maude In “The Saving Grace."
STAR (Peter C, Cornell, mgr.), — Yhe Knlck-
• erbocker' Players in “The Brat.”
SHEA’S (Henry Carr, mgr.). — Nan llalperln.
Riding School, Natali and M. Ferrari, Yates
and Reed, Foster Ball, Maurice Burkhar, Four
Holloways, Weber and Ridnor, McRae and
GAYETY (R. B. Patton, mgr,).— Billy Wat-
son and “The Beet Trust.”
GARDEN (Wllllnin F. Graham, mgr.). —
“The Aviator Girls.”
LYRIC (Charles Bowe, mgr.).— Slayman All
Arabs, Angeles La Croix and Co., Conrad and
Saunders, Garlan Trio, Rene Long, Port and
De Lacey.
OLYMPIC (Bruce Fowler, mgr.).— “Little
Miss Up-to-Date,” presented by Menlo Moore:
Harry Brooks and Co. in “The Minstrel Man,”
Spanish Goldlnls, Edna Reming, Clark Trio.
ACADEMY (Jules Michaels, mgr.). — ^Acad-
emy Players in “Devil of a Time.”
HIPPODROME (Harold Franklin, mgr.).—
First half, “The Hun Within”; second half.
Marguerite Clark in “Uncle Tom's Cabin."
STRAND (Earl L. Crabb, mgr.).~:Plrst half,
Nazlmova in “Toys of Fate” ; second half,
Viola Dana in “Flower of the Dusk.”
Floyd Gibbons, the war correspondent, will
lecture in Elmwood Music Hall Sept. 24.
The Garden theatre has started Sunday con-
certs, two each Sunday, at 2:30 and 8:80.'
The rest of thq week the house plays bur-
Buffalo Lodge, No. 23, Elks,*baB taken Shea’s
outright > for the evening performance Sept. 30,
when all money realized from the auction sale
of seats and boxes above the price paid for the
show wiU be turned over to the lodge’s war
activities fund. In addition to the regular
program of the house, a number of features of
local interest will be presented.
TEMPLE (C. G. Williams, mgr.; 0. B. 0.).—
Rooney & Bent, Fradkin and Miss Jean Tell,
Mazle King, Chris Richards, Edith Ciifford,
Everests Monkey Circus, Holliday and Wil-
lette, Frank Shilos.
ORPHEUM (Tom Faland, mgr.; Loew). —
Old Soldier Fiddlers, Gilroy, Haynes and Mont-
gomery, Bert Draper, Dellte, Ethel and Hardy,
“Sherman Was Wrong,” sketch, Hudson Sis-
MILES (Gus Greening, mgr.). — Lawrence
Johnstonn, Gladys Gillen & Co., Kimball Broth-
ers, The Four Cuban Atblets, Vivian and Ma-
gel, Chaplan and Wells.
GARRICK (Richard H. Lawrence, mgr.). —
“Maytime, ’’ second week. Next, “Kiss Burg-
OPERA HOUSE (A. H. Warner, mgr.).—
“Country Cousin.” Next, “Hamilton.”
GAYETY (J. M. Ward, mgr.).— "Golden
CADILLAC (Sam Levey, mgr.).— “Paris by
Henry Santrey, booked indefinitely for the
Regent, is conducting Victory Singing this
week. Santrey is drawing down $200 per week.
Union musicians have been granted an in-
crease and under the new scale will work 5 1-2
hours per day at the theatres. This is a half
hour less than last season. \
“Salome,” Fox production, opened Indefinite
engagement at Adams theatre Sunday.
“The Great Love" was held over for a second
week at the Washington.
Fred M. Shafer, manager of the Liberty, has
resigned to manage the Academy of Music.
New York, for William Fox,
All open time at tlie Powers, Grand Rapids,
has been leased to Charles Seaman, of the (^n-
. Bolldated 'Theatres, Inc,
HIS MAJESTPY’S (Edwards & Driscoll,
mgrs.).— “Eyes of Youth.” Next, "A Tailor-
Made Man.”
PRINCESS (Abbie Wright, mgr. ; agent,
U. B. 0.).— "Children ot Prance”: Nellie V.
Nichols;. “Corner Store”; Loney Haskell;
Moruk Sisters ; Van Brothers ; Ernie and
Ernie; Ramsdclls and Doyo. 'To packed
LOBW’S (Ben Mills, mgr.). — Wilson Bros,
headlined ; Gulilinl Quartette ; “Don't Lie to
Mama” ; Praise ; Meryl Prince and Girls ;
Billie Burke, in “Pursuit ot Polly. House al-
ways packed. ,
Several film houses have decided to increase
the price five cents which will include the
War Tax. The lmperi«(l and Loew’s would
not raise.
The St. Denis is about to reopen, it is said,
about Oct. 1. No policy reported. Loew’s
numo mentioned.
The Empire will not opeif this season.
Sohmor Park is open on Sunday only now
with six acts.
Dominion Park closed Sept. 15, two weeks
later than usual. \
The Montreal Stage Employees’ Union asked
for a $3 a week Increase which they received.
The Rialto, which changed hands about
every three months since It wae biillt, has
once more changed, this time Instead of pic-
tures and stock burlesque. It Is playing Yid-
dish plays at 10, 20, 80.
A new organ is going to be installed at
Loew’s theatre In a few weeks.
ORPHEUM (Arthur White, mgr,). — Unfor-
seen Incidents mliltatod against the hill Mon-
day evening. The Flemings, billed, were
drafted from the stage at Ihe Orpbeum, Mem-
phis, Sunday. Pope and Uno hurriedly open-
' “3 fleftt (UnittiirlltUin"
little Jerrp
Qllir nmullrnt mutt luitl) llin iiigymt nnirn
3n Vauiirutllr SHreritmt, 3. Kuufman
The acme of light comedians That youthful couple The dainty ingenue
Catchy Songs and Artistic Dances Direction, HARRY FITZGERALD
i ;
<7,’»'/^ t ,»r ,:,‘ .»> (iy t (* * T_ Lp'”!, ,»
V 4 RI 1 TV
~^Most wonderful dancers’’^M^e Munray.
“Ypur Chaplin dance is a bear; great and can’t be
improved upon’’— CharUe ChapHn^
“Beautiful dancers” — Louise Glaum..
‘*The most graceful dancers I have met”---Hejjry
“You Tiave my sincere admiration of your danc-
ing” — ^Blanche Sweet.
“May all others enjoy your dancing*as I have”-^
Norman Kerry.
“The best dancers in captivity”— Alma Rubens.
■Tou folks will make a big hit in New York”—
Constance Talmadge.
“I always was told I had clever feet; buh oh, The
Fowlers have me beat”— Benny Leonard cham-
pion boxer.
“Remind me very much of the Castles”— Elliott
“I expect to hear gi’eat things of you when you get
to New York”— Olive Thomas.
“If I could handle my feet the way you do I would
be champion boxer of the world”— Kid McCoy.
“Some speed to the Fowlers”— Barney Oldfield.
“I sure enough enjoy your dancing”— Tom Mix.
— AND^
Guy Price in Los Angeles “Evening Herald”: “They are dancers
New York must reckon with. ... The man is not handsome but
oh how he can dance, and the girl has charm and personality only
equaled by her dancing skill and grace, . . . Twelve feet of
whirlwind originality and creativeness. . , . Just as sure as Uncle
Sam is going to wallop the kaiser so these Fowlers are going to give
New York and the blase east a tlmll of delight,”
Salt Lake “Telegram”: ‘^Ethyle and Addison Fowler are remarkable
dancers and their artistic interpretation of several dances of their own
creation met with enthusiastic approval.”
San Frahciscd “Call”; “The dancers, Ethyie and Addison Fowler,
became instantaneous favorites. Ethyie has all the grace of a butterfly
and the buoyancy that belongs to youth, and is particularly blessed by
being the dancing partner of a man who knows how to dance as well as
deport himself in a ballroom.”
Return after a successful and extensive world's
tour» bringing something
with\an unlimited supply of laughs
Just Finished Record Engagement in Cahfoijnia
Forty Weeks With Baron long
We Hate To
Talk About
In an Original, Versatile Comedy Creation
Intmdacing ,
‘‘The Lady of the Falls”
In a Long Train Evening Gown
Opened at Proctor’s 58th Street, September 12
and we were more than satisfied with our reception
First Half— Proctor’s 125th Street
. Second H{df— Proctor’s 23rd Street
For further particulars consult
ad, doing nicely. Marguerite Farrell, carded
second, reported her inability' to appear
through throat trouble. One of the Lander Bros,
tried to deputise with monolog, but was
booed off. 7hen Norton and Nlcholaon were
booed also. Angie Norton stopped In the mld-
^e of the apt to Inform the patrons It was
hard to amuse In wpr time. Frankie Heath
appeared fourth an4 quieted the assemblage,
doing quife well. "Somewhere I 4 France"
was Well received. Lander Brothers In their
regular act found favor. Bowers' Revue
closed.-! Manager White secured an act from
the Palace to replace Miss Farrell Tuesday.
ORESCENT (Walter Kattman, mgr.). —
Barlow and Hurst gathered first half en*'
comiums. Arthur Rfgby was another to score
largely. Williams Sisters started proceed-
ings brightly, O’Brien, Havel and Valeska
had easy soling. Lockbard and Laddie, ap-
pearing lau, were liked Immensely.
PALACE (S^^ Myers, ingr.)^ — Brierre and
King, refreshingly youthful and appealing.
Tossing Austins; registered. Frazer, Bqncs
and Harding, impressed. Carl Rosinl, ' clos-
ing, held the audience.
TDLANB (T. C. Campbell, mgr.). — Thedal
Bara in. "Salome," film.
STRAND (Foster Olroyd, mgr.).— Mary
Plckford In "Johanna Enlists," film.
Rube Welch Is framing a show composed of
his wife, Kitty Fr.pnols, and five acts, to tour
the southern qpe-sjgbtsrs and cantonments.
"Wfltch Your Step" comes to the Tulane
next week. The show bps been doing a phe-
nomenal; lousiness In ' the south.
Paradoxical as It may seem, the theatres
that remained open here all summer did a
larger bualness during the heated term than
was accorded during thp winter months,
KEITH’S (H. T. Jordan, mgr.).— One of
the best dramatics sketphes ever presented In
I vaudeville, surrounded by plenty of comedy
and singing, furnished fine entertainment for
a capacity audience Monday afternoon. This
house bos a tremendous Jewish patronage,
and thpra was a complete sell-out long before
it w^' time to open the doors. A holiday
audience Is always surefire for the artists and
the show went tbrougb with a bang from start
to finish, but in this case all the aefs deserved
all they received. Hobart Bosworth and his
• splendid ceimpo-ny In . the -Tack Ijondon tluslllpr, .
"The Sea Wolf," held the headline position
right up to the topnotcb mark. Vaudeville
can stand for anything after watching Bos-
worth put thin bit of dramatic acting over.
There Isn't anything stronger In 'the two-a-
day, and it held Monday’s audience thrilled
from the time the motlpn pictures, used as
an introductory, started until Mr. Bosworth
and his funny-looking dog took soma extra
bows. The sketch Is unusually well played
for a dramatic playlet and adequate stage
setting makes it more convincing. Bob Hall,
an extemporaneous monologlst, followed the
Bosworth play and made up a song on the
most striking situations. It was clever work
Md gave Hall a great start with the Imuse.
Ha sang about people in the audience and
then made up songs on subjects called by the
patrons. It Is likely he has one or two plants
to give him a start, but they are so well
covered that few get wise and there Is enough
original matter used to make bis act a genu-
ine novelty that scored one of the biggest
hits of the bill. The Three Bobs opened the
show with their speedy club Juggling and
comedy, doing especially well In the spot and
getting a good hand for their work, A pleas-
ing little singing and talking vklt by Buzzell
and Parker followed and then came the Wer-
ner-Amoros Co., with their varied act. The
instrumental music helped considerably and
the trio drew down a liberal amount of ap-
plause. The unmasking of the female Im-
personator created more surprise than ex-
pected, and won the violinist an extra encore,
dragging the act out a bit too long. Keller
Mack and Anna Earl did very nicely with
their singing and comedy skit. This Is a re-
turn date for this couple apd they were given
a warm welcome. Miss Earl Is an earnest
worker, had developed Into quite a useful foil
for Mack’s droll style of comedy and the' act
, Is a good laugh winner for any bill. Joe Par-
sons and Dave Irwin have a novel way of Ih-
trodqcing their singing turn, opening In full
stage and startlp their act like a dramatic
playlet. A note Is handed them In which the
manager says he Is tired of their acting and
'*''hnts something else. One suggests singing
and here the boys prove the manager knew
what qa was talking about, for they can sing.
It s a nice little Idea and all Parsons and Ir-
win need is to get some new songs and they
■jvlll fit In as a hit anywhere good singing is
enjoyed. J. C. Mack and Co., with a real olu
hokum act called "Mother’s Boy” rocked the
holiday audience In their seats. Mack Is the
whole act, using two others as feeders. He
dresses in eccentric make-up; appearing as a
wrinkled old woman, and his method of hand-
ling hla comedy talk Is a sure laugh-getter.
Mack has been playing moet of the small
time around hero and this Is his first appear-
ance In Keitn's since he was a member of
the Monroe, Mack and Lawrence act, but
there Is nq question about his ability to make
any audiepce laugh. Mons, Adolphua and Co.
closed the hill with a 'very pretty dancing
turn... Being -a -HJiBSIan act, It held, the- audi-
ence better than most of the closing acts seen
here end won a lot of applause. '
OPI.ONIAL (H. A. Smith, mgr.).— First
half — Billy Bouncer's Circus ; Hamilton &
Barnes : Eddie & Ramsey In "Charlie’s Visit” :
F. Barrett Carman ; Whirling Brunettes and
the film feature, "How Could You, Jean?"
Last half— O’Malley ; Doris Dale; Vernon-
Proctor’s Palace, Newark
N. J., Sept. 1245
Xylophone Player Leads
Excellent Proctor Bill
El Cota may not be the world’s greatest
Jcylophbhe player, as he Is billed by the
Proctor press departmtot, but he cer-
tainly ranks very close to that particular
spot on the ladder of fanae.
On a bilf ThursdaSr tif^t, Ifi Which
musical offerings predominated, El Cota
ranked with the best, and received the
lion’s share of applause, He gave a vari-
ety Of saiectiobS, ranging from.OlaSklOal
to ragtime, mixing sufficient grotesque
movements to keep the audience laugh-
ing as well as entertained.
Dainty 3’e’an. SotheAi, . the photdslay
favorite, aUd Claire Vincent, a Broadway
Star appearing wHh Frank H. Gardner
and company In “No Trei^fiasslng,” a
comedy, divided honors for second place
on the program.
Hurl Falls ; Three Sterling Sisters ; Oriental
Quartette and pictures.
ALLHGHEWY (Joseph Cohen, nigr.).— ‘"fhe
Lincoln Highwayman” ; Bud Snyder & Co. ;
Greenlee & ’Williams ; Leo Zarell Troupe j
Henry Henlere and the film feature, “The
Still Alarm."
NIXON (E. Perry, mgr.).— Blly Klnkalde;
Lewis & Norton ; . “Come Across" ; Mullen &
Coogaif; Pour Valdares; film feature, "When
I Come Back to You."
Wegefarth, mgr.). — Kaufmann Bros.; Stan
Stanley & Co. ; James O’Brien and the South-
ern Girls ; Regina Connelll & Ruby Craven In
“Moondbwn”; Carl Emmy’s Pets; Martelle
and the film feature Is “A Fight tor Mil-
GLOBE (Sahloskey & McGuirk, mgrs.). —
“Pardon Me,” a musical comedy ; Maurice
Samuels & Co. In “A Day at Ellis Island”;
"Violets,” a musical comedy ; Jack Marley ;
Frankie Fay and Jazz Boyis; Picola Midgets;
White Steppers and pictures.
WILLIAM PENN (0. W. Metzel, mgr.). —
First half — “Bon Sons,” a musical comedy;
Bowers, Walters & Croker; Jonny Jones and
■ Marlon Greenlee In “What Did You Do”;
Belle Sisters 'and the film feature, Marlon
Davies in “Cecelia of the Pink Roses." Last
half — Mills & Lockwood In “Nature’s Noble-
nhm," with four other acts and the film fea-
ture, “The Death Dance.”
KEYSTONE (M. 'W. Taylor, mgr.) .-^James
R. -Frazer & Co. lU “Yucatan”: Mr. and Mrs.
Sydney Payne In “The Drudge”; A1 Tyler;
Sidney ft Townley; Three Kashner ^irls ; Ed-
die Montrose and motion pictures.
BROADWAY (Chas. Shlsler, mgr.) .—First
half — "The Bonfire of Old Einplres” ; Eugene
Emmett ; Musical Lunds ; motlbn pictures.
Last half — A. Seymour Brown ft Co. in “Where
There’s a Will- There’s a Way” ; four other
acts and pictures.
CROSS KEYS (Sahloskey ft McGuirk, mgrs.).
— A. Seymour Brown in “Where There’s a
Will There’s a Way” ; Ross & Cook ; Dadula
ft De Nolr ;lHanlon & Clifton and motion pic-
Charlotte Walker and members of the
“Nancy Lee” company gave a benefit per-
formance at the Garrick on Thursday of thhs
week in aid of the Overseas Tobacco Fund.
The future of the old Walnut Street Theatre
is still In doubt. It was advertised to open
this week with a popular attraction booked
and Charles C. Wanamaker and Thomas
Dougherty, who are associated with G. (J.
Nixon-Nlrdllnger, are roporthd to have taken
over the house which was advertised for pub-
lic sale.
Joe Hortiz will rejoin Dumont’s Minstrels
the week of Sept, 30. He will be featured and
will offer some new songs and sketches.
Jones and Sylvester are playing at the
Broadway this week. They play the Globe
next week and then Start for tte Coast, where
Riot of Music and Comedy
This Week, Sept. 16
First Hdf, Proetbr’s Sfiih St
Last Half, Proctor’s, Yoilkers, N. Y.
r- .
they whl inspect Aubrey ■Prlhgle's HfiW (SSfe
at 'Venice, Cal.
dteschaefer, mgr.). — “Miss, I Don’t Know,’’,
with Indications of a good week. Good house
' opening night.
OPERA HOUSE, (Col. Felix R. Wendle-
schaefer, mgr.). — “Mrs, Wiggins of the Cabbage
Patch." Frederick Forrest In cast. This kind
of play Is evidently being .tried by the house
as an experiment. . The Emery last season
tried this sort and failed to win out. Fifty
cents top matinees and $1 nights.
KEITH’S (Charles Lovenberg, mgr.). — The
opening of the vaudeville at Keith’s is an an-
nual local event. Heading the opening bill Is
Hermaine Shone . In “The Best Sellerk',’’ liked,
Mme. Burnell, Private liOUis Hart (British
Army) and Co., Bessie .Browning (former part-
ner Jack Denny is overseas), appears alone to
good advantage; Juliet, Green and Parker, Eddl
and Edith AdUlr, Tlid and Ward, Evelyn Dolly,
PiCtUl*GS» *
EMERY (Martin R. Toohey, mgr.).— Jack
and Tommy Wler, Walter Nealand and Co.,
Lorrada’s Models, Galvin and Thornton, Reed
and Whiting. Last half, Capt. Barnett and
Son, The Two Donals, Flo and OlUe Walters,
FAY’S (Edward M. E’ay, mgr.). — "Western
Days,” Spencer and Holden, Curran and SWor,
Horan and Bascon, Joe Berttni, "Gay Paris-
ians,” pictures,
COLONIAL (Robert J. McDoifnid, mgr.).—
Harry Hastings "Big Show” mdde a good
start. A fairly good show find Sp’eclaltles
proved a treat,
SCENIC (Pawtucket).— First halt, Lydia
Barry, Whiteside Sisters, Mabel Fofida Trio,
Johnston and Cane. Last half, “Hands Afiross
the Sea,” Dale and Boyle, Reynolds and White.
BIJOU (Woonsocket).— Flrt hklf, "Hands
Across the Sea,” Reynolds And White, Louise
Huff. Last half, Lydia Barry, the Whiteside
Sisters, Mabel Fonda Trio.
Billy Lynn, a Providence boy and graduate
of Brown, here last summer with the Lyric
Musical Comedy Company, Is In "Miss, I
Don’t Know” at the Sbubert Majestic this week,
Billy Sunday opens his campaign In this city
Sunday. The big tabernacle was dedicated last
Sunday with thousands in attendance. As yet
none of the lUanagers has annoubced any cut
in prices during Billy’s stay here.
Sailor Jim V^lte, strong man of the navy,
was an added attraction at Fay's last week In
the Interest of the "Our Boys In France" To-
bacco Fund. During the week Fay’s audiences
confributed a total of $1,150.70 to the fund US
the result of White's act and bis appeal for
smokes for the boys over there.
idmp, Jacob P. Adler and her company were
here Monday In "Mothers of the World" at In-
fh'tfry Hall Wefdre a full Udui^ of Ideal Je#- r
Ish people. The play bra's ilHIiiddieh •Ond de-
clared to have been the fineit been In this Olty
fOr some tlMe.
Floyd Gibbons, ObieagO tribune War cOffe-
spofUdettt, appeared sit the Shubert hfajestlo
here last Sunday, speaklfa'g to eiUhll audiences
both in the afternoon and evening. He ap-
peared under the aU'S'iMOes Of the Ffoviaence
Journal and In. the interests Of thfe "Our Boys
in France” Tobacdo Fund.
MoIIIe Williams and her company At the
COtonlhl rust week broke thb season’s records
to date.
PkUl N. Derilsh, of Bast Providence, formerly
in Vaudurflle, has been made song instructor
at Fort Wetherill, at Newport, .'according to an
announcement received here this week. The,
young rtia'n Is a member Of the 2lst C. A. Band.
In coti'rt last wOelr the Providence Theatre
Co. pleaded guilty to a charge of .employing,
as an usher, a girl under 16 years of Oge, Aug,
SO, and was fined $20 and costs, the complaint
was made by Chief Factory Inspector J. Ellery
Robert J. McDonald, formerly mainager of a
house at Holyoke, Mass., has been named man-
ager of the Colonial (burlesque) here. He has
already assunied his duties.
■Pheatres In Rhode Island Which have per-
mitted ^Unole Sam’s Four-Minute men to speak
from thelV stages were presented with certi-
chtes Monday nlghp Ip apprOOiation of the
national service rendered. PfovldenCO theatres
Which received the certificates are Shuhert
Majestic, Keith’s, Operh House, Colonial, Fay’s.
Emery, Strand, Casino, Empire, Gaiety and
"Experience," which has played this city
several times. Is booked at the Sbubert Majes-
flb tor anothei’ return engagement, Week open-
ing Sept. 23.
According to hll repoflS Blanoho Bates and
Holbrook Blinn In “Getting Together” Were
not the success here last week It was antici-
pated they would be. ,
, FAMILY (John R. H. FennyvesseSt, ’«»#.).—
"The Allies Patriotic Rovue,” Th^, AlVnfet'*
tas, Romaln and Moreno, Charles Bebnah, Du-
tell aild COvey, Bail Brothers and CO„ Qrecnot
and Tina, Amy Gray and Co„ Musical Zanos,
VICTORIA (John J. Fariron, mgr.).— Polllos
Do Vogue, top vaudeville; screen (oatureOi
Virginia Pharson In "Cmeen bf HettM” ana
Alnja, Reubens In "The Ghost Flower."
Irene Castle ih ’’Stranded In Arcady," second
half. ^
REQ^T (WllHaft A. Cailhan, mgr.),=sQor-
aldine Farrar in ‘"Th'o turn of, the Wheel,’’
first half ; Madge Kennedy and Tom Mddi'd In
“The Kingdom of Youth," hecond half.
When Mabio Wilbur ylayed here in ‘'Hof
ReglmenF^ last Week she bid the privilege
of nestling right down In her own home end
her own roOm. Rochester has heon Miss Wil-
bur’s borne during her successful years on the
stage and although ebe kas yiSlted here manY
times privately, her professional vlslta havd
been few.
George I. Matthews, apeolal representative of
Veribest Pictures, has been in town promoting
"A Mormon Maid,” in oonneotlon with the red-
hot aitl-Mormon crusade which is now under
way (hroughout this section. Mr. Matthews
planbid coluninB of copy In the local papera;
addressed the ministers and antl-Mormons and
In other ways made quite a furore with Mb'
picture. .
Thomas Martel], capthln^^df the local Pro-
tectives, and assistant to EdgAr F. Edwards,
secretary and manager of the Rochester Ex-
position AsBoblatlon. has resigned to accept a
position with the Commlkslon on Training
Camp Activities. He Will be detailed aa an
assistant to the director of the division of Lib-
erty theaters.
Movette, Ino„ a loeat con<»rn, shot some pic-
tures during the horse show with Its miniature
outfit. Theko Were AhbWn An a thrOe-foot
screen in a paVlor of a doWh toWh hotel the
LYCEUM (W. R. Corrls, mgr.).— First half
of week “Seven Days’ Leave” ; second half,
George Arliss In “Hamilton.”
TEMPLE (J. H. Finn, mgr.).— Lambert and
Ball, Doree’s Imperial -Quintet, MBo? Alfred
Latell, John R. Gordon and Co., Ethel Hop-
kins, Kane, Morey and Moore, Rose and Moon.
FAY’S (\V. Sarr, mgr.).-^Tozegam Arabs,
Musical Tweeds, Harlan Sisters, Morgan and
Ayres, Joe Brennah. Halson and Moran, Twedo
Dan In “All Fur Her.”
GAYETY (J. Yale, mgr.).— “The Boston-
other night. The pictures are very good and
the whole thing was designed to show that
movies may be tokeU as pastime and for pri-
vate family pttrtiases. HoWevOr, oWlhg to -the
cost. It is not supposed that home-spun movies
shown In the home will displace the theatres
tor some time yet.
Tom Brown, one 'of the famous "Sit Brown
Brothers,” Whose saxophOno (>Iaylng Is known
In every home that bohsts a phondgraph, passed
through Rochester early this week with a
party of friends, on their Why West. The
party consisted df his cemposer, Ernie Erd-
mann ; two of his brothers, Harry and Aloe,
and .Tosepb A. Eckol. Mr. Eckel IS a New
York booking agent, through whom the local
Victor!^ gets its vaudovlUo. The Thespians
stopped in Rochester OVer Sunday afid Monday
as the guests of Manager Jack FarrcA, of the
Estab. 1S60 fi
Short, medium and long Tampa.
154 W. 45th 8t„ N. Y. C.
k tart of Broadway
“ 0pp. Lyceum Theaire
From 2 to 4 inrhea In 3 weetia with one lar of COSI
OBESITY CREAM. External. Abaolutely barmlefs.
Itedueea fat on an.r part of the bod.v. No starring,
no masaaslng or e.rerclslng, nor taking dangerous
drugs. Ilsre the modish figure. For men and
women. Price, postpaid. $7.00. CURRIE & CUR-
RIE. 2911 Ave. G. Brooklyn, N. Y.. or BOYER &
GORDON, Drugglits, 49th St. & 7th Ave., New York.
At All Times
Comedians, Singrera, Dancers, Mnalciana
Address AL. G. FIELD
so East Broad St., Columbns, 0.
Beautify Your Face
You must look good to make good. Many
of the "Profeiilon” have obtained and
retained bettet parts by having me cor-
rect their featoral Imperfections and re-
move blemishes. Consultation free. Fees
347 Fifth Ave., N. Y. C.
(Opp. Waldorf)
Telephone: Bryant 6594
Theatrical Work a Specialty
154 West 44th St. New York City’
Renovating Work Jt," Specialty: alao Theatrical
, Millinery of Ugi-to-ihu-Mlnute Dcalgu
and WorkuiauBhlp
A Large Sized Tiger
State age, height, length and lowest price.
Orpheunip Denver, Colo.
EDWARD FLETCHER, late of the Theatre, Royal.
Caidlff. RukIuuU. would like to hear any nows of
his iK’iihcw,
Harrington Reynolds, Junior
If any lueinlKP of tlie profession who has mot him
during thy Inst Itvelve months will kindlv eommunl-
cuto with me, It will he esteeiiied a favor.
Address EDWARD FLETCHER. 103, Kcimlnglon
Park Road, London, Enuland.
■ 'G'OhBFN' 'RENNA "BT.dND" ' ' "
will liner ruin ymir liiilr, Ono IrinI will give you
sittisfai'lion. Our siiwiulty Is hair coluilng. Trsns-
li.'riiuilloti Hi urdcr. Ami I’lTinaricm hair waving. nrites. S. MICHAELS. 2807 Broadway,
Now York City— Phono, Academy 2679.
VARIETY wants correspondents, newi^aper men preferred.
Address VAREBTYj New ToidE
^Manufacturers of
High Grade Aecordeons
277-279 Columbus Ave.
San Francisco
Awarded Gold Medals —
Genova. Ilsly; E.-P. I. E..
San Francisco, and Ban
PLUSH DROPS— all alzes and colors.
Elaborate stage setting. Easy terms and rentals.
935 Market Street, San Francisco. Gal.
Victoria. When they left Jack accompanied
them as far ae Buffalo by motor. The Six
Brown Brothers established a unique record
when they played a continuous engagement at
one theatre, the Globe, New York, for four
years. Their playing was the feature of Fred
Stone’s "The Jack-O-Lantern,’’ They are on
their way to Chicago to open a six' months’ en-
gagement with Stone’s new play.
The recent order establishing a dry zone in
down town Rochester, taking in ail of the
local theatres and large hotels, on account of
the fact that army training schools are situated
In the central portions of the city, has been
passed up temporarily. United States District
Attorney Stephen J. Lockwood says that the
order has not been rescinded and is morel]? In-
abeyance temporarily. In the meantidie the
dealers in wet gpods are busy cleaning bouse
in an effort to stave off the enforcement of the
order. But It would seem that the handwrit-
ing on the wall is sufficiently, clear and' that
the wets are bound to lose, no matter what '
EMPIRE (M. E. Wolff,- mgr.-; Francis P.
Martin, fep.).— 16-18, George Arllss In "Ham-
ilton.’’ Mr. Arllss adds another distinctive
characterization to historic stage portraiture
ns Hamilton. Emmett C. King and Hardee C.
King are constantly in the picture as Jeffer-
son and Monroe, respectively. Corallnn Walde,
late of the Knickerbocker Players stock at the
Empire, does an effective bit -as the siren who
seeks to entrap Hamilton. Business good.
Thursday, dark. Friday and Saturday, Lou
Tellegen in "Blind Youth.’’ Good advance sale.
WIETING (James Barnes, mgr.).— All week,
"Parlor, Bedroom and Bath.’’ The comedy Is
not, as the posters used here delicately sug-
gest, principally bedroom and hath, but ex-
clusively parlor. The cast Is of the usual road
calibre. Rain, to some extent, cut the first
night audience, while the strong opposition at
the Empire also made Its effect felt. Next
Monday, Floyd Gibbons, war correspondent.
BASTABLB (Stephen Bastable, mgr.), — First
half, burlesque, "Hip, Hip, Hooray Girls.’’
Show better than the average. Snappy com-
edy, good music and plenty of It, with elaborate
costumes and scenic effects, and a lively
chorus, Ono of the features again this season
are the six diving girls. Fine business. Last
half, “Mutt and Jeff.’’
tEmplb (Albert A. Van Auken, mgr.). —
First half, top notch bill with Louis Brocade’s
qlnglng novelty capturing applause honors.
Kilkenny Trio, close second. Harmony Kings,
well to the front. Clayton and Lennle, "On
the Boulevard," scored hit. Red and Blondy
better than usual, opener Bums and Ardine,
singing and dancing, kept the first night au-
dience In until the final curtain. •
CRESCENT (William Brown, mgr.). — First
half. Melodious skit offered by the Novelty
Minstrels, headlined and deserves the place
Allman and Nevlns, good. Wood and Helt,
likewise good. Petroffs, painting fiends, better
than ordinary act of similar line. Cooper and
Lacy, mostly dance, and three girls In a series
of songs round out the program.
The Fort Ontario Players, organized fmm
the dramatic talent In the Army Medical De-
partment detachments stationed at Fort On-
tario, produced "Carry On” and three other
plays at the Richardson, Oswego,
N; T., Sept. 17, following which the Players
win appear in Syracuse and other cities. Ed-
ward Goodman, founder of the Washington
Square Players, and now a private at Fort
Ontario, Is directing the productions.
The Colonial, Utica, Is now open for the
season, Sid Allen Is manager of the house,
while Harry J. McCormick Is orchestra leader.
Vaudeville and pictures.
George H. Bubb, formerly manager of the
Lycoming Opera House at Williamsport, Pa.,
has been named manager of the Mozart at
ALEXANDRA (L. Solman, mgr.),
n Warmer.” Next, “Rock-a-Bye
Baby." • ■'
NEW PRINCESS (0. B. Sheppard, mgr.).—
Have a Heart.” Next, "Hltchy Koo," with
Raymond Hitchcock.
GRAND (A. .T. Small, mgr.). — "The Mar-
rliiKf Question." Next, "Daddy Long Less”
SHEA’S ( J. Shea, mgr,).— The Burr Twins,
Arnaut Rrothers, Harry Hines, Jane Court-
liope & Co., Bennett Sisters, Clara Howard
lolcon Sisters, Madison Winche ster.
Wjtli head, Includlns movablo eyes; complete bear:
suitable Jluslcal Comedy, cte, ; used: In A-1 condition.
PARy».R.FLPOR!!'.V°We>r^^^ New York City
..... for sale .
.Suitable for Tabloid Musical Comedy; largo water
Rcpne anu red plush cjclorama, also landscape canvas and
DAm no “ci nn»’ U'. “n>l'tlon. Sell very cheap.
PARLOR FLOOR, 28 West 3lit 8t„ New York CIto
VaMndlla Aotlwr
_ ■ (8j PtaBwn;
^ ^ caa R ew aad Utsn
DMk ^ aw eud M me tab ^09 par wat iltM.
LOEW’S (J. Bernstein, mgr.). — "(Jaharet de
Luxe," Buddy Walker, The Jespers, H. Guy
Woodward & Co., Conrad & Goodwin, Chas.
Q. Lawlor Co„ Special M. P.. Wm. S. Hart
In "Riddle Oawn’’. Special M. P., "The Geezer
of Berlin.!’
mgr.).— 14, Prlzyama Japanese 4, Arthur La-
vine & Cd., Quinn & De Rex, Australian, Stan
Stanley. Special M. P., “The Eyes of Julia
Deep," with Miss Mary Miles Mlnter. Jesse
Parker & Co., Harry & Edith West
STAR (Dan T. Pierce, mgr.).- "Midnight
Maidens." Next, "Oriental Burlesquers."
GAYETY (T. W. Busey, mgr.). — '"rho Best
Show In Town." Next, "Golden <3rook."
ALLEN (J. fi J. J. Allen, mgrs.). — "Till I
Come Back to You,” with Bryant Washburn,
moving picture. Hartley.
EMPRESS (Geo. B. Howard, mgr.). — 8, for
their second play the Empress Stock had "The
Brat," with Margaret Marriott In the lead.
Next "The ’Thirteenth Chair," featuring Edythe
Elliott. Business very good.
AVENUE (Vlo Scott mgr.).— Dark.
ROYAL (Chas. B. Royal, mgr.).— 9, Hippo-
drome vaudeville ti^ood houses. First half.
Harmony Maids, Loffilon Kim, four other acts
and feature film. Second half, Paul Kelst Co.
in sketch, five other acts and feature photo-
ORPHEUM (Jas. Filling, mgr.). — ^9, Julius
Fannen and Wilbur Mack (assisted by Gladys
Lockwood) In "A Pair of Tickets,” two head-
line acts "Creole Fashion Plate," very good.
■ Albert Vertchamp, excellent. Fisher and How-
ley, In favor. Mellette Sisters, popular. Heros
and Preston, well liked. Capacity houses,
PANTAGES (Geo. B. Pantages, mgr.). — "He’s
A Devil" fops bill, “Red Pox Trot” Wheeler
and Potter, ’The Norvelles, Miller Packer and
Selz. Business excellent.
Ray Collins, loading man at the Empress,
recently figured In a fight when he was forced
to prevent the stealing of his car, which had
been left standing outside the theatre.
The management of the Avenue has not an-
nounced the coming list of attractions. Last
season the house played legitimate shows.
KEITH’S (Roland S. Robbins, mgr.)
Blanche Ring, went big; Herbert Clifton, fine;
Joe ^ckson, usual hit: Frances Nordstrom
and Win. PIckman In "All Wrong," laugh :
Wilton Sisters did well ; “Crosby’s Comers ’’
Japanese, excei-
lent, Olga and Mishka Co., good dancere.
NATIONAL (William Fowler, mgr.).— John
Cort s new musical comedy, "Glorlanna.” with
an exceptionally good cast, opened Monday
night, considerable Interest being shown In
the production.
PpLI’S (Q. T. Harris, mgr.).— Jane Cowl In
Information Please," written by Miss Cowl
and Jane Murfln, excellent cast, headed by
Orme Caldara, Alan Brooks and Blanche
COSMOS (B. Brylawskl, mgr.).— The (Hildea
Hattie KItchner : Marva Rhen, as-
sisted by Bertie Fitch; Jenks and Allen - Al-
bert Cardo and Rae Noel ; Bartello and Broth-
er; Howard Langford; Joe Farrell: Taylor
Trio. ’
Ro°undem” “BT.).-"Merry
Thomasheshy, mgr.).— *'Auto
Girls, featuring a Washington girl, Carol
LOEW’S COLUMBIA (Lawrence Beatus,
mgr.). --Marguerite Clark In "Oat of a Clear
’ first half : Ethel Clayton In "The Girl
^0 Carte Back,” with Patty Arbucklo In
The Cook as an added feature, second half.
.Miip Folly Is oflcrlbg "Stranded on the Mexi-
can Border.”
Practically every member of the police force
were the guests of Lawrence Beatus. manager
of Loew 8 Columbia, Sunday morning, when
the Government film, “Pit to Fight," was
especially shown for the capital’s protectors.
Gen. William C. Gorgas, head of the Medical
Department of the Army, with Colonel Wll-
llnm F. Snow made short addresses, as also did
Major Pullman, Washington’s youthful Chief
of Police. The film, "Fit to Fight,” will be
shown In every camp and cantonment in the
entire country.
Send Photo. State all.
’Salary, etc. ’ '
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215 Canal Street
N. Y. City
1 Unioa Suits, Symmetricals .
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Majestic Theatre Bldg., Chicago, 111,
MACK, The Tailor
1582-1585 BROADWAY
I (Oseetlte Strand Theatre)
I 722-724-726 SEVENTH AVE. *
B (0,gwlte CalimWa Theatre)
All alzea. Keatals and easy terms.
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TRUNKS, $5.00
Big Bargaina. Have baen nied- Also a few
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erty Tranks, Also old Taylor and Bal Trunks.
Perlor Floor. 28 W. Slat 8t„ New York City
Many Bargslnt to ^ad Hand Wardrobe and
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-Pj|gg5i_^«nl »78i • Near 4l»t St.
6^ per box. COLD CREAM, $1.25 pound ]ar.
I am v^ rtcMcd to recommend the Lucille Pen--
dre ai the best I bare eevr used."— BKTTY CALUSH
BOYER'S DRUa STORE, 729 7:h Ave., nr. 49th 8t.
15a extra for mailing.
Charley Dillingham Presents
A Mammoth Muiloil Speotaolo by R. H. Burnside
at tho
Matineo Dally, 2:15; Evening, 8:15
"Enough of •Everjlhlng’ to equip n dozen miiil-
cal comedies. "—LOUIS D8 FOB In ‘-World."
$6.50 to $12.00
ors— under tho personal supervision of a master shoe-
maker. Such shoe perfection you get hero— and prices arc
no more than for ordinary shoes. Fine footwear to order
for the. middle aged man whoso comfort li Important
to tilm. AlHltaiy ISoots.
E VOrJKT, Maker of Fine Shoes
* V vfvJlliXj 64 Nassau St., N. Y. C.
Mary MacLaren (Universal) has received a
commission In the United States Navy.
' "The Road to France,” a World feature,
will be released Oct. 14. W
Another war “special” has beeh made by
the Metro, "Wilson and the Kaiser," which
will be released in October.
, Franklyn Farnum Is back with the U, but
not engaged In any starring , subjects, but
working with some of the feminine stars.
^ Harry Dull Is now attached to the Ameri-
can Red Cross film division, located In New
York for the present
Julia Dean, who la playing In "The Woman
on the Index," has signed a contract to appear
In a film by Abraham S. Schemer.
Clara Kimball Young’s present feature,'
"Through the Dark” Is expected to be ready for
the screen Oct. 1.
"The Border Raiders," a western, featuring
George Larkin and Betty Compson, will be
released by Pathe, Oct. 6.
Geraldine Farrar’s second Goldwyn, en-
titled "The Hell Cat,” will not be released
until Nov. 11.
The Plaza, Lowell, Mass., has been re-
opened under the management of Joseph ■
Morency wllh pictures.
United Pictures of America and General
Films have entered into an agreement for co-
operation In distribution.
G.' G. Rich has been appointed to the posi-
tion of branch manager of the Cincinnati
exchange of Famous Players.
• — I
Charles Ray’s new Paramount picture, pro-
duced under the supervision of Thomas H.
Ince, will be released Sept. 29.
"Her Country First” Is the next Paramount
release with Vivian Martin starred. Sept. 22
is date set.
The first Paramount picture starring Dorothy
Gish has been entitled “Battling Jane.” It
will be released Oct. 6.
The title of the Triangle vehicle for Rose-
mary Thebe has been changed from "Out of
Western Seas” to "Love’s Pay Day.” It will
be released the later end of September. '
The Western Photoplays, Inc., new epi-
sode serial, "Wolves of Kultur,” with Leah
Baird and Sheldon. Lewis In the leading roles,
will be released through Pathe, Oct. 18.
The second of a series , of patriotic Perret
productions, has been named "Stars of Glory,"
and will be a successor to “Lafayette, We
Come,” now being released by the Affiliated.
Ted Miller, managing the Pittsburgh office
of the Select for the past six months, is in
New York and will return to his first love —
that of managing legitimate shows.
Adele Blood left last week for Salt Lake
City, where she Is to appear In a special serial
picture being produced by the Adele Blood
Pictures Corp.
Nazlmova has Just finished "Bye for Bye,”
which will be released the latter part of Oe-
■ tober, and is now working on "The Red
The Consolidated’ Film, Co., San Francisco,
Marion Cohn, president, have secured the
Hearst, International Film Service for the
Northwest territory.
Dougins Fairbanks will shortly film "Art-'
zona” for Artcraft. It will be the second
screen version of Augustus Thomas’ stage suc-
Work on the second of Dorothy Gish’s series
of Paramount pictures began last week.. The
title will be "The Hope Chest,” by Mark Lee
Colin Campbell is to remain with the Uni-
versal as a special director for some time to
come, Campbell coming to the U from the
Sellg Co.
• _ r-.-,
"Triumph of Transportation,” to be released
by Pathe, Oct. 6, Is Inspired by the accom-
plishments achieved hy the American Trans-
port Service.
“The Queen for a While,” a comedy drama
by George Edwards Hall, will be first of a
series of eight features which Harold J. Bln-
ney Is producing, with Vangle Valentine as
the star.
. ... J. Stuart Blackton.’s... next,. Jeature .Je . to. . be .
“The Battle Cry of Liberty.” The production
will have for its basis a story written by
Charles T. Dazey and the producer In collabo-
"A Woman of Impulses,” the new Para-
piount starring Lina Cavalleri, is a plcturlza-
tlon by Eve Unsell of the stage play of the
same name. The picture will be released
Sept. 29.
The third U. S. official war picture to be
issued by the Division of Films, Committee of
Public Information, will be entitled “Under
Four Flags.” It will be given its first publlo
showing early In November.
Harry H. Thomas has been engaged by the
United Pictures Theatres of America as field
marshal of the United’s activities In Long
Island, Connecticut and New York as far north
as Albany.
L. J. Nyberg, of the W. H. Clifford Pictures
Company, has decided to shelve all of his pic-
ture activities until after the war. He will
devote much of his time to the' military train-
ing camp entertainment programs.
At the regular meeting of the Associated
Motion Picture Advertisers Thursday, the date
for the banquet to be given under Its auspices
In conjunction with the National Association
of the M, F. Industry is to be set
"Virtuous Wives,” the Owen Johnson story
oMbat title which appeared in the Cosmopoli-
Aan>has been chosen as the first picture sub-
ject for Anita Stewart, with George Loane
Tucker directing, “In pld Kentucky" Is re-
ported as the second subject for Miss Stewart.
Work on Doris Kenyon’s latest picture, to
be produced by her own company. "Wild
Honey,” was started this week under the direc-
tion of Francis J. Grandon. The story has
been adapted for the screen by Francis J.
In a decision establishing a precedent In
the picture Industry the Federal Trade Com-
mission, Sept, 16, ordered the Stanley Book-
ing Corporation to desist from practices de-
signed to force film producers and theatres to
deal with each other through the corporation.
Monte M. Katterjohn, staff author atLasky’s
stndio. Is carrying out the most pretentious
publicity campaign ever attempted by a writer.
He is matching the advertising space of the
Los Angeles theatres and the Artcraft, In the
picture section of the Los Angeles "Herald.”
''Mike Donlin has quit 'picture work for the
present, having gone on the road with one
of the "Turn to the Right” companies. Mike
wrote a New York friend last week that he
had registered for the new draft by signing
his card at the American consulate in Mon-
treal, where the show was playing last week.
Herbert Rothchild and Bugene Roth, presi-
dent and general manager respectively, of the
California theatre, San Francisco, left for New
York last week. They were accompanied by
Mortimer Flelschacker, banker. The trip Is
said to concern a deal invojving one of Ne’w
York’s leading picture theatres, and a San
Franclsoo house.
'Stan Laurel, the British Charlie Chaplin,
has signed a contract with the Rolin Film Co.
(Pathe) for the production of a series of
eight comedies. Mr. Laurel Is a slapstick
comedian on the same style as the -American
exponent of this type of comedy. The first
release, “There’s No Place Like Jail,” Is
scheduled for Oct. 6.
In the leading feminine rotes, “.TOHNNY
GET YOUR GUN” with Louis Bennlson and
“THIS WAY OUT” with Frank Craven, has
been F-nced- under - contract for- a- specist
feature film production under the direction
of George Foster Platt.
Miss Lyle is now on the Const, where the
work of finishing the production is rapidly
nearing completion, and will return east early
in October to appear in a new Broadway pro-
duction on the speaking stage, '
(WlUi “In Everything” as the Motif.)
I’m as nutty as a squirrel .
Since I tried the movie whirl.
It keeps me jumping and humping all the day
I wahta say it’s got me —
I could never get a thrill
Out of any job until
I made this try — I think I’ll die — I’ll tell you
I had to climb a cliff, or jump a lake, *n Every-
I had to smile no - matter how I ached, ’n
Everything —
And the files all gathered round.
When my make-up face they found ;
With Samson’s powers
i juggled towers, with my hands, ’n Every-
I had to pose out In the boiling sun,’n Every-
thing ;
1 had to bean a villain with a gun, ’n Every-
I got on the job at 6 A. Mi ;
Oh the life’s a perfect gem.
Until you break a leg, an arm, a> neck, 'n
I usta think that vaudeville
Looked real good to me, until
I met, a guy who said his game — was movie
fame —
I wanta say he got me.
Then I left the Orpheum time.
And took chances with my spine.
And It’s all black and blue, I’m telling you,
I had to grab a gat and get a guy 'n Every-
thing ;
I had to love and lure and leer and laugh, ’n
I had to cop that. Chaplin step,
I bad to have that Fairbanks pep,
I worked for hours, got hit with showers
Of pies, ’n Everything.
I had to get that swagger Bushman style ’n
I had to nab that Fatty Arbucklo smile ’n
Everthing, -
But if I make that movie stride
You just watch my millions ride.
I’m gonna buy a bunch of Bonds ’n Bulcks ’n
__Apologles to AL JOLS ON.)
Albert Capellanl is In Gloucester. Mask, di-
recting the final scenes of "An Eye for An
Eye,” the Metro feature starring Nazimova.
Mr. Capellanl is said to secure his best re-
sults by directing his star from beginning to
end of the scene, not stopping for close-ups or
flash-backs. These are taken at leisure. In
this way, when once the star has become
worked up to the desired pitch there 1s no
chance for a let-down until the scene la
WUllam J. Clark, secretary and treasurer
of the Affiliated Distributors Corporation, Is
in New York, having come on from Grand
Rapids to arrange the details In connection
with the contract recently closed with th«
Mutual, whereby the latter takes over the
shipping contract and actual physical dis-
tribution of the Affiliated production. Ho has
also completed negotiations for the purchase
of a number of productions to be released Im-
mediately after "I.nfnyette, Wo Come.”
"Private Peat,” one of the beet "sellers” of
last year, has been filmed by the Famous
Players-Lasky Corporation, with the author
Harold R. Peat, in the title
role. With the exception of a few slight
changes, such as substituting an American
setting for the original Canadian scenes, the
text of the book will be closely adhered to.
The picture, made at the Fort Lee studios of
the prMucIng firm, was directed by Edward
. .V’® fs'shse date has been set for carl*
in uctoDer.
(Continued from page 0.)
^ first $500 back,
Am pretty sure I had.” ' ^
j^^^-”®hPtnsky : "Ybu paid your five per cent.
A. ‘"Yes.’’
Q. "Did you ever see a report on how the
Boston fund was expended?”
thing I saw was in the trade
“PUyor ”) printed lists as made in the.
Q. "Was any statement made in the meet-
ings on the expenditure of the levy fund''”
A. "Only a casual mention of items.”
1 know there was a Joint account
in the Greenwich Bank?”
A. "No.”
Mountford took tho chair, Mr. Myers asking
several questions. Referring to tho check
Fitzpatrick cashed for Pollock, ho asked:
Q. “Was that chock on your bank?"
A. “Yes.”
Q. “The Rats had no account in your bank?”
A. “No.”
The matter of tho ball cases was again gone
into and it developed that there were two
women arrested on two different oceasloiia,
necessitating placing $1,000 ns hail twice.
• Mr. Sairi lisky ; u; “Thu iwb c'h cckH you tiiim -
tloned last week were cashed hy iritzpatrlck
and the money given to Pollock?”
A. "Yes. Ho wanted cash, as ho had loaned
mo cash.”
Q. “When were tho women balled out. 'Was
It day or night?”
A. “It was midnight.”
Q. "In both cases you had $500 with you?”
A. "Yea, more than that.”
Q. “Why didn’t the Rats give Pollock the
A. “They had no money.”
Q. ”How about tho account In the Green-
Mountford looked over the transcript of the
Greenwich account. Ho said that on that
date there was only a balance of $273 and
“not .$10,000, as some of tho papers had been
careful to state last ■week.” However, fur-
ther perusal of tho transcript led to a different
conclusion, and Mr. Sapinsky Immediately
asked :
Q. "I notice that on tho 15th of March there
was a deposit of $,500 and on March 16 there
was a withdrawal of $!300 ; was that tho ball
money furnished?”
A. "No. sir.”
Mr. Myers : "Kindly explain the $808 cbeck
drawn for Mr. Myers?”
A. "There were judgments in the city courts
against us and counsel told us to settle.”
Mr. Sapinsky ; "And that same amount was
deposited by the Rats to your account?”
A. "Yes.”
At this point the Referee asked It all the
testimony was in. It was agreed that It was.
Thereupon, Mountford asked tho co,urt If ho
could not make his enlightening statement. Ho
first asked that Mr. Sapinsky place in evidence
the transcript of his (Mountfqrd’s) bank ac-
count, which ho could not understand bow
the attorney procured.
Mountford proceeded to question himself,
going over points which be made in his answer
to the Pemberton petition and drawing from
Mr. Sapinsky tho venture that "It Is foolish.”
The Referee, however, permitted the witness
to talk at length, although be did say at one
point that he had allowed him (Mountford)
enough soap boxes already.
Mr. Mountford :
Q. "Mr. Mountford, tell us what you know
about the Pemberton case?” -
Objected to by Mr. Sapinsky as Incompetent
Mr. Mountford ; ,
"Tho statement was made at last bearmft
that I had thousands of dollars on deposit. I
wish to say there was never more than $1,500
on balance at any time. Mr. Mountford, have
you anv other hank account?”
A. "No.”
Q. "Mr, Mountford, did yon over take any
money of tho Rats, and directly or Indirectly
applv It to your own .use?” .
A. "No.”
Q. “Do you rememher that Mr. Gooke testi-
fied that mnmhcrs were told that they ■were
buying first mortgage bonds, hut that they got
. second mortgage bonds. Is that correct?”
A. "No.”
Mountford then explained he had written to
R. V. Alexander, a Lancaster lawyer, putting
to the attorney some 18 questions which ho
had In tynewrUten form. Alexander was ft
momhor of the T.nnenster and Chemung entor-
prlspB, The nuestlons nnd anawera caused, a
dlscuaslon between Mr. Sapinsky and the Ref-
eree as the proeoduro. where an absent wit-
ness was introdueod. althoueh that witness
conld not he produced for cross exominatlorf.
Mr, Schuldenfrel said it was an irregular pro-
Mountford said fhe questions were to show
that when he loft, the Rats tho Lanoaster prop-
erty was nBowed to go to rack nnd rnin. and
he nlso said all tho ptnnlnyees were afterwards
token over hy tho Keith interests there, whoso ^
theatre was Itist emerging from a renelvershlo;
The name of Dennis O'Brien was mehtlnncd
several times, the purpose being that he had
advised on the steps taken In the Lnnenster
deal. Before leaving the "nuo.stlonnalre” there
was mention of n certified ' cheek for $5(10,
supposed to have been given Cooke and sup-
posed not to have been received In the Rats*
Mountford continued quostlonlng himself:
Q. "Mr. Mountford, tell us the facts as you
known them about the burglaryT"
A. "T had a letter from one McTnerny to
meet him and we went upstairs." Mountford
here showed a statement from McTnerny, a
burlesque actor. There was a dlscusBlon as
to tho probative value of tho affidavit, which
was uaslgned. That v;as beenuso the original
was In Washington, in possession of the Fed-
eral Trades CoramiBslon, Mountford said. Wit-
ness continuing :
“Wo went up to tho Rats’ offleo. Boxes and
desks were broken open. I went to ray desk
to see If there wore some small note books,
I had about 100 small iioto bonks in French
cipher, giving the names of persons who wore
enemies of the Rats nnd things they had
done.” He said the immos of tho persons who
committed the robbery were known and ■who
paid them. He also said that regarding the
Pomhertori action there woro verbatim reports
of a secret meeting taken from documents
which were stolen from tho ofllce. Tho Referoo
llnally came to the conclusion that If the wit-
ness was to go through tho entire moving
papers In tlio case there could bo no help to
the proceedings.
Mountford again switched, asking hlrascJf
as to tho conOltlon of the Hats' treasury when
he left and after he returned. He said tho
Rats owed $‘2(KI,(K)0 when ho returned, hut that
when the fliiiHh came thcro was but $12"i owing,
not counting ii disputed claim from O'Brien,
Malevnlsky & Drlseoli. At tho very same time
ho stated that during his return nmimgenient
.$11i."i,O0(l was paid off, hut did not explain how
the dllTeri-nce was disposed of.
[{(> theii said the personal account In tho
Greenwich Bank was orioned bceausi! there had
heen a "leak” In tho .Mutual Bunk, In which
InsITI 111 rdh '■Messrs. KeillV ar!lf'''/Uheuf'woffr'de-'''
positors. Tho Greenwich nccmiiit was opciind
on advice ■ of cminsel, he nvorred. Although
o.xhlhldng more nervousness than Is wont,
Mountford aitponrod to have rocovorod from
Ills aerial exours|on of the iirrH’odlug ses.slon
and would have talked Indcdlnllely had It beon
Br JBSSe: wbib.
Camp Upton, L. I., Sept. 16.
George H.. Sammls’ Taudevllle road show
was the attraction the first three days ot this
week, and pleased. He carried eight acts.
All went over big. It was a well balanced
bill, lust what the camp audiences want.
The last three days of the week Manager
George Hi Mller rented the theatre to the
Third Development Battalion, who put on a
vaudeville show for their own benefit.
"The Love Mill,” a musical comedy, opened
hare Sunday for a four-day engagement. Cast
and production were very good and the big
house that greeted it here on the opening
night was pleased. *
' There Is to be another change of managers
at the Buffalo Theatre. Sol .KlarHerg, the
present manager, is to go to Camp Pike, with
Charles Bally to replace him. This makes
the fourth manager at that theatre in the past
. four months.
.Arthur HIrsch and Joe Rosenthal are to Join
a Scotch' regiment in ten days. They always
did like "Scotch.”
Yapitank Ravings.
After you are called In the mess hall at 7
P. M., Just as you are about to "Step-out”
after a hard day’s drlll-^and notified that the
commanding officer desires an inspection at
eight bells the following / morning, and you
then put the rest of the evening In cleaning
your rifie, mess-kit and sockS, and at eight
o’clock you "fall-out” and stand at attention
for a few .hours — and you are afraid that a
spot on your shoe lace will be -discovered — -
and that you will lose your pass for a month
Isn’t It marvelous—
To have some nice old lady pause, look you
over and remark —
"Oh, but what a lot of fun this must be for
the boys.”
To the "Huns” the most unwelcome breeze
is another draft from the U. S. A.
"I think the Government is very unconven-
tional,” Perclval suggested.
"■Why?” Inquired Osso.
"i looked all through my draft questionnaire
and couldn’t find *E. 8. V. P.’ any place."
Yes, Winifred, wo still hold the lead in the
Mosquito League.
A large sign at the depot reads, "Tour uiH-
form is your pass.” The Long Island R. R.
conductors probably can’t read or else are
too nearsighted to see a
you have no ticket you MUST dig up the
two-twonty-one to get to town.
One of the sights you seldom see— a mess
'hergeant eating pie in a camp commissary.
Joe Hallo, in the box office of the Liberty,
deserves the - Iron Cross for an excuse.
He was late coming back on a pws and
when Mr. Miller asked why, said he was
at the station for the train, but a band came
by and started to play the "Star Spangled
Banner,” and that he hhd to stand at at-
tention. Before the band finished the train
pulled out.
A lot of acts that play here think they are
getting applause when It’s only the audience
killing mCsquitoes. '
Yes, It Is proper to take a chicken bone in
your hands to eat it In camp— only thing
required Is the chicken bone.
The New York streets, particularly
the railroad stations and the upper
•sections of Broadway, Times Square,
the Palace neighborhood and points
adjacent to the theatrical Rialto are
now more carefully patroled by mili-
tary police (M. P.) than at any prev-
ious time. The placement of the men
in the theatrical sections is due to the
fact that about the first place the men
on leave head for is some of the sho-w
shops, and consequently the “ M. P. s
come more in contact with the man
out an a pass and the one “absent
witho’jt leave.”
The “M. P.’s” size up every soldier,
having instructions to see that he is
wearing his coat buttoned up and that
none of the coat flaps are unbuttoned
and that .his general appearance is
what the regulations require. The
spiral leggings are no longer permitted
on the legs of men who are assigned
local duty or who have not been desig-
iiated" for" over 'seasi ^
The “M. P.’s” have power to make
arrests, if the case demands, with the
U. S. Military Patrol wagon within
• ready call of any patrol sending in a
call. The “M. P.’s” are also on the
constant lookout for deserters.
Franesa Ingram ot the Chicago Grand Opera
Co. Is making a patriotic tour of fifteen
camps. V
"The Beauty Squad,” 12 people, has been
over the Liberty Theatre Circuit.
The Liberty, Camp Green, la used dally
as a school room for the psychological- hoard.
James A. Boshell has been appointed dra-
matic director for Camp Dodge... The Com-
manding officer of Camp MacArtbur has or-
dered an announcement ot Liberty Theatre
attractions to be read daily at retreat
Jenny Pauline Starke
Montague Booth Harry Meatayer
Belle Hathaway Belle Bennett
A wholesome little comedy, containing some
heart appeal and enough suspense to keep up
the Interest. The scenario Is In Catherine
Carr’s best style and Triangle has given Harry
Mestayer a vehicle which suits him admir-
The story is not heavy .with plots and coun-
ter plots, but a straight forward human Inter-
est yam, about a young woman who Is in love
with an actor, a $25 a week player, who has. a
Weakness for Shakespearian parts. Early In
the picture Montague Booth (Harry Mestayer)
la caught In a fire on the stage and sustains
severe Injuries, which virtually put ti end to
his stags career.
He Is forsaken by all his friends except tho
maid (Pauline Starke) at the boarding house
where he lives. She has loved him In silence,
he /has never noticed her, except ht tho
meet casual manner.
Now that misfortune has come to him shO'
Immediately rushes to his aid. He la in lovo
with another woman, yet he and Jenny go off
together and get a position with a travelling
medicine quack.
The "types" have been selected with care,
and the photography presents many impressive
and beautiful exterior views. Including a num-
ber of long sbote. The close-ups are fine and
the lighting all to be desired. "The Atom” is
a good program feature.
Maurice Tourneur’s Racing Fifmi
Lots Audience Cheer Cfassic^
Oeii>^of Drury, Land.,
; Pow 'motibh'l>rctwe/ dhectors ;equal,
and fewer curpassi Mauric^Tounie^
in tho 'art of
screen.'’; By his work lie atandw/out.
Brotnlnently. . qv^ amo^‘ . tiiat ann^
srqnp of .c:(ceptiohal who apprW
,«iate the pwullar powers of the <fu>iera(
and know how to employ tbeqf in the'
production ot a photo’^ay, bhqe
. and In sotne woys more tiian .ever, ijlB|
jiM revealed his creative, seniu^-vln-
tlw featumdj_^fllit»’, ^
Th^lajTI^^Modraxnirbased upon
the well-known Ortiry Wnh produch'
and. as jnany Will remember, it -has to
do chlefiy with a. young English -Lord
and bis dMoerato efforts to rerestablish
hiinself financially through the suc-
cessM of a pugilist in the ring and a
rai^norse, the phenomenal iLady Love,'-
in-the-i^Hiy. Theer are abunaantop-
uortunities In, the play for exciting-
.scenes. >
s Mr;. Tourneur baa not faltered befdre’
any of tho big. Comprehensive scenes^
such as thos-* of the prize fight and the
, Iterby Irace. while in little Incidents
also he has done not only- the obvious
and expetced. but the surprising. The
spectators who viewed the picture yes-
.terday afternoon wem drawn Into tlio
excitement of the play’s epicodcs, ap-
plauding and exclaiming at the succee-
jsron of climaxes as people do only when
lthe-yare-thrHled.ljy’..ft: penso of ‘partioi-,
' nation In what they see'or Bear.
L At one poiht, as Lady J/>vaVdaahed
Yorwar dto the rqce. some one In thp
'orchestra shouted ”Go,’* and marly pf
'.thp specthtora literally started forward
fronr their seats. It all seemed* real.
.But this effect was accomplished by the,
AlliiujLiPt an (ipigoda .and each effect!
'of ' the photopla y.: was .'similarly MoomA
TTiis is a Sample of What
the New York Papers
Said About
S. L. Rbthapfel booked
seeing it. His confidence in
ability has been justified in
his securing this sensational
success that is now packing
hjs Rivoli Theatre to the doors
and establishing new records.
Definite distribution arrangements will
- shortly be announced
..........SELLING AGENTS,....-.HILLER & ... WILK.
Society drama, presented by Bacon-Backer
Films, an adaptation from the play ‘‘Agnes,”
by Paul M. Potter, directed by Perry N.
Vokroff, tsho also wrote tbe acenarlo. The
photography la tbe work of Edward Earle.
Mary Boland la starred and aupported by a
small but adequate company, all of whom ap-
pear to be peculiarly fitted for the roles In
which they are cast.
Although there are six reels, tbe picture Is
unusually full of action. Tbe titles being
well written, are of great asalstance in fol-
lowing tbe thread of tbe story.
Oeorge Roydant (Sam Hardy) and his wife,
Agnes (Miss Boland) rraide in the country
with the latter's ancle, Nicholas Barable
(Lawrence McQlIl). Barrable made a for-
tune In tbe city and baa retired. Wishing to
save bis niece and her husband from the
temptations of New York he yirtually de-
«mands they lire with him. The young couple
do not like this plan and at the same time do
not wish to hurt the old gentleman‘s feelings,
but they make it plain to each other they long
for the city.
They finally break away from the old man
and make their home In New York. Roy-
dant is successful in business, and his wife
' Is popular In society. After a time there is
an estrangement. Agnes in an absent-minded
sort of way carries on a flirtation with Lord
Sulgrare, and her husband falls in tbe hands
of an adrenturess.
From then on the action is fast and the
story Increases in Interest. One of tbe best
scenes and the one In which Miss Boland
shines most radiantly. Is that in which Sul-
grare comes to her bedroom, at her inrita-
tion. But when he knocks at tbe door she
will not admit him. He finally forces an
entrance, and a realistic struggle follows. In
the scrap Sulgrare falls to the floor and is
' stunned. She remores him to bis own room.
Meanwhile her husband, now in financial
difflculties,' comes to her and asks for her
Jewels, that be may raise money to meet ob-
ligations. She confronts him with a note
from the adrenturess, and explanations on bis
part follow. But she falls to tell him of her
experience with Sulgrare.
In tbe last reel husband and wife are recon-
ciled. The uncle has come to their aid. With
their difficulties over they decide they bare
bad enough of the city and go back to lire
with the old man.
The picture has been well staged and it
should make an unusually attractlre program
feature. It has all the elements which will
Mathias Frank Keenan
^ette. Lola Wlliwn
Lispaw. Joseph J. Dowling
Catherine Ids Lewis
Kor«ki Bert Law
Albert Cody
, Carl Stockdale
Just as erery legitimate actress wants to
play ‘‘Camille” and erery reader pines for a
obance at “Hamlet,” so the male screen star
mrns for a wallop at the role of Mathias in
‘The Bolls.” It has been done orer and orer
and each time, a ttop.
The latest aspirant for these honors is
Frank Keenan, supported by an adequate cast
and production, made by Paths. Mr. Keenan
Is an admirable character actor, and his inter-
pretation of Mathias is an intelligent, careful
and painstaking one. But the story is old-
fashioned and gruesome at best. It the late
Sir Henry Irring were to offer it today it
would be laughed at
Tbe Fathe production is a tiresome affair.
The majority of the present-day picture ' pa-
trons probably never heard of the play.
an l£Tn. 'The acTor’(MUo Sbie sin'
the register Julian Lawrence and Wife, with-
out his companion's knowledge.
In her struggles to escape bis attentions
which followed. Miss Murray puts up a good
fight. It proves quite a rough and tumble
affair. The Innkee^r enters into the proceed-
ings at the right time and when explanations
follow, Lawrence Is promptly kicked out of
the hotel. From actress to artist’s model is
Della’s next step. While following the latter
profession, the heroine meets the man she
loves and presumably marries. - Throughout
tbe five reels the compromising position in
which she found herself with Lawrence is al-
ways cropping up and spoiling her plans for
a happy marriage.
■ Miss Murray plays in a moderately Interest-
ing manner. Her support is only fair. The
men in the cast all show a tendency to over-
act. The redeeming feature is tbe work of
Clair DiN.Brey, the sophisticated young wo-
man, who knows the stage and the studios.
“Modern Love” was directed by Robert Z.
Della Arnold Mae Murray
Julian Lawrence... Philo McCullough
Oeorge ^dlson Arthur Shirley
Myrtl^ Hhrrls Claire Du Brey
Wilbur Henderson. Qeorge Cbeeebro
The title of this Bluebird, featurhig Mae
Murray, might suggest many things and many
highly Interesting stories, but such is not the
case with the picture seen at the New York
Theatre. It Is a very ordinary feature treated
in a stereotyped and conventional way.
Good photography will often help a poor
picture to get across, but in “Modern Love”
even this is lacking. The settings are shabby
and the lighting dim and indistinct. There
w many olose-upa of Miss Murray and her
leading man, some of which are good, but they
ftTB allowed to reznain on the ecreen so long
tbiM this phase becomes tiresome long before
It Is over.
Miss Murray is Della Arnold, a young wo-
man of the stage, playing one-night stands
through tbe middle west. Through missing a
train and inclement weather, she and the lead-
ing man ^ separated from the company and,
owing to a storm, have to spend the night at
directed by Marshall jfellan,
M adge K^INEDY, ^ use an oldr^hloned pluase«
lias proton on the people of Amerii^. She has
become a nation-wide lubit. Picture by. picture she
has grown in popularity. .
Step by step upwgrd>Hrapidly-^in “Baby Mine,” in
“Nearly Married,” *The linger Game,” “The Service
Etair,” and “Friend Husband” this fascinating person-
ality has increased her r^utation and drawing power,
as few stars ev^ succeed in dojlhg.
With the finest, airiest and by all odds the most
enjoyable of all of hw productions, Goldwyn, under
its policy of- Star Serjm releasing, takes pride in
Hopama Ethol Clayton
Joahum Richard Clarks
Hannah Eugenie Woodward
Nebmnlah Victor Kennard
PHlro Camllllo David Davies
Murlo Qua Plxley
Mrs, Mallory Zadee Burbank
Scott Malory Frank Mayo
Fatih Palmer Pinna Nesblt
Mr. Palmer, Jack Drumler
Griswold Jack. Roberts
Woman Sadie Schaeffer
Girl Violet Askel
This World feature, starring Ethel Clayton,
Is altogether different from the general run.
In It are many pleasing scenes and the theme
Is most unusual. It Is one of the best pro-
ductions the World has put out in eome
months, and should be an excellent program
feature. It may be tbe last World picture
In which Miss Clayton will be seen, as her
conivact with that company has now expired.
Good photgraphy. In which are Included in-
teresting country scenes, handsome Interiors
ond locations with the proper “atmosphere”
help to make tbe picture good entertatnment
Miss Clayton takes the role of Hopama, .who
as a child Is brought to a Shaker settlement,
and the years of her youth are spent among
this strict religious sect. When her natural
desire for fun and music come to the fron.,
she le punished In the Shaker fashion. Miss
Clayton acts unaffectedly and shows con-
siderable dramatic power In some of the
scenes. When brought before the elders of
tbe church and as punishment for some minor
offense Is sentenced to whip halt a dozen
children, who have been her playmates and
have not been parties to the "crime,” her
Indignation and refusal are finely expressed,
and one la Impressed with her earnestness.'
But this is only one of the many Instances In
which Miss Clayton scores heavily.
A most Interesting feature is tbe Identity
of the "Soul Without Windows.” This Indi-
vidual’s identity does not come along until
near the end of tbe third reel and Is a sur-.
prise, as the person, Scott Malory (Prank
Mayo), early In the picture gave little evi-
dence of being soulless,
Mallory In saving his fiancee from drown-
ing meets with an accident, the result ol
wnlch Is paralysis from the waist down and
an unbalanced mind. He Is wealthy and has
the best of care, but is forsaken by the girl
for whom he risked his life. He no longer
wants to live, according to the titles.
Hopama then enters Into his life, and a
French physician , cures him of hls aliments.
In the last scene tho two lovers are seen In
a clinch. 'Miss Clayton has a fine supporting
A1 Jennings, erstwhile bandit and convict,
pardoned by ex-PresIdent Roosevelt, at pres-
cst a Baptist evangelist, has completed a
western which will be produced and acted by
himself. It will be a history of Jennings In
Jl® outlaw days. The title la "The Lady of
the Dugout.”
Showing how a fr^h young girl def«ited a middle-
aged widow vdth her rouge-bozes, lip-sticks, steam
baths and fat-reducing appliances.
Have you booked the Madge Kennedy Star Series for
your theatre?
SwHun.Cou>n,H Awtfut
16 East 42 nc/ Street
EotiA, SlLvrvfi Vir.
■ New York City
■ ,
"nisrt; ■-if, '/ftrSi'i <}Ji-i
IDcho Delano. .Ruth Roland
Hands Up George Chesbro
Judith Strange Easter Waters
The Phantom Rider
■ In the sixth episode ot this Pathe serial
there Is no let-up for the perils of Echo, the
fearlese newspaper woman, ^he throws Incas
warriors right and left from a box car ot a
rapidly moving train. She then takes a stupen-
dous dive as they cross a bridge, but the vil-
lains still pursue her, the whole party proving
no slouches as swimmers. Echo and Hands Up
are both captured and taken to the Inca cas-
tle, where they start to bum Echo as a sacri-
fice to the Sun God. But the cowboys from the
Strang Ranch come Just In time. Hands Up
Is soon called to the Army, leaving Echo in
the hands of “Two Gun” Carter. Echo be-
comes the object of another plot, so the
Phantom Rider tak^s steps to foil It. One
feels that Echo must ge very tired of one
thrill after another, and that her friends must
wish she would go home as her rescue has
become a recognized part of each day.
*'Genevra French. Dorothy Phillips
Major French George Fawcett
Aunt Harriet Clarissa Selwyne
Lawrence Tabor.... William Stowell
Jack Langhome .Lon Chaney'
Should the discipline of the home be Prus-
sian or democratic? . That, briefly, is the
theme of the Bluebird feature, shown at the
Broadway, in which Dorothy Phillips Is
Why the picture should have been given the
above title is hard to say, there Is nothing In
the story to create a furore, on the contrary.
It la a mild and Inoffensive yarn, totally de-
void of anything sensational.
Miss Phillips Is pleasing In the role ot
Oenevra French, an orphan, brought up by
her uncle, a former major in the army. Her
guardian raises her along military lines,
against which, as she grows older, Genevra
rebels and naturally, whenever the oppor-
tunity offers, goes to the other extreme.
Merely with the Idea ot being free from her
uncle’s guardianship, she marries the first
man who crosses her path, and she finds she
Is little better off as a wife than she was as a
There Is a strong vein of humor through
the whole picture, otherwise It would be hope-
lessly uninteresting. A number of amusing
scenes in which Miss Phillips and her young
companions play havoc In the house In her
guardian's absence, help some. The pho-.
tograpby Is sharp and clear and the settings
are In keeping with the story.
Margery Smith Margarita Fisher
Pranklyn Smith Jack Mower
Hosry P. Rockwell.' J, Norris Foster'
“Diamond Tim" Moody Wedgwood Nowell
Betty Nan Kate Price
This Pathe feature, shown privately. Is
from a story by Fred Jackson, entitled
"Beauty to Let," directed by Edward Sloman.
It is an amusing little trifle that could easily
have been totld In two reels instead of five.
Margarita Fisher, who Is starred, gives an In-
teresting characterization of a young woman
who Is supposed to be a raving beauty, but
absolutely brainless. The story has no par-
ticular point and the situations are Impos-
The production Is worthier of a better
theme, apparently no expense has been spared,
the interiors are extremely handsome, all
looking fresh and new: The extras are clothed
in fine raiment, some of which has a Paris
trademark stamped all over.
Miss Fisher has a good supporting company.
Jack Mower, her leading man, is always
amusing, even In his serious moments, and he
provides lots of the comedy. Kate Price, as
Betty Nan, a harmless chaperon, gets many
laughs with her ludicrous efforts to keep a
watchful eye over her charge. Of course there
j® ® villain and a forged title to an estate,
both these two . good old meller props are
hauled in with an Idea of making Franklin
Smith (Jack Mower) appear In a heroic light,
otherwise he would cut a very small figure In
the picture, as the five reels are made up of
Miss Fisher, first, last and all the time.
Rev. Frank Gordon Lawson Butt
Kate Ransom Clara Williams
Mark Overman Herschell Mayal!
Ruth Gordon Adda Gleason
.Governor J^orrlson Thurston Hall
Ben Alexander
Mary Jane Irving
The Mastercraft Company, a closed cor-
poration controlled by the Rev. Thomas Dixon,
has made a feature film production of Dr.
Dixon's book, “The One Woman,” directed by
Reginald Barker, scenario by the author and
Richard Schayer, with Charles Kaufman pho-
tographer. It will be distributed by Select.
The moral taught by the piece Is the avoid-
ance of "free love” as expounded by certalA
branches of socialism.
A wild-eyed religious fanatic — a clergyman,
married, with two children, preaches “the
■ brotherhood of 'man''’''IWih h!#' pUIplt
forced to resign. He appeals to a wealthy
banker to aid him In building a new temple
where ho can have free voice in expounding
his theories. He falls in love with a wealthy
"vampire,” who feeds his personal ego and
tells his wife he cannot live a lie — that he
loves the other woman. She pleads with him :
“I have given you my life— a home — children”
in response to hie “revelation" of a new and
overwhelming love.
At this point be receives. a letter from a
lawyer that a client Is the anonymons donor
of $1,000,000 to his new church. He goes to
the, other woman and says: "I love you better
than life Itself, but we must never see each
other again.” Leaving her, he goes to the hall,
and on picking up his bat finds the lawyer’s '
card, and it dawns upon him that the woman
la the donor. He returns and takes her in bis
arms. She says : "But your wife?” "Let me
fight it out alone,” he replies, and goes home
to declare his intention to abandon his family.
“Tou would desert the mother of your children
and take up with another woman Just as any
common cur would do?”
His mind Is made up and he won't recede.
The Temple of Man Is consecrated, and at
the opening he announces the other wonlan as
his wife, placing a ring upon her finger with-
out any other ceremony. His wife has always
been loved by her guardian, who has now been
elected governor of the state. The banker Is
a bachelor who is shy of women, but when
he meets the vampire Is very much smitten
and pays her considerable attention.. He
taunts the clergyman with the creed of "free
love," to which the clergyman rejoins : "God
has not made the man who can take her
.from me.”
The vampire, however, tires of his "yap-
pings," and now looks with favor upon the
banker. The war breaks out and the eooial-
Ists rant against conscription. The clergy-
man Is, with all his weakness, a patriot, and
won’t permit the anti-conscrlptlon attitude of
bis associates. As a result he Is driven from
Ms cbuch by force and rushes to his domicile
to find the banker embracing the vampire.
In a terrific fight he kills the banker and
rushes back to his wife, who takes him in. She
bad, meantime, refused to marry the gov-
ernor, still loving the father of her children.
On trial for his life, the vampire testifies
against him and he Is convicted and sentenced
to die. The wife , accompanied by her little
boy, calls on ttie governor to plead for a par-
don. It develops the governor had pressed the
prosecution . In the hope of winning the good
woman for bis own wife, and finally grants
the pardon, leaving the clergyman to iretur|Ub,.
to the bosom of his family.
' Very competently acted, with the home ele-
ment strongly depicted by the children, espe-
cially by little Ben Alexander, the child who
scored so strongly In “Hearts of the World.
The picture Is. certain to give satisfaction .
with any audience, but the volume of profit to
be derived from It is dependent upon the
Ingenuity exercised in peranadlng a few prom-
inent, long-haired socialists In rising on their
hind legs to protest agatost the photoplay as
not In keeping with the soolallstlo teaoWnOT.
The directorial and mechanical end of the
production were in able bands ; the story Is
strong, but it Is In the exploitation that the
"big money" lies. sow.
Haworth Producing Corp. has gtvmi Sessue
Hayakawa a strong theme in the aoove, and
the young Japanese star makes 'the most ot
it. He Is a bom picture actor and shows
striking power In the dramatic climaxes, ot
which there are many.
Technically, the picture Is out ot the or-
dinary. Tbe direction is one of the outstand-
ing features. The few trilling faults along
these lines will never be notl^ by the or-
dinary film fan. Tbe photography Is clear asd .
sharp, with close-ups thrown in here and there
with telling effect, when a point is to be
driven home. One Is Impressed with the ex-
teriors. Care has been taken In obtaining the
right “atmosphere,” and the result Is mMt
pleasing. Large Japanese gardens and tem-
ples surrounded by extensive grounds, with
Jap women and children filtting around, all
add to the realism. The interiors are hand-
some and In keeping with the general pro-
duction, the whole thing having been done on
& l&vish 6C&lo«
The scenario would have been In far better .
taste had It been built around an ordinary
American citizen, and followed the lines of .
John Luther Long's story, "Purple Byes,” to
which It bears some similarity. Instead ot
making a Rear-Admiral ot tbe United States
Navy (in uniform) bear the disgrace of being
confronted with an Illegitimate son, tbe result
ot a “love affair” with a Japanese girl, when
he was an ensign, stationed at a port In
Rear-Admiral Morton and the United States
Navy is again placed in an unenviable light
In the picture when certain Government docu-
ments are stolen from him and find their way
into tbe bands of a female German spy.
Thrills follow in quick succession, with
Hayawaka always the central figure. He also
supplies the comedy. The company support-
ing the Jap la a strong one and they handle
their parts with Intelligence. Applause was
not lacking the night the picture was seen at
the Circle.
Justine Louise Glaum
Le Sleur Philippe de Lame. .Joseph F. Dowling
Kurt von Klassner S, A, DeQrasse
Bertrand DuRoo Edward Coxen
Louise Glaum Is seen to good advantage in
., '.'A.'Law Unto He.rselL’ a, pamlta .feature, . and ,
In a' part vastly "dlSerent from tbd “Vampa*’"'
and scarlet ladles for which she has shown
such « fondness In the past. Here she Is a
French girl, tbe daughter of a rich vine
grower, who la In love with Bertrand DuRoo,
the poor overseer of her father’s estate. But
Kurt von Klassner comes on the scene and
presses a suit whlifii Is favorably regarded
by tbe father of Justine (Louise Glaum).
Dleoovering the state of affairs between
Juetlne and Bertrand, von Klaaener meets uis
rival one night and In an altercation runs
him through with his sword cane. The mur-
der Is laid to poaohere. So Justine marriea
the German, who becomes manager ot the
estate, and settles down to a browbeaten and
humdrum existence.
A baby Is bom, and Justine devotes her
time to bringing him up on French Ideas and
traditions: In the meantime she has dis-
covered that von Klassner Is the murderer
of her lover. Then the war breaks out and
von Klassner goes at once to Berlin, although
he has hitherto pretended to have become a
Frencfii citizen. Justine tells ber eon that
he Is Bertrand’s son, they having been mar-
ried -ebortly before he was killed. The Ger-
mans come and begin murdering and ravish-
ing the peaeante, even killing Justine’s' father,
but then a larger force of French arrives.
Von Klassner appearing on the scene at the-
same time le handed over to tbe French as
a spy by the boy he thinks his own eon.
Miss Glaum plays with great tensity and
depth of emotion. She le tender and womanly
and altogether successful In what for her Is
a new type of character. 8. A. DeQrasse Is
excellent, both In appearance and acting, as
the German. The youth who plays Justine’s
son after he has grown to manhood Is an
eloquent reminder of the far-reaching de-
pletions of the draft. It Is a pity that' a
really good picture should be marred by one
BO unsulted to the role of the stalwart young
fellow. Fart of the success is dpe to re-
markably good direction. Tbe title means
nothing. “
John, Earl of Woodstock Ralph Qravea
Joe Lee Warner Richmond
Miles VavAnagh ....... .....Charlee Bldrldgo'
Malet de Carteret Charles Craig
Straker. .Henry West
Norah Oavanagfr. Constance Blnney
Kitty Cavanagh Pair Blnney
Olive de Carteret Willette Kershaw
The film version of Henry Hamilton and
Seymour Hicks’ famous Drury I^ne melo-
drama, "Sporting Life," made by Maurice
Tourneur, le on exhibition this week at the
RlvoH. A play eo full of action lends Itself
readily to picturlzlng. It la full of suspensive
Intereet, the vlllalne . being constantly foiled
at the eleventh hour-^r rather second. Ex-
cellent vlewB are ebown of the Earl of Wood-
stock’s English estate, the Gypsy camp, racing
stable, tallyhoB, house party, a olgarette-
smoklng vlllainess, the National Sporting Club
and last a genuine picture of the famous Eng-
lish Derby at Epsom. A cumulative, euapense-
holding Bcenario was prepared by Wlntlirop
Lord Woodstock, a young gentleman aporte-
maa, la in financial dlfilcultlea. He oounto on
winning the Derby to recoup his losses. He
loves one of the daughters ot hie horse trainer
and the other sister loves too well a young
■ prizefighter who la a protege ot Woodstock.
The vlllainess and her husband scheme to
dope the fighter, figuring that Woodstock will
be BO heavily Involved he will be compelled
to acratoh hla Derby entry. This Is foiled by
the stable trainer, but tbe vlllainees proves
to tbe old man the fighter la the betrayer of
hie daughter and he, broken-hearted, lends
hlmaelf to the nefarious plot. Woodstock has
challenged for the fight in the name ot an un-
known and, as a last resource, takes the fight-
er’s place in tbe ring, winning. "I have not
yet named my man— -I name myself." His
horees Are walked across London in a fog, a
collision is "framed” and Lady Love, the
Derby candidate, la spirited away ’and hidden
In the cellar of a public houee. His fiancee
starts out to recover the equine and a won-
derfully effective “shot” showing the cellar,
tbe saloon and the upper story of the public
house le flashed. Villain : “It he falls to ap-
pear at the track we can claim he Is dead and
have bis horse scratched." Meanwhile the
doped fighter goes to the villanness’s apart-
ment and says : “Never shall you trick an-
other. man as you did me,” and chokes her.
rfishlng off, beUeving he has killed her. He
hides In the Gypsy camp with hie mother.
While there he overhears and sees tbe con-
federates of tbe villains kidnap Woodstock.
He rescues him, they rush off to the track In
an auto and arrive Just as tbe horses are led
to the post. Tbe villain had already protested
Woodstock’s entry and It seems certain Lady
Love won’t be permitted to run. But Lady
Love wins and everything ends happily tor all
excepting the plotters.
Ralph Graves Is a good type for the Bari,
Charles Craig and Willette Kershaw are the
classy pair of plotters who are foiled and
the Blnney Sisters (newcomers) are the
daughters of the trainer. The young girls
will be liked In pictures but there Is nothing
In their work in tbe present feature to Indicate
they will develop into world-beaters as spreen
stars. .
All things considered, "Sporting Life" will
make an attractive epeclal release and will
give satisfaction to any audience. JoXo,
John Colton has been employed by the Gall
Kane Productions to write scenarios for the
remainder of the pictures for . the pr^ent
eerles now being produced by Mies Gall.
t ^
1. i
COMING ! \ ^
The Triangle Distributing Corporation
announces the early release of
“Tony America”
/ ■ '
with a notable cast featuring
, Francis McDonald
as Tony, the Italian lad, whose starved
soul battles the verdicts of the master
merchant and finds solace in paternal
love. ^
Directed by Thomas N. Heffron
McDonald’s masterful, interpretation
of the star role in this picture, rich in
pathos and sentiment, assures a box-
office attraction that will boost your
Invest your savings in W. S. S.
My X, f riangie Distributing Corporation
PWr 1457 Broadway, New York
i r
MInDle Peck Mabel Normand
Dick Barle Foze
Horteme Martinet Cortnne Barker
Mies Olivia. Blanche Davenport
Adam Raskell Leslie Hunt
Peck B. M. Favor
Pearson Bdwin Sturgis
Walker Joseph Qranby
A capital picture, and one showing Mabel
Normand off to greatest advantage is “Peck’s
Bad Qlrl,” a Qoldwyn feature seen at private
showing. It is not only funny, in a healthy,
old-fashioned way, but it is also quite melo-
dramatic in spots and then, by way of va-
riety, a pretty little love element Is injected.
Minnie Peck is a very bad girl indeed. She
interferes with the hose of the village fire de-
partment to the discomfiture of the fire lad-
dies, and she puts a sign on the bank which
results in a run on that stable institution.
Saved from reform school by the friendly in-
tercession of a 'kind-hearted woman, she se-
cures a position as model with Miss Hortense
Martinet, a modiste from New York. She.
makes a comedy model. Indeed, alternately
affronting Hortense's customers and falling
over her train. She also engages in a flirta-
tion with Dick, a city stranger, who has come
to the village to sell fake jewelry. Going to
the shop one night on a forgotten errand she
discovers two "slick" looking men tunneling
from cellar to cellar on their way to the
vaults of the bank. Hortense enters at this
juncture in a most suspicious manner, and it
dawns upon Minnie that she is Intent upon
making a get-away hereelf, and is in league
with the robbers. So Minnie makes ber em-
ployer a prisoner in the closet, and with the
timely aid of Dick captures the men. Dick
turns out to have been on the trail of the
gang, while Minnie finds herself a heroine.
And then Dick puts a ring with a real stone
on her finger.
Miss Normand is one of the best comedien-
nes on the screen, and there are few artists
who can get a laugh with quicker readiness.
In "Peck's Bad Oirl” she has a vehicle un-
commonly well’ suited to her peculiar talents.
Earle Foxe as Dick renders good support,
and Corinne Barker as the wily Hortense
could not have been better cast. All the
village characters are admirably played, and
the direction is perfect. The village, built in
the Ooldwyn yard at Fort Lee, is a triumph.
tography is clear and sharp, with pleasing ex-
teriors, the indoor scensk are all that the ils-
ture requires. While there are a number of
close-ups the pictures of the two stars are not
constantly thrown on the screen, merely with
the Idea of getting into the '“light."
Frederic Pritchard (Mr. Blackwell) the son
of a wealthy father who has never bad to work
and abhors anything which might suggest ex-
ertion, is very funny at times, particularly
when his father is about to cut him off. Young
Pritchard receives the calling down with a
mixture of penitence and boredom and takes
his father seriously. The result is he decides
to become a burglar.
One of the best characters is Smithson, the
butler (Frank Doane). He is always at bis
■aster's sail, and alse his partner la hla gtld-
alght exploits while he Is burglaring.
An exaggerated Universal comedy— almost
a farce— featuring Prlsclll'a Doan, seen at the
Circle. The story is far-fetched, nut this does
not altogether detract from its amusing fea-
tures. There Is line photograph and the
settings are handsome.
Miss Dean is an orphan, left with untold
millions; her father, a Montana silver miner,
having died during her infancy. The early
scenes show her life In a mining town of
which she soon grows tired. From the second
reel on, tells of her efforts to conquer New
York and injeot herself into .a certain country
club colony. ■ ■ ,
Bhs is a wild, untamed creature, but able to
get away with some daring exploits because of
her wealth. She believes in calling a spade a
spade, and when one young man proposes to
ber, informs him when she marries she is
going to wed a man and not a degenerate. She
gives him a right book and sends him about
Ills bU8l0688 *
But Priscilla is finally tamed by the man of
her choice and in the final scene they are In
a clinch.
There are many amusing situatlOno and
“The Brazen Beauty" should be a good pro-
gram feature. It is clean and full of good,
healthy laughs.
Is Your Mill On a Stream
Thai Never Runs Dry?
Theodore 'Whitney, Jr Tom Moore ‘
Betty Blake. . Lucy Fox ‘
Crandall Henry Sedley
Major Blackburn Henry Hallam
Theodore Whitney, Sr Robert Broderick
Lady Rozenham Ethel Grey Terry
Detective Chase Bdwin Sturgis
Butler Phil Ryley
Mrs. Blackburn Maude Turner Gordon
Theodore Whitney, Jr. (Tom Moore), in
“Just for Tonight" (Goldwyn), lets himself in
for all sorts of adventures when he goes seek-
ing the acquaintance of a pretty girl who
lives somewhere near New York in a great
country house, whisking over the country roads
in a rakish looking car. And Theodore should
have been trying to recover an old stock
certificate, really the property of bis father,
which decorates the walls of a road house
and which has recently recovered its former
value. But Theodore will go philandering and
the certificate disappears. These things hap-
pen in the picture, and much more.
Betty Blake, who young Whitney admires,
lives with her uncle, Major Blackburn. There
having been a jewel robbery in the bouse,
and Betty having been seen talking to a
strange looking man in the shrubbery, sbo is
looked upon as the culprit by the detectives.
They are Immediately dismissed, but an Insur-
ance company decides to send a sleuth to the
Major's house on its own hook, and In the guise
of an English lord. Knowing the detective as-
signed to the job, young Whitney pays him one
-thousand dollars to let him have> 4 he job. He
goes to the bouse as Lord Rozenham and is
cordially received. But the butler soon' de-
tects the deception and telepbones to New
York for a woman supposed to be the real
Lady Rozenham and wife of the man Whit-
ney is impersonating. Lady Rozenham comes,
but she and Whitney decide to carry on the
^HE wise miller gets his power
^ from a stream he can depend
upon — one that furnishes steady power
in the droughts of summer as well as
in the floods of spring.
Exhibitors are like millers. They depend
upon producers for the power that runs their
To be successful) a theatre must be furnished with
a constant stream of uniformly good motion pictures.
Month in and month out the stream must continue.
deception for the evening. In the night
'Whitney finds his auppoaed wife stealing
a necklace from the safe, and after arous-
ing the house discovers that she and the
butler are a notorious pair of thieves. And
Betty produces the certificate, which ac|r
counts for her conversations with the mys-
terious man. And Whitney marries Betty,
which all the fans know will happen from the
Tom Moore is happily cast as the winning,
fearless Whitney, and Lucy Fox as Betty is
an admirable foil.
Good support and good direction help in
making this an excellent picture.
An “in and out” stream makes an “in and out” theatre-
holding nobody’s good will, nobody’s steady patronage.
The Paramount and Artcraft exhibitor has put his mill on a
stream that never runs dry. It’s a Niagara of power, unceasing,
steadily performing the work in^sted to it. The greatest
springs combine to feed this mighty stream, thousands of exhibi-
tors use its power.
There’s still more room along the bank-
Frederic Pritchard ...Carlyle Blackwell
Gloria Kevins.... Evelyn Greeley
Frederic Pritchard, Sr Jack Drumler
Mrs, Pritchard Jennie Ellleon
Aunt Marie Nora Cecil
Smithson Frank Doane
MrS; 'Nevinsr. ; ; ; : ;7;'. ; ; Alice cbapltr
Henry Arnold... Henry Warwick
Amusing five-reel World comedy. In which
Carlyle Blackwell and Evelyn Greeley are fea-
tured. These two young stars are always seen
Come set up your mill !
ATtnimi w.tnr<M> n... Twaow v.v nvnv nmeun.n n- . (Illi,
ADOLPH ZUKDR2y»;JS8SBI>.lASinrtVi».Er«a CECIL ROKMm.p, Pfr^ tr Omnil
to better advantage In this type of photoplay.
The story while Improbable Is Interesting and
there are many laughs distributed. The pho-
' ' Los Anselea. Sept 14,
Leo Ptersoa has been engaged as Juvenile
ot the National Film Corporation.
Walter Bdwards has decided to run again
for alderman ot Culver City.
BVank Beresford le back at hla desk at the
Biando after a rest In the mountains.
Sidney Barton,, of the Klnema staff. Is
veearlng an American unlfom.
H. Tipton Steok Is back at Universal writ-
ing continuity.
Jack Perrin baa Joined Triangle playing
Jack Mulhall has signed a sis months’ con-
tract to appear In Paramount pictures.
Jack Cunningham has been engaged to write
the continuity on Frank Keenan's new screen
Eugene Lewis la the new assistant scenario
editor at Triangle.
William Parker, the author, has taken up
his residence in Los Angeles.
CafUerine’ MacDonald has been engaged by
Cecil De Mine.
Monte M. Katterjohn. has received word that
bis brother, Fred Katterjohn, arrived safely
In Siberia.
William Duncan has begun work on a new
Vitagraph serial. Edith Johnson will be his'
leading woman.
Sylvia Bremer has filed suit for divorce from
her husband, Edwin W. Morrison, a theatrical
manager of Australia.
. — i — i ill 1
Waldemar Young has returned to Universal,
where he will write original stories and con-
' tlnuity.
Henry Walthall has received a letter from
his brother, stating that be was severly
wounded at the Battle of the Marne.
' Neva Gerber made a talk a few nights ago
at the Symphony Theatre— her first local ap-
pearance. 1
Director William Chaudet has returned from
San Diego Canyon, whither he went to direct
; Billie Rhodes In mountain scenes.
"Scraps of Paper" is the name of Fatty
Arbuckle’s forthcoming propaganda picture,
written by Adam Hull, Lasky publicity man.
Betty Compson, Monroe Salisbury’s newest
leading woman, will be seen first In “Breathes
There a Man," now In course of production.
The story originally appeared in Scribner’s.
Henry B. Walthall’s last picture will be
produced by the National, by special arrange-
ment with N. W. Aronson. Walthall will soon
leave the screen for the legitimate.
"Hobbs In a Hurry” Is the first of the Wll-
liain Russell Productions, Inc., to be released
un^r the new arrangement made recently with
the Fathe exchanges. Stephen Fox Is the
Carmel Myers has been extended an Invlta-
' Hon to Japan by the Yega Sekai, a Japanese
magazine which recently conducted a contest
In which Miss Myers received 209,000 votes
more than her nearest competitor.
A stranger from Iowa approached C. Gard-
ner Sullivan, Ince’s premier photoplaywright.
“Who wrote that book?” he asked.
"Bret Harte," replied Sullivan.
"Who’s he?— Bill Hart’s little brother?"
Alma Rubens, who recently filed suit against
her husband, Franklyn Farnum, for divorce,
entering charges of cruel treatment soon after
the wedding, camouflaged the case under the
title, "Alma Smith vs. William Smith. The
suit Is still pending.
Thomas' K. Ince has broken the ground on
his new half-million dollar studio which Is to
be erected one mile from the Triangle studio
at Culver City. George Washington’s Mount
Vernon home will be reproduced In the archi-
The next super-production which the Na-
tional Is contemplating as a follow-up on
"Tarsan of the Apes” and the “Romance of
Tarzan,” Is said to be one of the most sensa-
tional and daring ever screened. The studk
management Is shrouding the plans for the
production In the deepest mystery.
Cincinnati, Sept. 18.
Cincinnati picture operators are. in-
• the lanRuage of the poet, *‘a!l - swelled
up.” One of their number, Cecil M.
Murray, aged 30, of 306 West 5^h street,
has been awarded the distinguished
service cross by General Pershing.
He came here from Hamilton, O,,
and was drafted Dec. 10. He has a
wife and little daughter in Cincinnati.
Ackerman inHni' Prednctlon. Manhat-
tan; 160,000; C. R. Ackerman, J. C. B.
Iden, R. L. Noah, 200 W. 94th St., New
William street Amneemeait Co,, of Buf-
falo; 16,000; I. P. Schofield, P. Franke, M.
Rauchstadt, Buffalo, N. 7. .
Joseph Frledburgr, Manhattan; pictures;
$10,000; T. F. McMahon, B. C. Elliott, J.
Friedburg, 414 "W, ICth Street, New York.
J. W. W. Oo„ Manhattan, theatricals
and pictures; $10,000; D. Lewis, J. & M.
Weber, 1416 Broadway, New York.
Montreal, Sept. 18.
The new Allen, opened to capacity
Monday with Griffith’s “Hearts of the
The Allen is the first theatre built
in the Notre Dame de Grace Ward,
and is the latest of a string of 20 the-
, atres organized for Canada by the Al-
len Theatre Enterprises.
It has a seating capacity of 1,000 and
is handsomely decorated.
The manager is H. C. La Marr, for-
merly of the vaudeville team of La
Marr and La Marr.
The orchestra of 20 pieces is under
the direction of H. Thorpe.
Los Angeles, Sept. 18.
The picture people have been im-
measurably saddened through the
death of Mrs. Eddie Cline, who died
following the birth of a child.
The bereaved husband is a director
with Mack Sennet.
Eugene J. Roth, manager of the California Theatre, one
of the most successful photoplay houses in America, had
the first run showing of “The Great Love” in San Fran-
cisco. He wired Mr. Griffith as follows ;
Our California Theatre has contracted for ex-
clusive first showing in San Francisco for all of the
D. W. Griffith features. The tremendous ovation
The Great Love” received and the unanimous
opinion expressed to the effect that it was the sea-
son’s best picture is most gratifying to us. Accept
D. W. Griffith’s first Artcraft picture, “The Great Love,”
has been a tremendous success everywhere shown, regardless
of locality. Though its premiere showings took place In
the hottest month of the year, the theatres were thronged
at every performance.
Thim la one of a aerlca of advertliementa ahowing the aucceaa of
“The Great Love" In the moat Important citlea of the United Statee.
Nothing new on the Riverside bill
this week and nothing big enough to
draw any great applause even from the
holiday audience Monday matinee. Ed-
die Borden appeared to be the biggest
hit, but he stole a few bows at that.
Francis Renault’s reappearance in
vaudeville here was marked witlj no
particular novelty and despite his elab-
orate wardrobe he should cut the line
in the program calling attention to its
purported or intrinsic value now that
he is playing before intelligent audi-
ences whose eyes are well open to ex-
travagant stage expenditure. A white
Spanish shawl dre4s with one sleeve
and part of rose bodice showing and a
bizarre rose covered wire hoop ar-
rangement over all, was worn at the
opening. A grandmother costume, of
blue silver brocade, lengthened with a
deep flounce of lace— the same falling
in a cascade down the back, was en-
hanced vvith tiny garlands and blue
malines. With a silver iridescent
gown, the train and one side drapery
of black velvet, a fan of black ostrich
feathers and white aigrettes was car-
ried and a bird of paradise flashed
bravado from a huge unbecoming head-
gear. The bicycle seems to have been
exhausted by the trick cyclist, for Min-
nie Kauffman (of Chinko and Co.), one
of the best women cyclists extant, is
doing nothing new in the w^y of rou-
tine of tricks.
Mollie Fuller displayed a smart little
round hat, the crown studded with bril-
liants and her well advertised “Evange-
line" nether extremities. Stella Mayhew
entertained . in a simple blue voile with
lace drop skirt, and Florence La Due,
champion lady roper, wore a plum satin
shirt with velvet skirt. The women in
the. Bert Baker act were in white crepe
embroidered in red and biege jersey
cloth stitched in dark blue or black.
panel fronts of alternate^ bands of pink
silk and lace frills — long loose sleeves
of same and big chapeaux of combined
materials. Handsome rose brocade and
silver cloth wraps with oriental hems
and linings of blue were worn for a
restaurant verse and pretty waltz, and,
as the day over, the girls are seen in
lace coatees and sheer pink pajamas.
They are capable dancers and have
pleasing voices aside from the origi-
nality of their offering.
. What wonderful hair (quite to her
knees) and what a consumate little
perch artist is the little Jap girl of
Osaki and Taki I After discarding her
heavy velvet mandarin coat, she works
in spotless white silk blouse and tights
with the freedom and sureness of a
male artist.
The woman of Mason and Gwynne
wears a buff cloth Russian suit trimmed
with brown fur and a brown skin
makeup. She sings, whistles and imi-
tates something, it Isn’t clear just what,
and removes her gloves in the middle
of act for fear her makeup may be mis-
Last, but not least^ of the women, is
Doris Dare. First in saxe blqe and
gold scroll brocade, the loose ..traight
bodice sparkling with a design in bril-
liants and a little flat plac, perched atop
her well coiffeured head, tied with sil-
ver ribbons, then in silver cloth re-
splendent with bands of iridescents,
she is smartly attractive. Her punch
song and dress, however, is worn last.
In rose velvet, its long train and vest
front, solid with ruby sequins, and hair
powdered at sides, she sings of the
woman who wants to keep young.
- Even the girl ushers were boosting
the show at the Fifth Avenue Monday
night, which listened well at the start
and finished' with their recommenda-
tions well justified. There were eight
vaudeville acts not counting the patri-
otic song contestants, and it was all
over at 10.30, making a short but sweet
entertainment for that house. Two sis-
ter acts and two male teams didn’t look
so well on the bills, but panned out all
right. Jimmie Foley (formerly of
O’Neil and Foley), who has replaced
Jimmy 'Casson with the Sherlock Sis-
ters, overworked the stunts in his danc-
ing specialty and was winded for the
singing that followed. The girls open-
ed in modernized Chinese costumes and
closed in geranium brocade velvet and
net over wistaria foundations. A cute
little soubret dress, evidently new, was
of pink brilliant cloth and had an or-
chid georgette panel front, pink and
orchid bloomers and pink lace trimmed
tarn. A little less affectation would
help these girls, particularly in their
singing numbers.
The pretty De Wolf Girls, formerly
known as Georgetta and Capitola, pre-
sented a delightful novelty act. They
opened as Little Red Riding Hood in
front of a wood drop and told of the
mistake of the story book maiden —
that her clothes were all wrong and
proceeded to show how pretty things
would have transformed her. A gray
silk panorama drop bordered with blue
birds enclosed a dai nty bedroom '’set,
bright with rose design cretonne, the
girls in nighties, just slipping out of
their beds. Turquoise negligees with
blire birds printed on' them and' sc
caps, white cloth riding' habit for the
morning gallop and a demure tucked
gray georgette with bonnet to match
followed each other quickly. For “rag
time tea” they were in pink chiffon
overskirts embroidered in blue over
The most conspicuous feature of the
latest Artcraft production, “Johanna
Ennsts” is the work of the title sheet
writer. The author of them (be they
original or culled from the book) handr
out many laughs the action does not
really call for. Mary Pickford is quite
at her best in the character of the
country slavey, whose brain is weary
of the monotony of things as her body
is oj the incessant drudgerjr. With face
artistically freckled, she will appeal to
every freckle-faced boy and girl film
fan. After praying for a beau and
getting a whole regiment who shower
attentions upon her, the soul of vanity
is awakened. Her tight braids are let
down and curled — freckle bleaches ap-
plied and milk baths indulged in and,
with chameleon-like rapidity she
changes from ugly cotton dresses to
well fitting frocks. A guimp dress was
particularly pretty. The waist was
flowered material and the tight skele-
ton bodice and plaited apron skirt was
of serge or some other light cloth. A
wide belt of patent leather encircled
her waist. Some of the scenes were
taken with the 143rd California Coast
Artillery, of which the little film star
is official godmother. Miss Pickford
appears to be growing more human in
her characterizations — not just “too
sweet to live”— perhaps it’s the freckles
that make her appear so.
It is not possible to describe in
decent language the nauseating at-
tempt at comedy indulged in by the
principals of Robinson’s “Parisian
Flirts." The name of the offering is
“The Wild Lovers.” Billy Clark and
A1 Raymo were the leading offenders,
abetted by May Bernhardt and Hallie
Randolph. Jocko, the ape, played by
Marion Benson, is a mere plant for
the lewd business and talk. Miss Bern-
liai-dl appeared to be amu
rather than the audience, and showed
the same unconcern in her dressing.
Two satin sport suits were plain and
ordinary for stage wear. Hallie Ran-
dolph carried her costumes well but
spoiled their effectiveness with a hat
pi: feather that didn’t belong.
Jerry Flemming, the plump blonde
soubret, rushed through her lines at
times. A little more initiative was ex-
pected from her. She should cut out
"cart wheels” or go in training for
them. Freda Lehr deserves credit for
the only legitimate entertainment
handed out, aside from Chas. Robinson
himself. A tall, fine looking young
woman, she has a good voice and de-
livery and makes the best appearance
of all despite the showy clothes and
bold display of ego ’ of the other
As for the chorus, they are young,
good looking, and slender. vThe only
one above the average size has dig-
nity and can read lines as well as any
of the principals. They open as sum-
mer girls in turquoise voile and lace
frocks and big newer decked picture
hats. For “Peaches Down in Georgia”
they are in peacock blue satin cape
coats relieved with white satin collars
and blue and white satin rolled brim
tarns. A half dozen in high heels, to
make<^hem taller evidently, wear men’s
flannels and blue satin coats. ' 'They
modestly adhere to skirts and pants
throughout— only one girl appearing in
fleshings— supposedly returning from
an ocean dip. The conventional cos-
tumes and fair appearance of the tout
ensemble, together with the broadly
suggestive dialog and its brazen de-
livery (with no attempt to cover by
double entente) makes an incongru-
ous offering to say the least, and it’s
safe to say, there will be a general
disinfecting of the business and talk
before it travels far.
If Barney Gerard’s “Follies of the
Day” isn’t a success this season, it
won’t be because they haven’t the ma-
terial. Chester Nelson even funnier
than last year holds up the comedy of
the show and the individual hit was
made by an unprogramed little woman
with a big voice— who stepped in the
production in the cabaret scene in the
last act. Harry Welsh and the leader,
Andy Harer (who sings in the orches-
tra pit) as well as much of the busi-
ness in the pawnshop scene in the
first act, are from the American Bur-
lesquers offering of last year. “Pawn-
broking de Luxe.”
Gertrude Hayes^ doesn’t stand out
quite so strongly in the show as last
season, in fact does not make the
attempt but divides honors with the
rest of the women, even with some
of the chorus. Mildred Laurie, Ger-
trude Saifin and Pauline Harer lead
some numbers capably. With a royal
blue and green net trimmed with blue
sequins and ostricb fringe, at her
opening. Miss Hayes wears a lattice,
fan-shaped headgear, of jet and tiny
light green ostrich tips. A scarlet vel-
vet, high wais white satin .
draped skirt which had a broad band
of white fur at bottom. Her beaded
zouave with its crystal fringe and cop-
per fishscale oriental trousers, sug-
gested a mermaid as much as an orien-
tal. Transparent black lace, the high
long sleeved bodice unlined and the
double skirt showing a drop of white
was her most effective display.
Maybelle Courtney, a pretty dimpled
blond, wore a most becoming good-
looking black lace poke hat with a
black satin afternoon dress. Flat white
flowers, were appliqued on its velvet
crown. A rose velvet gown -had a
huge design on the front in black se-
quins and a green satin had its wide
panel back, caught up on one side of
skirt with an ornament of pearls and
opalesques. Del Duvall is the spright-
ly half of a Sister team. She was cute
and attractive in rose and green sequin
ripple frock, and in pink and blue net,
but wore an awful looking affair with
black silk old lady’s jacket in the Avia-
tion Field scene. Sister Viola, taller
and pretty but not so full of pep, wore
her best frock first— a blue satin with
scalloped bottom, edged with tiny sil-
ver flowers. For their specialty in the
last act they were in gold net and lace
with baby bonnets of pink and blue,
flourishing big chous. and streamers
of malines. The little “unknown"
wore her bobbed hair curlbd afld tur-
quoise mousseline de sole sleeves dnd
drapery over a frilly skirt of various
shades of chiffon;
The chorus includes live, good-look-
ing girls. Oriental costumes were a
feature as lak year. At the opening
they, were in maize sport silk outfits
lengthened with little lace frills, the
fronts splitting open showing pink
satin bloomers. For the “Bagdad”
number blue silk zouaves and hip drap-
ery were combined with orange bod-
ies arid at the finale of the first act,
spectacular frocks of black and white
were worn. The little girls had “lamp'
shade” skirts edged with sequin trim-
ming, pink bodies and bloomers with
medalions of black lace and sequins
and pink turban topped with loops of
black gold-edged ribbon. The taller
^rls had skirts of black ribbons (show-
ing fleshings through) finished with
big flounce of black net,. gold braid and
tiny flowers, and wore pink hats with
wide black ribbon running from crown
to edge of brim. Novelty material was
employed for finale— white silk printed
with a design that might have been
a flying fish in various colors. Full
pantaloons were shirred on the sides
finishing in a frill and spangled gir-
dles and odd-shaped toques completed
a rather freakish picture.
Paul Schindler told me one time,
while he was directing a certain mu-
sical comedy, that he never could ap-
preciate the work of a certain dancer ‘
in the show, as he had to look at her
big prop smile every performance and
it got on his nerves. Just so, Mae Mur-
ray’s cameraman must be tired of
facing pouty lips saying “prunes” and
"prisms” and “baby stares.” “Modern
Love” tells of a chorus girl model who
walks the straight and narrow, without
a temptation of any sort to stumble
over— which doesn’t sound like the
branld of modern love the public are
familiar with. It is full of absurdities,
but the greatest of all is Miss Murray’s
attempt to play an ingenue with an
expression that beautifully expressed
deep interest in nothing, save her own
personal looks.
After announcing the purchase of
the screen rights to “Peg O’ My Heart”
from Oliver Morosco, Louis B. Mayer,
manager for Anita Stewart,' is n<MV
understood to be in negotiation with
Hartley Manners to the same end.
According to the story. Manners is
now willing to release the play for
pictures for $50,000 cash and one-half
the profits.
C. F. Zittel, acting for the Interna-
tional, is also anxious to secure the
picture rights to “Peg” for Marion
Los Angeles, Sept. 18.
Alma Rubens, the picture star, is
critcally ill. Her physicians have aban-
doned hope of her recovery.
Gilfcert P. HaaOtM
CBltor City, CaL
Staff Writer Robert Brunton Studios,
Lob Angeles
Recent Roleases for BarrUcale, Keenan,
Glaum and Kerrigan
Entire Industry Goes in Generously for Special Stunts by
Its Principal Players to Give Coming Bond Campaign
Much Screen Publicity — ^Picture Plao» for
“Drive*' All Set.
Plans for the motion picture indus-
try’s distribution of its pictures for the
forthcoming Liberty Loan drive have
been perfected. They are as fojlows:
1. — Each company shall distribute,
through all of its offices in the United
States, the prints in which its own
stars ^pear.
2. — Prints of any subject made by a
company o^ individual not possessing
a distributing organization, will be
handled by any distributing organiza-
tion. selected by such company or in-
3. — Each office of each distributing
organization will be held strictly ac-
countable by its Home Office for book-
ing solid during the four weeks of the
drive each print delivered to it.
4. — At the conclusion of the^ drive,
■ each branch office of eaich distributing
organization shall immediately forward
to its Home Office the original book-
ing sheets showing the specific thea-
tres and the dates for which each print
was on exhibition, as well as_ the dates
for which each print was in transit,
such booking sheets to be .delivered
by you, and by you transmitted to the
Treasury Department.
5. — ^No charge shall be made directly
or indirectly to any exhibitor for the
exhibition of any Liberty Loan prints,
nor shall the exhibitor be asked to
pay express charges either way.
6. — Express charges shall be paid by
the distributing organization ; each ex-
change shall maintain an accurate rec-
ord thereof, and at the conclusioh of
the drive, forward the record, sup-
ported by vouchers, to its Home Office
so that the company may . be re-im-
bursed by the Treasury Department.
7. — ^No exhibitor shall be permitted
to book one subject for more than one
day, nor shall any exhibitor be per-
mitted to obtain a repeat booking for
any subject.
8. — Uniform instructions shall be sent
by the Home Office of each distribut-
ing organization to its respective of-
fices, such instructions to be prepared
by your committee, and to be published
in the trade papers.
9. — The Government is to determine
the number of prints to be made from
^ach negative.
10. — Each distributing organization
shall determine the division of such
prints among its respective offices, ac-
cording to the nature of the terri-
tories, and the number of prints re-
quired for each.
The features to be released are Wil-
liam S. Hart in “A Bullet for Berlin”;
Norma Talmadge in “A Liberty Loan
Appeal” ; Harold Lockwood in “Liberty
Bond Jimmy”; “Fatty” Arbuckle in “A
, Liberty Loan Appeal”; Edith Storey in
“Edith’s Victory for Democracy”;
Emily Stevens in “Building for Democ-
racy”; Mae Murray in “The Taming of
Kaiser Bull”; Kalem’s all-star company
in “My Country”; Sessue Hayakawa iti
“Banzai”; (Hurrah); Wallace Reid in
"His Extra Bit”; William Farnum in
“A Liberty Loan Film”; George M.
Cohan in “A Liberty Loan Appeal”;
Corinne Griffith in “A Wise Purchase”;
Gdldwyn’ii all-star cast m
Sam to Play Your Hand”; Gladys Les-
lie in “Sylvia’s Last Pledge”; Lillian
Gish in “A Liberty Loan Appeal”;
Dustin Farnum in “Ready Money Ring-
field”; Elsie Ferguson in “The Spirit
That Wins”; Charles Ray in “A Liberty
Loan Plea”; Dorothy Dalton in **A
Liberty Loan Appeal”; Enid Bennett
in ”A Liberty Loan Appeal"; The Mack
Sennett Stars in “It’s a Cinch” ; Alice
Brady in “A Liberty Loan Appeal”;
William Faversham in “A Liberty Loan
Appeal”; Alice Jojrce in "The Choice”;
Marguerite Clark in “The Biggest and
the Littlest La<^ in the World”; Mary
Pickford in "100 Percent American”;
Douglas Fairbanks in “Sic ’Em, Sam”;
George Beban in "When It Strikes
Home"; Harry T. Morey and Betty
Blythe in ‘The Grouch"; Earle Wil-
liams and Oara Whipple in “A Liberty
Loan Appeal”; William Dnncan in "The
Decision"; Charlie Oiaplin in “The
Bond”; Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Drew in
“Financing the Fourth”; Mme. Nazi-
mova in "A Woman of France.”
The first showing of the Fourth Lib-
erty Loan films was held before an
invited audience at the Rivoli Tuesday
morning. It was given under the direc-
tion of the Liberty Loan Committee.
The pictures have been made at the
expense of, and are contributed by,
the various picture corporations
throughout the country. A number of
the pictures have been donated by the
stars themselves. They consist of
short stories, some comic, some seri-
ous, each carrying a plea for the Lib-
erty Loan. The duty of the citizen to
buy is emphasized, as well as the bene-
fits to be derived. Some grim pictures
are shown, illustrating just how seri-
ous the situation is.
There will be 40 pictures in all and
these will be shown in all picture the-
atres, the agencies distributing them
free of charge. The distribution will
be under the auspices of the National
Committee of the Motion Picture In-
dustry appointed to co-operate with
the Treasury Department, j, Adolph
Zukor is chairman.
The use of the Rivoli was donated
by Lieutenant Samuel Rothapfel, U. S.
M. C.
Lewis J. Seiznick, president of Select,
sent a registered letter to the trade
papers contradicting a purported in-
terview published in the “Trade Re-
view,” with Harry I. Garson, in which
the statement is made that Garson se-
cured a contract giving to him the
right to sell outright pictures starring
Clara Kimball Young for a period of
four years.
Mr. Seiznick adds that the C. K. Y.
Film Corporation, of which Select owns
the entire capital stock, has an ex-
clusive contract for the services of
Miss Young for a period of several
years and that Select is the exclusive
distributor of pictures starring Miss
San Francisco, Sept. 18.
Mrs. Ruth Darling Franklin, formerly
in pictures, 22 years old, and wife of
Chester M. Franklin, was. crushed, and,
killed by ah automobile as she waited
for a street car here last week.
Chester Franklin, now in the Ser-
vice, was formerly a film director at
Los Angeles.
Mrs. Darling was a niece of Edwin
A. Morris, manager of the Hippodrome.
r Harry A. Palmer is suing the Na-
tional Film Corporation of Virginia,
for the recovery of 500 pounds sterling,
or $2,400 in American money, which he
alleges he was supposed to receive as ,
brokerage fees for the disposition of
the foreign rights to the National Film
Corporation's feature, “Tarzan of the
According to papers ready to be
sicpied, the National people, acting
through Palmer, who ‘is a broker,
agreed to concede the British rights to
the Stoce Film Company, Ltd., tOr five
years for 3,500 pounds sterling as in-
itial part payment, with the under-
standing the Stoce people were to dis-
tribute the film, as many prints as .
necessary, to all theatres possible with-
in the United Kingdom.
The Stoce interests were to keep the
first ILOOO pounds, gained as revenue
from the film. All moneys derived af-
ter that for the rental of “Tarzan” to
exhibitors within the United Kingdom,
were to be equally divided between the
producin^r firm, the National and the
distributing firm, the Stoce people.
It appears that after Palmer had
gone to all this trouble in arranging
terms, the National interests unexpec-
tedly obtained a better offer from an-
other British distributing firm, and
called this former arrangement off.
Palmer, however, claims his broker-
age fee, Oft the ground of services ren-
dered and no value received. The case
comes up next month.
Chicago, Sept. 18.
Chicago is full up these days w'th
official and semi-official patriotic pic-
tures, and the business they are doing
is an indication of the city’s temper.
Among the patriotic films are "Ame-
rica’s Answer,” “Crashing Through to
Berlin.” “Why America Will Win,® “To
Hell Wth the Kaiser," "Joan of Platts-
burg,” “My Own United States,” “Over
the Top,” “For the Freedom of the
World,” The Beast of Berlin” and
Edward Qark’s suit against Arthur
Hammerstein and the Advance Motion
Picture Corporation comes up for trial
within a fortnight.
Through his counsel, Nathan Burkan,
the plaintiff asserts that according to
contracts signed last year, he, as the
author, had half interest in the picture
I-"*® Annie,"
which Hammerstein sold, but for which
he only paid the author $1,500, but a
small portion of all the monies that
Hammerstein received for the picture
With the release of the film— which
Md Norma Talmadge in the title role—
Hammerstein, as owner of. the world
rights, sold the picture rights to the
Advance people, receiving a percentage
royalty for them.
Edward Clark, the author, signed a
contract with Hammerstein who orig-
inally produced it onihe stage, whfere-
by during the course of the legitimate
version, the plaintiff was to receive as
royalties, the 5 per cent, on the first
$5,000, 754 per cent, on the next $2,000,
etc. Under the picture rights is was
agreed the author was to have one-half
, Chicago, Sept 18.
The military idea has spread to the
picture theatre. Witji the opening of
the new Riviera, there will be engaged
a cprp of ushers who will be attired
in full military regalia, and who will
salute, patrons as they uslier them to
^ In order that the thing may be done
right, Lieut W. E. Howett has been
engaged to drill the young women so
that they may conduct themselves with
precision and in accordance with mili-
tary tactics. '
_ The Symphony theatre in the former
ice rinlc of Thoxnas Healy*s restaurant
at Broadway and 9Sth street; has been
taken over by Carl Laemmle, on a
H);50 percentage plan with Mr. Healy.
Mr. Laetnmle (Universal) is to con-
duct the house, playing Paramount the
first half and Bluebird (Universal) the
second half. Bluebird is reported re-
wiving $KK) weekly for its feature. M.
Kashim, manager of the Broadway for
the Universal will be shifted to the up-
town place. The Symphony is due to
ojpen under the new arrangement very
Mr. Laemmle expected to start on a
trip to the Coast this week.
The Symphony was opened during
the summer as a' picture theafre but a
few weeks later closed.
The Broadway is to remain under the
direction of the Laemmle Interests for
the winter, according to picture book-
ing plans laid out in the Laemmle of-
fice. .
Shortly the U’a big eight-reeled war
subject, “The Yellow Dog” is expected
to open there for a month’s stay, while
Rawlinsrbn feature, “Kiss
Of underlined for a fort-v
night’s exhibition at that house.
Mary Pickford’s mother is on her
way east from the Coast and is ex-
pected to arrive in New York tomorrow
(Saturday). When here she will enter
into a conference with the First Na-
tional relative to the pending contract
of her daughter, Mary, with that or-
ganization, for future film services.
One of the important members of the
First National Said this week its con-
tract with Miss Pickford had not been
closed, and he would not be surprised
to find that ultimately Mary would re-
main with Paramount,
_ In the observance of “Star Spangled
Banner Day” throughout the picture
houses of ^ew York and Brooklyn, the
N. A. M.^ P. I. lent whatever assistance
it could in making the commemoration
as big a success as possible.
> The Mayor’s Committee on National
Defense set September 14 as the day
and ^ every picture . house had special
music, with Singers leading the audi-
ence. Slides made so that the words
of the verses and chorus were impress-
lonably cast upon the screen.
The Brazilian shipments of film by
the Universal have been held up by
the Department of Justice, the manager
in charge of the Brazilian office, being
charged with pro-Germanism.
Some time previous to the war the
U had a German in charge, but later
placed a man of Irish extraction in
command of the office.
Now the Department has notified the
U that no more film can be shipped
until a new man is engaged to handle
the Brazilian business. The U has
asked the U. S. to get it some American
now in Rio.
Billy Burka in "Annaballa.”
Paramount has purchased from
Arthur Hopkins the picture rights to
Clare Kummer’s “Good Gracious Ah-
nabelle," which will be used for Billie
Irving Directing “Sliver King.”
George Irving has returned to Para-
mount and is directing “The Silver
Kmg," starring William Faversham.
Barbara Castleton is -the leading lady.
LAwrence O. H. Opens With Pictures.
Lowell, Mass., Sept. 18.
After being closed for ten months,
the Lawrence Opera House has been
opened under the management of A1
Haynes. Pictures will be shown for
the present.
- - '■! ' i '
Picture Industry Association Presents Objections to Pro-
posed Increase — ^Tax Makers Say Picture Manu-
facture Is Very Profitable If Fabulous
Salaries Are Paid to Stars.
Washington, Sept, 18.
When representatives of the motion
picture industry appeared before the
Finance Committee to protest against
the proposed increase of the amuse-
ment tax this week they found the
committee “loaded for bear.” Hardly
had the discussion opened before Sen-
ator Thomas of Colorado, a member
of the Finance Committee, broke in
with a question asking if it was true
that Anita Stewart was receiving $3,500
a week, which was followed by in-„
quiries regarding the salaries of Mary
Pickford, Chaplin, Fairbanks and
others. The whole thing looked as if
the committee was antagonistic and
disposed to rule in favor of the i>ro-
posed increase. The representatives
of the picture industry were allotted
a limited time and before they were
half through a number of the commit-
tee left the meeting.
The Finance Committee feels, it is
asserted, that with the inauguration of
the present amusement tax of 10 per
cent, on admissions, some theatre
managers, including picture exhibitors,
resorted to “profiteering” by raising
their prices, so that, instead of the
tax proving a hardship it had the
effect of increasing their revenue.
Several legitimate mana'gements had
also increased their $2 scale to $2.50
following the first tax.
The House is considering the new
tax bill as a whole and the impression
is current it will be passed as framed
as far as theatricals are in it. After
that is done a Conference Committee
will consider various appeals for modi-
Responding to a wire of inquiry re-
garding his attitude toward the pro-
posed motion picture exposition at
Madison Square Garden, George Creel,
chairman of the Committee on Public
Information, said:
is that where ex-
positions can be made to take the
form of patriotic rallies or meetings
for the purpose of devising ways for
co-operation with the Government in
war work, they should be encouraged
rather than discouraged.”
The United States Fuel Administra-
tion has taken space at the Garden
exposition, to be held Oct. 5-13. P. B.
Noyes, head of the conservation divis-
ion of the Fuel Administration, says
the exposition has the hearty endorse-
ment of the Fuel Administration, as it
is held early in October when no heat
will be required and those taking ex-
hibits are mostly located in or around
New York, making no heavy demandTs
on the railroads for transportation.
Joseph Johnson, publicity director
for the Red Cross, is also understood
to have expressed himself in favor of
the exposition.
“Western” features will be in evi-
dence on Broadway next week when
Fred Stone’s first film will be at the
Strand and Will Rogers’ initial camera
debut is offered at the Rivoli.
Stone’s is a Paramount production
and Rogers’ is from the Goldwyn
There is renewed activity on the part
of the . members of the Distributors’
Division of the N. A. M. P, I. toward
the complete stoppage of film thefts
within the ranks of the Industry, the
distributors now lending every effort
in conjunction with the District At-
torney's office, which is out to bring
the thieves who have been operating
vigorously of late to justice.
. Assistant District Attorney Tally is
personally looking after the film cases.
Tally in the past three or four weeks
has brought to trial some of the gang
leaders v/ho have been most active for
some time past.
Their arrest and subsequent indict-
ment has resulted in confessions. which
have given the District Attorney
some valuable information that may
lead to other arrests.
Grant Carpenter, an attorney of this
city, has left for Washington, where
he will establish headquarters, it is said,
to represent the United Picture Pro-
ducers of California in legislative mat-
ters affecting film inter ests.
The Federal Trade Commission in
Washingfton Monday ordered the
Stanley Booking Corporation to re-
frain from forcing film producers and
theatres to deal with each other
through the Stanley company.
It is a decision of irhportance to the
picture industry and establishes a pre-
cedent that will affect more or less
similar exchanges throughout the
The specific classes in the restrain-
ing order are :
Procuring the cancellation of con-
tracts for the exhibition of moving-
picture films made between its com-
petitors, and the producers:
Procuring films which have been
announced for exhibition by its com-
petitors and exhibiting them in the
same neighborhood in advance of the
• date advertised by such competitors,
to hinder, harass and embarrass com-
petitors ;
Making contracts for films on the
condition or understanding that the
lessee or purchaser shall not use
films produced by a competitor;
Making threats and employing
methods of intimidation to compel
theatres to pay commissions on films
booked directly from the producer or
film exchanges;
Making threats against independ-
ent exhibitors that unless they book
through the agency their supply of
films will be cut off, and
Threatening producers and film ex-
changes with the withdrawal of pat-
ronage in order to induce them to
cease supplying certain of their com-
petitors with films.
If the new draft makes the inroads
on the ranks of the picture salesmen
and exchange men as some of the
know-alls predict, it means the substi-
tution of women to handle the films.
The head of a big local picture com-
pany said that the male forces had
been sjj diminished by the first draft
that tjiere was little left for the_ new
draft to call. But if what’s left is in-
ducted into service, then the company
heads will try out women and if they
prove successful are bound to have
good employment, but hard work that
will last until after the war anyway.
It would not surprise the picture
world if women selling the states
rights subjects appeared on the road
within the next few months. Women
drummers are no longer a novelty but
a determined successful proposition
that will be applied to film selling be-
fore many more months have passed.
The exhibitors of the United States
are going to pay more money for the
latest Charles Chaplin features, “Shoul-
der Arms” than any previous subject,
the forthcoming film to exceed any
previous picture^
Paris, Aug. 29.
A new picture^ company, under the
name of Messidor, has just been
founded in France by Lucien Lehmann,
who will act as director. The first
film released will be “Messidor,” being
episodes of the French revolution.
A member of the Swedish House of
Congress has filed a petition for. sub-
ventioning the cinematographs in his
country, so that pictures reg-
ularly shown in small places for the
amusement of the villagers. It is-
hoped thus to curtail the emigration
of the rural population which has not
sufficient amusement. There is already
a picture house in Sweden for every
10,000 inhabitants. In that country ac-
tors, connected with the legitimate
theatres, are not permitted to appear*
for photo work, and special players are
alone engaged in the picture industry.
The English language is becoming a
popular study' in France, and lessons
are now included in the programs at
some of the Paris picture palaces.
Among the week’s events shown on the
screen a conversation between two
soldiers is a feature, the Englishman
explaining to a poilu how he should
pronounce certain words. The public
get on to the phrases and mentally re-
tain them, thus acquiring a rudi-
mentary idea of the vernacular.
Los Angeles, Sept. 18.
Theda Bara has developed an illness
while here and may have to remain on
the Coast for some little while. Her.
condition is said to have alarmed her
Miss Bara’s proposed return to the
east has been indefinitely postponed.
Unionizing Studios Proceeding.
Los Angeles, Sept. 18.
The unionization of the studios here
has progressed most favorably, with
only one or two cases yet to be settled
by the I. A. T. S. E. which is directing
the geheral movement in behalf of the
local affiliations, with Les Dolliver, As-
sistant International President, per-
. sdnally handling the matter.
Union Orchestra at 44th St.
As a result of a pending amicable
settlement of the local union trouble
with the William Fox offices and that
an understanding has practically been
reached a union orchestra and stage
crew will be used at the 44th Street
theatre when Fox opens the New York
exhibition there of the Theda Bara
feature, "Salome,” Oct. 6.
“Salome” was to have opened some
weeks ago at the Casino, but trouble
with the unions called the opening off.
No date has been set on the Chicago
exhibition of “Salome,” but it will
probably be around the holidays.
t^;v' np,^' ,■-!
The Acme ot V«rBatlIi»y
H«ap side plenty busy
Phone, 9400 Bryant
"A DeseriptiTe Narrative” (Continued)
Very dear to our hearts are. the bravo latU coming
home, for there are some lu(^ odm who are re*
turned They have a smile and deem themselves
among the fortunate. But many are without llmlm,
blind, cripples for Ufa How they are welcomed;
Streets are draped with the triple alllanoe; crowds
cheer and throw flowers In their path; the wild
"coo-eo," tiio native bush caU, Alls the air, and
smUes and tears mean welcome. Three ahihloads
arrived during our two weeks In Mdboume— the heat
boys of the country.
tniera are many lads In the streets who have never
enUsted, although recruiting depots ate numerous.
This Is the lamentable result of non-consctlptlon.
Makins the World Safe for Agents
Why Aotors are more InteUlgent than Agents:
An agent takes one hour to explain to an act
why he does not go next week, but an actor explains
the same thing to his wife by using one word In
.^Wlmn agents were made essentials, a dentist in
the Putnam Building claimed ho came under that
, ruling hocauso his jiame was
Nathan Sabloskey, brother of the Philadelphia
theatrical magnate, wishing a furlough, told bis
Captain that a brother who was bom blind had Just
reoovorod his sight wd wanted to 8EE HIM.
If yon woro to steal a
camera, wenld the film
b - A
‘“The Party from
(he Soutli'*'
Sept, 16->Garrleli, Wllminsfoh, Del.
Sept.’ 2S— Maryland, Baltlmbre, Hd.
4nd 12 more weeks of the Keith
time to foUow; and Oien for the
Qrpheum time) Jan. 5.:
pAUL and MAE
Booked by those two fameas/
Philadelphia Agents:
Representatires :
1493 Broadway,
Now York.
6, Lisle St,
London, W. C., 2.
Never i^ste time on gunpowder
that has been once shot off.
8»t. 16— Htsiiodreiiia YomruMowa; 0.
™ TMeda O. '
I “ «»— fiagnm, Qin^ Reehls
(hA 7— O^mlal, Afecm. O.
" 14— Hlpti^remtk deMaed
“ 21— Sm's, Bsgalo
" ^-ssm'e, Toronto
Mmi. 4— Open
Wmh fiw. II, esso ea the arshetna (UraaK m
MllosBlim satll May 4 at New Oitmaa.
; JIM and' klAiaAN' '
Wizard of the Harp
(Marooned on an Island for a Week-
end— A Sailor’s Saturday Night Sup-
per consisted of a Heaping platter
of Beans— .)
We believe in a small “Breakfast,”
Light Lunch, but a big Supper I
Ye Gods! “Beenze.”
I suppose you Boys git Beans ’offeii’
at the station. We only have ’em
'twice a year I
I know— Tonight and tomorrow morn-
ing;— What time does the next Boat
leave? —
I’ve never known a
dog to wnr
Ills tall In glee be
didn't feel.
Nor cult hli old time
friend to tag
At eomo mote InSu*
■ onUal heel. ,
Tho yellowest dog I
ever know
Was to tho boy who
loved him tnna
iroung man, 21, desltce place with cither vaudo*
vlllc or movies. No ex|)otlenGe; can sing. Five years
a painter. WIU come cheap. JOHNNIB TOWNBB.
Chris.— I saw you out drlvlng yeaterday with a
Himbcrt chorus girl. You looked as if yon only had
one ann.
Bob.— I have two ahns all right. You see the
other ann wos around Somewhere. '
Chris.— How much will you charge to drive. Lucky
ami Yost and yours truly to tho dopott Bay it QUickI
Bob.— Six doHorsI
Chris.— You said it too qult^. Yoiir flivver has
been acting strangely: what’s tho matter with It
nowf ■
Bob.— Yes, It has Stopped I don't know how many
times. ..
Chris.— And what are you putting the oil on It fort
Bob.— To stop It from Btopplng. •
Chris.— Hey I Bob alow down to 00 mileo an hoar,
tliero’a a traffio OOP aheadl • ■
».* w« rt..
’’ 'and ' - '
Sept, 16— OoRitnlon, Ottawa, Can.
Sept. 23— Lyrio, Hamilton, Can.
A Breath from the Land of Dreams
Direction, HUGHES and SMITH
I like tho rainy daya the
‘Cuusc then, although
I’m poorly dressed,
P'or all tliat anybody
I’m dressed that way to
save my clothes.
“Waiting" for Hejr”
Direction, BU BABT MeUUQB
Sole RepresentatiTs for thto Old Soldier
The bainty BnglUh Wire Artist
Direction, M. S. BENTHAM
l.i 1
giving her
the featured spot in
This Week (Sept; 16 )
Next Week (Sept. 23 )
mSBm ,
i^4yg- aftfy "
■ JM
VOL. LII, No. 5
Pantages Circuit’s New York Repiresentation Will Withdraw
from Loew Booking Office hy Oct. 15. ^.oew
Finds No Benefit in Connection.
Bookings Only Affected.
By Oct. IS the Pantages Circuit
booking representation in the Marcus
Loew, New York, will be a thing of
the past. It was reported this week,
and not denied, that the Loew Circuit
had informed Alexander Pantages no .
space could be oro^d ded in the Loew
office for theJPatrtages representative
after thajxlate.
I^lfw F. Keefe represents Pantages
in New York, in the Loew suite. It is
probable Mr. Keefe will leave the
Loew offices at the same time. Carl
Milligan, Mr. Pantages’ personal rep-
resentative, also located in the Pan-
tages office i the Loew agency, will
move to Pantages' nevv New York ad-
The arrangement between Loew and
Pantages, in effect about three years,
was for bpokings only. It was an ar-
rangemenTexpected at the time effect-
ed to work for. the benefit of both cir-
cuits, through the added bookings it
would give on a consecutive route,
covering the Pantages houses in the
west along with the Loew time. In
addition Keefe also booked the Miles
houses, with the Jones, Linick &
Schaeffer theatres in Chicago looked
upon as attached to the Loew Cir-
It has been well understood among
the booking people for some time that
any advantage resulting from the dual
booking arrangement rested with Pan-
tages. He secured “Loew acts”
through those acts receiving eastern
and western time, eastern particularly.
While Pantages could secure the acts
at a price by reason of this, Loew in-
varislbly had to pay close to the Pan-
tages salary, if a turn played both
circuits. That amount often was more
than .Loew, with his own 30 week's
(most^ of short jumps especially in
New York and New England) .could
have secured the acts for, without the
Pantages connection.
It has also been said that Pantages
often irritated the Loew bookers with
his dilatory methods. Pantages per-
sonally oversees about everything
there. is in connection with his circuit.
Located in Seattle, Pantages, who has
been in New York but once since book-
ing through the Loew office, was too
far away for a quick decision in any
matter. He has been reported holding
up Loew office bookings at ' tirnes
through his negligence in replying-
when quick action was required.
James C. Matthews represents Pan--
tages in Chicago, and is in charge :pf
the Loew Circuit agency in that city a?
well. What disposition will be madeV.
of the Chicago iPantages connection
and the Loew agency out there has
n'ot yet been settled.
The British Ministry of Information
has requested of Famous Players-
Lasky the plans of one of its American
studids to be utilized as a model for
the erection of a plant in England,
for the making of propaganda pic-
tures for the British Government.
In response. Adolph Zukor has for-
warded the design of the Paragon
Studio at Fort Lee, regarded as the
finest in this country.
Sergt. Marie Wing DuPree, the only
woman recruiting officer in the Army,
is to enter vaudeville as a propaganda
turn, for recruitiltg.
Sergt. DuPree has been recruiting at
Fifth avenue and 42nd street. She
has prepared an act and star':' with
it next week, on United Booking
Offices time.
Chicago, Sept. 25.
The serious epidemic of Spanish
influenza, which has struck Chicago,
has hit show business.
In a number of the choruses- in town-
several of the girls were affected.
“Oh, Look” at the La Salle was hit
hardest. The Misses Martin, Bennett,
Cornell, Crawford and McLaughlin
were forced to lettve because of tb?
There was a half-hearted attempt
this week to form a theatre leagu^for
the support of A1 Smith- in his cam-
paign for the ^governorship. A meet-
. jrtg was called Monday afternoon by
an old friend of Smith’s,, but no one
could be located who attended.
The impression among showmen
was that entering a political campaign
as a body was “bad stuff,’’
One manager ventured .the opinion
that the promoter of the meeting (also
a manager) stayed away himself.
The picture people are non-com-
mittal in the coming state election.'
The exhibitors look with favor upon -
Whitman through his attitude in veto-
ing the Christman-Wheeler censorship
bill two years ago. For Whitmah^s
last campaign D. 'W. Griffith personally
directed a 1,000-foot picture, entitled
“A Day W‘th Whitman.” There were
posted in front of the picture houses
throughout the state some_10J)00 one-
sheets booming his candidacy.
The exhibitors, however, will hold
a meeting in Albany shortly, to ascer- >
tain the attitude of the respective
candidates toward the picture indus-
try in this state, and while there will
be no official endorsements of either
candidate they will throw their sup-
port where they believe their interests
Wednesday it looked very much as
though Irving Berlin will appear for
four weeks in the larger vaudeville
theatres of New "York and Brooklyn,
at an agreed upon amounUwith the
managers, with Sergt. Berlin donating
the entire amount of the salary to
the Red Cross. .
Several offers in the past for Berlin
to play vaudeville never reached con-
summation. Rose & Curtis, the agents,
are said to be responsible for , the
pending arrangement, with Sergt.
Berlin having the Liberty Loan Drive
as an incentive for his theatrical en-
gagements at this time.
Syracuse, N. Y., Sept. 25.
The first up-state industry to be
closed as a result of the war is that
of the W. H. Maltby Sons, Corning,
N. Y., manufacturers of ornamental
plaster work for theatres.
The concern, which in peace time
employed a large staff,' found it next
to impossible to secure needed raw ma-
terials because of priority orders in
freight shipments which classed its
raw materials and product as luxuries,
Can’t best roe nor pass roe, CBAfl. ALTROFF.
Draft and voluntary enlistment
both sever automatically any contract.
As soon as a man has actually been
talcen into the service his contract is
■;dancel($d. ' . . ■ ,'■•
This is the opinion of Sjegbert Lew-
in, of the. layir firm .of House, Gross-
man &: 'Vorhaus. Should the term of
a contract be lodger than the duration
of the war, the contract may not be
renewed, necessarily, upon the return
of the individual; and should the war
outlast the term of the cpntpSict or.
should ehlistmerit or the draft cut a
contract in . tvvo, there is no legal .
ground for the renewal of either the
whole contract or part of it after the
war. . ■ ' 1 ■ ' A .
A contract may not be made depend-
ing in any way upon 'the duration of
the war, as that is, too indefinite.
Men living at home and doing daily
service . such as being stationed at
bridges or piers may continue, their
nightly occupation as |6ng as it does
not interfere with the work of the
Service. This does not apply to men
who would have to secure ^special Jib-
erty each -night.
Lottie Bickford, who is'^ a film stab on
her own, aside from the sisterly rela-
tionship to the only Mary, is looking
favorably at vaudeville. Miss Pick-
ford is prepared to enter it if the
managers will pay her $2,000 weekly as
The managers if they have heard
about it have expressed no opinion.
Boston, Sept. 25.
The theatrical and picture people
here are very much exercised over the
possibility the authorities may close
all places of amusement owing to the
epidemic of Spanish influenza.
100 deaths were reported here the
past week.
With the complaints of delay in the-
atrical baggage all over the country,
one theatrical man said this week that
it was not surprising, since he saw, he
was certain, at least 10,000 pieces of
baggage in the Pennsylvania terminal.
New York, when searching there for
a mislaid trunk.
Camp Uptori, L. I., Sept. 25.
The camp theatres, closed during
the influenza scare, will reopen next
Sept. 30 the Liberty will have “The
Mimic World."
Broadway Has Flock of Initial (^lenings Set Duriag Inaugural
Week of New Bond Campaign — Number of Hits
Increase— -Five Out of Ten Shows Withdrawn
Within Fortnight After Starting.
The inflow of attractions temporarily
stopped this week with being no new
additions. No less than five new shows
arrive next week, the starting of the
Fourth Liberty Loan drive.
The new crop is “Sometime” at the
Shubert, “The Saving Grace” (Cyril
Maude) at the Empire, “The Awaken-
ing" (first called “The Vortex), at the
Criterion, “Sleeping Partners” at the
Bijou, and “Redemption” (John Barry-
more (Tolstoi’s “The Living Corpse”)
at the Plymouth. The 20th season for
“Ben Hur” starts at the Lexington and
“The Wanderer” plays a return date
at the Manhattan.
For this week the list of houses
. which have gone dark increased to
six, “Over There” stopping at the Ful-
ton and “Another Man’s Shoes” bow-
ing out of the 39th Street. This week
“One of Us” at the Bijou departs, as
does “Mr. Barnum” at the Criterion.
There was some surprise that the Jack
Lait show was not given a Chicago
booking. Instead “Watch Your
Neighbor” now at the Booth is soon to
be sent to the windy burg. “One of
Us” may follow it there late in the
. season. The next attraction at the
Fulton will be “A Stitch in Time,”
which will have Irene Fenwick starred.
This piece tried out last spring by
Oliver Bailey and it received favor-
able reports.
The number of hits on Broadway has
increased with “Friendly Enemies” and
“Three" Faces East’’ doing a turnaway.
Also regarded in the hit class are
“Head Over Heels” (personal for
Mitzi Hajos), “An Ideal Husband,”
“The Unknown Purple” ($13,000 last
week), “The Girl Behind the Gun” and
“Daddies” (looked on as a Belasco
score), with heavy business down-
stairs, but nothing in the gallery.
The successses are hogging business
■while many of the other new attrac-
tions are doing badly. Some, how-
ever, are drawing well, including “Tea
for Three,” “Fiddlers Three,” "Keep
Her Smiling” and “Under Orders,”
with “Forever After” and “The “Walk-
offs” turning a profit, while the Hip-
podrome continues to bigger business
than last year.
No less than five of the top attrac-
tions opening the week of Sept. 9 are
now off or will be by the end of the
week, the average run of the five being
a little over a week.
■ . Paris, Sept. 25.
The Palais Glace skating rink has
been taken by the American Athletic
Committee for boxing bouts for four
months, with an option of two months’
renewal, commencing Oct. IS,
Bouts will be held every Tuesday.
. . London, Sept. 25.
Theatrical business continues to
climb with the good news of the war,
and it is splendid everywhere.
London, Sept. 25.
:^i!,ugene' Stratton died- Se'pt.' iSj' -aged''""
■a .. Paris, Sept. 25.
r presenting “The Follies
c* Marigny, opening
Sept. 24, lyrics by Fred Caryll, music
arranged by Louis Hillier, under the
French management of Haymann,
with Howard Fields, Fabiens, Ella
Kearner, Pearly Mitchell’s Jazz Band,
Admission to the orchestra is $4.00,
balcony $2.00, promenade $L0O.
London, Sept. 25.
. Gertrude Jenning’s three-act play,
"After the War,” presented by the
Liverpool Repertory Co., comes to the
Playhouse this week.
The company includes Dorothy
Green, Dora Gregory, Doris Lloyd,
, London, Sept. 25.
Gina Palerme, a French actress, for-
merly popular at the Palace and Adel-
phi, is entering managepient at the
conclusion of “The Man from Toronto”
at the Duke of York’s, presenting there
a musical play.
London, Sept. 25.
Liza Lehmann, distinguished singing
teacher and composer, is dead.
Starring Gaby at Maraeillea.
Paris, Sept. 25.
Volterra and Sandberg are opening
the Casino at Marseilles, formerly the
Chatelet, early in October with a re-
vue, starring Gaby Deslys, who has
fully recovered from her recent auto
Frank Jay Gould’s Wife Asks Divorce.
Paris, Sept. 25.
The wife of Frank Jay Gould has
commenced proceedings for divorce
before the Tribunal at Versailles.
Claude Golden at Olympia, Paris.
Paris, Sept. -25.
Claude Golden, card manipulator,
opened nicely at the Olympia.
Palace’s Sunday American Show.
London, Sept. 25.
The^ Palace Sunday program for the
American soldiers for Sept. 22 was
provided" by the Beecham Opera Co.,
Sir Thomas Beechani conducting.
Elsie^ Janis introduced the Jazz mu-
sic from “Hullo America,” which is to
be produced tonight (Sept. 25).
London, Sept. 25.
J. L. Sacks and William J. Wilson
have sailed. “The Lilac Domino,”
"Going Up,” and “Shanghai,” plays
they are interested in, are playing to
J. L. Sacks, Ltd., actually in exist-
ence only since February, has declared
a ten per ceht. dividend for the first
The directors entertained the princi-
pals of the three productions at lunch
at the Criterion restaurant, to wish
the travelers bon voyage. Both re-
ceived valuable souvenirs from the
artists. Mr. Wilson is exceedingly
popular over here. He is an Amer-
London, Sept. 25.
“Roxana” was produced at the Lyric
Sept. 18. It is an attenuated farce,
with a poor characterization for Doris
Keane, who, however, was accorded a
rousing reception. She is well sup-
ported by Athene Taylor and Basil
London, Sept. 25.
Andre Chariot’s production of “The
Officers Mess,” presented at Plymouth
last week, is a big success and will be
brought into the West End, London,
London, Sept. 25.
George Graves, comedian, was mar-
ried Sept. 19 at Liverpool, to Madge
Compton, actress.
Jimmy Godden Leading “Hotek Potch”
London, Sept. 25.
At New Cross Empire, Jimmy God-
den succeeded Fred Kitchen in the
lead of “Hotch Potch.”
“Purple Mask” Changes House.
London, Sept. 25.
“The Purple Mask” at Prince’s,
.transferred from the Lyric, is doing
“Eyes of Youth” Improved.
London, Sept. 25.
A new scene has been introduced in
the third act of “Eyes of Youth” at
the St. James, improving the love in-
Mary Forbes in "Fair and Warmer.”
London, Sept. 25.
Mary Forbes has replaced Mar-
garet Holston in “Fair and Warmer”
at the Prince of Wales.
Laurence Leyton has joined the cast.
Mrs. Campbell pn Provincial Tour.
London,’ Sept. 25.
Mrs'. Patrick Campbell is playing
her original part in “The Thirteenth
Chair” for a short provincial tour.
pi’OSCatecl'Clt VMCA HUT |S?<‘%v,/Q.g8a916.
flayo & Co.
d I \
following endorsement:
Tills was done by a Buck Private and, sorry to say, he’s missing now. It’s the war ’’
Paris, Sept. 19.
I A. Franck will present shortly at the
Theatre Edouard VII another operetta
by F, Gandera and Mouezy-Eon, music
by Moreau-Faivre, on the story of
Daphnic and ChloA
In October Mme. Rejane wiifi pro-
duce the new 2-act piece by Henry Ba-
■ taille, Notre 'Image, the rehearsals of
which were interrupted last season. Re-
jane wiir appear supported by Felix
Huguenet and Jane Renouardt Mar-
guerite Caron and Armand Bour may
also be in the cast It is not a war
The Coliseum, Lisbon (Portugal) is
now giving only pictures. This is there-
fore the largest movies house in the
world, having 10,000 capacity.
Irene Franklin and Burt Greene, with
the others jjf the Over There League,
Corinne Frances and Tony Hunting,
are at i>resent entertaining troops in
Paris, prior to visiting the camps. “Red-
head,” by Mrs. Greene, is hugely ap-
^ Another number offered the boys un-
der the auspices 'of the Y. M. C A. is
Harry Abner, with the laugh barrage.
Harry Lauder has arranged to visit the
American troops in France shortly, his
tour towards the trenches being
mapped out by the Y. M. C. A. . Lauder
hopes to give several shows each day
during the week he is in France.
L. Volterra is busy with the new
revue rehearsing for the Casiho de
Paris, due next month. There appears
to be a sort of reciprocal barring clause
now in vogue between the establish-
ments managed by R. Baratta (Olyna-
pia and Folies Bergere), and those run
by Volterra.
Hugh McIntosh was in Paris this
T . . London, Sept. 9.
Loins N. Parker has virtually com-
pleted his great pageant, designed to
celebrate Arthur Colling’s 21 years
management ^f Drury Lane Theatre.
In ten scenes it will give a complete
history of the theatre, the first scene
taking place igi Charles the IPs reign,
introducing King Charles, Kelligrew,
Samuel Pepys and Chaffinch, the last
concludes with a scene from
“The Best of Luck” 1916. The per- '
formance takes place on the afternoon
of Sept. 27, the proceeds being given
to charities.
The Royal Victoria Hall— otherwise
Vic— reopens Sept. 28, with
The Merchant of Venice.” The lOOth
birthday of the Old Vic will be cele-
brated in October with a gala per-
formance. This theatre is doing excel- •
lent work presenting Shakespearean
plays and grand operas at popular
prices. -
Martin Henry, whose successful pro-
duction, “You Never Know, Y’ Know,"
has passed its ^lOOth performance at
the Criterion, is preparing "musical ■
play versions of the enormously suc-
cessful French-born farces “The Glad- i
Eyie’’ and “A Night Out.”
H. V. Esmond, whose play, “A Law ^
Divine,’ is proving a success, at Wynd-' " '
hams, has written two new plays
which may be expected shortly to be
bools of Nature,” the other "Love and
the Man.” Both have been presented
in America.
. Musical • Comedy Opening : Apollo,
,r , .... Paris, Sept. 25.
volterra will shortly open the Apollo •
With a musical comedy, "Reine Joy-
euse.” .
■" ' ,1
V - •
“Frolic” May Go on Road, Succeeded by Another Production.
Century Putting on New Show in Month.
Minstrel First Part Feature of 44th
StrcePs New Policy.
Flo Zeigfeld’s current “Midnight
Frolic/' in the Amsterdam Roof, may
be sent out as a regular road attrac-
tion on Klaw & Erlanger bookings
about Nov. 1, at which time it will be
succeeded on the Roof by a new pro-
duction; '
It has not "been settled whether Bert
Williams will accompany the “Frolic”
on the road. The present show will be
used as a basis for the traveling at-
traction, to be augmented through the
introduction of novelties from former
“Frolic” productions. There may _be a
“cabaret” set to the performance;, for
the easier introduction of specialties.
The “Frolic” did a capacity business
through - the summer and/Vthe warm
weather proved the Amsterdam Roof’s
best season. . During the hot months
the Amsterdam downstairs had “The
Follies,” an attraction that aided the
attendance above after the theatre
hour. Exactly to the contrary was the
condition at the Century Roof, where
the theatre was without a show, and
the Roof in a bad drawing location had
td struggle along as best it could until
the house below started. As a conse-
quence Morris Gest, who is about the
sole operator of the Century Roof, lost
money over the summer, but is regain-
ing it in part at present.
The Century will produce another
roof show in four weeks. Of the pres-
ent company there about the only one
certain just now^ of retention for The
next production 's Mollie King.
The Shuberts when reopening the
44th Street Roof with a midnight per-
formance on the regulation order will
have for a feature of it a minstrel first
part. The Shuberts are preparing for
the opening, due to take place around
Nov. 1st.
When next Willie and Eugene How-
ard make bets bn -a horse race or start
any kind of an argument it will be in
some' quiet spot where a Broadway
cop can't see or hear.
Last Saturday afternoon the boys
engaged in considerable confab . about
a certain horse or two running some-
where on eastern tracks, the placement
of a het being engineered in the open
at SOth and Broadway. The Howards
are pretty well known around that
corner and w hennot discussmg things
in common,' aside from horse racing,
invariably attract friends and admirers.
A crowd collected. With the crowd
came a policeman who surprised the
Howards and expostulating friends.
The bluecoat refused to alter his mind
and escorted them to the West 47th
street station where the charge of
blocking traffic was entered and the
Howards released on $500 bail. Every-
thing was settled later but the How-
ards came close to missing a Winter
Garden performance.
A check for around $30, representing
the refund or “kick back” for adver-
tising commission of a theatrical at-
'■■■'''traction on"Brdad'Way''w'aS'‘'S'e'CUfed”b^^
the representative of the show from
the management of the theatre whicn
secured the "kick back.”
It's an unprecedented incident in the-
atrical annals, made more unusual and
probably possible through the three
per cent, commission refund represent-
ing “extra advertising” for the show.
The theatre refused to share in the
extra advertising. The bills for it
amounted to about $1,100. Suspecting
the “kick back” the show’s agent made
a demand for the returned amount,
since the theatre had not shared, with
the $^ check as the reward for his
Claf-a Hovvard is looking over the
Broadway plays this, week, with a
check for her full salary for this week
placed in bank Tuesday, when she
arrived in New York.
Miss Howard was to have played
the Temples, Detroit and Rochester,
this week and next. Last Saturday she
received a wire saying that through
some booking confusion, the two weeks
were off. . / ,
When arriving at the United Book-
ing Offices to learn what the confusion
had been and stating it was no fault
of her own. Miss Howard was pre-
sented with the full salary check. The
Vaudeville Managers' Protective Asso-
ciation is investigating to place the
blame, either upon the booking office
or Stoker & Bierbauer, Miss Howard’s
agents. Whoever is deemed respon-
sible will have to make good the
Miss Howard was placed for .next
week, to fill in the Rochester mistake,
and then resumes her regular U. B. O.
“Alma, Where Do 'You Live?” in
condensed form by Milton and Sar-
gent Aborn, with the original book
lyrics and music; is set for vaudeville.
In the cast are Florence McKensie,
Bertha Whiting, James McEllhearn,
Oliver C. Reese, George O’Donnell,
Lee Doddy.
The act is booked direct and is a
Palace theatre possibity for next week.
“The Four Husbands,” _ formerly
known as a vaudeville tabloid act, has
been stretched into a two-hour show
under the direction of Sullivan &
Buckley. It plays the Klaw & Er-
langer theatres, opening at the Lyric,
Allegheny, Oct. 4.
Boston, Sept. 2S.
Keith’s Boston, has again taken up
' the cudgel against ticket speculating
with its coupons. Monday Fred Apt,
a local spec., was fined $20. '
Two more entertainers have sailed
under the direction of the Over-There
League and Y. M. C. A. They are
Marian Schaeffer, singer, and Marian
Dana, pianist.
They will appear as a unit, though
without specific title.
This increases the official total of
entertainers sent over by the League
Jean Gait Vaudevilling.
Jean Gail, recently in pictures, has
a new^act entitled “The Loot,” de-
scribed as a melodramatic comedy, by
Martha Oakland .and Edward Baker.
Gordon & Lewis are the booking re-
France, Sept 1.
Editor VAMBTr;
Knowing always that you are await-
iing real good scandal or as they used
ito say before the draft, here's real
(dirt, i.e. To-night, in one of the dirti-
est worse lighted theatres that Lever
Ihave liad the good fortune to be in,
3 vwiitnessed the cleanest and most
•swonderful performance there is or
(ever will be. I saw like in a dream the
IPalace Theatre, a real ten francs ($2)
(Show and it brought me back to
Broadway and 47th street.
Gee, I could just feel myself grab-
Ibing two glasses of Keith’s lemonade.
iMiss Mayo and her associates certain-
ly brought Broadway as near to
iFrance as it ever can be done. If it
(Only did the other boys as much good
.-as it did me. Well, we will be in
(Germany damn soon.
Tommy Gray is the only Dough
Boy that can put the real snap in a
isalute. It would do your heart good
•tb “see those wounded boys from all
<patts of the country. One said, "I
am going to get wounded if I can see
tfhese theatre folks. They are good.”
If you could only see Miss Mayo
rpull her classic dancing. She is no
'Ruth St. Denis, but, oh my, hear
those ginks roar. Elizabeth Britel
(God, it was a treat for a god. She
as better than any time she ever
worked with Charlie King. Will Mor-
rissey I well, if I keep telling how good
- (they were, including little Lois Mere-
dith. As one soldier said, “It’s damn
bad they don’t keep it open all night,
I would like to hear that cute little
girl recite.” Miss Mayo’s company
bas plaifed about a week to an audi-
(cnce of legless and armless soldiers.
All yon can say, they are doing a
greater bit than we are.
Oo«stion: Can you tell me where
Tommy Gray i j getting all the five
franc notes to give away. Maybe he
(doesn’t know they are one dollar in
American money. But he is giving
them away like complimentary tickets
and the boys are certainly ^lad that
Tommy Gray is here, for he is a gen-
erous guy,
Hurrah, hurrah, for the Over-Seas
Ga. Yours,
A Real Buck Private.
Before Jack Lait left New York for
Chicago last week, he started on the
story of “A Fat Chance,” which Wil-
liam Morris will produce this fall,
starring Sophie Tucker. Others en-
gaged thus far for the show are Ed-
die Carr, Dave Ferguson and Joyce
Miss Tucker has been routed for a
few weeks in vaudeville with herself
and “Syncopated Kings,” receiving $1,-
000 weekly.
Trixie Friganza, at the Alhambra
and Royal this week, left her home
Monday night aiid went to tlj^e Alham-
bra in her auto for the evening per-
At the conclusion of her act Miss
Friganza hurriedly dressed and left
for her car and the Royal. When
reaching the machine she found her
$750 sable scarf had disappeared. No
trace of it could be found.
Four' vaudeville turns are out of
"Everything” at the Hippodrome, the
Ladellos, Yoscarrys, Will Evans and
George Gifford.
Eliminations left the turns with
' nothing' tb'dbf ' The Lad(fflbs' m^
turn to the show if a spot can be
made for them.
Fannie Brice on the Roof.
' Fannie Br^ce will join the “Midnight
Frolic” nepefi week.
Laugh and grow, fat with CHAS. ALTHOFF.
According to plans formulating,
vaudeville may see a ftttmber of acts
on the patriotic order. The Govern-
ment has notified the picture industry
to first product those pictures which
have mainly o do with the further-
ance of war propaganda 'and the pic- .
tare market is concerned in their
early distribution. The dramatic stage
is concentrating its energy in produc-
ing, war plays, and the music publish-
ers are furthering interest by popu-
larizing songs of patriotic appeal.
That the vaudeville field will shortly
find itself employing acts of the
"propaganda” type seems fairly cer-
tain, ^
The influx of propaganda acts Will
start next week and th^ w;ill be pre-
sented by men in the Service.
Florence Pinckney, who plays the
German spy in the vaudeville version
of “An American Ace,” has been en-
countering difficulty of late in pror
ceeding through her role. At a per-
formance last week when walking
across the stage with a defiant speech
after being uncovered as a spy, a wom-
an in a stage box threw a missile at
Miss Pinckney, striking her on the side
of the head. At another performance
later in the week, when the German
spy asked the American comthanding
officer what he intended doing with
her, a woman standing up in the audi-
'ence, shouted, “Kill the cat.” , .
The “Ace’’ production, presented by
Harry Weber, has been given q, full
season’s vauiievillB route at $2,250
weekly, witK transportation. It car-
ries ^ people.
Montreal, Sept. 25.
Mile. Nitta-Jo, at the Princess this
week, has been held over for next
week at that house.
It’s the first time the big time vaude-
ville theatre of this city has held oyer
a turn. The French woman’s success
at the Monday shows was sq^ em-
phatic the decision to retain her was
immediately reached by Clark' Brown,
who was here that day.
Mile. Nitta-Jo is a new act to vaude-
ville, arranged and produced by H. B.
■ Marinelli, showing for a half Week
only in New York, before booked for
this city. She formally opens in the
Metropolis in a couple of weeks.
^ Chicago, Sept. 25.
Venita Gpuld got into the local
papers again this week through a dis-
turbance at an apartment at 225 Mar-
quette road, when she was said to
have found her husband, Harold J.
Jones, in the flat with a woipan named
Florence Nelson.
This i^ the second chapter in thb
domestic difficulties of the pair. Miss
Gould got into difficulties recently
through a “joy ride,” in yyrhich she and
Hattie Lorraine and a couple of men
participated. '
An offer made to Blanche Ring add
rejected by her is said to have been
$1,000 weekly, for Miss Ring to co-
star in “Hitchy Koo” with Raymond
Immediately after the publication of
a paragraph in -Variety a few weeks
ago that Lillian West, of Freeport,
L. L, intended to enter vaudeville with
' a ' ' e
reared at her country home the gallffs^
domcsticus assumed all the airs of a
headliner and affected ail the manner-
isms of a prima donna-
Only upon, special occasions now
can it be persuaded to perform its
.step l-s. which renders it worthless, as
' 4 . cojnmercial proposition.
Allied Committee, E. F. Albee, Chairman, Haa Stage Set to
Surpass All Previous Collection Marks—Amusements
Prepare Special Films and Bills—Enthusiasm
(Written for VARiBir by the Pub-
licity Department of the Liberty Loan
Committee, New York.)
Of the ^3,000,000 subscribed to the
Third Liberty Loan through the ef-
forts of the theatrical profession,’ a
substantial part was raised by the ef-
forts of the artists who devote their
energies to the lighter forms of amuse-
ments, provided in the variety and
combination theatres.
Heeding the call of the Government,
the combined variety interests have
come forward with greater enthusi-
asm for the Fourth Liberty Loan.
Under the direction of E. F. Albee the
chairman, the organization of the last
drive is retained in its entirety, and
pledges by each member of the com-
mittee have been given for a total
“ volume of sales in excess of the last
The committee includes Henry W.
Savage, George M. Cohan, Marc Klaw,
David Belasco, Sam M. Harris, Edgar'
Selwyn, Martin Beck, Sam Scribner,
William Fox, B. S. Mo^s, William A.
Brady, and Joseph M. Schenck, repre-
senting the legitimate arid vaudeville
theatres, with an added staff of re-
sourceful managers from the motion
picture fi^d, noted among whom are
Adolph Zukor and J. T. Brulatour.
Several gifted jirtists achieyed not-
able results in the third drive, and
James T. Powers, Grace LaRue and
Lillian Russell made exceptional sales.
These favorites and many others will
do their bit for the Fourth Loan.
The victories attained by our forces
in ^ance furnish the most potent ar-
gument for a warm response from
theatregoers.' Facts, reinforced by
figures, induced the Government to
include the theatre among the essen-
tal industries. The drive is on, and
the artist, manager and other elements
of vaudeville and variety will do more
than their share in helping the war.
The headquarters of the Theatrical
Allied Interests Committee will be in
the Longacre Building. f
Tomorrow (Saturday) with the be-
ginning of the three weeks’ Fourth
Liberty Loan drive, the Theatrical Al-
lied Committee E. F. Albee, chairman,
will again inaugurate its campaign to
swell the sales of the loan. The com-
mitfee expects to dispose of over fifty
million dollars worth of bonds in this
The theatrical unit’s headquarters
are located in the Longacre Building
this year. Walter J. Kingsley will
again direct the publicity of the cam-
paign. Elmer F. Rogers will also again
have charge of the speakers.
Plans for creating further interest in
the Loan were completed early this
week and start agoing this evening.
The National Vaudeville Artists has
enlisted the service of 100 of its mem-
bers to act as newsboys at the various
theatres throughout Greater New
York. They will receive assignments
daily to distribute late copies of “The
Stars and Stripes,’’ the daily paper,
printed by the American Expedition-
intermission period the reverse side
of an old drop is being shown upon
which is pasted a 24-sheet of the at-
traction for next week. This drop will
most likely be used to further the Lib-
erty Loan propaganda at this theatre
Monday and may be followed by the
other theatres which are now lower-
ing the asbestos drop during the in-
termission period. Starting next week
most of the Keith vaudeville theatres
will have a big .thermometer placed in
the lobby on top of which will be
figures representing Uncle Sam, a sol-
dier'-' and a ' sailor and the Amount
which that particular theatre lexpects
to raise for the Liberty Loan. The
Greenpoint theatre has already or-
dered the thermometer which will be
installed tomorrow and has $200,000 as
its goal for the sale of bonds.
Special loan pictures will be used
to start the show and help bond sales
and several propaganda acts will be
employed. The Palace, New York,
will only have a bill of eight acts dur-
ing the drive, allowing plenty of time
for the sale of bonds.
Ottawa, Sept. 25.
With this season the local Dominion
theatre has' played vaudeville a full
week, increasing the gross receipts
weekly from $700 to $800 over the
amount the same house played to last
season when the policy was <a split
week. The bills for the Dominion this
season has been somewhat improved
in material, with a consequent in-
creased cost in the salary list, but
nothing to compare with the added
takings. '
Last season the Dominion “split the
week’’ with the Theatre Francaise,
Montreal, both- operated by th€ Can-
adian Circuit, with Clark Brown, gen-
eral manager. The Francaise is now
Gordon and William J. Dooley are
named as defendants in a suit brought
by O’Brien, Malevinsky & Driscoll, as
counsel for Frank Orth. Orth al-
leges he wrote and copyrighted a
a song entitled “Stroll Down the Ave-
nue,’’ upon which he holds the exclu-
sive rights.
Since Sept. 1, 1917, the Dooleys have
been using the song and Orth values
its use at $25 weekly. Orth estimates
his damages amount to $2,000.
The defendants, through their coun-
sel, Harry Saks Heshheimer, put in a
general denial.
Chicago, Sept. 25.
The theatres have received recogni-
tion for their work in the Third Lib-
erty Loan drive by having a special
division set aside for them in the
fourth drive, which opens Sept. 28.
The loop houses will be captained by
the manager of each individual house,
who will be held responsible for the
activity of his own theatre.
The Stage Women’s War Relief will
also take an active participation in the
loop situation, aiding drives in each
of the houses.
Peter J. Schaefer has been appointed
chairman for the theatrical division,
and has secured the first sale. Dick
Green, international vice-president of^
the Stage Employes and Operators'"^
Union, was the purchaser. He bought
$10,000 worth of the bonds. Ed. Bal-
lard, proprietor of the Hagenbeck-
Wallace show, has assured . Mr.
Schaeffer he will purchase $25,000
worth of bonds before the circus
leaves Chicago.
Philadelphia, Sept. 25.
Frank Dumont’s minstrels, now at
Dumont’s, have Eddie Cassady (fea-
tured comedian)^ Richard Lee, Joe
Hamilton, Bennie Franklin, Burke arid
Walsh, Charles Gano, 'Alf S. Gibson,
Tom O’Brien, Harvey Brooks, Oscar
Smith, R. P. Lilly (musical director).
Los Angeles, Sept. 25.
Alexander Pantapies has postponed
construction on his new theatre at
Seventh and Figueroa, It is ^under-
stood that he was advised to do so by
the Government.
Work on his new Salt Lake theatre
also has been held. up.
Cummings and Mitchell Separated.
Roy Cummings reopens in vaudeville
next week, as Roy Cummings an(L
Girlie. He was formerly with Ruth
Mitchell (Cummings and Mitchell)
with “Hitchy Koo.’’ Miss Mitchell re-
mains with the show, where she has
been given a part.
Los Angeles, Sept. 25.
Ackerman & Harris have been here
several days conferring with Adolph
Hamish and the Hamburgers, owners
of the Majestic, over the lease of that
theatre for vaudeville. As a result of
this confference the Majestic may re-
open within six weeks.
Vincent Serrano in Lait Playlet.
Chicago, Sept. 25.
In Chicago now Vincent Serrano is
rehearsing a playlet for vaudeville,
written by Jack Lait, called “Between
the Lines.’’ It calls for two principals,
both men.
A^r. Serrano will be represented in
vaudeville by William Morris.
Ben Barnett has cotnpleted a sketch
dealing with the life of Charles
Dickens at the time of his first visit
to America in 1842.
The sketch has four characters. It
is called “Boz,’’ after the pen name
given him in his early youth.
Dickens was about ^ at the time of
his first visit to theseTshores.
Ernte| Sturm Has Divorce.
Chicago, Sept. 25.
Ernest Sturm of the quartet at the
Ri^o last week, was granted a di-
vorce from his wife, Freda Stone.
Henderson's Closing Long Season.
This week when all Coney Island of-
ficially closes fdr the summer, Hender-
son's Theatre with its vaudeville will
also cease, after its longest season.
printed by the American Expedition-
•ary-.:.Eor.ces . ip- vF in .rthe -lobbiesr-- •
of the theatres every evening during
the Loan Drive starting at 7:45 and
remaining until the intermission pe-
riod. They are under the leadership
of Henry Chesterfield, who is acting
as captain, and Hugh Herbert, who is
acting lieutenant.
At the Colonial this week during the .
Chicago, Sept. 25.
Next week in local vaudeville Leom
Erroll will debut in an act, headed bA
himself and carrying one other man.
The booking, made by Jenie Jacobs
in New York, calls for a |plary of $1,-
500 weekly during Errol’s temporary
stay in the varieties.
Detroit Agent Branching Out.
Detroit, Sept. 25.
R. E. Mack, manager of the local
International Vaudeville Exchange,
will-open ©ffioes in: Clevdsnd and' Buf-
Elmira, N. Y., Sept. 25:
Investigation into the past of Paul
Lynwood, theatrical producer, arrested
here last week on a serious charge
lodged by the police when he was
f Grind in a room in the Reggio Hotel
■ -with Bessie Phillips, a 16-year-old local
girl, has resulted in sensational dis-
Lynwood, who was in Elmira to pro-
duce the Red Men’s Kirmess, it is novv
revealed was arrested and Indicted
on a similar serious charge in Albany
last December. The Albany charge
was made by 16-year-old Evelyn Albert
of that city, while Lynwood was there
to stage “Melodyland” at Harmarius
Bleecker Hall for an Albany evening
newsiiaper. ■
While the Albany indictment was
pending against Lynwood in January
last, he was married to the Albert girl
by a Rensselaer clergyman and the
case 'Subsequently was dropped.
The investigation also shows that
Lynwood’s right name is Percy Lyn-
wood Capes, that he is 36 yqars old,
and the son of a minister oF 'funnel
Hill, Ga. The records also disclose
he was twice married before he mar-
ried the Albany' girl, and twice di-
vorced. His first wife i^ living ■ in
Maine and the second in Minnesota.
The present Mrs. Lynwood is
staunchly defending her husband. She
had one of the principal roles iq
"Melodyland." After it had been pro-
duced, the girl’s father complained to
the police his daughter had not been
home the previous night. The police
probe resulted in Lynwood’s arrest.
In the Albert case the parents of
the Phillips girl complained that' the
daughter was missing and Lynwood’s
arrest ■ followed. The story told the
local police by Lynwood was that he
was ill, that the Phillips, girl told him
she was a nurser and offered to go to
the hotel and take care of him. Miss
Philljps’ story was different.
Lynwood admits that he failed to
register^ for the draft -Sept. 12 "be-
cause his hand was shaky.”
His case will come up for an ad-
journed hearing Friday. He is attempt-
ing to secure bail.
I With the dropping of a couple of
towns in the south ^formerly booked
by the Loew Circuit, Lbew is riow
placing bills only in its own theatres
down there, at Augusta, Atlanta, Bir-
mingham, Memphis and New Orleans,
playing a split week in each.
The southern houses are booked by
Ernie Williams in the I,.oew office.
<• The house opening in South Bethle-
hem, Pa., this week, is booked through
the Loew office by Solly Turek, who
also places the Sunday Loew vaude-
ville in the 7th Avenue, New York,
and Shubert, Brooklyn.
A new vaudeville office in the Gaiety
Building has* been opened by Bob
Sterling and Irving Stone. Sterling
is a former vaudeville artist and the
writer of several songs. Stone is a
vaudeville author and stager of acts.
The company will confine itself to
producing acts and publishing, the
special songs used. “Gates to Para-
dise,” with 10 people, will be one of
their first productions.
East and West Inter-Representation.
Chicago, Sept. 25.
Jake Sterhad of Chicago and Jack
Potsdam of New York will give each
other mutual representation in their
respective, cities W ,
Tabs & Stock at Orpheum, Zanesville.
Zanesville, 0., Sept. 25.
The Orpheum opened last week
under the management of W. D.
Brookover. The policy of the house
wilt be musical tabs and stock.
^New Booking -Arrangements.
William Casey is again booking the
Grand, New York, since Fally Markus
decided to discontinue handling its
bills, while the Olympic, Brooklyn, is
now being booked by Walter J. Plim-
Confine letters to 150 vrords and write on one side of paper only.
Anonymous communications will not be printed. N^e of writer must be signed
and will be held in confidence, if desired. .
^/IJetters to be published in this column must be written exclusively to VABIEry.
implicated letters will not be printed. ■
New York, Sept. 9.,
Editor Vabihtt:
I notice several acts claim the origin
of the much disputed idea, that of
liking the allies to horses. Jean Havez
wrote the "Race” or the "World's
Handicap” for me nearly one year ago
and I have been using the recitation
for The Stage Women’s War Relief
and other benefits, for the past nine
I have proof of the above statement.
Arthur Upson.
Sept. 19.
Editor 'VABiBTt';
In YABiEiTr Sept. 13 an act doing a
policeman and an Italian is accused of
using material belonging to A1 Haw-
thorne (Hawthorne and Anthony).
We are doing a policeman and
Italian, and have been doing this act
since February, 1916. Prior ‘ to that
Mr. Roth did the same act-with Tqih
/ Murray since 1914.
Roth and Roberts.
Editor VABiBTr:
Winnipeg, Sept. 17.
Our show was the first show to go
across the Canadian line since the
new draft (18-45). Professionals will
under no circumstances be allowed
to enfier any part of Canada without
.necessary credentials which they can
get for the asking from their own
Local Board.
/ They must have their registration
card showing that they have regis-
tered. They must have a permit from
their Local Board allowing them to
leave the States and enter Canada.
This permit is a regular form blapk.
Without this permit it will be im-
possible to get into any part of Can-
ada no matter what any one in the
States may say about it.
Americans in Canada are also stopped
often on the street by officers to show
their permits into Canada and failure
to have it means arrest. Several in
our show were stopped here this week.
I was stopped twice, and after showing
my registration card was asked for my
Joe MeShane,
'^(MeShane and Hathaway.)
which he is staging for Emily Ann
Wellman and Jack Morris.
In preparation are "Sweet and
. Pretty,” a' 35-minute musical version
jof “Charley’s Aunt,” and “The Pursuit
of Happiness” an allegorical playlet,
to follow Miss Wellmans’ “White
Coupons," which Marshall also staged.
A musical act writteh by Harry B.
Smith and Marshall is additional.
Marshall may return to vaudeville
again with two girl dancers known as
th^e Misses Cloter and Quinn. The-'
girls will probably use dinerent names
when the turn is ready.
H. Bart McHugh and Marshall have
in rehearsal a new allegorical musiral
phantasy entitled ‘The Pursuit Of
Happiness,” with the book, music and
lyrics by Marshall. In the cast of six
are Mildred Alain, Helen Gunther arid .
George Douglas.
“Birds of a Feather,” a n^w anatonu-
cal fantasy, written by Leon Kimberly
for Bert Ford and Pauline Price (Edw.
S. Keller).
“The Dummy” is to be produced by
Arthur Klein from a book by Harry
B. Smith with, words and music by
Henry I. Marshall.
The War Animated Song Contest,
started at the Fifth Avenue last week,
and having its final there Tuesday
night, is going to go over the Greater
New York small time circuit booked
out of the United Booking Offices.
This week the Greenpoint started a
contest. It will follovy into the 34rd
Street, Keith’s, Jersey City, d25th
Street and S8th Street, as far as at
present laid out.
• At the opening of the contest Mon-
day night at the Greenpoint it’s re-
iTorted the box ofiice showed $200 more
than on the Monday night previously,
although in New York Monday night
of this week was “off” in the; vaudeville
theatres, generally. . .
The Fifth Avenue Tuesday night held
lamost complete; capacity before eiight
A confidential notice sent out a few
of the music publishers by Milton Weil
of The Music Trades Company asks
them to be his guests, today (Sept.
27), at a special luncheon at the Re-
publican Club, 54 West 40th street,
where he will lay before them-the out-
line of a plan which is to solve some
of the.^oblems of the music publish-
ing! business.^..
If, the representatives assembling
are in full accord, a general meeting\
will be .called within the near future,
when all music publishers will be
asked to act on Mr. Weil’s suggestions.
The secrecy^ attending this first
meeting has caused some speculation
among the publishers. A leading pub-
lisher, who has been invited, stated
it was his belief, plans are about to be
started to form a sort of a “Chanaber
of :Gomme^ce’^ 'for the music publiish- :
ing industry which will make it a dis-
tinct factor.
Indianapolis, Sept. 25.
This week at Keith’s, Indianapolis,
is George Yeoman and "Lizzie,” with
other big time engagements to follow
including a tour of the Orpheum Cir-
cuit startng Jan. 12 next. •
It’s 12 years since Mr. Yeoman last
played a big time house. He has been
monologing since and now has a turn
written by James Madison. “The Liz-
zie” of the title is a mythical person
Mr. Yeoman talks to and about during
the act. •
A jazz band composed of 20 pieces
is the objective of Irving (“BuggsO
Bochner, who is now in New York,
attending to the matter.
An amusement promoter,, says Mr.
Bochner, suggested the 20-piece jazz-
,^ing aggregation.
Danny Simmons, of the B. S. Moss
office, has signed Welch, Mealy and
Montrose, Old Homestead 5, and Gal-
lerini Sisters for eight weeks on the
Moss Circuit.
Atlantic City, Sept. 25.
Ernest W. Shackelford has resigned
from the management of the' Million
Dollar Pier. He will leave the resort
about Jan. 1. He has been in charge
of the pier for the past three years,
said to be the most successful since it
was built.
Mr. Shackelford was formerly man-
ager of Young’s Ocean (old) Pier. He
has many outside financial interests.
William Colini who has a dancing
act in vaudeville known as "Colini s
Variety . Danc.ers,” has recently been
annoyed by several rumors intimating
he was not an American citizen.
Colini arrived in this country 20
years ago and played for the western
vaudeville managers and other cir-
cuits. , . >
He became a naturalized U. S. citizen in
Chicago, in 1905 and married a Chicago
girl of Irish parentage. Her father
held a Chicago city job for many years.
Since the war started his two broth-
ers enlisted) and are now fighting m
His act has taken part in many bene-
fit performances for the Red Cross and
other war charities.
The act is now on the big time under
the direction of H. B. Marinelli.
The first of the Jake Sternad cainp
shows, consisting of seven acts, will
open a tour of the cantonments at
Camp Dodge, Oct 3-4-5-6, while on the
same date a Sternad vaudeville outfit
will start at Camp Coster with still a
third of the Sternad units to Open at
Camp Grant Oct. 7-8-9. ^ ,
. Sternad has an understanding with
the offices controlling the camp book-
ings whereby if the shows, he books
fail to, meet satisfaction they can be
cancelled, or Sternad can cancel them,
if the camps do not prove financially
B. B. Circus Closing Nov. 2.
Chicago, Sept. 25.
The Barnum and Bailey Circus has
arrived in the southwest after a coast
tour. Business at the coast was bad.
The outfit is now playing the Texas
stands. It will close its season Nov. 2
at Memphis. ^ .
The Ringling Circus is closing two
weeks earlier than last season, being
Oct. 18 at Clarksdale, Miss.
The Hagenbeck-Walace show, which
has fared badly this season, closes
Oct. 6, some weeks earlier than last
Billers Strike in Jersey City. -
A billposters’ strike is on in Jersey
City. Some of the agents in there with
feature films and also the local amuse-
ment places had some trouble for
several days getting up outside bill-
ing, with the local press relied upon.
Buhla Pearl (Mrs. Walter Buhl) was
operated upon at St. Joseph’s Hospital,
Chicago, last week for appendicitis.
Bob Dailey, ill for six weeks, re-
appeared on Broadway this week, back
to his normal self.
Johnnie Collins, the U. B. O. booker,
injured about two weeks ago in an
auto accident, was able to be about
B. Iden Payne is reported slightly
better at the Flushing (L. I.) liospital,
where he was operated on for appendi-
citis. He was not out of danger up
to Wednesday.
F. Ray Comstock, who fractured . his
ankle while playing golf on Long
Island last month, returned to his
office this week with the .aid *f
Jo Paige Smith returned .to his office
last Friday, after being confined to his
home for same days. The agent has
been subject to fainting spells ever
since he went northward on a fishing
trip early in the summer.
The following are ill at the Ameri-
can Theatrical Hospital, Chicago :
g eorgia Kema (“Speedway Girls”),
ilda Martin (Haymarket stock bur-
lesque), William Cunningham (book-
ing agent), Joseph Rossi (Chicago
Opera Co.).
Frank Wirth, the Australian trick
rider and manager of the equestrienne
act called the Wirth Family, has re-
turned to the Ringling circus, after an
attack of typhoid fever. He was in a
Minneapolis hospital for six weeks.
While Carter De Haven and Flora
Parker were going through their act
Monday matinee at the Majestic, Chi-
cago, their daughter, _ Majorie, six
years old, was undergoing- an opera-
tioh for appendicitis at the Washing-
ton Park Hojspital. .After the turn
, Miss Parker collapsem The operation
was successful.
Henry I. Marshall is actively en-
gaged in the production end of vaude-
ville^ He is concerned in the staging
of several acts of his own and others
Harry Bailey Managing Camp Theatre.
Sol F. Klarberg has been transferred
from the Buffalo theatre, Camp Upton,
L. I., to the management of the Lib-
.ortyi Camp Pike
was fdrmerl/ associated with the In-
terstate’s Southern houses.
Harry A. Bailey recently of the Al-
hambra, New York, is now in charge
of the Buffalo at Upton.
There is also a Liberty theatre at
Upton. It is the big house of the
camp, managed since opening by Geo.
H. Miller.
Bert Taub
Muriel Worth Back in Now Act.
Muriel Worth, who left vaudeville
when marrying “Dutch” Leonard, the
ball player, is returning to vaudeville
in a new act carrying three people.
Heo husbaod ha* boen. drafted.
Arthur Kelin will direct the turn.
Samptor'a New Musical Revue.
Martin Sampler is sponsoring a mu-
sical revue called "Are Your Therej
to play the cantonments. The show is
said to be new and framed especially
for the Liberty Theatres.
j (“Love'^Farm”) to Patty
Dennison (Winter Garden show, Qhi-
cago) at Pittsburgh.
Eleanor Kern (partner of Ernestine
Gordon) to Sergt. C D- Levandowski,
Aviation Corps, at, Berkley, (jfal., last
week. '
Carolyne Scoville to Daniel Diehl at
Camp Funston, Kan., Sept. 16. Both
members of the Milton Schuster show,
playing the cantonments.
Mrs. Dollie B®®son (nee Weston)
to Harry Brown (non-professional) at
the Little Church Around the Corner,
New York, Sept. 12. They will make
their home at, 907 Gervais street,
Columbus, S. C.
Thomas Robbins of Attleboro and
Hattie Atwood of Profile View, N. H.,
were married recently in Providence,
R. I. Mr. Robbins, until a short time
ago . in vaudeville (having traveled
with Marvel, Priscello and other
hypnotists), met his bride while tour-
ing New Hampshire.
Ted and Margie Banks, in New York,
Sept. 23, son. „ . ,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Parker (direc-
tor in Douglas Fairbanks’ studio), at
Los Angeles, last week, daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Garbrey, Sept,
19, daughter. The mother is profes-
sionally known as Pauline Lorimer.
Mr. and Mrs. A1 Weston, at Lying-m-
Hospital, Chicago, Sept. 16, daughter.
Mrs. Weston is professionally Babe
Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Orkin, at
Elliott Hospital, Boston, daughter.
The mother is Mary Ruby of the
Walter Scanlon left Proctor’s, New-
ark, Saturday through loss of voice.
He also cancelled Poll’s, New Haven,
first half this week.
That anreflre tun purveyor. CHA8. ALTHOFP.
[This Department has been carried weekly in Variety since we declared war.
-It has noted a list of theatrical men in the Service that seldom ran less than twa
columns, and more often much beyond that.]
Richard Marshall is recovering in
France from wounds received at the
front. He was formerly treasurer of
the Majestic, Los Angeles.
Jack Lynch is in the Base Hospital,
Mineola, L. I. (Ward No, S), where he
may be seen, or letters addresseid to
Pvt. Lyle R. Mabrey, 308th Inf. Band,
was severely wounded in action, Aug.
31, and is now convalescing. Louise
Astor, his wife, received the official
The son of Charles Simone, the Gen-
eral Film Exchange manager at New
Haven, has been gassed twice since
reaching the battlefront with Per-
shing’s troops.
H. E. Belford, recently killed in an
aeroplane accident at Leaside Camp,
Toronto, was vice-president of the I.
A. T. S. E. local 40d in Moose Jaw,
Jimmy Martin (Martin, Roberts and
tones), gassed while in action on the
Western Front, according to a letter
just received by his two former part-
ners. He writes he is now in a base
hospital near Paris and doing nicely.
L. Andrew Castle, of Chicago, and
a professional, was wounded in France.
He is recovering in a hospital over
there. Mr. Castle is a machine gun-
ner with the Amer. E, F. Information
of his injury was received at the New
York offices of the Actors’ Equity As-
Corporal Hsurry C. Frey, killed in
action Aug. 20, was well known in.
vaudeville as one of the Frey Twins.
He- was married, 25 years old, and lived
at 155 Audubon avenue. New York, He
had been wrestling instructor at Camp
Upton and left for France in April
with Battery C, 304th Field Artillery
He was a brother of Captain Charles
Daniel Frey of the American Protec-
tive League at Washington. His twin.
Sergeant Harvey L. Frey, is with the
, U. S. Customs, Bureau.
Edward Hayes of Nev' York is in
Paris as a K. of C. secretary.
W. A, Jones, 42d Co., 154th Depot
Brigade, Camp Meade, Md.
Jack Stern (Douglas-Newman Music
Co.), ordered to Camp Greenleaf, Ga.
Arthur Lyons (formerly with Harry
Shea), at Camp Gordon, Ala.
Fred Goodwins (playing with Bryant
Washburn’s film company), leaves
for an officers’ training camp.
W. T. Walker, stationed at El Paso,
Tex., has been honorably discharged
from the Army.
Will Dillon, stationed at Camp Hum-
phries, Vd., is not Will Dillon, the song
writer (who is not in the Service).
L. A. Rahe, formerly with the Ed
Rush offices, now in the Navy, has been
assigned film detail work in New York,
James Clark (vaudeville) has enlisted
for service with the British-Canadian
forces in Siberia.
Monty Brice (song writer; formerly
writing with Jimmy Monaco) ordered
to Artiiy Transport Division last week.
Louis Muller (Feiber & Shea) ap-
pointed manager Liberty Theatre,
"Camp McClellaii'i' Afinisre
Willie Sufface (Meyer Cohep Music
Co.), ordered to report this week to
Camp Gordon.
Tom Stuart (William Collier com-
pany), in the Q. M. Corps and sta-
tioned at Fort Slocum, N. Y.
Fred Hubener (manager of the Gar-
den, Richmond Hill, L. I.), ordered to
the Syracuse Camp, Sept. 25.
Gus Kleinicke (formely musical
director for Fritzi Scheff) is at Fort
Hancock, Ga., where he is bandmaster.
William. F. Young (Young and
Wheeler) ordered to Camp Gordon,
Lewis J. Rosenberg transferred to
33d Field Artillery, 11th Division, Camp
Meade. Md.
William J. Kelly (Reel Guys Co.),
19th Co., C. A. C., Fort Hancock, N. Y.,
promoted to corporal.
Arthur J. Grebner is in the Casualty
Company at Camp Colt, Gettysburg,
Jack White (former cabaret enter-
tainer) at the New Hampshire College,
U. S. Training Camp, .Durham, N. H.,
Co. A.
Lew Sharp ("Five Merry Young-
sters") is in the Service under his own
name, Louis Syilles, Battalion No. 15,
Camp Greenleaf, Ga.
Clarence B. Lovell is a sergeant with
the 301st Ammunition Train, American
Expeditionary Force, France. He was
a manager before entering the service.
Due to the regulations of the
War Industries Board, as men-
tioned on Page 11 of this issue,
and through the^ Post Office
Department deciding that the
complimentary copies sent by
VARiBrr to theatrical men in the
service were "sample copies,"
Variety has regretfully ' discon-
tinued mailing its weekly issues
to soldiers and sailors who were
in theatricals before entering
the service.
From many letters received
Variety was very gratefully re-
ceived by all of the several hun-
dreds of men on Variety's ser-
vice list.
If relatives or friends^ of the-
atrical men in the service wish
them to continue to secure
Variety it will be forwai^ed on
receipt of a subscription in their
names for one month or one
year or any interim period at
the present subscription rates —
$4 in the United States and $5
foreign annually.
Fred Esmelton leaves “Watch Your
Neighbor” as soon as a substitute can
be secured. He has received a com-
mission in the army.
Herman Barrens is assistant amuse-
ment director ata Camp Gordon, Ga.
Fred • Berrens is a seaman in the
transport service. ' , '
Harry Chapman (Atlas Comedy
Four) has joined the army and is a
member of Truck 516, Camp Humph-
reys, Virginia.
Lieut. M. S. Bentham, U. S. N., ap-
pointed aide for Third Naval District,
with headquarters at Bensonhurst,
L. I. , T •
Milt Lewis, brother of A1 Lewis
(Lewis & Gordon), at Camp Meyer,
Va. He is to enter Major-General
Crowder’s office in Washington.
George Harcourt (dancer), has been
put OK' Special •detail in
gineers Training Regiment, Camp
Humphreys, Va.
Bud McPherson (Belle and Bud Mc-
Pherson) has enlisted for foreign mili-
tary duty, through Canadian recruit-
ing channels. . . „ .
Charles Withers (“For Pity’s Sake )
at Fort Slocum, N. Y,, has joined the
(Continued on page 25)
John Provan, known professionally
as Scottie Provan, now at the battle
front in France, in writing to New
York says that in addition to soldering
in the trenches he has found time to
jump over to the nearest Y hut and
put on his vaudeville .turn, the Scotch
comedian enclosing one of the small
bills the Y used to advertise his ap-
pearance. The most amazing part of
his entertaining stunt was that he had
to return to the firing line at 6 o’clock.
This is the first report where a former
vaudevillian in addition to entertain-
ing the soldiers for awhile was ordered
right back- to th'e front line trenches.
Provian recently had a furlough, and
spent it in Paris.
Sailor William Reilly, who has ap-
peared in local vaudeville houses on
leave from the Navy, will do no more
vaudevilling for the present as he is
assigned to special Liberty Loan drive
work, spending one week in Pittsburgh
as the guest of the Banker’s Club.
Reilly, with a musical accompaniment
by the Pelham Bay band, stood on the
top of the new Selwyn theatre awning
last week and sang songs, with a pic-
ture camera working while Reilly put
in all of the gestures. Reilly was due
in Washington this week for -some
special entertaining stunts. -
The War Hospital Entertainment
Association 'has added one' more link to
its claim of hospital theatres. This is
at the U. S. General Hospital, No. 3,
Colonia, N. J., newly established under
the auspices of the Red Cross where
the maimed who return from the war
will be taught useful crafts and oc-
cupations which will enable them to
earn a remunerative livelihood in spite
of their infirmities.
Fred Harten, 57th Regt. Artly. Band,
A. E. F. in France, has organized a
nine-piece jazz band which gives fre-
quent entertainments at the various
base hospitals and at the Y. M. C. A.
“Huts.” The majority of the jazzers
are fjom New York and were former
professional musicians. v
A farewell vaudeville entertainment
was held recently at Camp McArthur
by the 5th Battl. Inf. in which Pvt.
F. 0. Williams, former assistant man-
ager of the Globe, Kansas City, was
the master of ceremonies. Through
the courtesy of manager Harrison of
the. Orpheum, Waco, Tex., the entire
Paiitages bill was transported to the
- camp. The entertainers included, Zene
and Mandel, Aerial Patts, Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Aarros, Ford and Goodrich, Dot-
tie Vau, Mazie Oliver, Mae Whitfield,
Jack Oliver, Foster Hoffman (“Flirta-
tion” Co.), Rose Mary King, Vivian
Osborne, W. L. Thorne, Kenneth Grat-
tan, John J. Farrell, Charles Hathaway,
Edward McDermott (“Notorious Del-
phine” Co.), Sergt. Earl M. Castle
(Castle-Davis Trio) rendered a number
of saxophone solos.
A1 Jolson, by arrangement with
Major-General Barnett of the Marine
Corps, appeared in Washington, ISun-
day, and sang for the general staff and
several thousand marines, his “Tell
That to the Marines.” The number
has been accepted as an official song
by the marine corps.
At Larchmont, N. Y., Sept. 20, for the
Red Cross, at St. John’s Parish House,
by E. F. Albee: Van and Schenck,
. Eddie ; Dowling,. Six. vKirksmith- -Sisters -r-
and pictures.
The American Ambulance men sta-
tioned at Longchamp, France, under
the command of Lieut. Pierre J. Le
May, were entertained recently by
Billy Gould with his “Yankee Doodle
Five.” The entertainers included
Louise Carlyle, Renne Dietrich, Gilley
Gregory and A, L. Wright. They are
members of the Over There League. A
few nights following Will M. Creisy,
Blanche Dayne, Helen Goff, Helen
Davis,' (Over There League) furnished
the show. i
Lewis Riley, detailed to entertain in
the camps in France, appeared at the
American Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Club
concerts iii Paris, assisted by Leo
■ At the Walter Reed Hospital, Wash-
ington, D. C, Sept. 17, through Keith’s
(Rdland, S. Robbins, manager). The
hospital holds wounded boys from the
front. Manager Robbins escorted the
party. Included were United States
Senator Reed of Missouri, General
Emmett Newton and DeWitt ’ Lillie-
bridge. The artists were Blanche Ring,
“Crosby’s Corners" and the brass band'
(with Felix. Rush), Joe Jackson, Olga
and Mishka, all appearing at Keith’s
last week. Mr. Robbins is arranging
a performance weekly for the hospital.
The entertainment Sept. 17 was the
second he had given last week there,
with the first show consisting ofr.Mc-
Kay’s Scotch Lads and Lassies.
Corporal DonMd MacDonald," late of
“Toot Toot,” and now with the Marine
Corps at Camp Fuller, Paoli, Pa, was
the director of a vaudeville show
given by the marines of the camp at
the Grand Opera House,, West Chester,
Pa., Sept. 19. The following appeared:
Corporal MacDonald, Sergeant G.
Shepmoes, Corporals Wallie Lewis, Al-
fred Freund, John P. Eichmiller (with
squad), Ralph C. Shireman, Simrd O.
Hermansen, Hugh N. Bancroft, Pri-
vates Donald Moyer, Earl Smith, Hey-
ward Wever, Harvey Wheeler, John
G. Whittier, Louis Gardner, Louis
• Brown, Jack Hempel and James T.
Shine. Also Miss Bessie Phillips, a
“daughter of the Marines.” Corporal
John P. Eichmiller announce^ and
Private J.1E. Foreman was staged man-
Two concerts were held last week
at Camp Merritt, N. J., under the
auspices of the K. of C., arranged by
V Mrs. Carrie V. King. Those wHo
entertained were: Mme. Mai Kalna,
Ethel Morrison, Amelia Summerville,
“K, C. B.,” Joy Sweet, Lily Sutherland,
Jessie Morris, Ethel MacDonough,
Helen Lyons, Webster Norctoss,
Arthur Carter, Davis Quixano, Mr. and
Mrs. George Spink.
Headed by Tavie Beige the company
of “Fiddlers’ Three” visited a United
States battleship in the harbor last
Sunday afternoon and gave a per-
formance before 700 sailors.
May Irwin made a special trip to
Clayton, N. Y., to give an entertain-
ment Wednesday night for the Red
Keith’s Military Boys’ Band camped
Sunday afternoon in Van Cortlandt
Park with their own equipment, in-
cluding cook tents. One hundred and
fifty were in the detachment under the
direction of W. B. Sleeper, who gives
his special attention to the Keith band,
organized and maintained by A. Paul
Keith and E. F. Albee. The boys gave
a concert during the afternoon.
Sunday evening. Sept. 29, a free per-
formance for men in the Service will
• be ■given by -’-Mead Over-Heels/^-at-the .
Fifty-one wounded marines, _men
who saw service at Chateau Thierry
and are now in the hospitaj at Nor-
folk, Va., were the guests of Otto
Wells and the management of “Flo-
Flo” at the theatre Sept. 18. B^ty
(Continued on page 24.)
(Speaking of Women— mostly)
Lew Kelly at the Columbia this week
may carry his show through on the
strength of his interesting experiences
while, on the other side, which Mr.
Kell^ tells about during the second act.
Thc^show is so bad, it wasn't sur-
prising to see a potatoe thrown over
the footlights Tuesday matinee, while
one these awful .burlesque French-
men was on. Only the splendid
discipline of the house saved the sit-
uation them Mr. Kelly is always
funny, but he is using only the old
The really popular feature Tuesday
at the Columbia was the orchestra's
playing all the important bugle calls
named in turn by the drummer.
Lucille Manion is utterly wasted in
this show. She deserves something
better. Brunet in type with an abun-
dance of personality and a splendid
voice, Miss Manion also possesses that
rare gift- of clothing herself becoming-
ly. A..^)ink silk heavily embroidered
in silver was prettily draped with no
trimming. As an aviator a dull blue
tunic and pants had white leggings
and helmet. There was a blue brocade
cape with mole collar arid cuffs. A
white lace dress had aq emerald green
overdress. ... . .. ,
The chorus, working hard with little
material, wore one costume of note.
As aviators the tights were of tan
with closely fittings Jerseys of a light
shade. Leggings, helmets and gloves
were of leather.
The Palais Royal restaurant has a
floor show which wiii please no maUer
what the mood. You remember pretty
girls- and a riot of color and expensive
mssterials. The girls in the large type
are Rita Lee, Tulle Lindahl, Helen
Herenden, Venita Fitzugh and many
others. There seemed no end of girls.
All the costumes were worth mention-
ing, but they were too numerous. -One
set of silver and gold, used for a
patriotic finale, is too handsome to
“For I remember stopping by the way
To watch a Potter thumping his wet
And with its all obliterated Tongue
It murmured, ‘Gently, Brother,r gently
pray.' "
Those few lines hang over the little
stage of the Martinique Omar Khayam
Room, where Gus Edwards’ new revue
holds forth. Mr. Edwards has put on
too good a show for any one to “pan."
When numbers make you forget the
nice, long, cool drink before you they
must be good. Mercedes Lorenz, one
of the four principal women, loo^
well, and puts over her songs in
. splendid style. Of the several cos-
tumes worn by Miss Lorenz a deep
blue net, made short and trimmed with
tiny ruffles edged in silver, made the
best impression. In a “Parcel Post”
number short pants were covered hy a
tiny skirt in two shades of blue, with
coral velvet ribbons used on the edges.
An Irish number was done in pale
green net, made in points with darker
green velvet for the jacket. There
was also the inevitable high hat.
Kathleen Hichens, Irene Martin and
Eleanor Pierce also liven things along,
and are beautifully gowned. The eight
girls in a camouflage song are uniquely
dressed in chiffon of many shades.
Evtit “the stockings look=^
battleships lying over in the Hudson.
For a cabaret show in dressing it lacks
At the Palace this week the Morton
Family held forth. After intermission
in three -separate acts the Mortons
show they are still there. Clara Mort,
when doing what she calls a "Solo
Songologue,” changes her clothes three •
times. Her first costume was rather
eccentric in as much as the short skirt
was • wori}. over long trousers that
fitted the calves closely. The skirt .
bounded in four rows of brilliants' was
faced in green. A tammie made in
points decorated her long curls. An
Indian costume was in gold cloth with
black poppies. There was also a fan-
tastic soldier suit in blue satin.
Naomi Glass (with Paul Morton)
was prettily dressed in the palest of
green satins mide full of skirts and a
baby waist. A white lace dress made
on the same lines hid a short dancing,
frock of blue chiffon. Of the Mortons
(four) the mother (Kitty) wore a blue
tailored suif with a black velvet hat
trimmed with osprey. Little Martha
Morton, although not very little but
rather tall, with a wealth of auburn
curls was sensibly dressed in a brown
plaid cloth dress. The skirt wSb made
double and pleated and had white
revers. Young Joe . Morton is a well-
set up boy of the smaller type. His
tuxedo fitted perfectly. At the con-
clusion of the turn when the entire
family appeared for the finale it was
a picture to see father, mother and
four dandy children.
The Gardiner Trio opening the Pal-
ace show, do a patriotic finish in white
satin. Frances Renault, dressing as
well as ever, appeared first in a short
fur cape over a dress of bronze se-
quins and lace. His huge hat was
trimmed in osprey. An clJ fashioned
dress was carried out in blue brocade
with a gold lace ruffle. A huge bon-
net was made of tulle. His dress
that drew applause from the huge
audience was of fish scales of silver
with a black velvet mantle. The large
hat was trimmed with yellow para-
Lucille Cavanagh, in a pretty danc-
ing act,, was most elaborately gowned.
Her first dress was lovely in its
simplicity. The first skirt was ankle
length and tight. There was an over
dress . of white net with tiny ruffles
• and the bodice was a short coatlike
effect in white satin. The hat was of
red, turban in shape and trimmed
with feathers of the same shade. An
Indian costume was of silver made
in one straight piece. It was edged at
every seam in black points. For her
last gown Miss Cavanagh choosed yel-
low. The skirt very short was caught
up at one side revealing black lace
trunks. The skirt edged in green had
an orange poppy at the belt. There was
a mauve hat with a blue chin strap.
It was a dress' of many colors but
well blended.
Anna Chandler has come all the way
from the Metropolitan, Brooklyn, to
the American, New York, in the same
- mauve taffeta dress. ,
Lily, of George and Lily Gardner,
was' in red net over white, A good-
looking dress on a large woman was
of a heavy lace made in two flounces,
vyith bodice and side draperies of pink
crystals. The wearer was of Holden
and Herron. . . ,
The girl of McDonald and Cleveland
was in black satin, with front and
back panels of black sequins. A wide
red sash was worn well over the hips.
Dainty little Marie Doro, according
to her own statement, is not the Marie
Doro of old. She claims to have been
reborn about two years ago — a sort
of reincarnation, as it were. Just how
it affects her daily life makes an in-
teresting little tale. Get her to tell
it to you. It's most interesting.
•(Now with the American E. F. *« France, attached to Headquarters Services of
Supply. Before enlisting, Sergt. Hartman was on the New York staff of VARIETY.}
France, Aug. 29.
Four months in France, then what?
Oh, la;' lal
A seven-day leave. Sure, there’s the
grouch who says he’s been over for
nine months and hasn’t had one yet.
He’s out of luck.
They take off the privilege every
how and then when they think there
is too much work to be* done and you
can’t be spared, but be up and awake
and when the time is ripe get in the
old document and get away while the
getting is good and enjoy one whole
week at Aix Les Bains, the hub of the
Savoie leave area for A. E. F. troops
in France.
It’s the biggest hand-out of trip to
France, and Uncle himself is doing the
trick. He has a representative at the
station* to meet you, and within half
an hour after arrival you are ittstalled
in a real “three squares” a day hotel,
with a room for you and your Buddy
(you always want to have Bud along
to share in the fun), with real beds
with sheets and everything. “Good-
night I This layout will put the bank-
roll in the morgue,” flashes through
your mind. But, -fto, the old bankroll
of Uncle Sam is there to prevent- this,
and for seven delicious nights you
slumber between sheets and eat break-
fast at the hour you desire.
What could be sweeter in a soldier’s
Not a bugle is sounded and not a '
formation to be stood. And do you
eat those meals? ' Well, now, ask the
doughboy from the line or the_ mule-
skinner from the S. O. S. (Services of
They are French, but then there is
plenty to them, and the lack of neces-
sity for a mess kit with no washing
after is one joyous thrill.
“What are we going to find to do
for seven days?" is a question that
crops up that first morning after the
old clock has crept around to ten and
you are devouring your eufs sur le plat
(fried eggs), avec chocolate et du pain
(bread). There’s a fellow there whose
time is about up and. he is going back
toute de suite. He knows the ropes,
and the first advice given is to visit
the Y. M. C. A. Aw, say, is that all
we get in this place? Take his advice
anyway even if you have spent many
a night in the Y. M. C. A. hut back in
It’s the surprise of your life when
you strike this one. Sure, you look
for a hut, but none is to be found.
Say, bo, where is this Y. M_. C. ^A.
they talk about? “There it is in front
of you, greeny.” Wow! No? That
swell joint? Gee, look at _me hobs
(hob-n^il shoes at present in vogue
with the younger men in France). Did
you get a flash at the J[ane who just
went in? She was talking American,
too. Let’s take a chance.
This very building, which has been
taken 'over by the Y. M. C. A., is the
•famous Casino of Aix Les Bains, far
famed as a second Monte Carlo. It is
one the most beautiful buildings of its
kind on the continent and easily one
of the most complete in every detail.
It has a theatre, ball, lounging and
billiard rooms, with numerous little
ins and outs.
What is the soldier to do in the day-
time? That’s the Y.^ M. C. A.’s job,
and they have taken it in hand in the
right way; -There is never a
moment. Innumerable places of in-
terest around Aix and trips are on tap
for those that wish to go. Then there
is that light amber fluid so appealing
in long glasses, which, although not
sold in the Y. M. C. A., abounds in the
many attractive French cafes. Although
said fluid is tres cher pur les soldates
it is tres necessaire to make a vaca--
tion complete.
After you hatf^e climbed the heights
to the Cat’s Tooth, taken a swim in
Lac Bourget or visited Mount Revard
via the cog railway you are ready for
(Continued on page 21.)
The extracts below are from letters
received at the Little Theatre head-
quarters of America’s Over There The-
atre League. .
The entertainers are with units sent
over by the League to entertain our
boys in France :
Margaret Mayo and Amparito Far-
rar, writing for the entertainers, and
Sergeant H. E. Vermilye, expressing
the appreciation of the American fight-
ing men for the. work which is being
done for them, emphasize the need for
volunteers from the stage in even-
greater numbers than before.
“Already two of the units have vis-
ited us,” writes Sergeant Vermilye,
attached to S. S. .If, 650, U. S. A. Am?
bulance Service with the A. E. F. “The
first was Will Cresspr’s outfit, and they
went over- big— particularly little Helen
Davis. Billy Gould’s company was the
other, and they too made an enormous
hit. Perhaps Renee Dietrich (Wright
and Dietrich) walked away with most
of the honors; the men simply couldn't
get enough of her. Each member of
both units, however, received a mighty
storm of applause.
"Probably you good people at home
don’t quite know what a boon this sort
of thing is. You would though, had
you listened, for months to ambitious
and well-meaning people who love to
recite “Verdun’ and other cheerful
morsels, and whose idea of a rare
treat is to sing consecutively the na-
tional anthems of the United States,
Great Britain and- France— which, as
you realize* does pall a bit. The only
thing that saved us from the Italian’s
hymn is that it’s too difficult for most
singers to attack. '
“When Mr. Cressy told us that they
were the advance guard of a mighty
army of real American actors and ex-
plained about the meeting at the Pal-
ace theatre, New York, the men
Miss Farrar, the celebrated concert'
soprano, insists that American enter-
(Continued on page 21, Col. 4.)
France, Aug. 6.
Dear Harry:
Received your lengthy and very in-
teresting letter of July ISth and was
very glad indeed to hear from you. It
certainly is a great pleasure to get a
letter from home. The mail nowa-
days is a little better than it has been
in the past, but even so it does not
come often enough for us. .Each and
every one of us look anxiously every
day for mail of some sort*.
All I have done in the past two
weeks is two hours gas alarm duty.
This is strenuous work. A fellow must
be on the alert every minute. In the
daytime we have bunk fatigue.
You ask in your letter why I could
not tel! you more in my letters. If
you will look on the outside of the
envelope containing this letter, you
will understand just why I cannot
write more. You will find the- follow-
ing words plainly printed: “I certify
on my honor that the contents of this
envelope refer to nothing but private
and family matters.” Being put on
-my honor, you can readily see that I
cannot do otherwise than abide by
the terms and conditions of the Army
(Continued on page 21, Col. 3.)
Low Kelly was in London tor two seasons.
Ho wont across to go Into an Albert De Cour-
vlllo revue at the Empire, and subseauontly
played the halls. Last out hero ho was fea-
tured In Jack Singer’s "Hello New York,”
which had a summer run at the Columbia.
Last season the spot on the wheel was held
by the Lon Hascall show, which Is now filled
by the now Lew Kelly Show.
Mr. Singer has furniahed Kelly with -very
high grade support and a clean, colorful pro-
duction, but there was no serious attempt to
give him new material. There are several
exceptions in the new show, hut for the main
Kelly is doing bits and lines with which bur-
lesque patrons are as inUniate as bo is. As
dO per cent, of burlesque patronage are
regulars it is a question as to whether some
criticism from that quarter will not be niade.
It was no test at the Columbia Tuesday night
when the crowd slowly filtered In until there
was over capacity. They laughed and laughed
a lot, in fact appeared to reap as much en-
joyment as from anything on the wheel. But
the Columbia draws a bigger percentage of
floaters than the average burlesque house.
At that the Kelly show for the first four-
fifths of the way totes a heavy batting aver-
age and turnlshes as good entertainment as
the average musical attraction, which Is
about (bo standard set by the first wheel. The
show. 1.0 programed as presented in nine In-
nlngs\ After the first, session It loses all plot
and sticks to bits and business.
Lew enters as the familiar professor dope
plus the green spot halo which Is shelved after
the entrance, and explains "I’m the f^ibw
who thinks he’s mo but he’s not.” He '%ad
Just been run over by an auto but wasil’t
hurt, because he was under a bridge,” and
“Roger” stuck around too. Yet they laughed,
liking the familiar bits more for the way
they were handled than for what they are.
The entire first act ran along excellently,
carried along at.' a tempo that was admlmble.
Perhaps Vio Casmore has some credit coming
for that, he being the stage manager. He also
accounted for a French role very cleverly •.
carried out and some bits Ipter on. The
first “inning” ran tor an even hour, the sec-
ond section of the show the balance of the
It' was long after the second act started
that ' Kelly appeared In “one,” straight, lor
the first time in burlesque, to talk about things
over there and some of his experiences. Lew
talked for ten minutes and went over with
a bang. £ good deal of bis talk was whole-
heartedly patriotic and ended with an ex-
pression of our determination to beat the
Hun. Lew said that when he reached Lon-
don It was In the imdst of an air raid, and
ns there were moonlight nights, that sort of
thing kept up lor several weeks. Every time
he went out he was chased Into a cellar,
for if the Hun bombs didn’t get you, anti-
aircraft shrapnel might 'He thought be
knew every cobweb In London, but lived on
in the hope that he might be chased into a
wine cellar.
That was one of the new bits, and another
was a short travesty on the “Thirteenth
Chair.” Kelly gave a short synopsis of the
plot -of the actual play, 'so that those who
hadn’t seen It would know what they were
trying to do. Rather a good idea. The bur-
'-lesque itself wasn’t so hefty, but does well
Chief aid to the Kelly proceedings and the
'Other featured member of "the cast is Lucille
Manlon, who last season was with ‘”The
Behman Show.” Developing rapidly within
the last few seasons. Miss .Manlon Is now to
be classed as one of the neatest and nicest
appearing women In burlesque. She de-
livers numbers with dispatch, and few can
equal her in handling lines. Song numbers
artrnot the feature of the Kelly show, but
Miss Manlon. come through with the first
scoring song,' It being “Smiles.” Me, too,
bad an inning all alone, doing "Qood for
Nothing,” followed by two recitations. One
was a parody on “Qonga Dbln,” supposed
to have been 'Ivritten by an American ambu- -
lance driver and brought back by Kell^ The
other was “The World’s Series” In Berlin,
by Fred McCloy, the Columbia manager. She
also lead the first act finale, “Dixieland In
Prance,” the best staged number In the show.
Of next Importance are Leona Earl and Bon
Mulvey, who largely worked together. They
sent over “Wonderful Baby” by Injecting
some lusty loving and kissing, the business
being funny and cleverly carried out. They
also had a dance number, there being very
little stopping, by the way. Jack Homnh
handled a number of bite, nil being done well.
The chorus Is above the average, the toller
girls including several very good lookers,
and there ate a good singing bunch, too. Mr.
Blngor has 'provided good looking duds— not
perhaps so plentiful as In some shows, but
enough, and at all times the chorus Is neat
and attractive. There are two full stage
sets, the first being well painted and the sec-
ond being a natural picture with the Third
Avo. “L” overhead, that some New Yorkers
away from home will get homesick when they
Jamp It.
” TowBrus TO flhlffi ' a 'choTO h Went '
over for a hit, filling a gap fully In a position
which can carry more heft. Keliy got back
Into his old character for a few additional
laughs. One came after Instructions to a
waiter to go out and build an airplane out
of a lot of paper— fly-paper, hew explained.
Earlier ho had a comical bit with Miss
Manlon on the breeding of automobiles.
At the Intermission the house orchestra
caught the house with faithful Impressions of
bugle calls, the drummer announcing tho
purpose of each. Reveille and pay days calls
won laughs. Lq^
Tho Kelly show Is fast, good entertainment, ,
and there Isn’t a blue line at any time. The At th<
familiar bits shouldn’t Interfere, for Kelly fihrni
has been away. For next season new ma-
terlal will be In line, but for tho current tour sever
the Kelly name backed by show and cast
should turn' a nice profit. • Jbee. very
- — — Dacrt
“The Mischief Makers” (American Wheel), enter
sponsored by F. W. Gerhardy, at the Olympic o
last week, may sound a bk coarse, but for the
most part it Is clean. A pretty fair bunch of. Camp
chorus girls, With several outshining the servic
others. One girl seemed a bear for stepping xaprr-
a la buck negro fashion, but the threads at- "
tached to the upper part of her bodice were intyr
more down than up. This girl alstr kept grab- in-lav
bing at the upper part of her stocklngg' and terfiel
it doesn’t fit In tbe general ensemble fitness, -i- ^
Another revealed a sweet, sympathetic soprano vauui
voice and she was recalled for an encore. Dacrc
On dressing Qerhardy’s outfit stacks up the d
well, the number of changes not being as ' j /
many and varied as with some of tfie other “ ^ *
organizations, but sulflciently attractive to re- Lou
ceive commendation. The number with the pied
girls representing different phases of the In- fp-nni
xlustrial Jobs women are doing was well con-
celved. throh
Scenlcally what sets are employed for the was a
two parts answer tho purposes.
In "blt^’ the first part sagged, due to the xviols*
unnecessary length of several. Jvuss
The program says the book, music, lyrics, perfol
dances and everything In tbd entire show are ferenl
the work of Joe Wilton. Wlltop was with the v.
same show last season and to make that cer-
tain he announces In a song he wrote the show verse.
thATI nlnVA/1 ^'afrolcrh# ** hiif ♦Ka Tm *
Louie Dacre died Saturday, Sept.. 21,
at the Sloane Hospital, New York, of
fibrous tumor. She had been suffering
severely since Sept. 1, and has been
very ill for a year or more. Miss
Dacre entered the hospital about three
weeks ago to secure relief but without
entertaining much hope.
Services were held Tuesday in the
Campbell Chapel, with Episcopalian
services. The funeral arrangements
were taken in charge by James Mc-
Intyre (McIntyre and Heath), father-
in-law of the deceased. Henry Ches-
terfield, representing the National
Vaudeville Artists, of which Miss
Dacre was a^member, paid tribq<-e to
the dead woman. Many , professionals
and friends attended the services.
Louie Dacre for many years occu-
pied a position all her own in bur-
lesque. She was known and famed
throughout the circuits and in her day
was a distinct drawing attraction. Of
talent and quite some personal charm.
Miss Dacre made herself felt in any
performance. She contributed at dif-
ferent times many writings of her own
to Varibtt. Several of these were in
and. then played "straight," but making tho
sldelyheel comics, Joe Freed and George Hart
earn their money. I
Wilton does well entugh, having a good
stage appearance, but using too much of the'
rough attitude toward. all of the other prin-
cipals. Freed has improved his comedy efforts.
He was with Wilton last ' season and now
works to better advantage. Hart acquits him-
self creditably, but seemed content at times to
let Freed handle all tbe comedy.
Johnny Crosby Is doing a “wop” character
and also a “dope” in the second part. Crosby
may know little about "lines,” but when warb-
ling a ballad alone be Is there.
Of the women, Mable Clark Is back, but
keeping herself wUbln bounds. Even In tbe
finale of tbq second part when she flashed her
’ "flgger” In full tights, she kept as decorous
'was possible. Mabel Lee Is rather viva-
cious and displayed herself In different out-
fits of tights of resplendent colors,./
Gerhardy persists In laying partiralar stress
on the program as to bis “Paprika Cborus.”
As tbe most natural voice was that shown by
one of tbe cborus girls, Rene Vivienne, sbe Is
entrusted wltb tbe prima donna work and
handled her numbers with credltr-Ebo also
took time to demonstrate a nifty shape for a
woman of Amazonian type. '
Wilton has worked in a "bit” of a serious
nature with attention vividly directed on the
waK with two principals dressed as a soldier
and nurse, respectively. It doesn’t fit In bur-
lesque but these are war times. But it stirs
up patriotism through the unaffected way that
the two characters are Impersonated.
It Is not tbe best show on the wheel. Neither
Is It tho worst. It strikes a sufficiently happy
medium to hold Its own with the' majority,
With the business getting worse
each recurring week at the National
Winter Garden, the American Bur-
lesque Association heads and the
Minsky Brothers, operating the Gar-
den, mutually agreed to discontinue
the American bookings there after
,Qct. 12. Stock will be resumed.
None of the American shows has
played to profit since the house start-
ed burlesque early in August.
Another theatre may be added, one
adjacent to New York, but for the
present the dropping of the Garden
will put a week’s layoff on the cir-
A vaudeville act has been formed by
Lon Hascall and Johnny Johnston.
Mr. Hascall for several years was
a feature in burlesque, leaving it after
last season when he headed one of- the
Jack Singer shows,
In private life Miss Dacre was Mrs,
William J. McIntyre, Her husband is'
now with “Paris by Night” (American
burlesque wheel). Following her mar'^
riage Mrs. McIntyre started a suit for
alienation of affections against her
husband's father, but the case never
reached trial.
The deceased was around SO years of
age. ,
James E. Cooper and Billy Wells af-
ter a tour of their shows made a num-
ber of changes in the casts. In “The
Trail Hitters,” Vic Plant has replaced
Johnny Weber and Jack Dempsey is
doing Charles Edwards’ work. George
Brennan is now in “A Mile a Minute,”
replacing Burt Scott. Elmer Tenley’s
part in the "Sight Seers” is being
played by J. Karney. George Slocum
has replaced Meyer Harrie in “Paris
By Night” (Ed. F. Rush’s show). In
the "Blue Birds” Evelyn Ferriss re-
places Sedal Bennett.
Marjorie Hilton will join “High
Fliers,” replacing Grace Howard.
Feiber & Shea's Sunday Film in Ohio.
Although other theatrical interests
ipay continue the Sunday show plan
m Ohio, the Feiber & Shea offices have
decided that none of their Ohioan
holdings will attempt any perform-
ances on the Sabbath, but instead will
ofifer straight picture shows.
Musical Players at Grand, Columbus.
Columbus, O., Sept. 2S.
The Musical Players at the Grand
are playing their fifth week. They are
putting on "Three Twins.” This makes
the 17th consecutive week in Colum-
bus, as they played 12 weeks at a
summer park in the suburbs.
Syracuse, N. Y., Sept, 2S.
The largest painted Liberty Loan
sign in the United States is on the
north wall of the new Keith Theatre
building in S. Salina street.
Fifty by 80 feet of wfill space is
covered by a reproduction ofthe iLib-
erty Loan poster that won the $1,000
prize in the New York Art League
Owing to the Spanish influenza epi-
demic whiiih has gripped the different
army cantonments and camps in the
east the American burlesque shows
are passing up their regularly sched-
uled dates for the Dix Theatre,
Wrightstown, N. J,, owing to the
quarantine which has been placed on
^^p Dix and adjacent territory .
Another vaudeville road show for the
camps is proposed by Jack Shea, start-
ing Oct. 17 at Camp Dix, N. J., accord-
ing to his present plan. /
“Loveland” with 14 girls will be in it,
also Master George Dewey, the Ad-
miral’s grandson, who will head the
ttipupe with Sherman and DeForrest.
As quickly as. possible the Executive
heads of the American' Burlesque As-
sociation are ordering changes in the
shows that on their first eastern ap-
pearance have failed to measure up to
the standard set by the circuit.
One of the first was the T. W. Din-
kins’ show, “Innocent Maidens,” with
others now instructed to strengthen
and.4niprove without delay. Morris
■Wainstock’s “Military Maids” is under
censorship, with 'Wainstock instructed
to change his entire first part and also
make at least two changes in his prill-
James E. (Bluch) Cooper’s “Trail
Hitters," which had the title of “Army
and Navy Girls” last season, is also
under reorganization, the scenery and
costume, however, reported as being
Several changes have been volun-
tarily made .-in Ed. F. Rush's show,
“Paris By Night."
Owing to financial troubles and in-
ability to l>ay salaries the last of the
stock burlesque companies organized
by. Charles Gramlich, also credited
with having written the pieces and
staged them, which have been at the
Warburton, Yonkers, now closed, and
at the 14th Street, New York, is wind-
ing up its unsuccessful organization
this week. The withdrawal of Gram-
lich from producing does not mean
the closmg of the 14th Street, which
is under lease to the Feldman Amuse-
ment Co. (Nick Feldman, general di-
rector). The stock policy will be con-
tinued there, with a new company,
headed by Leo Stevens next week.
The Stevens company, including
Gertie DeMilt, May Leavitt^nd others
will be under the management of Fdd-
The American Burlesque Associa-
tion now. has quite a compiled list of
show reports on many of its ' travel-
ing troupes, the “unknown censor”
having 'just Completed a tour of the
west and northwest, looking over the
shows and reporting accordingly.
Just who the censor is the American
offices will not reveal, but some of tbe
producing managers have an idea as to
the identity of the man giving their
shows the “official close up.”
John Francis Conway, featured with
“Liberty Girls,” is in the second draft
call, age 40.
No, I never cared about taking orders
And so I drifted across qur borders,
I landed once down In Mexico,
’Twas sure no place for a Yank to go—
With Its sagebrush, cactus, heat and sand.
They ought to name It “No Man’s Land.”
I found the Hun there, be hated a Yank,
He taught the Oreaserp -we were rotten, rank,
But I didn’t pay much attention.
Then later on at Mission Inn,
A wonderful^ quaint hotel, sans din,-
At Riverside, In that grand old stats
Made famous by Its Golden Gate —
IT culls Its guests from everywhere,
French, English, Russian, Hun were therei
When the Hun said we were Just plal i punk
I began to think that be was -a skunk,
’Though I didn’t pay much attention.
But when I arrived In Edmonton,
Way up north near tho midnight sun.
And found that instead of Canadian
Land owners were Hun and Austrian—
Who were getting rich from the Wheat up
While Canueks were fighting In Franco some-
I began to think that I’d been a blank
For the Hun even there taught hatred of Tank,
And I be^
Now I’m back In my own UNITED STATES,
And I'm praying that wo can close tbe gates
Of the land, the air and the sea to tho swine
Who boasts of his Kaiser, his beer and the
I’m happy, I’m glad, I’m giving thanks
'That my homo’s where It Is, GOD bless my
If my country needs me now, or next fall.
You’ll find me there at that old roll call,
.And you bet I’ll pay attention. i
• ;■ • , t-'-f ‘■-'■'■'sc.' 'y , •'■J.w'-" v ;■» T ’
7.>; :.C3
TitaM Saaare
Trade M^k Reslstiered
Pabllshed WeeUy by
TABIBrr, bi«.
Slme SilTeman. President
N«w Tork
Advertising copy for current issue will be
acoepted at the Mew York office up to Wednes-
day night.
. Advertisements sent by mall should be ac-
companled by r emittance.
Annual... |4 Foreign. |6
Single C^les, 10 cents
&tered as second class matter December 22,
1905, at tbs l^t Office at New York, New
York, under the Act of March 3, 1879.
Cohan & Harris have sold the
Australian . rights to “Three Faces
East” to J. C. Williamson,
Jos. Eckle is booking tl?e Majestic,
Albany, N. Y. It plays five abts on a
-split week policy.
Benny Leonard will stage the mu-
sical numbers for the burlesque stock
at^ the Crescent, Brooklyn.
Tunis Dean} has been appointed man-
ager of “Tiger Rose,” which opens a
four weeks’ engagement in Philadel-
phia, starting Sept. 30.
The Portland, Portland, Me., has re-
turned to the three-a-day vaudeville
policy, after a trial of the continuous
during the past month.
May Tully is reported having gone
to South America some time ago on a
business trip connected with the-
atricals, besides another mission.
Although handling the management
of the Riveria for the Shuberts Charles
A. Burt is continuing his booking
office in the Longacre Building.
.'A. letter in The Forum of Variety
last week signed “Ward” should have
been signed Nord (formerly of Francis
and Nord).
A1 Leichter is booking the Sunday
concerts at the Crescent, Brooklyn,
starting this week. Six acts make up
the bill.
Bill Love and Mike Manton have
taken out a road company of “Flo
Flo," scheduled to play southern
Tho Stage Women’s War Relief
Committee has elected Shelly Hull
to a position on it. Mr. Hull will rep-
resent the Actors’ Equity Association.
Rose Mullaney, regarded as one of
the best informed persons in dramatic
agency circles, has resigned from
Chamberlain Brown’s office.
■ \ ' '
Schlesinger will take out a road pro-
duction of “The Blue Pearl," with dates
tentatively marked ih through the
Shubert houses.
AI~RydeII, former ticket-taker at
Keith’s Royal, Bronx, is at the Alham-
bra in the same capacity after a vaca-
tion of three months.
Frank Fay will remain with “The
Passing Show” and has taken back
his notice, receiving a play or pay con-
trace for three years.
Andrew Toombes and Rena Parker
have again returned to their principal
roles in John Cort’s “No. 1” “Flo Flo,”
in Philadelphia this week.
Having withstood following
the lead of nearly all papers and
< periodicals in increasing the
sales price up to the present .
Variety, as the other papers did,
has found it necessary to raise
the newstand price, to IS cents
commencing with the issue of
.October 11. From that date on-
ward its subscription' will be
domestic, annually, and $7 for-
eign (including Canada).
Until October 11 the present
newsstand price of 10. cents will
Ibe in effect, also the present sub-
scriptions—^, domestic, annually
and $5 foreign (including
with and after the issue of
Oct. 25th.^
Following the regulations and'
suggestions of the War Indus-
tries Board, issued at Wasliing-
ton and applicable to idl papers
other than- dailies, to conserve
the paper supply (these regula-
tions also limiting all papers
other than dailies to a definite
yearly allotment, based on pre-
vious usage, with si reduction of
10 per cent, of the quantity used
by each paper for the past year)
Variety will be non-returnable.
The return privilege to news
companies and dealers has been
extended without restriction by
the theatrical trade press. It
was necessary in part owing to
the continuous floating circula-
tion a theatrical 'paper enjoys.
It is a hardship upOn a theatrical
paper to cut off the return privi-
lege, which means that the news
companies and news dealers will
only order that quantity they are
certain they can dispose of. Un-
sold copies Cannot be returned
after October 25.
It may inconvenience readers
of Variety who will want tho
paper. If permanently located
an order should be placed for
regular delivery of Variety to
you by your news dealer.
The most certain way after
petober 25 is to subscribe. Tlfe
paper will be mailed to a perma-
nent address or en route.
Subscriptions will be accepted
at the present subscription rates
up to October 11. The domestic
rate, $4 yearly, allows a reader
to secure the paper at a price
that averages weekly below the
current newsstand price of 10
The regulations of the War
Industries Board, besides pro- -
viding for other savings in^paper,
calls upon all papers to abolish
any free list and to limit sub-
scriptions to those only paid in
advance, whether new or re-
newals. '
The Strand, Raleigh, N. C, opens its
season of vaudeville Oct. 7, with five
acts on a split week placed through
Jule Delmar in the United Booking
“The Bird of Paradise” at the Alvin,
Pittsburgh, last week, drew over $J3,-
000. This is the eighth season for the
“Bird” and its seventh visit in Pitts-
The Liber^ and Gordon Square' the-
atres, Cleveland, are backed by M.
Shea of the Shea-Brandt Agency, that
city. . John H. McCarren is the New
York representative.
Four treasurers lost in four weeks
via Draft is the record of the Baker
theatre, Dover, N. J., managed by Pete
Woodhull. The Baker now has a
woman in charge of the box office.
Oliver T. Bailey has placed a new
play in rehearsal, entitled “A Stitch in
Time,” which he proposes to bring out
at once in New York during his Fulton
Theatre administration.
“Miss Blue Ey^ (Harvey D. Orr,
manager), with cast recruited in New
York by the Matt Grdu offices, makes
its premiere at the Trent, Trenton,
Sept. 27.
Robert Fulgbra, in England for sev-
eral seasons, has< been booked to ap-
pear in that country until 1921, with
but six open weeks between now and
Rosie Rosenblatt, formerly in the
Public Service ticket agency, arid late-
ly of the Broadway Theatre Ticket
Company, is now assistant treasurer
of the new Central.
Jack Osterman--(son of Jake Rosen-
thal and Katheryri Osterman) has been
commissioned by Florrie Millership to
write a new act for her vaudeville tour
next season. Miss Millership is now
singing three-of Osterman’s songs.
. Tho six story and basement building
at 3S3-3SS West 48th street has been
leased by the Shuberts for ten years
from James P. Kennedy. The lease
calls for a total of $65,000. James J.
Etchin'gh negotiated the lease.
A Chicago firm is bringing its new
production of “The Brute of Berlin”
into eastern territory, having heard
that the pickings since the start of
the season has been good for war
shows. '
Tho Vrestern company cri'ganized to
play “Three Faces East” opens in Buf-
falo, Oct. 7, for a week and then jumps
to Chicago for a run at the Olytripic.
Lillian Tucker will have the leading
female role.
Thomas Oliphant, ahead of “Getting
Together” under the auspices of the
British-Canadian Recruiting Mission
for the past few weeks, has resumed
his position as dramatic editor of the
“Evening Mail.”
The Park, Stapleton, S. I., starts a
vaudeville policy next week, playing
five acts on a split week, booked by
Fally Markus. Mr. Markus is taking
over the Strand, White Plains, N. Y.,
,and will probably play vaudeville in it.
Judge J. L. Carleton, St. Johns, N. B,,
has been awarded the $500 prize in the
Canadian play contest inaugurated by
George F. Driscoll, manager of^ His
Majesty’s, Montreal. The play is to
be, produced in November. The title
is “The Crimson Wing.”
The circus which Perry and Gorman
are putting on for the United States
Government to make a 16-week ^
of tfi^ Uibef ty' cifeuif
its opening until Dec. 12, due to the
quarantine on the camps from the
Spanish influenza epidemic.
“Three ' Wise Men,” the Austin
Strong comedy Smith & Golden are
producing, will have its out-of-town
premiere at Hartford Oct. 14. Edwin
Arden, Claude Gillingpvater, Charles
Variety Will Maintain a Permanent
List of Artists Who Have Gone
Overseas as Members of America’s
Over There Theatre League Units
to Entertain the American Expe-
ditionary Forces In France. Ad-
ditions to the List Will Be Made
After Each Succeeding Unit Sails.
The Name of Teams are Printed
First, Followed by Individuals in
Alphabetical Order.
Recent Departures Are Indicated by
* After Names.
MARY McFarland and
MARIE McFarland
Lait and Helen Menken arc in the
Incoming reports from show.s from
the States indicate Canadian territory
has started out nicely, with the girly
shows getting the biggest play. In two
stands in particular a certain show
,4i4-gr^:tes-bu^^ than it lUd on it.<?
engagements there last season.
A comedy, entitled . “Irene O’Dare,”
which Cohan & Harris tried out in
Stamford last spring, has been defi-
nitely shelved in its present form.
It may be made into a tmisical play
for next season. Louis Hirsh will com-
pose the score.
Of &l^l> A
irf»^»'"*ii< ‘J^ i'»*i ?» ’m^[i! hl\“‘,'M»
.''',' Vi"'a.‘.J;-Vt,
Broadway’s Side Street $2 Theatres Suffering from Four Full
Lightless Nights Weekly. Pr^erOpenmg Hour Each
Night for Lights.' Plan Economical for
Conservation Through Actual Time
Saving. Strangers Only
Know Broadway.
\ With the new theatrical season ap-
proaching full stride, an appeal for
what is considered a more equitable
ruling on the four lightless nights
^ order has taken form. The reason-
ableness of the suggestions made may
lead to the: matter being handled vig-
orously through the United Managers’
Protective Association.
The most important change advo-
cated is that instead of theatre electric
signs being permitted to burn with
other signs for four or five hours on
Friday, Saturday and Sunday only, to
permit the theatre signs to be illumin-
ated for one hour or for ah hour and
a quarter at show time — ^7.30 to 8.4S—
on each evening, in exchange for the
long showings on the three week-end
Such a plan would not only help the
, theatres but would act as /a force for
.^further fuel conservation over the
present order. The hourly illumina-
tion nightly would entail the lighting
of signs but seven hours weekly as
compared with a minimum of 12 hours
weekly allowed at present (four hours
nightly for three' nights).
Complaint of the present order and
suggestions for a correction comes
mostly from managers'of houses situ-
ated on adjacent streets and managers
of attractions in those houses', rather
than from theatres located directly on
Broadway, the latter being of ihe
lesser number.
There is considerable truth in the
claim side street houses are handi-
capped by dark exteriors. Broadway
draws a healthy percentage of its
business from visitors, and that class
of patrons is not acquainted with the
'exact location of theatres off Broad-
way. The suggestion of nightly il-
lumination is acceptable to managers
of all houses, except where pictures
are exhibited on a two-show nightly
basis. Those houses are in the very
small minority as far as the Times
square district is concerned.
The suggestion has been made that
an appeal be made to the Fuel Ad-
ministratioti to place theatre sighs
outside the class of non-essential ad-
vertising, into which class are all out-
door electric signs. Managers say
that other industries are permitted to
use all the light and power necessary
even during the daytime, and as elec-
tric signs are essential to the theatre
during the opening hour, the order
should be changed.
The managers do not seek to change
the order on the advertising signs
which allows them to be illuminated
for the latter end of the week. They
. :3ay -the niatter of-eontrolling the :the--
atre signs and limiting them nightly
to the admittance hour can be easily
regulated by outfitting the signs with
clock switches, which would auto-
matically shut off current at 8.4S.
Detr^oit, Sept. 25.
H. Somerville, manager of the Drury
Lane Theatre here, has solved the
lightless nights by the use of Ptesto
tanks, which enables him to burn four
arcs outside.
, Adolf Philippi inaugurated his season
of dramatic and musical stock in Eng-
lish at the Yorkville Tue'sday evening
with a production of “Tell That to the
Marines,” a comedy drama by himself
and Edward A. Paulton. During the
season he will present the following
plays : “A Kiss in the Dark,” musical
farce by James Watson, music by Ar-
thur Gunning; “A Joyride,” farce in
three acts from the French by Eduard
Rlgaut; “Miles from Nowhere,” farce
comedy by Philipp and Paulton;
“Tainted Money,” a play by Alfonse
Duchois ; “Three Good Things” ; com-
edy by Philipp; “Sh, It's a Secret,”
farce comedy from the French by
Emile Barbou; “Fie-Fie-Fi-Fi,” mu-
sical comedy by Philipp and Paulton;
“It Haifpens Every Day,” play by Paul
He has the house on a percentage
arrangement with Marcus Lopw.
Tl\e Arthur Pearson production of
“Yours" Truly," played briefly last
spring with a Chicago showing in-
cluded, is to be revived next month by
the producer, under the new- title of
(“Marry A Girl.”
Negotiations are on for Cecil Lean
and Cleo Mayfield to head the show,
with Harold Orlob and Otto Haurbach
concerned in the rewriting of it.
T. Roy Barnes was the featured
member, book by Tommy Gray, when
first produced. Thq, piece is reported
representing about $36,000 to Mr. Pear-
son to date.
William A. Brady, Ltd.,' has in re-
hearsal a piece called “Peter’s
Mother,” by Mrs. Henry de la Pasture.
It is an English comedy that ran 700
nights in London, with Marion Terry
in the leading role. /
In the cast are Lumsden Hare, He-
lene Johnson, Phillip , Tong, Gypsy
Chicago, Sept. 25.
Grace Valentine has been the life-
saver in the publicity line for the local
engagement of “Lombardi, Ltd.” Last
Sunday Percy Hammond gave her
pretty face the entire “layout” for the
week) and A.^hton Stevens devoted his
entire Sunday article to the fair
Mis:! Valentine became immensely
popular here, in the long “Help
Wanted” run.
Sept. 30 has been set as the date for
• |he-<>penjng of -‘®en Hur’" 3t- the -Lex»-
ington. Rehearsals are now under way
since last week. Robert W. Frazer
will take the role of Ben i Hur this
year, with William Wagoner and
Walter Sherman playing Messala and
Simonides. Virginia Howell, Mildred
Bright, Mabel Montgomery; Stella
Boniface Weaver and Ann Reader are
also in the cast.
Providence, R. I., Sept. 25.
Bill Sunday, accompanied by “Ma”
Sunday and the rest of the Sunday
staff, arrived in Providence Saturday,
and “Billy” opened his six-week cam-
paign here at the tabernacle Sunday,
when he put forth some of His usual
hot shots in three spicy sermons be-
fore tens of thousands.
The city turned out to welcome him
and he smiled and said .“God Bless
You” to everybody he shook hands
with. He will be here six weeks and
-theatrical managers are now awaiting
to see what effect his campaign is to
h^ve on their attendance figures and
cash receipts.
Bill has hit the Germans, the sins
of society, the painted faced dolls of
the city, the slackers- and unpatriotic
and about everybody he can think of
so far, as yet has not hit the play-
hou^s although perhaps he didn’t
hear about th^Salome dance in "Miss .
I Don’t Know'” at the Shubert Maj-
estic last week. \
$3,000 FOR ONE JUMP.
" It will cost Elliott, Comstock & Gest
$3,000 to bring their “Wanderer” com-
pany from Wisconsin, to fill in time at
the Manhattan Opera House, opening
next Monday, for four weeks. David
Warfield in “The Auctioneer” will fol-
low “The Wanderer.” --
“Tiger Rose,” the Belasco show, now
at the Manhattan, closing this week for
its month’s stay, has done a lesser busi-
ness than during its closing weeks at
the Lyceum.
Alexander A. Aarons’ suit against
H. H. Frazee concerning the latter’s
alleged infringement on the Australian*
rights to Fred Jackson’s “A Full
House” came up before Justice Phil-
bin in the Supreme Court Monday."
Frazee’s application to open the
default and defend the action, filed .
through his attorney, Leon Laski, was
granted. Judge Philbin directed Frazee
-to furnish a surety company bpnd to
secure judgment which might be
entered against hiip, as requested by
the plaintiff’s counsel, Henry J. &
Frederick E. Goldsmith.
The action is a result of Aaron’s
allegations that Frazee sold the
Australian rights to Hugh Ward for
$3,500 without consulting Aarons; who
alleges he only is the owner of the
world’s rights to the farce, having
previously sold to Frazee the United
States and Canadian territory.
“Listen Lester,” John Cort’s third
musical play thus far this season and
known earlier as “All for You” and
“Mile. Flirt,” vnll open in Washington,
Oct. 14.
The cast holds Emma Carus, Ger-
trude Vanderbilt, Clifton Webb, Scott
Welch. Eddie Garvie, Ruth Maybe,
Ethel Boyd, Savo and Cook.
Concerned in the authorship are
George Stoddard, Harry Cort and
Harold Orlop. Max Figman is staging
the production, and Edward Marks is
putting on the dances.. *
Rabbi and Priest Characters.
“His Little Brother," the first of
several plays listed for production by
Walter Hast, is scheduled to open in
Buffalo, Oct. *7. The leads are Walker
Whitesides and Tyrone Power, who
play a rabbi and a priest respectively.
The cast also includes Edith Lattimer
and Sam Sidman.
District Attorney Swann and assist-
ants Tally and Kilroe bdgan investi-
gating theatre ticket speculators Mon-
day, calling many “specs” to head-
quarters by summons.
The ticket men ^^cre kept waiting
from' one o’clock until 4.45 and then
appeared before the district attornej^
in a body. Mr. Swann administered
a severe lecture telling the men that
they should be in the army instead
of profiteering in tickets. This brought
forth a strenuous objection by Matty
Zimtnerman (representing the Public
Service Ticket agency), who explained
his agency was selling below the box
office price and the summons to his
agency had been in error.
The investigation began over the
sale of a 50-cent ticket to the Hippo-
drome to a soldier who was charged
$2. Zimmerman claimed his agency
was doing a service for the men in
The particular aim of the district
attorney’s office is to eliminate the
sidewalk operators who work with
store entrances as a base. These men
have been particularly active near the
Hippodrome. It was shown one head-
quartered in a United Cigar store. Mr.
Tally said that the “ball would be kept
rolling,” meaning a continuation of the
investigation. He thought ticket men
should all operate along the lines of
Tyson and McBride, charging a stand-
ard 50 cent advance on all tickets.
Other brokers with established offices
charge that those two big agencies
are attempting to set themselves up
as models and seek to eliminate as
many others to reduce competition.
The illness of Mr. Kilroe interrupted
the investigation Tuesday. Among
ticket men the opinion is that the dis-
trict attorney is aiming at the ' side-
walk men.
V J. S. Jacobs, with an agency at the'
Normandie Hotel, created a diversion
by voluntarily showing a letter prov-
ing he paid a bonus to a wealthy
Metropolitan opera subscriber fbr the
privilege of selling the subscriber’s
seats. >.-
The new Fred V. Bowers’ show,
“I’m So Happy," will be produced this
season by the Adaline Amusement Co.
(Max Spiegel, managing director), the
tour starting Oct. 7 at Perth Amboy,
N. J. The music is by Bowers, book
by Victor Gabarie and lyrics by
Arthur J. Lamb, with Lew Morton
producing. Bowers will 'be sirred.
After a week of one-nighters the show
goes into Baltimore, then Washing-
ton, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Detroit,
The cast includes Frank Morgan,-
Olivet Rivers, Frank De Cordover,
Mary Kilcoyne, Edward Sedan, Wil-
liam De Vens, Irina Bertrand, Dolly
Castles, Alma Youlin, Hal R. Dyson
(musical director). Musical numbers
are arranged by A1 J. Doyle, with the
music published by Waterson, Berlin
& Snyder.
The Captain and the Kids" is a
new musical comedy Gus Hill will pro-
duce next month. Written by Ffahk
Kennedy with the score by Seymour
Furth, it will have a “jazz" band as a
special feature.
Rehearsals began Monday with the
opening date set for Oct. 14 at Eliza-
beth, N. J.
Cope Chairman of Village Theatre.
John Cope was elected chairman of
the executive committee of the Green-
wich Village Theatre, which Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Coburn have taken over.
Edwin Carty Ranck, formerly dra-
matic* editor of the Brooklyn Eagle,
was appointed general presa represen-
tative for the Players.
AGENT GETS.-:GATE.-....-.--..-
A New York dramatic agent has been
given the gate by at least three big
New York producing offices who have
instructed outside attendants to bar
him admission at all times. The
methods of the agent in question have
not’bee^ to the liking of the producers
who have barred him from their
Proposed Unity of All Branches of Stage and Screen
Industries to Make Possible Solid Front on Congi^s-
sional Protests At Capitol — New Plan Both
Feasible and Economical.
An informal but important meeting
was suddenly called Tuesday afternoon
by the United Managem’ Protective
Association, president Marc Klaw pre-
j siding with the idea of ‘'forming a
close alliance between the U. M. P. A.
and the National Association of the
Motion Picture Industry.
idea is that when matlters per-
taining to the whole field of amuse-
ments arise, such a proposed alliance
will be able to show a united front and
sameness of purpose, instead of at-
tempting to obtain results through sep-
arate. channels. It was the sense of
the meeting that it was time that the
various divisions of theatricals get to-
gether; that the ; divisions combine;,
that it is wasteful and might be futile
to seek remedy as individual bodies,
legitimate, vaudeville, burlesque or pic- ,
, tures, 'when the interest of one is
nearly always to the interest of all.
The meeting was deemed important
in its endeavor to effect concerted
strength at a time when Congress
proposes to increase admissions taxes.
The $8,000,000 revenue bill up to the
j Senate for final action now holds _ a
schedule of 20 per cent, for all admis-
sions. Representatives of the several
theatrical sections were in Washing-
ton recently attempting to secure a
modification. Reports have it the mo-
tion picture people made a bad impres-
sion before the law makers. It is
claimed that some picture men advo-
cated the -20 per cent, for application
to the higher priced theatres, feeling
the public would be forced to turn to
picture houses for amusement.
It is felt that representatives of th'e
aniusement field in total will be able
to present to the lawmakers now and
in the future a stronger argument for
protection and would enjoy better
chances of success with the proposed
coalition becoming effected.
Washington, D. C, Sept. 25.
The revenue bill is before the Sen-
ate for final passage. Theatrical men
arrived here Monday to present to the
Senatorial Committee reasons why the
admissions tax should not be doubled,
as now provided in the bill.- Although
the upp^r house does not often change
. provisions as incorporated by the
House, it is reported here- that there
is a chance to change the 20 per cent,
clause. In other lines- of industry
when taxes have been raised, it has
been suggested to the industries tjiat
they raise prices. Such a move is not
thought possible, however, in the
amusement field, as the rate scales
' are about as high as possible now.
Experts who have given the tax mat-
— ter consideration as far as the^ricals
go are pointing out that the -20 per
cent, clause is not going to affect the
moderate price class of houses. They
say that when the 10 per cent, tax
went into effect many theatres took
..occasion . to increas
a reason that such a move wofild elimi-
nate the use of pennies.
' Some picture houses are now. charg-
ing 30 cents, whereas they formerly
charged a quarter and likewise many
charge 60 cents, whereas the old price
was, SO cents. The managers of such
houses when accused of really colledt-
ing 20 per cent and turning 10 per
cent, over to the collector, Ireplidd that
-they had raised prices. WitiT the old
admission prices in effect the impos-
ing of 20 per cent, would not change
the^ present scale in many of the mod-
erate priced theatres. Many houses
are charging 85 cents for the former
75 cent tickets, and there again an
extra price or increase of 2 cents (over
the actual tax) is reaped by such
houses. Any number of theatres are
reported to have increased their scale
a great deal more within the past year.;
It has been suggested a sliding scale
be, substituted for the straigjht 20 per
cent, admissions tax, if the increase is
upheld by 'the Senate. This sugges-
tion has in mind the impost of 20 per
cent, on the moderate spts, since
there would be no actual increase in
the present rates or at least very lit-
tle, and as the„ prices go higher the
percentage to be lessened. This would
make forvbut a slight advance oyer the
present tax bn $2 and $2.50 admissions.
Chicago, Sept. 25.
William C Thompson, head of the
Hagenback-Wallace show, one of the
best known piress agents in the coun-
try, died of pneumonia at the Amer-
ican Theatrical Hospital Sept. 23, aged
47 .
Thompson was a newspaper man in
New York, press agent for Pawnee
Pill’s Wild West, the Far East show.
Miller Bros. 101 Ranch, Barnum &
Bailey, the New York Hippodrome,
He is survived by a widow in New
York. The body was shipped to Nor-
wich, Conn., for burial.
At the invitation of officials heading
the fire department, managers at-
tended a downtown meeting regarding
safety condition# Monday.
The managers were asked if they
were satisfied with the presence of
police reserves in the theatres.
While there was no serious objec-
tion, several regulations were outlined
regarding such service. It was agreed
that not more than one reserve officer
was to be assigned each house and
in the even.t of the reserve not ap-
pearing, the managers] are to call up
the nearest police station.
The managers were also advised to
reprimand reserv,e officers if they be-
come obstreperous.
William_„A, Bradys’ production of
Willard iMack and Hector Turnbull’s
adaptation of Turnbull’s photoplay
“The Cheat” will have its tryout at
Atlantic City the last half of this
week, with Mary Nash and Jose Ruben
starred- The principal support includes
Frederick Truesdell apd Kenneth Hill.
The piece had a preliminary canter
this summer at Long Branch and As-
bury Park. It may be brought into
New York next Monday. The deal
wagn’t^eompleted the ‘ f ore part = of the •
current week.
It is reported that Klaw & Erlanger
have a former film play, “The Haunted
Pajamas” in hand, to be rewritten and
produced by them as a comedy for
the speaking stage.
Chicago, Sept. 25.
For the first time in Chicago history
the newspaper have consented to pool-
ing of ads in the daily display col-
umns, .
The K. & E. houses now run m a
string, headed as “leading attractions,”
and ^th a warning aganst buying
seats from scalpers, while the Shubert
theatres lead off with the names of
their owners and also claim to be the
best in town. .
Some years ago, before the union
of the syndicate and the opppsition,
demands were made on the papers to
permit this system, used in New York,
and the papers refused^ holding out
for each ad as individual, graded _an
position according to the respective
space taken. ■ . .
NoW they allow the combined ads
and grade them for . position according
to the average of agate lines taken by
each combination. This still gives an
opportunity to put a small ad above
a large one inside the borders of either
.combination, leaving the way open
for complaints of injustice apd discri-
mination on the part of the producers
whose shows are playing in those
houses. y
The difference between William Col-
lier and Aaron Hoffman, star and aur
thor, respectively, of “Nothing But
Lies,” have been settled. The show
is now in 'further rehearsal, pending
filial changes, and is due for the Long-
acre before 0(ft. 15.
Mr. Collier threatened to leave the
show, if his ideas were not carried out,
and the author took the stand of put-
ting the piece on janyhow with an-
other, stpr. .
The show fits Collier and part of
the changes are being made. Out of
town.feports predicted a hit for it on
• ' , V..
San Francisco, Sept. 25.
Maul .Fulton, in association with
George Ebey, recent manager of the
McDonough, Oakland, have leased the
Bishop Playhouse, Oakland.
The name of the theatre is to be
changed to the Maud Fulton Theatre.
Miss Fulton opened her season Sun-
day in “Mary, a String of Beads,” and
will follow with “The Brat,” and other
plays from her own pen.
According to reports from out of
town there will be some changes, if
not already made, in the Nora Bayes
show, “Look Who’s Here,” produced
by H. H. Frazee. Those reported as
going out are Arthur DCagon,_ A1
Fields, Lew Cooper and Vibla Cain.
Bill^ Kent and Florence Morrion,
with Miss Bayes and Irving Fisher
are scoring the,, hits of the piece.
It is said Ha/ry Bulger may join, to
replace Deagon.
Philadelphia, Sept. 25.
The people of John Cort’s “Gloriana,”
which opened here Monday, seem con-
fident the show is to take its New York
bow at the Liberty in that city about
Oct, 7.
Joe Weber, who controls the Amer-
ican rights to “The Man from Toron-
to,” is trying the English piece out
this week in stock at the Hud^n,
• Union Hillr under the. pL.. . T^
Maid, the Man and the. Money.
More to quiet reports than establish
the fact she still remains single. Mane
Astor, with Hammerstein’s new “Some-
time,” states she is not married, to
Within the locked box difice of the
Riviera, which the Shuberts lately took
over for booking, there occurred a
miniature battle royal Saturday night.
Manny Cancer, the house treasurer,
was pitted against J. J. Shubert and
Benj. Mallam, the latter beii« the
Shuberts’ private detective. Cancer
had been accused by the visitors of
having ' tangled accounts, and when
Mallam suddenly pinioned the trcasur-
~er’s arms. Shubert struck Cancer in
the face. Cancer unable to use his
arms, kicked Shubert in the groin,
broke away from Mallam, whom he .j
thrust against the wall, took another
thrust at J. J. and exited from the .
box office. '
The affair is reported to be the out- , j
come of certain operations by Mallam,
who became peeved at Cancer, it is
said, because the latter refused to aid i
him. Cancer had forced Mallam out > i
of the box, office some days ago and
handed in his resignation to Lee Shu-
bert Thursday, last. The latter told
him to return to the job and pay no
attention to the matter.
Sunday Mr. Luisi, representing the
Ocean Accident & (Suarantee Co,, ,
which bonds the Shubert employees,
was on hand with an accountant to
check up the statements, and the
eount-up resulted in showing that the
treasurer was $3 over. / . ^
Cancer is generally well liked and
regarded as . efficient. He placed the
entire matter before his attorney,
Nathaii Burkan, with the avowed in-
tention of starting action.
Cincinnati, Sept. 25,
“Doing Our Bit” closes .here Satur-
day, the company returning to New
York. It is said to be the first big
Winter Garden attraction to flop so
early on the road. Business has been
bad and never did recover after the
weak finish of tjie Chicago stay, where
the run was suddenly terminated early
in August.
Business in Chicago grew steadily
worse after the accident to Frank Tin- v
ney, but the failure there was mostly
credited to the steady newspaper at-
tack following the feeling between the
• show management and Charles Collins,
dramatic editor of the Chicago “Post.”
The breach between the newspaper ,?
and the Shuberts is still open.
Joseph Howard is to produce an- ^
other musical play called “Spring
Love” and due on Broadway," Dec. I.
He is at present in vaudeville. His
“In and Out,” tried in the summer h^j|^ 1 ’
been definitely stored.
Howard is under contract with
Charles K. Harris for the publishing .
of his songs and every time Howard
puts on a piece it costs the publisher
.money. “In and Out” stood Mr. Harris
$1,500, which represents the cost of
publishing the song numbers. . 4
During the last 21 years Howard ;
has received $125,000 in music royal-
ties from the Harris concern. (
Flo Zeigfeld, Jr., is to seriously try
his hand in the production of drama,
having already two pieces in prospect
for this fall. The first to go on is "By .4;
Pigeon Post,” running in London since
the first of the year. It is by Austin
Page. When it opened at the Gar- -
rick, London, it was described as a
play which “thoroughly delighted a
laughing audience.” Madge Tither-
adge is at the head of the English
York and casting for “By Pigeon
Post” has started.
The second play is The^ Little
Clown,” in which Billie Burke is to oe
starred. It will come later, as Miss
Burke’s picture contracts call for her
appearance in the filming of • Good
Gracious, Annebelle.”
> '
Ouy Bates Post has returned to New York.
Cyrus Wood Is the author of the lyrics to
bo used In "The Melting of Molly."
By acquiring control of the Belmont, William
A. Brady Is now possessor of three theatres
In the same block In 48th street.
"A Stitch in Tlmo," by Oliver D. Bailey and
Lottie Meany, will be given at the Fulton
Oct. 15. Irene Fenwick will be featured.
"Stop That Man," a farce by George V.
Hobart, will be presented by the Shuberts at
one of their houses.
, "Crops and Croppers” has been withdrawn
from the Belmont and the bouse has passed
under the control of William A. Brady.
Marjorie Rambeau has sold her home on the
shore at Pelham Bay to I. B. Warren, of
New York City.
Viola Dana’s next Metro will be entitled
"Diana Ardway.” It Is a plcturization of Van
Z. Post’s novel of the same name.
Margaret Aston has been chosen to depict
Nurse Edith Cavell in Metro’s patriotic pro-
duction, "Wilson or the Kaiser.”
David Aaronson of the Bronx was sen-
tenced to ten days in the workhouse. Sept 19,
by Magistrate Ten Byck in the Men’s Night
Court, for selling th^tre tickets on the street
The United States Civil Service Commission
is at present in urgent need of stenographers
and typists to meet the great demand of fhe
Government offices In Washington, D. C.
Charles Dillingham has placed the Hippo-
drome at the disposal of Admiral H. R. Usher,
tr. S. N. (Nov. 8), for a gala performance of
Navy Relief Society.
Florence Nash will be starred In "Remnant,"
a comedy adapted by Michael Morton from
the original of Dario Nlccodeml. It will have
Its premiere early in November.
Billie Burke and her husband, F. Ziegfeld,
escaped injury last week when their motor
turned turtle, on the road between their camp
and Lake Placid railway station in the Adtron-
“Sleeping Partners,” an adaptation from a
comedy by Sacha Guitry, will come to the
Bijou, Oct. 5, with H. B. Warner sta'rrlng a^
Irene Berdoni In the only feminine part m
the piece.
Rehearsals have begun on Tolstoy’s play,
"The Living Cbrpse,” in which Arthur Hopkins
will present John Barrymore. The play Is
based on the Russian marriage and divorce
laws and the fate of a man who tried to es-
cape them.
William Seymour has been appointed acting
manager of the Bmplre by Charles Frobman,
Inc., and David Bclasco In place of William
Newman, who has entered the navy. He takes
Charge Sspt. SO.
George Broadhurst hds taken a stand against
Incompetent Liberty Loan orators in the the-
atres. Mr. Broadhurst believes that there
should be a limit placed upon the time to be
consumed, and also that the remarks be cen-
sored for objectionable features.
P. Ziegfeld, Jr., has bought the American
rights to “By Pigeon Post,” an English play
by Austin Page, which has had its .'WOth per-
formance in London. It Is Mr. Zlegfeld’s first
legitimate production in many years. ’The
New York premiere will take place in about
five weeks.
— ^ — 1
"The Awakening.” with a cast including •
Wilton Lackaye, Henry B. Walthall and \
Theodore Keslolf, will have its premiere at *
the Criterion, Sept. 80. It is by Ruth Sawyer,
and has been previously known as "Tamar
and Seblnolf.”
During their tenancy of the Greenwich Vll- J
lage Theatre Mr. and Mrs. Coburn expect to ]
revive "The Yellow Jacket” and "The Imagl- ,
nary Invalid.” They will produce a four-act ^
drama by an American author and give two C
Shakespearean productions. t;
An exhibition of historical costumca worn by
the late Richard Mansfield was recently held ^
In New London, Conn., prior to their accept-
ance by, a museum. The proceeds were turned
over by Mrs. Mansfield to the Stage Women’s
War Relief.
tortlon and grand larceny. Owen Moore, the
husband of Mary Plckford, was the complain-
Americans who have traveled abroad and
have made collections of souvenir postal cards
and photographs which depict any portion of
®T territory In Belgium and North-
ern Prance now occupied by the Germans,
stmuld send these cards, and wherever pos-
slble acccmpanl^ by a written description, to
William Guggenheim, Chairman of the Army
and Navy Commltt^ of the American De-
fense ^lety, 44 Basf^d street New York.
romtanoe, comes to
the Shulwrt following the San Carlo Opera Co.
The book of the piece Is by Rida !^nson
Young and the music by Rudolf Priml. In
the cast are Ed Wynn, Dorothie Bigelow.
Prances Cameron, Mae West, Mildred Le Que
Bwekbank, John Merkyl, De Haven
NiTO, Hallen Mostyn and William Dor-
The piece will hare Its pr^niere next
Arthur Byron has announced, with the per-
mission .of Selwyn & Co., that one complimen-
tary performance of "Tea for Three," In which
he is. appearing, will bo given to whoever
imkM the largest single subscription for Llb-
1“ Maxine Elliott’s Theatre during
Campalgp, The performance
will be given at any time and at any place the
^nd buyer may designate so long as It does
not interfere with a regular performance of
the production.
A ^ectacular patriotic production entitled
Freedom supported by a number of prom-
inent society persons Is now In rehearsal, and
may ^ produced at the Century. The plboe
Of. presented by Julie Opp and Lee
Shubert. Among those connected with the eAter-
^Ise are Mrs. W. K. Vanderbilt, Clarenoe H.
Mackay, Mw. H. P. Davison and Mrs. Otto H.
Kahn. Half of the profits will be turned
over to the Association for Disabled Naval
The piece Is the work
mU Worman VnIii.°-
V A comedy In three acts, by Rol Coopor
Begrue, at the Elliott, Sept. 19, ^
The play Is of no great substance, either
artlstlrally ot morally; but it has the very
rare virtue of doing what it Intends with neat-
DMs and a certain finality of skill which keeps
the attention of the audience throughout and
Tim^ evening of genuine entertainment.—
‘Tea for Three" Is so distinctly different In
flavOT from Uie other plays of the year that It
ought to make many friends. — World. ■
Jack Welsh, Sept. 20, Instituted proceed-
ings in the Supreme Court of New York
against Raymond Hitchcock and E. Ray Goetz.
Welsh demands $3,160 from the defendants for
back salary ho alleges due him on con-
. s® , ,b(»l(,ljjg, agent- . ftxr. -the .
lLl(^hcock-Uot4z ■ enteilirrsca.
Jack I^ Claire, who said he was an actor
Jn West 40th street, but who ad-
mittod he had recently been n clerk at an At-
lantic City hotel, was arrested Sept. 1!) in the
law ofllce of Arthur Butler Graham, KJ5
Broadway, Now York, and taken to Police
Headquarters, where be was charged with ex-
Judgments filed in the County CJIerk’s office. '
^e first name is that of the judgment debtor,
the second the Judgment creditor, and the
amount of Judgment.
Kennedy Th^tres, Inc.— J. Simmons, $884,28
Kalisz— McCord A Mace, $208.70.
Bureau? |l74.eif Clipping
John E. Kelierd— G. Wilson, $578.
Samuel A. Marcusson (Theatrical Program
Co.)— A. Zaslowsky, $.56.20.
Frances White Obliges Refund.
Tt, u I Sept. 25
The Rock and White show at the
Pitt last week refunded the boxoffice
taking Friday, when Frances White
could not finish the performance,
A nervous breakdown was given as
the reason for Miss White b *ng un-
able to go on, after the show opened,
ahe appeared the following night.
Uh, Yes, the new musical play with
Joseph Santley, now in rehearsal by
Elliott, Comstock & Gest, will have its
premiere in Schenectady Oct. 19, the
opening date at the Princess now
being set for election day.
The house will remain dark until
Francine Larrine in "Sometime.”
Francine Larrine is now in “Some-
time, due at the Shubert next Mon-
day. She is in the Audrey Maple role
Dorothy Bigelow was in-
tended. The latter is a Boston society
girl, but appeared on Broadway last
-season in 4he short dale of
Marbury’s “See America First."
^ ,Jr***y Minstrels Open.
Gus Hill’s Lady Bountiful Minstrels,
an all women minstrel organization,
opened its season at Bridgeport, Conn.,
Wednesday night.
Pittsburgh, Sept. 25.
The Canary,” a musical comedy
adapted from the French of Georges
Barr and Louis Verneuil, by Harry B.
Smith, was presented at the Nixon
Monday night by Charles Dillingham,
with Julia Sanderson and Joseph Caw-
thorn starred. Additional numbers
were introduced by Irving Berlin and
Harry Tierney.
The premiere had a packed house
and the advance sale for the week is
exceedingly heavy. The company is a
capable one from principals to chorus.
Wonderful costumes, beautiful and
shapely chorus with good voices and
excellent dancers.
It is a musical comedy with a really
good plot that runs very smoothly all
the way and is neither too light nor
too heavy.
The story concerns a maiden placed
in pawn by a relative for a diamond
called the Canary. Play opens in an
antique shop where the girl (Miss San-
derson) is employed as an artist. Mr.
Cawthorn as Timothy, a maker of an-
tiques^ employed in the same shop, is
ambitious to become a great juggle'r, is
in love with the girl, as is also Ned
Breeze, a struggling doctor, who
^esn’t struggle very hard for patients.
He has loaned a pair of crooks (Doyle
and Dixon) $1,000 at a race and for
security takes the Canary diamond,
which they stole, from the original
owner (Rico). The crooks expect to
redeem the diamond at five o’clock
that day and if _ not the jewel belongs
to Breeze. Failing to show up Breeze
decides to auction the stone. Timothy
discovers the stone is loose in the
mounting and shows it to several bid-
ders, among whom is Rice, who substi-
tutes a paste stone. While repairing
the setting Timothy accidentally swal-
lows the substitute.
Second act shows Dr. Dippey’s Sani-
tarium, where Timothy goes to have
the jewel removed from his anatomy.
He is followed by the crooks, who
await an opportunity to recover the
Third act (beautiful set) shows Dr.
Breeze playing host at a party in hon-
or of his fiance (Miss Sanderson).
While everything comes out as ex-
pected, it has a different twist from
other ^ musical comedies.”"
Besides the two stars and the three-
featured players (Sam Hardy ,and
Doyle and Dixon), others who deserve
special mention are Marie Callahan in
a dance number with Doyle and Dixon,
Misses Gordon and Thomas and Vera
The melodies are haunting and tune-
ful. Nothing that has played Pitts-
burgh this season can touch “The
Chicago, Sept. 25.
Will Bradshaw, the kuthor, has
threatened to bring suit against Oliver
Morosco and the Hattons for viola-
tion of copyright and plagiarism.
Bradshaw says that “Lombardi, Ltd.” is
from his vaudeville act of several
years ago, entitled “The Shop in
Bradshaw has placed the matter in
the hands of his attorney.
Opening in Pittsburgh.
William Moore Patch will open
Take It From Me” in Pittsburgh Oct.
31, with Vera Michehena in the leading
Canrad Nagel Leaving,
It is only a matter of a short time
when Conrad Nagel, leading juvenile
at the Central, will be compelled to re-
linquish •the role in which he scored
so strongly and join the colors. His
o{der to report was deferred to en-
able him to open in the piece ancT Wil-
liam A. Brady has appealed to Wash-
ington to permit him to remain awhile
^ Philadelphia, Sept. 25.
y .“Glorianna,” which had its first
13 showing here at the Forrest Monday
J. night, is a war story, set to music
n by Rudolf Friml. The book and lyrics
1, F®. Catherine Chisholm Cushing.
It is all reminiscent, though tuneful
3 and sprightly. It is presented by an
J excellent company and was very well
received by a well filled house, El-
g eanor Painter was liberafly rewarded
3 for her singing of the principal role,
a while Jessica Brown (recently of vau-
j, deville) came in for a liberal share
J of the chief honors for her excellent
j- dancing. Lloyd and Wells, also from
vaudeville, were among the recipients
of favor. T^e piece has been beauti-
1 fully costumed and handsomely
r staged. The composers have provided
nothing but of the ordinary in “Glori-
j anna” but in a season that has shown
J nothing of importpce to date, this
1 musical vehicle will probably enjoy
The Garrick was almost filled Mbn-
. day night when the revival of “A Mar-
5 riage of Convenience” was given by
5 Miller and Ruth Chatterton.
I The piece was very late starting,
, which detracted something from the
. entertainment, but the play was well
. received.'-.
“Not With My Money” is in its final
^ week at the Broad, doing very light
[ business. Last Saturday’s matinee
I was , good, but the piece has exhibited
no drawing power at this house.
Tiger Rose” is billed for Sept, 30,
“Chu Chin Chow” continues to pull
them in- at the new Shubert, the re-
ceipts keeping well over the ^0,000
mark. It has two more Weeks to run.
.“^ts,vc It To Jane” is doing nicely at
the Chestnut Street opera house in its
Nothing is underlined.
Business Before Pleasure” in its
fourth week at the Lyric is also doing
The old Walnut, which was with-
drawn from public sale last week, has
been leased by C. Cooke Wanamafcer
and Thomas Dougherty, who have
been associated with the F. G. Nixon-
Nirdlinger forces, and opens its 110th
season Saturday night with Gus Hill’s
Lady Bountiful Minstrels.”
“Leave It to Jane,” now in its fourth
week at the Chestnut Street Opera
House, has had its time extended from
six to eight weeks. The attraction
has been steadily growing stronger,
and last week drew a gross of slightlv
over $14,6(W.
While a number of the cantonments
are under quarantine through the epi-
demic of Spanish influenze, others are .
not officially quarantined, even though
a large number of cases arc reported.
Advices were that there were over
6,000 cases at Devens, yet no restric-
tions were laid down as at Upton,
Lee, Jackson and Sevier.
Of the several naval bases under
quarantine, Newport (where the thea-
tre is in the city) is now given a clean
bill of health.-
Reports show that the affection has ,
spread broadcast and has missed none
of the cantonments. Attractions in
the officially banned camps are off for
the week,, several shows obtaining out-
side bookihg. It was expected that the,
quarantines would be lifted at the
end of the week.
The men of the Army Transport Ser-
vice, with headquarters at 104 Broad
street. New York, will have their en-
•?tertainmeut Jo&'keff'^ after 'by
Bert Grant and Monty Brice, both
song wiriters, who have been detailed
to that branch.
Messrs. Grant and Brice, besides su-
pervising the amusements for the A, T.,
will write a show that may be pro-
dubed around the holidays, with their
companions in uniform as the cast.
-i... ,.j„^.., - -..^
The Friend ..............Arthur Byrtm
The Wife..... Margaret Lawrence
The Husband Frederick Perry
The Maid. Kathryn Keyes
The Valet William ^ostanee
"Tea lor Three," by Rol Cooper .Megrue,
produced by Selwyn & Co. at the Mtuclne
Blllott Sept. 18, Is billed as "an angle on the
triangle^” by which Is meant a ' new twist to
the eternal tralngle situation The first night
pudience enjoyed it Immensely, and whatever
drawing power it possesses will be in the
higher priced seats. The "moral" and ' the
subtlety, developed via epigrams, are quite too
clever for the general population. The smart
people are certain to flock to It, and when these
patrons have been exhausted the true test of
the play’s drawing power will be demonstrated.
As a reflection of an actual situation in the '
present day life In New York, one could tear
the plot to shreds, but for the purposw.of eh*
tertainment it might suffice. Somewhat along '~
the lines of. "Dlvorcons," a sweet young
woman is happily married to a man absorbed
in his business, but who adores her. The hus-
band is jealous of-an old college mate with
"Ehom the wife had had a flirtation when she
was 17 and who comes to tea ohce a week.
The friend persuades the wife to steal away
to lunch: with him, where he tells her the
reason he Is a bachelor ' and a “flitterer” Is
because he loves her still, and although there
Is unmistakable evidences he would like to
possess her, she appeals to his better self and
persuades him to be a true friend.
The subject of the husband’s jealousy is dis-
cussed, and the wife hits upon a plan to cure
him of it, so the friend will once more be wel-
come at the house. As she starts to unfold
it In the comer of the restaurant and the
waiter is ordered to lower the shade to shut
out the sun, and the first scene of the first act
concludes. After a few seconds the scene is
switched to the home of the married couple.
Husband is waiting tea, but bis wife hasn’t
returned, fihe finally comes, explaining she
had been shopping and lunching with “Bthel."
Later the friend comes for tea,, and inciden-
tally mentions to the, husband he bad lunched
with the wife and hadn’t seen “Ethel” In
weeks. The plans arranged by the friend and
the wife to cure the husband of his jealousy
had somehow miscarried, as the stories do not
As the husband is called to the phone in
another room the friend steals the wife’s pic-
ture standing on the. piano,' and when the nus-
band returns and inisses it; wife says the
frame bad broken that morning and she bad .
left it to be repaired. Husband had been look- -
ing at the picture a few minutes before, and
this, together with the luncheon fibbing, weak-
ens L iB faith in his wife.
In the second act he drops in on the friend,
is dismissed by the friend, who explains he
■has a rendezvous with a married woman. The
husband leaves, seeing his wife’s car at the
door. Meantime she had been ushered into
an adjoining i%om by the valet. The husband
returns and the wife is secreted. Husband is
in a frenzy' of jealousy, says both can’t live,
and suggests the rem^y outlined in a story
the friend had related, of a husband and a i
lover, both anxious to possess a wife, drawing
lots to see which one would kill himself. They
draw, the friend gets the fatal slip of paper
and IB to kill himself within 24 hours. He
tells the husband that before he goes he is
bound by no moral obligations and intends to
steal the wife. Husband departs, saying ho
will protect his wife, and the friend dictates
a letter to his valet-secretary (thereby avoid-
ing the usual' telephone method of develop-
ment), giving the true reason . for his un-
timely demise, addressed to a friend on the
staff if the Herald, but asking him not to try
and guess the name of the woman. This is
7.S0 in the evening. -
Act three is again In the home of-the mar-
ried folks, the following afternoon. The hus-
band is on edge, had phoned several times to
the friend, seeking an excuse for calling off
the whole affair, ..ut meantime determined the
friend shall not steal bis wife. He won’t go
to his business and won’t let her out, saying
, they will go-; together after 7.30. "The Even-
ing Telegram” is brought in, on the front page
of which is an account of the suicide of the
friend. Wife accuses husband of being re-
*sponsible for it, hysterically crving she hod
lost a friend whom she loved better than any-
one else in the world, next to her husband,
and that husband had ruined their lives.
In the midst of It in walks the friend, and
when shown the paper, explains to them the
publication was premature owing to the too
previous mailing of. his letter to his newspaper
friend. Husband is phoned for and friend ex- .
plains to wife he had hod one co'"- of the
Telegram printed and delivered to the house
at a cost of $87. Husband returns, explains
his big real estate deal was consummated, he
would pay more attention .to his wife, would
permit her more leeway, that the friend must
come often and take her out, and ue was, in
short, cured of bis jealousy.
Barring the valet and the maid there are
but three people in the cast. i.ue absence of
other characters prevents any subsidiary situ-
ations, and necessitates prolonged duologs and
.triqlegs .*14 .constant renetltions -..ot . <s>PVftrsa-T.:;
tion. This is partially compensated for by
innumerable Shavian and Oscar Wilde epi-
grams, a few of which are here set down :
"Pity Is akin to love. That's why so many
women pity their husbands.” — "I hate Phillip.
What have you ever done to him?” — "We
never discuss our friends pleasantly.” — “No
man is so bad a woman can't find an excuse
for him.” — "Good women are unfaithful only
, in their thoughts.”— "All sensible wives lie to
their husbands, if only to please them.”—
"Sometimes I tell the truth ; it’s the only vice
I have.” — "It’s a grave Insult to insinuate a
woman couldn’t be unfaithful if she wanted
to. ’’---"The only amusing countess I ever met
was a chorus girl.” — “There are two kinds Of
fools, those who give. advice and those who
won’t take it.” — "There is nothing so absorb-
ing as the love of a married woman, and few
married men realize it.” — “He was lying and,
of course, I was, so I had to say I wasn’t.” —
"What do you expect me to say ?” "The truth.”
"You’re an optimist.”
Arthur Byron as the friend contributed an
intelligent but not quite natural performance.
He wasn’t just the romantic type. A John
Barrymore would have been ideal. Frederick
Perry as the husband was excellent, and Mar-
garet Lawrence, who has been off the stage for
a number of years, was a sensational sucoesa
It is not easy to imagine any other actress
doing it better, or as well. Jofo.
Albert Mott ........Otis Skinner
John . OelamOthe Fleming Ward
General, the Hon. Henry Delamothe, John’s
uncle .Morton -Selton
Viscount Loosebanger. .Robert Harrison
Higginbotham Ernest Elton
Jopllng Robert Bntwiatle
Puttlck. ...William Evlllo
James Wallop ..John Rogers
Slnklns .Walter Scott
Lady Susan Delamothe. .........Maud Milton
Nancy Delamothe .Ruth Rose
Mrs. Mott ..Beryl Mercer
Crlssie Parkins ...Elizabeth Rlsdon
Mrs. Rogers.';.. ....Clara T, Braoy
Horace Annesley Vachell is the author of
this ultra-English old-fashioned comedy, in
which Otis Skinner takes the leading role,
now at the Lyceum..
"Humpty-Dumpty” tells the tale of an Eng-
lish hairdresser, devoted to his art; who, by
a twist of fortune, leaves bis establishnaent-
at Swashcombe-on-the-Sea to beoome the Earl
of Delamothe. With him, over her- protests,
goes his mother, simple-minded and desper-
ately clinging to the old life. Much of the
comedy 1s introduced into the scenes where
Albert Mott Is shaving a cross customer, and
again where be appears grotesquely, but boy-
ishly in the unaccustomed robes of nobili^,
after he has taken his seat in the House of
Pathetic scenes- are. plentiful in the mani-
festations of affection between the simple old
mother and her clever son, and in the s^ness
which comes over her when she learns her
parlor behavior Is plebian and unfashionable.
Beryl Mercer, as Mrs. Mott, the barber’s
mother, gains much applause as the old lady.
Elizabeth Risdon, as Crlssie, the hairdresser’s
assistant, was most effective and has a won-
derful English accent, with regular Cockney
twang, and the most Infectious smile imagin-
able. She was typical of her class, from which
many of the handsome barmaids in the fash-
ionable cafes and restaurants in London are
Morton Selton also pleased the audience
with his excellent characterization of the Hon.
Henry Delamothe and Fleming Ward as Cousin
John D. Delamothe gave a manly charming
■ae finished way in which Mr. Skinner han-
dled a razor- showed patient preparation for
the part and he could give any of the so-
called barbers on Broadway lessons in shav-
ing. His flow of talk while he was operating
upon a customer was most amusing and had
the audience in roars.
Whether New York wants a play like
“Humpty-Dumpty’? remains to be.seen. It is
not the kind of comedy Metropolitan theatre-
goers have been receiving for the last few
years. It is Intensely "homely” English, and
there is a lack of the usual number of snobs
which are Invariably thrown in to give the
average play an English flavor.
Rein Schulz, a Grocer Adolf Phlllpp
Helen his Daughter Georgia Lee Hall
Charlie, his Son .Joseph Striker
Jere Thurston, a Banker..; ..Philip Lord
Tom, his Son Chauncey M. Kelm
Maud Hopkins, a Manicure Girl... Cecil Kern
Blll-Hopkins, her Brother Jack Bernard
Abraham Shinegold Albert C. Winn
Marla Mueller Marie Pert
Carl Prumstadt John Hanson
Augusta, Servant with Schulz Elsie Smith
Did you ever hear the story of the audience
at a Yiddish theatre downtown -which raised
a rumpus because their evening’s entertain-*
ment was over at 11.15 instead of the usual
midnight? Adolf Philipp, erstwhile German
actor, author, manager, who now presents an
American play, by American authors, with an
American cast, seems possessed of the same
sort of Idea in "Tell That to the Marines,’” a
comedy drama in three acts written by him-
self and Edward A. Paulton. One gets the Im-
pression that an attempt was essay^ for quan-
tity of entertainment. The first two acts con-
sumed one hour each, and the third wasn’t so
much shorter.
With regard to quality, it is a bad play— a
very bad one, crudely constructed and amateur-
-:ish r.iu'^treatmsnt. = ’I%e -obrions - plot -lg' airaii'g -
out by constant repetitions of dialog and
situations. A modem American stage director
would have blue-penciled one-third the dialog,
quickened the "business,” and in a dozen and
one other ways smarted the production.
On the other hand, tbO aforesaid American
stage director, for the purposes of assimila-
tion of Adolf Philipp’s old clientele on the
upper East Side radiating from, the York-
villo Theatre, might have proved unsatisfac-
tory. The German- American audience seems
to take huge delight in the easy progression
of the story of the play and accepts with relish
the comedy relief interruptions.
The. drama by Messrs. Philipp and Paulton
tells they story of a prosperous grocer
(Philipp) who sends his son to Yale. The day
he is due to return be is visited by a manicure
girl, who says the boy pronlsed to marry her.
It develops his collie chum, meeting the
girl, in a spirit of mischief had given the
name of the grocer’s son. The chum is en-
gaged to the grocer’s daughter, and rather
than Injure his sister the boy takes the blame
of the thing. He quarrels with his father
over it and joins the colors. The old man finds
out his mistake in the last act, the boy re-
turns wounded, Uie father of the other boy
buys off the vampire manicure and ail ends
happily. y-
A portion of the dialog is devoted to patri-
otic propaganda designed to impress the Qer-
man-Americans, and Judging by the applause
accorded these outbursts they take to it with
avidity. Jolo.
The title of the two^^hct (eight scenes) musl-
. cal comedy which Salem Tutt Whitney and T.
Homer Tutt’s "Smarter Set” company of col-
ored players is presenting at the Lafayette,
131st St and 7th avenue.
For books, lyrics and score the show ranks
with musical comedies on Broadway. It is
billed as a "sensational two-act musical com-
edy.” It is full of comedy and is musical.
Whitney and Tutt authored the piece, Charles
L. Roberts composed the score, "I Want You
Ba^” and "Promise Me” will compare with
any war ballads. "Blue- Fever” is the best
"blues” song. In comedy, love and war songs,
"Ain’t It Funny What ■ Love Will Do” and
"When the Sambca and Sammies Get Through
Fighting Over There” are typical of that kind.
Of the comedians, Whitney’s work stands
out. After the first 15 minutes of his appear-
ance, he bad the audience with him to the ex-
tent -that bis every movement or remark was
the signal for laughter. His partner, Tutt, is
a more'staid comedian.
The story concerns the duplicity of Abe
(Whitney) and Gabo (Tutt) Washington, who
enter the Howard University under false pre-
tenses. A meddling' reporter mistakes the
former for the new professor, expected to ar-
rive at Howard, and Abe, to get a meal, passes
hlmBOlf R8 8UCu*
The piece has os much plot as the average
musical comedy — which is very little. It is the
libretto and score that gives the production a
high standard.
Lena Handford Roberts, as a musical in-
stiHictress, was musical as far as her vocal
powers were concerned. Emma Jackson also
sang and spoke her lines effectively. Estelle
Cash and Mattip Lewis distinguished them-
selves in dancing, as did Boots Marshall and
George Lynch. These latter two are evidently
in the oast for the specialty they do in the
second scene of the first act, that of dancing
porters and "baggage smashers.” They were
recalled four times last Tuesday evening,
A mummy dance, billed as an original cre-
aation, wherein mummies come forth from
their cases in which they had been preserved
and go through an Egyptian dance, was com-
mendable. One of the chorus men is an ex-
pert in doing the "sbimmie,” and the audience
seemed to favor it.
Some credit is also duo to the piano player
and drummer the company carries.
While a Broadway producer could Improve
on the production, it' is In good form for the
pop time booked. It could also stand a . little
cutting. Some of the encores could be elimi-
nated to obtain an earlier closing hour.
Providence, R, I., Sept. 25.
“Miss, I Don’t Know," which played
its first week’s engagement at the
Shubert Majestic here last week, left
a decidedly poor impression — so poor
that Lee Shubert, who came here
Thursday, decided to change the name,
it was announced, to “The Girl in the
"Miss I Don’t Know” as a title was
bad enough, but the change is worse.
A canteen doesn’t figure until the last
act and then not much.
It was said, when the company left
Saturday, it would lay off a week in
New York for rehearsals and changes.
It suffered -many changes here during
the week. Members of the company
from the leading man, Ray Raymond,
to the chorus, had some fault to find.
It was rumored that Raymond was
going to leave.
The show has no action or kick un-
til the end of the second act.
Los Angeles, Sept. 25,
For the past few weeks, the thea-
trical business has been particularly
quiet, the picture houses getting the
bulk of the business.
Both the Majestic and Mason are
"Mary’s Ankle,” at Morosco, opened
to good business.
Philadelphia, Sept. 25.
If it was a lack of confidence on the
part of the producers that prompted
them to book “The Big Chance" for
only one week at the Adelphi, the
same producers are gifted with fore-
sight for the new A. H. Woods play
is not destined to last any longer, i)n-
less much is accomplished in the re-
“A Big Chance" is described by the
ad-writer as "A play of the Re-birth
of Human Souk,” That’s a badly
written line to hand anything new in
these troublesome times, but every-
thing seems to have been a “chance”
with this piece and neither the title
nor the description can do it more
harm than the producers who
it in the present form.
“A Big Chance” is a war play. Grant
Morris and Willard Mack are an-
nounced as its authors, but neither will
add anything to his name as a play-
wright through this poorly written
piece that contains an idek that starts
but .never gets anywhere. About the
only thing that can be said for it is
that it is different in theme, but the
fact remains, it will have to be almost
entirely rewritten. •
Its shewing here was its initial one
of importance,, and it may have been
the i>resence of several theatrical cel-
ebrities that was responsible for the
nervousness of: the company, with the
result, the performance, was not a
smooth one and received with indif-
ference by a fairly well filled house.
The company includes Clara Joel,
Cyril Keithly, Harry Robert, Annie
Mack Berlein, William Meehan, Kath-
erine Harris Barrymore, Ramsey Wal-‘
lace and Walter Horton.
Guy Bates Post in “The Masque-
rader” is underlined for Sept. 30.
Denver, Sept, 25.
Tom Wilkes,^ a theatrical manager
of Salt Lake City, has taken over the
Denham and is to operate stock there.
The house was formerly held by the
Or^heum Circuit. The Denham is to
be in a chain of theatres playing stock
in Salt Lake City, Los Angeles, San
Francisco and Denver,
Portland, Ore., Sept. 25.
The Alcazar, opened since Sept. 14,
when the Alcazar Players produced
"Johnny, Get Your Giin,” has Alice
Fleming leading. Edward Everett
Horton is leading man.
For the first time this city is sup-
porting two stock companies. The
Baker company is also current. There
are about 50,000 men employed in the
shipyards. Both houses play to
.1 Washington, Sept. 25.
Bertha Kalich opened in “The Rid-
dle Woman” at the Belasco Monday
and scored a hit.
The play ip by Charlotte E. Wells
and Dorothy Donnelly, produced by
George Mboser.
The Washington Post says : “No
other actress on the English-speaking
stage is more admirably suited to
the central role of The Riddle Woman’
than Mme. Kalich.”
The show opened to $781 and played
to $1,000 Tuesday night. It will be in
Pittsburgh next week, and is headed
for Broadway.
Bernard Hiahin Has Recovered.
:r:,r v 'E^OTf (Imf ='SC'P t . 25.
Bernard Hishin has recovered from
an attack of pneumonia and returns
shortly to produce two new playp.
Manager Myers Resigns.
London, Sept. 25.
T. Myers, manager of the Middle-
sex, resigns Sept. 28.
Lucille Cauauagh and Co. (3).
Songf and Dancea.
23 Mins.; Full Stage (Special Set).
Lucille Cavanagh, in her new act at
the Palace this week, has everything
that should go to make a vaudeville
success these days. Firstly, she has
setting and clothes; secondly, special
songs; thirdly, music-rag, and firstly
again, men ; and, of course, Lucille
Cavanagh. If the act becomes known
as a, vaudeville success with so many
ingredients, who or what shall re-
ceive the credit? Perhaps the pro-
ducer (dr, in this case, arranger), for
Miss Cavanagh's act has been
arranged nicely, neatly and expertly.
There is the setting— striking, full of
curtains, special ones, including a gold
parted curtain for the drop ; while the
^cene represents the marble fronting
of a country or mansion porch. Thep
there ^ are Wheeler Wadsworth, an
admitted bear with a rag saxaphone;
Mel Craig, another bear with the same
kind of a violin, and A1 Sexton, a
youthful, good-looking fellow, who
sings with Miss Cavanagh, also dances
with her. Miss Cavanagh dances and
dances alone. She might dance more
with Mr. Sexton. The turn is billed
as a “1918 Edition of Her Kaleidoscope
of Dance, Color and Songs” ; Music
and Lyrics by Dave Stamper.” The'
music had a pleasing if familiar sound.
Miss Cavanagh tries ' to sing it. It
must be Fate in vaudeville. Sitne.
Nat Nazarro, Jr.
Songs, Dancea, Instrumental,
is Mins.; Four.
For a youth of 17 who appears to be
younger, Nazarro offers a sophisti-
cated, thorough showmanship act. In
other words "the kid’s clever.” He’s
versatile. He opens with ^ a grand
piano setting, but sings a song about
his Parisian love and goes int.o a dance.
After indulging in repartee with a
pseudo-stage manager (his father in
real life), he renders a cello solo. A
song and dance closed his act. For en-
cores (he had two) he sang a spe-
cial song on' patriotic lines followed
by a recitation. Another recitation
and then he was allowed to leave. Na-
zarro’s act shows the hand of Na-
zarro, Sr., also an artist. His youth
and his versatility should carry Nat,
Jr., into the big time.
Eastman Sisters.
Singing and Dancing.
16 Mins.; One.
Harlem Opera House.
The spot light discovers the-East-
man Sisters on a couch under a piano
lamp and they sing a dandy Southern
number in quaint style, harmonizing
the chorus with good effect. The girls
are dressed in neat velvet and silk
dresses giving them a stunning ap-
pearance. They are not too strong
vocally, but make up this defect by
the cute manner they have in putting
over their songs. The taller one then
sings a solo number in slow fashion
and does a few dance steps at the
finish, which let her off lightly. The
other sister returns in an abbreviated
dress and sings a popular song in a
quiet manner, her delivery reminding
one of Sadie Burt (Whiting and Burt).
She also does a few neat dance steps.
They return with anoflier change of
wardrobV and ih ah affected fna'M
sing a jazz number full of pep and the
only fast thing in the act. The East-
man Sisters are graduates of Ziegfeld’s
"Midnight Frolic” and bring to vaude-
ville the class usually found atop of
the Amsterdam theatre roof. They are
long on looks, but short on vocal abil-
ity, but should have no trouble pass-
ing if they put a little more ginger into
the turn.
Ethel Cilfton and Co. (2).
"The Aftermath" (Dramatic).
22 Mins.; Fnll Stage (Special Set-
Fifth Avenue..
This new war play’.et, “The After-
math,” may divide professional opinion
as to the Advisability of its continu-
aiKe in vaudeville. It’s not like other
war sketches, going into a subject that
while known, is little spoken of, the
unpublished casuality list of France.
Some may agree the piece is sombre,
its theme melancholy and the story
unnecessary for public light. Those
who disagree will say that “The
Aftermath’ ’is excellent propaganda of
its kind. It tells of the other horror
of 'the brute Hun as an invader, the
ravish of the conquered lands of
France, the , horrifying rape by the
detestable Boche. Played in any
theatre during the Liberty Loan
Drive, the ever growing fires of
hatred against the German would
be so intensified, no better argu-
ment to furnish the Government with
money to obliterate the German curse
on humanity could be presented. It
is a scene in a desolated French home.
The village had been pCcupied by the
Germans for 20 months. The husband,
a soldier ih the French army, upon his
forces recovering the territory, secures
a day’s leave. His wife has not heard
from him for a long time, not knowing
whether he is dead or alive, until re-
ceiving a note the same day announc-
ing his return. There baby in the
crib. Its father is a German soldier.
She asks the priest to take away the
baby. The priest asks where shall he
take it, there are a hundred others in
the itown. The wife' hides the crib
under a table. Her husband, in the
French uniformi enters. They are
affected and happy for the moment.
He inquires for his sister, 16 years, old.
His wife replies she was sent behind
the German lines "to work in a muni-
tion plant. His mother has died, her
rnother has died. There are other ter-
rible things to tell him on his home
coming. He hears a baby’s cry. The
truth is revealed. The soldier is
stunned. Said" he knew of those
things but thought his home would be
spared. The man in uniform during
his moaning relates how his, comrades
when receiving a week’s leave re-
turned to camp the next day, and
never spoke. Nor , were they asked
any question. One ' of his^ comrades
came back the next morning, was silent
all day, fought like a demon and at
night was ordered to take five prisoners
to the rear. The next morning they
found the French soldier dead beside
five dead Germans, with a message
written in blood, "Sister, you are
avenged.” The house broke into in-
voluntary applause at this point. The
priest is appealed to for advice re-
garding the baby and the husband and
wife’s relations. He says no mortal
can give it, but appeals to the Al-
mighty. When the wife llgain looks
in the crib, the baby is cold. It’s
something we should have put before
us as vividly as this playlet sketches
it. It’s the war in France or was the
war in France, the kind of war the
Boche makes. The French had to en-
dure it while it lasted and Americans
will be made stronger for knowing it,
' what ‘hiTOsidn"''by"'a'-‘ba
means. That the playlet is not as well
played as it is written doesn’t matter.
Neither Miss Clifton nor her principal
support, the soldier, are equal to their
respective roles. The priest is the
only adequately taken character, but
this won’t affect the playlet for vaude-
ville. It’s propaganda and good propr
aganda, the kind that makes you
frenzied. Sime.
MUs Juliet.
2 & Mins.; Full Stage.
- Miss Juliet’s nevv act is billed as a
“one girl revue,” employing .a piano
accompanist. She is nicely gowned in
a red' and silver net affair at^ opens
with a sing about the “Gimmes” in
which she impersonates a three-year
old, a 23-year old youth and then the
A. K. grandfather who vVants every-
thing. From this she goes to a line.,
of chatter in which is imitated a shop
girl in a bopk shop, on the lines done
heretofore m vaudeville by Beatrice
Herford, Miss Juliet announces here
that she will endeavor to imitate vari-
ous celebrities at a banquet given for
a war charity and starts off by giving
an excellent imitation of Leonore
(Jlric who introduces Jalck" Norworth
with a song. An imitation of Irene
Franklin singing “the traveling sales-
man” number was not so well done.
It was followed by a few lines in the
form of a poem as recited by Mrs.
Fiske as “Mme. Sand.” A good imi-
tation of Frances White in song and
dance was followed by a song as done
by Harry Lauder, which did not score
so strongly. A poster of the benefit
held at the Hippodrome Sept. 30, 1917,
for the War Sufferers, upon which her
name also appeared, was lowered. The
first of the names to be chosen were
Louis Mann and Sam Bernard, well
done. A dialog between Ethel Barry-
more and Eddie Foy was enjoyed and
then a remarkable impersonation of
Grace La Rue singing her “waltz”
number scored the hit of the act.
Further requests brought an imper-
sonation of Maude Adams an^ one of
A1 Jolson, which did not go over big.
A short impreission of Nazimova was
followed by a poorly executed song as
done by Eva Tanguay. The rendition
of a “blues” number by Nora Bayes
was hardly understood, but a speech
in French by Mme Sarah Bernhardt,
was roundly applauded. The show here
was stopped by the applause. .Miss
Juliet returned and did a short song
and dance as-done by Julia Sanderson.
Juliet IS sure fire.
Eddie Janis and Re^ Cbaplowj
Songs, Piano and 'Violin.
13 Mins.; ITwo (Interior).
81st Street. ~ ’
A nice little act of its kind. Mr.
Janis and Miss Chaplow carry a piano
player who plays accompaniments to
their musical endeavor, so Janis’ best
inning comes with the violin when he
displays talent with the -fiddle and
bow. Miss Chaplow has some attrac-
tive costumes and works with pep and
vivaciousness. At the 81st Street the
act was voted a hit. Mark,
Sid Townes and Co. (1).
Singing and Talking.
11 Mins.; One.
23rd Street.
Sid Townes (formerly of Medlin,
Watts and Townes) is^taking to vaude-
ville in a single turn, and from all ap-
pearances will be in the two-a-day
houses within a couple of weeks. The
former act although good can not be
compared with the one Mr. Townes
is now doing. His appearance is ex-,
cellent, the songs and “gags” are put
over in fine style and with the assist-
ance of Otis Spencer at the piano, he
cannot go wrong. The introductory
number has a pleasing melody and tells
of his former adventures in vaude-
ville. It is followed by the “Georgia
Peach” song. This, with the patter,
wins over the audience from the start,
ahd"hig"turn }s-neTer" in dange^^^
it. Mr. Spencer is a good pianist, and.
has a few fines in this number. It
gives a different air to the skit- away
from the straight single. Some talk
and two or three more songs 'follow.
Mr. Townes looks like a winner. Un-
less the Service gets him^or someone
grabs him for musical comedy, he
should sail right along in the big time
houses with no trouble.
Sydney Grant.
StoViea and Songa.
16 Mina.; One.
Palace, Chicago.
Back after at least four years of
divorce from vaudeville, his early and
always faithful love, Sydney Grant
stepped out in white flannel, trousers,
a sport shirt and a blue serge coat, to
:a “So Long Letty” overture. It was a
happy reunion. The house was glad
to*' greet him and- Sydney looked
pleased to be facing a vaudeville house
again. He started without dny fire-
works, made no speech with romantic
reminiscences of .jdays gone by— just
began telling stories like he used to;
some of them were the ones he used
■ to, too, but as they were his then they
are his now, ahd did not sound at all
mildewed from-storage in the trunk
of his memory, following the several
disassociated anecdotes he did an imi-
tation of~a Hawaiian guitar, told some
more riddles and went off with his
veteran Chinese theatre bit in which
he does the heavy, the fe'male imper-
sonator and the clarinet; This brought
him back for more gags. One or two
of these were very nifty, and some
were not so strong again. An audi-
ence loves him as soon as he shows,
and when he smiles everyone smiles,
^o even the limpy ones got something,
nut Sydney might well think up or
purchase a few live witticisms tp re-
place the ones which get only a titter.
Otherwise the act isdOO per cent pure,
and as it^s i^can hold down any firing
step in the first line trenches of vaude-
' vine’s western or eastern front His
recitation which leads to a comedy
point is too long for the puny cracker
which bursts at the end, and' should
be substituted by added song, as he
sings too well to sing so lit^e. This
is proven by the fine manner in which
his southern yodle song, his encore,
goes. The effect of the whole offering
was a big.^blowoff with applause, that
would not die until he bowed repeated-
would not die until he bowed repeated-
ly, a hand that would have justified
another encore. Sydney Grant found
the latchkey hanging out ^or him, and
his welcome will never wear out as
long as he works like he did here.
' LaH,.
Arthur Lloyd.
18 Mini.; One. . /
Arthur Lloyd performs but three
tricks consuming 18 minutes. Accord-
ing to his billing, he is “The Conjur-
ing Comedian.” ()nly half true. More
comedian than conjuror. It is his chat-
ter alone that carries him. 'The tracks
except Jhe last, are ancient and in the
“magical” catalogus. . Opening with
“wiim and water,” he next does a little
palrmng, following this with card pro-
ducing (having anyone in .the audi-
ence call a card and producing it from
his pocket). His last is, upon requests
from the audience, producing from dif-
ferent portions of his dress suit all
kinds of cards — not the playing -declif
— but cards like a questionnaire, laun-
dry ticket, ice card, registration, etc.,
embracing at least 40 regulation and
special cards like the Kaiser’s death
certificate and the crap-shooters’ union
card. Pop time feature.
Evelyn and Dolly. *
Variety Act.
9 Mins.; Full Stage.
Evelyn and Dolly have been, around
for some years, but this season appear
to have a different routine, costumed
up to date. It includes three changes,
each for a different style of work. The
girls open with roller skating, then- re-
turn as dancers, closing on bicycles.
That makes the short-timed Jturn
speedy enough, added to which the
girls arc hard wbrkers. They should
make the opening spot anywhere, for
no matter how well they do the differ-
ent things, each unsuspected, they are
altogether away from other “sistar
acts” in that they do a variety, and
“dress it up.” loimc.
"The Currant of Fun.’*
Electrical Novolt^.
18 Mine.; Full Stage' (Special Set).
A man dressed in g blue suit with '
red trimmings informs the audience he
will, endeavor to prove by various
electrical experiments that electricity
can pass through the human b^dy in
such a manner as to bewilder an audi-
ence. A committee is invited on the
stage, set in a sort of a grotto scenic
environment. Three youths, and one
with the appearance_of a boob go .on
the stage. The electrical. cu?reht is
turned on and passes through an in-
sulated cable, handed the b^ob who
makes a leap to get away. Madam
Brunell, dressed in a peculiar looking
gown, is introduced with a chord in G
by the orchestra. She laughingly takes
the cable in her hand and lights a piece
of cotton by contact with her arm,
shoe, etc. Next a gas jet is lighted by
the Madam touching it, then through
a banana, lemon and a piece pf ice.
The boob is induced to take a piece of
the banana to show that it is genuine
, and takes nearly all of th^ fruit which
-is in turn taken away from him by a
stage hand in the wings. Shfe touches
tbe boob with a wand and' his hat
flies over the footlights and he follows
his hat. Madam Brunell then makes
a short speech announcing that with
her mouth she will light an arc strong
enough to illuminate the entire theatre.
This is easily done and the act comes
to a slow finish. It is the old fashioned
electrical act with new trimmings, in-
asmuch as tbe boob does all the com-
edy and the electricity is bahdled by
a woman. As a laughing, act it scored
and >as a turn interesting enough to
close a show proved of value by the
way the crowd remained to the very
finish. However, the act could be
. made classier with different scenery.
B^ljr and Edpa Frawley.
Songs and Talk.
IZ Mins.; Onew ^ 'x ,
. Hippodroma, San Franeisco. . ■-/
For a team coming from/the cabarets
Billy and Edna Frawley have more
class, refinement and personality than
is usually found in cabaret graduates.
Following a flirtation opening, which
includes a few stories, they sing a
duet, apparently a. special song,
entitled ‘Tm Going to Hang Around
Till I Make You Care for Me." Miss
Frawley then sings a ballad, and after
a single by Billy (which includes war
stories and some dancing) they close
with a double number and a few dance
steps. With a little more vaudeville
experience the team is headed for the
big time. Miss Frawley’s good looks
and dainty style added to Billy s
cleverness and good singing voice
assur(^s them recognition in better
Golcl, Recwe and Edwards. '
Dancing and Roller Skating.
One; 11 Mins.
The two male members may have
been formerly known as Gold and Seal.
They have retained most of the old
, act, the skating bits, Frenchy make-
up and the dances, adding a young,
woman, who exhibits a goodly portion
of ber bare legs. She cart dance. The
solo toe dance earned her something.
The clog dance on roller skates is ef-
fective insofar as it makes a lot of
noise. A good pop time turn.
Robert Swan.
Dancing and Juggling. ,
10 Mins.; Twiv
American Roof.
high hat apd cigar with a few more
tricks, Rob^ Swan makes a good
impression and is a good opener for
the better small time bills. Taps on
a drum with three balls earns applause
and he closee with comedy club swing-
inf while juggling. The work runs
sMoatkly without a hitch and without
Eddie Leonard and Minstrele (11). 1
"Dandy Dan’s Return. I
34 Mins.; Two (7); 'Full Stage (10); j
Two (17). ,
Colonial. .
Eddie Leonard held a popularity con-,
test all by himself Monday night. He s
bad with him a bunch of “mmstrels, <
but it was Leonard the house cared s
for, no doubt about that. He was t
through with his own routine in _ 30 s
minutes, but the house kept calling ]
for tbe old favorites and there was no ]
denying. Eddie is due to start iu h i
production this fall, the show probably <
being timed to appear after the vari- I
ous war drives have been accom- '•
plished. To fill the gap he framed the i
present turn. It opens with a circle <
of black face men in front of a striped !
satin drop, later going to full stage to '
show one of the older cotton^ ^Id
painted drops, then back to “two. The '
men in the circle stick to ensemble |
singing, while Xeonard makes changes.
At times they stand up and the first
line-up brought a laugh, for the two
men on the ends were grotesquely
small. They do not indulge in gags,
and the reason is that they are colored
(one is said to be 81 years old). To
the casual observer it would be hard
to tell whether the men are white or
black, for they are^all corked and
slicked up in tuxedos. One tiprbff. is
the clever dancing bits they show near
the close. However, Leonard is the
main portion. He flashes a number- of
brightly colored satin costumes, until j
the last when he is in dandy evening
dress with crystal ^waistcoast. There
were some six songs before the en-
coring of the old favorites. First was
“Dandy Dan,” with “Dixie Land,
“Nora” and “That’s Air following.
Each number was followed by a dance,
Eddie giving all his various stepping
styles, including the sand dance. Two
of the minstrels swept up the sand
. while singing a number called Sweep
It Along,” the lyric telling "about the
stage hands going off to war and no
member of the act being this side of
4i Leonard’s best melody came last
with “Sweetness, Honeysuckle of
Mine.” Then came “Ida” and Roly
Bolly Eyes,” both asked for, and there
were still other requests. , But Eddie
took it out in thanking the house and
calling to Mabel Russell to show-her-
self. Eddie said she was stage man-
ager of the act. Ibee.
Sophie Tucker and Her Five Kings of
Songs and Music. X., „
26 Mins.; Full Stage (Parlor).
Fifth Avenue.
Sophie Tucker has five ne-«lr_boys
as her second allotment of musicians
who are bUled with her as the “Five
Kings of Syncopation,” Miss Tucker
also seems to have some new ^ongs,
some of the very latest in the rag line,
and one old ballad, “I’m Sorry I Made
You Cry.” Miss Tucker's reason for
singing the ballad under /a red spot^
light must be that it’s easy for her
boyish group to rag the tune on the
chorus. That’s not adone a reason, it’s
the excuse for the song being in her
act most likely. The boy musicians are
- a violinist, pianist, cellist, cornetist
and drummer. Of these the violin
player, 16 years old, becomes the star
next to Miss Tucker, who gives this
youngster every opportunity and he
takes full advantage. The boy kids
with his instrument, kids with Miss
Tucker, also sings, and in a general
way becomes the life of the party that
the hostess keeps up at highest pitch
■ all the time. During the period the
orchestra has by itself there is a series
; of , .solos.. The one supposedly don e
! by the! cellist sounds suspicibUsiy like
I the Victrola on the stage playing it
■ alone, although the cello player goes
i through the motions. Miss Tucker
• puts over all of her numbers of the rag
kind and the most of them with a
I crash. Her act is an easy hit. The
t time 26 minutes tells that and she
could have done more. Bime.
Wntbn Sisters. ^
22 Mins.; Ona.
Mae and Rose Wilton haVe an act
slightly different from the usual run
of sister acts opening^ with a double
song iq which their yoicesi are pitched
about the same. To this number they
add a few dance steps and after re-
moving their capes and hats one re-
turns to sing, “I Hear You Calling Me,”
in a good soprano voice, but without
clear enunciatidp, personality or eX'-
pression. This number slows up the
act at the sfart, but it might only be
used to show that one of the sisters
can take a suppressed top note. The
singer goes to the grand piano and
the Other sister returns with a violin,
with which they play a noisy jazz type
of melody, only to stop to play a popu-
lar ballad and let thpaudience see that
thq violin is a very raspy affair.^ They'
play a “blues” number on the instru-
ments and interpolate an old song^
A fox trot is then played and the
violiniste does several good dance
steps. They sing the Hawaiian “Fare-
well” song in good ^mony, but re-
turn to play “Tickle Toe,” where the
pianisfe does several toe steps. The
violiniste attempts a speech in which
she endeavors to secure comedy by
making several personal references,
one to a man in the audience whom she
believes to be in Class A and might be
ja member of the Jewish branch of the
Knights of Columbus. A double blues
number as the girls depart. The act_in
its present shape is too long. With
the elimination of the second song and
stopping at the toe dance number it is
an excellent act in an early spot on
the big tithe, i
Clara Morton.
"Solo Songalogqe.”
Clara Morton is alone this>trip in
.vaudeville and doing very well. She
will do all of that in any house while
.alone, with her "^songs and dances, the
“piano dance” included^ The piano-
dance is from Miss Morton’s earliest
stage appearance, the first vaudeville
had then seen, and Clara is doing it as
neatly today as she did always. Pre-
vious acts headed by Clara Morton had
a sketch foundation with an assist-
ant, both superfluous for this girl, who
needs only herself. She’s an enter-
tainer, and a good one, the daughter of
a famous vaudeville family. Clara
helped fo make it famous and can al-
ways present, the fainily’s name and
represent it with justifiable pride and
to its glory, 8ime.
Frederieka Sims and Co.' (4). >
Songs and Music.
19 Mini.; Full Stage (Parlor).
\|PiHh Avenue.
B'redericka Sims is a soprano prima
donna who sings straight songs, clos-
ing with a new war song version, very
fine in theme, of the joy in France at
the arrival of the American forces. It’s
quite the biggest thing in Miss Sims’
act, not excepting herself, nor her
voice. The singer acknowledges a cer-
tain lack of conffdence in herself by
appearing with a quartet of rag musi-
cians, who however play the accompani-
ments for her straight numbers. But-
when left to themselves those four
boys dig right into ragging and stay
there, to the evident pleasure of the
audience, who appeared to prefer mu-
sic to the singing, if the applause was
a true guide, barring the closing war
number (applauded for its sentiment).
The musical combination looks very
much like the boys who played the
dance music at the Chateau Laurier
at City Island this summer. They
■\Vere a dandy little bunch up there
and they are just as gootj on the vau-
deville sttfge.>x'There is a drummer,
piano player, cornet and bass viol.
The pianist has ..a session by himself,
for “variations,” and does something
with it; There seems to be no great
demand for this particular or peculiar
style of combined act, unless “Fred-
ericka Sims” means ever so much more
than may be imagined. . Bime. .
Ben Bernie.
Muaic and Talk. '
12 Mins.; One.
Fifth Avenue. ' ; . ,
“Ladies and Gentlemen; I Wish to
announce that Ben Bernie will posi-
tively appear here this afternoon," said
Ben Bernie as he walked on the Fifth ^
Avenue stage. It was a goodetart for
his new single, who stated his former
partner, Baker (Bernie and Baker),
had gone into the Navy. Several parts
'of .the former twd-act have been re-
tained, particularly the “Humoresque”
number which Bernie, only with his
violin, wlhen starting into the rag ver-
sion of it misses much of what Baker’s
accordion formerly did with this. But
Bernie does just as well as both did
with “Over There” as a Yiddish march.
Bernie has something brand new in
travestied music, ragging a buglw call-
ing Reveille, also .“nancing” it, with
his violin. A couple of new stories
strongly appealed for laughs. Bernie,
without doing anything of any real
. purport nearly stopped the show in
the No. 2 spot with his amusing noth-
Myrla and Delmar.
Full Stage (Exterior).
Fifth Avenue. :
Two young fellows stroll on the
stage, one carrying a golf bag and
the other a kodak. It looks suspici-,
ously like an acrobatic opening, thus
soft stuff acrobats have affected of
late and of course all foltewing one
another.' Then the couple commence
to acrobat, including hand balancing,
and exit with the kodak and golf bags
as chimes are heard. It isn’t made
known who rings the bells on them.
The turn seems too light for big time
consumption. The camouflage/ has
grown too familiar to leave this sort
oL an act longer in any kind of a
novelty class. Bime.
Siilith and Loael.
Songs and Dances.
9 Mins.; One.
Man and woman, colored* with the
man’s best, dancing; woman’s best,
singing. Between the two the woman’s
is the bptter end of the turn. - The
man’s one dance, however, docs much
to redeem him. At that though he will
keep the turn on the small time whete
it can get away. Bime.
purport nearly stopped the show in
the No. 2 spot with his amusing noth-
ingness. His easy manner when on
the stage and his affable assurance,
with the violin as an old reliable, will
send Mr. Bernie over as a single on
any bill. He’s just one of those natural
entertainers and im this case some-,
what of a higher grade than a large
number of others who could be so
classed. - Bime.
Jane Green and James Blyler.
Songs and Piano.
14 Mins.; One.
Hippodrome, San Francisco.
This new vaudeville combination will
be heard from. The turn consists
mostly of rag and jazz songs sung by
Jane Green, accompanied by Janies
Blyler on the piano. Miss Green
makes one change of costume. During
the time occupied by the change Mr.
Blyler plays a rag on the piano. It
could be replaced by something more
suitable. The little talk indulged in
for Miss Green’s exit does not help
the turn, but these minor faults are
fOrg'Otteiv'art'd" have
any effect on the success of the act
here, where it was the hit of the bill.
In putting over jazz humbers Miss
Green was a real surprise, and sur-
passes even the big 'timers who have
been seen here. The “wiggle” of Miss
Green’s, in evidence in most^of the
numbers, is slightly overdone.
' (
I 41
‘ tj
I'ho Columbia put on a good bill for Its
Sunday concert and it had a big house at the
matinee. There has been a decided change at
the Columbia .since the opening this season.
IiBst Sunday the program ran through vlthout
a hitch, not a sound excepting applause, and
lib waits on the stage. The Columbia man-
agement appears to have stopped bow stealing
and’ encore talcing. It’s a big step forward
and makes for a much better performance. One
of the turns had a weak member that ordin-
arily would have been laughed at by the Co-
lumbia gallery but the upstairs allowed the
turn to finish without a murmur.
„ was reported abound the theatre that Fred
McCioy, tho general publicity reprosentatlro
of the Columbia Circuit and who takes charge
of the Columbia at the Sunday . matinees, had
brought the miraculous change about through
a system of his own, but Mr. McCioy refused
to give any information. Anyway, it is pe-
culiarly noticeable, and if tho Columbia con-
tinues as it was last Sunday, it will be one of
.the very best places in Now York for acts to
appear in, for the one day a week, particu-
larly as the house draws many managers and
agents among its Sunday attendance.
The show opened with Chlng Ling Soo and
Co., Chinese magicians, who wore not Chinese
and did a disjointed mystery turn to slight
applause. That, with Smith and Lesle, No. 2,
are under New Acts. Charles Dingle and Co.,
in an Irish singing skit, had one good mem-
ber as the Irish mother and one poor one as
the daughter, with Mr. Dingle singing the
songs. The story is old, of an Irish boy from
America, returning disguised,’ to reclaim his
sweetheart,^ The act is small time altogether.
Hill and -Ackerman were about No. 3 with
their smooth tomfoolery, appearing now wlth-
'out the Termer woman assistant, but having
In its place the "impersonations of well ad-
vertised men you have never met” as first
done by Harry Watson in “Odds and Ends."
It makes a very good bit for these two men.
Keane and Edwards (Now Acts).
Roy La Pearl, who followed, with his com-
pany of two and doing tho act mostly -from
the audience, where two Italian boys are
seated, has not changed the turn any since
first, presenting It. That leaves the act small
time only. It’s a good comedy turn In spots,
but has not been gathered In for best results.
About when It should end. It restarts with a
piano act’ La Pearl, outside of the talk,
appears to be a steel guitar player, though he
Dilso plays the piano. Ti'immed down properly,
the act could show once around on the big
time, but hardly In its present shape.
Following Harry and Grace Ellsworth (New
Acts) was George Rosener In character Im-
personations. He got the hit of the bill,’ next
to closing, but Frank Wilson, straight bl-
cyclist, who followed and closed the perform-
anco, could be given an equal score. Mr WII-
feon has something new in bicycle riding, ap-
pearing -alone, without comedy or comedy
make-up. Going through some usual straight
riding tricks for the opening, he closes with
hands off riding, doing tricks and riding
t^he safety bicycle without touching the handle
bars or^the machine at any time with . his
hands. While it is a pretty late day for any-
on .0 to show something new in bicycle riding.
Prank Wilson is doing it, making a novelty
act of his neat bicycle turn. He is of pleas-
ant appearance besides. Closing the perform-
anoe, Wilson held tho house for a real hit.
" , Sime.
now, after all of those years, when he can
dance and did dance Monday night, an agile
old-timer of whom ibero is none any better,
now or then.
Tho Morton children, Clara and Paul, have
made individual names for themselves. They
are Individual features In vaudeville, Clara,
now alone, and the clever Paul, with hts pretty
and talented wife, Naomi Class (who appeared
with the group for the final bow).
Martha did little beyond dancing. Perhaps
the absence of her stage gowns removed some
of her assurance before the footlights. Joe
seems to be there on the style of Paul, a
juvenile, who can sing, dance and talk. The
combined Morton family, routed over the
larger houses, should be a standing box ofiSce
attraction. They may have accounted for the
very large Monday night attendance.
) -Closing the performance were LeRoy, Talma
and Bosco, with considerable new matter and
some added people, it seems. One very good
•bit of comedy and noiw is done by Bosco, a
"magical melodrama,” it might be termed,
growing more laughable as it progresses. The
turn, greatly aided by the additions and
changes, passed away about 23 minutes very
pleasanjly, and held in the entire house.
The Palace program started at 7 :69 Monday
with the Gardiner Trio (with some-
^hing of ft new act for them) opening the
show at that time. This rushed the program
through to end before 11.15, the objective seem-
ingly sought by the management. No pic-
tures showed at either end of the bill.
It brought the No. 3 act, "Crosby’s Cor-
ners on before 8 :30, and the Avon Comedy
Four, in their second week, finished before
nine, with Lucille Cavanagh (New Acts) clos-
ing (he first part. •
The second part was a Four-Morton family
reunion and revival, with seven Mortons
divided into three acts, all assembling for a
grand finale during and closing the present
turn of the Four Mortons, now Sam, Kitty,
Martha and Joe. Tho others were Clara
Morton, who did a single turn (New Acts),
and Morton and Glass in their own act, with-
out tho former house-front drop. Through a
baggage delay. Mrs. Kitty Morton and her
daughter. Martha, were minus their stage
clothes. . At first, for thp reunion, the six
Mortons lined up on tho stage in "one," with
a smattering of the old act of the Four Mor-
tons, that part where Paul formerly entered
asking bis father where Centre street was.
"Clntor strate" Kitty called It then, and
made tho same remark Monday night, while
Joe took Paul’s former dialog (with Paul
watching his younger brother). "Down two
blocks and up ono alley," replied Sam. where-
upon Joe continued to a point where Paul
broke in saying that was his old stuff. At
that Sam made tho sumo old swing at Paul,
and Paul returned It with the same old slap
on tho stomach. Perhaps Sam found he
couldn't control .Toe’s slaps, and would take
no chances. It’s a groat reunion, all of these
vaudeville favorites, and it starts the old
and his wife (Kitty) started. There are
many horejihouts who recall when Clara as
"The Dresden China Doll” (and slio was all
of that) first appeared with her parents, tho
Thrc(* MortonH, then Paul, about aa young as
Joe is now, making it tho Four Mortons. The
Morton children beenmo almost ns finished
porforraers as their parents. It would be hard,
almost Impossible, to acknowledge Sam Morton
has a peer as a performer In his line even
The Levolos in their wire act with tha
woman looks refreshingly young, and in
which Lcvolo shows a slightly different rou-
tine of feats on tho tight and Black wire,
open^ the show. The juggling trick and tho
bicycle stunt at the end of tho act are worth
while, but tho "souse” bit slows up the run-
Mao and Rose Wilton (New Acts) occupied
the second spot.
Bobby Matthews, assisted by a dandy com-
pany of three, struck an early hit with his
fanciful skit, "Tho Rounder of Old Broad-
way." Mr. Matthews first shows a drop of
Broadway, which evidently has not been hit
by the lightless night order, and then in-
forms the audience in song that as a rounder
he meets various types, interesting and en-
ispi^lning. Matthews sings a song about
life . being a see-saw," which "has a well
pointed lyric, and finishes with another
chorus about characters. The cast takes a
bow with him, and the act scored a laughing
hit and proved a diverting novelty. That Mr ’
Matthews does not take all the meat but al-
lows the others to gather laughs ie a tribute
his showmanship. The act went very big.
A1 Shayne is assisted by an unprogramed
comMlan who acts as the Italian cometlst
in the orchestra pit. Shayne starts the act
by abusing an Italian opera with peculiar
vocal intonations and facial distortions. The
cometlst takes it upon himself to change
Shayne 8 ideas of the music, and while the
orchestra crew are in a heated debate, steps
on the stage and attempts to explain that
Shayne 8 "pipes” are not in good working
order. The comeUst, fed by Shayne, gathered
pig laughs and the argument was settled by
®*"8lng an old-time popular song in
which the cometlst sang the lyrics and Shayne
Interpolated various weird sounds and top
notes in harmony with the melody. The act
was the hit of the first part.
Eddie Poy, assisted by the six little Foys,
had easy sailing. A benefit for the Red Cross
is suggested, and the children all do their
various specialties, starting with a recitation
by Iryl^ng ^and finishing with a whirlwind
dance by Charles and Mary Poy. The act
dos^ tte first part In excellent style, and
Foy fiaa^de a short speech In which he told the
folks that bis oldest son, Bryan, was In the
During Intermission Jules Lenzberg offered
"The March of
which the flags of the various
Allied ^ countries were shown, and finishing
with the national anthem.
Miss Juliet (New Acts) opened tho second
half with an act greatly different from which
she has shown heretofore.
Van and SChenck In their second week, in
evening clothes, opened with a new double
song, well appreciated, and then did a new
double Irish number in good style. Van next
introduced a new negro comic about essential
employment and’ Schenck sang a ballad while
SMted at the piano. A new "Dixie” number
wiui a patter chorus came in for appreciation,
remrned and offered a new comedy
new ‘‘blue™’^*'' encore they sang a
Introduced by
Madam Brundll (New Acte), closed the show.
^nrllng hw been doing a heap of ob-
jecting about the way the llghtless nights
have played hob with attendance. His per-
sistence or Insistence must have caused the
fuel powers that be to let up Just a trifle
for he is now allowed to light the two
corner lamps in the pavement canopy. That
helps a IltGe. Monday night there was a
real box office line operating and bUBlnesa
was noticeably bettor than it has been so
downstairs*******" there was plenty of room
slowly. The first half of
close to. a blank as to scoring
until Eddie Leonard established a "zero hour”
• fn - closing ■ lutormiSsidfr over ’for"
They wanted
Eddie Inde^itely, but even ho recognized that
34 was sufficient.
Prank Hartley opened, pulling out well
enough with bis bottle balanoing trick. He
missed repeatedly, even fumbling hts saucer,
cup and spoon stunt. Mitchell and King, In
bird, bugle and farmyard mimicry, Mged
No. 2. Their last bit, an
Imitation of g cat squabble, saved the turn.
Soveral other "impressions” of farmyard crea-
tures wore among the best of the balance of
the routine.
Ames and Wlnthrop followed with a fllv.
Their "One Moment, Please,” started out on
high gear but failed to keep_the pace, Ames
a laugh on his entrance and tho first
half of tho turn ran along happily. Ames
told Andy Byrne to play the “Deabrosses Street
Rhapsody” for the first dance, and the an-
tique number brought some giggles. After
the Indian number the act sagged and never
recovered. Had the pair taken a-^bow they
might have slid lato tho sure fire "Gonga
Din" bit. But the bouse didn’t know the act
was over until the pair were off. They did
not reappear and everyone let It go at that.
Cooper and Ricardo, in fourth spot, were not
able to start much. True they did not have
it soft, figuring the slow going ahead. Tho
Peering two new song numbers in
•Rpek-a-Bye" and "Keep Sending Them Over”
and can stand some new comedy material.
Tho running therefore up to the Leonards
entrance was not up to standard,
After intermission the show held the pace
set by the blackface star and the balance of
tte bill scored. Parsons and Irwin were
first to proceed; and after the four-minute
drama, livened , things with pleasant vocal-
of You," "Mother of Mine”
and ‘Popular Operatic Strain" sent them "in"
with ease, and the several encores, delivered
on earned applause made their score second
to Leonard’s.
Bert Baker and Co., in "Prevarication,”
planted the bill’s ewnedy punch on sixth.
lAUghs fell thick and fast throughout the 30
minuces or more of the farce. Mr. Baker
was In fine trim, and with several new players
assisting, the act looks stronger than last
season. The wife character has a new woman
and there is a familiar face (not programed)
Sort s office assistant. This man Is not
youmful but he is funny and helps the going,
in fact, is much better than the original
Baker turn and Leonard’s were respon-
sible for a late show, the final curtain falling
around 11.25. The Duncan Sisters (New
Acts) appeared at five minutes to eleven, and
that left General Pisano to enter for tho
finish at 11.15. Pisano, minus the mountain
climbing Hun. Interested with his clever dls-
Play of marksmanship and he' held them In.
He is shooting some of ’the targets from near
back of the house, running down the aisle for
the bit — a novelty.
If JMlss Chandler continues to draw them in
the remainder of the week and for the- rest
of the time she is on the circuit. It would be
a good idea to sign her for a return trip right
away. The supporting bill was made up of
eight acts and a comedy picture, all pleasing
turns and interesting.
The first two poaltlons were awarded to Rob-
-ert Swan and McDonald and Cleveland (New
Byans and Sidney, billed
as "The Painters." The men dressed as paint-
ers with overalls and jumpers got off to a
poor start while working on> the ladder, but
when they descended and started their cross-
fire tho turn looked better, and tho laughs be-
gan to come with more speed. The fat man’s
mmedy and the singing of the straight wore
their biggest assets, and they closed to real
returns .on the comedy song and "nut” dance
Holden and Herron were wlld-flre at the
Roof. Tho beat part of Mr. Holden’s comedy
^ Mllor In the first row, who he
mlled Fred.” MoaUy all the "gags" he told
he dcalL Fred’s atteaUon to, asking him what
he thought of ’em. The real comedy was when
he asked Fred to tell Eddie Burch (orchestra
leader) he wanted to si^k to him, during his
parmer’s solo. The "Gob" got right up and
kept shaking Eddie until he almost shook him
off his chair. This bit had the audience in a
roar, and the couple finished with a war num-
ber which sent them over big.
^.*5® Chandler closed intermission and hung
up the hit ol the show. She has a pleasing
offering, is assisted by a clover pianist, and
anywhere. Besides her regular
turn, which lasted about 16 minutes, she had
to do three encores, running 26 minutes in all.
George and Lilly Garden In their xylophone
turn made a neat appearance, the man In
white erenlng dress and the woman in a pretty
gown. Their work is along the ordinary run
of players of this Instrument, consisting of
overtures, oiwratlc pieces and "rag" selecubns.
They were given a good finish at the Roof and
could have returned for an encore. Walter D.
Nealand and Co., In “Everything But the
.’u P®“ a woman, started slowly
with me husband and wife working, but when
the third V party, a "lawyer from upstairs,”
reached the scene, it brightened up and the
turn ran better.
Cook and Lorenz were given a reception at
their -entrance and responded with some good
cross-fire which had the patrons laughing all
the way. The men have a good routine which
earned them solid applause. The Three Alfon-
sos (New Acts) closed the show
The Fifth Avenue had 'em hanging on the
ceiling Tuesday night. It must have been
the War Song Contest. The final was for
that evening. Ropes were out at eight and
they were needed. The crowd kept coming
in and the house must have about reached a
record in receipts.
The contest, running 35 minutes, closed the
show, won by "My Belgian Rose” (Feist),
sung by^ Artie Mehllnger. Other contestants
were "Homeward Bound" (Feist), the first
m be given; then "Hello Central" (Waterson,
Berlin & Snyder), "Dreaming of Home. Sweet
Home (Shapiro, Bernstein & Co.), in theT
four spot, and "Got to Get Up” (W. B. & S.),
fifth. They were the five winners- of the
contest on the first five nights of last week.
In the list the newest number was "Dreaming
of Home, Sweet Home," having a very pretty
melody, with a sweet lyric. It looks like one
of tne best of the later crop of war ballads.
The program ran nicely, with the new'
Arbucklo film comedy In the centre of It.
Patty’s’ ’’Cook" bringing a great deal of
laughter, not a little of 'which was secured
through Buster Keaton In It, also that other
corking good screen comedian, A1 St. John.
No particular big hit stood out in the vaude-
ville. • Clark and Verdi, next to closing, might
“av®, ^secured one with their old act but they
dldn t with the new material they may be
breaking In. There Is a very funny bit about
the female statues carried and a good comedy
finish, but- they will have to build up the re-
®a*po6r of the talk to make the turn rank
■with their others, their tlallan characters
remaining the same.
In the older turns on the 5111, Hager and
Goodwin, second, did not fare overwell, the
turn closing almost cold with their ’’Day at
the County Pair.” There are too many an-
nouncements of their own' compositions, A
whman plant carried for one helped some
for the moment. It was In a ballad. One of
the two mpn. is at a piano and the other
Is a charatt;er singer, It seems, first doing
a coon” .number. The frameup Is. much
along the linos of Van" and Schenck, but only
the frameup.
Merle’s Cockatoos opened the show, with
young Miss Merle becomingly and modernly
costumed, , There Is an attractive stage set-
ting, with the many birds decorating It. They
are put through tricks, with some comedy,
and It makes an entertaining as well as a
"sight” turn.
In the third spot, Bronson and Baldwin
did fairly well, so early, they closing nicely
with tho Hawaiian bit.
Ethel Clifton and Co., Predorlcka Sims and
Co. and Myrle and Delmar (New Acts).
^„' 23D STREET.
All houses around New York watch for tho
opportunity of billing some act "direct from
toe Palace. The 23d’ had its chance the
first half, when Williams and Wolf us played
the house. The team at the Palace and Royal
last week, a tiresome task, worked with aa
SIS®** . ^^® Monday night as they
Old at the biggest house on toe circuit. In
the next-to-closlng postlon toe couple cleaned
up so thoroughly that for a time It looked as
if the closing act would not be allowed to
®PP®^f- - The Three Eddys closed the show.
Bollinger and Reynolds, In a corking good
wire OTt, opened it to a fine start. Billlnger’s
comedy on toe tight bounding rope got him
one iau^ after another, and his clever tricks
earned him. enough to send him over with
some to spare. Belle Myers, doing the same
act as she dld_ back in 1911, but not doing
it as well, held down the second position,
and slowed up proceedlnge. Miss Myers might
have had a chance to make the big time at
her debut, but not now. Although her cos-
tumes are nice, she has little else. The clos-
ing Scotch song and dance was about the beat,
and earned a passable score.
Brady ■ and Mabohy in their laugh nro-
voking "Cruise of a Doughnut” hung up a
well earned hit. New talk has been added
to their old routine, but the old "gags’' are
still scoring toe big laughs. The remedy
cross-fire had the house in an uproar, and toe
parodies on popular songs brought the men
back for an encore.
. Jford and Fuller in a pleasing novelty turn
followed and scored. . The man as an English
Johnny” and the woman in tights make a
good combination for the better small time
houses. Their work consists of juggling,
unlcycle riding, comedy talk and a violin solo
by the woman. The act is a novelty, and
should do.
Sid Townes & Co. (New Acts) in "A Story
in Songs’ were in the fifth spot, and proved
ellglWe. Sherman and Uttry, looking well
in their riding habits, went through their
singing and dancing turn in good form, and -
finished strong. Mr. Dttry’s recitation about
the race-horse was a pleasing hit, and added
to the applause.
Wm. S. Hart in "Riddle Qawne” ended the
bill at 11.
K ■ muirt’-haVer heen ctfribur’popte '
around 42d street and 8th avenue had to In-
vestlgn'to as to who too single woman was who
being billed so big at toe American was, and
if she deserved her publicity. To satisfy their
curiously they attended the Tuesday night per-
formance at tho Roof in such large mimbers
tho business was the biggest this season on a
week-day night atop tho Roof.
Anna Chandler is the single, and is hooked
on tho LoeW_ Circuit for a week at each house.
The Dancing Contest, an extra added fea-
ture at the Hamilton every Monday evening,
may have been the reason standing room was
at a premium that night. At least two
couples out of the four entered could put it
over many a small time dancing act traveling
tho circuits at the present moment. Canfield
and Cohan in the next to closing spot were
the -only seasoned act on tho hill, and they
•;iSC(H 0 d the -.lav ghlng-hit of- the porformancoi-’ ’
Gold, Reece and Edwards opened with skat-
ing and dancing (New Acts). Arthur Lloyd
and Nat Nazarro, Jr. (New Acts). Following
the Seml-’VYeekly News reel, which split toe
bill at this point, came Emma Stevens with a
song, and was well liked. After Canfield and
Cohen- kept the audience in good humor for
about 20 minutes of continuous laughter the
Welling Trio went through a fast routine of
acrobatics (New Acts). Constance Talmadge
in "Good Night, Paul I” the feature film, closed.
BernJe Grauw, former pianist at
Amron's, has joined the Black and
White Five, and is now at the Tokio.
Tom Murray has taken Boss' place
in Gordon, Ross and Ball (Triangle
Billy Sharp opened a revue at the
Marlborough Hotel Sunday night, fea-
turing the Three Chums (Miller, Black
and Mack), -
Henry McCauley will manage the
181st Street Ice Rink this winter. _ He
formerly managed the Bay Ridge
The Plaza in Brooklyn has changed
its name to the Piccadilly and opened
with a new revu6, produced by Victpr
Hyde, last week.
Boh Levy was in San Francisco last
week securing talent for Levy’s, Los
Angeles. According to a report Levy’s,
however, will discontinue the enter-
tainment feature.
The Somers ; restaurant revue,
. Brooklyn, produced by Billy Sharp,
has Grace Palmen Billy Walsh, Nat
Coster, Flo Reed, Leon St. Clair,- Babe
Smith. Mae Brown and a chorus of
eight girls.
The Hotel Seaboum, Coney Islaind,
closes its season tomorrow (Saturday)
with a "Deoch and Doris Night” as
the finale. It will also mark the end-
ing of Billy Werner’s tenancy of the
The Pommery agency over here will
move to Chicago Oct. 1 when Murray
Keller of that city assume it, taking
the agency over from Francis Dratz in
New York. At the same time A1
Sanders will again resume his connec-
tion with the Pommery brand,
A* the quiet Sundays succeed one
another there is less motoring in and
around New York, with the road
houses remaining closed on that day.
Most of the road house men come into
New York by train to see their city
The Committee of Fourteen has been
somewhat active around of late in con-
nection with the cabaret shows, look-
ing for “bare legs” mainly. One
restauran't was called upon to give a
private performance of its sho^ for
the information of the committee’s
A runway was installed at the Por-
tola-Louvre, San Francisco, for the
new revue which opened last Sunday.
The new show has 16 girls in the
chorus. The principals are Bobbie
Robinson, Vera Ransdale, Charlotte
Vermont, Mary Kay. The show is
under the direction of George Woeds.
. Changes seem imminent or have
been made in the Folly Caprice, Pabst
Harlem, Frances Demarcst, one of
the leaders of the cabaret at its open-
ing, is preparing to enter vaudeville
as a "single act.” Gertrude Venderbilt,
another principal, is engaged for a new
John Cort musical show.
The Seven Bracks, the acrobatic
turn specializing in "risley” work, are
at Rector’s (downstairs) on a 20-week
contract. The act is reputed getting
the same
Bracks are said to be the first big
acrobatic act tried in cabarets. The
Rath brothers have been in the Cen-
tury roof show for several weeks.
The College . Inn, Chicago, expects
soon to resume with an ice show.
Charlotte, who was th« fc#tgl»
year, is still in that city. Offers for
her appearance in New York were
turned down. Tjie skater at first de-
manded $1,000 weekly, later dropping
to $700., The latter is reported to be
double the salary paid her at the
Hippodrome, New York.
Frisco the “jazz dancer” is going
into vaudeville, having a girl assistant.
He expects to include the Dixieland
Jazz band, a Chicagb bunch of players
who have been at Reisenweber’s. The
act is framed to play the bigger New
York hduses with a possible repeat.
Last week? Frisco stuttered his “notice”
to Flo Zeigfeld who laughed, but the
“jazzer” said he was getting through
at the “Midnight Frolic” Saturday.
Detectivo James McName'e, of In^
spector Cahalane’s staff, stepped into
Chester’s Cabaret at Central Park
West and noth street, Monday night,
announcing that the place was
“pinched.” i6r permitting dancing with-
out a license to run a dance hall.
Faetano Camparatb, the manager, was
arrested and was paroled by Magis-
trate Nolan, in the Washington
Heights Police Court, until Oct. 4,
when the case will be ^ heard. The
manager pleaded not guilty.
The new show to be produced by the
Shuberts at the 44th Street theatre
roof is as yet unamed, In the cast are
Justine Johnstone, Avon Comedy Four,
Father Sisters, Watson Sisters, Ed.
Wynn. The rehearsals start today. In
the minstrel first part, in white face,
will be Connie Farber and Kitty Wat-
son on the ends, and Justine Johnstone
as -interlocutor. The material is by
Henry I. Marshall, and this part of the
performance is scheduled to run an
hour. The show is due to open on
Oct. 16.
As indooY ice skating rinks will be
discontinued this winter to conserve
ammonia, the college hockey teams will,
for the duration of the war, confine
their hockey activities to roller skates.
A committee of students, representing
the hockey teams of the large casern
universities, called upon Charles Dil-
lingham recently, to inquire regarding
the use of the new Hippodrome Hard-
wood skating floor, employed in the
roller skating scene in “Everything.’
The collegians proposed to use the
Hippodrome floor in the mornings for
The former Balconnades Room at
Healy’s, at 66th street, is now "Camp
Frolics,” w»»h the interior converted
into the semblance of a cantonment.
The room is partitioned and tented,
with the several “camps” named after
generals of the American forces.
There is a soda fountain department
in the room, where any kind.of a drug-
store drink may be, secured by men in
uniform or those who want it. The
soda fountain to date has done little
besides getting rusty. Benny Urber-
all is again director of the Balcon-
nades Room. Healy’s new ice show
on the floor above (Golden Glades)
will open about Nov. 1, supplanting the
present ice revue there.
Rod Wostorlaln, who gives his ad-
dress as Brancardier, III, Belgian
Army, has written asking for infor-
mation regarding the whereabouts of
his father. He says : “Fred Westcrlain
left Belgium for the United States
^ some-30 year s -ago and played . in
atre orchestras and bands, I believe
he was in New York, Chicago, Butte,
Helena, Victoria and Douglas (Alaska).
I am a poof Belgian private soldier
who has spent his courage and health
these last four years for the honor
and liberty of the world.” Anybody
having any inforwatioo reg ardipg
Fred Westerlain kindly communicate
it to the Shubert Press Department,
44th Street Theatre, New York.
According to the music stores and '
the various orchestras, the following
pieces ^re the song hits of the current
new musical attractions playing in New
York. “Head Over Heels” has “Head
Over Heels” arid “The Big Show”;
“The Maid of the Mountains’* has “My
Life Is Love” and “When You’re In
Love”; “Some Day Waiting Will End"
seems to be the hit of “The Girl Behind
the Gun”; “Everything” numbers “Sun-
shine Alley” and “Come Along to Toy
Town,” as its favorites; in "Some
■Night” there are "Something That
Money Can’t Buy,” “With the Boy I
Love” and “Alone in a Great Big
World; “Fiddlers Three” has “Can It
Be Love at Last?” while “The Passing
Show of 1918” has "On the Level
You’re a Little Devil,” and “Smiles."
The pescimUtic news from Washing-
ton has not deferred Atlantic City cafe
proprietors from their position that a
splendid fall and winter business awaits
them. Proiirietor Robert G. Simon of
the Martinique has just opened the
Russian Balalika Orchestra of ten for
an indefinite engagement with a mu-
sical program each evening. At the
Bedux Arts, Joseph H. Moss is plan-
ning for special nights which will e^iial
those of former years, though minus
the cabaret features, now under local
police ban. The Jackson is making a
specialty of dinners with Kienzle's or-
chestra feature. At the cozy Latzcellar
dance music adds to the splendid res-
taurant bill, while the Martin Cafe
continues the Three White Kuhns and
Harry Nossokoff. The Regent, under
Manager Frank Bowman is also sched-
uling fall features for its cafe.
Joseph C. Smith hit Broadway last
week from Chicago in quest of fee
skaters, that class of cabaret artist^
being in high demand in the west ana
especially in Chicago. . Cafes there
holding ice rinks continue along as in
the past, the anti-cabaret ordinance
prohibits liquor being sold where danc-
ing is allowed. Dancing on skates by
the artists, singing on skates and the
like slips by the law. Smith has a
two-hour pantomime on skates at
Terrace Gardens, using 40 skaters.
Three shows daily are given--one at
noon and two in the evening. There
is a 50 cent cover charge. The show
is really a revue, made up of portions
of well known pantomimes. Smith also
has running a novelty than has caught
on strongly along the north shore of
the lake. It is a dancing revue given
for the\ guests of the Edgewater Beach
Hotel. The dancers perform on a plat-
form float bn the water about 200 feet
from shore. The platform is painted
black and under the glare of spot-
lights, the artists appear to be dancing
on the water.
Maxim’s new show, once more pro-
duced by Percy Elkeles and stagpd by
Billy Sharp, had its opening Monday,
with Veronica, Gosman Twins and
Miss Bradwell as principals, together
with six chorus girls. The costuming
of the revue is extraordinary when
the size of the restaurant, which must
regulate the cost of the show, is con-
sidered. No more costly nor more
tasty dressing has been seen in the
restaurants. There are several^ num-
bers, one excelling the other in the
clothes, with the opening set of cos-
tumes starting the admiration. Among
the people of the revue Veronica (who
prefers to be hereafter known as
tionably stands out. She is a natural
toe dancer, lithe, graceful and skilful
on her toes. Miss Marquise is doing
a pretty doll dance, also another num-
ber. She is a very attractive picture,
whether in solos or in the ensembles.
The Gosman Twins will recall to
Mwip’B pMrqtw tlttfi Bqrr Twigs, who
got their start there. The Gosman
girls do not resemble the Barrs in
more than the composition of their
turn and name. They do very fairly,
and will probably improve as they
grow accustomed, to the restaurant.
Miss Bradwell is the sbubret. She
suffers somewhat by comparison. The
chorus girls, made to look reMly hand-
some by the clothes they wear and
who are also making up much better
than the usual cabaret choristers, are
Helen Paine, Babatte Bussey, Florence
Weston, Denys Davidson, Marion
George, Ruth Lloyd. Mr. Elkries has
always fitted Maxim’s perfectly with
its revues. He has done it again with
this show, helping along the intimacy
of the rather small room with a
novelty number, through which the
patrons are allowed to try to throw
cotton balls into the pockets of a pro-
truding costume. A reward is /given
by the girls to the successful pitchers
—either a kiss or a smile— ^nd that
should become popular.
“Attaboy’* is the new and smooth
running pleasing restaurant revue Gus
Edwards has placed in the Oinar
Khayyam Room of the Hotel Martin-
ique. It is prettily costumed; has eight
good looking girls, also “workers,”^ in
the chorus, with principals from other
Edwards floor snows who have be-
come quite fairly well known. Among
the latter are Mercedes Lorenz, Irene
Martin and Bobby O’Neil. Mr. O’Neil
seems a valuable juvenile in these days.
Miss Martin is back again with Ed-
wards after having played vaudeville
for awhile with Sheets Gallagher who
■was drafted. Kathleen Hitchens is
new to the company. She is a prima,
young and of good appearance, with
a splendid voice, but no animation or-
"spirit.” Miss Lorenz takes good care
of the numbers the leads. Mr. O’Neil
sings and danceli "doubling” In black-
face for the/nomewhat protracted ■
patriotic finale of the performance.
The finale of the first part is “You Can
Always Get a Packavc Here by Parcel ■
Post.” with the girls going through
the dining-room, “delivering” little
addressed boxes to the patrons. Most
of the boxes were addressed to Lila
Lee ("Cuddles”) at the Paramount
studios, Hollywood, so Gus mixed
pleasure with more business here. This
finale closes nicely through all the
girls arguing among themselves as
they return to the stage. The music
of the special numbers was written
and the show staged by Mr. Edwards.
Will D. Cobb wrote the lyrics, and as
usual they are well worth listening to
when unaerstood. It Is^ rather inex-
plicable why such a brilliant lyricist
as Cobb doesn’t swing into a wider
sphere. His peer would be bard to
locate were Cobb ever to set himself
to the task. Several numbers from
other writers are used In the grand
finale, with the choruses printed on
the program for '■the audience to sing.
The costuming is tastefully attractive
all the time. The closing suits or uni-
forms of the several military and
naval divisions, each represented by a
girl,. are alluring. The opening num-
ber is "Lady Laborers.” with the differ-
ent girls in some man’s work attire.
Mr. O’Neil is the only mate in the
show. Eleanor Pierce does a dance at
one moment called ‘The Oriental
Jazz.” Any other name will fit it as
well. . One of Miss Lorenz’s numbers
is “You’ve Got to Be in Khaki to Look
Good to Me." “Attaboy" makes a nice
entertainment. It’s agreeable-— and
there are “girls" (in fleshings, though
their limbs look bare).
Los Angeles, Sept. 25.
Earl Williams, now in the ^st, is
to shortly marry a wealthy girl named
Florine Walz. Announcement was
made of the coming event before Mr.
Williams left here. His bride-to-be is
here, but will go east in a few days.
“The NRitghty Wife” has been out,
by Harry L. Parker, and is booked
primarily as a camp attraction through
the east and south. The piece will
also be shown at various cities along
the route. The cast includes Fred
Sumner, Gaston Bell, Reva Greenwood
and Belle D’Arcy.
Inasmuch as no casting has been
done for the new Winter Garden show,
which is expected to replace the pres-
ent Garden attraction which goes on
tour, the present show is now almost
certain to remain there until around
the holidays.
There are to be but two companies
of “Going Up” mainly because of the
production being too costly to tripli-
cate. It entails an expenditure of
$12,000 for each company. One com-
pany is on the road. Chicago is being
held for the original cast, which is
still drawing strongly on Broadway.
Berry Melton, who is a professional,
has a brother, a sailor, in a New York
hospital. He would like to get into
communication with her. If Miss Mel-
ton will write the Soldiers’ Welfare
Department, Women’s War Relief, 366
Fifth avenue. New York, she will be
further advised.
In the new Edgar Selwyn-Channing
Pollock play, “Crowded Out,” there are
Franklyn Ardell, Allan Dinehart,
Christie Norman and Willette Ker-
shaw. It opens Oct. 7 in Washington,
then goes to Philadelphia for several
weeks, with New York as its ultimate
• ^ . ■
Joe Click is to be back with “Leave
It to Jane,” the second company of
that show to be sent out by Elliott,
Comstock & Gest. The show opens
at Schenectady, N. Y., Sept. 30, and
then plays the middle west week
stands. The attraction carries 60
Captain Malone, one of the directors
of the London Gaiety, and the man
who directed the New York production
of "The Maid of the Mountains,” has
been going over the various Elliott,
Comstock & Gest productions in com-
pany with William Elliott with the
idea of finding material suitable for a
London presentation.
Mike Donlin , is playing Muggs in
“Turn to the Right” at the Standard,
New York, this week. Mr. Donlin has
been with the show for a month past.
It’s his first real acting role in the
legitimate, though he has extensively
appeared during the past couple of
seasons in pictures. ^
The French theatre “du Vieux j
Colombier” (formerly Garrick) starts J
its second season under the direction ,
of Jacques Copeau Oct 14. The rep-
ertory of plays in French will be .
changed weekly. The first attraction
will be “Le Secret,” by Henri Bern- i
stein. It was done in English, with
Frances Starr. Richard Herndon con-
tinues as manager of the house.
, the fighting pep of the U. S. Marines
i and subsequently built up a stage ef-
i feet, entitled “The Spirit of 1917,”
1 which resulted in Miss Wilson receiv-
' ing some unexpected attention from
I the Corps stationed in New York. They
I called at the theatre where she was
playing last week and complimented
her for her patriotic endeavor gnd the
singling out of the Marines for a
special play.
Previous to the performances at all
the Keith theatres the “Star Spangled
Banner” is played by the orchestra
and the verse of the national anthem
flashed on the screen. At the Alham-
bra last Friday night Manager Wayne
noticed one of the patrons remaining
seated and reprimanded the mani who
refused to stand. He was taken to the
rear of the house, where it was found
he was a German without citizenship
papers or a registration card. He was
turqed over to the Government
authorities, and is being held as an
enemy alien.
Laura Guerite> in South Africa for
the past six months, has played suc-
cessful engagements in Cape Town,
Durban, Pretoria and Johannesburg.
While at the latter city. Miss Guerite
produced a revue, which ran for six
weeks, a record for Johannesburg,
which has but a population of 100,000.
She also produced “Very Good Eddie”
and played the Ada Lewis part. Miss
Guerite was then commissioned to
write an entirely new revue which is
now being produced. Other American
artists, including Charlotte Perry,
Marguerite Calvert, The Flying Mayos,
are tremendously .popular in that coun-
try at present.
William Harris, Jr., opened the
second season of “The 13th Chair” last
night at Richmond. The Company will
tour through the south and west.
Blanche Hall will again be in the lead-
ing part. Several of the old cast have
been retained. Among the new mem-
bers are Elizabeth Dunne, Helen Hil-
ton, H. Nelson Dickson and Robert
Thorne. Captain James H. Morrison,
recently invalided home from Italy
with a decoration presented to him by
the king, will again be in the company,
but this time in the leading male role.
Captain Morrison will remain in this
country until able to return to the
Coincidental, but Richard Bennett
and Joseph Plunkett are back in the
Lyric again with the same production,
and, strange to say, with a show that
has a similar title to the one they ap-
peared in at that house some years
ago. When the Lieblers produced “The
Deep Purple,” Bennett was one of the
principal players and Plunkett the com-
pany manager. At the Lyric now Ben-
nett is the male principal of Roland
West’s production of “The Unknown
Purple,” while Plunkfett is company
manager. The demand for tickets for
the West show is such that Plunkett
declares will keep the show in New
York at least this season and next. i
"Sometime,” Arthur Hammerstein’s
new musical play, will open at ' the
Shubert Monday, playing one addi-
tional date at Long Branch Saturday.
It succeeds the San Carlos Opera Com-
pany, which fared better than ex-
pected at the Shubert. The opera com-
pany:,.;.ta,kes..,.t,a. ion
in the larger cities, and will return to
a Broadway house later in the season.
The opera tour will include Chicago,
Frankie Wilson, who has “The
Mirage” in vaudeville, seized upon the
spirit of a poster calling attention to
Secretary of State Francis M. Hugo
was the speaker at the premiere of the
Yiddish version of “Potash and Perl-
mutter” at the Lexington Sunday even-
ing. Mr. Hugo touched upon a num-
ber of things. After praising the pa-
triotic spirit of the people of New
York State and lauding the work of
the soldiers of our State, Mr. Hugo
particularly praised the efforts of the
• theatrical pro-fesHou in’ wl^^^
done and what they are doing to help
win the war. The production has been
routed^ for a week at the Standard,
following the Lexington engagement
■with the probability that an uptown
theatre will be found for it after that,
around and there is no peace ih tb?
Tho Bronx International Exposition
is ending its first season with anything
but a successful premiere. The grounds
were to have closed Saturday, but the
managers discovered that would bring
a flock of lawsuits, since the conces-
sionnaires’ contracts named Oct. 31 as
the final day instead of reading “for
the season.” There is a charge by
some of the smaller stockholders that
the downtown financial interests that
backed the exposition are attempting
to freeze them out. The exposition
cost $2,000,000, there being a number
of permanent buildings on the grounds
and a large swimming pool which is
the feature.
Harold Thoinai, now in the British
army in France, was formerly an
American actor, though of British al-
legiance. His last engagement was
with the George Arliss company in
JJisraeli, four years ago. Mrs.
Thomas appeared before the Actors’
Equity Association and produced a let-
ter from her husband asking whether
he cannot become a member of the A.
E. A., which carries with it exemption
from payment of dues to all members
m the American service. This was the
first instance v/here an actor already
in the service had applied for admis-
sion. The A. E, A. elected Mr. Thomas
and IS willing to do the same for all
non-member actors now in the Service.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Shea now
wofoughly understand each other.
They were both interested in a thea-
tre Mr. Shea had last season in Union
Hill, N. J. He sold it this summer.
While running the house Mrs. May
Shea invested $1,800 of her own money
in it, giving that amount to her hus-
band. She often referred to her in-
vestment while Harry- was trying to
get rid of the lemon, which ultimately
cost him several thousand . dollars.
When the house was sold, Harry made
up his mind that as his losses had run
so high, a few hundred more wouldn’t
make any difference, and gave/ May
$2,500 in payment. May Shea, since
locating Hackensack as a Jersey
metropolis, has developed business in-
stincts that ofttimes surprise her hus-
band. They book in the same office.
When Harry turned over the twenty-
five hundred, he forced a smile and
said, “There you are. May. Now that
every little thing is perfectly O. K.
in that matter, I know where to go
after this if I want something in a
hurry. I must stand great with you
and good for a quick touch any time.”
“Yes, you do,” answered May. “Try
and get it.”
"Oswald” the prize hound of the Guy
Rawson family is dispirited. The dog
knows something is up. The something
is that Guy Rawson and Frances Clare
are going to close their home in Au-
biirndale, L. I., next month. Then they
will send “Ossie” back to the kennel.
will send “Ossie” back to the kennel.
But they don’t speak about it in front
of the mutt. Mrs. Rawson has a rev-
erent awe for the intelligence of the
hound. She claims it knows whatever
they are speaking of. Once, says
Frances, and you feel sorry for her as
she proceeds, they spoke of going to
a picture show in Flushing and Oswald
started to howl. Now when they want
to see a picture show, if “Ossie” is
around, they spell it out : “f-i-l-m.”
But this didn’t do it, so Guy and
Frances commenced learning French.
No good either, as “Oswald” picked it
up while they were practicing, asserts
Frances, who also says that that hound
has obliged her to believe in reincarna-
tion. Miss Clare isn’t exactly certain
who is represented from thq past Jn
^ ‘‘Oswald’s’’ "present pr€^^^
sort of thinks it is some relative— from
Australia. Frances has Guy believing
it, too. Every Friday they read
“Oswald’s” advertisement in VapietV
to the dog. Frances is willing to affirm
the dog knows when Friday comes
pround and ther? js no peace in thq
house until he hears what he has to
say in the paper that week. It’s just
ttirrible, that’s all. The Rawsons talk
the “Oswald”, thing to death upon the
road, and they threaten all who don’t
listen to bring “Ossie” himself along
the next time, for proof and to bite
the disbelievers. The affection the
dog bears for the Rawson family is
pathetic, according to their story.
Barring that it chases Guy off the lot
once daily and tried to annex Frances’
father’s feet . the other day "Oswald”
is a peaceful hound, if givelf plenty to
eat and left alone. Guy admits that
much. But Frances says the dog is al-
ways thinking of the 10.40 p. m. train
from New York, which the Rawsons
catch when working around the city.
The train was late the other night,
says Frances, and "Ossie” jumped on a
chair near the phone, waiting for it to
ring to let him know why Tiis family
■hadn’t returned. And fight I Well, that’s
where Miss Clare shines while vividly
discoursing upon the good traits 'pi
her animal king. "Oswald” has never
been whipped and he will tackle any-
thing that walks. The Rawsons agree
upon that. It did happen one day this
summer that a Belgian police dog
hopped, in near the Rawson home.
“Ossie” saw him and disputed owner-
ship. They fought for 30 minutes, five
minutes at a time with one minute
rests. "Oswald,” following the battle
limped in the house, crawled under the
kitchen stove_ and after two days
wagged his tail for the first time. A
week after that “Ossie” could sit up
and a month or so later was able to
recognize the family. Now he’s all
right again, but Frances says he wasn’t
whipped, for the Belgian has never
been seen since. The Rawsons’ worry
now is how they are going to get /out
of Auburndale without “Oswald” know-
ing it and what "Ossie” is going to do
when told he must go back to the ken-
The following letter was received
by Joe Cooper, who is associated with
his brother, Irving Cooper, in the lat-
ter’s agency.
The ^writer, Harry Schieber (called
“Bennie”) has been reported decorated
for distinguished service since the date
of his letter. Schieber was in the
Cooper agency before enlisting. He
was 20 years old when entering the
service : .
France, Aug. 27, 1918.
Dear Joe :
Received your letter dated July 12
and sure was glad to hear from you.
The letter was handed to me only
yesterday. Just got out of the
trenches. It’s pretty tough to get the
mail up to you in the line and we had
to v/ait until we got out. That German
dog shells the roads and it’s no cinch
trying to dodge them “whiz-bangs,” as
we call them.
I am getting along fine. Lost a few
pounds in this last trip of mine into
the line. It was tough, but am out
for a rest now, so will take that lost
weight On again.
In your letter you say that should
I meet any German acrobats to give
them bullet kisses for you. Well ! did,',
but I don’t know whether they were
acrobats. One thing I do know is that
as far as they are concerned the war
is over. I put four on the bum at one
clip. They came over, but never will
go back. A bomb and my trusty pis-
tol did it. One guy tried to get me
as I was helping a wounded man back.
There was ope cure for him. He got
it. I managed to get behind a tree and
aimed my gun. Bang — it went as true
,as am ari;Q^ He. .fell. Jike,..a .Jog..,, It’s^,
great fun potting those Germans. Our
boys here are knocking hell out of ’em.
Will close now with my best re-
gards to you, your brothers and Miss
Ginsburg from i'
(My address is the same, viz.. Corp.
Harry Schieber, Co. L, 3Q8 Inf., A. E. F.,
'I _ ■■■ g
Billy Tracy la back With tbe Douglaa-New-
man Music Company.
Sid Mitchell Joined the Leo Feist staff. He’a
a lyricist.,
Jack Mills, professional manager of Mc-
Carthy ft Fisher, has an attack of tonsllltla.
William Caeser has rejoined the Wltmark &
Sons staff. .
Jesse Felber Is now on the professional
staff of McCarthy and Fisher.
Walter Douglas Is the new general man-
ager of the Doiiglas-Newmau Music company.
Ted Snyder has gone away for a short trip
to visit some of the branches In the east of
the Waterson, Berlin & Snyder. ^ .
Will J. Lewis, former manager of jhe
W. Stern offices. Is now connected with the
witmark & . Sons’ offices,
Charles MoCarron and Carey Morgan, the
song writers, are writing the words and
music for Bessie C layton’s new act.
Harry Tierney and Joe M^wthy l^o
framed a vaudeville turn. Alf T. Wilton will
secure bookings for It.
Moe Klee, now on the ^w time, la
to make Eemlok’s "Your Boy
Liberty • Loan propaganda song In his turn
during the Drive. ■
Jack Christmas, singing at the Casino and
other places In Asbury Park, has retunied^to
New Y^ork and joined the Wltmark & Sons
j. Fred Coots Is general
McKinley Music Co.,
Sherwood, who has Joined tte Navy. Coots
Is said to be a me mber o f the firm.
Bobby Jones Is the new professional man-
ager of the A. J. Stasny Music Company,
He was professional manager of the Boston
office of Remlck for the past five years.
The latest song writers to go on the stw
are Egbert Van Alstyne, Harry
Hrown? J. Kelrn Brennan, Irving Bochner,
Con Conrad. ,
Bill Lavar (Howard & Lavar, music pub-
lishers), is In town after a long tour. Lavar
has written a number of hits himself, and at
Ume was famed as a great soft-shoe,
dancer In vaudeville^
In three weeks McCarthy &
accumulated on their song writing staff ^^ed
Bryan, Harry Carroll, Jeff
Monaco, Harry Tierney, Leo Edwards, Billy
Baskette and Bobby Heath.
Halsey K. Mohr has not joined the etaff of
the Joe Morris Company,
informed a Variety representative he expected
Mr. Sr to join. Hohr to date remains with
Shapiro, Bernstein & Co.
The departure of Al. Maase, profesMo^l
manager of the McKinley Music Co., to C^p
Jackson, Ga., has raised two McKinley men
UP a niche. Jack Holler Is now professional
' manager and Frank Paper assistant profes-
Blonal manager, te mporar ily.
Bob Roden, the lyricist, formerly the son^
writing partner of Theodore Morse, ts now
wJltlng for Havlland. His first number for
Havlland Is a Red Cross song, with music by
Peter do Rose. ■ •
The controversy between George Falrman
and Remlck threatens to *>«®®“® ih^
affair. Falrman claims the new Reml* Lib-
erty Bond song, "For Your Boy and My Boy
is an Infringement upon his own number. To
Your Boy and My Boy."
Leo Feist has entered the musical wmeiy
publishing field by obtaining the publishing
rights to the new English musical comedy,
"The Maid of the Mountains,” now at the
Casino. The show has a hit, with mu^c ^
Lieut. Gltz-Rlce and Fraser-Slmpson, Harry
Graham wrote the lyrics.
Next week Is "George M. Cohan week’’
throughout the United States, nmd® ®®
Wltmark & Sons. He has promlse^o doMte
all the royalty obtained from ^en You
Come Back” to the boys In the Service, Hun-
dreds of theatres have been supplied with
slides and orchestrations of the song to ex-
ploit It for the week^
Salabert. the French music publisher, has
purchased the French right for "WhM Yankee
Doodle Learns to Parlez V^pus Franoals,
from A. J. Stasny, the publisher, and will
publish a French version of Eddie Nelron s
Boftg" h1t', 'lntraduclng- it In PaslSr shortly:.’
Is not the first time the French translation of
an American song has been Introduced to the
French public. "Over There” and Pack Up
Your Troubles” were sung In Prance with
great success.
Regarding the announcement In last week’s
papers by the McCarthy and Fisher manage-
ment, saying they had acquired the exclusive
services of Harry Carroll, the song writer,
Louis Pordan, professional manager of Sha-
piro, pemstein & 0o„ wU^ VSoffi
has been connected for a number of years,
says he knows nothing of such a change.
While Mr. Carroll never had a written agree-
ment with S. B. & Co., be was looked upon as
connected with that firm. Carroll is now
doing a single in vaudeville.
One of the striking features of the song
Industry this season Is the sudden return of
the Illustrated slide, so popular in-,, all the
film houses five or six years ago. Every large
publisher in the city has revived this method
of song publicity. Great numbers of illus-
trated slides have been ordered. Countless
new singers have been taken on by the vari-
ous houses to "plug" the moving picture
bouses. In, connection with this an entire
new industry .has sprung up again, that of
making Illustrated slides. Although in the
past few yeaf B slides have been made there
was no boom-ln the field such as the present
(Continued from page 9.)
a quiet evening, and it can be such
if you desire, for there are free movies
which do hot date back to the time
Pathe and Edison were marveling at
the pretentiousness of the 500-foot
features. '
Then there is the theatre, which has
a program of various natures every
evening. Certain nights have opera
and comedy in French and two nights
a week there is vaudeville, also very
much French, although' a good portion
of the turns utter a few words of
Nevertheless the soldiers flock to the
vaudeville shows, which bring forth
more uniforms than the other brands
of entertainment.
The elite of France still cling to Aix
as a summer resort, and largely help
to support the theatre owing to its
greater appeal to the Frenchman than
to the American soldier. It must be
said here that this is the place where
the Over There Theatre League can
get in' it's best work.’ It is known that
the men in camp must be entertained,
but it is self-evident they want Ameri-
can vaudeville when on leave.
It is to be hoped . that within the
near future it will be possible to have
an American unit of the O. T. T. L. in
Aix every week. "We hear the “Yankee
Doodle Five,” with Billy Gould, Louise
Carlyle, Gilly Gregory and Wright and
Dietrich, as well as the Mffrgaret Mayo
unit, are already in France. That
speaks for itself. The project is
started and the boys have heard of
their coming, and now it is just a case
of wait until they get around to where
you are.
Some didn’t see Elsie Janis. They
were unfortunate and missed a lot.
They may have better luck this time
with the new vaudevillians, who are
giving their services and doing work
that has a far-reaching effect. These,
newcomers have been seen by few as
yet, but their presence will be welcome
where ere they go hod their efforts
appreciated greater than ever before.
The American soldier has been wait-
ing a long while for entertainment
while in training over here, and after
the first taste of it, furnished by Miss
Janis, there was a big lapse, but they
think that from now on it will come
regularly and often.
The American artist who is willing
to come to France at this season of
the year and sacrifice a" route to help
entertain the men of the A. E. F. will
not be forgotten, and popularity firmly
established at a time like this will live
forever. The soldier’s greatest bene-
factor is the person who helps enter-
tain him and help take away that feel-
ing of lonesomeness, which can only
be done by the right kind of diversion.
Although “Watchful Waiting” has
long passed by the boards in the con-
nection; with -whirh,.
it typifies the A. E. F. of today as far
as entertainment is concerned. Come
and visit Aix and entertairi the boys
who are fortunate enough to be away
on leave, also take a swing around the
Y. M. C. A. circuit. It will be some-
thing you won’t forget, and the finan-
. cial sacrifice is trivial conipqre4 to the
good it will do.
W. J. Sullivan, head of the Canton-
ment Department of the U. B. O., has
booked a six-act vaudeville bill for a
tour of the army camps. Lester and
Vincent, Little Jerry, The Parshleys,
Corinne Tilton, Miller and Bradford,
and Belgium Trio make up the' bill.
The show plays Camp Greene, N. C,
Sept. 27-29; Camp Sevier, S. C, and
Camp Gordon, Ga., will be three-day
stand each, . after which Camp
Wheeler, Gk., will be played Oct. 6-9.
Three-day stands at Camp Hancock,
'Ga., and . Wadsworth, S. C, will con-
clude a three weeks’ engagement.
(Continued from page 9.)
regulations and also being over here
and knowing that the Heinies spy sys-
tern is very efficient, I do not intend
to lengthen my visit by disclosing in-
formatioq that might be useful to the
colleagues and gum shoe men of the
self-appointed partner of the Al-
.Nevertheless I guess I can .tell you
that where I am sitting is a donkey
engine, pulling down an observation
balloon which has boen tip nearly all
day. The Heinies have fired at it
several times but did not hit it. I sleep
outs are great things. Every tinie a
in a dugout w^H my “Buddy.” Dug-
big gun sends a souvenir over to
“Jerry,” the aforesaid dugout acclaims
its approval by shaking its sides and
depositing no small part of its rough
sides upon us. I might also tell you
that I discovered and disposed of a
family of parasites which are called
“cooties.” They are very friendly, I
might say “affectionate” at night, and
they stick to you like a friend who is
b th hungry and broke.
I received fifteen letters in this
mail, which is not so bad. All of the
other fellows are jealous of me. It
is a shame how some of the folks at
home neglect their boys at the front.
We have a lot of fellows who do not
receive any mail at all and believe me
I sympathize with them. If the folks
back home only realized how much a
letter means to a fellow in the fighting
front, they would write every day. ^
Can you imagine soime of our fel-
lows who have been here nearly a year -
have not received one letetr from
home or from their friends. I did
three hours guard duty last night and
drew a prize — from nine to twelve. It
started to rain at nine and stopped
at twelve. It looked as though, the
weather man, whoever he is, made up
his mind to make it as miserable as
possible for me. Last week while
doing M. P. duty, my career came very
near being ended. I saw something
that looked suspicious to me and
walked over to investigate and I did
not move mor^ than about twenty
■ yards when a shell exploded just where
I had previously been standing. There-
fore, if you see my name under “Killed
in Action,” you will know what "killed
in action” means. It will mean that
I was running like H . I may be
a little stupid, but it doesn’t take long
to dope out that when a shell bursts,
and with a pair of legs that I can
depend upon, I can easily get under
cover before the second shell bursts,
that is provided the second shell does
not burst before I get under coyer.
The M. P.’s over here are becoming
known as the "Shell dodgers.” The
M. P. to a certain extent is exposed
to fire and consequently he has to be
on the jump all the time. There is a
, ,jQke,, ,around.^^,^J^^^
I will tell you.
“A newspaper correspondent went
into the General's office and the M. P.
on guard saluted him, the correspond-
ent returning the salute. As the corre-
spondent left the General's office, the
M. P., noticing that he was a newspa-
per man and not an officer, spoke thus-
“M. P.— ‘Why did you return my sa-
‘'Correspondent— 'Why did you sa-
lute me?’
“M, P,— ‘Because I thought you, were
an officer.’
“Correspondent— ‘Well I thought you
were a soldier.’”
Just as I am finishing this letter
the Heinies are beginning to shell us.
I am writing this in a dugout and out-
side a hundred shells are bursting right
now, but very few of them do any
great amount of damage.
Some day I may “join the Army.”
Yours as ever,
Lewis Mosley.
Company A, 102nd M. P., A. E. F.,
France. .
(Continued from page 9.)
tainers can be of tremendous assist-
ance to the physicians and nurses in
the hospitals, because after her ap-
pearance in a hospital all the boys
wanted, to get right out of bed and go
back after the Boche.
“I am hard at work,” she writes,
“singing every night, and love every
minute of it. The boys appear to enjoy
m,e as much as I enjoy them, and
always say ‘Gh, please don’t go yet.
Have a heart I Sing just one more.’
And of course I sing until there isn’t
a note left in my voice. I am going
to be down in this section quite a
while. Next week I am to give a
recital in the Municipal theatre at
- and the officers and soldiers of
the allied armies. It is the second of
a series of Franco-Amenican concerts
here. Quite ah honor, I am assured.
“The people have been so wonderful
and cannot do enough. I sing every-
thing for the soldiers; incidentally we
get up very lively conversations and
they love it. They are so enthusiastic
and so human. It is so big and mar-
velous that I feel awed, and wish I
could stay until the drop of the hat.
“I have sung in motor camps, huts,
bakeries, hospitals and even at the
bedsides of the boys, one at a time,
everything from grand opera to ‘Tickle
Toe.’ I even dance a little. Such a
spirit. They want to get right out
of bed and go back at the Boche, ‘We
won’t go back ’till it’s oyer, over here/
is the entire sentiment.
“Try to persuade a Jot more people
to come oyer, especially girls. The
day we arrived in - some Amer-
icans ran out of a shop crying,
'American girls 1 Geel those Ameri-
can girls look good to usl’’’
Margaret Mayo says:— “We are in
action now for fair, and up where it is
worth while being. Our show goes
splendidly apd it is so good to be really
working. Do urge upon the profession
the necessity of this work, and tell
them of the great joy it brings to the
people who are doing it. It is worth
all the struggle to get here and see
how the boys relax as the show goes
on, and how much happier and freer
they seem when we leave them. The
conditions under which we play vary
so much that there’s no danger of
monotony. For instance, we jumped
from a 2,500 audience in the Tuileries
Gardens, Paris, to a handful of tired
men many miles away working on a
barge canal and finishing a temporary
platform for us when we arrived. ‘Our
next move was right into the heart
of military things, good stage and even
footlights, and last night we were in a
gas school camp and had refreshments
■■ ■aftemaHls in- ■ - w • an ,
iron-clad hogshead.”
In making public the foregoing let-
ters, James Forbes, Chairman of the
Program Committee of the Theatre
League, repeated his appeal for vol-
unteers to go overseas in the unifortl)
of the Y. M. C. A.
: i
i .
i -!?
t fl
V t I
i ,
1 "'-
2d half
"Flrealde Revsrls'*
(One to fill)
In Vaudeville Theatre*
Amaterdanit N. Y.
LYCEUM (ubo)
2d half
(All houses open for the week with Monday nintlnce, when not otherwise Indicated.) „ , ,
Agencies booking the houses are noted by single nninn or initials, such os “Orph,” Orpheum „? Manikins
Circuit; “U B 0,” United Booking Offices ; “W V M A,” Western Vaudeville Managers* Asso-
^ a.«ws^jiaaaaB vaa ibWk* | VV v ajSf VVVaiVaAJ VUUUVVailV A>AU*U*KVA9 XkO»l/" vn.9JA.i,. XS 1 .9 ^
elation (Chicago); ‘T,” Pantages Circuit; “JLoew,** Marcus Loew Circuit; “Moss/* B. S* Moss; Girard Co
“Inter,” Interstate Circuit (booking tlirough W. V. M. A.); **Sun,** Sun Circuit; “A H/* Acker*
man & Harris (San Francisco) ; “P H,” Pantages and Hodklns (Chicago).
Theatres listed as "Orpheum** without any further distinguishing description ore on the
Orpheum Circuit.
Anniston, Ala.
LYRIO (ubo)
(Montgomery split)
1st halt
The manner in which these bills are printed does not indicate the relative importance of Aerial Mitchells
acts nor their program positions.
• before name indicates act Is new, doing turn new to vaudeville, or appearing in city
where listed for the first time.
New York
PALACE (ubo)
Blanche Ring
Luollle Cavanagb Co
Avon Comedy 4
The Langdona
Clark & Verdi
Cronin’s Novelty
The Oladiators
(One to fill)
McIntyre & Heatb
•'■Maid of Prance”
Jimmie Lucas Co
Rae Elinore Ball
Oonnelll ft Craven
*QrenIee ft Williams
Miss Merle Co
"American Ace"
Williams ft WoltUB
Walter Weems
Beaumont ft Arnold '
Emba ft Alton '''
Obinko A Kauffman
V Suratt Co
Harry CarroU
Avon Comedy 4
Dooley A Safes
Calvin ft Thornton
"Big Surprise”
*Qeo Primrose
(One to fill)
LINCOLN (loew)
*Lowe ft Baker Sis
Thompson ft Berrl
Maxwell Quintet
A1 Carpe
(One to fill)
2d half
Edab Deldrldge 8
Adele Oswald
*Harry Mason Oo
Hawthorne A Anthony
((Tne to fill)
QREELBT (loew).
Robert Swann
Calvin ft Thornton
"Lots A Lots”
Edmunds A Leedom
Anna Chandler
(One to fill)
2d half
Melva Slaters
Phil Davis
"Don’t Lie Mama”
Anna' Chandler
Mumtord A Thompson
Delmore A Moore
hlJJlM l{ 'N iHl
• JOS. .M. (JAn'KS’ •
> '4 Tt f(,
_ I \ J [ nO)N’ M)’ ’
Op* ns ift Vo« Vork Cil> I’Jt.s
Vespo Duo
"Night In June"
Stagpoole A Spire
Cheyenne Mlnetrels
Atlanta, Gn.
(Birmingham split)
1st halt
’etorson Bros
8TONB (ubo)
Wiki bii'u
Qranvllle A Mack
(One to fill)
2d halt
MoNally A Ashton
Soldier Ben Hilbert
Holmes A Hollister
BIJOU (loew)
Mack ft West
Jim Doherty
"Telephone Tangle",
DeVoe A Dayton
Wolgas A Olrlte
2d half -
Two Lillies
Mack A Lee
Stoddard A Haynes
Hibbltt A Malle
The Van Cellos
Bloomlngrton, lU.
King A Brown-
Langdon ft Smith
r?™ J’»eld’_8 Mins
Dooley ft Safes , ,
Lee A Cranston^ Mumfnrd A Thon
Diane A Rnblnl ^ -
•Julian Hall a
Gen . Pisano Co cl^ Ser Co *
ROYAL (uho) (Two to fill)
•"Birds of Feathers" ■ 2d half
Morley ft McQarthy Sis Beth Oballiss
•Sliding Billy Watson Holden A Herron
•.lean Southern Chas Mack Co
•Kalmar ft Brown .. wilklns A Wllkit
Jack 'Mariey
Gold Reece A Edwards
Eddie Leonard Co
4 Mortons
Clara Morton
Morton A Glass.
Whiting A Burt
Lynn Cowan
"Current of Pun"
The Brightens
Helen Ware
Herbert Clifton
Mumford A 'Thompson Lillian Herlein
Cbas Mack Co
Wilkins A Wilkins
^ — — _ •• vv sa«WAU» w »v aamaam#
•R Cummings A Girlie gtrassell’s Animals
OHfton Crawford,
•Marmlen Bisters
H 0 H (ubo)
2d half (20-29)
El CntB
Walton ft Brandt
Beoste Remple Co
Murray Bennett
Reed A Wright Girls
Olson A Johnson
125TH ST (ubo)
2d bnlf (20-29)
Forrest ft Church
Frank Callan
Brady A Mahoney
•“Tick Took Girls"
KRTH ST (uho)
Trennell Duo
•Stuart A Thompson
•Lucille Tja Costa Co
Pennington A Scott
•Williams ft Mitchell Milan! B
(One to fill)
Maxon A Morris
Nada Peters
Archer ft Belford
Zuhn ft Drels
MllanI 6
2d halt
Elvera Sisters
Dorothy Roye
Jos B Bernard Co
Edmunds A Leedom
Geo ft Lily Garden
Beth Ohalllss
"Big Surprise"
Wilson Bros
2d halt
M ft J Dove
Zuhn ft Drels
"Somewhere with
W Ward A Olrls
Bowers W ft 0
Kerr A Weston
Athos A Reed
2d halt (20-20)
•Berg Cbrisman
•Boyle A Bryan
•Marie Donoghue
Ed Averling
Tennessee 10
2d half (20-29)
Oanelno A Valda .
•Boyle A Bryan
Billy Watson Co
Wllflams ft Wolfus
Kranz A LaSalle ,
Werner Amoros 3
1st half (30-2)
"Tick Took Girls”
Tom Kelly
"Rising Generation"
Karl Emmy’s Feta
Capt Barnett A Son
(One to fill)
2d half
Robert Swann
•Thompson A Berrl
Stetson A Huber
The Frescotts
Cook A Lorens
Ara Sisters
PULTON (loew)
Lorlmer Hudson Co
Adele Oswald
Edah Deldrldge S
2d h^f
•Sherman Kelly
Lewis A Leonia
Millard A Marlin
Wilson Bros
Qeo A Lily Garden
WARWICK (loew)
Breakaway Barlows
Seymour A Seymour
Grace St Clair Co
Wm Sieto
Marlotte’s Manikins
2d half
Arthur Sullivan Co
Mel Klee
3am Lelber Co
Lazar A Dale
Regay A Lorraine Sis
GRAND (loew)
Two Lillies
Mack A Lee
Stoddard A Haynes
•Hibbltt A Malle
The Van Cellos
2d half
Lawrence A Johnson
3 Weston Sisters
Francis A DeMar
•Tierney A Sabbott
(One to fill)
Anbara, N. Y.
Coleman’s Manikins
Holmes A Hollister
Nippon Duo
2d half
Olotbe Miller Co
Ford A Cun’ham Sis
4 Fujiyama Japs
Angrasto, Ga.
(Macon split)
1st bait
Jordan Girls
Countess Verona
Kenny A Hollis
Lawrence Johnson
3 Weston Slaters
Francis A DeMar
•Tierney A Sabbott
Gold Reese ft Edwards (One to fill)
(Two to fill)
FLATfiUSH (moss)
2d half
•Marlow StsterS
Gold Reece A Awards •Dan Abeam
Arthur Lloyd
Mr ft Mrs O’CIalr
"On the Western Pr” Stone ft McAvoy
Emma Stevens
Barron ft Burt
Cavana Duo
2d half
The Dartos
Nell McKinley Co
•7 Glasgow Maids
2d half
•Serg M W DuPree
Chas Edwards 3
Bnzzelle ft Parker
,Tnbn T Boyle Co
Olson ft .Tohnson
Marguerite ft Qlll
(One to fill)
BTH AVB (ubo)
belf (20-29)
•D Snuthem 3
Puzzell ft Parker
•Ed Lee Wrotbe Co
Hariy Antrim
Path Roye
Ziegler Sis Co
(One to Oil)
1st half (30-2)
Robert Swan
•Pelle Sisters
Gallarinl A Son
Leroy Talma A B
(Others to Oil)
2.3D ST (ubo)
/ 2d bnlf (20-29)
Fcmandey A May
HAS Everett
•Spink ft Tate
Ed Avellng
Jazzinnd Follies
(Others to fill)
Melva Sisters
Stetson ft Huber
A1 Burton’s Revue
Wilkins ft Wilkins
•George Primrose
"Don’t, Lie Mamma"
Ward A Thornton
(Two to flin ^
2d baft
Maxon ft Morris
Eckboff ft Gordon
Allen ft Francis
Karl Emmy’s Pets
George Rosner
(Two to fill)
Dorothy Roye
Allen ft Francis
Job B Bernard Co
Pbll Davis
Ara Sisters
2d half
DIngloy ft Norton
(One to fill)
AVB B (loew)
Kimball ft Kenneth
Mae Curtis Co
Mel Klee
(One to Oil)
2d half
Breakaway Barlows
Brown Sisters
Billy K Saxton Co
Geo Jessell
Marlotte’s Mannikins
Three YoBcarrys
Padula A De Nolr
Geo Jessell
Munroe ft McGulm
The Golden Bird
2d half
Pero A Wilson
Briggs A Nelson
"Mrs Retter Appears”
Long ft Ward
Barron A Burt
. (One to fill)
The Telacks
Fagg ft White
Saxon ft Farrell Co
Three Mlsflte
Schoen A Walton
"In Wrong”
Briggs ft Nelson
SIg Franz Tr
2d half
Cavana Duo
Jesson ft JesBon
"In Wrong”
Emma Stevens
Fred Lorraine Co
Geo Jessell
Stevens ft Lovejoy
Ward A Thornton
Sabo Trio
J)U. S. .■)! . V
SI i(i;i !is i i-.s 1
: f. HIHl, 1 U r-IL I’KI
mi sr.)
2d half (3-0)
D Southern 3
Frazer Finlay Co
Ruthe Roy
AI Everling
Leroy Talma ft B
Dunham ft Edwards
Strassell’s Animals
Exposition 4
Holden ft Herron .
Chas Mach Co
Cook ft Lorenz
(One to fill)
2d half
AI Burton’s Revue
Archer ft Belford
•Carl McCullough
•Fashions a la Carte
(One to fill)
DE KALB (loew)
Elvera Sisters
Lewis ft Leonia
Millard ft Marlla
•Harry Mason Co
Geo Rosner
2d half
Chester Johnson Co
Nada Peters
AI Carpe
"Lote ft Lots"
Capt Barnett ft Son
PALACE (loew)
Louise ft Mitchell
Mohr ft Fields
Billy K Saxton Co
Gold Reese A E
2d half
Seymour ft Seymour
•Martini ft Conrad
Wm SIsto
Lorlmer Hudson Co
Frank Clifford
The Grouch
Two Cooleys
The Golden Bird
Welch Mealy A M
Wood ft Norwood
Nat Nazarro Jr
Two Cooleys
welling Trio
2d half
Three Toscarys
Padula A De Nolr
Arthur Lloyd
'Un the Tronohes”
Albany, N. Y.
Adlon Co
Harvey Do Vora 3
•3 Alex
Bnkentfleld -
HIP (a&h)
^ (29-30)
Peat ft Stevens
Gehan A Gehan
Joe Barton
J a I MaWln
Carrol! Keating ft P
Bessie Welsh
Balttmore, Md.
Robbie Gerdone
Wlete White
Prances Nordstrom Co
Boyce Coombs '
Snnble Tucker Co
Dooley ft Rugel
Bob Hsll
AsabI ’’’roune
HIP (loew)
Saasnne ft DeLla
.Terome ft Marlon
Great Howard
Tom Davies Co
•Neville ft Brock
GARDEN (moes)
Mykoff ft Vanity
Htieb Blaney
"Rocky Pass"
Walters ft Daniels
Mr ft Mrs H Emmett J
Kharaum Battle Creek, Mich.
M ft J Dove
Eckboff ft Gordon
Romalne ORPHEUM (loew)
Mack a Reading •Sherman Kelly
The Grouch M ft J Dove
Long ft Ward EcVboff ft Oon
Prank Clifford
Welch Mealy ft M
TheTeli^ckr E. HEMM
Schoen ft Walton Jewelc
"Sllverthreade" LIBERTV BONI
Frankie Fay ft Boys
Bert Baker Co-
Burns ft Frablto
J Singer A Dolls
2d half
McRae ft Clegg
McLoughlln ft Evans
Greene A Parker
Clayton Macklln Co
Eddie Borden Co
Stella Mayhew
Allentown, Pa.
The Alvarados
Barker ft Wynn '
Ball Bros
(One to fill)
2d half
Carleton ft Montrose
Wolf ft Stewart
Harris ft Morey
Alton, ni.
HIP (-wya)
"Cycle of Mirth”
(One to Oil)
BIJOU (uho)
"Vanity Fair”
2d half .
"Hearts of World" g O’OoTman Olris
Bay City, Mich,
.Adonta ft Dog '
Harris ft Nolan
•"Hit the TraU"
Alice Hamilton
College Outntet
2d half
(Same as Flint 1st
BellvIIIe, Bl.
S l.oval A Partner
Prnsfieer ft Maret
Gallnrber ft Rooley
Great Leon
King ft Harvey
Morse Moon Co
MdSbane ft Hathaway
Juggling Nelson
Camden. N. J.
2dba1f (20-28)
WASHINGTON (wva) Tbnraai Trio
Juggling Desitsle Goetz ft 'Duffy
Clonrad ft Goodwin .Tolly wild ft D
Hoyt’s Minstrels Burns ft Klssen
2d,,half , Venetian Gypsies
James Cullen ‘ Cnhten, 6.
Ferguson A Sunderland LYCEUM (ub(
(One to fill) Quinn ft De Rex
BlrmlnRham, Ain. Mills & Moulton
LYRlC (ubo) Rice ft Werner
Jewelers to the Profession
(Atlanta split)
1st half
Leila Selbtnl Co
Nevlns ft Mayo
Datzel A Carroll
LYCEUM (ubo)
Quinn A De Rex
Mills ft Moulton
Rice ft Werner
Henri Handler jCo
Billy McDermott
4 Morok Sis
Cedar Hnplds, ta.
Goldie A MAck
Scotch Lads ft Lassies Hughes Musical Duo
LaTour ft Gold
Saramoff ft Sonia
, 2d half
Johnson ft Baker
Knapp A Cornalla
Pereira Sextet •
(Two to fill)
KEITH’S (ubo)
Nan Halperln
B Seeley Co
Orth A Cody
Barr Twins
Wheeler ft Moran
Rehm ft Fitch
Asakt ft TakI
Olda Mushka Co
ORPHEUM (loew)
Parlso _
•Bernard Trio
Brown ft Barrows
Geo Randall Co
Anderson ft Gotnes
Degnon ft Clifton
, 2d half
Alfred Farrell ft Co
McDonald ft Cleveland
Sallle Bnrch
"Any Couple”
Joe Cook
OInllanI Quartet
Brldncport, Conn.
POLI’S (ubo)
Musical Fredericks
Brown Campbell A L
Frazer Finley Oo
Ward ft Pryor
Shannon ft Annls
2d half
King Sisters
Gray £ Byron
Burns ft Klssen
McKav’e Review
PLAZA (ubo)
Wood ft Wyde
Gerome ft Allbrlght
"Girl In Air"
2d half
Canarls ft Cleo
Marie Gardiner
Momiot) Fnur
Scamp ft Seamp
SHEA’S (uho)
Klnter ft Oulnn
Parsons ft Trwln
M Allen ft Sis
Port Swor
"For Pitv’a Rake”
Dnilv Connolly
Montgomorv ft Periy
Aldipe ft Wrlobt
Lsnnlgan^ft Woods
"Wlss Amorlca"
(Two to flin
Bntt**, Mont.
(Same bill nlayin?
Anaconda 2; Missoula
"The Love Race"
J T Rav Co
3 Pullowa Girts
Green ft Pugh
Helen Morrettl
Jack LaVler
Walter C Kelly
"Merrled Via Wire”
Dlcklnaon ft Deagon
Leigh DeLacey Co
Glenn ft Jenkins
Tates Motoring
(One to fill)
2d half
Haddon ft Norman
Swor ft Avery
Jonla’a Hawallans
Chas Konna
Frear Baggott ft F
Champaign, 111.
ORPHEUM (wva) ,
(Sunday opening)
Johnson ft Baker
Wilson ft Van
Marino ft Maley
Diamond ft Daughter
2d half
Juggling Deellsle
Ouerro ft Carmen
"Cycle of Mirth" v
Jean Barriora
Black ft White
Oharleaton, s. 0.
(Columbia split)
1st half
Biff Bang 8
The Dohertys
Lew Hawkins
Martin ft Bayes
Charlotte, N. O.
(Roanoke split)
1st half
Catherine Powell
Clark ft Budd
Mr ft Mrs Melbourn
Prank Crumltt
Henry’s Pets
Ohattnnoogni, Tenn.
RIALTO (ubo)
(Knoxville split) .
1st half
McCormack ft Wln-
Middleton ft Spell-
8 Serenaders
"All for Ladles’’
(One to fill)
Phyllis N Terry
Andrew Mack
•Frank Conroy
Frankte Heath Co
Eddie Carr Co
Teachow’a Cats
Leon Sisters
(One to fill)
PALACE (orph)
•Peon Brroll Co
Lillian Shaw
Rose ft Bernard
Dooley ft Nelson
Conley ft Webb
Maude Earl Co
Kelly ft Calvin
Rlgoletto Bros
I 4 Haley Sisters
Chas Aheam Co
HIP (ubo)
Wilson Aubrey 8
Man Off Wagon
La Bonlala Oo
Clifford ft Wlllh
Jean Adair Co
La Petite Mlgnon
(Three to fill)'
Gardner’s Maniacs
WIkehart Snoke ft Co
Angoll ft DeYoe
Jack Dixon
"Miss Up to Date" '
MILES (miles)
Caron ft Farnum
Mahoney Bros
4 Meyakos
Mary Dorr
Jas Orady Oo
0 Lawler ft Daughters
Colombia, S. C,
(Charleston split)
1st half
Harris L Lyman
Margaret Ford
Parber ft Taylor
Clifford Walker
Woods Musical 3
Coinmbns, O.
KEITH’S (ubo)
Lady Alice’s Pets
Marie Stoddard
Seabury ft Shaw
Sabina La Pearl
"In the Dark”
Jas B Thornton
5 Pandors
The Newmans
Morgan ft Stewart
Charlotte Quintet
Three Dusenburys
Arco Bros
Dallaa, Tex.
Frank LeDent Co
Davy Jamison
Nancy Boyer Oo
Chas Althoff
“Reel Guys"
MAJESTIC (inter)
Will Ferry
Willing ft Jordan
J C Lewis Co
Stanley ft Dimes
‘‘White Coupons’*
Charles Irwin
The Littlejohns
6 Minute* from All Theatre*
OverlookInB Central Pork
Cooelitlng of Parlor, Bedroom and Bath
e Light, Airy, with All Improvement*
SStli Street aid CehuDbus CIrele
New York City
Ben Derley Co
McIntyre ft Maids
•"Calendar Qlrla”
•Llndskoy ft Madison
'‘Little Mlsa Dixie’*
Victoria 4
June Mills
"Old Soldier Fiddlers’*
Santly ft Norton
2d halt
Jack Simons
Marino ft Maley
(Three to fill)
KEDZIE (wva)
John Oelger
“Miss 1920”
Wanzer A Palmer
(One to fill)
2d half
The Vagrants
Kimball ft Stewart
Gilroy Haynes ft M
Regan ft Renard
Frank Gardner Co
Elenor Fisher
Sen Fran Murphy
Boganny Troupe
(Two to fill)
2d bait
Llndskoy ft Madison
I.iella Shaw Co
Victoria 4
Lovetts Concentr’n
(One to fill)
McVICKER’S (loew)
Billy. Klnf.Co
"Who fe He?"
Homer ft Dubhrd
Eldridgo Barlow ft E
Nixon ft Sands
Flo. Jacobson
Burke ft Burke
Williams Bisters
Lockbard and Laddie.
Cincinnati, O.
The Seebacks
El Clove
DavenpoFt, In.
(Sunday opening)
Phylisa Gilmore B Oo
Kimball ft Stuart
Sid Lewis
Pereira Sextet
(One to fill)
2d half
"Mayor ft Manicure"
Olenn ft Jenkins
(Two to fill)
Dayton, O.
^ KEITH’S (ubo)
Gerard’s Monks
Caltes Bros
Larry Relley Oo
Quinn ft Caverly
Olivetti Moffett ft 0
Frances Kennedy
MoDevltt Kelly ft L
Love ft Wilbur
Toto Co
Keane ft White
GIgy ft Vadlo
Milton ft DeLong Sis
Julie Ring Go
Milt Collins
"Olrl from Milwaukee"
"Quakertown to Bway"
Emily Darrel! Oo
Marlon Munson Co
Coscia A Verdi
3 Bartos
AI Wbolman
(Sunday opening)
C MacDonald
Drew A Wallace
Bensee ft Baird
Hahn Weller Co
Herman ft Shirley
H ft H Savage
Wellington Cross
Collier ft DeWalde
Mationey A Rogers '
B U Y B O N D 6
i ^
McConnell & Simpson
Webb & Stanley
Kluting’B AnlmalB
TBMP1.H (Ubo)
Yates & Reed
Jas Tbompaon Co
liucille’a Blrjl
Geo Yeoman
Weber & Rldnor
•Retter Broa
loleen Sistera ,
Columbia Players
Duzan & Chapman
Musical Comedy Co
ORPHBUM (mllea)
LooB Bros
Celestial Duo
Jones & Sylvefiter
O’Brien Havel & Co
Taylor & Corell
BorclieBter, Maaa.
Burns & Foran
3 Manning Sis
Jos K Watson )
(One to fill)
2d half
8 Larneds
Smith & Tosel
B ;dy Walker
Chin Sin Loo
Dnbaqne« la.
Willie Zimmerman
Cllfl Dean Co
Nadel & Folletta
Hombergg & Lee
Aeroplane Girls
(One to fill)
2d half
Goldie & Mack
Maggie LeClalre Co
Bill Robinson
Brown’s Highlanders
' (One to All)
(Sunday opening)
II Triz & Sister
Bennett A Richards
Lew Madden Co
Bert Earl Sto
Mr A Mrs G Wilde
Walter Brower
GRAND (wva)
Frick A Adair
Willing A Willing
Cwen A Moore
•Eskimo A Seals
(One to fill)
2d half ^
•Welton A Marshall,
Cannibal Maids
Romaine A Moran
(Two to fill)
Kaaton. Fa.
' ABLE 0 H (Ubo)
' “Pretty Baby”
2d half
The Alvaranos
Barker A Wynne
Leonard A Willard
Gall Bros Co
(One to fill)
B. St. Lonls, lU.
BRBBRS (wva)
B J Moore Cn
N Ferguson A Sunderld
Tabor A Green
(One to fill)
2d halt
Pope A Uno
Conrad A Goodwin
Hoyt’s Minstrels
Bdmonton. Can.
Ton Edwards Co
The Yongers
"The Owl” , „
Manning Fenney A K
Reeves A Gaynor Bis
Bllsatietli. N._ J.
Hunter A Brown
Nell Paul Co
Terry A Lambert
Jane Gall Co
A1 Cota
Tennessee 10
2d half
Ben Bernle
Strom A Conlan
Martin A Webb
CAM Cleveland
(Two to flll)„ „
Eilmlra. N. Y.
Harry A Bdith '"”est
George Leonard Co
Ford A Cun’ham Sis
4 Bards
2d half
Wlkl BIrd_ ,
Granville A Mack
Hadsl Sambola Co
(One to All)
Elrfe. Pa.
Lormer Girls
wnton. Av^RodgOT^.,
Ned Norworth 3
6 Klrksmlth Sis
Bowman A Shea
Kitamura Japs
EwnnsTille. Ind.
GRAND (wva) ^
(Terre Haute split)
1st half
Arthur Barrett
Maxine Alton Co
Hickey Boys
Slatkos Rolllokere
(One to fill)
FaU River, Mass.
BIJOU (loew)
Alfred Farrell Go
Sallle Burch
"Any Couple"
Joe Cook
Glnlllanl Quartet
2d half
Brown A Barrows
Geo Randall Co
Anderson A Golnes
Degnon A Clifton
FUnt, Mich.
PALACB (ubo)
May A Klldufl
Musical Consvt’ry
Amelia Clare
"Battle of San Dago”
(One to All)
2d half
(Same as Lansing 1st
Ft. WUllnm, Can.
•Ware A Marvin
Fox A Evans
•Orbassany’s CoCkat’s
2d halt
Howland Irwin A H.
Isabelle Miller Co
Fred Lewis
(One to fill)
Ft. Worth, Tex.
Aerial Degroffe
Genaro A Gold
Harry Von Fossen
Frltzl ScheS
Melody Garden
(Two to fill)
HIP (aAh)
Gehan A Gehan
Joe Larton
J A I Marlin
Carroll Keating A F
'Girl from Starland”
Bessie Welsh
2d halt
Rose A Rosana
Swiss Song Birds
Rae A Faulkner
Reckless Duo
(One to fill)
Galeabnrgr lU.
2d half
Tracey Palmer A T
"Psttlng oh Airs"
Howard Fields Mins
Langdon A Smith
Ruth Howell 8
(Two to fill)
Galveston, Tex.
MAJESTIC (inter) .
(30-1) .
(Same bill plays Ana-
tin 2-8; Waco 4-5)
Gliding O’Meras
Brown A Jackson
Maryland Singers
Laughlln .A West
George Lemalre A Co
Miller A Penfold
Camilla’s Birds
Grand Rapids, Mich
The Geralds
Brooks & Powers
"Some Bride"
J & M Harkins
Adolphus Co
Chief Capaullcan
Seymour’s Family
Gt. Falls, Mont.
( 1 - 2 ) , .
(Same bill playing
Helena 8)
Morris A Shaw
"Here Comes Eva”
Sampson A Douglas
Hayatakl Japs
Happy Gardner Co
HamRton, Can.
LYRIC (ubo)
Helen Jackley
Holliday A Wlllette
Rosamund A Dorothy
•Walter Fenner Co
Lew Dock’.tader
Mang A Snyder
LOEW (’ =iw)
Martin Duo
Vincent Kelly
•Maryl Prince A Girls
•(}uy Woodward Co
Friend A Downing
Harrisburg. Pn.
lAwrence Bros A T
O’Brien A South Girls
Lloyd A WhltehoUBO
Rialto Revuo
(One to fill)
2d half
The Frletchos
Wilson A Moore
"Bonfires of Empires"
Henry Dukane Co
Hob oke n, N. J.
LOEW (loew)
Dlngley A Norton
•Florence Gladioli
J A T Weir
Russ Le Van A Sully
2d half
Delmore A Moore
CHIT Clarke
(Three to fill)
Hnnntoh,' Tex.
Beeman A Anderson
Henry A Mooro
Billy Batchelor
Prince A Bell
Follies of Today
Debourg Slaters
Hobson A Beatty
J K Emmett Co
Jennings A Mack
"Girl with 1.000 Byes"
Charles Wilson
10 Gypsys
Ithaca, N. Y.
STAR (ubo)
McNally A Ashton
Soldier Ben Hilbert
Hadsl Sambola Co
2d half
Harry A Edith West
Nippon Duo
4 Bards
York’s Dogs
Rose A Edge
Nonette Co
Arthur Pickens Co
Doc O’Nell
“The Miracle”
(One to fill)
Jackson. Mich.
Ross A .LeDuo
Brown A Folsom
Roach A McCurdy
"No Man’s Land"
2d half
(Same as Saginaw let
half) _
JacfcsonvlUe. Fla.
ARCADE (ubo)
(Savannah split)
(Sunday opening)
1st half
Scanlon A Denny
4 Avoloa
Kelso A Leighton
Saxon A Clinton
Wills Gilbert 3
Jersey City.
2d half (26-29)
Martyn A Florence
Baker A Rogers
Stevens A Bordeaux
Rose A Thom
Tom Kelly
Tennessee 10
Joliet, lU.
Aerial Bartletts
2d half
Marshall A Coveet
Porter J White Co
Jarvis A Harrison
(One to fill)
Kalomaisoo. Mich.
Rose A Dell
FAG DeMont
Franklyn Fay
Clark’s Hawallans
2d halt
(Same as Jackson 1st
Kansas City, Mo.
(Sunday opening)
Grace LaRue
Paul Decker Co
Andy Rice
Lander Bros
Margot Francos Co
Roy Harrah Co
Horace Golden Co
(Sunday opening)
"Hoosler Girl”
Green McH A Dean
Great Richard
D A A Wllpon
Dura A Feoly
Knoxville, Tenn.
BIJOU (ubo)
(Chattanooga spilt)
1st bait
Tossing Austins
Frazer Bunco A H
Hale Norcross Co
Brlerre A King
Carl Roslnl Co
Lancaoter. Fa.
2d half (26-28)
Kennedy A Nelson
Sidney A Townley
Jennetta Childs
6 Klrksmlth Sis
Lansing, Midi.
BIJOH (ubo)
Artois Duo
Van A Vernon
Kingsbury A Dane
Miller A Lyles
"Makers of History"
2d half
(Same as Battle Creek
1st half)
Lima. O.
Sam Hood
Paquin Models
Wood Young A P
2d half
Oliver Severn 3
Manning A Hall
■'Dunfiaf’s 'Darldos ■ ' •
Lincoln, Neb.
O Cunningham
Fern A Favls
Marie Nordstrom
Hnrrls A Marlon
Dunbar’s Hussars
Gordon. A Kem
Little Rock, Avk.
Obong A Moey
Jennie Middleton
Alex O’Neill A S
4 Portia Sisters
(One to fill)
2d halt
Eleanor Cochran Co
Browning A Dawson
(Three to fill)
Los Angelen
(Sunday opening)
R T Haines Co
Marla Co
Bison City 4
Columbis A Victor
Gautier’s Shop
Conlin A Glass
Lucy Gillette
“Bon Voyage” ^
Moratti Linton Co
Creamer Barton A S
Parish A Peru
J A D Miller
, HIP (aAh)
Lew Huff
Les Arados
“Milady’s Gowns”
DePeron 3 _
Sharp A Gibson
Christy A Bennett .
Whirlwind Hagens
lionlavllle, Ky,
Miller A Oapman
Fields A Conway
O’Donnell A Blair
Maude Muller
“In the Zone”
Whitfield A Ireland
“Circus Day Joyland’
(One to fill) , ^
(Nashville split)
1st hall
Clemenso Bros
Vaugn A Dreams
Bally Hoo 3
Norwood A Hall
Cliff Bailey Duo
Lowell, Mass;
KEITH’S (ubo)
RawBon A Clare
Lillian Fitzgerald
Cartwell A Harris
Harry Hines
' Macon, Ga.
(Augusta split) '
1st half
Sterling Rose 8
Qeorgle Emmett
Halllday A Newelle
8 White Kuhns
Misses Cbalfonte
Madlaon.’ Wla.
Nelson’s Novelty
2 Vagrants
Lovett’s Concentr’n
Bobby Henshaw
"Frontier of Freedom"
2d half
Tyler St Clair
Skolly A Kelt
Doc Baker A Girls
June Mills
LaPetlte Cab Rev
Mansfield, O.
2d halt
Mons Herbert
Paul Bauwens
Follies DeVoguo
Kennedy A Burt
(One to fill)
McKeesport, Fa,
HIP (ubo)
Finard A Dudley
Arthur Lavlne Co
Sam Harris
Wheeler Bros
(One to fill)
2d half
Egan A Demur
Lejuce ,
Smlletta Olrls
(Two to fill)
Memphis, Tenn.
LYCEUM (loew)
Howard A Jenkins
Jewette A Elgin
Quigley A Fitzgerald
“Just Girls”
2d half
Jim Doherty
"Telephone Tangle
DeVoe A Statzer
WolgsB A OlrHe
Elizabeth Murray
"Somewhere In Fr”
0 Rochester
Gardner A Hartman
Bert Melrose
Sandy Shaw
Gordon A Rica
Ishkawa Japs
PALACB (wva)
(Sunday opening)
(Jonirey ' sisters’’ ~ ’ ~
Doc Baker A GlrlS
Geo Mack
(Three to fill)
2d half
Mowatt A Mullen
Sen Prar Murphy „
•"Revue a la Carte”
(Three to fill)
"All for Democracy”
Ford Sisters
Mayo A Lynn
Dale A Burch
Kathryn Murray
Merlan’s Dogs
GRAND -twva)
Johnny A Wise
Cummings A (3arrolI_
MoWms Stiendal A B
Arlsto Trpupo
PALACB (wva)
Dreaon Sisters
Francis A Hume
Sidney Taylor Co
Bessie Clifton
"Hello Peoplo Hello
Mobile, Ala.
GRAND (Ubo) .
(New Orleans split)
1st half
The Brads
Burns A Wilson
Milton Pollock Co
Gray A Graham
Lai^b’s Yanaklns
Moline, 111. ,
PALACB (wva)^
(Sunday opening)
Nelusco A Hurley
Haddon A Norman
•Tonlas Hawallans
dhas Kenna — _
Frear Baggott A F
2d half
Hughes Musical Duo
Homberg A, Lee
Lorraine A Bannister
Sid Lewis
"Old Soldier Fiddlers
Montgomery, Ala.
(Anniston split)^
(Sunday opening)-
1st half
Sutter A Dell
"Childhood Days"
Dean A Dobrow
Mile Theresa Co
Montreal, Ou,
Rose A Moon
Espe A Dutton
Edith Clifford
Gonne A Albert
H Beresford Co
Nltta Jo
4 Readings
LOEW (loew)
Oxford Trio
BUI Pruitt
Douglas Flint Co
Adams A Guhl
Blanche Alfred Co
Mt. Vernon, N. Y.
2d half (26-29)
Howard’s Bears
Eastman Sisters
H Holman Co
Ben Bemie
Bronson A Baldwin
Clark A Verdi
1st half (30*2)
D Southern 3
Dunham A Edwards
Will Oakland Co
Boyce Boyle A B
McKay A Ardlne
Murray Bennett
Naakvllle, Tenn.
(I.oulsvllIe split)
1st half
The Randalls
La Belle A Lillian
Ericson A Arcaro
Naynon’p Birds ,
(One to fill)
New Haven, Conn.
Dancing Cronins
King Slaters
McKay’s S Review
Mario Gardner
Three Mori Bros
2d half
Eddie Healey
Bessie Mack Oo
Kltner A Reaney
4 Mosconls _ ^
PALACB (ubo)
McRae A Clegg
•Barry Girls
Nash A O’Donnell
Conrad A Mayo
Big Local Act
2d half
Musical Fredericks
Bums A Ardlne
Shannon A Annls
Josephine A Brooks
Big Local Act
New Orlenns, La.
PALACE fiibo)
(Mobile spilt)
1st half
DeWltt Young A Sis
Baskette A cheslelghs
H B Toomer Oo
Meredith A Snoozer
"Going Some"
- Len dKohlmar 'Co^
Courtney Sisters
Harry Jolson
Laura Hoffman
Ruth Budd
Stewart A Kelley
Paul lysVar Co
Carl A Inez
Broughton A Turner
Freeman A Barnes
Bamold’s Animals
2d halt
Mack A West .
Howard A- Jenkins
Jewett A Elgin
Quigley A Fitzgerald
Just Glrle
New Rochelle, N, Y,
LOEW (loew)
Brown Sisters
011ft Clark „ “
Arthur Sullivan Oo
2d halt
Frank A Rae Warner
Mae Curtis
(One to flllK
-Norfolk, Va.
(Richmond split)
1st halt
Nip A Tuck
Leroy A Cooper
"New Model”
Mason A Oynne
“Bullet Proof Lady”
Norristown, Pa.
GARRICK (moss)
Best A Jerry
Hall A O’Brien,
Howard A Lewis ^
Maurice Samuels Go
2d half
Hanlon A Clifton
D Fg Cue A H Haw
Lee A Bennett
Clark' A Bergman
Bessie Clifford
Mrs T Whlfteli
Eddie Foyer . K
"Girl on Magazine”
F Tempest Co
Kitarlo Trio
Tracey A McBride
(Sunday opening)
"Mile a Minute"
Hooper A Burkhardt
Winton Bros
DeMlchelle Bros
'M^tWeSott (aAh)
Leonard A Louie
B A E Frawley
De Lin Trio
Dale Wilson
Seymour A Dupree
Rector Weber A T
Walter Baker Oo
2d halt
Jarvis A Gaffney
S Denis Sisters, ,
O’Rourke A Atkinson
Big Jim .
Ogden , ,
Ruder ft Armstrong
Edith Mote
Doctor Delmore
Pisano ft Brighton
2d half
- Lenardi
Ferns A Howell
W S Harvey Co
Revue De Luxe
(One to fill)
The Levolaa
Green A Delere
Sylvia Clark
"The Only Girl”
Bobby Heath
Sheehan A Regay
Trixie Frlgonza
6 Famons Lloyds
2d halt (26-28)
CAM Cleveland
"Some Baby”
WM PENN (uho)
. 2d half (26-28)
Kitamura Japs
O’Brien A South Girls
Rives A Arnold
H Langdon Op
GRAND (ubo)
Reynolds A White
Jack McGowan Co
"Too Many Sweet-
Prank Gaby _
Whiteside Sisters
Baker A Rogers
"The Stampede"
(One to fill) '
NIXON (ubo)
Schoen A Walton
Kautman Bros
Hamilton A Barnes
Ziegler Slaters Co
(One to fill)
Laveen A Cross
Rucker A Winifred
Gypsy Songsters
2d half
Best A Jerry ,
Bess A A1 Kaufman
Peter Platlnotf Oo ,
D Fg Oue A H Haw
Evans A Wilson
Texas Four
“Little Burglar”
2d half
Old Hometead 5
VAC Avery
Eckert A Parker
Inter Hevne
Providence, R, I,
Jack A Forls
Ann Gray
Chris Richards
J Courthopo Oo
4 Harmony Kings
"Croaby’a Corners"
Amos A Wlntbrop ,
Sarlanoff A Sonia
EMERY (loew)
Smith A Tosel
Flake A Fallon
Arthur DoVoy'Co
Nat Carr
3 Larneds
2d half
Morton Bros
Bernard Trio
Chisholm A Breen
Jos K Watson
Revue de Vogue
Reading, Pa.
The Prletches
Carleton A Montrose
“Bonfires of Bmplros”
Harris A Morey
(One to fill)
2d half
Honeyhoy Minstrels
Nelson A Oastle
Eddy 8
(Two to fill)
Richmond, Va.
(Norfolk split)
1st half
Zeska A King
6 War Widows
Cameron Clemons
Ethel McDonough
Collins A Hart
Roanoke; To, -
(Charlotte spilt)
1st half
Stewart Sisters
Mary Maxfleld
"Me A Mary”
Jonny Burke
6 Va Steppers
Rocheatex, N. Y,
Oeo MacFarlano
0 Vincent Co
"Amorlcan Ballot"
DeLeon A Davies
Ralph Smalley
Casper B; Sinclair
CROSS KEYS (moss) . MoConnMl A Austin
Royal Gascoignes
Knowles A Hurst
Van A Carry Avery
Rockford# IIL
PALACE (wva)
Ross Wyse Co
“Finders Keepers"
Cook A Oatman
Curtis’ Canines
Wm H Rogers
Ofcia, City. Oklo.
(Same bill plays Mus-
kogee SO)
Sully Rogers A Sully
Creighton A Creighton
Misses Parker
Lew Wilson „
“An Arabian Night”
Omaha, Neb,
(Sunday qpentng)
Derwent Hall Caine
Bankoff Co
Grace DeMar
Moran A Mack
Joe Browning
EqulIIl Bros
Tina Lemer
The Laveres
Nevlns A Edwards
Madison A. Winchester
W A M Rogers
Riding School V
Passaic, N. J.
2d half (26-28)
Ah Ling Foo
Mayo A Leslie
"3 AM”
Betb Cbalis
J Singer A Dolls
Rice A Elmer
(One to fill) „ _
Paterson, N. J.
2d hair (26-28)
Nelson A Castle
GAP Hickman
Hill A Ackerman
Obas DIeetaam
Peniia,' IIL
Ouerro A Carmen
“Yankee Princess”
2d half ■
Diamond A Daughter
: Aloxandor- A;.-F Wds
Howard Farrell Co
LaTour A Cold
Boganny Troupe
Obas Loder Co
Eckert A Parker
Inter Revue
2d half
Laveen A Cross
Howard A Lewis
Gypsy Songsters
Chase A Latour
Rucker A Winifred
Winning Winnie
(Sunday opening)
yier St 01 ‘
GLOBE (moss)
Nolan A Noli
Durkin Girls
Corse Payton Co
Henry Frey
"Some Baby”
The Yaltos
F A J Smith
Lottie Williams Co
Bohbe A Nelson
5 Syncopated Notes
A AD Lamb
M Montgomery
LeMalre A Hardy
Olaudie Coleman
Tyler St Olair
Lorraine A Bannister
Donald Dunn
•'■Revue a la Carte"
(One to fill)
2d half
Nelson’s Novelty
Mhrker A Sohenok
Gilmore Browne Co
Geo Mack
"Frontier of Freedom”
HIPP (oAb)
Robinson A Martin
8 Harmony Maids
Allen A Betty Lelber
Lot Mon Kim
Three Lees
Blyler A Green
2d half
Easy A Easy
LAO Woods
American Maids
Doyle A Elaine
Paul Kleist Co
Hopnw “%o)
Ben Beyer Oo
(Ope to fill)
."Bride Shop”
2d half
HARRIS (uho)
Leigh A La Grace
Jerome A Devltas
Gertrude McGill Oo
. The Valdares
8 Melody Olrls
Harry Sterling
Leighton A Kennedy
Zemater A Smith
Porlinnd. Ore,
Doree’s Celehrltles
Imboff Conn A Coroone
Brendol A Bert t
Leipzig I
Yvette ft Saranoff
Emerson A Baldwin
Losova ft Gilmore
"He’s a Devil"
Miller Packer ft Selz
Jackie ft Billy
The Norvellos
Wbeeler A Potter
"Red Fox Trot"
Portland, Me.
Sprague A McNeeoe
Donald Roberts
McNally Denis A D
(Same as Ba^ city 1st
St Lonls
Elsa Ryan Co
"Lincoln H’bwayman”
Sbattuok A O’Noll
Marlon Harris
Elsa Rueggor
Ward Bros
Sterling A Marguerite
(One to fill)
GRAND (wva)
Capes A Snow'
Wilson A Wilson
Crowley A Bmmerson
Diaz Monks
2d half
"Mimic World"
Frank Carmen
Barlow A Deerle
TbiesBcns Pets
MoCarver ft Robinson
Harrington ft Mills
PARK (wva)
Pope A Uno
Morlarlty Slaters
"Fireside Reverie”
Knapp A Oornalla
"Hands Across Sea”
Pottsvllle, Po.
HIP (moss)
Hanlon A Clifton
Bens A A I Kaufman
Jack Marley
2d half
Charles Sisters
Hall A O’Brien
Evans A Wilson
"Little Burglar"
2d bait
E J Mooro Oo
Hallman A MonettI
Wanzor ft Palmer
Golden Tmupo
St Paul
(Sunday opening)
Edward’s Revue
Una Clayton Oo
RAG Ellsworth
Valento Bros Stonx City, la.
"An Artistic Treat” OKPHBUM (wv«)
FALACB ’Iwva) (Sunday opening)
Viola JKnapp Co Time & Tile
Gay £ Ollrose Cahill £ Romalno
Chief Little Elk Co 5 American Girls
Maybolle Phillips Jessie Hayward Co
Coclle Trio Marlon Weeks
2d half Jessie Hayward Co
Willing £ Willing Marion Weeks
Owen £ Moore Hobt Everest
'Eskimo £ Seal 2d half
(Two to fill) Monroe £ Grant
Salt Lake Tracey Palmer £ T
ORPHBUM Lieigh DeLacey Co
i (Sunday opening) Johnson Dean Revue
HUe Dazle Co Page Hack £ Mack
Gilbert £ Frledlander (One to fill)
Kennedy £ Rooney hmiI
(Sunday o
PANTAGBS (p) ~ j
Galettl's Babboons ^
RelaiSton A Grant
Eastman Trio Stephens
San Antonio, Tex. stone £ Hay
ROTAL (hp) Crewell Fant
Walsh £ Bemtley Larry Comer
Denny £ Dunlgan « Betfcleh
Landers Stevens Co OEW r
Simpson £ Dean n >
Herbert Lloyd Co
2d half Smith £ Austin
(Same as Sacramento Holmes £ Wells
San Diego
Mahoney fi Rogers
Anderson £ Rean
"World In Harmony”
“Ocean Bound”
"B^hlons do Vogue”
Biddle Ross
HIPP (afih)
Betty William
Johnsons £ Johnson
Lalttte Davis
Stroll Trio
Stanly Qalllnl Co
2d half
Peat £ Stevens
Alf Rlpon
Fredericks £ Van
Denny fi Morrlsbh
San Fmndaco
(Sunday opening)
Mack £ Ijockwood
BTsher £ Hawley
Mellette Sisters
Creole Fashion Plate
Heras £ Preston
Julius Tannan
Albert Verchamp
(Sunday opening)
Euma 4
J Flynn Minstrels
P Dassl Co
Fennell fi Tyson
Empire Comedy 4
CASINO (a£h)
(Sunday opening)
Enos BVazere
Pickett £ Plunkett
Tom fi Pearl Almond
Moore £ Grey
Ward Baker Co
Burke £ Lee
Lipton’s Monks
HIPP (afih)
Voltaire Lloyd
Green £ Bailey
Herbert £ Lee
Shaffer Leonard £ F
The Zellnas
Savannah, Ga.
BIJOU (ubo)
(Jacksonville split)
1st half
Hawaiian Duo
Florence Rayfleld
"Between Trains”
Howard fi Sadler
Potter £ Hartwell
Schenectady, N. Tf.
S Lachman Sis
Flagler £ Malta
Louis Brocades
Kaufman Brothers !
Palfrey Hall £ B
2d half
Adlon Co
Bert Baker Co
Wilton Sisters
Eight Dominos
Scranton, Fa.
POLI'S (ubo)
So. Bead, lad.
(Sunday opening)
LaPearl £ Blondell
'Leila Shaw Co
Jarvis £ Harris
"Colour Gems”
2d half
Geo £ Mae LeFevre
Hal Stephens
‘ Stone £ Hays
Crewell Fanton Co
Larry Comer
So Bethlehem, Pa.
LOEW (loew)
Annete Dare
R C Faulkner
(One to fill)
2d half '
Kimball £ Kenneth
(Three to fill)
PALACE (moss)
Amanda Gilbert
Lee £ Bennett
Old Homestead 5
2d half
Dunham £ O'Malley
Grace De Winters
Royal Gascoignes „
Spartansbnrg, S C.
. ..aRRIS (ubo)
Elkins Fay fi E
(Four to fill)
2d half
Rubin £ Carlotte
Harry Bond Co
Juliet Dika
"Courting Days”
(One to fill)
"Oh That Melody"
Mr £ Mrs N Phillips
Swartz £ Clifford
Nan Gray
Springfield, IlL
(Sunday opening)
Aerial Bartletts
Ed Farrell Co
4 Buttercups
Jas H Cullen
Great Golden Tr
(One to fill)
2d half
King £ Brown
Wilson £ Van
•Lawrence Grant Co
Nick Hufford
Samarofl £ Sonia
(One to fill)
Springfield, Mass.
PALACE (ubo)
The Hennings
Horn £ Ferris
Mr £ Mrs Sy Payne
Gray £ Byron
Lydia Barry
Burns £ Ardlne
2d halt
W Hale fi Bro
Brown £ Demont
Byron Totten Co
Ferraro £ Tabho
Harry Breen '
Tom Brown's Review
Morton Brbe
McDonald £ Cleveland
Chisholm fi Breen
Chin Sin Lioo
(One to fill)
2d half
u Manning Sis
Arthur DeVoy Co
Flske £ Fallon
Nat Carr
(One to fill)
Springfield, O.
SUN (sun)
Oliver Severn 3
(Wilkes-Barre split) Manning £ Hall
1 Bt half
Tojettl fi Bennett
Dunbar’s Darkles
2d half
Lehman fiGalllnacamp ^ixle Serenader
To Fin
Harmon £ O'Connor
Johnnie Clark Co
(Sunday opening)
A Rash Cip
Whipple fi Huston
Lelghtners £ Alex
HstW' Cushing'’’
Rev Frank Gorman
Aub Creightons
Jas J Morton
Worden Bros
“Retue Bouquet"
T P Dunn
Wm Flemen Co
IlolmoB £ Le Vere
“Barefoot- Boy"
Wood Young £ P
Knight’s Roosters
(Same bill plays Sac-
ramento 2-3 ; Fresno
1st half)
Syraense, N. Y.
TEMPLE (ubo)
Cycling Brunettes
Edna Luby
The Belldays
SSSioSV™' HM-n^UiBin
(0., t. a
J Singer £ Dolls S(*enck .
FIngla £ Malla Howart Rovuo
EMward Esmonde Co 2!}^®*"
Kaufman Brothers
Clara Howard - «
Delmore £ Kole
CRESCENT (ubo) fon? to*«m
Mc(3arthy £ Levering ^ COSMOS (moss)
Qeorgallls Trie
Jack Alfred Co
"Ob Charmed”
Bailey £ Auetln
Sherman Van £ H
Regal £ Mack
Hill Tivoli fi Hill
Olathe Miller Co
Green & Parker
4 Fujiyama Japs
(Two to fill)
2d half
The Sheldons
Olga £ Jack Woods
Geo Leonard Co
Conrad £ Mayo
(Two to All)
Terre Hant^ Ind.
HIPP (wva)
(Evansville split)
1st half
Tlie Florence
Zeno £ Mandel
“The Lemon”
•Ching Ling Toye Co
Toledo, O.
KEITH’S (ubo)
3 Maxims
Alex McFayden
Coakley fi Dnnlevy
Harry Green Co
H fi A Seymour
3 De OnzoB
(One to fill)
Toronto, dm.
SHEA’S (ubo)
"Suffragette Revue”
Loney Haskell
Ethel Hopkins
A1 £ F Steadman
Moss £ Frye
3 Kanes
Ramsdell & Deyer
^ ; HIP (ubo)
Swift £ Daly
Bob H Hodge Co
Alice Manning
La Follette
Jones £ Johnson
(One to fill)
YOUNQH (loew)
•’’Birds in Dreamld”
Belle Oliver
“Largay £ Snee
COSMOS (moss)
Piccolo Midgets
Tyler £ Crollus
Oallerina Sisters
Lane £ Plant
Bon Bens
Waterirary, Conn.
POU’S (nbo)
W Sale £ Bro
Brown £ Demont
Byron Totten Co
Harry Breen
liouls Hart
2d half
Gerbme £ Allhright
Nash £ O’Donnell
V fi E Stanton
Ward fi Pryor
Three Mori Bros
(One to fill)
Waterloo, la.
(Sunday opening)
Monroe & Grant
Frances Dyer
Mayor £ Manicure
Bin Robinson .
2d half
Nelusco £ Herley
Nadell £ Follette '
Tate’s Motoring
Jno Geiger
Aeroplane Girls
- WUkeis-BBrre, Pa.
POLI’S (ubo)
(Scranton split)
let half
Prawley £ West
Sydney A Townley
Lawrence fi Edwards
Belle Montrose
IBiva Tanguay
Jas C Morton Co
Vokes & Don
Amoros A Jeanette
Helen Gleason Co
Sherman was Wrong”
•Weir & Temple
•G fi M LeFevre
.Trenton, N. J.
TAYLOR (ubo)
2d half (26-28)
Beth Chains
Stork £ Link
McCormack £ Wall
T Moore fi Co
Bowers Walters £ C
STATE ST (moss)
Harding £ Co
Lucky £ Burns
Dunham & O’Malley
Peter Platlnoff Co
, 2d half
Bartello fi Co
Knowles £ Hurst
Maurice Samuels Co
Troy, N. Y.
McRae £ Slegg
McLoughlln £ Evans
Clayton Macklyn Co
Wilton Sisters
Eddie. Borden Co
Stella Mayhew
2d half
3 Lachman Sis
Harvey De Vera 3
The Belldays
Edna Luby
Louis Brocades
Burns & Prablto
Palfrey Hall & B
Union HIU, N. J.
2d half (26-28)
Stan Stanley 3
Greenlee £ Will
"Blow Your Horn”
Wallace fi Holl -
Lawrence Bros £ T
Uficn, N, Y.
The Sheldons
Ed Esmond Co
Kilkenny Duo
Clara Howard
Ford fi Urma
'mere, TW.UKS. Mm'.’.
A ' ftfoMovS' 'BaTlet'
Shaw £ Campbell
Morris £ Campbell
Wilfred Clarke Co
Eddy Duo
Lou Holtz
HIPP (afih)
Rose £ Rosanna
Rae £ Faulkner
Reckless Duo
(Two to fill)
2a bait" '
Harrison £ Burr
"Love Farm”
Darrell £ Edwards
Cycling Brunettes
(Three to fill)
Ynneonver, B. O.
"On High Seas”
Mibbgs Campbell
A1 Herman
B £ H Gordon
Jue (Juon Tal
Barney Williams Co
Navasser Girls
Selina’s Circus
Worcester, Hass,
POLI’S (Ubo)
Eddie Healy
Josephine £ Brooks
V £ B Stanton
Scamp £ Scamp
2d half
McRae £ Clegs
Barry Girls
McDonald £ Rowland
Lydia Barry
Grey £ Old Ross
PLAZA (ubo)
Canarls £ Cleo
Barrett fi White
Bessie Mack Co
Ferraro £ Tabbo
Four Mosconls
2d half
Dancing Cronins
Horn £ Perris
Mr fi Mrs Sy Payne
Wood £ Wyde
Yonkers, N. Y.
Bob Tate Co
Billy Kelgard
Jolly Wild fi Dunn
(One to fill)
2d half
Belle Sisters
Bennington £ Scott
Inman £ Lyons
"Mr Proxy”
•7 Glasgow Maids
York, Pa.
Wilson £ Moore
Honeyboy Minstrels
Nelson £ Castle
Eddy 3
(One to fill)
2d half
Lawrence Bros fi Th
O’Brien fi South Qlrle
Lloyd fi Whltehouse
RJalto- r
(One to fill)
Yonnsstomi, O.
HIP (ubo)
Bert Wheeler Co
LaRoy Lyton Co
Maurice Burkhard
Mazte King Co
Adele Rowland Co
Leo Zarrell Co
(One to fill)
William Morse, known as “Black-
face Billy Morse,” died of pneumonia
Sept. 23 at Stern’s Sanatarium, New
York, after an illness of only a week.
The deceased had been with “A Night
in the Trenches." He was 31 years of
. age. About three weeks ago Mr.
Morse was mistaken by a New York
police officer for someone the officer
was looking for. Before. explanations
could be made Morse had been roughly
handled. This, however, it is stated,
had no bearing on his illness, con-
tracted later.
Marie Sorine, a Spanish girl of con-
siderable beauty, and one of the best
side-show freaks because she was arm-
less, died at Coney Island ten days
I Father of Clark Brown I
■ W^ pazaed away Sept 16 th, 1918 . I
■ Princess Theatre Staff ■
— — (Montreal) ■
ago of pneumonia. She was 30 years
of age, and was appearing at the
Island in Sam Gumpertz’s show. She
was formerly with the Barnum &
Bailey Circus. In addition to her arm-
less condition and good looks she drew
.attention by her ability to write with
her feet.
Alfrad D. Holman, aged 65, died
Sept. 21 at his home, 572 Talbot street,
^ndon, Ont., following a lingering
illness, coupled with a stroke of
paralysis last week. Mr. Holman was
a member for years of the Holman
Opera Company, organized by his
father, deceased, and had appeared in
many operas over the U. S. and Can-
A t sm-vived by one son, Arthur
A. Holman, now in Chicago, and con-
nected with theatricals.
Thomas R. Prior, prominent western
showmM, died at Venice, Cal., last
week. The deceased for several years
managed the hig beach amusements
around Los Angeles and had control
of the Ferns Wheel at the Columbia
The wife of Verne Hardin Porter
died last week in Los Angeles after a
lingering illness. Verne Hardin for
many ywrs was associate editor of the
Green Book magazine.
Tha mother of Frances McGrath died
I My Devoted Hnsband and Pal I
I Who passed away Sept. 27 th, 191 ^ I
■ May bis soul rest in peace. I
■ Hla Wife ■
|___MAmEjy. BAMBARD |
of a paralytic stroke while with her
daughter in St. Paul. The deceased
was 63 years of age and lived in Hobo-
ken, where funeral services were held.
nrfi* Bobby Ryles of the
Will King musical comedy company,
San Francisco, died in that city
Sept. 22. ■
“®*Bor of Bernard Wheeler
(Wheeler and Potter) died at her home
925 Robinson street, Danville, III.,
-'V-:- r-.-r r... 'v-.-.
The father of Arthur Frazer (Frazer,
Ounce and Harding) died in Brooklyn
Sept. 17. ^
The mother of Lou Payton (Payton
and Hickey) died suddenly in New
York last week.
Billy Hart and His Circus Girls.
I Jack Boyle and Kitty Bryan, two-act.
’ _ Serg. Christman, regularly enlisted
in the Service, novelty act.
Chalmers and the De Ross Sisters,
piano and singing (Charles Pierce).
Fay Bain ter is planning a vaudeville
plunge, 'tis reported.
Fred Fenton (Fenton and Green)
with Sammy Fields in blackface.
‘‘Perhaps You’re Right," ten people
(Greorge Choos). •
“Lay On MacRluff,” by James Horan,
three people (Lewis Leslie).
“Love and Kisses,” nine people
(Marty Brooks).
“Oddities in Minstrely,” girl act,
with seven girls and two men.
Davis and Fitzgibbons (Lew Fitz-
gibbons), two-act.
Monte and Avis (formely Monte and
West (formerly Lambert and
West) and Rita Mack.
Leon J. Bamberger (Fox Film Corp.)
left Sept..23 for Camp Greene, N. C.
Raytnond and Roberts (formerly
Roberts and Hill), two act.
The Century Revue,” with four men
and four women ([Harry Weber).
Lar^ Comer, single, at the Ameri-
can, Chicago, this week.
Webb Sistejrs (with the “Darlings of
Pans last season) in vaudeville as
a “sister act.”
“The Submarine Spy,” with three
people, produced by Max Spiegel
(Arthur Klein).
“Monday Morning,” with eight peo-
ple. Hal Newport is featured (Bert
La Mont).
_ Gus Edwards with four girls, includ-
mg the Furness Sisters, opening ia
October (Harry Weber). ’ *
Ben Deeley with Barbara La Mart
and Joe King in revival of Deeley’s
bell-boy act (M. S. Bentham).
Martha Russell in “Junetime.” Three
people. Flo and Edna, new sister
team (Roehm & Richards).
B®ii Walton (Walter and the Evans
Girls) now with May Francis, (for-
merly Kelso and Francis).
George Spink and Ellen Tate (Mrs.
Spink) reappearing in act called
Songs Now and Then.”
Joe Webb (Webb and Burns) and
Tony Martin (formerly with A1
Shayne), two-act.
(Continued from. page 8.)
Booth, of the company, opened the
performance by singing the national
U. S. Army General Hospital, No. I,
New York City, Sept. 20: Solly Cohn
and Joe Santley, Dunham and Ed-
wards, Vivian Holt and Lillian Rose-
dale, Harris and Morey, Dorothy Toye,
Jimmy Lucas with Billie Frisch, Polly
Moran, Prince and Butt, Halsey Mohr
and May Field.
Ellis Islan^ Sept. 21 : Rae Mann,
Bradley and Brown Duo, Jimmy Clark
and Co.
cV- I’ General Hospital, Fox Hills,
S. I^ Sept 23: Halsey Mohr and May
Field, Toby Claude, William Smythe,
pottle Dimples and Baby Behan.
Maude Raymond, Rae Mann, Polly
Moran’ Astor Sisters, Willie Weston.
U S. A. Embarkation Hospital, No,
3, Hoffman Island, Sept 23: Bill same
given same day at the U. S. Genera!
t 7 iP‘ Army Debarkation Hospital,
Ellis Island, Sept. 24: Con Conrad,
• MrSs ..Tgm . .Lewia, Dottie., Dimples, and^
S Behan, Jack and Dora Crisp,
Polly Moran, Lillian Bradley, Musette,
Halsey Mohr and May Field
U. S.Army Embarkation Hospital, No.
L Hookben, N. J.; Katherine Bradley
and Adele Brown, Eugene Klausman,
Bernard Tno. George Nagel, “Pay As
You Enter” Co., Mabel Rivers Schuler.
Paisley Noon with Eddie Moran.
IN THE ^ ^ ^ ^
(Continued from page 8.)
band there, playing the slide trom-
bone. ' . '
Jack Ball (L-KO) and Frank Mock
(L-KO) have enlisted, the former in
the Tank Corps and Mock for limited
Jack Halloway (publicity man for
Diando) joined the Merqhant Marines,
having formerly held a mate’s license
on the Atlantic. * '
Charles Thorpe, and not Cliff Hess,
as reported in VAniETr last week, was
the accompariiest with. Blossorn Seeley
who was ordered to report at Camp
Upton, L. I., Sept. 18.
Lieut. Ted Shawn, who received his
commission at the., recent Officers’
Training Camp at Camp Freemontj has
been ordered to' Gamp Kearny. >He
will act as physical instructor.
Malcolm S. Boylan (publicity direct-
or. Universal) is at Camp Qearney,
awaiting a call for the Signal Corps,
where he will take up the work of
war photographer.
C. Sharpe Minor (organist - at the
Rialto, San Francisco, for several
years) has been, appointed a first lieu-
tenant, and takes charge of the band
of the 40th Artillery Corps it Fort
Winfield Scott. .
- Some of New York’s picture publicar
tion men are now in Service.. Condon,
of the “Photoplay Magazine,” has been
at Camp Upton for several weeks.
Watts, of the “Telegraph," has been
called to selective service, as also has
Kelly of the “News.”
Oscar Cooper, formerly managing
editor of the “Exhibitors’ Trade Re-
view,” has joined the army and will
enter the infantry officers’ training
school at Camp Lee, Va (He will be
succeeded on the “Review” by Charles
E. Hastings.)
Connie Nichel and George King,
vaudeville, who recently did a turn
at Chester Park, Cincinnati, are to be
Y. M. C. A, secretaries. They have
been ordered to hold themselves in
readiness to leave for France in
October. -
W. McMaster, one of the very first
of Pershing’s, troopers to receive an
honorable discharge because of in-
juries and unable to return to service,
is in J^ew York and last week engaged
with William Shilling to replace Cor-
poral Bittner in Shilling’s act, “On the
Western Front.”
Corinpe Fibbe, a player at the Cin-
cinnati Little ■'^Playhouse last winter,
has been enrolled as a nurse in St. Vin-
cent’s Hospital, New. York. - She took a
three months’ nursing course at the
Cincinnati General Hospital last year
and expects going to France for active
Sergt. Louis Galeshkow, Fedinburg
Rankin and George Purcell, former
members of the Russian Symphony and
New York Philharmonic Orchestras, at
present in France with the U. S. Army,
form part of a “jazz band” that is pro-
viding music for the boys back of the
A. L. Bowers (property man, Jose
theatre, San Jose, Cal.) at Camp Lewis.
Harry Western Frenyear, brother of
Mabel Frenyear, is at the officers’
training school at Fort Slocum. His
father, Edward Lafayette Frenier, was
one of Custer’s warrior-s in the pioneer
Capt. James B. McKOwen (the Chi-
cago agent), formerly a first lieutenant
attached to the 342nd Inf., Camp Grant,
111., has been transferred from Chicago
to the 73rd Infantry at Camp Devens,
Ayer, Mass. Capt. McKowen was in
New York recently, en route to his
new command. He expects toTSe sail-
ing overseas shortly.
at Camp Syracuse, N. Y., for limited
service, and are appearing in vaude-
ville shows staged at the camp under
the auspices of the Y. M. C. A. Among
the new arrivals are T. J.. Bagley, who
admits he’s the fourth greatest ven-
triloquist in the world, and B. Posner,
Lieut. William Woolfenden in a let-
ter received in . New York this week
says fhat : early in August while in an
attack, he was hit on the forehead by
shrapnel It removed half of an eye-
brow, but the Lieutenant returned to
action. He is now with the 30th Inf.
(regular army), 3rd Division, Amer. E.
F; France. '
Mrs. Lillian Klein, widow of the late
Charles Klein, received a letter this
week from her son, Philip Klein, in-
forming her he has been promoted to
a first lieutenancy on the field of
battle. When the war. began Philip
Klein, formerly A. H. Woods’ London
representative, enlisted in the ambu-
lance corps as a private. For his dis-
.tinction in service Klein has been given
command of Section 524, A. E. F.,
Ambulance Corps, with the rank of
lieutenant. Nathatf Burkan, the Klein
attorney, has posted the letter op the
Lambs* bulletin board.
Jo Swerling (Swing) of VABiaTV’s
Chicago staff, who enlisted in the navy
several months ago and was furloughed
to permit him to finish some Irlerary
work, including one play which he
wrote and another in which he col-
laborated, joined the service at (Sreat
Lakes, 111., Monday as a second-class
seaman. The officials there assigned
him for the present , to work on the
Great Lakqs “Bulletin,” the publica-
tioil at' that naval post. Swerling was
accepted only for limited service
because of defective sight. He con*'
tributes the fourth service star for
the flag of VABiBTr’s Chicago office.
WhMt f er ibsM to VASSOSnnr,
Mail Ctek
Wlwre C rsiSawa mm^ Isstter ts la
dtego Orntm.
wbm 8 P ttMema mmt, ta
la te Treuaeteto 09k».
Aiverttoii^ «r elrealar Isttm will
not be itB^.
F teSowtos aaato indleatoa Fatal,
aitrorttoed ease oeljr.
Bm feffiswlBS aaiaa lailntu regls-
teVra Bofi.
Benson Harry C
Cohen Joseph B
Griffith Jos A
Halstenbaoh Bdw
Michelson Geo h
Norvello Joe h
Rogers Alfred
Wilbert li A
Ackeman Mrs Hail
Adair Grace
Adair Jackie
Adams Qeo
Adams Rex
Adeler Chas
Adlen & Oe
Adolphus (0)
Alexander R U
Allen A R
Allen Grace
Alvarez Gene
Ames Wintbrope
Angell Gerttude
Armstrong Arthur
Armstrong Geo
Armstrong Lucille (0)
Armstrong Lucille
Arnold Margaret (C)
Asch Sam (C)
AUbrey Burt (0)
Ayer Grace (0)
Baker Leah'
Baker Marlon
Baldwin Anna
Baldwin Raymond (C)
Ball Ruth (C)
Barley Pearl
Barnes Stuart
Barnett Mrs A
Barth Lee
Barton Chas
Basalt Jack
Baxley Jack (C)
Beasley June
Bell Herb (0)
Beilclaire (0)
Bell & Bva
Bellmonte Harry
Belmont Roso
Bennett M>d 0
Bennett Bra
Bennett John
- Bennett- Murray -
Bernard Mike
Beyer Ben
Blanchard Oliftoh
Blondell Bd (SF)
Buddy Richard
Booth Hope
Boudler Paulette
Brandon Francis
Breman Bobby
Brlerry Maurice
Byiggs Mrs F A
Brinkman Bmest (0)
Brown Ada
Bruce Ernie (SF)'
Buckley Irving
Buckner Arthur
Burnett Babe
Cagwln Mary
Carey Jas
Carlta Miss (0)
Carlson J W
Cavanagh Mfs Barle
Clare Ida
Cassadon Robt (0)
Clifton & Dale (0)
Coffman Jerry
Cohan Chas .
Coley C A
Conlee Ethel
Cook Emma
Cooper Harry
Cornell Ed
Creighton Fred
Creighton Fred (C)
Creighton Jim
Curthbert Rupert
Cusick Faye (C)
Dailey Lu
Darrell. Hilgarde (C)
Darsy & Mack (CX
Daves Arthur
Davis Frank
Deane Bobbie (SF)
Decker Paul (0)
DeCoe Harry
DeCoursey Alfred
DeQrant Oliver
Dedroff Blance
, DeHollls Wm (SF)
Delaney Helen
Delauney Miss M
DeLlsIo Billy
Delmar Marie
DeWinters Jack
Dockson Breljrn
Dockstader Eleanor
Dodge Wm ■ —
Downing Harry
Driscoll Cecil
Downing Allen
Duan Allan (SF)
•DuBols Nellie (0)
Dudley Alice
DuFell Frank
Earl Bess
Earl Wheeler
Earle Chas
Earle Cronlne
Early Pearl (0)
Elliott Miss 3
Emerson Chas
Emmett J K
English Lillian
Frances Kennedy
Sparkles on Star
Bill at Empress
’ "Smile, dam y*u, smUel" So Frances Ken-
nedy rage her menlment, and JSimprcss patrons
broaden their features from a oomplaetaat grin:
to bursUng laughter. Miss Kennedy, a bundle
of pen and joy, with a whole lot of talent thrown
in, is the top star of the half dozen who sparkle
at the opening for the new seaaon of the Empress. .
Diere’s something about bfiss Kennedy's brand
- of .stuff that is ainoere. When she talks about
' her brothers in BVanoe you sort of fad that this
is no bunoimbe, and When die asks evetybo^,.
to sing— well, a lot of old duffers with oaoked
voices couldn't resist yesterday. Fersomdlty la
trite talk, but nothing else just fits thei Kennedy.'
style. Her personality sort of spreads itself Over
the house and gathers in the grouches aad. the
sad onea Her songs sro wtnnors, and bet com-
edy chatter at the card table Is Jammed with
—Qrand Rapida "Herald,” Sept. 3.
Vou nurrlcdi men and badtdois. don't fdl to
obseiva bow Misa Frances Kennedy (who. in bur
humble opinion, should bo tbo headliner) ropro-
ducM the scandal mondog at a mocic party-
hen party, aa it Is known In vulgar parlance.
The young woman who might be called "The
Lady Who Goes to the Theatre With Mtf’—
except for the fact that (Jhaunlng PoUodc appre-
. priated the title^flnt^-says that hUss K^edy
is letter-perfeot in this sort of chatter; and It
is veiy iatereatlng to a mige male to got a poop
mto the ^steries of Ute femlnlno oonyetsatlon.
.‘'Hiss Kennedy la a maghotlo young peraon, and
she coaxed a Keith audience laat night into; Bing-
ing severiri. war songs.
— Gotambas ',‘0eapat«b,*' Sept. i^.
FltANCES KENNEDT milkes horaeif ’^pldar
with her persistent cheerfulness and songs'hbout
"Smile, amlle, smile: it's bom right, ini ’em."
- This singing oomodlenno is the bright spot on
tbo blU and- had the first. AlnhCors going iwlUr
‘ her ImttaUOn of a woman at an aftomoon tea.
which is a scream. -
—Toledo "Blade," Sept. 10.
HARRY WEBERg Eastern Representative
SIMONS AGENCY, Western Representative
to do a little talking and fake bknjo in standard vaude-
ville act. Salary and R. B. Address SMILING, Chicago
VARIETY Office. State salary, full particulars and
draft standing. V
Estelie Eliz
Evans Mrs Q
Evans Lillian
Faber A1
Faber & Harras
Fay Eva
- Faye Elale
Fernandez Dot
Fennell Carrie
Fennlng H A
Ferguson Dick
Fiebaok Frances \
Fllmore Nellie
Fleming Kathleen
Folsom Bobby (C)
Fontaine Aider
Forbes Marlon
Force & Williams
Ford -Marg
Ford Mabel (C)
Ford Max
Ford Pearl
Ford Ray
Forrester Sid
Franza Joan
Frazier Billy
Freeborn Mrs H
French B
Futcb Dan
Gallaway Mrs L
Galdls Mile (C)
Qartan Mae
Germaine Flo (0)
Gilbert & Clayton
Gilbert £ Clayton (0)
Gill Cliff ,
Glenn Myrtle
Goelet Vera
Gould Miss V
Grace Sis
Graham W T
Green Billy
Green Jim (C)
Griffin Pete
Guest A1
Guest A1 (0)
Gulron John
Halbach Mrs W
Hall May
Hallo Eunice (0)
Hannon Wm
Hart Diamond (0)
Hart Hazel
Haywood Ella
Hearn Julia (0)
Hendler H (0)
Herman Sam
Hewett Mildred
Hlgley Ball
Hiller Frank
Hines Cissy
Holbrook Flo
Howard 'V’irglna
Hubboll Rita (0)
Hughes Flo
Hume Geo (0)
Gordon 'J H
Gordon Marie
Gorman Bros
Illman Wm (C)
Jackson Jean & Babe
Jackson Harry
Jamison Leslie (0)
Johnson Mr
Jones Will
Jordon Davey (C)
Jordan Irene
. Joseph Mra .M
Kalll David
J. E. Andino (Andy)
It open for muidcal zrr»nR«monf» of all kinds, exclusive
songs, acts, etc. 200 Claremont Avs., Now York City.
Telephone, Momlngsldo 211.
Kalll Louise
Kay Clause
Kaymore Hazel
Keane John
Keene & Walsh
Kell Jack (O)
Kelley Siauso
Kelly Ed (0)
Kelly Walter (0)
Kellner Mrs M (0)
Kennedy Miss B
Kennedy Jack
Kennedy Mrs P J
Kennls Mae
Kerner Otto
Klbel Jules
King & Wyse (0)
Klngloy Ethel -
Kitamura H T
Knowles & Hurst
Koppe Sol
Kramer Mae
Kramer £ Morton
Kross Rose (C)
LaCoste Alice
LaFarra Reba (C)
LaOrange Yvonne
Lamadrid Nlta
LaMar Leona
Lamb Alex
Lambert Beatrice
Lambert Miss N
Lambert Natalie (C)
LaRocca Roxy
LaRoso & .Lane
Laskey Lottie
Laufmann Leo
LaWall Frank
Lawronno Miss M
, .Lazfts. - i-
LeCmint Bessie
Leighton Bert
Ulthold F 0
Llewellyn Goo (0)
Lombey Mr ft Mrs J
Leonard Olivo
Levy Louise
Lewis B
Lewis J
Liewls Richard
Lewis Sbirkey
Libonettl J
Lockhart Mabel
Lubln Lew (0)
Lyster A1
Macart W K
MacDonald Davidson
Mack Anna
Mack NBlllle
Mack Map
Mack Mae
Maddlson Ralph
Malle Ed
Mandol Lolllo
Manley ft Gordon
Marontette A1
Marley Jack
Martcll Fay
Maskeo Ralph
Mason ft Cole
Mathews B
Mundol Miss L
Maxime Miss M
May Doris
May Evelyn
Mayberry Ann (0)
Maynard Dot
McConnell ft Simpson
McFnddcn Geo
McQunls Mrs F
MoHan V F (0)
McKinley Noll
McMann Harry
McNamara Toddy
Melba Flo
Melburn B E
Mejvern Babe
Moivcm Grace
Mercer Vefa
Merrill Bessie
'Morrill Wm
Millard Bros
■ ■Mllhaff - ■ -
Miller. Bertie
Miller Earl
Miller Fred
Miller Thos (SF) '
Mills .Too
Mills Robert
Minus Bud
Mltcboll Mario (C)
Mookoy Miss E
Monahan Mrs Wm (0)
Monroe Chauncey
Montague U (0)
fluWAUl) ( \KU h tt( "'-hi 1. .*ik1 IlMMll, fiWiNs
V real patnotie '.oru^ with i^enuine laug^hs in it
The da> before our popular .loe Goodw in left for France he wrote the most beautiful effort of his life
A sonj? which is not necessarily a x\ar son«, without a word about the war in it, and will live many >t*ars after th
One of the most beautiful ballad, (hat we have ever published, written bv our dear friend and pal
SerjSfeant Jimmie Hanley, now in France:
A son^ that can t help ifoing over a^ one of the big things of your act
CHICAGO - Grand Opera House Bldg
MINNEAPOLIS — Suite 3, Lyric Theatre Bldg
An assortment of novelties unlike anything on the market. These are the sensational
song hits of the big camps throughout the United States today.
1 hi^ "onji .it pie-** tU 1'* In iru Iciitiired tiv lU't .1 lc\\ dI \iiu'-ii,i" iru'^f pumiMitriE m .I'llim i'. .inH
ii\ w \i 'ii:r DON \r.i)S')\
\ song that will fit all character acts, also ruhe purpose'^
Ne\cr >et been sung on the vaudeville stage but can't fail to go over.
For high-daiss singers we have had a song written to our inarvelou« big waltz hit
Anvone requiring a high-class number wjll find this the best in twenty v
224 WEST 47th STREET
BOSTON -2 10 Tremoiit St
-r 1
145 West 45th Street
Room 301, Keith’s Theatre Bldg.
Grand Opera House Bldg.
230 Tremont Street
823 Holland Bldg.
Room 6, Lyric Theatre Bldg.
Moatambo N
Montgomery L 8
Montrose & Allen
Monty Lou
Moore Billy
Moore Fred
Moran & Wiser
Morrell Maudle
Morreey T P
Morrette Sis (0)
Mortimer Robert
Morris & Sherwood
Morton Qoo ■
Mowatt Tom (O)
Mulrey Jay
Mulvey Ben
Mumlord Bd
Murdock Japle
Murll Miss I
Murphy Mrs A
Murphy Babe
Murphy Bob
Murphy MyrtlB
Newman Ralph
Newman Wm
Newmans (0)
Newton Billie
Noble Herman
O’Connell Hugh
O’Donnell Ohas (0)
Oldham Clifford (€)
Orton Sam
Palmore Lew (0)
Parke Bmlly
Pate Myrtle
Patterson Bobbie
Patsy Leah (0)
Paulette Louise
Pearson Harry
Perclval Mabel
Perkoff Arthur
Perry Qeo
Phllloot Marg
Phillips Robert
Potter Hay (0)
Potter Wm
Pratt H
Scott A Wallace (SF)
Seoklnger Miss P .
Seldlea HaiW
Sellgsoa Maurice
Selble & LUlte CO)‘:
Shaefer ,
Sbahler Fred
Shaw & Campbell
Shae P I-
Sheeban Jack
Shelley Eflle '
Shepard Sam
Sherwood Arthur
Sherwood Marie
Shirley Rita
Sbtrll Rives
Simpson Nance
Skipper Kennedy (0)
Smith Frank
Smith & Kaufman
Smith Mrs 8 .
Stafford Harry
Stanley Babe
Stark Cliff
Stephen Murray
Sterling Kathryn
Stockbam Bdlth
Stoddart Mrs
Stone Miss H
Stone Pearl
Strength Jules
Stuart Austin
Sturts M
Sullivan Frances (0)
Sullivan Jas
Sully Bstelle
Sussman Lillian
Sutton Brad
Swain Hal
Swift Fred
Can use musical comedy people at all times.
, 508 Putnam Bldg., New York
Reeves A1 30 Oayety Omaha Neb T'Gayety
Kansas City Mo.
"Roseland Qlrls” SO Lyric Dayton 7 Olympic
“Sight Sews" 80 L O 7 Oayety "St Louis.
"Social Pollies” 80 National Winter Garden
New York 7 Trocadero Philadelphia.
“Social MaldB” 80 ^yety Pittsburgh 7-9 Part
Youngstown 1-12 Grand Akron O.
"Speedway Girls” 30 Oayety Mlntfeapolla 7
Star St Paul. .
“Sporting Widows’’ SO L O 7 Orpheum Pater-
“Best Show In Town” 80 Corinthian Rochester
7-0 Bastahle Syraonse 10-12 Lumberg Utica
: N Y. ■
"Orientals” 30 Garden Buffalo 7 Empire Cleve-
Tnito Tatsn
Tate Otto (C)
Taub Max
Taylor MIsa A
Taylor Blva
Vera & Wilson (0)
Vert Hasel (O)
Tice Lillian
Tracy Roy
Tucker CO'
Turple Albert
“Blue Birds” 80 Epgelwood Chicago 7 Crown
"Bon Tons" 80 Casino Brooklyn 7 L 0.
“Bostonians" 80 Oayrty Montreal 7 Empire
"Bowerys’* 30 Orpheum Paterson 7 Majestic
Jersey City.
“Broadwhy Belles” 80 Victoria Pittsburgh 7
Penn Circuit
“Burl^ue Review’’ 80 Majestic Jersey City.
7. Peoples Philadelphia. '
“Burlesque Wonder Show” 80 Peoples Phila-
delphia 7 Palace Baltimore. Md.
"Cheer Up America" 30 Palace Baltimore Md
7 Oayety Washlnston D C.
"Follies of Day” 80 Empire Newark '7 Casino
"Follies of Plraeure’’ 80 Empire Hoboken 7
Star Brooklyn.
"French Prollce” 30-1 Cort Wheeling W Va 7
Victoria Pittsburgh.
"Frolics of Night” 30 Lyceum Washington D
C 7 Oayety Philadelphia.
"Girls de Looks” 80-2 Park Bridgeport 7 Co-
. lonlal Providence R I.
“Oirls from Follies" 80-1 Watertown. 2-8 Os-
wego 4-5 Inter Niagara Falls N Y 7 Star
"Oirls from Joyland” 30 Star Brooklyn 7
Olympic Now York.
"Oirls of U S A” 80 Star Cleveland 7 Empire
"Golden Crook" 30 Gayefy Buffalo 7 Corin-
thian Rochester.'
"Pace Makers" 30 Oayety Baltimore Md 7 Ly-
, ceum Washington DC. ■
“PaHs by Night” OQ^Crown Chicago 7 Oayety
Milwaukee. ’
"Parisian Flirts” 30 Worcester Worcester Mass
7 Oayety Brooklyn.
Winners” 30 Trocadero Philadelphia
10-12 Broadway Camden N J;
“Pirates” 30 Oayety Louisville Ry 7 Lyceum
Columbus O.
"Puss Pubs” 30 Oayety St Louie 7 Star A Gar-
ter Chicago.
"^zzle Dazzle” SO Star Toronto 7 Garden
"I^cord Breakers” 30 Penn Circuit 7 Oayety
■Baltimore Md. -
"Star A Garter” SO HurUg A Beamon’s New
York 10-12 Park Bridgeport.
"Step Lively O.'rls” 30 Columbia Netv York 7
-Empire Brooklyn.
Sydell Rose 30 VSayety Toronto 7 Oayety Buf-
“Tempters” 30 Star St Paul 7 Oayety- Sioux
City la. .
"Trail Hitters” 80 Olymplo New York 7 011-
more Springfield Mass.
"20th Century Maids" 30 Oayety Detroit 7
Oayety Toronto.
Watson Billy 30-2 Bastahle Syracuse 3-5 Lum-
berg UUca N Y 7 Oayety Montreal.
Welch Ben 30 Columbia Chicago 7 Oayety De-
White Pai 30 Century Kansas City Mo 7 Stan-
dard St Isiuls.
Williams Mollle 30, ..Jacques Waterbury Conn
7 Hurtlg A Seamen’s New York.
"World Beaters” 30. Lyceumi ^ Columbus 7-8
Cort Wheeling W Va. ■
VARIETY’S CHICAGO OFFICE, Majestic Theatre Bldg.
, Jack Hollaway has Joined the “Pleasant
Inn," a musical tab.
Rabinovich J
Rae A Wynn
Raymond Qeo
Reid Qeo
Renwiok Rena
Rice Andy
Rico A Warner
Riley Joe
Robinson Steve
Ronaud Earl (0)
Ruesell Flo
Runyan Helen (0)
Ryan Dolph
Valll Muriel (O)
Van Aken Alex
Van Aken Anna
Van Oleef Irene
Vane Sybil
Van Horn Jean
Vann Helen
Verga Nick
Verona Counteea .
Vincent Bllnore
Voss Judith
"Grown-Up Babies” 29-80 Grand Terro Haute
1-5 Majestic Indianapolis Ind 7 Oayety
Louisville Ky.
Hastingra Harry 30 Orand Hartford 7 Jacques
"Hello America” 80 Oayety Kansas City Mo
7 L O, •
"Hello Pareo” 30 Oayety Sioux City la 7 Cen-
tury Kansas City Mo.
"High Flyers” 80 Majestic Scranton 7-8 Arm-
ory Binghamton 0-12 Hudson Scbenectady
NY. '
"Hip Hip Hurrah" 80 Empire Albany 7 Oayety
Howe Bam 30 Casino Philadelphia 7 Miner's
Bronx Now York.
"Innocent Malde’’ 30 Oayety Brooklyn 1 Na-
tiond Winter Garden Now York.
Irwin’s "Big Show" 80 Miner’s Bronx New
York 7 Casino Brooklyn.
"Jolly Girls” 80 Neeblt Wilkes-Barre 7 Ma-
jestic Scranton Pa.
Kelly Lew 80 Empire Brooklyn 7 Empire New-
“Liberly Oirls” 30 Colonial Providence R I 7
Casino Boston.
"Lid Lifters" 30 Oayety Milwaukee 7 Oayety
"Maids of America” 80 Oayety Washington D
C 7 Oayety Pittsburgh.
"Majesties” 30 Empire Toledo 7 Lyric Dayton.
Marlon Dave 30 Oayety Boston 7 Orand Hart-
ford. ' „ -
"Merry Rounders" 80-2 Park Youngstown 3-6
Grand Akron 7. Star Cleveland 0.
"Midnight Maidens’’ 30 Empire Cleveland 7
Cadillac Detroit.
7-0 Broadway Camden 10-12 Camp Dlx
Wrlghtstown N J.
"Military Maids” 30 Standard St Louis 6-7
Grand Terre Haute 8-12 Majestic Indian-
apolis Ind.
“Million Dollar Dolls” 30 Olymplo Cincinnati
7 Columbia Chicago.
"Mischief Makers” 30 Howard Boston 7
Worcester Worcester Mass.
"Monto Carlo Olrle" SO Qilmore Springfield
Mass 7 Howard Boston.
"Oh Oirls" 80 Oayety Boston 7 Columbia Now
Salto T
Saunders Georgia
Saunders John
Bautley Joseph
Saxon Chas
Saxon Pauline
Saxon Terry (0)
Saxon Tresaa
Schoenberger R (0)
Schrawn Clara
Ward Billy (0)
Ward Larry
Wellman Emily
Weir Phil (0)
Wheeler Dick
Whitehead Ralph
Whltyler Robert
Willard Tom
Williams Dot
Williams F 0
Williams Peggy
Woods Joe •
Wood Ollle
Wright J F (0)
(Smt. 30 and Oct. 7.)
“‘Ameficahs*'' w-1 *"Amdry ' ■B'lngliamt<)n""2-5 ' '
Hudson Schenectady 7-8 Watertown 9-10 Os-
wego 11-12 Inter Niagara Palls N Y.
"Auto Girls" 4-0 Broadway Camden 7-10 Camp
Dlx Wrlghtstown 11-12 Orand Trenton N J.
"Aviators” 30 Cadillac Detroit 7 Engolwood
"Beauty Revue” 30-8 Camp Dlx Wrlghtstown
4-6 Grand Trenton 7 Empire Hoboken N J.
“Beauty Trust" 20-1 BOrChel Des Moines la 7
Oayety Omaha Nob.
Behman Show 80 Star & Garter Chicago 6-7
Berchel Dos Moines la.
Flo Jacobson (Wttmark forces) has re-
ceived a lieutenancy as an instructor of me-
chanics and motors of the automobile squad
now stationed at the municipal pier.
Susan Given, local society girl, baa been
engaged by A. Washington .Pezet -for the
Great Northern Players, giving tabloid stock
at the Hippodrome.
Harry Santley, general assistant to Frank
Q. Doyle and booking manager In the Loew
western offlcee, la now connected with the
Schallman Bros.
Deeplte cold weather business was good at
the Hagenbeck-Wallace circus at Grant Park,
proceeds of which are to be devoted to the
Stage Women’s War Relief.
MAJESTIC (William O. Tiedale, mgr.; Or-
pheum ). — A tragedy at the first Monday show.
Orace Mafcia liowie eopranolng, delivered the
beet cello music available in these parts, while
Elsa Ryan amused in her one-act comedy, en-
titled "Peg for Short." The sketch was writ-
ten by Dion . Tltheradge. It le a clever little
thing, and eo Is Elsa. She le ably supported
by Rodney Ranous, who doesn't overplay an
explorer-adventurer-author, one of the hard-
est roles than can be handed to a male actor.
Following the Bketch Miss Ryan made a little
curtain speech which was as good as the
sketch. And then ebe offered to donate 85
to Bome charity in payment for having to
listen to her speak. She called for volun-
teers to get the five, and It was duly turned
over to the Stage Women's War Relief. It’s
a good stunt, this paying the audience to
listen to speeches, and should be taken up
by authors and after-dinner speakers. Bert
Melroee, next, piled up four tables, one on
another, then put a chair on top of all the
tables, eat on the chair, teetered, and finally
fell off. The audience howled.
Elizabeth Murray was handed a great bou-
quet of flowers after her true and time-tried
Unleaa otherwise noted!, the following reports are for the carrent wedL
Marshall Montgomery lost his trunk and was
forced to eliminate hie ventrlloqulal offering,
eagerly awaited by the audience. Montgomery
came out In street clothes and contented him-
self (but not the house) by offering a few
gaga and hie 'Whistling specialty. He was
given applause for what he might have done
If his trunk had not been lost. The show
opened with Gaits Brothers, who advertise
- thomsslveE-as bevlng ■ “entertalaed' ovfls= a 4iun.r .
dred thousand wounded soldiers In England" ;
they entertained a bouse full of healthy civ-
ilians with their unusually good stepping.
Their big number la a fast and mighty synco-
pated clog. Lawrence Grant and Co., In the
Greenwich Village Theatre sketch? "Efflclenoy,”
thrilled the audience with the picture of the
mechanical soldier created by the mloplo
vision of German science. They cheered feel-
ingly when the creature of the, court eclentist
Blew the head Hohenzollem with his steel
hands. A couple of Eleas followed. Elsa Rueg-
ger, with. Edmund Lichtenstein oondpotlng and
offering, “Says I to Meself, Say I, Says I,”
and her bit of the chorus girls bewailing the
loss of their Johns on account of the war
registered specially well. La Bernicla, a
youthful ballerina, toe-danced for the closing,
assisted by a couple of good-looking young
white women and an Indian lady who played
the harp. The act Is well set and merits a
more 'advantageous position. Sming,
A singing and dancing bill that whizzed along
with almost no flat spots. The audience
worked hard, and show-stoppers were born
on the spot with every second finale.
The Taylor Trio opened with extraordinarily
novel and neat work on the wire, an act of
.skill and fleet dexterity. Quinn and Caverly,
a duo slightly miscast for first class vaude-
ville, followed. 'With hokum that wouldn’t
know its own father because It Is eo ancient,
with naval uniforms, a Yank eubmarine set,
the Stare and Stripes In view, maudlin threats
against the Kaiser In a parody at the end and
World*s Best Songs
WorM-s Best Songs
Feature Song of
MAURICE ABRAHAMS, Prof. Manager MAX WINSLOW, General Manager FRANK CLARK, Prof. Manager, Chicago
81 W. Randolph St.
Don Ramsay, 220 Tremont St.
Rennio C.rmack, Glob. Thoatr. Bldr.
Arthur Behim, Pantagea Theatre Bldg.
Richard Rootm, 23B Loeb Areado
Job. Hiller, 40S Cameraphone Bldg.
John Conrad, 401-02 Calumet Bldg.
Murry Whiteman, 381 Main St.
Harry KlrBchbaum, 401 Chiekerlng Hall
World’s Best Songs
World’s Best Songs
Years. Keith’s Royal, New York, This Week (Sept. 23)
(She’s So Different)
BootexI SoUd U. B. O. Direction, MAX HART
Keith’s Alhambra, Next Week (Sept. 30)
barely naesed. They need an eon and Inez Plummer, In Paul Dicl{ey^~“The
Lincoln Highwayman,*’ furnlehed the bill’s
in Harrie, the elongated and ekotch; very speedy, melodramatic and grlp-
comedlenne whose voice is un> ping, with a surprise kick at the tall— the
!fora Bayes’ and whose form Is old kind, where the supposed bandit turns
ce Charlotte Greenwood’s, the out to be the secret service inan. Went big.
a getting Its -money back. Miss Shelton Brooks, the Chicago entertainer and
a terrific bit with her measured song writer, drew next to closing on this
rical diffidence and spanking brilliant bill, assisted by a fat colored gent
anging melodied lyrics across. named Ollie Powers. Brooks is true to the
' clear enunciation, repose and traditions of his race in metho.d and mate!-
fits anywhere. rial— all darky. His nlggerlsms tore off loud
d Ball weren't a bit afraid to laughs. His songs yanked the hands to-
loro songs. Ball’s lovable per- gether and kept them biffing, and hie slow,
Maude’s easy delivery, together draggy dances with Powers beating the life
r of Bali’s newest songs and out of a snare drum, unmasked a battery of
)S, took the pair handily to the applause. .
I they put over a sweet and Sterling Marguerite Trio, a misguided com-
I "Boy o' Mine,’’ a mother song pany which tries to do something out of its
e resonantly sung by Miss Lam- class, closed. The opening is in "one" with
mezzo. Ball shook the house the man and both girls singing and dancing.
If It Takes Ten Million More," Neither can either sing or dance, and this is
challenge to the Hun. after vaudeville’s best has sung and danced
Kane, a pretty but masculine through a whole bill. Then one of the girls
une Edwards and Peggy Smith, comes back and shrieks a number and dances
one of the bill. Their set is a i h chorus or two of it. The whole house,
sntal conceits and futurist color what was left of it by then, merely smiled.
girls are exquisitely trained. When the act did go into full stage and
1 vivacious. Du Kano is grace- show its trapeze and bar work, its real busl-
ome to the feminine clan. He ness, everything was floating smoothly, when
r remarkable ekating dance in the misdirected soubrot again stepped in and
would bo stronger if he didn’t began to cavort.. There weren’t 20 in their
for it is ' more notable as a seats when the drop came down. This is
t is as an imitation. Sidney a case of a typical dumb act committing sul-
Lcts) followed. William L. Gib- clde trying to be musical comedy. v Lait.
BURBANK (Chas. Onken, mgr.).— Vaude-
ville and pictures.
Julia Blanc has retired from the “Up in the
Air" cast. Bessie Tannehlll succeeds her.
Things must b^ looking up for (be local
Pantages. The exterior of the house nas been
ORPHEUM (Chas. E. Bray, gen. mgr.;
agent, direct). — 23, Mile. Dazie and Co., re-
peated successfully; Lina Reggiana. pleasing;
Barto and Clark, clever; Maria Lo, good pos-
ing turn; Willie Solar, funny; Kennedy and
Rooney, entertaining; Cole and Denehy, got
laughs; Gilbert and Friedland, held over for
third week, hit.
PANTAGES (Carl Walker, mgr. ; agent,
direct). — 23, Blackface Eddie Ross, scream;
Andbrson and Ream, prejtentious ; Bert La
Monte, pleasing; Mahoney and Rogers, well
received ; "Fashions de Vogue," good ; "Ocean
Bound” (Joseph Phillips), fine act for women.
HIPPODROME (A. L. Bernstein, mgr. ;
agent, Ackermann-Harris) — ^23, Selblna and
Glovlnl, got away nicely; Harry Reynolds,
applauded; Fletcher and Terre, hit; "Days of
Long Ago," got over big; Laymon-Cruzon &
Andelon, received applause ; Bernard and
Myers, filled nicely.
MOROSCO (Donald Bowles, mgr.), — "Mary’s
Ankle" (first week).
Dave Manly Is handling the business affairs
at the Burbank Theatre.
The Mason is enjoying a period of dark
It is doubtful if vaudeville will be put into
the Majestic. ' Sometime ago it was announced
that the Western States Vaudeville Associa-
tion had taken over the house, but so far noth-
ing has materialized.
Cullen Landis, formerly film player. Is now
with the Morosco stock.
Alonzo Price, who staged "Up in the Air,"
has left for New York to assist Arthur Ham-
merstein in the production of his musical play.
“Somebody’s Sweetheart."
Molly McIntyre Is en route east. She has
been succeeded as leading woman at the Mo-
rosco by Florence Malone.
That Big
New York
NEXT WEEK (Sept 30-2) PROCTOR’S 5TH4VE., New York
to see Holman’s New Act THOS. J. FITZPATRICK
Registered at the
Duplicating and even surpassing her big-
gest successes in all E uropean Countriei
Special Scenery, representing a Cabaret tit Mont-
martre, in Paris, Designed and Painted by a
(Entire act presented, produced and staged by H. B. MARINELLI)
This Week (Sept. 23). PRINCESS, MONTREAL
HELD OVER second week account of unusual success.
Direction H. B. MARINELLI, Ltd., Inc
1 Madison and Dearborn Streets
"The Keystone of Hotel Hospitality” A
Offers Special Weekly Rates to the Profession.
500 Housekeeping Apartments
(of the littsf elsss, wMIb riiih ef Koienltal
Under the direct enperTiilMt of the owner*. leoeM In the heart of the city, Jnet otf
Breodwey, eleee to all beokinc offteee, prlnelpal theatrea. department itoree, traction
linea, “h" read and anbway.
We are th* larceit maintainera of honaekeeplnf fnmiahed a»artH*nta ape aUHat e f
to theatrioal folka. W* are on the cronnd daUy. Thia nleno Inanraa proaapt atrrioo
and claanllneea.
841 to 847 Woet <Htt St Pl^'i Biyaat MSS.
A BKIdlai to tSu
$50.00 Up Monthly; 815.00 Up Weekly
241.247 Wert 43d St. Ptieaei Biyut 7SI2
One. ttaree and fem-room apartaieDta with kM>
oheaettea irlvate bith tad telieheae. Tba pitUMp
theee apartmente are noted for ie one of Ite attrae*
$11.00 Up Weekly
355 to 859 Wert 5lrt St. Phone: Oolnmbna 7112
An elevator, fireproof birildlai of the netvert tree,
havina every devloe and eenvenleiea. Apartmcnti
an htautitntly arramtd, aad eeaelrt of 2. 5 and 4
roeffli, with Mtoheni a
ami 'phona
$15.00 Up Weekly
and kltehMatta, tiled bath
112. 814 tad 810 Wiat 4«tt St. Pbaaei Biyaat $880
An np.ta.tba.Binato, aew. tbwaal inUdifa,
airangad In apartMaan at tbna and mr naat am
kNakena and prwna bath. 'Pfcaaa In aanb apart,
815.00 Up Weekly
325 and 338 Wart 43d St Phona; Biyant 4283-6131
Three dnd fanr non* with hath, fmilehed to a
deem ef modern neu that axean anythtna In Silt
im of hnildtnt. Th*M apartmente will aceom-
netfata four or mora adult*,
89.00 Up Weekly
Addreip all comtannicationa to H. Glaman
Principal Office— Tandla Conrt, 241 Weat 48d Street, New York
Apartmente ean be aeon eToninse, Office in each bnildins.
Phono: Greeley 6373-53/4 MBS. BEILLT, Preprietresa
1—2 — 3 and 4 Rooms, from $3.50 Per Week Upwards— Honsekeopins Privileges
Private 'Baths— Newly Benovated
156 West 35th Street, off Broadway, New York City
Phone, Douglass 2213
ORPHEUM (Fred Henderson, gen. mgr.;
agent, direct). — 23, Pleasing singing bill, lack-
ing comedy. Plorenze Tempest, class ; appreci-
ated. Mrs Thomas Whitten & Co., well received.
Eddie Foyer, scored. Beasye Olltford, closed
eucccBStully. Clark and Bergman, bit ; doing
extra “bit" la "one” eliminating stage wait for
following turn, stopping show completely,
Stella Tracey and Carl McBride, well liked.
Throe Kitaro Bros., opened very good. Florrle
Mlllership, Charles O’Connor & Co. In “The
Girl on the Magazine," scored nicely.
PANTAGES (Burton Myor, mgr.; ageat, di-
rect).— 23, Pair bill. Jose Serrano’s Spanish
Dancers, gorgeous costumes ; effectively staged
turn which headlined successfully. “A Mile a
Minute" passed on spectacular finish scenlcally,
DoMlchelle Brothers, did well. Wlnton Bros.,
opened good. "At the Pox Race,” with Billy
Hooper and Howard Burkhart, pleased.
CASINO (Lester Fountain, mgr. ; agent,
Aokerraann-Harrls). — 23, Ordinary bill. “The
Pour Hun Chasers," billed as direct from the
battle of Ypres (third battle), , proved good
box offleo attraction. Ned Nestor’s Sweet-
hearts, closed good.' O’Rourke and Anderson,
fair. Dale Wilson, scored big. Big Jim
(roller-skating bear), most applause. Seymour
and Dupree, passable.
HIPPODROME (Edwin A. Morris, mgr.). —
1.’), tho bill was given a big boost by two now
nets made on the Coast. Both are mixed teams
that graduated from tho leading cabarets
whore they were establlsbod favorites. They
are Billy and Edna Frawley and Jane Green
and .lames Blyler (Now Acts). Kipp nnd
Kippy opened the show with juggling, with
many comedy tricks and props that aid con-
siderably and keeps the nucllonco Inughlng
throughout tho entire routine of clever jug-
gif tt e ’Ey We ' ni a !e ’ ’ iVi o ifibe r.' ' ’ Tfi era ' ' Is '"nof.“ a' ' •
dull mlnuto nnd tho turn received more ap-
plause and appreciation than customary for
nn :>ct of this kind. Knili and Porconl, billed
ns the "nocordtonist nnd the tenor,” opened
with the tenor singing In Itnlinn. It sounded
nioro lllto baritone, though he possesses a good
voice. It was tho accordion player, however,
■who won tho big npiilauso accorded the act by
the Mlppodroraoites, fond of the accordion
regardless of how well it Is played. Leonard
and JjOuIo, fourth, had some good hand bal-
A large new stage setting has Just been
completed by the Edwin Flagg scenio studio
for the Rialto, The elaborate setting waa put
In use for the first time Sunday. A playlet
by Paul Gerson Is being presented this week
as a Prolog to. the picture, “America’s An-
Pearl Townsend has Joined the Del S. Law-
rence stock at the Majestic, opening this week
in “Lavender and Old Lace," current.
Mrs. Douglass Crane obtained from the Su-
perior Court last week an order permitting
her to obtain service by publicatldii in her
suit for divorce. According to her petition,
hor husband, Lewis Douglass Crane, Is engaged
In war work In Washington. The couple
separated last May. Mrs. Crane charges deser-
With the opening of "Parlor, Bedroom and
Bath,” the Cort Is rechrlstcned the Curran.
Other attractions due tor presentation , are :
“Business Before Pleasure,” "Friendly Ene-
mies,” Margaret Illlngton. In "The Eyes of
Youth,” "Tho Kiss Burglar,” Guy Bates Post
In 'Tho Masquerader,” A1 Jolson In "Slnbad,”
nnd Harry Lauder.
Bch Westiand, ’formerly cdhriectiid with the- '
ntrlcal publications, is now the dramatic editor
of tho "Dally Nows.”
IjOU Jacobs returned here Inst week from
Arizona and New Mexico after a season with
Raymond 'Teal Musical Comedy Company,
which closed In that territory recently. Ac-
cording to reports tho Teal Show cleared
around ^.'iO.OOO the past year. The show Is
said to have closed on account of the prin-
cipals being subject to cfill In (be draft.
Tel.: Bryant (
One Block
to Tilaiaa Sq.
HRS. GEORGE DANIEL, ‘Proarietm* '
Catertns Exolutlvsly to the Protest! »o Svertal Summer Rates from Juee to Seataaber
77&>f84@ SIQBSrH ATSiFUB
Between 47tb and 48th Streets
Prirnto Bath and 'Phone YORK Office—
in Each Apartment
Phone: Bryant 1844
Gee. P. Schneider, Prap.
323 West 43rd Street, NEW YORE CITT
Complete for Bonadteepinji
CEoan and Airy
Private Bath, 3—4 Booms Caterinc to the comfort and eonvenienco of the profMuion.
Steam Heat and Electric Llpht 83 Up
Between 4Sth and 47th Streets One Block West of Broadway
Throe, Four and Pive-Boem Hiarh-Class Famished Apartments— 816 Up
Five Minntea’ Walk to AH Theatres
Beasonable Bates to the Profoailon
Erie and Dearborn Sts.
anclng and feats of strength above the aver-
age seen in theatres where more than two
shows are given dally. The Frawleys (New
Acts) wore third, while Green and Blyler, the
other new act, were on Just before the King
Company, that continues In big favor and is
the big noise at the Hippodrome.
ALCAZAR (B. B. Price, mgr.). — “Hearts of
the World” (picture, 14th week).
CURRAN (Homer P. Curran, mgr.). —
“Parlor, Bedroom and Bath” (1st week).
COLUMBIA (Gottlob and Marx, mgrs.). —
“Twin Beds” (2d week).
HIPPODROMH (Edwin A. Morris, mgr.).—
Will King Co. (stock) and A.-H. & W. V. A.
MAJESTIC (Ben Muller, mgr.). — Del Lawr-
ence Stock Co.
PRINCESS (Bert Levey, lessee nnd mgr.). —
Bert Levey Vaudeville.
WIGWAM (Jos. P. Bauer, mgr.).— A.-H. &
W. V. A. Vaudeville.
Where to GO and What to SEE
• A Bri aht Week ly
' Dietrikatad VSeOt to 111 TUfon
Telephone: Bryant 2367
Furnished Apartments
and Rooms
Baths and- Contlnuoua Hot Water
Large Boema, $4.60 and Up
2 and 3 Boom Apartmeata, 87.88 t* 89.60
310 W. 48th Si, New York
Notice to Profession!
Centrally Located Up to Date
Bates, 75c. and Upwards
The Most
Attractive Hotel
Washington, D. C.
Near AH Theatres
Room and Bath :
Single, $3 per day
Double, $4 per day
Managers of Keith’s,
Belasco, National and Poll’s
Snowy; Baker, former boxing promoter in
Australia, and now picture actor, arrived from
the Antipodes last week,"
The Grand Jury last week passed a resolu-
tion calling on the Fire and Police Commis-
sions to explain why overcrowding of aisles Is
permitted In the theatres. The Grand Jury
intimated its intention of limiting the audi-
ences to Beating capacity or revoking the the-
atres’ licenses. The Hippodrome playing to
standing room frequently would b? affected
most if tbe new ruling be enforced.
HABLEM’S Up-to-Date
126TH ST. and EIGHTH AVE. ’’
RATES EBASONABIiB— Single or Double Boom*.
With or Without Beth; or Suite, 2 Booma and Batb
Because of a protest by tbe Musicians’ Union
against non-union Dands, the management of
Neptune Beach refused to allow the California
Homo Guards to play Its scheduled concert at
the Beach last Sunday. The concert was
played at the Alameda Court ttouse Instead.
William H. Crane nnd Bmelle Melville
headed tho cast of tho Players’ Club, which
opened its season Monday night.
Estrelllta, the Spanish dancer, opened at
the Imperial last week, /
Sailor Willie Meehan, recently awarded tho
decision In the four-round boxing exhibition
with Jack Dendpsey, and who is claiming tho
World’s heavyweight championship, Is appear*
Ing with the Will King Musical Comedy Com-
pany at the Hippodrome this week.
Guy Bates Post arrived from Australia last,,
week and loft for New York.
Dale Wilson, wife of Frank Snowden, local
representative for Shaplro-Bernsteln, music
publishers, Is at the Hippodrome this week
doing a “single” turn.
The Hippodrome, Los Angeles, formerly a
week stand for Ackerman & Harris, starts a
split week policy this week.
The Ed O’Brien Musical Comedy Company,
at Joyland Park, Sacramento, for the past
five weeks, will close there Sept. 28.
Marta Golden Is playing a special engage-
ment at the Maud Fulton Theatre, Oakland,
this week.
The Most Nmel Idea Emt Arranged
Dine in the Tents of Generals Pershing Hit the Soda
Foch, Haig, Diaz, Albert and O’Eyan Water Canteen
COL. 9900
Booking Exclmively
Lunch 60 Cents/If at PPA ^
Diner $ 1.00 I || || | |l|
108-110W.49diSt TJlt/AJl ft Ur DEW
Pelham Parkwajrt at Baatehestw AYeaaai and
Herrick Bond. Lrnbraak, L. L Vnedsalad la OaUlae and Berrlea.
Open AH Year Under dHraetten of H. & 3 , Snuldnd
Oiphemn Circuit
Phone, Wirc^ Write or Call
Room 616, Crilly Bldg. CHICAGO
35 South Dearborn St. phone central 7966
557 Fifth Avenue, at 46th Street
In the Heart of the Hotel and Theatre Dbtrict
Popular Ptkes/or Professional People
^ Of especial interest to those
soon to play Philadelphia is
J the opening of the new Chiri
Restaurants! Here Real Food,
prepared by Real Chefs, served
at Really Reasonable Rates for
Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.
No Music, Fads or Frills. Just
food and Everything TAe Bat.
132 South 15th St. (5 p«)
124 South 13th St.
Frank Atkins’ tabloid, by Charles Alphin,
which appeared at the Casino last week, will
be discontinued. The principals and chorus.
Including Phil Rock, principal comedian, will
bo retained tor Alphln's new show, "The King
of Slam,” opening next week on the one-
nlghters In California.
LYRIC (Hugh Cardoza, mgr.; U. B. O.).—
First half : Perrera Sextet, Dean and B. B.
Brown, Htnlel and May, "Childhood Days."
LOEWS GRAND (Ed., Schiller, mgr.).—
Norman, Howard and Jenkins, Jewett and
Elgin, Quigly and FlUgerald, "Telephone
Tangle," Fox and World,
ATLANTA (Louis Hasse, mgr.).— "America's
Answer," U.' S. propaganda picture, opeaed
week’s stay.
CRITERION (Willard Paterson, mgr,). —
Big business with "Stolen Orders" last week.
This week, Constance Talmadge in "Sauce for
the Goose," picture.
FORSYTH (Hugh Cardoza, mgr.).— Playing
Paramount picture. This week, 1st half.
Marguerite Clark In "Out of a Clear Sky."
Dorothy Dalton in "Vive la France," last half.
/Hank Cassidy, mgr.).— First half,
Mary Plokford In "Johanna Enlists." Last
half, "The Girl of the Qolden West,” picture.
BONITA (George Campbell, mgr.).— Musi-
cal tabloid full week ; three 'changes of pro-
gram; getting big soldier business.
This week the Apollo and Globe offer split
Weeks In. billing their attractions. The Globe
has for the first half Nora Bayes in "Look
Who’s Here." The last half will be devoted
to “I. O. U.," a new play. At the Apollo
Margaret Anglin has "Billeted” for the first
three days, to be followed by "Come Out of
the Kitchen," which claims the original pro-
duction and cast. The only advance bookings
are at the Apollo, next week (30) la "Miss
Blue Byes,” a new musical play, and tho
last half, "The Boomerang.”
In the new W. A. Brady play at the Olobo
on Thursday and entitled "I. O. U..’’ Mary
Nash and Jose Ruben are featured. 'The play
Is'an adaptation of a picture called. "Tho
• Cheat," originally written by Hhotor Turn-
bull. The dramatic version had the collab-
oration of Willard Mack. The play had a
spring tryout.
An luterestlng experiment was tried here
last week, when tho Colonial and Virginia
booked "The Prussian Cur.” The former
house Is under management of the Stanley
Company, and the latter is booked by It.
Comuinatlou advertising was used and a sim-
ilar scale of prices.
With the arrest of Jack Kerscbner, bis wife,
and Mary McOurk in Philadelphia by Atlan-
tic City detectives, tha police believe that
a number of robberies last summer at vari-
ous seashore resorts will bo cleared up. Ac-
cording to the police the Kerschners and Miss
Mcuurk lived - In a bouse on Connecticut
avenue, this city, which bore the sign, “Actor’s
Retreat," but which really was the rendezvous
of a gang of shoplltters and other petty
thieves, it Is claimed by the local sleuths
that when they raided the place last Thurs-
day they found several thousand dollars
worth of goods identified as taken from stores
along the Boardwalk.
"Denny” McGowan Is dead. With him died
tho secret of the preparation of the terrapin
dinners for which ho was famous for years.
He died last night at tho home of his daugh-
ter, Mrs. Samuel Young of Atlantic City,
death being due to Infirmities of- age. He
was 88 years old.
A divorce was granted Monday in Phila-
delphia to Mrs. Ada Hetherlngton Lucas
■ Patterson Latham from Dr. Harry Elllngs-
worth Latham, a dentist. Mrs. Latham Is the
daughter of Albert O. Hetherlngton, former
President of the Civil Service Commission, and
she baa divorced two former husbands. She
is well known in Atlantic City, where she
attained fame for her skill on roller skates
and acted for a time as Instructress at a
shore rink.
The Steel Pier further cuts Us schedule
of attractions for this week with the departure
of the minstrels, of which John Murphy Is
tho manager. Tho Pier programs now consist
of films and Leman’s Symphony Orchostra.
KEITH’S .(Robert. .,G„. Lawim. ..mgr,.;, .agent, .
U. B. 0.). — ’‘An Amorlcah Acb’ absolute sur-
prise of the season In local vaudeville. Tues-
day morning tho town was talking about It
and a sell-out for the remainder of tho week
was assured. The act Is running smoothly
despite the heavy scenic Invcetlturo and tho
numerous sets. Nearly all the other heavy
war acta that have hit Boston have not hit
just right for varioits reasons, which made
“■An American Ace’-’ seem all tho better In
comparison. A mediocre blit supported the
feature production, with Eddie '
den having things all hts own wav wiHi
““‘.wraefy act. which caught th^ house
always a Boston favn
taklnit*^nur**««*^*^’ ®*'’tng short numbers
bfc‘“ Mm“S Z° If “
heS*^ their *'ct’cftod“duo'1(
Wn’r-ssfi. 'z sari'™”'
win Penollled In lei
O’Olli ‘a "Da
* S: went over falriv waii
the bill Ii£m “if** ' “ •‘cavy ’^position
^tejopathlo" message from the lloT®of‘
BOSTON , (paries Harris, mgr. ■ agent
Fa?r.'^°^ ^”“'*’** Oilman, mgr.),— pictu
BOWD()IN (A1 Somorboo, mgr. ' agent
£■„ P- ^ T . Hlncald Kll los" headed .
b“uBlno“ss‘. ““ C
8T« sFAMlSS (»J, ft, SoniGfl tnc?r » nn
QatSley) .-^Vaudeville topped by Miss iS
film. Oaron, and the Bennett Sis
Oood^^^ (Prank Meagher, mgr.), —Plot
T ®ttPHEUM (Victor J. Morris, mgr. ; a
Loew).--Suappy hill bonded by Nat Carr'
w5ii tat’c’flas and wont oxceptlo'
well Monday matinee. Kathorlna Conata'
and her Seven Dancing Girls, another
6 UCG 08 S ; alno ChiBholm and Uroon
ness, mgr.).~"Tho Onlllaux Case," film
'A.; heavy response .for those vvlio— cx'jm
something spicy. Vaudovlilo : Musical 1
goniory Troupe, South and Tobin, "Pui
Piiyton and 111'
mgr.). — Him, Vaudeville; International J
tho Concertos, Wyoming Trio, Put and P
Houlton, Mack and Piigllo.
PARK (Thomas D, Sorlero, mgr.), —
turos. Big.
8HUBEUT (E. D, Smith, mgr.).— "J
time," third month and still going big.
'ir.'i ^ 5TATt\‘ VON^'Ot
M I L L I N F R Y discount
Af 1 1 J.J U I II £i 1%, £ TO THE PBOFESSION
On nil Trimmed and Beady>t«>Wear Hata, In Ncrvrest Styles and
Colors — Speriol Hata to order— Onr Dealsnera are at yonr aerriee
Near Sisth Arenne NEW YORK CITY
Constaitce Talmadge In “The Shuttle” ; second
half, June Caprice In "MIbb Innocence.'*
“Hltchy-Keo,” with Raymond Hitchcock, is
booked for the Maleatlo In the very near
future. This rrlll be one of the fli^ New
York hits to reach Buffalo this season.
The Kniokerbooker Players opened In Buffalo
at the Star ("The Brat") Monday, playing to
fair business. Julie Heme was In the role
originated by Maude Fulton, with Frank WHoox
playing opposite. "Rolling Stones” will be the
nest offering of the company.
Tuesday night, Floyd OlEEons, war oorror
spondent for the Chicago Tribune, told of his
adventures to a large audience in Elmwood
Music Hall.
The management of the annual Mardi Oraf
ball at the Broadway SAuditorlum Dot. S an*
nounces that 600 naval offlcera stationed bore
will be gueata
Dawey Michaels, known In Buffalo theatrical
circles, and associated In the Plasa Theatre
Co., bae gone to work In a shipyard In Cleve-
land. Mr. MichaelB tried a course of law at
Buffalo University, biit It seemed toe dry for
blm, BO be joined bis father In theatricals,
the latter Is also owner of the Allendale and
one of the pioneers In the picture business In
Buffalo. For the last year or moro Dewey waa
on deck at the Plaza, but a .week ago he de-
cided to build ships for Uncle Sam.
Aooonllon ManuTsa-
torers sad Bcpalrets.
InoomparaUe Spedsl
Worse. Nee Ides
Patented 8hUt Keys.
216 Canal Street
N. y. City
lel. FrsnKUn 526
Let Us Prove ^pPBP It Is Beat
Send for Price List and Color Card
113 West 48th Street New York C
WAMTl?ri lady TRICK
or eood Coaedy Has. to tide fteek trbeele, to lola
recognized sot. Wire aulok.
W. L., 317 Elsbtb 8t, BraoUyo, N. Y.
ggesuMems eS
HigI Qnds AeosriMBS
277-27I CelumbuB Art,
Saa Frenelses
Aeaided OtOd M^als—
OcDOTA Italy: F.*P. L a.
Wanted— A “Fresh Kid
Union Suits, Symmetricals
ymttiloQolal dununy In pwfect working order.
... ... bo rossonable.
AddFBM “PaaiBy.*' VARIETY, New York City
Theatrical Supplies
Write for Catalogne No. V-3
Walter G. Bretzfield Co.
1367 Broadway
(Cor. 37th Street) NEW YORK
and Hit Conpany are now ready to protent hie
Four-People Comedy Sket^ In bis time Vaudevllla
S^etMss entirely dlffmnt. Every member an
Artlit Any eood offer soneldertd. A trial will
convlaoeyou. WALTER HANDRECK, M Martin St,
MS Merkel Street San Freneiteo. Cat
C on s lrtlng of Blgbt Gowna and Bats to mattA.
.. Dt a 86 size.
Hotel St Marsaret, Woet 47th St (Sslto I84B), N. Y. 0.
Slaoklaao and other oheraetere. Experleseed.
Address Action, VARIETY, Now York City
VARIETY wants correspondents, newspaper men prefeired
Address VARIETY, New YoA
rrem 1 to 4 inchM in 8 weeka wUh cew fujt ^1
OBESITY CREAM. BztenuL AbsOtaWT hai^aa.
Beduree ret on any part of the body. No.el nwiag ,
no meisMlns or ezsndelng, nor taklBg wigsniu
drags. Beve the modle h Osuiol Fat sm aiM
woora. Price. Msipsld. 8T.w. tDI*aiS A CUfr
»ll AVe. 6,
8ORD0N. Drutflitt 4ttb St A 7th Ava.. Hew York.
At All TiBMa.
Comedians, Singers, Dancers, MnsMaus
Address AL. G. FIELD
66 East Broad Bt, Coiuaibus, O.
Beautify Yonr Face
You moet ioek geed to nwhe so^. Easy
of the “PrercMlaa'* bovs ebtalaod aao
retained better parte by bavlH aw mr.
reel their featnra) Impeitsstloai aad_re.
meve blemlehte. CenealtatiM frea. Foai
F. E. SUITB. 1U>.
847 Fifth Ave.. N. Y. 0.
(0pp. WtidPTf)
Telephone: Bryant N94
ThMtrlnal Work a Sppolalty
164 Weat 44th St New York (Kty
Benorating Work My SpecUIWl aleo .Theableal
MlUlnW of Dp-to-tho-lUnuto Detign
end workmmnehlp
EDWARD k’LETCHER, Uta of the Tboatre Boyat
Cetdlff, Xnglnnd. would like to bear any nawi of
bin nephew,
Harrington Reynolds, Jimior
If any member of tba profeanlon who hai met him
during the lent twelve monthi win kindly onmmunl*
oate with me. It will be eeteemed a favor.
Addtesa EDWARD FLETCHER, 103. KoonlBBtOO
Park Road, London, England.
will never ruin your balr. One trial wlU give you
nntlefacUon. Our ipedalty in hair oolorine. Trana-
rormntlm to order. And Permanent hair waving.
Low ptloea. 8. MICHAELS. 2667 Broadway,
New York City— Phono, Aeademy 2679.
• (Charles J. Rich, mgr.).— "Zleg-
felds Follies,” second week, running strong
and apparently not feeling the absence of
the students, who seem to be around In
larger numbers than ever, but la uniform.
PLYMOUTH (B. D. Smith, mgr.).— “Friendly
Rnemles” in for a duplicate of the olean-up
In New York. It Is going very big.
, Y^LBUR (B. D. Smith, mgr.) "Oh Lady
Lady,’ seventh week and holding up.
MAJESTIC (E. D. Smith, mgr.). — ^Thurston,
ma^clan, two-week showing at $1 top, seems
to have struck a psychological period and
a popular price. Folks turning out strong.
PARK SQUARE (Pkod B, Wright, mgr.).—
Parlor, Bedroom and Bath.” 6th week and
going well.
TRBMONT (Charles J. Rich, mgr.).— Leo
Ditriohsteln In "The Matinee Hero,” on bis
second week. Is running strong and shows
every sign of picking up this week rather
than falling off.
HOLLIS (Charles J. Rich, mgr,). — ^May
Robeon in "A Little Bit Old-Fashioned”; last
week to diminlehing business.
CASINO (Charles Waldron, mgr.).— Has-
tings’ “Big Show,” with Dan Coleman, a
lopal boy, getting the cream of this week’s
burlesque buslnesa.
OAYBTY (Thomas H. Henry, mgr.). — "Step
Lively Olrls,” with Shorty McAllister ; big.
HOWARD (George B. Lothrop, mgr.). —
Ofaarley Robinson’s "Parisian Flirts” flanked
by a snappy pop bill. Business holding up
well so far this eeason.
Next week brings Laurette Taylor In “Hap-
plneaa” to the Hollis Street, and "Riohelieu,”
with Robert Mantell, to the Boston Opera
House, Oct. 17. Mantell will play his com-
plete repertoire at this bouse.
8HUBBBT-TBCK (John R. Oshet, mgr.).—
"The Man Who Game Back” (2d week), go-
ing strong.
MAJESTIC (Peter 0. Cornell, mgr.).— Madge
Bellamy In “Pollyanna.”
SHEA'S (Henry Carr, mgr.). — “Suffragette
Revue,” Allied Song-Birds, A1 and Fannie
Steadman, Loney Haskell, Ramsdells and
Deyo, Bthe Hopkins, Three Kanes.
QAYBTY (R. E. Patton, mgr.).— "The Heat
Show in Town.”
GARDEN (William F. Graham, mgr.).—
"Midnight Mhidens."
STAR (Peter 0. Cornell, mgr.).— Knicker-
bocker Players In "The Brat.”
ACADEMY (Jules Michaels, mgr.). — Musical
comedy split week. "On the Roof,” first
half; "Quick Lunch," second half.
LYRIC (Charles Bowo, mgr.).— LaFollote,
Paul Jones and the Hall Sisters, Martin and
Courtney, Alma Orey & Co., Duttel and Covey,
Arnold and Florence.
OLYMPIC (Bruce Fowler, mgr.). — "The
Love Farm,” %lnlature musical comedy;
Beaulay Belles, Frozlnl, Archie and Walter
Jones, the Newmans.
HIPPODROME (Harold Franklin, mgr.).—
First half, Mary Plckford In “Johanna En-
lists"; second half, John Barrymore In "On
the Quiet.”
STRAND (Earl L. Crabb, mgr.).— First half,
TEMPLE (C. G. Williams, mgr. ; U. B. O.).
— George MacFarlane, "American Beauty
Ballet,” Claire Vincent & Co., Walter DeLeon
and Mary Davies, Ethel Sinclair and Marie
Qaspar, Ralph Smalley, Seymour’s Happy
Family, McConnell and Austin.
MILES (Gus Greening, mgr.; Nash.). — Fonr
Song Smiths, Duffy and Montague, Joe Dealy
and Sister, LaSalle and Loretta, George and
Marie Brown.
ORPHEUM (Tom Ealand, mgr.; Loew,
agent).— Carl McCullough, “Motoring with
Death,” sketch ; Four Meyakos, Belle' Oliver,
France and Kennedy, Kate and Wiley.
8HUBBRT-OARRICK (Richard H. Lawrence,
mgr.). — "Kiss Burglar” opened Sunday. Be-
low the average musical production.
DETROIT (A. H. Wa»:ner, mgr. ; Bert Whit-
ney, lessee). — "Hamilton,” with George Arllss.
Another "DlsraoH.”
. GAYBTV (J. M. Ward, mgr,).— Sydell’a
"London Belles.”
CADILLAC (Sam Levey, mgr.). — "Blue
The large attendance of ladies is a feature
of the matinees at the Oayety burlesque the-
atre this season. More ladles than ever, hut
the night business Is not as good as last year.
The Garrick will be known hereafter as the
“aalome” at Adams held over for second
Fred M. Shafer, former manager of Liberty,
who resigned to manage the Academy of
Music, New York, has changed his mind, and
will manage the Adams, Detroit, succeeding
Russell G. Pearce, who resigned. The Liberty
and Adams theatres are owned by John H.
"America’s Answer,” the second U. S. official
war feature, will play a two weeks’ engage-
ment at the Majestic In October.
Bert Whitney, of the New Detroit opera
house, has dispensed with his orchestra, using
three pieces only— cellist, violin and pianist.
This will be permanent.
HIS MAJESTY’S (Edward and Driscoll,
mgrs.).— "A Tailor-Made Man.” Next, "The
Kiss Burglar.”
PRINCESS (Abble Wright mgr. ; agent, U.
B. O.): — Barr Twins, Lew Dockstader, “Just
a Bet.” Mile. Nltta Jo. Helen Jaokley, Will
and Mary Rogers, Madison and Winchester,
Mang and Snyder, and Patbe’s Gazette.
LOBW’S (Ben Mills, mgr.). — ^"Revue Do
Vogue,” Buddy Walker, B. Guy Woodward &
Co., Stone and Boyle, Largay and Snee, and
GAYBTV (Phil Godel, mgr.).— "Hip! Hip!
Horray Girls." ,
ORPHEUM (Edgar Boeman, mgr.).— French
Stock, drawing well.
The Bscond autoless Sunday had a notice-
able increase In the attendance at all the
theatres In Montreal.
MACK, The Tailor
1582-1685 BROADWAY
(Opposite Strand Thoatro)
722-724-726 SEVENTH AVE.
(Oppozito Columbia Theatre)
All sizes. Rentals and easy terms.
E. J. BEAUMONT "*N)5?Yort'’cibr*'
Rent by Hour or Day
245 Vj^est 46th Street, New York
Big Bargsins. Have been used. Also a few
Second Hand InaevattoB and Fibre Wardrobe
Tranks, $10 sad 315. A few extra large Prop-
erty Traaka. Also ^d Taylor and Bal Trunks.
Parlor Fleer, 28 W. 81et St., New York City
®'’“fob'-thI''"-^ PROFESSION
Many SargalM le Mooed Head Wardrobe and
Propiriy Traeke
P. KOTLB^ 579 Seventh Ave.
Phono: Bryant S7S8 Near diet 8t.
80o. per box. COLD CREAM, 31.28 peand |tr.
"I have found IniclUe French Poudre the beat i
have etei used, and hlgU; iSconunend it"
BOYER'S DRUG STORE, 728 7tli Ava, nr. 48th St.
18 a tztra for mailing .
Charles Dillingham Presents
AwMaaaiotb Hueloal Speotaele by R. H. Boraelde
at the
MeHnee Dolly, 2:11; Evsnioe, 6:18 i
"Bnouoli of ‘Brsntblng’ to sculp e domn musi-
cal comedlea’’— LOUIS DB FOB in "World.**
Coney Island, N. Y.
nas a big nuccess at Coney Island. Thw showed 16
connecutlre weeks to s good biulness. The fact that
they are the greatest performers In their line, In the
world, has made them the talk of Coney this season.
4 “REMICK” song
Writers of “Smiles”
The other by EGAN & WHITING — ^writers of “Mammy’s
Little Coal Black Rose/’ etc.
/ jggggk
Music by'
The Cyclonic
Song Hit
Lyric by ^
Here is a soiig that brings joy to a weary heart—
that fills to o’erflowing the bosom burdened with
war-time anxiety. A song that hits on all six cylin-
ders of musical success — ^for here is music with a
capital M — the singingest, smilingest song sensation
in a month of Sundays. A success? Well— you
should smile. The greatest fox trot ever written.
and My Boy
You’d do anything In the world For
Your Boy and My Boy, wouldn’t you?
Certainly! . -
men learn and sing the new timely
BOY,” by Kahn and Van Alstyne. A
song ^th the wonderful patriotic
thrill that will fill your soul with th^
lire of Victory. Bememher when our
boys at the front hear that you are
singing this song, it will he like a
ray of sunslilne from home. We are
receiving the endorsement and co-
operation of the Publicity Managers
of the Twelve Federal Beserve Dis-
tricts on “For Your Boy and My
A1 Jolsou Is singing it cv^ per-
formance at the Century Theatre,
New York.
The Idea song for the Liberty Loan
Drive Sept. 28th. Put it on right
away and be right.
ITl Love You ^hen We Went to
'^\ “Absence makes the heart grow
y\ fonder” “Distance lends enchant-
ment to the view,” and all other
V \ aged axioms are translated into a
newer, more modern meaning in
this supreme melody. A song that
starts a sob — and ends it just that quick. A song that chills and thrills —
and, “Though J' ;t good-bye kiss bic^ks my heart, remember this”— sing
this song today and learn the sequel to this heart sob. A song with the
bouquet of roses — a song that should be on everyone’s lips before the
season ends.
Writers of “Mammy’s Little Coal Black Rose,” “And They Called It Dixieland” and
“Tulip Time In Holland.”
More for
Losing You
Sunday School
A song of school— and the Golden Rule. A song whose every note flnds
quick accord in the pulse beat and heart throb of childhood memories. A
c}ose-up of the day when you were an innocent cut-up, Bui, hero is the
chorus— it’s easy to read and worth reading:
When your pa was preacher and my nia was teacher,
We went to Sunday School.
Over my little hymn book I’d look at you ;
I caught you peeping, too.
When my dear old mother said, “Love one another,”
It seemed like a wonderful rule; Vi^
And you’re sweeter today than you were, dearie,
When we went to Sunday School.
A song that will make them stop, Ipok and listen— that increases the heart
throbs and makes the eyes glisten.
J. H. REMICK & CO., 219 Wert 46th 8t. J. H. REMICK & CO., Matertlo Theatre Btdg.
J. H. REMICK & CO., 137 Wert Fort St. J. H. REMICK & CO., 228 Tremont 8t.
MUSIC DEPT., Kaufman't Ble Stem
J. H. REMICK & CO., 31 South 9th St.
J. H. REMICK A CO„ 801 Flatiron Bldg.
J. H. REMICK & CO.. 322 Waihington St.
J. H. REMICK & CO., 608 Market St.
MUSIC DEPT., Powert Mercantile Co,
J. H. REMICK & CO., 622 South Broadway
Cort Theatre, New Yq^ RepresentativeSj MOROSCO & HUGHES
’ ‘ *1
- *•,
Go G^ 'Em, Rogers
The Dancing Bricklayer
says hello to
Alexander Pantages and Joe Cone
Booked Solid
W. V. H. A^U.' B. O.
Prima Doima and Ingenue Leads
Considering Of fers
Address VARIETY — San Francisco
Who Wants Me Neit?
- By 0. H. SAMUEL.
OBPHBUH (Arthur White, mgr.).— 28, Best
bill thus far. Herman Timberg, rewarded
for distinctive offering: Reno, opened, having
taken everything of Joe JackBon's but the
name; Alleen Stanley, did nicely; Lyons and
Tosco, warmly received; Frank Stafford and
Co., scored decisively ; Bwor and Avey, up-
roarious laughter.
ORESCENT (Walter Kattman, mgr.).— Ap-
pealing Brst half show. Caesar Rivoli, pre-
mier consideration; Zelda Dunn, splendidly
received; Cooper and Qordon, pleased; Lane
and Plant, merriment; Adams and Mangles,
capital opener.
TULANE (T. 0. Campbell, mgr.).— Inaug-
urated season with. "Watch Tour Step" to
capacity. Company surpaBseB otbetB Bcnt
south in same piece. Billy Clark and Kath-
leen Neal stand out. All principals proficient.
PALACE (Sam Myers, mgr.).— Ordinary
program first part. Ryan and Joyce, gathered
show’s hit; Olemenso Bros., opened; Middle-
ton and Spellmeyer, pleased; Norwood and
Hall, fared mildly; Ballyhoo inrlo, closed.
STRAND (Poster Olroyd, mgr.). — Dorothy
Dalton In “Vivo la Prance.’*
Barnes’ Oirous exhibits here shortly; the
only tented organisation to visit New Orleans
during the year.
Ashy Ohoteau, general manager of the In-
terstate Circuit, with offices In Dallas, reports
excellent business tor hla houseB. Choteau
was a guest while here of B. V. Rlchards,^r.
Hermau Plchtenherg Is here for a fortnight,
coming down to clip coupons from hla Saenger
Amusepient Co. stock.
Virginia Loew Is among those present for
the winter months. She is minus her danc-
ing chum, MlMred .^Omar. Mias Omar haa
been billed aa Fatima in several places, with-
out oaring a puff.
KEITH'S (H. T. Jordan, mgr.).— With one
of the comedy acts missing from the early
portion of the show, where It was needed to
get an even balance, and the placing of an
added number that consumed Just seven min-
utes, this week's 1)111 did not get any the
beat of the start, but went surprisingly well
with a capacity house Monday matmee de-
spite the many drawbacks. Blanche Ring bad
the headline position, and with several new
songs. Including the Inevitable Irish num-
ber. which she handled very well, the popular
musical comedy star made her usual fine
Impression. For the closing number she held
on to “Bing 'Em on the Rhine,” and It was
her biggest hit. She sang several extra chor-
usea .each with a snapper to it, and could
have given a few more. Miss Ring Id always
well liked here and wlven a great recep-
tion. ,
Second honors went to Rita Mario and her
orchestra. Memories of Caroline Nichols and
the Boston Padettes were revived by this
well conceived musical number. The girls
are 'Clever musicians and their numbers were
very well received; the applause being liberal
enough to warrant an extra encore. One of
the girls is given a vocal solo and does a
few steps, but this added little to the act;
but as a high-class musical offering It will
do on any vaudeville bill. Miss Mario might
also tone down a IKtIe in her manner of
directing, as her efforts give the impresBlon
she is not aure-4)l.her musicians, though all
seem capable enough.
Alfred Latell, the dog Impersonator, fur-
nished several minutes of pleasure with a
corking little novelty In which be is ably
assisted by Elsie Vokes. Latell gets a lot
out of hla animal characterization, bolding
the stage several minutes while he indulges
In some dog play. Jim Diamond and Sibyl
This Is the act yon are
looking for.
Can hold any spot on
any bllL
A hit now on tbe Coast.
Brennan did very well with their "Nifty-
nonsense" In the next to closing position.
They have changed the act very little since
It was here last. Diamond is doing only a
little dancing now, depending upon his cross-
fire chatter with Miss Brennan, who Is an
attractive woman and an able worker. Dia-
mond bad it none too easy with his "nut"
wmedy following tte Norwortb act,
which put a bright spot in the first half. The
Norworth act la one of Ae wildest of the
“nut” offerings seen In some time, but It
proved a corkfttg good laugh-winner. Thomas
Dugan and Babette Raymond went on Just
ahead of Miss Ring owing to the lata arrival
of their baggage. It was not a good spot,
and .they were handicapped through having
no rehearsal for the business. As de-
pends upon the smooth working of the act
the team did not do as well aa it should, but
they got a liberal supply of laughs and prob-
ably did better In their scheduled place for
the evening show. The act always has had
a weak finish, and it has not improved since
last seen, " The Asabl Japs had the closing
spot, and held It In great shape. There were
very few walkouts, which is a mark of credit
here on Monday. The Japs are still featur-
ing tbe thum-tying and water tricks, which
are handled splendidly, but some of their work-
Is rather crude, especially the box trick in
which the girl makes her escape. Bell and
Eva gave tbe bill a good start with their
trampoline tricks, and, after tbe Sherlock
Sisters and Jim Foley had pleased la. a mild
way with their singing and danolng, the
Oarclnetti Bros., an added act, scored solidly
with their novel bat-throwing tricks and the
comedy work of the dog.
ALLEGHENY (Joseph Cohen, mgc.). — ^The
management began a campaign of big time
acts this week, having Sophie Tucker and her
Kings of Syncopation as tbe headliner. The
price of admission at this house was advanced
when the season opened, and It la tbe plan of
tbe management to build up a better follow-
ing for "pop" vaudeville in the Kensington
section. This is Miss Tuoker’s first time at
popular prides since she surrounded herself
with a band, and she opened to a capacity
bouse Monday. The supporting bill is also
above the average, including Mullc^ & Ooogan,
Karl Emmy’s Pets, Ray and Paganny, Alloway
and Harris, and the film feature, Elsie Fergu-
son in "Heart of the Wilds."
COLONIAL (H. A. Smith, mgr.).— First half,
Martell, Freeman Benton A Co., Gilbert Girls,
Directlen, BABL & TATES, Cbi^e
"J 9»f|| ®omp»Ht<aa”
Htttle Jerr?
(9^ gttudUfit mmt tnttif t^r bigsrat vnUy
Jn Btrrrltitn. 3. Kan f awti
and her STHPHONT GIRLS, assbted by
*‘GERANr’ Conductor
Featuring the RAINBOW GIRL
In Novelty Dances
Direction, HARRY SHEA
in a Difficult Routine of
Aerial Gymnastics
Direction, FRED BRANT
Touriug South African Theatres
"The Belledays,’’ and Corlnne Griffith In "A
Girl of TodaT.” Last half. Wllla Holt Wake-
field, Raymonde Wylie A Co., Weber, Beck A
Fraser; Boudlnl and Bernard, and Fannie
Ward In "A Japanese Nightingale.”
NIXON’S GRAND (W. D. Wegefarth, mgr.).
^Stampede Riders, Billy Bouncer’s Circus,
Newhoff and Phelps, Hamilton and Barnes,
van and Carrie Avery, Rosamond and Dorothy,
and "A Fight for Millions."
KEYSTONE (M. . W. Taylor, mgr.). — A.
musical farce, "Some Baby"; Lorner Olrla,
Inman and Lyons, Roatlno and Berrlttl,
Paramo, Claude and Marlon Cleveland.
NIXON (B. Perry, mgr.). — Henri Henlere In
"Pianofiage," Jimmy Lucas A Oo., Eddie Her-
ron A Co., Norma Tbalma, Veronica Hurlfalls,
and the film, J. Stuart Blackton’s "Missing.’*
GLOBE (Sabloskey and MoQulrk, mgrs.).—
“The Bonfire of Old Empires,” "The Rooky
Pass,” Jones and Sylvester, the Gypsy Song-
sters, Hanlon and Clifton, Eugene Emmett,
Peter Platonoff, Padula and Denols, the Tea;„
WILLIAM PENN (G. W. Metzel, mgr.).—
First half, “Yuccatan," a musical oomedy;
V o L O
"America’s Wire Artists Supreme’
Kalih’s Philadelphia, Sept. SO. Keith’s, Washington, Oct. 7. Maryland, Baltimore, Oct. 14 p
Original novelty dancing act
At KEITH’S ALHAMBRA (This Week) S^pt. 23
<7M mus
•1,080 VALUE -
Diseenat ef
15% Off
for Cash
Lorger Amoanta np to .11,618
Temu^ apply alto to New ^ork
State, New ieney and Connecticut
Wo ev ^eat laO niinoO laroo.
oar owB owtor trook.
' ■ -. / •
Folies-Berger^ Olympia Music-Hall, Paris, in connection with
other vaudeville houses, RAFAEL BERETTA, Director
Offering contracts for six weeks with option passages and transportation paid
and advance money upon request. Address ali inquiries to ROGER TOLOMEI,
1493 Broadway, Loew Offices, New York City.
Loew Circuit
Dir^tion, MANDEL & ROSE
Martin and Webb, Joe Rome and Tlllle Oox,
Bud Snyder and Joe Mellno & Co., and Madge
Kennedy In “Friend Husband.’’ Last half,
Harry Langdon & Co. heads a bill of .five note
and the film feature, Geraldine Farrar In “Tbe
Turn of the Wheel.’’
CROSS KEYS (Sabloskey and McOulrk,
mgre.). — First, half George Primrose & *Co.,
Bokert and Parker, Lottie Williams, Harry
Fry, Durkin Sisters, McClellan and Carson.
Last halt, “Bon Bons,’’ a musical comedy, and
four other acts.
BROADWAY (Ohas. Shlsler, mgr.). — ^Flrst
half, "Violets,’’ a musical farce; Harry
Bachelor, Kitemura Jape, Rives and Arnold;
film feature, "The Hun Within.’’ Last half;
William Shilling & Co. In "On the Western
Front,’’ Durkin Sisters and three other acts and
the film feature, John Barrymore In "On the
ter, ventriloquist, pleased ; Arthur Pickens and
06., did well; Frances Kennedy, next, big
hit; "The Only Oirl," boiled down version,
liked; “Tank act," went big; Love and Wil-
bur closed. . - ' T TT
HARRIS (C. H. Preston, mgr.; agent, U.
B. O.).— Good bill. Wheeler Bros., opened,
good; Milton and Rich, fair; Jeseie Parker
and Co., good; Symoo, marlmaphone, excellent;
Arthur La Vlno-^and Co., venr good; Sam
Harris, liked; Sterling and Lake, pleased.
SHERIDAN SQUARE (J. A. HMley, mgr. ;
agent. D. B. O.).— First half; "BxempMpn"
(headlined), Lewis & Norton, Julian Hall,
Wilbur & Lyke, Bennot Slstere, Offlolal w^ar
fllma. Last half; Six Tourists (headlined),
Bell Montrose, Plnard & Dudley, Smlletta Sla-
ters, Jeanne, "The Engle’s Bye” (fltas).
ALVIN (J. B. Reynolds, mgr.). — “The Cop-
perhead.’’ 80, "Rock-a-Bye Baby."
NIXON (Harry Brown, mgr.).— The
Canary.’’ 80, "The Country Cpuslm’
pm (’tom Bodkin, mgr.).— "Ob Boy!
80, Bertha Kallsch In "The Riddle Woman.’’
LyCBUM (Cliff Wilson, mgr.).— Fay Court-
eney In “Lilac Time” (second week).
DUQUBSNE (Bob Evans, ^ mBT.).— ‘ The
Queen of the Movies” (second week). 80,
GAYETY (Columbia burlesque, H. Kurtz-
man. mgr.).- "Merry Rounders.”
VICTORIA (American burlesque, J. Jones,
mgr.). —"The Record Breakers. 80, "Broad-
^^CADBMY (Ueo. Jatte, mgr.).— Stock bur-
lesque — “Yankee Doodle Girls.”
K. & K. (Michaels, mgr.).- Manale Weir
Players and pictures.
The Kenyon hae Installed a new booth and
picture machine, adding the latest releases
to their regular program of eight acts.
DAVIS (J. P. Harris, mgr.; U, B. 0.).—
On a bill topheavy with muslo Sergt. Bowman
and Oorp. Shea, Tank Corps, next to closing,
were one of the two bright spots. The other
was Frances Kennedy. After offlolal war
films the 'Geralds opened with a clever instru-
mental turn followed by Conley and Webb,
another musical act, which y>nly passed. Lea-
city for the fourth time and with fair proa-
pects of making good. . _ — ^
OPERA HOUSE (Col. F^lx R. Wendjesohae-
fer, mgr.).— "The Kaiser Be Damned,’ adver-
tised as not a moving picture. It isnt. Tls
called a play and Is showing each day, not
before crowded houses, however. "Hearta of
the World," film, coming for return engage-
ment next week,
KEITH’S (Charles Lovenberg, mgr.).— Chil-
Bon Ohrman, first local appearance, goes well
as headliner; “Tbe Decorators,” Julia Nash
and C. H. O’Donnell, Lillian Fitzgerald and
Clarence Senna, Williams Bbs, “A Study in
Sculptures," Clara Thropp and Co., Armstrong
and James, Tbe Ferarros.
EMERY (Martin R. Toohey, mgr.).— Charles
Mack, headlining, first halt ; Hawthorne and
Anthony, Strassler’s Animals, Bdah Delbrldge
Trio, June and Irene Melva. Last half; Ara
Sisters, Dae and Neville, Zubn and Drels,
Dave Thursby, Scamp and Scamp.
PAY’S (Edward M. Pay, mgr.).- "Young
Punsters’ Quintet,” Prank Reno and Co.,
"Winged Wonders,” ’Thomas and Nicholson,
Harry Talllfaro, The Dunlaps, ■
COLONIAL (Robert J. MacDonald, mgr.).—
■ Dave Marlon with "Amerlca’a Best,”
SCENIC.— Pawtucket. First half; Pern,
Bigelow and King, Eddie He